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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1914, p. 8

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Sr - V ? airy Cream Sodas One will go far to find anything so delightfully crisp and satisfying as by PERRIN'S Dairy Cream Sodas Dairy Cream Sodas are of two kinds--the "Fancy Thin 5 ', which is just a little smaller and thinner than the regular "Dairy Cream" Sodas. Both of these are the very best soda biscuits we know how to make. In 5c, 10c, and 25c sealed packages, packages, at your grocer's. Every package guaranteed guaranteed . We would like to send you the " Perrin's Sample Package" Package" of some of our daintiest ine fancy biscuits, for your gro- Tnui* cer's name and 10c in coin io Look for^ the Perrin >U me«.* Vcr7 or stamps. S. PERRIN & COMPANY LIMITED LONDON - CANADA D. NOX A COLD 108 WHILE YOU SLEEP Ralph's Pet. One day Ralph took his dog Dp and went into the forest near to hunt.. . -They., had not gpn.e far. wfiej heard a low, pitiful sound, wondered what it could be. Dp stopped and listened a few minutes and then started .toward the place from which the sound came. RaIp. , thinking that someone waa .in trouble, started to follow Jip. lbe.y soon found that it was a little dog that some one had tried to drown, but it had swum to the shore and crawled out on the soft grass. _ Ralph saw it was so small and he felt very sorry for it, and so he picked picked it up and carried it home to see if his mother would let him keep it. £ Ralph, being about 13 years ot age, was quite a large boy, which made it very easy for him to carrj the little dog. v , , When they reached home Ralph s mother said" he might keep it to e a playmate - and a guard for his li - tie sister Alice. She thought it was very nice, and they soon grew up to love each other very dearly. One day when Alice was by the railroad playing she did not see the train coming around the bend, but Trix, her little dog, did. He ran toward her and was just in time to save her life, hut- he was crushed to death under the wheels of the train. Thev all felt very sorry, but were glad that the little dog had saved Alice's. life. Ralph went down to the track and brought the poor dog home. He made a little coffin out of a box and buried Trix in a field back of their house where violets and all kinds of wild flowers grew. He found & stone and wrote the little dog s name on it, and the date that it was killed. "Fruit-a-tiies" Brought Him Perfect Health the republic in population and the first in beauty. Population, 12,000 ; elevation, 5,053 feet. The capital is much larger, but there are people who think Guadalajara is more beautiful than the City of Mexico. One Thing Is Certain, the existence of such ajmagnifleent city as Guadalajara,' ih the far in- A FRENCHMAN'S INVENTION. terior of ;the country, is proof oL Wonderful System Demonstrated to British Railway Men. A new and wonderful system which, it is claimed, will revolutionize revolutionize high-speed traction throughout the world was demonstrated in London London recently before mechanical experts experts of several of -the most impor- ' Avon, Ont., May 14th. 1913. *'I am younger since I have been taking ' 'Fruit-à-tives". I was troubled very badly with Piles, Constipation and Stomach Disorder, but I found "Frtiit- a-tives" was the panacea for the whole three. Now I am free of all these diseases and enjoying perfect health, and able to work whenever I like. Five years ago, I started taking "Fruit-a-tives". I took two every night and they worked wonders for me. No other medicine I could get was so good and I took lots of different renie- dies before I found out how good "Fruit- the richness of the surrounding dis- tant British railways. This new trict. The fertility of the valleys system, which is the invention and and the mineral wealth of the moun- discovery of a French scientist, tains of Jalisco account for the pre- Emile Bacheket, has at once elicited so nee and prosperity of this city, an offer of a great railway chief to which (founded 1535) to-day by its j a y down a special five-mile circuit thrift astonishes and by its beauty track in order that the enormous charms every" visitor. It is the ca.pi- speed claimed for it (300 miles an tal of Jalisco, one of. the wealthiest hour) may bê tested, states of the Mexican union, and a The system as demonstrated by a state which perhaps is making more model of the largest size, did all rapid" progress in the development that was claimed for it. Â speed of of its resources than any other. I* 300 miles an hour was attained, is a good state for any foreigner to The automatic propulsion and stop- -Children Cry for settle in. a-tives' were. I keep "Fruit-a-tives" on hand all the time, and am never without them. I even take them with me when I go motoring, so I can have them handy. "Fruit-a-tives" are worthy