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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1914, p. 3

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Before You Invest Y OU should consult consult a reliable Investment Broker. There is safety in intelligent enquiry. Upon request we shall be pleased to suggest suitable suitable investments for you. A. H. Martens & Co. Members Toronto' Stock Exchange BOND andJ5HARE BROKERS C. P . R. BUILDING, TORONTO 6-14 " ^ "fe SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS. § Toronto, Canada, include the Central Business College with Five City Branch Schools. Graduates are universally successful. successful. Enter auy time. Write for cat- alogue. W. H. Shaw, Pres., Head Offices, JOl'Yoiige St. 0 BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. O 0 y Yonge & McGill Sts., Toronto, Out., is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new management it is doing belter work than ever. Write us if you want to prepare fora good position. position. Henry C. Ward, Principal. Before You Step Look Ahead: Before you Act, Plan and Aim High. If you aim to get a Superior Business Education y ou will be looking toward the TORONTO, ON' the School that has the habit of doing a class of work that bears the stamp of "Superiority." Open all year. Enter any time. Handsome Catalogue sent on request. request. Cor. Yonge & Alexander-sfcs. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal., Dominion Pianos are the Best Dainty Dishes. Rhubarb Pudding.--Mix together two cups of flour, four teaspoons of baking powder, one-half cup ' of sugar and one-half teaspoon of salt. Beat an egg light ; add two tablespoons tablespoons of melted butter and three- fourths cup milk. Combine the two mixtures and beat well. In a baking dish have two cups of rhubarb rhubarb cut in small pieces and one cup of sugar and one-fourth teaspoon teaspoon of cinnamon. Spread the flour mixture over the rhubarb and bake half an hour in a moderately hot oven or steam one hour. Serve with the following sauce :--Beat together together one egg and one cup of sugar sugar until light and creamy ; and one- half cup of hot milk ; flavor with one-half teaspoon of lemon extract. Rhubarb and Orange Jam.--One quart of rhubarb cut in small pieces, six oranges, three cups of sugar. Remove the rind from the oranges and scrape off the white pith ; with a pàir of scissors cut the rind into thin strips. Remove the seeds and fibrous parts from the oranges and put into a preserve kettle with the rhubarb, sugar and rinds. Bring to the boiling point and skim. Cook until the jam stiffens stiffens when tested on a cold saucerv Pour into sterilized jars ; cover with paraffin and set away to cool and then cover: Baked Halibut.--A thick piece of halibut weighing about two pounds, one-fourth pound of fat salt pork, one medium-sized onion, on;e-half teaspoon of salt, three-fourths cup of cracker crumbs, three tablespoons tablespoons of butter and one-fourth teaspoon of paprika. Cut the pork in thin slices and place one-half of it in a shallow baking tin ; remove the black skin of the fish by dipping dipping in boiling water and then scrape it off with a knife. Cut the onion in thin slices and lay it on the pork, then lay the fish on it. Put the remainder of the pork on the fish and dredge well with flour. Rake in a moderately hot oven one- half hour. Melt the butter, stir the crumbs into it, add the salt and paprika paprika ; spread this over the fish and bake fifteen minutes. Remove to a hot plate and garnish with slices of lemon cut in fancy shapes and chopped chopped parsley. Norwegian Rarebit.--One small box of oiled sardines, one-fourth cup of cheese broken in small bits, volk of one* egg, one-half cup Useful Hiuts. Ammonia and w-ater will remove red ink stains. . The economical housewife should give due importance to the molasses jug. • . j Common baking soda is a gre.at help in_cleaning bath -ubs and washbasins* washbasins* . , Chopped dates and nuts mixed are another good filling for school lunches. \ . . , To ice a, tiny cake, dip it" into the icing, holding it by the thumb and forefinger. Beat a cake batter as little as possible after the flour is put into the cake mixture. Two tones o'f gray wall, paper make an excellent background for the living room. . ,, Try whipping cream m the small glass /globes used for gold fish. It does.not spatter. . A piece of charcoal suspended m muslin in drinking water will make it quite safe to drink. Linen should be verv evenly dampened before ironing an should be ironed until really dry. Pale, soft colors are better for the nursery than white. Soft gray, tan or green are all good. If you have a slight burn, wet it instantly with vinegar and powder with baking powder or flour. _ A work apron of green silk is a welcome gift to any woman who does much crocheting or fine work To prevent a kerosene