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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1914, p. 8

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■ ;..v FARMERS, ATTENTION. Owing to the continued demand demand for Fertilizer I have decided to get another car load. All wishing any kindly kindly let me know at once as I shall have to order by April 1st to get it here in time. No order too large, or none too small. F. . O. Mason, Phone 131, Bowmanville. BOWMANVILLE. APR. 2, 1914 tybone notes. What is Newest "What are the new styles in shoes?" We hear that every day and we answer it by showing showing Queen Quality. If there is one single new feature omitted from our range of new fashions we fail to see it. We believe that you will find in this store anything your taste in shoes may require. If vou fail to find it tell us and we will get it for you. Shredded Wheat Banquet l Concert àt Hampton c u Tuesday, April 14th d F^iS ^ tS To^ho L U V visUtog n atMr.JohnCol- is very ill with pneumonia. . . .Hear tne boy soprano at Hampton April 14th. Roofing-all kinds at F. O. Mason s. DARLINGTON COUNCIL ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. SALEM. Under auspices of Epworth League U, Mrs. Symons is improving stowty • • • • • I Mr. and Mrs. Everson ^ r °" t h ^ther's Mr Maurice snent Sunday at his brother s Mr SS ". .The young people a-e^e L1^rSV7MÎs S f Effi?fu e t r ,ed g = ? Miss RetaCa.dwel. spent «he weekend ^ gri&ltre^heidat l^a-tromvis^g^u^m after a pleasant visit m Oshawa. Tar paper etc., at F. O. Mason's. PROVIDENCE ITEMS. Mr. Edward Hoar is Toronto... -Mr. Fred Malcolm, Cart wrieht, has returned home after visiting friends here Miss Annie Cox is the re cipient of a beautiful gold watch and a new piano for the Doherty prize won a few weeks ago... .Glad to heartha J - vidence community is increasing. V arrival of a daughter at Mr. John Lux ton's....Mr. and Mrs. Newcastle, spent Sunday at Mr. W-Hoa Mr. and Mrs. C. Cox visited in Toronto. Oils and Greases at F. O. Mason s. Fred. R. Foley Parlor Boot Shop Bowmanville Ont. "On the Sunny Side" EVAN H. McLEAN BARRISTER MONEY TO LOAN ETC., OFFICES BOWMANVILLE. NEWCASTLE. Bonnsall's Block, Coulson's Block, Tuesday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, ENNISKILLEN NEWS. MASTER GEORGE BRANTON Excellent program will be given by Master Geo. Branton, Vocalist, Toronto, and Miss Mary Reid/Elocutionist, Orono. A recent dispatch from Winnipeg, . M an> says "Master George Branton, Toronto, is a youthful vocalist of extraordinary ability^ This w;as demonstrated demonstrated by his singing in the Canadian Rooms Thursday. With a lone of particularly sweet mialitv he rendered a programme consisting of ^Home Sweet Home," "Ilbacio," "Cherry Ripe, and "A Perfect Day," that made a profound îm- nression on his hearers, many displaying pronounced pronounced emotion during the singing of some of the songs. As a youthful singer Master Branton is by long odds the most wonderful that has ever been heard in Winnipeg." ADMISSION Adults, banquet and concert 35c, banquet or concert 25c ; Children, banquet and concert 25c, banquet League program was social and citizenship citizenship and was very interesting; this week it is a "Go-to-League-service for those not habitual goers....Mr. George Argue has received word of the death of his old est brother, Mr. Ira Argue, Carnegie, Man., once a resident in this locality Easter Sunday W.M.S. are to have charge of evening service, ladies to fill all positions. positions. .. .Mr. H. J. Werry was one of the Durham executive at Cobourg temper ance convention Mrs. (Rev.) S. Cruik- shank and Mrs. Morton, Thomasburg, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Byron McLaughlin Mrs. A. Knox and Miss Hughson, Orono, were recent visitors at at Mr. H. J. Werry's... -Big concert and banquet at Hampton April 14th. See particulars elsewhere. Town Hall, Hampton, March 28th Council met, all membem present, wit Reeve W. E. Courtice presiding; minutes of last meeting read and aPP^ed. I Farmers* Club, Solina, requested Conned to put up in conspicuous places post warning children and sportsmen jaga destruction of insectiverous birds ana their nests--granted; [See Re *gf d pS itor utes of Ontario 1897,, chap. 289-Editor C. S.