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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1914, p. 4

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r> '*-.- ' J ; ',.V-'™-" *r' =•:•• - , • • .- . -- ; ' .1 -, ;. ' .--••••• ' .;\ ' v .^ -- : ^-;.V- - ' • - '" Êil§l 1 ÉÜS ; ' - § 1 J- Ï.tlÿEBï?£-S5W^:-Hïf " : " , ' --.. ^ ; - ■ •• - - :.' "" ■ - u "' . - ^ ^ ^ Do You Need a Tonic ? Take Nyal's Spring Tonic three times a day. It's a good old fashioned tonic-- purely vegetable. The body needs renovating renovating each Spring like a house. Nyal's Spring Tonip banishes that tired, lazy feeling. Price $1.00 for a large bottle. There's a Nyal Remedy for every ailment, and we are Bowmanville representatives for the well known Nyal Family Remedies. Buy an Ansco Camera You will want a camera when you go on your vacation. Get an ■ Ansco" Camera ■ now and learn ^ how to operate it. Best photogiaphers- recommend the Ansco Cameras--Ansco Films Cyko Paper. We are sole agents in Bowmanville for these well known camera-supplies. Printing and developing done promptly ano satisfactorily by a professional photographer. Best in Toilet Articles It has become a habit with many people when they want something extra good.in Toilet Articles--Talcums, Soaps, Face Creams, Perfumes, etc.,--they come to our store as they know we carry the largest and best lines in town. Next time you require anything anything in Toilet Articles bring your order to us and it will be filled satisfactorily. Driiggists R. M. MITCHELL & CO. Bowmanville, Phone 92a, Night calls 92b Optïcîâns f LIBERAL CONVENTION A convention of West Durham Liberals and supporters of the Liberal administration administration of Ontario will be held in the OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVHXE on Tuesday, June 2, 1914* to begin at 2pm sharp, for the purpose of selecting a candidate to contest West Durham-in the Liberal interest at the forthcoming election for the Ontario Legislature. At the close of the business of nomination nomination a public meeting will be held to be addressed by prominent Liberal speakers. All electors and friends of good Government Government are cordially invited to be present. present. God Save the King. Frank Allin, W. R. Allin, President. Secretary. 21-2 Hampton, May 18, 1914. Who's Your Grocer ? We're Bidding for Your Trade HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here? Call and let us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -- choice groceries, fresh fruits, appetizing cooked and smoked meats, high grade teas, pure confectionery, all leading brands of breakfast foods, and best canned goods on market. Your order will be filled promptly and satisfactorily satisfactorily if left with Club HARRY ALLIN 0pp0 t e wm 0 a 0 nv y me r Central for Independent Phone. BelLPhone 186 X f Best varieties for "en silage and silo purposes. Very choice quality. Also good feed corn for poultry or stock for sale at Hampton Mill. Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON. mmm 'HE beautiful new suburban residential section of Toronto, Toronto, magnificently planned by a landscape artist, ?- .<> 400 feet above the lake level, with a dry, bracing, healthy atmosphere. It is well restricted, the lots are deep and wide, and, owing to its unique situation, Leaside will be Toronto's finest suburban residential district. It --Closer in than High Park --Nearer than the Woodbine --About as far as Upper Canada College We own and offer the original and choicest selection of property property in this district at prices that are absolutely lower than any other property the same distance from the City Hall. The terms are easy, and can be arranged to suit you Writ* V to-day tor planm and oomploto Information oall and wo will motor you out to thm proporty or E & fiv , t Eastern Terminals of Canada, Limited Phone Main 1098. 39 Adelaide St. East, Toronto v BOWMANVILLE. MAY. 28, ABOUT LIGHTNING RODS. DURHAM EGG CIRCLE. This section of Durham County has had many fires from barns and other buildings being struck by lightning, and so it is timely that a Bulletin in advocating the use of lightning rods on buildings has been issued by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Prof. W. H. Day, of Ontario Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, is the author and he demonstrates, after a senes of investigations covering thirteen years, that lightning road are the protection that science claims them to be. In Ontario in 1912 the efficiency of rods was 94% per cent, From the reports of insurance companies Prof. Day found that in every 200 farm buildings insured, 4 2 were rodded, which is 21 per cent, but out of every 200 farm buildings struck by lightning only 3 were rodded. In this connection Prof. Day observes "We should have expected 42 if the rods were ho good." Lightning rods in Iowa are recorded as showing an efficiency of 98.7 P er cent, and inspected rods in Michigan show.an efficiency efficiency 