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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1914, p. 3

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Jï: the 'PROMPTLY 8ECURI fonl i r i:"h™,wh s i=liwni 0 b. r eS7SSr. MAIUON & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal. | ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN j has three women OVER 68 YEARS'" EXPERIENCE TS Trade Marks Design* Copyrights c& int tree. Oldest Msncj lur Bouuiiu ----- ^ Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive SMcioi notice without charge, In the Sde#ttik JtmtrtoMi a."handsomely illustrated weekly, Largeit otr- oalatlon of any sclentlflo joornaJ. Xerms for Canada, $8.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by' all newsdealers. BUNN & Co 363B,..d..y, New York Brio" oaShàt T SU WWilMton, D.O. K I I V '/i |;a -^ÈëEÜ 383181 &V-, igEB gM2R?i San Francisco police officers. New York city now has three women women fire inspectors. Ma.rga.ret Deland, the novelist, is a skilflul gardener. Berlin, Germany, has a financia daily newspaper for women. Japan has 528,000 girls attending the high schools in that country. _ Females outnumber the males m Philadelphia, Now York, Baltimore and Boston. . There are not enough women «physicians «physicians graduated to take the posi tions open to women. ... Mrs. Anna R. Vogel of Detroit is the champion woman live-bird shot of the world. „ Mrs. Ben Lindsey, wife of the famous juvenile judge of_ Denver, acts as her husband's assistant. Ga-bv De sly s, the French actress, has 170 gowns,_ 75 pairs of shoes and slippers and 85 hats. Mrs. Sarah Purser lias been appointed appointed governor and guardian I the National Art Gallery of la Qver 300,000 children die annually annually through the ignorance of parents in the knowledge of baby hygiene. Although she is 98 years of age, Sarah Whitmore of Gardner, conversant with five lan- GRAINS OF GOLD. There is but one temple in world, and that is the body of man. --Novalis. --' , Avarice and luxury are pes which have ever been the ruin ot every great State. Liv^. . - Confidence in another man s virtue virtue is no slight evidence of ones own.--Montaigne. . . - , The nature of charity is to draw all things to itself, and make them partakers of itself.--Laetantius In the love of a brave and faithful faithful man there is always a strain ot maternal tenderness .--George FI- "kink of "living" ! Thy life, wert thou the pitifullest_of all the sons of earth, is no idle dream, but a solemn solemn reality.--Carlyle. - If you wish to have any goon work well done go to the busy, not the idle, man. The former can find time for everything ; the latter fo nothing.--Smiles. I regard the Bible as the world u supreme library classic, and as the greatest treasure of the higher thought, impulse and feeling m possession possession of the race.--Professor Mai- tin. «$• scorn cooutiBea. "SKUA A<#tis V MH * " TOrr- kiftisi ..rshtr» of Ire- To e- constipa- ... ra,- It has : nv. a r a a k iug over that. My Railway's Heady Relief. - * CURES SORE THROAT Miss Mass., guages is , , -n .I,., throat and chest unt^K- 1 yrfaee smarts and reddens. Give Radway's Pi..* iu mu1»_ «^es^n ^ takR a n ri'w iu move the pill^'and ft teasi-oon- large dose « r , e00ntu i of molasses fill of l.elh I . . t water Retire at once t® iu a ttuab ir o« l«o , vUl brPak out, aud in the morninV the cold will be gone. a RAD WAY & CO., Montreal, Can. Break Whiskey's Grip On Your Loved Ones Dniqicards will tell you with tears of sinceritylhat they do not want to drink The craving coming from the inflame membranes of the stomach drives them to lt- AIcura will soothe the trembling nerves and remove the craving that is ruining îour home and stealing an otherwise kind husband or father from you. It costs only $i oo per box and if it does not cure or benefit after a trial the money will be refunded. refunded. , Alcura No. I is tasteless anS an .< given secretly in tea, coffee or food, cura No. 2 is taken - voluntarily by thos willing to help themselves. Alcura can now be obtained at our store. Ask for free booklet telling all about it and give Alcura a trial. Jury Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville. A Curious o Disease. have many forms of often due to a The Jamaican negroes dd and interesting speech, which are . , misunderstanding of the L-nghsh words. That was the case m a story that Winnifred L. James tells m '•The Mulberry Tree." A• woman took her baby to a doctor, and the physician asked her what ailed the little sufferer. , . "Him ill, sah," she explained, in her soft, musical voice. ^'Him ill, sah ; him blowing bones. Inquivv brought only repetition : -Him ill, skh; him blowing bones. For several moments the