of every good word I can say about them. The fact that they cured me of Piles, was something something to be everlastingly thankful for" GEORGE LAUR. • 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. SPARROWS USED FOR FOOD. English People Turning Feathered Pest to Some Account. In certain country places, especially especially near towns, a new source of ping of the ear were demonstrated, the position of the car at any point during the journey was indicated by an electrical signal, and an almost absolute absence of vibration was obtained. The train travels through space without visible means of support, either, above or below. At a wiz- PORT OF TAMPICO, MEXICO BUILT UP THE MEXICAN INDUSTRY. OIL food is being exploited. At one I ar< j touch it is away like a flash, stockyard after another you may devouring distance at the terrific see village laborers stretching fold- e ,p e€< j 0 f five miles a minute, defy nets for sparrows, and the birds - ng laws of gravity. M. Bache are being caught simply for food. ket's system is made possible by the They keep down the butcher's bill, discovery that the effect of a mag- The number of sparrows is now ne ^ c co n on certain metals is to immense, probably greater than it r€ p e i instead of attract. One of ever has been. The regular winter ^ese me ,tals is aluminum, and the population of one small stockyard 0 £ m agnetic electricity on icar London is estimated by the a ,i um i. num i s a great factor in work- :: armer at over 2,000. These 2,000 |- nrr a i r train. As soon as the Guadalajara is Considered by Many the Beauty Spot of the Republic. The most remarkable Cough and Cold remedy known to science. For all lung and throat trouble it has no equal. 2oc and oOc per bottle, at all drug stores. Jury's drug store special agents. GRAND TRUNK system" Victoria Holiday Fares the ask Between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. SINGLE FARE-- good going and returning May 25. x fare and one-third -- Good going May 23-24-25. Return limit, May 26. I) (Minimum fare 25c) Tickets, sold at reduced fares from Bowmanville to Toronto, Montreal -or intermediate stations on Main Line or from above station to North Parkdale or Sunnyside will not be valid for passage on Trains Nos. I and 14. Tickets now on sale at Grand Trunk ticket offices. Age Bars You From Opportunity Good places go to Young-looking Men Adventures TÀÏ an Elephant. Some years ago there was a wild beast show in a country place in England, and in the show was a big lady elephant. One morning, while her friends--two _ sleepy-headed camels--were still in the land of nod,- the elephant -thought she would go for a walk round town. She was not going to permission either! So she broke her rope with which she was tied to the shed in which she slept at night, and carefully stepping over the two men who looked looked after her, and who were hard and fast asleep, she started out on her early morning walk. No one was about in the town, as it was too early, and the first thing the elephant saw was a baker's shop. As she felt hungry--the early morning air does give one a good appetite--the elephant decided to have a little breakfast to begin with. So she went up to the door of the baker's shop and pressed against it with all her might, and squeezed herself through the doorway, doorway, and had a look round the baker's baker's shop. She soon found any number of The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jus t-ns-good " are, but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience - against Experiment. What is CASTOR!A Caetoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, aU Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE cASTORIA always 1 Bears the Signature of Its up to you to be one. Grey hair is the biggest -handicap--but its the one you can most easily escape. Hay's Hair Health restores grey hair to its natural color and vigor. It is not a dye, it is a tonic easy and safe to use, stimulating and nourishing the scalp .and hair-roots, imparting new life and vigor and giving that healthy natural look which is so essential to a youthful appearance. It removes dandruff. Your money will be refunded if it fails after a fair trial. $iVt, 50c, 25c. Get it at our store. Sold and recommended by Jury & Lovell, ^druggists, Bowmanville, Ont. nice things to eat, and began her breakfast at once. And what do you think she had Î Win- she ate twenty pounds of currants, ^ thirteen thirteen pots of raspberry jam,'fourteen jam,'fourteen pounds of almonds, and seven pounds of lemon peel ! After this feed the elephant went into the. yard close by, and she was dancing round and making a great noise when the two keepers came and marched her back to the show. I should think that the elephant would have quite a droll story to tell her friends, the two sleepy camels. ►> -- . Bristol From Bristol Montreal--Quefoec- From Montreal