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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1914, p. 8

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Bâa < W4S' Raster visitors : Mrs. Goo. White and Mrs. Irvin Trull with friends in Toronto; Miss Litta Ruse and Mr. Cecil Tom, Toronto, Toronto, at Mr. C. N. Ruse's; Mr. Geo. Martin Martin and Mr. Wfiburt Bailey, Berlin, are at Mr. Chas. Horn's; Mr. Chas. Horn with his son Mr. J. B. Horn, Bradford; Miss Sima Clarke, Oshawa, with her mother; Miss Annie Johns, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns; Miss Ethleen Johns, Pickering, Mrs. W. Nelson Brown, k Peterboro, Mr. Reese Johns. Guelph, at home; Miss Helen Brown, Lindsay, with her sister Mrs. (Rev.) U. W. Barrett; Mr. Ed. Niddery, Toronto, at home; Miss Laura Ranton with friends in Toronto; Mr. Arthur Cryderman and two daughters, Blackstock, with friends; Miss Mary Katerson, Toronto, at home; Miss Gibson at her home in Manilla; Mr. and Mrs B.Crydérman, with Mr.FredTambly n, Orono ; Miss Mildred Martyn, Toronto, at home; Miss Carrie and Mr. Leslie Kel 1er with friends in Consecon. Bargains in Spray Pumps at Rice & Co. J4r. and Mrs. Poole, Toronto. with her brother, Mr. George Conush, A. Stephens and Madelene with relatives in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne, Mariposa, at R. H. C^Hacutt s^Mik Dora Front, Sandford, at home; Mrs. _ Wwiey Blewitt and daughters, Oshawa, at Arthur Blewitt's; Miss Edna Collacutt at home Mrs. Allum at Mrs. F. Gator's; Mim Ret a Caldwell at home at Osacaj Mrs. Charles Pollard and son Ewart at her Mr. Norman Hocken, Parry Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcox, Hampton, at Mr. John Challis'; Mrs. Blewitt has been visiting visiting at Mr. Almond Blewitts, Town... League service next Sunday evening wil be in charge of Miss Effie Rutledge at the usual hour 7.30 o'clock. Everybody welcome. welcome. .. .Rev. W. N. Arnold, Bowman- ville, occupied our pulpit on account of the absence of Mr. Higgs through illness. His sermon and the special music by the choir was enjoyed by all present Sunday. Power churns at F. O. Mason s. BOWMANVTLLB, APB. 16 HATDON NEWS. Recent Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle at Tyrone; Mr. Geo. Creeper and Miss Flood, Toronto^ Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton and family, Enniskillen, at Mr. W. H. Creeper's; Mrs. Theron. Mounter and Mrs S. T. Mountjoy with Mrs. T. Brimacombe, Hamilton; Mr. Archie Moore, Bowmanville, at home; Mrs. S. tl. Oliver and daughter with . Mr. W. Hockley, Hockley, Courtice; Miss Marjory Moore, Bowman Bowman ville, at A. H. Moore's; Miss Maude Curtis/Toronto, with rëlatives. .. .Mr. J. Gilbank left this wefek for a visit with his brother Mr. David Gilbank, Reston, Man., ... .Rev. H. S. Cobb, Belleville, delivered a splendid Easter sermon Sunday. Cheapest Roofing at F. O. Mason's. 80LINA DOING®. HOSPITAL NOTES. Donations of fruit hare been re- ceived at BowmanviUe Hospital from Mrs. Rehder, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. Manning, Manning, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Tait, Miss Alien, Mrs. Nicholls, Mrs. Bounsall, Bliss Bassett. Town. Council....... • • • * • • ■••••• SO® 1 ® 0 Other donations':" Goodyear Fire Dept .'.. ,••■•••• -- * 25.00 C. A. Johnston ;...... • • • • • 2 *°° W. M. Ives........... • • • • • • • • • • • 5*°° . A meeting was .held- Tuesday when a medical staff was formed in connection with BowmanviUe Hospital drith Dr. A. S. Tilley, as President and Dr. R. W. Clark as'Secretary. It was agreed that each town physician would give a month in free attendance" for indigent patients and for consultation in serious cases. Miss Myrtle V. Bragg, Miss Lilian Hoar and Bliss Ada Wight, Toronto, Mr. Harvey Harvey and Miss Effa Wight, Peterboro, at home; Mr. John Wight with his daughter, Mrs. H. A. L. Anderson, St. Mary's; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wight with relativesin Toronto Good Friday; Mr. Wrighfson j Wight in Tyrone; Mr. Clarence Smale in Colbome Rev. W. E. Honey, Ennis killen, preached an excellent Easter sermon sermon Sunday evening.