i '■ •- r>*r- IX L . »- f; ;- ^fs «âes 6%hr. **^.3 ' - A- Versatile Genius. The Dramatic Critic : "That's an old idea, of Heavysides, your lead, to use an electric flash lamp as the head of his cane. The Manager ; "That's a. clever iptentidh ef ;hi§„ own, It's ..hia^indi-. Vidual spotlight. He turns ifc on Himself when He walks through the hotel lobbies." ^ " -* ' If Grey Hair and Baldness threaten, you can*t afford to be without E. McI-ATJGHXXÜ. Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer- t>Oce:--nieakley Block. King Swrt. SovnasTilU. Money M loan at r*ce©** able rates. 4S-lyr> Something Turkish. - Mrs. Kawler : "And is Henrietta's parlor well furnished^" Mrs. Blunderby : "Indeed it is, my dear. She has one of the most comfortable ortolans I ever sat upon Charming Hostess.. she make you feel How's It restores naturel color color to grey a^d faded hair? It eradicates dandruff, prevents baldness, and.prpmofes a thick, healthy growth of hair. It is not a dye; ; Use it. $1.00.50c, 25c. *t druggists. Litoral trial size: bottle on 1 receipt of 25a sod yoto drnggUt's same. B. J.Hazlewobd, M.D.,O.M BOWMAN VILLE. . ONT. £1„0LD MEDALIST of Trinity «•. Iverslty, Torccto^ Tear years attendlr# Physician and Smgeon atMt. Carmel Hospital g 'a?d'Kssldec ce Wclll-gtoa fit. Tel I ( i « He. 10». TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busv these days Catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $20. They have an excellant •election of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dsr but she made me wish was. house wiring a specialty If you intend installing electricity in your house let us furnish you with an estimate estimate for the work. Satisfaction guaranteed. GRAHAM & REILLY, Electrical Contractors, Bowmanyille ■ II-ÔW TAILOR MOVED. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Bold in three de- grees of strength--No. 1, SI ; No. 2, S3; No. 3. S5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price Free pamphlet. « , Address THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ T0K0NT0. ONT. (Formriy Walter.) We offer One Hundred Dollars Regard Regard for any case of Catarrh that can- mot be cured by'Hall's Catarrh Cure. p. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. j. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe believe him perfectly honourable in all business transactions and financially able to cary out any obligations made by liis firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous mucous surfaces of the system.^ Send for testimonials, free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall s Family Pills for constipation. constipation. fhHa Bay Specialties Co., Toronto, Oat Sold and recommended toy Jury & Lovell, Druggists,, Bowmanville, Ont. "FLAVIN G SEPARATE." Those who take a, real interest in the progress of aviation have no çâuse to grumble at the year that has gone, whatever others may say. N6 year ever' saw such rapid progress progress made as did 1913. A French- fiiaii "Trained Georges Lega-gneux flew to the tremendous height of over twenty thousand feet, nearly three thousand feet higher than any previous record. But the most noticeable advance was made in cross-country flying, as, for instance, when Helen flew for thirty-nine consecutive days, covering a distance of thirteen .thousand and sixty miles. And Great Britain was not behindhand. behindhand. The Sop with biplane has been brought to such a pitch of use fulness thàt it can fly at the rate of from 36.9 to 92 miles per hour, and it has actually climbed to a height of twelve hundred feet in one minute minute ! The Avro biplane, too, can carry a pilot and passenger at the rate of eighty-three miles an hour, and has climbed five thousand feet in nine minutes. * Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his tailor shop to the Mason Block over Anderson Clothing Co's Store, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of all. his old customers and any new ones requiring suits made, clothes pressed, cleaned or repaired. repaired. Work dene promptly and satisfactorily. satisfactorily. 28tf. PE ATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. The cleaning and pressing works in Bowmanville is carried on by Thomas Pcate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on garments garments that makes it impossible for grease and dust to remain. Old clothing renovated renovated and made to look like new. Leave orders at Scott's Grocery if no one is in when you call. Thos. Peat e, King-st., Bowmanville. TheWHITESTAR* DOMINION LINE Sommer Service - from Montreal and Quebec keeini«f . May 2nd Saturday Sailings w BETWEEN PortlMi&LharpooLl CA.fc.Ufia AT HALIFAX. WEiTEOUKD Quit Dosing Your Children with strong Cathartics-- Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective in regulating regulating stomach troubles and constipation constipation for the little folk--one tablet going to bed