oil lamp from smelling, soak all new hemp wicks thoroughly in vinegar. . Baked beans with a suggestion ot Chili sauce on them make a delicious delicious filling for brown bread sandwiches.' sandwiches.' ■ . „ The addition of a little turpentine turpentine makes stove polish blacker, more durable and more glossy, . If the shelf of baby's high chair is covered with white oil-cloth it will be much easier to,keep clean. In cases of burns, the application of powdered charcoal soothes the To give-your hair ..that gloss and lustre and wavy silky-softness 1 , use Harmony Hair Beautifier. It takes away the dull dead look of the hair, and makes it bright--turns the stringiness into fluffiness •--overcomes the oily odors and leaves a sweet, true-rose fra- -grance--makes the hair easier to put up neatly and easier to keep in place. It is just exactly what it is named--a hair beautifier, and whether your hair is. jugly now or beautiful beautiful it will improve its appearance. You'll be proud of arid delighted with the results, or your'money back. Very éasytp apply--simply apply--simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. Contains no oil; will not changethe color of hair,nor darken grayhair. To keep your hair and; scalp dandruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure, liquid shampoo is post: convenient to use because it gives an mstaintaneous rich, foaming lather that immediately penetrates to every part, of hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Contains nothing, that cap harm the hair; leaves no harshness orsticki- ness--just â sweet-smelUng cleanliness. Both preparations come in odd-shaped, very ornamental bottles, with spni-;<!er tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, SI.CD Harmony Shampoo, 59c. Both guaranteec to satisfy you in every way, or your mone\ back. Sold in this community only at ou: store--The Rexall Store--one of the mon than 7,090 leading drug stores of the Uni tec States, Canada and Great Britain, wmcl. own the big Harmony laboratories, Toronto, Toronto, where the celebrated Harmony Perfumes Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made. Fashion Hints A lady's comment- better-- goes ' 41 * JURY & LOVELL, The Rexall Store, BOWMANVILLE Of Course You Never Do. Mabel : "Why doss Reggie always always point to the item on the menu when he orders one of those dishes in F ranch?" Bertie: "He probably considers it just as well to let the waiter into the secret." Seen In Paris Shops. Broad girdles are still worn. Circular flounces trim tunics and skirts. - For spring hats black is the leading leading color. Charming negligees are developed in voile. -- Taffeta is the silk par excellence for spring. There is a vogue for jet in the latest millinery. The newest lingerie is trimmed with plaited tulle. The suit coats are short and are growing shorter. The new costumes strongly emphasize emphasize the Eton jacket. All the new style tailored skirts are full at the upper part. _ Colored blouses are destined to have a considerable vogue. _ Cross stitch embroidery is used to decorate children's dresses. Bands of ostrich -plumage' trim frocks, blouses and millinery. Manv of the neckpieces combine the collar and the chemisette The Russian influence is still felt in the realms of fashion. The baby's coat should be kimono cut, with a ripple effect below. Moire will be one of the popular silks for trimming the spring hat There will be an unparalleled vogue for fancy shoes this season Fascinating little dresses will be made of . striped lawn and tub silks Among the latest novelties roses fashioned of small beads. 604 "to good tea" SHOULD JÉSUS COME BACK Impossible to Tell What We Would do or Say If He Were With Us at This Hour I will come again.--John xiv:, 3. M Fr= pain and heals the sore like magic. || ^ ~ ,i • _ i i J r\t ma- 11 US The reason a Dominion Piano is better than some others is that only the best materials that money can buy is used. They are the strongest built piano on the market and they are built mi scientifically correct principles. principles. Dont buy a piano because you can get it for less money. It will not be as cheap in the long run. Buy a Dominion Piano and be satisfied the rest of your life. I can fill your order for all kinds of small musical instruments, violins, guitars, mandolins, etc. of "strained tomato, one-half teaspoon teaspoon of salt, a few drops of tabasco tabasco sauce. Cut slices of bread one-third inch thick, remove the crusts, cut in strips one and one- half inches wide by three inches long. Toast on one side. _ Place two sardines on the toasted side of each strip of bread and put them where thev will keep hot. Heat the oil dramed from the fish, add the seasonings, seasonings, tomato and the egg yolk slightly beaten. Cook over hot water water until it thickens, then pour it over the sardines. Serve at once. Finnan Iladdie Rarebit.