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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1914, p. 7

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mm f'f^" ">ïv :.: z ',f ^s, 1 ' ~ ■--p -- ' \ ! . • .-" P -:"■ l -- ' " ' |jj| " •• - V' I „•'■ ' ' .- _■.. | , • ' •' --„ | ' | fP-ST Wives! Mothers! Daughters ! CEPORTI FROM THS LEADIHO TRAD» CENTRES OF AMERICA. ' 1 A woman's organism is a very delicate thing--it very easily gets out of order--Just like a delicate piece of machinery, it requires more than ordinary care and attention. There are many signswhich pointtodisorder, such as headaches, unaçcount- able pains in various parts of the body; listlessness, nervoasness.irritableness, jirinw., faintness, backache, loss of appetite, depression, and many others. friecs of Cattle. Crain, Cheese ana *>«•* • reduce at Home ana ADroa* Breadstuff*. Toronto. March 31.--Flour--Ontario Wheat flours, 90 per cent., arequoted 13.85, seaboard, .and in a Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been the means of restoring thousands of suffering women to natural health and strength. For more than forty years ithas been s °= ces j^y ^rrang on this great work. Today it is known throughout the length and breadthofe very land. Women everywhere look upon it as a helpful friend. Let it aid you. Sold in Rouid or tablai form by druggists, or you for 50 centffromDr. Ptarcc'sZhspensary, Buffalo, M.X, Dr. Piercer's Pleasant Pellets regulate Stomach, Liver and Bov/els aUUdl U| tViivi **> " / - y - i •„ f m ronto'. -. Manitobas--First -patents jute bags, -.45.5.0; do., seconds, V 1 ; strong bakers', in jute baBS * Xj 0 i - Manitoba wheat--Bay ^oder- Northern, 9S|c; and No._ 2> ' North ich, ic more. -No. 1 Northern, Nown Bay, $1.04J,-afld No 2 U.02S- - No Ontario wheat--Market is " ri F' c cor cl- 2 quoted at 98c to $1, Vr. oror fto. ing to freight, and $1 on . tr ^ ' nuo ted at Oats--No. 2 Ontario oats are quot a 381 to 39c, outside, and at 4 * A°„ * oa ts track, Toronto. Western Ca f OT quoted at 41ic for No. 2, and at 40*c x.or a aanaBPaBge-gsajMjy^jjJg,^^ N p-eas--None° r offering. with prices nom- BAÏ. IS FOE OF MOSQUITO. Would be. Cheap ... and Effective Sanitary Workers. Suffire! Horribly Uefil He Tuned To B THE Established 1873 inal at 98c to $1, outside. nuoted Barley--Good - malting t^ley, T«hal- at 58 to 60c, outside, according to q it3 Corn--The market is firm. New Nj 3 American is quoted at ' c -* n Toronto. Canadian quoted at 'Uc _ Rye--No.. 2 is quoted at 63 to oac, S1< Buckwheat--Market very firm, with prices quoted at 76 to ' ? c ' ou4h „ .^04 to Bran--Manitoba bran is firm Weight $25 a ton, in bags, Toronto n el g tit. Shorts, $26 to $27. @F @ÂMÂ6A OFF /ce TORONTO T HE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collecting collecting drafts, etc. 133 Provisions. Cured meats are quoted as follows Bacon, long clear, 15 to 16c pei -, case lots. Pork--Short cut, $28.50 do. mess, $24.50. Hams--Medium. IS to ISic; do., heavy, 17 to 18c; rolls, 15 to 15ic; breakfast bacon, IS to 19c, backs, 22 to 24c. , -. n nc Lard--Tierces, 14c; tubs, 14jc, pails, 141c. CORRIVEAU BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. B Branches also at Bladotock (R. H. Coulaon, Manager). Newcastle, Orono. Oahawa, 0 Branches also ai °" CJ " v/hitby , firooklin and Newton ville. HAMPTON MILLS BEST BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOP, CORN., OATS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. CtiAS. HORN, HAMPTON PHONE 129, r. 6 I Country Produce. Butter--Business is fairly good, wltn ( the best grades in demand. The onei ings are about sufficient. Choice daii>. 