99.9 per cent. Records in Iowa show that for the eight years 1905-1912 the average number of insurance companies companies carrying risks on rodded buildings was 55. The highest number of companies reporting reporting in any one year was 68 and the lowest 46. The total lightning claims paid by all these companies for the whole eight years on rodded buildings was only $4464.30--an average of $10.15 per company company per year. On unrodded buildings paid lightning claims amounting to the large sum of $341,065.32, which is an average of $775-15 Per company per year, and the number of unrodded buildings was the same as the rodded ones. In Michigan where a company insures only rodded buildings which have been inspected a risk of $55,172,075 was carried during four years and damage claims arising arising from lightning during that time total-» led only $32. These and other proofs submitted by Prof. Day are practical demonstrations of the scientific fact that lightning rods properly properly Installed are a protection. In giving directions for the proper rodding of buildings the reader is reminded that lightning is electricity. Rods should be in metallic connection with the building and that no insulators should be used. This method of attachment is directly opposite opposite to that adopted when lightning rods were first used. Under the direction of Mr. R. S._Duncan, S._Duncan, Representative Dept, of Agriculture, a fresh egg organization has been formed in Darlington Township known as the Durham Egg Circle with these officers : President--K. Squair; Sec'y.-Treas.--Ed. Hoar; Directors--M. Wight, R. Bragg, W. Downey, F. Battle, Chas. Carruthers; Managers--Snowden ScPainton, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The object of such an association is to market eggs of the best possible quality, and sell the eggs delivered by the members at the highest possible prices. To do this each member of the circle agrees to gather eggs twice a day and eggs must be clean, of good size and not more than one week old when marketed. The managers call on the members at least once a week, check over the eggs and dispose of them in the best market where highest prices are obtained. Farmers Farmers wishing to share in the benefits of the Circle should get information at once from any of the above officers. THE WEST END HOUSE Now is a Busy Time Getting the Summer Cottages Opened Up 8 1 8 WEDDING G OODFELLOW-- W ILKINS A pretty wedding took place May 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins of 24 Elm Avenue, Rosedale, when their daughter, daughter, Olive, was united in marriage with Mr. Graydon Goodfellow, of Whitby. The bride was given away by her father, and was gowned in white charmeuse satin trimmed with shadow lace and pearls. The bridesmaid was Miss Elsie Ashall, who wore pale pink silk Bedford cord, draped over shadow lace. Two little nieces of the bride, Misses Jessie and Mildred Mildred Wilkins, were charming flower girls. Mr. Bruce V, McCrimmon was best man. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. T. T. Shields of Jarvis-st. Baptist Church. During the signing of the register Mrs. T. Russell Wilkins of Woodstock, sang "Oh Fair, oh Sweet, oh Holy". On their return return the young couple will reside at Whitby. Mr. Goodfellow's newspaper confreres offer heartiest congratulations to him and his bride. I OBITUARY THE MOTORCYCLE. The motorcycle is a portable gasoline engine with-a stuttering form of speech and the disposition of a coyote. It is used to carry people from one point to another at the rate of one mile every fifteen seconds seconds and incidentally to discourage pedestrians pedestrians from crossing the street without having to duck under a dray. M otorcycles are so constructed _ that they never kill anybody except the innocent innocent bystander. Nobody ever heard of a motorcycle blowing up and kicking a speed maniac into the future state. The motorcycle always picks out somebody who is in perfect health and shuffles him into the great beyond before he has time to straighten out an overcharge at the butcher shop. On this account, motorcycle motorcycle victims should be regulated by law* and nobody should be allowed to be killed killed by one unless his life insurance will wipe out his outstanding debts. Motorcycle riders always wear green goggles so that they cannot see anybody who gets in the way. This gives them a comfortable sense of security and enables enables them to run down people who ought to be on the sidewalk or up a -tree without being annoyed by their conscience. As the owner of a motorcycle aims to ride with his head down, he never knows when he passes ,over a lady victim unless he punctures his rear tire on her hatpin. The motorcycle has a deep-toned exhaust exhaust which warns pedestrians that the most successful form of sudden death ever invented is about to perform in their midst. Many a pedestrian has heard this exhaust coming down the road two miles away