--Broil the fish; pour boiling water over and let it stand on the it James Deyman Agent, Bowmanville â" ft f K Spring Suits stove where it w T ill-not boil for ten minutes. minutes. Drain off the water and remove remove the bones and skin. Flake into into small pieces wit-h a fork and add to it the following sauce : One tablespoon tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of flour blended together ; add one cup of milk and cook five minutes. Add a few drops of tabasco sauce and three-fourths cup of grated cheese. Serve on slices of toast. Pickled Salmon. -- Boil two pounds of salmon. Remove the bones and skin. Boil together one Sew a shield-shaped piece of ma terial under the arms of corset covers covers and they will last much longer. A few drops of vinegar added to the water in which potatoes are boiled will prevent them turning ^ Wash old bedspreads, then cover on both sides with grey flannelette and tuft them as if the spread were n6W - • LX. Warm soda water is the thing with which to remove dirt, etc., from old furniture which is to be refinished. To save time in baking sweet potatoes, potatoes, parboil them first. Fine white felt hats, past Then sefulness, can. be thoroughly wash ed and cut into soft mocassins for the baby. . Instead of resprinkling small articles'which articles'which have become too dry to iron, hold them in the steam of a "t G 3/ k 6 t't/1 G Cuff links to match the buttons used on a shirtwaist may be made by joining two ~of the buttons with strong thread. To keep a meringue from tailing, mix a saltspoonful of baking powder powder just before putting the meringue meringue on the pie. , Paint spatter marks can easily be removed from window pains by melting soda in very hot water and washing the glass with it. To make orange food, wash and drv a dozen fine oranges ; rub the rinds with one-quarter pound cut sugar and put it into, a, double boiler boiler with the orange juice. Add three octo-s well beaten and a pint of thm sweet cream. Stir until thickened, then chill. Serve in glasses. are colored Foulards are again creeping into smart little afternoon Here's A Friend îndéed Constipation is the bane of old age--harsh cathartics aggravate, aggravate, avoid them and use Chamberlains Chamberlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest of laxatives best for the Youngr. the middle seed and the old. n-_ i «-.in nnd Dealers, 25c. bottle--Druecists am or by mail. CttMaterlam Medicine Co. Torcrta cup of vinegar, one cup of water m I a l Before buying your Spring Suit elsewhere come in and have a look at our goods. Wè have just received a shipment of the newest materials made and. feel sure that you will find something something to your taste amongst them. There is now no need for you to wear ill-fitting garments, garments, when you can get a suit tailored to your figure, in the latest styles and at moderate price. Place your order now and have first choice of these splendid materials. -16- Needle ss to say it was an Irish man who objected to taking an emetic, as he was sure he couldn t keep it down. Ac Crossman Jligh Class Tailor Horsey Block, Bowmanville Opposite Post Office that the fish was boiled in, one dozr en peppercorns, eight whole allspice, allspice, one teaspoon of salt and two bay leaves. Boil ten minutes, then pour over the fish: In twelve hours it will be ready to serve. It is good t-O S6TV6 GitVlGlf -3.S cL rcllSIl LOT lUïlOIl or as a salad. Fishcakes From Canned Salmon. One can of salmon, one pint of mashed potato, one egg," two tablespoons tablespoons of milk; dram the salmon and remove the skin and bones , mash with a fork. If cold mashed potato is used, heat it over therfire with the milk. Add the fish to the potato and stir over hot water until until thoroughly mixed ; if too dry add a little extra milk. Season ^aste. Remove from the 6 re a ^d add the egg beaten light, and the butter. Form in shape in a mixing spoon and fry in deep fat. Dram on soft Japanese Eggs. -- Three hard- boiled eggs-," three 'sardines one- half teaspoon of salt, one table St. John--Bristol St. John, N.B. From From Bristol Wed. Apr. 22 From Montreal >nd Quebec Tues. May 5 Tues, May 19 Tues. June 2 Steamer For St. Lawrence Royal Edward Wed May.6 Royal George Royal Edward Royal George Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES Bowmanville, Agent Wed May 23 Wed Jnne 3 Wed June 17 favor for f rock s Checked materials are m favor, and the checks are one-half men square. . There are hats of _ striped straw, quaintly trimmed with wreaths ot flowers. . , , Capes and cape effects are much worn, both for street and evening. Tas c '°is are used to catch up the draperies in lieu of buckles, bows, or buttons. . There are chick little hats for street wear covered with striped or plaid taffeta. . ,- -, There is a fad for white jet, which is.used to adorn handsome evening costumes. , The fichu has had its day , that is left of