and Quebec . Steamer Tues. June 2 Royal George Tues, June 16 Royal Edward Tues. June 30 Royal George îues. July 14 Royal Edward Tues. July 28 Royal George __ full particulars and tickets from __ M. À? JAMES Bo WBianville, Agent Wed June 17 Wed July 1 Wed July 16 Wed July 29 Wed Aug. 12 Mexicans Long-Lived. Mexicans, if they escape^ the ill- chances of war and revolution, are a long-lived race. Humboldt wrote : "It is by no means uncommon to see natives, and especially women, reach the age of 100 years of age," and his statement has been corroborated corroborated by more recent travellers. The president of an American life assurance company told the author of "Mexico To-day" that he had met and conversed with a Mexican woman in her 134th year, and that her age was attested by church régis régis te r.--Iondon Chronicle. , 'c"X~ A 5* CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY Right. " "Now, my little boys," asked a school teacher, "can any of you name a liquid that doesn't freeze V There was a moment's silence, and then a voice answered "Please, teacher, hot water." Tampico, the great centre of the Mexican oil industry, is on the Pa-nuco River, seven miles from the ocean, and in late years has become become one of the principal ports of the republic. The population is 23,- 000. Jetties built at the mouth of the Panuco enable ocean steamers to discharge at the wharves, thus abolishing lighterage charges and facilitating the careful handling of the goods. Seven regular lines of steamers ply between Tampico anc New York, Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston, Texas City,. Havana, European ports, Progreso, and the southern seaboard cities of the Mexican Gulf. The Customs House and fisca. wharf were constructed at a cost o $3,000,000. The Customs House is 1,000 feet long by 105 feet wide, of pressed brick, with cut stone trimmings, trimmings, and stands on piles, of which six thousand were used under a foundation of cement concrete. The fiscal wharf, 2,580 feet long, is constructed constructed of steel cylinders filled with cement concrete, sunk thirty feet' below the river bed, driven full of piling sixty feet in length, the space above the piling being filled with cement concrete. The superstructure superstructure is of steel, covered with a cement floor. Five Ocean-Going Steamers can lie alongside the wharf at the same time, loading and unloading from shipside to cars. Practically all the import and export export tonnage for more than half of Mexico, geographically, passes through the port of Tampico. Tampico Tampico has a good system of waterworks, waterworks, sewerage, paving, electric lights, and street cars. Nowhere else on the Atlantic coast of America has there been wrought, within the last few years, so marvellous a change as at Tampico. Tampico. No one can appreciate the improvements there so thoroughly as those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on the great waters. The fisheries at Tampico are remarkably remarkably fine and present admirable admirable opportunities for the establishment establishment of canning factories to supply the home market, which depends on Europe and the United States. As the fish are abundant, this industry could be carried on during the entire entire yearT* The best sport fishing on t-he Gull is found here. Tarpon, red-napper, jewfish, jackfish, sea bass, pompano, sawfish, and shark all abound. The best season is from November 1 to May 1, when the fisherman is certain certain of catching as many of The Tarpon or "Silver King" as bis strength and skill will allow ; not like the partially fished : out bays and estuaries of Florida- and Texas, where patience to book the fish, and not the ability to land him, is the principal requisite of the successful mouths lie fills largely with his grain. The sparrows have completely completely driven away almost all other varieties of bird except : a few finches. The sparrow is said by the trappers trappers to make an excellent stew, or pie, or isoup. It is a clean feeder, subsisting all the year, except for a month in the-spring, on grain, and it takes from the farmer an enormous enormous toll. Considering the enor- e lee trie influence is set in motion the coils, instead of attracting, can push it away, with the result that it is immediately raised and held suspended in the air clear of the track, the only connection between the car and the ^track being the brushes used for contact purposes. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years The cheapness of Mother Graves Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any mous population of sparrows, it is f not surprising that this source of | druggist's, food is being tapped. * ---- I WHERE "OBEY" ORIGINATED. Deafness Cannot Be Cured THE C W M- OMPANY. NEW YO*»K CITY. 1 important food, and not -upon its birth rate, was a matter which statesmen would have to recognize. Up to Thirteenth Century No Word by local applications, as they cannot I of Unequal Vows, reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, The researches instituted by the and that is by constitutional remedies, bishop of Oxford into the word Deafness is caused by an inflamed _con- J the marriage service arc dition of the mucous lining of the Exist- i now " nearly complete the bishop of Lincoln achain Tube. When this tube is . flamed you hay# a rumbling sound or tie to re , , imperfect hearing, aud when it is entire- brought up the question of the d ly closed, Deafness is the result, and tion of "obey in Canterbury conunless conunless the inflammation can be taken I vocation, the bishop of Oxford ask- out and this tube.restored to its normal e( j j) r p e rcy Dearmer, vicar of St condition, hearing will be destroyed 1 ' - - " " * ' " Mary's, Primrose Hill, to investies investies noint. said We~wTn give One Hundred Dollars j Doctor Dearmer to a ^epresenta- ior any case of Deafness [caused by tive of the London Daily Mail, catarrh] that cannot be cured by Hall's the only historic church which has Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free, unequal vows in its marriage ser- -T7, t /yttfivttitt o_ /~ir\ I mi 'yiKott' io rmifvfS fix- Prince Chose Old Title. In choosing to travel .as Earl of Chester, the Prince of Wales has taken the eldest of the titles which are always held by the Heir Apparent. Apparent. It is interesting to note that in this he is not following the example example of King Edward, who, when Prince of Wales, preferred to make his private journeys under the title of Baron "Renfrew, probable because it was less known than the Earldom of Chester. Not Necessary in Her Case. "That Mrs. Gilderson doesn't seem to have any diplomacy^at all- "She doesn't need any. band is rich." Her hus- He had a molar crowned and then To sleep he lay him down ; Alas 1 he found uneasy lies The head that wears a crown. A year ago he couldn't eat For the Neighbors' Benefit. Mrs. Subbubs--John, hadn't you and F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio'. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Pills for constipation. vice. The word 'obey'. is quite exceptional exceptional in Christian liturgies. As far as I have discovered, up to the thirteenth century there was no example example of unequal vows. _ The man said what the woman said. In tim An Oil For All Men.--The sailor. the soldier, the fisherman, the lumber- , , man, the out door laborer and all who middle ages they began to ap are exposed to injury and the elements ar j n cer tain north German ser will find in Dr. Thomas'Electric a true | ^ ice books a . n< l i n certain English better get the lawnmower out fixed up 1 v Subbubs (grouchily)--What s the matter ! Afraid someone'll be over to borrow it before it's ready 1 1 1 . * « and faithful friend. To ease pain re- +h do not appear in the lieve colds. àathoHc book nor in those His Rating. "Didn't you tell me the other evening that Owens is rated Al m Dun'-s 1" . j "Heavens, no ! What- I said was that he is rated N. G. by duns. ; Today he can eat three square meals and sometimes one "extra" because Chamberlain s Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. You try them. 25c. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. 3 ChaWrUia Medicine Ce., Tereete CHAMBERLAIN'S APt/^ BEST I baeo and overcome rxiouiiim-itsiAi, ±u uaa i , g - Therefore it should have,a of the eastern, the Greek and th Most of us have to struggle along nbhout the things we really want. placedn^all home medicines and those I Russian creeds taken on a journey * Dog Needed Punishment. "Yes," said Brown, "I have "Before the Reformation there were & number of books in use in England ; the principal ones • - e "x7* _ 1 Cl ** ■%.-, -% o n/t a wonderful dog. Only this morning, when I came down to breakfast, were those of York, Sarum and Hereford. Hereford. The only one which contained contained the principle of - unequal vows that of Sarum, yet the reform- ImSivilv * 1 i * 4 4 ◄ after a sleepless night, and forgot.| was " wa , n tcd to" do away with to give him his went oufc'Tnto 3 the 8 gard-en^,"^pulled j medieval abuses, adopted that very up a bunch of flowers and laid them one^ ^ ^ Mstory <<jbey . at my feet. ^ enquire<j ; s known I do not think it has any chance of standing. And What were his friend. "For-get-me-nots r " answered Brown as he hurriedly left the room. EMPIRE BIRTH RATE. No man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure. Decline in British Domains Been Steady Since 1876. Has Increase Your Dairy Profits herd Fame and Otherwise. "Every time I see grandfather s swerd I want to go to war." Some remarkable figures were produced recently in London by C. V. Drysdale in the course of an address before the Royal Colonial Institute ndu "The Empire and the birth