puzzled doctor contemplated thé diminutive black creature and its strange ease ; then the solution flashed upon him 5 Blowing sounds not unlike «rowing What bones could a child of two be growing 1 He was cutting his teeth. Having their pet animals tatooed on their arms, ankles, shoulders or chests is the latest craze among English women. Miss Sarah Edmond is super vis- principal of the Cranford (N • J.) public schools at a yearly salary salary of $2,500. When Mrs. Alice S. Wells, pioneer pioneer policewoman of Los Angeles, ooes on lecture tours, she gives up her salary during the absence. . In bringing action for divorce, Mrs. Laura B. Porter, of Carlisle, Pa., claimed that her husband forced her to draw a plow in the fields. -, , Saleswomen in the five-and-ten- cent stores of New York city receive receive the lowest average wages among saleswomen. Eighty-one per cent, of them receive $7 per week. Frau Boe'hm, a Dresden woman, has invented a powder which will, it is said, send the enemy to sleep when the shells -are exploded, the re- by doing away with any bloodshed^ Mrs.* Julius S. Walsh, Saint Louis, is the largest wmnan holder of stock in the Lnited Railways Railways of that city. She is the owner of 900 shares of the preferred stock Miss Bessie Townsend, city comp (roller of Atlantic City, N.J., is the only woman in the country holding such a position. She has the care of $3,0.00,000 and the sale ot an | bonds. I In recognition of her services the Turkish hospitals during Balkan war, Mrs. Hugh Poynter of Binghamton, N.Y., has been decorated decorated by the Sultan of Turkey with the brilliants and Order of bheh- cat. $100 REWARD $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been a bL to cin e in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only Positive cure now known, to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires requires a constitutional treatment. Hall Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting- directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials ddress* F. J. CHENEY & CO., ~ do, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for tion. . *- i A Veteran Colt. Evidently the -fountain of youth Bubbles near Mis. cottage. That worthy woman, gaged to wash for Mrs. Gibbs, who was spending the summer at the lake, brought back the washing m So _ -» r- "Less'n a year ago, said Mrs. Flinn "1 wouldn't had to a used the boat, I'd have brung it by the colt. But one day he je s' got colic or something, and rolled the grass and died. My, miss that colt ! We'd had him for almost thirty years." \ Tlii» Tortures of Rheumatism are aggravated during dlimatic changes because because the impure blood is incapable of resistance and ordinary treatment seems useless--but the fame of Scott?» Emulsion . for relieving rheumatism is based on logical principles and scientific facts. This oil-food promptly makes active, red, life-sustaining blood corpuscles and its body-building properties regulate the functions to expel poisonous acids. Scott's Emulsion, with careful diet for one month, will relieve the lame muscles and stiffened joints and subdue the unbearable unbearable sharp pams when other remedies fail. Beware of alcoholic imitation» and ih»i»t on the purity of SCOTT'S, AT ALL DRUGGISTS 13-62 Renovating Headgear. and Children Cry for Fletcher s have lived women ) } are Can't Spare the Time. Bix--"They say that hardly ever stammerers. T)lx "No; they have so much to say, that they can't stop for it." Rub it in for Lame Back. A. brisk rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil Sill cure lame back. The skin will immediately immediately absorb the oil and it will penetrate penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be convinced. As the liniment sinks in the pain comes out and there are ample grounds for saying that its touch is magical, as it is. If consistency is a jewel, way is it that so few women wear it 1 eternal Flinn's en- Warts are disfigurements that disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure. Some people always prefer to live on the top floor «so they can look down on their neighbors. 