it- is the folds of tulle out lining the neck. Petticoats of silk and net and fine muslin are again an.important item of the wardrobe. •„ . . , Blouses are made of the daintiest muslins, and linens are designed to wear with dressy suits. , ' Shirred necks appear o ; n the tai- ieta wraps, the rows of shirring outlined outlined by narrow Valenciennes Collars^ of changeable^taffeta or Id road stripes provide a bit of colo on the navy and black utility coats. Among evening dresses there is a fancy for the tight foundation skirt, cut in toothlike scallops at the bottom bottom and covered with a transparent ^A^s trikin g evening gown has its skirt entirely of jet beads and sequins sequins on chiffon, the whole draped, and apparently held to the transparent transparent corsage by a jet chain. There is probably no speculation which has been more popular in all periods of Christian history than that as to what Jesus would do if He should return to the earth and live again among men. In the Middle Ages this took the form of certain legends as to actual reappearances, reappearances, of which the narrative of St. Christopher at the ferry is a familiar and supreme example. In our time we have not so much stories a.s -serious discussions of just what'kind of life Jesus would live, just where He would place Himself amid the infinite complexities of modern existence and just what causes He would espouse for the betterment of society in the event of a second coming. And if anything anything is more amazing than the surety with which people give answers answers to these questions it is the conflicts which are involved in these answers. The uncertainty of the record^ the remoteness, of time and place, the richness and variety of Jesus's teaching, the many sidedness sidedness of His character, the wideness of His sympathies and the indis- criminateness of His personal associations--all associations--all these facts unite to make it possible .for almost any assertion assertion about the Nazarene to find substantiation. With the result that The Priest and the Prophet. the conservative and the radical, the individualist and the socialist, the non-resident and the direct actio ni st, the champion- of law and order a-nd the sponsor of anarchistic violence, all find in Him a- forerunner, forerunner, and declare that He would join with them should He return ! That such assertions as these are at the be-st doubtful is manifest to anybody who really understands the nature of the problem involved. Jesus Jesus was the last person in the world to be tagged""or typed or poured into a mould. And what ciicum- sita.nce of His day has been pre served to our own, so unchanged in character as to enable us to draw any analogy or make any prophecy 1 To argue that- the carpenter of the Palestine of 30 A.D. would in tho rid of 1914 A.D. hate capitalists, wo or support trade unions, or espousn the economic doctrines of socialism, or urge the Church to avoid political political and industrial entanglements, or countenance almsgiving, or oppose oppose divorce, is as ridiculous as to argue that He would not do any one of these things. - Amid all uncertainties, however, one thing at- least is sure. We know the spirit in which Jesus would live to-day, just as we know the spirit in which He lived yesterday, for the spirit is a thing which is the same yesterday, to-day and forex or. What opinion of oùr industrial order order Jesus would hold, what- measure measure of political reform He would advocate, what church or party or social group He would joui may je doubtful. But what spirit He would show in this "Great Task of Life" is not at all doubtful: _ Love would be the watchword of His days love of nature, love of children, love ot men, love of Humanity,, love of Cod'. He would destroy prejudice suspicion, suspicion, bitterness, hatred, and. foster understanding, trust, sympathy^ good-will. He would comfort sorrow sorrow and consecrate joy, pity weakness weakness and humble strength. He would help everything which unite» and hinder nothing but wliat divides. divides. - He would hail men as His brethren and serve them without distinction of color, creed o-r ol S3. He would yearn for a better world, -trive for a nobler race and rladly lay down His life, for the kingdom. Whittier has summed it all up : "The-letter falls, and systems fall, And every symbol wanes ; The spirit overbrboding all, Eternal Love, remains. -^-Rev. John Haynes Holmes. BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective Sepfc.ISfch) TRAINS LEAVE Tor Toronto and Intermediate Station» t>il5 a. m. 7.4Tp.m. For Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee anl Intermediate Points; also C. O. B. Station» between Trenton and Picbon. (Doily except Sunday) 31.10 a.m. 7.21p.m. For Coe Bill and Intermediate Station» 11.10 a. m. For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowsmlth, Sydenham and