and tried to get across the street in two frenzied jumps, only to be overtaken in the second leap and scattered in four directions from -his last transfer. It is more dangerous to attempt to pass in front of an intoxicated motorcycle than it is to mount a trolly car backward. Some motorcyclists slow up on passing through a crowd, but they make up for it by burning large holes in suburban pavements. pavements. -- Samuel Snowden, Maple Grove Another of the old landmarks of Darlington Darlington has gone to his reward in the person person of Mr. Samuel Snowden who passed peacefully away on May 14th. He was born in Pyworthy, Devonshire. England, in 1835. He learned the blacksmith trade when a boy. He married Miss Sarah Grace Bellett in 1857 and came to Canada two days later, taking nine weeks to cross' the ocean. He went to Jiampton and worked at his trade for some time until he had the misfortune to lose three fingers off his hand. He then went farming, haying haying bought a farm north of Maple Grove. After a few years he bought another, the Thomas homestead, and with the help of his large family he cleared this, and then he retired on the Wm. McClellan homestead homestead near there. A little later he moved out on the Kingston Road near his son Samuel, but wishing to go back to his old homestead to end his days was allowed to do so. He leaves a devoted wife, one daughter, Mrs. John Sanders, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, and six sons, Thomas, John, Samuel, Richard, William, and Charles to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. The funeral was held at the residence of his son William on Saturday, 16th inst., and was largely attended by friends and neighbors. The pall bearers were his six sons, the service being conducted by his pastor, Rev. S. F. Dixon, Couriice, assisted assisted by Rev. H. B. Kenny. Bowmanville, both at house and grave. The floral offerings offerings were beautiful including, a. pillow from his family with "Father" in immortelles, immortelles, a wreath from his grandchildren, and many others. He was a staunch Liberal Liberal in politics, and an upright and honest citizen, and a good neighbor, ever ready to help a needy friend or cause. The following interesting information has been handed us regarding the late Samuel Snowden and the late Edward Trenouth who died at Hampton May 6th. These two young men lived in the same village in Devonshire, England, and married married young women living under the same roof in another village. The two couples sailed in the same boat for Canada in 1857. Their ages were 20, 21, 22 and 23 years. DARLINGTON FOOTBALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE. June 1--Tyrone at Solina June 4--Enniskillen at Bowmanville June 6--Solina at Tyrone June 9--Tyrone at Enniskillen June II---Bowmanville at Solina June 15--Enniskillen at Solina June 16--Tyrone at Bowmanville June 18--Bowmanville at Enniskillen June --Enniskillen at Tyrone. We have prepared for this time and have a beautiful and well assorted stock of all kinds of Curtains, Scrims, Muslins, Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Matting, Oilcloth and Linoleum, suitable for any room in the cottage. See our special Verandah Matting and Mats See our newly arrived stock of Embroidered Scrim, Cushion Tops, Table Covers, Sideboard Sideboard Scarfs, Mats, etc. They are beautifully beautifully worked and most durable. Come and have a glance at our Ladies' and Misses' Summer Dresses and you will be satisfied that we have the prettiest assortment assortment and best values in the district. Wash Goods -This is a line that we have paid special attention to and have gone to a great deal of-trouble to secure the best values as well as the best patterns in our range of seersuckers, seersuckers, Crepes, Ratines, Voiles and Prints. Men's Department All ready for the Summer and the holidays. All you have to do is to call and pick out what you- want, "We have it." Suits, Pants, Vests • Underwear, Sox, Tie% Shirts, Collars, Braces, Belts and the nicest assortment ever carried in Hats, Straws and Panamas. Boots and Shoes for all occasions. ? 2 % ç i Here are a few lines we offer Special for Friday & Saturday] Ladies' Parasols Lots of manufacturers' samples in all the newest patterns and colors, reg up to $2.50, have your choice Friday and Saturday at 65c each. Children's Parasols If mother has one the little girls must have one, too. See our special for Friday and Saturday at 35c each. Mattings The new kolorfast matting, 36 in wide, -reversible pattern, colors green and blue, Friday and Saturday 39c pair. Cocoa matting, green fast color, !