means a sunny face in the morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 25c. a bottle. Druggists and dealers or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto w chambtefBiüs 8IVE THAT PUNY CHILD (-■_ "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" "DOMINION" "ARABIC" "CYMRIC" And beginninginApril tiw"LAURENTIC" Md"MEGANTIC'* "Two of the Igr&si Canadian liners, .... . out. Two sisters, now in middle, life-, spent their girlhood in a small New England village, where they were carefully and strictly reared. They had few companions. Nearly all -their game® they made up, and- in time they grew to prefer them to others that tradition or their elders supplied. Onte of tiie games they called "separate." When they grew tired of each other 7 s society, one of them would 1 suggest that they play that game. Starting in -opposite directions directions from a given point, they tried to keep away from each other as long as they could. That was the whole game. The longer they kept apart the more- successful was the sport. If -they stumbled upon the same hiding place, or if they^ so much as saw each other, they had to, begin all over again. The thing is so absurdly simple that it does not seem at first glance to deserve to be called a game at all j nevertheless, in the passing of time it has come to stand- out in the minds- of these two women . as more interesting than any other game of their child life. The reason is that ifc rests on a --of I^Sjïügg^tâ £u . fimd'a-.- often overlooked. As Mrs. L. Dittmar, 710 E niGth St., New York Citv -writes: *'I cav.ght a cold. * .... bottle of your Radwy's Ready inlleL with. •wonderful results. I have ": lso T £ ® ed )t with like a charm for sore throat. I used ( ! llil(lrcn great benefit for several anmrats_my am», have bad, and recommend It to my fnenus Cakes, hot biscuit, hot breads, and other pastry, are daily necessities In the American family. Royal Baking Baking Powder will make them more digestible, .wholesome, appetizing* Ho A Bum --No Lime PBtosphates Praises this Asthma Remedy. A grateful user of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy finds it the only rem- cdy that will give relief, though for thirteen years he had sought other help. Years of needless suffering may bo pre- 1 vented by using this wonderful remedy at the first warning of trouble." Its use is simple, its cost is slight and it can be purchased almost anywhere. -- Not Even a Hint. you discharged your "So you discharged your maid. Didn't you find her honest ?" "Honest ! Why that girl wouldn't even take an order from me." No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure if used as directed. Miller's Worm Powders can do no injury injury to the most delicate child. Any ■fluid, infant or in the state of adole- S' lice, who is invested with worms can take this preparation without a qualpi of the stomach, and will find in it a sure relief and a full protection from these destructive pests, which are responsible for much sickness and great suffering to legions of little ones. r neuralgia The Relief Is the best counterJfritaut known, anil therefore the best embrocation that can e used in Neuralgia Rub with it on fected, and keep flannels soaked ^ tnhlP(1 , the scat of the pain unt e oDl ^ -which will usually be in the course fifteen minutes. RAD WAY & CO., Montreal, Can. DREAM CORNERS. Even Harder. He had a heart as hard as stone, This villainous old gent ; Perhaps we'd better say as hard As reinforced cement. * There are two sides to every story. The victory we win spells £v.-t & defeat for the other chap. Why Anna Reynolds Had Them Up. to Give ;.If your I t.hat the know of that we can so strongly endorse as simple game lessened the friction of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion". The. remark- Uheir early years, and they -believe _1 -- fine cnlp.fifliQ medicine is I , « , --v~ «rLwinaf. 11v r o tr TkkctsIssued designated 'Prepaid*) tv bring Old Country friends; g Vlt-l '-WUl.w* j t./J. sailings &* tickets f ^ OSets; Meetfeil, P.rtiiMd, Me., , Toreota. Batifix and Qiekec. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Rexall uuve uu xhiuuiaivix. J_ tneir. eany y cai », «.u- . able success of this splendid médiane I ^ m any persons who must live m ,, --t t u blood and I close associa.no n with others wpuld fumishto the n £tire system the strength. Be happier if they would only learn weight and health-building substances it] play "separate with under - needs. And, it does all this without m3ur- darnelrng and,good humor. J& ttLlZÏÏl SX 0? ISbyitflnd the digestfonlmproved^On grown Us to! daudUeW detided the other hand, it contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs, which most patents For nearly two weeks---ever since Kirk. & Ledlow had arranged their summer furniture windows.