Intermediate Stations on Bay of Quinte By. 11.10 a. m. TBAINS ABBIVB From Toronto and Intermediate Station» 11.10 a.m. 7.21 p.iu FIB ST LADY CHLOBOFORMED, mediate. * spoon of" butter, _ ajew grains^ of PERRIN'S Dairy Cream 0.15 a.m. 7.41 p.m From Maynooth (C. O. B.) 7.41 p. m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, ebe. 7.41 p. m. Trams rnn daily except Sunday unless otherwise otherwise marked. For further particulars see other advertisement appearing in this paper, or apply D. HARRISON, Bowmanville Agent cayenne, one and one-bali cups hot boiled rice, one cup of tomato sauce. Cook three-eggs one, hour just below the boiling pom • Remove from the water and drop into cold water; let them remain two or" three minutes ! i.MiiMuywnr CURED Ask for our INVEN- In all countries, TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. êÿss MARION & MARION. $64 University St., Montréal. move the shell. Cut the eggs leng wise and take out the yolks. Remove Remove the bones from the sardines and mince fine, mix with the -gg. yolks an-d add butter- and . seasoning seasoning Form into balls and put one ball in each half of egg white. Spread the rice on a platter and place the eggs on it. Pour the tomato tomato sauce around the eggs. Every one of them must be good enough to uphold our reputation. There are two kinds--the dainty " Fancy Thin" and-the "regular" Dairy Cream Sodas. In sealed packages at 5» 10 and 25 cents at your grocer's. Every package guaranteed. eady Send ioc. in coin or stamps „ , „ and your- groceris name for *"* the " Perrin sample package rnrin f °TmdZ qf some of the other Perrin's lUrx'on every Biscuit Dainties. 12 pack**#. Mrs. J. Westervelt of Paterson, N. J., writes: "I have a large family of small children, aud It has saved me many a doctor's hill. For quinsy sore throat it is a king over that. My little girl has sprained 1 her ankle and is coming coming around fine without any other doctor than Radway's Ready Relief." D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, CANADA CURES SORETHROAT Apply the Relief- to. the throat and cheat until the surface smarts and reddens. Give Radwav's Fills In such doses as ' will freely move the bowels. For a. sudden cold, take a large dose ot Radway's Fills, and a teaspoon: ful of Relief with a teaspoonful of miolasseB,. In a tumbler of hot water. Retire at once t# bed. A profuse perspiration will break out, and in the morning the cold will be gone. RADWAY -& CO., Montreal, Can. Mrs. Agnes Thomson Wns a Patient of the Discoverer. How clearly is the march of surgical surgical science brought home to us by the death recently of Mrs._ Agnes Thomson, the first woman in the world to be chloroformed. She was the niece of Sir James Simpson, the celebrated Edinburgh physician, who discovered the use of anaesthetics anaesthetics in surgery, and therëby. linked his name to those of the greatest benefactors the 'human race has had. ' If anyone will turn to the most casual history of surgery and find there descriptions of the tortures through which in the old days patients patients went who suffered operations, he will wonder how sufficient human mettle was found to stand them. It is little wonder that hopeless death was often preferred to a hopeless struggle. Simpson's discovery coupled with Lister's .laid the foundation of that miracle known as modern surgery. Not only were operations afterwards afterwards performed painlessly, but-the subsequent dangers r of septic poisoning poisoning were eliminated. Both Simpson and Lister had to face an unbelieving world, - but both by their thorough .methods conquered it in a short time. It is not- yet sixty years since the first painless operation was performed, performed, and many things have been added to Simpson's _ work. But he remains secure on his pinnacle. We take as lightly as a pin-scratch nowadays capital operations that before his day meant certain death.. We hear no longer the same burden of terrible anxiety for those who go under the surgeon's knife. The instrument instrument of certain torture arid uncertain uncertain cure has become the speedy herald of hope and health where hope and health were dead. ^ Fare $ 3 62 daluv eetwÊCN iUFFALO 5, • LEVE LAND MB, . THE GREAT SHIP "SEEANDBEE" ■W 1 m Length 500 cers. Greater in fect; breadth 98 feet. 6 Inches; 510 staterooms and parldrs sccommod.tlng lôM portion » --richer in all appointmenta-than My ateamer on cost--larger in all proportion»-- mland waters of tho -world. In acrvice June 15th. -, - MwUn=eetSl.«n«. "SEEANDBEE." -'Cltr of Eri£ --a "Citr »f B«KJo Daily-BUFFALO and CLEVELANDto D.=-i.t Arrive Cleveland 7:30 A. M. 1 Arrive Buflalo (Eastern Standard Time) - LEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO. THE Cl )., Cleveland, O. mm ÆvJy -v;A'; ' -f:v -*• A'rA-'V^ ATA f1 'ifSi- 1 ZjÙS&LïL-rirA - r. - ' munis •■fêgsfc

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