[ Mr. F. Lane was appointed path master for No. 23 road division, Mr. j as. IT f S3 N J 'Baker? T G Bmn^and Colin Smith applied to build ™ re ^ c " for bonus--granted. Fred T. Asmo made application for change m road beats Nos 103 and 114; laid over. .Petition of H. Hooey and others for opening road between between lots 8 and 9, con. 8, was laid over. A. Burgess and F. Lane presented a P tion asking that road between lot s 22 and 23, con I, be put in proper condition, Reeve Courtice was allowed a spe c V| grant of $50 towards the work. W. tl. Beales, Port Hope, asked for aid to _ th Children's Aid Society; laid over. E. Jo Clarke applied for office of weed mspec. tor; laid on table. Unanimously resolve that $1.25 per day be charged for formed statute labor. Tenders are in vited for operating road grader and tor man and team to work same. Orders on Treasurer were passed as follows: * , .. c ca Municipal World, assessor's guide * 54 W. J. Langmaid, fence damages... I E. Strutt, roadway to gravel pit... 2 uu Ed. W ard, supplies for bridges 1 w J. JTOrmiston, returning timber.. 2 25 McClellan & Co, lumber... f Mrs. W. G. Stevens, acct. salary.. 5 00 B. Courtice, gravel J uo Fred Ashton, gravel £1 Jas. Bennett, gravel ** „ H. Elliott, salary for January.... 33 33 W. R. Allin, " for Feb., March 56 66 H. Douglas, Sec.-Treas. S. S. No 7 155 00 R. R. Stevens, " ". 6 175 00 J. J; Smith, " 19 190 00 Council adjourned to Saturday April 25th at 10 a m. W. R. Allin, Township Clerk Power Sprayer--See them at F. O Mason's. The examinations for entrance to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will be held as usual this year in this district and on the following days June 17,18,19. Candidates for examination must notify public school inspector before April 15. Any teacher who has not received form 14 may get these from the inspector on application; and all candidates for entrance entrance examination must present a principal^ principal^ certificate certifying to the course covering group I, of the entrance subjects and also certifying concerning regulation 2.-(2) ; (a) and -(b). . 'Not How Cheap-- But How Good" Quality First-Always Is The Policy at Mitchell's Drug Store AUCTION SALES. Tuesday, April 7--The executors of the late Mis. Josephine Watt, will sell at the residence, Concession-st., E., half- mile east of Nursery Corner, Bowmanville,the Bowmanville,the farm implements, household furniture, etc., also the property consisting consisting of 16 acres of land, 7.0Î which is in orchard, good buildings, large brick house etc. Reserve bid on property. Sale at I pm. See bills. J. H. WILSON, WILSON, auctioneer. Paint that roof now--see F. O. Mason. big sale at courtice Having completed the alterations and enlarging of my store I am putting on a big sale from April iat. to 15th, inclusive. inclusive. During this sale I will offer dry goods and groceries at great reductions. The most of this store must tie cleared to make room for spring goods. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity to save many dollars on your purchases. Cgll at the store or phone for prices. A.F.RUNDLE, General Merchant, Courtice iffione l24-r5 I 3* 2 We find this policy is proving a successful one, for our business is increasing steadily. Our customers appreciate this policy as the principles of it are Honesty and Genuineness which are lasting. Toilet Goods Department I ! We wish to call'your attention this week to the completeness completeness of our Toilet Goods Dept, wherein is carried everything My Lady's heart could wish and everything