-£ yds wide, Friday and Saturday 95c yd. / Pillow Slips White cotton pillow slips, size 33x40, fine quality, Friday and Saturday 33c pair. Laundry Bags This is one thing you do require, made of brown linen and embroidered in colors, special Friday and Saturday 23c each. Also a line of finer quality and more elaborately embroidered, special Friday and Saturday 40c each. Sheets Bleached cotton sheets, hemmed ready for use, good weight and quality, size 70x90, Friday anti Saturday $1.90 pair. Tabling Cotton Hose Black cotton hose, nice light weight, sizes to 10, fast color, special Friday and Saturday 2 pairs for 25c. NOW FOR THE COTTAGE Curtains 15 pairs cream scrim curtains, 2-£ yds long, hemmed and inset with open lace, Friday and Saturday $1.95 pair. Unbleached linen tabling, 56 in wide, great value, Friday and Saturday 25c yd. 1 piece fine unbleached linen tabling, 58 in wide, 60c quality, Friday and Saturday 48c yd. Bleached tabling, good quality, 54 in wide, Friday and Saturday 25c yd. 2 pieces Turkish towelling, special 8c yd. Table napkins, good size and quality> nice variety of patterns, Friday and Saturday Saturday 10c each* 10 doz better quality, special at 14c each. tR, Store closed Wednesdays at 12.30 o'clock, during June, July and August McMurtry & Co- Ltd. The Big Departmental Store Phôné 83 Bowmanville STRIKES AND OFFSIDES. Goodyears play at Newcastle Saturday Don't miss seeing the Orono--High School baseball game Saturday. The Bugle Band of 46th Regiment escorted escorted the teams to the ball park Saturday. Saturday. Football games next week are: June I-- Tyrone at Solina; June 4--Enniskillen at Bowmanville. In the roughest game of the season Solina tied Enniskillen 2-2 in a Darlington Football League game Victoria Day on the latter's field. High School boys sprung a big surprise on the Goodyear veterans Saturday by doubling the score on them. The students play mighty good ball and the team that beats them will have to go some. Orono is noted for its good baseball players. They make their first appearance appearance in the Town League this Saturday at 3 p.m. when they meet the fast High School team at Agricultural Park. This promises to be the best game yet. Admission Admission 15c. I enclose $1.00 for STATESMAN. We have had a fine winter but the spring is somewhat cold. We are always pleased to read the good news about the old town and glad she is going ahead. We wish it all success.--Neil MACDONALD, Ponoka, Alta. Notice to Students GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM 1,000 Miles Farther CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mason, Liberty-st., wish to express their thanks for the sympathy sympathy and kindness shown them during the illness and death of„iheir son Willie. Counties Council meets at Cobourg June 1st. H. A VanDusen, editor, of Tara, will be Conservative candidate for the Legislature Legislature in North Bruce. castor 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of U6< UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Sailings from Sarnia Wharf Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William, commencing June 8th. STEAMSHIP SPECIAL Effective June 8th, Westbound Will' leave Toronto 11.15 a.m. on sailing dates, making connection at Sarnia Wharf for Sault Ste. Mane, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Parlor-Cafe, Parlor Cars and first-class coaches to Sarnia Wharf. A special train will run the reverse way --leaving Sarnia Wharf 7-45 a.m. arriving Toronto 1:10 p.m., commencing June 9th, and each Tuesday, Friday and Sunday thereafter. Full particulars arid reservations from Grand Trunk Agents, or write C. E. HORNING, D.P.A., Toronto. 2A Act immediately if your tire is cut, snagged or worn. A little Goodyear Quick - Repair Gum, a Tire Plaster or Protection Patch may mean the difference between between an utterly ruined tire and six months' longer service. Better carry some of these with you. They're worth their weight in gold if you're stalled in the country, miles from a garage or repair station. If the foundation of your house were sagging you'd strengthen it instanter. Think of your tires in the same way. They're the foundation of your car. Don't wait for that cut or mud boil to spread. Fill it now with Goodyear Quick-Repair Gum. Lace on a Protection Protection Patch. It's a good way to make old tires do their full duty--to get sometimes 1,000 miles or more out of a tire you'd otherwise discard In a week. We're here to make tires last longer, as well as to sell new ones. Come in and ask us how. It's part of our service. No charge for advice or suggestions. (1438) W. H. DUSTAN, Quality Hardware Bowmanville The management of Shaw's Business Schools, Toronto, begs to advise all Senior Senior Public School and all High School students that it is prepared to mail a copy of its curriculum to any one who' desires to qualify in a short period of t> or 8 months for a good salaried position. Address--Shaw's Schools, Toronto, Ont. Head Office, Yonge & Gerrard Sts. Extra Special Cash Sale of Meat for this Saturday only For CASH sale this Saturday only we are making a special reduction in Beef, Pork and Mutton. No credit given at these prices. v- J. H. Mutton The Horsejy Block Bowmanville M TV"

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