--Anna Reynolds had gone home from the office past their store. In one of the windows there was a set of white enamel furniture, with cretonne cushions-in soft tones of gray and old blue and rose. When Anna saw the window for the first time she stood spellbound --- absolutely unconscious unconscious of time and place ; the lovely flower-like room behind the | plate-glass was. her dream, exactly j as she (had d.rearned .it Kmdreds of ' dimes.' Biit ; i a . fstarid 'mdtihnleSs any thing ■rêvy" long, f.hoîhéYërpÊ-!5Ir cam. She walked into- the store and priced the cretonne, and : when she came out, her head was busy with calculations. calculations. ' She would enamel her old furniture, and make cretonne curtains curtains and covers, aQd even stencil thé curtains. If ehè-went without a new spring skirt, 6-he could do it. And she would. For two weeks she went about m the joy of her dream. Then the-very DREAD WINTERS 0 OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every man's door. She's knocking at your door now--so take heed! Ask us to send you our big 80-page Catalogue Catalogue of Seeds, Bulbs, Fruits, Garden Tools, Insect Destroyers, Fertilizers, Poultry Poultry and Bee Supplies. A post card will bring it to you. Write today. DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LTD. BOX IM LOHDOH, OUT., CANADA. 16 Valuable Premium given--a bio- lately FREE--- witii each order. Page one of Catalogue tcUs how to get it. film »«* '«r grown 'SKJTIS <LIK1 j o ? viiv, ^ t v « to take a vacation. She announced day before pay day the lovely thing vanished. She came home Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone lending a sketch and description may . --- -- •» ----nether an n free i Bhlffc C . NDTOOK aeccy, ratruv# utaeu wbrOUAu j» tgteial notics, L without charge, In the eûîckhr ascertain our opinion ■.sreWot.w • securingpatents. Lftinw Ip /V» pacall uwuiv-auaaaaaaas r-c-p --- v -, I that elie was going to- Bermuda, and , ----- object to giving their children. It does its I ^ the amazement of -her family, night to find mother s eyes red with good work by talang hold i v 1 » t & \ l€ . W£LB going alone. S-ho did tears. Father had broken down strenlrtlf^ the same^me making iLstroi^ it^^and had & the LoM. satisfactory The doctor said that special food to mist dteai , vacation of her life ; for not only and treatment were imperative and If Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion doesn 11 ^ r jp itself delightful, but | the treatments were so expensive build your child up, feed the stunted, puny I reparation quickened her | "That's eafey," Anna replied, .nd make the little one lively, w - ' ■- * -- _ _ _ ft EÆaa v< / *sz» b VU -- ---- ----- J^atents taken turon^b Munn A Co. receive AFandsomeiy'illustrkted weekly. Largest cir- cUation cfany #dentlflo journal. Terme for * » . -- a ^ Mas ■ ehMA# ^ ma Mvene A A û/\1.1 Ibw. year, poetage prepaid. Sold by 363 Broadway , T BU WaaiwâtôèT. JX muscles, and --- -, --- , - 4 . strong, well, and full of the animal spirits children are meant by nature to have, come back and tell us and get your money back. We don't want you to lose a cent. We think thisfls no more than fair, and it leaves you no cause tx* hesitate. For old people also --for convalescents--for all who are nervous, nervous, tired-out, run-down, no matter what the cause--we offer Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion Emulsion with the same guarantee of entire satisfaction satisfaction or money hack. Sold only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. $1.00. JURY & LOVELL, The Rexall Stove, BO WMANVILLE love for her family, -and their for her, For those who- have grown table and 1 weary' because of strain of being constantly with th same persons, 'there is no- better wa-y iÿ> get a new grip on themselves }ha<ru to do as the little girls and the wise mother did. Let them go away alope, to seek new r faces _ in new scenes ; to fill the days with unaccustomed unaccustomed occupations and the mind W.ith fresh thoughts j in "a word, to p i ay 1 'sepa rate. ' 3 -- The You th s Companion, ' . ■ . A modier thinks car^wlly wh»» etops-* ing an ointment for her baby's tender skuL It mil* he pure through 61)4 througn- contdrt nothmg that can pessbly : This is what makes ' to love | promptly, f< I can turn oyer all my salary, except a little for încidcn ir-ri-1 tala. I don't need .a new suit, and the J can fix oyer my hat myself, Mo- Prepare to enjoy its exhilarating exhilarating frosts by making your blood rich, pure and active to prevent prevent colds, grippe and rheumatism. Good blood prevents sickness and Scott's EmulsionvnW energize your blood and create reserve strength to endure changing seasons. Scott 9 8 Emulsion is not am experiment but has served humanity faithfully for forty years; it contains the purest cod liver oil--free from àlcohol or stupefying drugs. • Scott's Emulsion is nature's greatest blood-maker and furnishes the elements ' necessary for body Warmth, rich blood arid healthy circulation. Shan alcoholic substitutes and demand the genuine Scott's Emulsion AT ANY DRUG STORE % Try Eclipse Flour for CaKes and Pastry. makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It TaKes Less Shortening than.Manitoba flour. 