1/ 10 8 over how on we N0X A COLD IN ONE DAY The best Cough-M tie, at «fil 1 edicine for children drug stores. A Pure Vegetable Pill. The chief 2 g c per bottle ingredients of Parmelee's Vegetable Fills store special agents. are mandrake and dandelion, sedative and | J ury s or s purgative, but perfectly harmless in their action. They cleanse and purify and have a most healthful effect upon these cretions of the digestive ergans. The dyspeptic and all who suffer from liver andkidney ailments will find in these pills most effective medicine in concern Orrine for Drink Habit "Full many a hat is worn thrown away. Which, doctored, might for many a day." This is true, but the lines are not exactly as the poet wrote them. Before we invest in a really new 1914 spring Jiat, there is a between period which is rather hard to fill. I Why not get over that by doing up our old hats % This little economy would enable us to buy something really good when June comes in. Here are some rècipes, tested, and not found wanting. To clean a white felt haL Fill & jampot with flour, and put it in the oven until it is quite hot. Then quickly, with white flannel, rub the hot flour into the felt very thoroughly, thoroughly, and dust it off with a perfectly clean brush or a white cloth. ' The hat will be as new. White straw hats can be cleaned, and the sunburn removed, as follows follows : Warm a lemon, squeeze it in to a saucer, and add a teaspoonfu of powdered sulphur. Brush this well on the hat, rinse several times in cold water, wipe with a dry cloth, and finally dry m the shade. That hat will be as when you bought it. Artificial flowers may be restored, in many cases--not all -by holding them for a couple of minutes m the steam of boiling water. Black felt hats can be made quite nice if well rubbed with benzine. Dry in the open air. Black chip hats, a-s a rule, only need oiling. Use a little sweet oil, and rub it off with a little black vei- V *Black straw hats, if faded, should be treated as follows : Get a piece of good black sealing wax {/ 2 oz.), powder it, and add to it 2oz. of pure spirits of wine. Stand the bottle near the fireun- | til the wax is quite dissolved, then I brush it on the hat .with a toothbrush. toothbrush. Do this near a. fire. The hat will be quite stiff and glossy. Ribbons, if they were good when bought, can be washed in tepid water water (potato-water is the best) with the fingers, using, if any, just a little little mild soap. Rinse repeatedly m tepid waters, squeeze in a towel, hang out to dry then iron, sandwiching the. ribbon between two sheets of white paper Fur hats should be treated as loi lows : Warm some bran and rub thoroughly into the fur with the hand. Do this two oi" three times, shake, and brush thoroughly. It makes the hat as new. White fur hats'a re not at all done when soiled. Rub these "vyi. bran until dry, then The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has ■ Lno - 1 - years, has horn© the signature ot and has heen made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy» .. r Allow.no on© to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, ImitotloM and "Just-as-good "afebut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of and Children--Experience against Experiment. Infants What is G ASTORIA CMtoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- coric. dSrops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It ® neither Opium* ÏÆorphlne nor other Narcotic ÏÛS^luce? "to age iâTs' guarantee. It destroys Worm. a Veverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, FÎatulency?Whid Colic, all Teething ^Troubles and It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Fanacea--The Mother s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA always fhe Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought 30 Years Use « TH ft CrNTkU For Over „ company, new yonk ern^ A young man Such is Fame. returned to the country village where^he was born, after having successfully worked his way up* to a desirable Govern- mene office. "1 suppose the people here, Thomas, have heard of. * ° honor that has been conferred on m e 1" he inquired of one of his old friends. "Yes, they have," was the gratifying reply. "And what, said the man of fame eagerly, "what do they say about it, Thomas Thomas v } "They don't say anything, they just laugh. Doctors Now Agree On Eczema Remedy Confirm the Statements About D. D. D. Prèscription D.D.D. Soap Keeps Your Skin Healthy the , trated form that has yet the suffering. been offered to Reverse Not True. Scott--"A man may be so effusively effusively pleasant with everybody that he becomes a nuisance." Motyt --"True. But a man who endeavors habitually to make himself himself a nuisance never anv ac succeeds by cident in being pleasant. With so thorough a perfection at hand as Miller's Worm Powders the mother TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE. We are in earnest when we ask you to give ORRINE a trial. You have nothing to risk and everything to gain, for your money will be refunded if a you fail to get results from ORRINE. This offer gives the wives and mothers ot those who drink to excess an opportunity to try the ORRINE treatment. , It is a very simple treatment, can be given in the home without publicity or loss of time from business, and at a small price. ORRINE is prepared in two