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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1914, p. 4

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You will like the strength and full TRY REMEDY IT OUR RISK You know us, your home druggist, and when wé give you the opportunity"to try a. remedy With the understanding that if it doesn't reheve you and satisfy you in SB is good tea " Desserts With Custard. Snow Pudding.^--One-quarter box gelatin, one cup sugar, .ones pint milk, one oup boiling water, one lemon (juice), two eggs,, one teaspoon teaspoon vanilla. Cover the gelatin with cold water and allow it to soak for half an hour. Add the boiling water, sugar and lemon juice every way we'll give back your money, there is certainly no excuse fc for hesitation on your part. This is the way we always I i sell Rexml Dyspepsia Tablets. We know what they are made of. ,We know that they have benefited your neighbors and friends. We. honestly believe: them to bethe very best rémedÿ made for indigestion and dyspepsia. Pepsirr and bismuth and the other ingredients "they contain are endorsed endorsed by the entire medical profession for the relief of stomach ailments, and -to aid HIDEOUS MONSTER OF WAR Strain and when partly -set beat easy, comfortable digestion. Soothing to with an egg-beater until-it becomes the stomach, checking heartburn and dis- white and "snowy." Stir the stiff- tress, stimulating the flo^of the stomach ly beaten egg whites into this mix- TabÇts help'Sake C yoS ture. Mold and leave in a cold j s t omac h feel good again and make it easy place to harden. Serve with a boil-1 f Q r you to eatiany thing, you like. rya „ ed custard sauce made with the j There is no red tape about our offer. If tape milk, yolks of eggs, a half cup of 1 they don't do just what you want them to, sugar and vanilla. Pour the cool j just tell us so^and we ll^give^ back yovu custard around the pudding. fc Ft* Nothing to be Said in its Defence and Almost Nothing in its Honor Tapioca Cream.--One quart milk, one cup tapioca, one teaspoon vanilla, vanilla, four eggs, one-half cup sugar, salt. Soak the tapioca overnight in cold water. Cook the milk and monëy just as cheerfully as weto'ok it from you. They are sold only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. Three sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00. JURY & LOVELL, The Rexall Store, BOWMANVILLE '■'The grievousness Isaiah xxi., 15. of war." -- It is tolerably evident that humanity humanity is not yet ready to dispense with war, or at least lias not yet found the ways and means of doing so. In spite of much iallç , of peace and much work for .peace, the building building of stupendous armaments upon land and sea still goes on at ah un- Lfr precedented rate, and every now and then there comes some open conflict which destroys property and life, brings sorrow to unnumbered homes and-lays a new burden of poverty poverty upon generations yet unborn. The -bitter struggles in the Philippines', Philippines', the bloody revolutions in China and Turkey, the stupendous duel between Russia and Japan, the hideous cataclysm in the Balkans-- these are only the more important of the fights which have been joined since the close of the nineteenth century, which has passed since the birth of Him who was hailed as 4* The Prince of Peace; and, if present indications count for anything at all, the end is not yet. Still, "the purple testament of bleeding war" is closed, only to be opened afresh ! In spite, however, of the persistency persistency of war in our civilization, it is still as true to-day a-s it was in the days of the prophets of old that there is absolutely nothing to be said in its defence and almost no thing in its honor. War at bottom is the abdication of reason and the enthronement of brute strength. It is the submission of great- questions of right and wrong to the arbitrament arbitrament not of intellect but of force, and the decision of these, questions ^ in favor of the party which has not justice but the heaviest battalions on its side. It is the suspension of all the conditions .of law and order which have been won and maintained maintained at such dreadful cost-, and the re-establishment in their ' place of the anarchy and violence of barbarism. barbarism. It- is the instant reversion of civilization to the cruel instincts now so nearly conquered. in all other relations of life 1--which drive two lions to rend and tear one another another in some jungle fight, or two naked savages to struggle to _the death upon some lonely shore. Hav, worse ! In these days of far-flung empires, and complex social ma chinery, war is the deliberate I tapioca in a double-boiler. Mix* the slaughter of men by men who have yolks and sugar and fold in the I tablespoonfuls of pineapple )juice to No Quarrel With One Another, whites, beaten stiff. Add this do a cupful or glassful of hot iced tea. , . ^ n i the tapioca, cook a few minutes, To remove rust from a knife and ave no v^ • l stirring constantly. Remove from plunge the blade into an onion and m the settlement of t , ; the fire, add vanilla and tarn into leave it an hour. Then polish in/ is a most substantial choice, stake in the conflict. Looked at ' , ,- i -i * - c • *. cHî^iori in a fancy dish to cool. the .usual way. from any point of view, stud Cream. Chocolate Pudding.