for Gentlemen . ! ft I ft Tooth Pastes Face Creams Nail Brushes . Face Lotions Shaving Soaps Sponges Moustache Pomades Tooth Brushes Cold Creams Toilet Soaps Elegant Perfumes Shaving Cream Hair Tonics Talcums Toilet Waters Nail Polish Nail Files Face Powders Hand Lotions Face Chamois Florida Waters Shaving Powder. Safety Razors Rouge Eye Brow Pencils Nyal's Face Cream Razors ip and every other Toilet Requisite used. £ X; ft: I Have Your Eyes Tested Scientifically by our Graduate Optician--NO CHARGE FOR TESTING $ A R. M. Mitchell & Co. DRUGGISTS and OPTICIANS Bowmanville / HAMPTON NEWS. M: B : 1" I Are Y on Going Build-- v or remodel tills season? If so, let us advise you regarding your plumbing equipment. It is one of most important elements of the home, and should receive careful considération. £ - m BatnrovL:? which we have installed are giving their owners perfect service. IStattdaaT Plumbing Fixtures and our expert expert workmen never faihto give satisfaction. Illustrated literature literature always on hand. "Good Work is Our Success" W. H. DU STAN, Quality Hardware. Phone 74, Bowmanville ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. Mr. John B. McCulloch and family, Oshawa, have been visiting at his father s Mr. John McCulloch, townline, prior to their departure for Calgary, Altæ, where he will be manager for the McLaughlin Co's. Western business...-Mr. Albert Niddery recently visited at Toronto Mr Arthur Ormiston entertained a number number of neighbors and friends iast Friday evening and a very engoyatie time was spent.. . .Mrs. Thos. McGill and Mrs. T. Ashton, Haydon, visited relatives here last week Mr. G. Ferguson recently visited at Lindsay Our community is anxiously waiting for the history of East Settlement" promised by Dr. Williamson. [Won't some one give the contemporaneous contemporaneous history of Chateauguay andvicimty. --Ed. C. S.] , f Paint that stops leaks or any kind o roof at F. O. Mason's* SOLINA DOINGS. '4K International Harvester Manure Spreaders aWEBr- m. Eldad S. S. will not have an anniversary tea tea this year... .Election of officers at Division this week Miss Mmme Baker visited at Newcastle. • • - Mr. J. W. Brooks has erected a new windmill frame.... mx. Ambrose Elford, Islay, is visiting relatives relatives here... .Mr. W. Werry and Miss Nora visited at Kedron... - Monday farmers farmers unloaded a car of salt at Solina station ... .Mr. and Mrs. W.J.Bragg, Providence. at Mr. J. Baker's.... Mrs. Gimblett has returned home from visiting her daughter Mrs. C. T. Langmaid... .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Bethesda, visited at Mr. b. k. Werry's Messrs Ed. Mill son and Wal ter Cryderman are building vitrified brick silos Read about concert and ban quet at Hampton April 14... .Regular meeting of the Women's Inst tute will be held Thursday April 9 at 2.30 p m, at the home of Mrs. A. J. Reynolds. All members members invited. ZION The IHC Line ; «sSST M , - 5K grain and hay MACHINES Bbfcn, Reapers Header*, Mowers Rakes, Stickers Hay Leaders - Hay Tresses _____ CORN MACHINES Hasten, Pickers Raders, C attirais rs Esdifs C alters SksBars. Skredden TILLAGE . Pee, Stbi-ThA, aad Disk Harrews . Csltitatsn GENERAL UNE oa asd Gas Eagises Ofl Tractars Masera Spreaders Créa* Saparatera Farm Wages* ■star Tracks Threshers Graia DriDs Feed Griaders tirife Griaders KaderTwiae I NTERNATIONAL Harvester manure manure spreaders have a score of good features in their construction. Each one is the result of careful field experiment. ▲ _ t Tjr r' r\at* ic Inw ATinnern i or 6clSV 1 axle is well under the load, rear wneeis nave wme rims and Z-shaped lugs, insuring good traction under under all conditions. Frame, wheels, and ail driving narts are of steel. Apron tension is adjusted by a «Sple device. Winding of the beater is prevented bylarge diameter, and beater teeth are strong, square and chisel-pointed. . . International manure spreaders are built in several styles and sizes, low or high, endless or return a Pf"on. for small farms or large. Examination will show sturdiness of construction in every detail. Repairs, if ever needed, may always be had of Just South of Royal Bank Phone 166 . Bowmanville Jî'.V Isligsr Glad to hear Miss Georgia Langmaid has improved since her recent attack o appendicitis... .Wood bees have been all the rage in this vicinity.... -.