forms : No. I, secret treatment, a powder ; Utt- R1NE, No. 2, in pill form, for those who desire to take voluntary treatment. Costs only $l.oo a box. Come in and talk over the matter with us. Ask for booklet. for warm, moist . .. . as above with dry bran. Finish by rubbing with magnesia. The above should help us over March and April, months which are often more wintry than December. opin- cases relief to Who allows her childrenjo suffer from the attack ravageso'f worms is unwise and culpably in the The distinction of being the first titled woman to fly upside down belongs belongs to Lady daughter of the Victoria Pery, Earl of Limerick, who° recently looped the loop five times in the air with Gustave Hamel, Hamel, the aviator. . Near Miami, Fla., there is an orange grove run by three gar s, Artie, Pinkie and Zonie Ingraham, who were, when they started the project seven years ago, thirteen, eleven and eight years old, respectively.. respectively.. To-day they have a prosperous prosperous business which is the envy of many a man who has tried his luck at raising oranges. careless. A child subjected to the of worms is always unhealthy and will be stunted in its growth. It is a merciful act to rid it of these destructive parasites, especially especially when it can be done without diffi culty. Reason For Hostility. "What's the coolness between you and Wombat "He asked ihe to take care ot Ins parrot last summer. , "That may have been asking a great deal. However, you agreed, bo what's the trouble now 1 "He hasn't called for it yet. FRECKLES February and March Bring Out Unsightly Unsightly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Give Asthma I rapid! J. A Foe to Asthma. ... half a chance and it gain * ground rapidly But give it repeated treatments of Dr. J D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy and it will fall back even faster. There is no half way measure about this remedy. It go r ; e ht to work and drives asthma out. It reaches the inmost breathing passages and leaves no place for the trouble to lurk. Have it by you for ready use. The woman with tender skin dreads February and March because they are likelv to cover her face withugly freckles. No matter how thick her veil, the sun and wind have a strong tendency to make her IrccklCi Fortunately for her peace of mind the rirent discovery of a new prescription, othine--double strength, ™*]"" for even those most susceptible to freckles to keo their skin clear and white. No 1 matter how stubborn a case of freckles you have, the double strength othine should remove them. Get an ounce from your druggist and banish the freckles. Money back if it fails. What to Make With Çliecse. Here are a few interesting and appetizing garnishes to make with cream cheese : . ^ Cheese .and Pepper Saiad--Remove Saiad--Remove the top from a sweet green pepper and wash out the _ inside, taking out all seeds and drying "with a clean cloth. _ Cream a cake ot cream cheese with a little fresh cream and mix with it some chopped chopped walnut meats and a very Uttie finely minced red pepper. Season with salt and pepper. Stuff the •pepper with this and put on the ice until it becomes firm and cold. Then slice in thin slices with a very sna-ip steel knife and serve as a garnish for cold meat, or else on lettuce leaves for a salad_. Balls.--'Cheese balls aie accompaniment to salad. They can be put on"the -separate portions of salad or else passed in a little cheese dish, with a silver fork. Toasted wafers served with them add to their attractiveness. attractiveness. One way to make is to soften a cake of cheese with a little fresh cream and ro mould it into balls. Into each ball press two frfect halves of walnuts. Another roll the balls m mmced, Still another way is a Geo. T. Richardson, M.D.: In my ion DD.D. should be applied in all of skin disease--an immediate the itch, a calm to excited/ nerves, soft, soothing, yet a powerful agent, a strength to the general system. Dr. Unna Holmes; "D.D.D is as near a snecific for eczema and the dreaded psoriasis psoriasis as is quinine for malaria. I constantly constantly prescribe D.D.D. also salt rheum, tetterf barber's itch, pimples, all forms of itching eruptions, scales, sores. Dr Ira T. Gabbert: "I freely admit that D D.D. reaches cases, and permanently cures them, more effacaciously than mine. Dr Gabbert's words are of especial significance. significance. He is known as one of the first skin specialists in the state of Kansas. Dr. Ira T. Gabbert, Cald- Write to him. well, Kansas. If you are affected with any skin blemish, blemish, even the slightest, or a temporary rash, try D.D.D. to-day. Use it according to directions. Notice how the skin is cooled, soothed, smoothed, refreshed, the instant this liquid is used. Then continue with the simple wash, and watch your cure. All druggists handle D.D.D. Come to us and we will tell you of the marvellous efficiency of this remedy as well as the D.D.D. Skin Soap. We offer the first full size bottle on the guarantee that unless it does what is claimed, it costs you nothing. Cheese an appetizing any green Try, X' 5L'.