--One Thé covers of heavy canvas are any relation, described mi a J j milk," one-half cup sugar,, four a great, protection to the trunk or terms, war is still at bottom the | * r I hideous monster described by Mil- ton, Fierce a-s hell." ten "Black as night, furies, terrible as eggs (whites), four tablespoons w fcker basket in travelling. They corn "starch, two ounces chocolate, CO ine in various sizes, one teaspoon vanilla. Melt the A" snap clothespin is handy in chocolate. Scald the milk in a I lifting of hot kettle lids, pulling hot double boiler and add the" corn- saucepans forward or changing pie starch moistened with cold water. p,a, ns around in the 1 oven' That war can " be wholly avoided ] Stir-and cook until smooth and Hot water sets grease, so grease to-day under all circumstances is thick. Add the sugar,, melted choco- g pots should be washed with cold probably Pot true. The veneer of late and the beaten whites of eggs, water, which hardens the grease civilization is still too thin upon Beat thoroughly, add the vanilla an( i makes it- easy to remove, the basic barbarism even of the best and pour into a mold to cool. Serve To ensure a satisfactory meal, you of us. But -that we should conse- with whipped cream or a fruit! mu , s t spend lavishly either of time crate the best powers of our minds sauce. All puddings containing or money. If money is the more and hearts in this hour and in every cornstarch require long cooking. valuable, then economize on that, hour to the abolishment of this Cornstarch Pudding.--Make the but allow time for the proper cook- dreadful evil i-s too plain a duty to same as the cream of chocolate pud- ing of less expensive foods, and need argument. ' The day is coming ding,-omitting the chocolate. Serve vice-versa. . when war will be classed with in- with lemon sauce. If casters are- put on the kitchen fanticide,- cannibalism and torture Orange Fool.--To eight thorough- ta bl e it will be found a great con- one of the outgrown horrors of ly beaten eggs add gradually the yenience. Then the table may be the benighted past. It is not- too juice of eight oranges. Whip in rolled around without any undue early now to dream of this glad day pint of rich cream and sugar to strain on a person's back, and to labor for its coming.--Rev. I taste. Put in a double boiler and |- Greens are essentially a relish, John Haynes Holmes. V *---- allow it to thicken but not boil, but they have a distinct value in the Chill and serve with cream. diet. Although they are not rich Floating Island.--Make a boiled in protein they possess" a small whIntheir d oMldfen U Soublel With custard with a quart oLmilk and quantity of valuaMe^minerah salt, worms and lose no time in applying four egg yolks, sugar and vanilla, such as iron and sulphur, not round Miller's Worm Powders, the most effec-J Beat the egg whites stiff and dip by i n the staple foods, tivo vermifuge that- can be- used. It is spoonfuls into the hot custard. Pour Scoop out the centre of small absolute in clearing the system of worms ^ custard into a serving dish and sponge ..cake, saving" the tops, fill and restoring those healthy conditions the : cooked whites on the with stewed and eweetened rhu- without which there can be no eornttot] thus {orming the "is-1 barb, reolace'tops, cover with eus- for the child, or hope for robust growth. It-is t-hh most trustworthy of worm exterminatory exterminatory surface, thus forming the "is-1 barb, replace* tops, lands." tard -and serve cold. . Use the cake Bread Pudding.