22 to 23c; inferior, 18 to 19c,. J T *\l rv separator prints, 23 to 25c, ci e intg prints, fresh, 32c; do., stoiage P 28c; solids, storage, 26 to -6|c. . - Eggs--Offerings large, with P^oc-h easier at 23 to 24c per dozen in case Cheese--New cheese quoted at 15i to 153c for large, and 16 to 161c for■ tw Ins. Beans--Hand-picked quoted atA 82:20 per bushel; primes, $2.10 to Honey--Extracted, in tins, quoted at H to 12c per lb. for No. 1; combs. $3 to $3.25 per dozen fob No. 1, and $^-i° to $2.50 for No. 2. ... Poultry--Fowl, 15 to 18c per lb; chickens, chickens, 19 to 20c; ducks, 17 to 18c; geese, 15 to 16c; turkeys, 20 to 23c. Potatoes--The market is firm, w-itn offerings limited. Ontarios are quoted at 90c. per hag. on track, and Delawares at 05c, on track, car lots. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay--The offerings are ' fair with prices steady. No. 1 Is quoted at $14 to $14.50, a ton, on track, here; No. 2 quoted at $13 to $13.50, and clo\ ei at Baled straw--Car lots, $8.50 to $9, on track, Toronto. DrxsdalE, Ont,, June 15th. 1913 "I aril a general storekeeper at the above address, and oil account of the great good I have experienced from using "Fruit-a-tives", I - recommend them strongly to my customers. They were a great boon to me, I can tell you, for about two years ago, I was laid up in bed with vomiting and a terrific pain aT" the base of mv skull. The pain nearly drove me mad. Doctors feared it would turn to inflammation of the brain but I took "Fruit-a-tives" steadily until I was cured. I have gained fifteen pounds since taking " Fruit-a-tives " nnd I verily believe they saved me from a disastrous illness." J. A. CORRIVEAU. For Headaches, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Rheumatism and other diseases arising from an impure condition of the blood, "Fruit- - * invaluable and infallible. Axunique experiment now in progress progress in the vicinity of San Antonio, Tex., seems to indicate that the bat has a mission of-the first importance in its relation to the health of man. "A well-known physician of the city named, knowing that the mosquito -is-a- - .favorite item on the bat menu, has constructed a. ' ^belfry'near a swamp where mosquitoes abound. Tt is a high wooden building, with findow-s windows so- fashioned so fashioned as to permit the bats to come and go at will and yet exclude the light as far as possible. _ It proves to be exactly to their liking, and, attracted by its evident ad- adptabildty to their needs, as well as by its location so near to an abundant food supply, they have occupied occupied it in large numbers. The result has far exeeededft&the hopes of the author of the experiment. experiment. Mosquitoes have already almost almost disappeared from -the neighborhood, neighborhood, and malaria, _ once -a scourge, is now practically unknown unknown . At the same time, the^ numerous numerous conveniences of the ' belfry" belfry" are certain to make it a permanent permanent abiding place for the bat population, thus assuring freedom from mosquitoes and consequent immunity from mosquito-bred diseases diseases indefinitely. , It is noh only a cheap system ol sanitation, but one that promises permanent effectiveness. Its originator originator commends it for general use in all communities which prefer bats to mosquitos, and suggests to nervous nervous folks that bats really aren t very unpleasant creatures when once one becomes habituated to them. * m « ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamers arc equipped with every convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and pleasure while travelling. A delightful journey from the commencement* ' of the trip to the last hour on hoard, x For rates, sailing dates and beautiful descriptive ' booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN UNE. 95 King St., West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville, hnmmnhnnnni #es»s«»»s«s»sss a-tives" is 50c. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Breaking It Gently. Hello ! Sit down. I believe you have come to ask me < ( You have been misinformed. I haven't come to ask you anything." • "Why, I understand you---" "I came merely because I wished When 5 in physical condition it is usually because the action of the organs of digestion has become irregular or defective. Ol'fifclTlS OX Ulgt/bblUU 11 CAO O Then there is need for a safe and speedy medicine to relieve the ills which occasionally depress even the brightest and strongest The one remedy you may take and feel safe with is BEECHAM'S PILLS (The Largest 3ab cf Any Medicine in the World) The first dose gives speedy relief in sick-head ache, biliousness, biliousness, constioation, lack of appetite, heartburn, dyspepsia, and lasting improvement follows the timely use of this favorite favorite and reliable home remedy. You will become healthier and stronger, and more cheerful if you let Beecham s Pills Winnipeg drain. Winnipeg, March 31.---Cash: Wheat --No. 1 Northern, 901c; No. 2, do.. o8«c, No. 3, do., S71c; No. 4, 83Jc; No. 5, 81c: No. 6, 76c; feed, 71c: No. 1, rejected, seeds, 86§c; No. 2, do.. 84Jc; No. 3, do., S31c; No. 1 smutty, 86gc; No. 2. do., 845c; No. 3. do., 831c; No. 1 red V inter, 90gc; No. 2. do.. 885c; No. 3, do., SJlc. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 35gc; No. 3, do., 34|c; extra No. 1 feed, 345c; No. 1 feed, 341c, No. 2, do., 34c. Barley--No. 3, 451c; No. 4; 431c; rejected, 421c; feed, 42c. .Flax --No 1 N.-W.C., $1.391; No. 2 C.W., $4.36$; Not 3, do., $1.25$. to be first- to tell you a bit of good news. I am going to marry your daughi-er." Montreal Market. Not a Professional. Ned : "What did Miss Petite do when you kissed her V' Ted 1 "She told me to call on Friday Friday hereafter, because that was amateur's night." I Order Coal Now The Demagogue Described. "Father," said a small boy, "what's a demagogue V ' "A demagogue, my son, is a man who can rock the boat himself and persuade everybody that there s a terrible storm at sea." LEHIGH VALLEY COAL For Eczema I am receiving almost daily several cars of the "best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery Use a mild soothing wash that instantly instantly stops the itch. We have sold many other remedies for skin trouble but none that we could peisonafly reccorumend as we do the D. D. D. Preparation. If I had Eczema I'd use D.D.D. Prescription. jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville. E. W. Loscomtïe Yards and Office at Holgate'a Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. Pick You Up Dira,:o "ESEEÉEHE £ âS !W • Montreal March - 81.--Corn--American No. 2 yellow, 78i to 79c. Oats Cana- dian western. No. 2, 44 to 441c; ^o., No. 3 43* to 43îc. Barley--Man. feed, 49 to 50c; maltins, 68 to 70c. Flour--Man. Spring- wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; seconds, seconds, $.5.10; strong bakers', $4.90; Winter Winter patents, choice, $5.25 to $5.50, straight rollers, $4.70 to $4.90; do., bags, $2.20 to $2.30. Rolled oats, barrels, $4?35 to $4.45; do.', bags, 90 lbs:, $2.05 to $2.10. Bran. $23. Shorts, $25. Middlings, Middlings, $28. Mouillte, $28 to $32. Hay --No. 2, per ton car lots, $13 to $14. Cheese--Finest westerns, 14J to 15c; do., easterns, 14 to 141c. Butter--Choicest creamery, 29 to 29Sc; seconds, 27 to 2Se. Hggs--Fresh, 25 to 27c. Potatoes, per bag car lots, 75 to 82ic. Dressed hogs, abattoir killed, 134 to 13$c. Pork-- Heavy Canada short mess, bbls., 35 to 45 pieces $29; short cut back, bbls., 45 to 55 pieces. $28.50. Lard--Compound, tierces, 375 lbs., 10$c; wood pails. 20 lbs., net, 10$c; pure^ tierces, 375 lbs., 1 141c; pure, Wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 14ic. ' Th . Ladies in this Town are Simply Going Wild I nO L30I6S . a wnnripr- hccause to make «ver HArmony Hair Beautifier. And no wonder, because to make over xiaimony « nothin^ else-- -< United States Markets. Minneapolis. March 31.--Wheat, May, 905c; July, 921c; No. 1 hard, 94J to 945c- No. 1 Northern, 828 .to 935c; No. 2 Northern, 908 to 91|c. Corn, No. 3 yellow, 62 to 621c. Oats, No. 3 white, 363 to 37c. Flour and bran unchanged. Duluth, March .31.--Closed--Wheat, No. 1 hard, 931c; No. 1 Northern, 921c; No. 2 Northern. 