-Mrs. H. G. Pascoe entertained Zion choir and friends on Tuesday evening... .Mrs. Jas. Stam- ton recently entertained some friends.... Mr. J. W. Balson is somewhat improved ....Miss Nora Trull, elocutionist, Toronto, Toronto, will spend her Easter holidays home and take part on the program of th ® Ladies' Aid social on Thursday April 9 Mr. John H. Trull attended the b an guet under auspices of Milk and Cream P ducers' Association at Toronto March 26. Orchardists--See the Power sprayers at F. O. Mason's. " . A concert and social will be held in Zion church on Thursday April 9 when a first class program will be given by Mrs. S. A. Northcott, Taunton, Mrs. D. Arnot, Oshawa, Mr. Plunkett, Oshawa, soloists; Miss Nora Trull, Toronto, elocutionist. Concert at 8 p m. Refreshments served at close. Admission 20c, children 10c. Everyone invited to come and enjoy a treat. I 4 -I ' r ® Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Effa visited visited over Sunday at Mr. Wm. Armstong s, Orono... .Mr. James Herring had a very successful wood bee and quilting recently ....Mr. Everett Richards and family, Oshawa, are-to locate bn the Balson farm. Mr. Balson moving on the .Hardy place ... .Mr. and Mrs. Balson entertained the choir this week -.. .All adults here are requested requested to attend school next Sunday. A bible class is to be organized and a good attendance is asked....*Mr. and Mrs^Herb Flintoff entertained a few fnends Monday night. Our church trustees gratefully kind as sistance from Messrs W. B. Couch, J. H. Cryderman, Bowmanville, and Mr. J. L. W estaway, Port H ope.... Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Doidge entertained a number ot friends Tuesday evening.... Mrs. C. N. Ruse recently visited her sister Mrs. W. Anderson, Janetville Rev. T. Brown, Lindsay, who has been guest at the Methodist Methodist Parsonage, took Rev.C. W. Barrett s work Sunday. 170 present at Sunday School.... The annual concert of Lodge Darlington, No. HO, S. O. E., d. o will be held in their hal) here Friday April 3, when a choice program consisting consisting of foreign and local talent will be given by the following : Mr. Walter Coulter, Coulter, comic and vocalist, Hamilton; Miss Ranton, soloist, Winnipeg; Miss Jennie McLean, soloist, Mr. J. M. Smith, entertainer, entertainer, Mr. G. N. Carter, soloist Mr. W. J Berry, reader, Bowmanville; Miss Gertrude Gertrude Michael, reader, Miss Hazel Michael, soloist, Oshawa; Mr, Lome Robbins, Les- kard. Concert at 8 p m. Admission 15c, children 10c The meeting at Hamp ton on Monday to consider the question of Consolidated schools was splendidly attended, attended, each section being represented. A resolution was unanimously passed favoring favoring a uniform levy on the township ot at least $500 tor each section. The primary object of this being to enable the poorer sections to pay adequate salaries. 1 he discussion seemed to be sympathetic tor- wards consolidated schools but informa-^ tion ot a practical character was wanted before definite action is taken. After the regular weekly Epworth League meeting Friday evening Mr. 1. L. Brown was called to the platform and Mr. Chas. Horn read the following address: To Mr. I. L. Brown, Hampton, Ont. Dear Mr. Brown It is with pleasure that we gather here this evening to convey convey to you some expression of our good wishes. We have watched for many years the fidelity and zeal which has char- actesized your labors in relation to this church. Especially have we