'That's why so many of the, best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- il. it is economical Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by Phone 77. Fred. C. Vanstone, Bowmanville. 13-73 and relieve all the troubles to* gdas BUto of the sÿBteui. suoh„a* i.izimoM >,busmL Drowsinese, Dlstrera tdter SSSr?ato SX mt, fcc. Whlle theto moet ^ixiablTi^eëtoha^en shown #n curing BUdF _ lent "to ft Plszipwa, ther, isn't it good father won't have to go away anywh^?9 V' But up in her own room her courage courage vanished. She was ashamet even to think of her dre^m when father was ill, but--she had wanted ifc so 1 There were steps" on the stairs, and Pauline Gregory knocked at the door. T "MAy I oomej" she asked. "Your mother sent me pp," "I should say you- could," Ann replied. "Take that chair--it's the most comfortable if ifc is the shabbiest.' shabbiest.' ' Pauline 'glanced round the room with a curious little smile. f ( I love your room so," she said. "It's so big aîid happy-lookin g , with space for îp^§ of girls. I wonder wonder if yop "yyill mipd very much that I have stolen it ■ f ' Stolen it i'- 51 Anna echoed _ Pauline nodded. d'To play with WOMAN WOULD NOT GIVE UP though Sickand Suffering; At i Last Found Help in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound. KrSV y Richmond, Pa. -- " When I started taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was in 9 dreadfully rundown state of health, had internal troubles, troubles, and was so extremely extremely nervous and prostrated that if I had given in to my feelings I would have been in As it was I ha4 hardly strength at times to be on my --the soap «wii * j» - .-4 fragrance of vicnets 7=î 8U oiatiRçot wf d)6 8*6 ^ fiyrg-rjhc safest fce® eàrtisti infancy, # Vwi«ën$ f h, * lakes away deaoser, jt >yorks into the pores d with It. It keeps the i •W*wh, cksr and «fe m m*oc it. Jbeis m jewnlof wyaseline," put up in collap»- 1 ai them aai gms wny other useful bowchold - A ËSS9BNRÊ& m pored ?' Ache they wot. ■utter from tQlsi na.tely their gflM-- who onco try mena.' AMe to so many W" 2ing to do without ijfçooiï ) those who : but f ortu- fc^ndthtee grills valu. bot bo wll- ckT " feet and what I did do was by a great J. «VUU1AV ^ - + -, «flr I effort. I could jnot sleeb at night and in my dreams, fou gee ? I can t ^' of course f elt very bad in the mormng, anybody to n?me m the yy'mtcr be " ^ bad . a steady headache, cause it's too jsold, or in the sum- "After taking the second bottle I no- mer because it's too hot, and it that the headache was not so bad, wouldn't hold nior© %an one at' a j rég ^ better, and rhy nerves were time, anyway. . jSo I ^dream of 0116 stronger. I continued its use until.ifc like yours. Sometimes I curl up ma 3 e a new woman of me, and now I there in. the jd^rk and pretend I ca n hardly realize that I am able to do have it--that's the good pf the B0 much as I do. Whéneyer I know any dark, you ko«%." " woman in need of a, good Ticino I "And--dh, it looks so eh^hhy t° highly praise me," .Ann^k 011-1 "I have 1 etable Com If not, yqu dq. np|; kpow hsW. cgji be. jy9 tb< ? light ; j| is crystal J PUF e . franslm ^nt greep--the shadc oj frpsh violet leaves. Yoq smell it; it h5s the frggrapt of freshly cut violets, just enqugh to make it deüghtfqjly fçireshipg. Iflcc this soap 5 the hardest is, Pwl AOi "■SB CO. Montreal purge, butty tiielr gentleftcti^ plweall wha use them. ... -• OABTXB XDX5M 00^ SW I0K. VIOLET ^rned. ^I have been dreaming of one like Kirk & ^edlow's' famine Gregory, \ WpQ- c(er if sôniéheqy-- some girj somewhere--migM somewhere--migM not think your hall bedroom a dream corner V ' Pauline ldokea up, "There's tittle Lucy Star etable Co m p o u n d --Mnr. £abk, 3146 N. Tulip St., Richmond,Pa. Ifomeii HaTé Bèto^ Telling Women for f«rty years how Lydia E.Pinkham'? Vegetable Compound has restored their I health when suffering with female ills, startled. This' accounts' for the enormous demanq -she has for. it- from cbaèt to west. If you arq Write for sample cake today Ask yqur druggist first. If he hasn't it, send a 2c itomp for sample cake to the Andrew Jcrgcns Co., Ltd., 6 Sherbrooke There s utv)e uucy dlui--aw i lor. it, xtum ^ -- . r v„„ to room wiffi two others, you knuw. trwHed B d Anna 1" - women why don't you try Ly®»-.»; u Anna I r - ^ .. -- ' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It Will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink- bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. - Fer salit by Canadian druggists from coast 19 coast including Nenb foundt&nd UI know/' Anna said. 'I'm ashamed, loo." --Youth's Companion. Companion. .. Ï.Oc a cake. 3 for 2 Sc. Get a quarter* • worth "lx