--One quart stale left over from another dainty . des breadcrumbs, three cups milk, one- sert. statue of Lord Wolseley. I half pound raisins, one-ÿtalf tea- , To prevent fruit^Kom sinking _to ...... T • -. -, spoon salt-, two éggs, > 0fi'êlÈn6Ïf*: - ' cup the bottom of a cake, put raisins An additional statue is '--to be sugar, one teaspoon vanilla. Make and currants in a di&h' and set it on erected in Trafalgar Square imme- & boiled custard of the eggs; milk, the back of the stove ; stir them oc- diately opposite the entrance to the gugar arH j seasoning. Sprinkle a casion.ally and see that they do not National Gallery. It will be an greased baking dish" with raisins, burn. When thoroughly heated, add equestrian statue of the late Lord ^en w i£h breadcrumbs, and con- them to the batter. Wolseley, and the secretary of the ^- nue un til all are used. Pour the Always break^rather than cut- as- Memorial Committee, which in- custard over this, let stand a few parugus. Discard any pieces too eludes several distinguished sol- m i nu ^ €8) then steam or bake about tough to snap with the fingers. If diers, says that subscriptions are hour. Serve with lemon sauce, the asparagus is to be broken in pouring in so readily that he thinks Q & ^ e ma y be used instead of bread ; small pieces before cooking, the there will be little difficulty m ob- - * ' n 1 taining the £3,000 which the statue Is to cost. That it is a splendid idea to thus perpetuate the memory of 'Sir Garnet" everyone must- agree Q 111 Cy JL X y 7 x ^ w ■ w # v --t#- in which case less sugar is needed. I cook will do well to add the tender •> upper ends only after the tougher Tested Rcctnea stalks have become tender. lesiea iiLtrpca. - L an( j[ ,brooms used for Every man is above the average --according to his own belief. Brushes Rhubarb Jam.--To each pound of I cleaning purposes will be kept in rhubarb allow one pound of sugar much better condition if they are and one lemon. Peel the yellow always hung up. If the handles are rind thin and slice the pulp. Put | not provided with hooks for hang & "fV JhU Store Recommends because we know it gives results that no varnish mere can give. X ■'Y JÀP-À-LÀC --the Health-Preserver M ODERN methods of sanitation dictate the adoption of polished floors and rugs in place of the old-fashioned, plain wood floors covered with dust-lade* diaeàèe-breeding Carpets. Roots finished with JAP-A-LAC are healthful, beautiful and easily kept clean. Simply wiping occasionally with a damp cloth away over night with the cut rhubarb rhubarb as before described, and "boil, for three-quarters of an hour slowly. slowly. Pour into jars and §eal. Veal Cutlet Stew.--Remove bone and skin from veal cutlets and cut in pieces for serving. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in flour, egg and crumbs, fry slowly until well -browned in salt pork, fat or butter. RemoveYo stewpan and pour over one and one-half cups brown sauce. Place on back of range and cook until tender. For the sauce brown three tablspoons butter, add three tablespoons flour, stir until well browned, add gradually one and one-half cups stock or water or half stock and strained tomatoes. Season Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Raw Potato Hash.--If you are in a hurry and want to maké hash-use raw potatoes, small onion and cold corned beef and chop together. Add a little water. You'll never make hash any other way after trying this. Cook about- twenty-five or thirty minutes. You get alV the nourishment out of raw potatoes. easily Kept ciean. will keep them fnefc'from dust end germs Hard wood or soft--it's all the same to JAP-A-LAG. It stains and varnishes in one operation, producing a brilliant, elastic rill not mar white, and is hot affected J Ï and durable finish which wil by moisture. f Bathroom woodwork, when given a coating of JAP-A-LAU may be washed with aou and water. Easily applied by anyone --no experience required. _ . .. Made in 21 beautiful colors. Put up in Green Tins bearing the name "GLIDDEN. * Call at your local hardware store for JAP-A-LAC color card, and a copy of the little book, *'A Thousand and One Uses of JAP-A-LAC." Io Bowmanville Jap-a-Lac Is sold by ing, insert in the. end of each handle a screw eye. New tins should not be used until thoroughly cleansed, because they often come covered with resin or a similar substance. The tins should be filled with water, adding a good lump of soda, and be boiled out before before washing in the usual way. As tin rusts very quickly, pans should be allowed to dry thoroughly on the top of the stove before putting away. Cloths will not do it. A bet- tér plan is to prevent rust forming at all. To do this, after scouring new tin ware, coat it with lard and set in the oven" until it is thoroughly heated through. Flowers Arc Everywhere. Flowers, of the artificial variety, are more and more used - as the spring advances. They are used to decorate every imaginable part of the evening frock. Sometimes a band of them outlines the decollette line of the neck, sometimes the waist. They are used singly and in clusters to hold the skirt and bodice bodice and sleeve drapery in -place. Tiny ones, strung together, outline cuffs and wide collars. And they still form one of the standby trimmings trimmings for lingerie