noted this in your choir work, where you have shown yourself a talented musician and an able leader. Many do not know the patience, toil and tact that are requisite in order to keep a choir together, for it is conceded that musicians are always sensitive persons, persons, so the very fact that for so many years you have been able to keep the singing singing ship abreast the breeze is an open indicative indicative both of your popularity and ability. ability. The congregation, that has, in days past, worshipped in this church, has not been unmindful nor unappreciative ot your service in this regard, and as a consequence consequence you enjoy their respect and confidence. confidence. Your position has been in many ways a thankless one, and were fioot that, for > ou, we believe, music hath charms, we could have looked for your resignation much sooner. The work you have done has meant not only toil, but many times sacrifice and frequently not separated from expense. We therefore welcome an opportunity of expressing to you the sincerity of our appreciation and consequently ask you to accept this Purse, as being indicative of our esteem both tor you and your work, with the earnest hope that for many years you may be able to assist in the church's praise and in Utes ultimatum find yourself among those who ever sing the New Song. Signed on behalf behalf of the Committee, A.B. Cryderman, Theodore Salter, W. G. Doidge, J. T. Cole. _ Mr. J. T. Cole presented Mr. .Brown with a purse of money in recognition 01 service as choir leader the past 12 years. About a year ago Mr. Brown resigned.the position of recording Steward which he held for twenty years. Some weeks ago he resigned as léader of the choir. Mr. Brown was taken completely by surprise, but made a brief reply thanking the congregation congregation ot 150 who were present for their liberal gift. Mr. Ed. Ward, president president of the League, called on a number of persons who all spoke in the kindest terms of Mr. Brown's fidelity as a church work- er. The ladies served an excellent lunch and a very sociàl time was spent. Mr |* Howard Cowliiig brought her phonograph to the meeting and everyone enjoyed listening listening to the music. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST OR I A A WORD About These Raincoats The Raincoat is the most serviceable gar» ment a man or boy can possess. It can be used for so many different purposes--as a; Raincoat, as a Spring or Fall Overcoat, as a Duster to keep your clothes clean. We have put in a full range and have them in all sizes and prices Paramattas guaranteed waterproof at*$5.00 and $7.50. All wool Paramattas, double texture, some with belt on back for the young men who want something different, in fawns, grays and blues at $10 00, $12.00 and $15 00. Boys' Goats, ages 8 to i6, at $4.50. Oil Skin Clothes, coat and pants, $3.00, long cut $3.50, hat 50c. The Anderson Clothing Company The Swell Dressers Store Bow mativ ille PERRIN DA 1 *?- THEIR EXCELLENCE LLX<- l.AMS is due equally to the knowledge knowledge gained in over 50 years of biscuit-making, and to the materials used in PERRIN'S # Dairy Cream Sodas If you have never tried Perrin's "Fancy Thin" Dairy Cream Sodas you will find them daintier than you have thought a soda biscuit could be mad . « l l • t ___ ^aIioiaug aa ô "DAIRY CREAM SODAS", the regular kind, are just as delicious as b biscuit can be. a biscuit can uc. Each kind is packed and sealed at the bakery and retains all its cn.p ness and freshness until it reaches you. _ ««we MW* Look lor the Ferrie Trade Mark on every package. 5c., 10c. and 25c.--at your Grocer's. Every package Guaranteed. , . „ . 1ftc : n stamos or coin and your grocer's name for the Perrin Sample Package containing some other delicious Perrin products. D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY, LIMITED London, - - - Canada

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