901c; May, 921c; July, 931c; to 93ic. Close, linseed, cash, $1.611; May, "$1.621; July. $1.64; September, $1.654. Xfbair lustrous, soft and silky we believe there's nothing else-- ltd we sell about all the various hair preparations made--that anywhere anywhere near conies up to Harmony Han-Beautifier. ■ ■* i r nf tlio TTinnv women in "tins town wlio use it she'lUell you she "loves" it. Just look at her hair, and you 11 come to us and get some yourself. HARMONY HAIR BEAUTIFIER uyflHIl! HE thinker knows that a light, easily digestéd and assimilated food is conducive to hard mental work. His knowledge of what is good for him leads straight to^ Live Stock Markets. Toronto, March 31.--Cattle--Choice butchers, $7.80 to $8; good, $7.40 to $7 60; medium, $6.60 to $7.60; common. $5 to $5.70; choice cows, $6.70. to $7; good $5.75 to $6.50; common, $5.75 to $6.20; cutters and canrrers, $3.15 to $3 60; choice bulls, $6.75 to $8.50 ; good, $5 80 to $6.50: common, $4.15 to $5.40. Stockers and feeders--Steers, choice, $7 to $8.20; good. $5.45 to $6.40; ' light,- $3 50 to $5; springers, to $82; milkers, to $87 50. Calves--Good veal, $8.65 to $11; medium, $7 to $9. Sheep and lambs-- Light ewes, $5.50 to $7; heavy, $3 to $3 50; Spring "lambs, $9 to $9:50. Hogs $8.75 f.o.b.; $9.10 fed and watered; $9.35 off cars. Montreal, Mardi 31.--Sales of the best steers were offered at $S to $8725 and medium stock sold at .$7 to $7.50, with common at $6 to $6.50 per cwt. The trade in butchers' cows fair at prices ranking from $5 to $7, while bulla brought frorn $5 to $7.50 per cwt. There was a good demand from packers and -sales of Ontario selected' stock " were made at $9.75 to $9.90, and Manitobas at $9.60 to $9.70, while one or two carloads of -the latter sold as low i as $7 cwt., weighed off cars. The. tone of. the. market market for sheep and lambs .was steady, With' a fair demand for small lo.ta and sales- of the former were" made at $6 ta $6^50. and of the latter at $8 to $9 per cwt. The demand for calves was good at prices ranging-froi*n $3 to $15 each, as to size and quality. Is just what its name implies.-Just to make the ^ beautiful.--Just to make it easier to dress, and more natural to tall eas.lj ana graC ffi^ SÆrStt lingering, delicate perfume brushing it. But first, make sure that your hair and scalp are clean, by using Harmony Shampoo ■A Mean Man. a ^ • j -- i l.ppr, flip liâir clean, soft, smooth, slid beautiful. It §ives %£»£ or SU t a- refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness.--Just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance. Both in odd-sliaped. ornamental bottles, with sprinkler top. 'r ? Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both are guaranteed to please you, or your monev back. These Stage Beauties Endorse Them xoe g ho caw him fold a piece of paper and put it in the farther corner of the drawer in the library table. If he had carelessly thrown it in, she would have thought nothing of it. G-W.hat's thatV\ she asked. : Oh, nofKmg,'! he replied - She w-ondered what it. was, and as, he had said it w^as of no Importance. Importance. be had no one to blanre but himself if 1 she looked at- it-,', which she did, at the .first opportunity. This is what she read : " "I'll bet you .a me w; hat your curi-1 osity will not permit you to: leave J this alone.": . " : V V; :: r v : t t _,u n know better how to discriminate in the use of things to make There.. it dai ^ An»ne the many celebrated stage beauUea who use and them more beautilul thaii,a(;trea«M. _ ^ r ^ ce . jUgCT an(t Harmony Shampoo are: UICIU MXU1D ULttUViAui - __ u • enthusiastically praise: both Harmony Hair ETHEL BARRYMORE Star in 'Tante," Empire Theater, New York, ELSIE FERGUSON - , T .. v Star in "A Strange Woman, . Lyeeum, Newk York. :. LOUISE DRESSER . rohiLn Star in "Potash and Perhmitter, G. M. Cohan Theater, New York. Cort Theater, New LAURETIF TAYLOR - Star in "Peg o' My Heart, York, NATALIE ALT ■ XT „ . Star in "Adele," Longacre Theater, New York. rose coghlan v . TT star in "Fine Feathere," now tounng the United ■States'. , Sold drdy at/tHe more than 7000 Stores. Ours is the Store to this Town gBSt ,"N : Wm $ H 'tÈÈÊÈÈÊm

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