and negligees. Colored Linen Frocks. We surely live in a wonderful age. Now we have non-er.ackable taffeta, waterproof kid gloves and even non-crushable linen. The new linens of the spring do not retain wrinkles as the linens of the past have done. So a linen frock is not such an extravagance as it has heretofore heretofore been ; for when it has not been often relaundered, it has looked looked too wrinkled and crushed for beauty. A colored linen of this sort and many colored linens--indeed color ed wash materials of all sorts--a-re- shown in, the frocks of the spring. Black Satin Girdles. No matter how much or how little color is used in any one season, black always holds a place, come times bigger, sometimes smaller, in the estimation of the dressmaker This is a season of black hats. There are black satin and taffeta frocks, too, in abundance. This year black satin girdles are used to give character character to many of the brightly colored colored frocks and they are a usual note in wash frocks, both white and colored. colored. New Parasols. The newest parasols have long handles and from the point of view of convenience, at any rate, this news is welcome. For a long-handled long-handled parasol is the easiest to handle. There are new and fantastic shapes in the parasols of the spring, among which the Japanese shape, which strongly suggests the paper parasol of Japan, is decidedly popular. But the "more conservative shapes are quite as popular. Chiffon is used a, great deal in the new parasols, and- so are- artificial flowers. They are festooned about the edge and looped looped around the stick and even fastened fastened on the inside of the parasol. Real lace parasols, too, are made for wear with elaborate frocks. In them the lace is mounted over taffeta taffeta or satin of blue, red, green, violet or some other bright < olor. Golfine, which has turned out to be one of the successful fabrics of the season, is also mounted on parasol frames. One charming golfine parasol parasol is developed in green, fi' ished with ' a hem of matching silk net about four inches wide. Plaid Taffeta Waistcoats. _ Always, when a new fabric or design design comes into fashion, 'here is much experimenting with it on the part of the dressmakers and designers. designers. This has naturally been the case in the plaids and stripes that have become popular this* spring. The- decision that everyone has reached concerning them is that they are 3 belter used in small than in large quantities. One of the best uses of plaid taffetas is in the form of waistcoats," as a part of fine blouses of white mousseline, crepe de chine and chiffon. Makes Monday shorter, easier, cooler "it's all RIGHT** POSITIVELY the LARGEST SALE In CANADA *«*. O KI D O N -- rm y.WCi A Fnm Montreal or Quebec via Liverpool on the vnagnifleoni Canadian Service Steamships* '•TEUTONIC 11 .May 2 .... May 30 "MEOANTIC' May 9 .... Uune 0 "CANADA 1 ' May 10 «Juno 13 LAURENTIC" ..May 23 .... June 20 Ratai^rom «92.90 First, and 980 Second Cine» M. A. JAMES, AGENT, BOWMANVILLE. DOMINION LINE X Havre ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Bleegow - Londoe < To take the Aden Lieejpe#n« that the Ocean voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories 1 of your hip abroad. Large, comfortable steamers, steamers, replete with every convenience and luxury-- the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence--the courtesy and attention of the ship's attendants--are not easily forgotten. ^ 2 For rates, ealllmg dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE - - - • - 95 King St., West, Toronto. I M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. Fare $ 30° L uy between (UFFALO Sf LEVE LAND z "SEEANDBEE' THE GREAT SHIP Laatfk 500 feet; breadth 93 feet, 6 inches; 510 staterooms end parlors accommodating 1500 passenger^ passenger^ Greater in cost--larger in all proportion»--richer in all appointments--than any steamer on gere. Vreater in cost--larger in all propoi inland -waters of the -world. In service June 15th. Magnificent Steamer» "SEEANDBEE," "City of Erie" end "City of Buffalo" Daily--BUFFALO and CLEVELAND -- May 1st to Dec. 1st Leave Buffalo - • 9:00 P. M. Leave Cleveland ^ \ Arrive Cleveland . 