rate." Mr. Drysdale said "But every time I notice grand- j that the registrar-generaYs jcp-orts father's wooden leg, I cool down.' 5 by giving your dairy the most comfortable quarters that can be built. Be your own dairy inspector and insure the absolute purity of your dairy products by building your stable and spring housc , material that insures sanitary conditions, an w » at the same time, is economical. There's nothing so gloriously uncertain uncertain as a sure thing. VICTORIA DAY Round Fare and One-Third for the Trip Good going May 23rd, 24th and 25th. Return limit Tuesday, May 26th. Single Fare for the Round Trip HAPPY Thehappinessof motherhood is too often checked because the mother's strength is not equal to her cares, -while her unselfish devotion neglects her own health. - it is a duty of husband or friend to see that she gets the. pure medicinal nourish- octh ' nnlv ment in Scott's Emulsion, which is not Good going Monday^ May 25th, only. q or st i mu i ant but Valid to return the same day. -Between alt stations on the Canadian Northern Ontario, Central Ontario, and Bay of Quinte Railways. For tickets and all information apply to D. Harrison, Town Agent; W. G. Giffler, Station Agent. a drug or stimulant but nature's cqp- centrated oil-food tonic to enrich and enliven enliven the blood, strengthen the nerves and aid the appetite. Physicians everywhere prescribe - Scott's Emulsion for overworked, overworked, nervous, tired, women ; it btiilds up and holds up their strength. -- Get Scott's'at yoiiir nearést drug store fisherman. Guides, tackle, boats Domestic Pleasantry. Mrs. Knicker--The road to a man's heart is through his stomach. Knicker--And a lot pf you seem to think it should be laid with bricks. showed there had been a. rapid and steady decline in the birth rate since 1876, the chief factor of which the voluntary reduction of the Build with Concrete was fertility rate. The decline has been largely a class one affecting first, the richer and more cultured classes, classes, and rapidly extending through the various grades of the middle classes until it had now reached the etc., can all be procured, as more people are coming every year to take advantage of the fine fishing. Immediately tributary to Tampico is the beautiful and fertile Huasteca region. This region has hardly be- gu.Ti to show wh&tt it can do. -N^yt withstanding its. great, natural ad- vantages, only a small fraction of it has been brought under cultivation. cultivation. A few scattered villages, here and there a ranch, an occasional coffee patch, a few orange and lemon lemon groves and small plots of corn, bçans, tobacco and .fibre, arid a little sugar-cane may be seen there, but' they merely ' show the possibilities possibilities of this region. . Guadalajara is the second city in Driven ■ Nearly Insane I C-"** Large numbers and national effi- Bv the ToPtUPes of Sciatica. | c i e , n cy were not to be secured by a high birth rate, especially m the Such has been the experience of many lower strata of society. a noor sufferer from this affliction. The rates invariably meant h gh g scmtic nerves, when inflamed are ; cap- an d infantile death rates, an , I, Is ,ht most economical fJ'Z btulding, lot it requi-no^re^rs, ^ ^ ckan never needs pamt^^g t k e herWiwm and comfortable and satutary^^r "'to' 7- increase" both the .quantity and in winter, quality of the milk. Whether you build a stable, silo, spring house or other farm building, concrete is the cheapest material to use. " What the Farmer Can Do with Concrete " is the title of a beautifully illustrated free book that tells all about conctete^farm building, and how to build them to save money. 0 SCiatlO lierveD, XU e ~ tf | Ü/114A , v a,TV bie of giving the most excruciating tor- w hen accompanied by humanitarian . i. :«.oivi'na tTh.ulra tn O. I . - ■ . . , • _ nrwiABo OI rC" thre possible to imagine. Thanks to a I leK i s ,i a tion, a serious process discovery by Dr. Stohr. an Austrian verse< j election. The explan specialist, relief t hat apparent paradox lay jn the ot J (arf, never turned fx, be pro- world and Kephaldol is heartüy endorsed perly understood, that the^pop by the medical profession because Scia- I'Hon of the world and of nearly ail tica, Lumbago, Rheumatism or Neural- coun tries was constantly being, kept i±.\ Farmers' Information Bureau Canada Cement Company Limited 528 Herald Building Montreal ;ni gia yield to a few doses and no safer or more reliable prescription has been found. If you find it difficult to obtain locally, the manufacturers will send a large tube on receipt of 50c.. Kephaldol Limited, SlLatour St. Montreal. in check by insufficiency of food. That the rate of increase of population population of a country depended m almost almost every ease upon its power of feeding the people by its own or j • - r-." \

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