^ ^.Roofing of all kinds at Rice & Co. Eggs ! Eggs! T. H. Knight is paying 20c doz. HAPPENING®. ' Easter visitors ; Mr. J. Grey, Toronto, at Mr. A. Ormiston's; Mr. J. Arnot, Taunton, Taunton, at Mr. C. Nidderÿ's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell at Mr. B. Powell's; Miss Irene H. Bray in Toronto; Mr. Norval Wotten at Arthur; Mr. Fred Ferguson near Orange- ville;Miss Grace Ormiston, Raglan, at Mr. J. S. Stark's....Mr.and Mrs. Fred Ormiston have moved to their farm on* the town line. Roofing--all kinds at F. O. Mason's. Sprayers and accessories atF.O. Mason's. ê TUESDAY, April 21--The executors of the estate of the late Mrs. Robina Ellis, Hampton, will sell the real estate consisting consisting of two acres of land on which are frame house and kitchen attached, ^stable and driving shed; 30 apple trees (bearing) and a quantity of small fruit; also quantity of household furniture and furnishings. Sale at 2 p.m. See bills for terms and particulars. , L. W. TOLE, auctioneer. Z" X Fertilizer--order at F. O. Mason s. Two good second hand churns at F. O. Mason's. EffA-PT.-R GROVE. Outside Pumps Bronze f all elves* Hrmp Pcckxnç Easy to get at* Are m Heeeeelty and a BewelM. They save your crop, increase the yield and improve the quality. Our Spray Calendar Calendar shows when to spray endwhat materials to use. Our Spray booklet shows 70 combinations of Spray Pumps Reduced Bucket. Barrel, Power and Traction Sprayers for Orchard and field crops and other uses. Built complete or in units-- buy just what you need. Call and see our stock of Sprayers Lupplies,Rubber Hose, Bamboo Rods, etc. Don't be satisfied to order from a catalogue. Come to our store and Prices right. see the goods ■mms ■mgs :j|è^£r ■■■■jiiaiaiill Rice & Co. Opposite Post Office BowmanviUe fflilifflii Are You Going to Build-- Messrs W.C. Werry, A. L. Pascoe, S. E.Werryand Mrs. Werry attended the funeral of Miss Mabel Werry at Black- stock Monday. .. .Practice for anniversary commences this week... .G^ad .to hear that Miss Georgie Langmaid has improved improved so rapidly Mr. Cecil Pascoe visited friends at Markham.... Mr. R. J. McKes- sock is attending the Educational Association Association meeting at Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Kédron, with his parents Sunday; Mr. Thos. and Miss L. Penfound, Maple Grove,at W.C. Werry's; Mr. Wes. Redman, BowmanviUe, at A. J. Reynolds'; Mr. N. Hannam, Toronto, at A. L. Pascoe's; Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, Toronto, at home; Mr. Norman Reynolds, Toronto Toronto University, at home; Mr. D. Yellow- lees and Miss F, Vice at Myrtle; Miss Audrey Werry at Maple Grove; Mrs. W. H. Nichols, Herbert and Addie, Courtice, at J. Reynolds'; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Mrs. Julia VanNest and Mr. Norman James, BowmanviUe, at Mr. Wm. Werry's; Miss E. A. Orr, Hamilton, and Miss E. E. Haycraft, BowmanviUe, at A. L. Pascoe s; Miss .Myrtle V. Bragg, Toronto, Miss Irene and Mr. Irwin Bragg, Providence, at Mr. John Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. Blake Stevens entertained a number of friends and relatives on Saturday evening April 4th it being the fourteenth anniversary of their wedding day... .Miss Baldwin and Mr. Ockenden, Toronto, spent Easter with R. J. Baldwin. Power washers at F. O. Mason's. -. Misses Pearl Metcalf and Flo Burk, Base Line; Messrs Alex and Fred Edmondson, Edmondson, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. S. Snowden's jr. Mr. Edmondson took part in the singing Sunday a ternoon.... Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, B. A., LL. B., Whitby, will preach educational. sermons here Sunday.... Mrs. Wm. Snowden and sons withTfri ends in Oshawa. Yoii need the cash, T. H. Knight wants your eggs at 20c doz. m COURTICE BRIEFS. or remodel this season? If so, let us advise you regarding your plumbing equipment. It is one of the most important elements of the home, and should receive careful consideration. Bathrooms which we have installed are giving their owners perfect service. Plumbing Fixtures and our expert expert workmen never fail to give satisfaction. Illustrated literature literature always on hand. "Good Work is Our Success" W. H. DU5TÀN, Quality Hardware. Phone 74, Bowmanville Miss. Ethelbert Oke, Thornhill, at R. E. Osborne's; Mrs. Richards, Oshawa, at Ira Trull's; Mrs. Saunderson, Toronto, at W. R. Courtice's; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hezzle- wood, Toronto, at Geo. Pearce's, Elmer Rundle, Otis Worden and Miss Carrie Courtice, Toronto at their respective homes Mr. Hopps, Pickering, is settled in his new home formerly owned by Mr. F. W. Rundle... .Mr. Fleck, Toronto, is occupying the place formerly owned by Mr. McKenzie Penfound. Another Toronto Toronto man has bought part of the place for gardening....Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, B.A., LL. B., Whitby, will preach here next Sunday. Farmers' Attention! T. H. Knight wants your eggs and is paying 20c cash. Bring them to him sure. Roof Paint, no leak--at F. O. Mason's. of Un usual Merit TYRONE NOTE®. THE HOUSING QUESTION ? Maple Syrup Our New Maple Syrup has arrived and is giving great satisfaction and it should for we never had better goods--made in Quebec from Maple Sap-- it has the true maple flavor. 20c pint, 35c. Quart, Imperial i gal. tin 70c Imperial gallon tin $1.35 Miss E. M. Werry, Mr. Percy Werry and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright attended the funeral of Miss Mabel Werry at Black- stock Monday Mrs. M. J. Werry with her sister Mrs. T. Harvey, Grimsby; Mr. and Mrs. W.Cann, Salem, at her father's, Mr. S. Hooper's; Messrs Alex Staples find- Arthur Virtue in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice and children, Oshawa, at A. W. Brent's and A. W. Annis'; Miss E. and Mr. S. Dix, Little Britain, at A. E. Clemens'; Mr. Cuttle, Orono, at Mrs. B. Hawkey's; Miss Margaret Hooper, Toronto, Toronto, at home; Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne, Mariposa, at Mr. L. Skinner's and with other relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Lillycrapp, Mariposa, with their daughter Miss Ethel at Mr. J. H. Mutton's; Mr. Wrightso Wight, Providence, with friends; Miss Minnie Stinson at home in Toronto.... Rev. Wm. Higgs was unable to take his work on Sunday owing to illness Election of officers this week at League ... .The Easter service in charge of the auxiliary of the W.M.S. Sunday morning were very successful, there being a large attendance throughout. Many beautiful flowers added to the attractiveness of the church. Mis. Wm. Brent presided and assisted by Miss F. Virtue who led in prayer, conducted the opening exercises. : The Secretary, Mrs. W. R. Clemens gave 1 her report. Then followed the treasurer's report by Miss E. M. Werry. The choir sang the Chinese National Anthem. Papers were given, "Our Stand on Missions" Missions" by Mrs. (Rev.) Higgs; "W.F.M.S. what those letters mean" by Miss F. Werry; Werry; and "Easter" by Mrs. R. Davey. Evening Evening service was in charge of Rev. Mr. Cobb who gave a very helptul address on the Resurrection. Music by the Male Choir. The offerings amounted to over $27: ^ Bargains in Spray Pumps at Rice & Co. stud- wain- If your house is built probably it needs alteration or repairs. If you are about to build you are looking for the best place to get your material. Let us suggest a few of our lines; Hemlock, spruçe and pine joists, ding and rafters; Spruce and pine flooring, siding, scoting, casing and inside finish; "Gardiner" doors and sash, extra , ity and special value; Pine and spruce» lath; "Bishropic" wall-board, a splendid sub-! stitute for lath and. plaster; "Canada" cement, the standard for a sure foundation. Estimates cheerfully furnished; a square deal guaranteed. McClellan & Co, Limited, 13.4 . King-st. E., Bowmanville. E carry an immense stock covering every grade from the bottom up and are all extraordinary values for the money --Special care is taken in the making of our boys' clothes. You'll find the stitchiixg, the linings, pockets, tapes and canvas are all of the very best, every little detail is gone into carefully and thoroughly--we pay a little more for this and a little more for that and the result is a suit of clothes that stand the wear and tear of a boy's rough and tumble existence. v The new shapes in Norfolk from size 24 to 35, $3.50 to $9.00. The D. B. coat sizes 26 to 35--$3.00 to $8.50. Blue suits in Hard Finish and Irish Serge. Sizes 24 to 35 $5.00, $6.50, $8.50, $9.50. Boys' Buster Suits in all new colorings--sizes 21 to 26--$2.75, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. BOYS' KNICKERS AND BLOOMERS Knickers--sizes 24 to 29--$50c, 75c, $1.00. sizes 30 to 35--$ 1.00, $1.25. Bloomers--sizes 24 to 29--75c, $1.00,^$1.25. sizes, 30 to 3»5--$1.00, $1.25, $1.50. The Anderson Clothing Co., Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A QTO R I A "The Swell Dressers Store" BOWMANVILLE, - - - ONTARIO ENNISKILLEN NEWS. Honey Pure Clover Honey in 51b. pails 70c. 10 lb. pail $1.35. Asparagus California Asparagus in Tins ; Really choice goods, tender and tasty, and not expensive as the price we offer is at 15c. per tin or 5 tins for 65c. Ü Cocoa Pure Cocoa put up in a new package-^and sold at an attractive price. Perfect Seal pint gems, only....... „.duc. Perfect Seal Quart Gems *0c. The best value we have offered in pure cocoa. vjb- ' V Oranges We have the Oranges and ye have them at the right price from from 15c. to 60c. a dozen. California Navels, seedless sweet and juicy, our special this week is the 40c. size for 30c. per dozen or 45 for $1.00. iS&S&ï- Dinner Sets--Very Special One only Dinner Set, fine Sein porcelain, with green and gold decorations, 97 pieces to the set with one tea cup short. Regular Regular price $15.00. Will sell as it is for .$10.00 Our children's concert Good Friday evening was certainly a success in every sense of the word, every number on the i program having its own distinct character ! ! and meaning. Perhaps the most enjoyed i was "Our Chinese Cousins" dressed in Chinese costume. They simply brought the house down and had to respond to a recall. Receipts were very gratifying-- $23. W.M.S. service Sunday evening was also well attended. Good program was given consisting of Easter choruses by the children, a sold "Where is Heaven ?" by Mrs. C. W. Souch, .excellent papers on "Prayer" and "Why. every woman should be a member .^ of our Society" by Mrs. Herbert Argue and Mrs. F. W. Lee, and well-appreciated readings by Mrs. J. A. Werry and Misses Florence Trewin, Grace Slemon and Hazel Pascoe. The choruses by the children certainly were a credit to themselves and their trainers, Mrs. (Dr.) c. W. Slemon and Miss Sadie Virtue. Offerings $25 Easter visitors: Mrs. George Preston and little daughters in Lindsay; Miss Editha Virtue at Mr. L. Potter's; Mrs. Jamieson, Bethany, and Miss Maud Curtis, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. McGill's; McGill's; Miss Moore, Whitevale, at Mr. W. H. Moore's; Mr. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, Toronto, at home; Miss Edith Brind, Toronto, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; Mr. Wm. Noble, Toronto, at Mr. Jos. Martin's; Mr. Fred Cowling, Purple Hill, at Mr. John Cow- ling's; Mr H. D. Babcock, Lindsay^at Mr. C. J. Pascoe's; Miss Lillie Gilbert, Uxbridge, Mrs. Wm. Newby and little daughter, Seabright, Mr. Percy Gilbert Sarnia, at Mrs. Win. Gilbert's, "Linwood ; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry in Orono; Mrs. Thos. Çraig and Miss Sadie in Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Miss Moore and Mr. P. Nixon, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at Dr. C. W. Slemon's; Mr. Cecil and Miss Vera Slemon, Haydon, and Miss Rilda Slemon, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Slemon's Miss Gertrude Stevens has returned to Peterboro. Roofing very best quality at Rice & Co. SALE Friday and Saturday, April 17th, 18th On FRIDAY and SATURDAY. April 17th and 18th, the following articles will be sold at advertised prices. You pay full price for one article and le. for the second. Here are the MONEY SAveko. (• 25c English Violet Talc... ^^20 25 c Cream Violets " . 6* 25c Liebig's Beef Extract 25c,Stomach, Liver Tonic <( 25c Aromatic Cascara .... 25c Worm Powders...... 25c Headache Powders ... 2for2() 25c Headache Wafers .... ^ 25c Belladonna Plaster ' 25c Hydrogen Peroxide... << 25c Dressing Comb 25c Rose water, glycerine 25c Tooth Brush ......... ^ a a 25c Blaud's Pills.......... * 25c Writing Pads......... 25c Camphorated Oil.... ^ 25c Fluid Magnesi^).. » . * 25c Olivine Soap (3 cakes) < < 25c Bay Rum « t 1 • 1 • 1 »•*•*« ioc Epsom Salt ioc Sulphur............. ioc Borax • • 2-orl 1 ii ioc Petrolatum a ioc Hypo, I lb u ioc Feeding Bottle....... ioc Crystal Nipple ioc Castor Oil 2f°r 11 « ioc Baking Soda (1 lb).... ioc Face Chamois « ioc Oomb *•••«••••• • j • *• • - ioc Toilet Pumiôe... ...... ioc Envelopes (I pkg).... a Gold Initial Stationery Regular 75c. each ...2 for 76c (Any Initial) - 5 c Epsom Salts 2for 6C 5c Sulphur... 4( 5c Court Plaster 5c Senna Leaves <( 5c Petrolatum 5c Camphor Chalk 5c Boracic Acid. 5c Borax 2 for QC 5c Glycerine Soap....... 5c Chewing'Gum 5c Medicine Dropper .... << 5c Lead Pencil 5c Orange Stick << SlC Nipple . Vacuum Bottles Keep cold liquids cold, and hot liquids hot. Extra special while they last 89c Chocolate Special worth 60c lb. 2 lbs. for 61c Leak Proof Hot Water Bottles These Bottles are fully guaranteed for 2 years from date of sale. Regular price $2.75..:.. ^ for $2.76 15c Cuticline 2 for 1 6 15c Hand Cleaner <4 15c Metal Purse 15c Boracic Acid • U 15c Best Little Liver Pills 30c Baking Powder *7for 3 1 special ^ u l 35c German Silver Vanity o 35c Dressing Comb ....... 50c Shears :V'"'2for51 50c Hydrogen Peroxide... ** v 50c Shaving Mirror...... 75c Beef, Iron and Wine. 75c Stomach, Liver Tonic ~ OT J 75c Victoria Fabric < 6 75c Rose Perfume, I oz... 75c Lily of the Valley, I oz 75c Trailing Arbutus, 1 oz $1.00 Metal Vanity Box... 2 for 101 65c Jar Cold Cream 2 for 66c ■# tv Cascade Linen 48 Sheets--48 Envelopes Reg. 50c, 2 for 51c Farmers, Your Last Chance For Fertilizer. f. a. H Add Y c "' Bowmanville Phone 62 Our second carload of guaranteed Fer- I tilizer arrived Wednesday. I have a few more tons..than is already sold. All those | wishing any kindly let me know at once. This is the last load we can handle this season. Don't delay, order some. F. O. Mason, phone" 13L r Ï oSISL 90 Store, Bowmanville When We Test Eyes it Is Done Properly Store, Bowmanville m 1ÊÊÊÊ 'ff' r ; r;;, ; -q;yÇz : A V:. 'SÈÊÊÈMk-&WÈ. ; .a. X:: ■ - ip3T<M

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