--;vvi L-M\' Hand" Extended, to thé The Teacher Thought. In a town of such size that every one knows every one else, it is oft ® n customary to speak of people y their first names, even when ene ,-ouia not do so to their faces "The "Joe" Smith, -THERE comes a time In every woman'r hJ^Tlhiiu ® "riTTu® a time wheu a woman need* her fall healthy and strength. For your own should, anticipate this. w butcher is known as grocer as "Frank" Jones, the "Will" Andrews--and no taken. One the lawyer as offence is meant or a friend was helping a teacher kephaldol The positive, safe cure for_ Heàdjche and Neuralgia. sake you Dr. Pierce's" Favorite recommended for over forty years as » ?">7r,r women. It i. helpful in the equal!to- The latest In medical medical science is .'contained in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical A irUer-mewawiM»- i vised e«|ibeaei,l®W ^ osb 31c. A«L tiônof 0 the W ch™ietton'ôf e 1 «nd n fow .phlte OI dleappe»r. Happiness and con- tentment take their place. , - . Sold in tablet or liquid form by Dealer»--or »ehd 50 cents, for uatnplo oax I 0 f the industrial school to put hats i and coats on 40 little member^ of ' the kindérgarten class. Two little ' tow-headed girls attracted _ ! her at- ! tenfcion, and as -she tied their hoods 1 she asked :--"Are you Charlie Porter Porter ' s little girl V' Two serions bkie eyes looked up as the elder replied : ---"His name was Charlie when, ne little boy ; he's Mr. Porter a i j was now '.••• The: fellow" who .Jacksprinciple can't hope to attract much interest. Sufferers from these torturing ailments will welcome the coming to Canada of the well-known European remedy, Dr. Stohr s Kephaldol. Hitherto the use of most so-called remedies remedies has been attended with the gravest danger on account of their injurious effect on the heart and other organs. Kephaldol may be taken with absolute safety. In thousands of cases Kephaldol acts instantaneously-acts where other remedies remedies have proved useless. Yet its use .is never attended by any ill after effects. It has been recognized as a perfectly harmless remedy by the medical Profession Profession who have made regular and prolong- trials'of it in their clinics, on thousands of patients. , , .. , If you would get quick and safe relief froin those distressing pains and aches, get k 5 oc tube of Kephaldol tablets froin druggist to-day/and never be without a aupplv. Kephaldol 14 mited 31 Latour St, Montreal. ; . ; v ' per way is to ta mix Die cheese with minced pecans pecans and then form it into balls. ^ Frozen Obeeses.--These can be served with salad and are especially especially appropriate on a warm dav with a crisp, cool salad of fresh vege- tables To make them moisten the cheese slightly with cream and sea- n it generously with peprika anti salt. Then add enough chopped hot red pepper to make the cheese quite peppery and hot. Press into a little little pasteboard box, lined with waxed waxed paper and freeze in salt and ice. Iced Cheese- Creams.--Mix two ounces of freshly grated Gruvere. cheese with three ounces of freshly- grated Parmesan. Add a gib 01 liquid aspic, a generous sprinkling of cavenne pepper, and a cupful ot stiff whipped cream. Put the mixture mixture into little paper cases, arrange them in a tin can or box, and pack them in ice and salt- to freeze. --* -- ■ Build Concrete Crib Floors and Supports rx-HEY keep the rats, squirrels and other 1 rodents from carrying away your profite. Millions of dollars are lost to farmers each year Ærçugh thç ravies o( rp4ente A{i cribs and granaries. Part of this icws is paid by every farmer whose crib floor isn't built of concrete. Concrete crib floors gnd supports stop the **Ste be cause They Protect Your Grain Concrete is Wong, durable tod cWan. It never wrara , out and needs practically no repairs. It « the cheap- est of all materials for cribs and granaries. Write for thi. free book "'WTut the Farmer can do It tells all about the uses of conj farmer to have better with Concrete, crctc and \rôU help every buildings and save money. Faripsr*a Information Buféau Gmaèi Cement Company glj Herald Building, Montreal 1 Thousands of mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Graves' .Worm Extermina Extermina tor, because they know from experienc how useful it is.- . iv-L'/h]". ' ", -to „

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