7:30 A.M. Arrive Buffalo -- ». ■ 7.30 A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) Connections It Cleveland for Pat-in-Bar, Toledo. Detroit and aUpoinUWestand Southwest. Railroad tiekets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland are good for transportation on our ateainers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. & B. Line. Write us for handsome illustrated booklet free. „ THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., ( Cleveland, O. Britain;s Coal Bill. Approximately 285,000,000 tons of coal are annually consumed in the United Kingdom. A large portion of this--over 60,000,000 tons--is used for steam raising in factories ; while for domestic ..purposes 34,000,000 tons are required, which is also nearly the figure of the iron and steel industries. Mines require 20,000,000 tons, while gasworks use up only 1,5000,000 and railways 13,- 000,000 tons per annum. The Best Side. The lawyer was endeavoring to pump some free advice out of the rdoctor. , "Which side is it- best to he on, Doc?" "The side that pays you the retainer." retainer." < The Test. "Can I trust you, Smith?" "Guess so. Try me with $10.' -r, ib-V M|k !*y Tke GU44m VemiekXX, Li»iu4. Household Hints. Freneh fried potatoes dipped in egg before frying are delicious. To keep aluminum bright,. wash in soap asd water andV rub with olive oil. Beet salad served in green apple oups makes an attractive combination.' combination.' Use vinegar instead of water to thin paste and the paste will not spoil. A cloth wet with camphor / will remove white spots from furniture. Place a large -spopge in the bottom bottom of the Umbrella jar if you would not break it. - To save time in seasoning have a large sized salt shaker filled with salt and-pepper- mixed. 4 Cream too thip to whip may be made so ^7 adding' the unbeaten white of an eeg before beating. For Honolulu tea add one or two  DIRECT AND MOST EFFECTIVE TREATMB1T For Cold in the Head and Mexico's National Pawnshop. One of the most remarkable institutions institutions in the City of Mexico is the Monte de Pied ad, or national pawnshop. pawnshop. The Monte is one of the oldest oldest buildings in the capital, having been built for the private residence of Cortes in 1520. and it has been fortunate enough to escape the hands of restorers. It was acquired in 1744 by Count de Regia Terreros, w-hq laid out 300,000 dois . in organizing organizing the Monte de Pie dad, with the idea of saving the needy from the usury of the ordinary pawnbroker. Its success is attested by its long history, and Mexicans to-day can get one-third value on their goods at a rate of interest seldom exceeding exceeding 3 per cent, per annum. If anyone anyone fails to keep up his payments the deposited goods are sold, and any balance over the sum advanced i#handed to the deposited y.. coatJ^b.b. r GENUINE WHITE^ LEAD ^7*" v * .*T V ; ?.:l SECTION "-^'showing how B.B.GENVJINE ENTERS INTO THE PORES^ J ^THEWOOI Some internal remedies, such ae Ha-DrUrCo Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chiorodyne, undoubtedly help a great deal in checking a cold in the head Bixt yeti get the quickest action from dossal Balm. . h ' x---- This - is' applied directly and conveniently conveniently through the new nozislè- ihaped end of the collapsible tube in which it is put up. This "little nozzle reaches wclVup into the nostril, and a gentle squeeze on the tube discharges enough bftUè Foesal Balm to spread over the memprane lining lÿç nw»} passages, kill the gfcrms ofthè coldpr catarrh, soothe the smarting inflammation, inflammation, make breathing through the nostrils free and.eWt and chtek the cold t>r reuevCiJie cklatrujton^ The fact-that thiif hew of applying thè ÊÔsâàl Balm" is so gaudy, and gets it right up where it isneedea, adds much to the value of this splendid remedy ^ Penetrating Qualities You can mix a superior paint by using a reliable white lead as a base, and the one white lead that Stands today unequalled in quality, just as it has stood for generations, is < < < < < i i i i ■f < Fitet Tramp-- f Tt's no good.oall- ing at that house. Them people w.cRetarians. .. Sccopd Tramp--^ "That so?" First Tramp-- and they've got a <dorg that ain t". Brandram's B. B. Genuine White Lead . ^ girl can have so many reasons for loving a young man that it doesn't doesn't matter whéther any of them are logical or not. 50c a tube at your Druggists' or post- " loi ^ paid from National Drug Sc Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltmitad, Montreal, j No matter how long a woman has IjpOB married to a man, ehe keeps right on expecting that - he will eventually reform. No other white lead has this record - no other white lead approaches Brandrams in fineness and whiteness. Brandram's B. B. Genuine White Lead is the easiest to use and the most durable to employ. You may try experiments with other brands of white lead; with Brandram's you are sure. Ask your Dealer. * If the Belgian government cantes oqt a plan to dig a new bed for th# River Scheldt there will be no limit to" the sise of vesoels that cam reiach Antwerp. ENDERS0N •v « M I ^ i i ' •r:...,. vv< ÉÊÈÊÊÉÈÊÊÈÊÊÈËÊÊÉÊW^ÈêÈêÊÈ

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