v^Vü" b ... .j* I / Âs>â- v5^-. £^5 r- ; ^L< ;-:^!? < rv:- ÿ - - llllItSiS ®«aüt9»ws - gras >"'• ||p|jgp§g||Pg^ siSfiSi Stt'ÿ 3s« $S^ti@g5regi lillllll ' * ' ■ • .' .; . .. ' ._ >.^1 ' ' , A flessage For All Those of Us Who Have Only a "Little Power" X ssa '• "I know thy works . • • that thou • hadsfc a little power, and didst keep hay wQrd, and: didst not deny ') 1 PERRIN'S "Fancy Thin 99 DAIRY CREAM SODAS are somewhat different from the usual soda biscuit--Smaller and daintier--perhaps you'll like them better. If you don't you'll find the regular "Dairy Creams" to be the very best soda biscuits you have ever tasted. Packed and sealed at the bakery In- packages that preserve their freshness---and sell at 5c, 10c, and 25c. "Kvery package guaranteed guaranteed ' '. my mime."--Revelation iii., 18. What could be more touching than this word of God to "the church in Philadelphia" ? Here was a little group of Christians gathered gathered together in onè of the greatest, greatest, richest and most hostile of the cities of Asia Minor. In this community, community, as in others of which we have completer knowledge, the persons persons who comprised the church were few in number, humble in station, station, poor in this world's goods, devoid of influence among their fellows, fellows, many of them undoubtedly slaves, outcasts and obscure freed- meh. They, had "little power" indeed indeed ! And yet the Spirit of God was able to bear glad witness to the fact that these people had kept denied We will, send you the " Perrin's Sample Package" of some of our delicious fancy T,ook' for the biscuits, for lOc in coin or ferriu Tnde stamps, and your grocer s ii Trade Mark on every package. name S. PERRIN & COMPANY LIMITED CANADA D. LONDON Quit Dosing Your Children with strong Cathartics-- Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective in regulating regulating stomach troubles and constipation constipation for the little folk--one tablet going to bed means a sunny face in the morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 25c. a bottle. Druggists and dealers or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto "my word" and had not denied "my na'm£." Pove^t^ slander, re- vilement, persecution, imprisonment, imprisonment, eyen death itself, had not been able to turn them aside from the path in which they had set their feet. Their "power" was "little" enough, but such as it was, it was all God's and his Christ's forever. If I Only Had Millions. Now here is a message for all those o:f us--and we are the great majority--who have only a "little power," of either fortune or ability, ability, to do the things which we would like to do. If I only had millions of dollars, what institutions would I build for the uplift of mankind. If I had only been born to some position-- position-- of great distinction, what would I not do for the restoration of the ignorant, the unfortunate and the oppressed ! If I only had the natural gifts of a Webster or a Gladstone, to what great works of political reform and social redemption redemption would I not stir the multitudes multitudes ! So do we argue with ourselves, ourselves, and discovering that we have no wealth nor influence nor abandon all hope and eventually all desire observing hu manity. Like the man with the one talent in the parable, who was dis- r couraged because he h*4 _ pot. nve talents, or even two, we hide jvvay the "little" that we have and become become content to live an absolutely unproductive and unserviceable Not so, howeVe£j_if . we would really keep the wbrd of God, and not deny His holy name 1 Our of position and personality personality may be as little as you please. We may have as near to nothing wherewith to serve the world as the Christians in ancient Philadelphia. Still must we g ive the little that we have as faithfully faithfully and courageously as though we had everything., that fortune and ability could offer. No Life Is So Poor and Mean but what it can do something for the larger and deeper interests ol humanity, and whav_it cap. do^ must do ! What we have, however small, is essential to • the whole. What we do/'however trifling, proffers proffers a service which otherwise goes undone. What we give however little, meets a want which can be met, perhaps, in no other way. Wordsworth is right when he says "To a Child," service There is nothirçgslow or roundabout in the way FossatBalm gets after a cold in the head, nasal catarrh or irritation in the nasal passages. The action of its^antiseptic, healing ingredients is made moire-certain and effective by thé handy way of applying it. The collapsible. tube containing the Fossal Balm ends,in a little nozzle about half an inchlbng, which fits into the nostrils and applies the ointment well up in the passages. „ Here it works almost like magic, killing the disease germs, checking the inflammation, relieving that burning irritation, clean ngthë passages for easy breathing, andrestoring normal, healthy conditions. Use Fossal Balm at the first sign of a cold in the head--it will not only save you from all the miserable discomfort of it, but in doing so will protect you from the more serious diseases which follow neglected colds. Get a 50c. tube from your Druggist, or if he cannot supply you, we will mail a tube prepaid on receipt of the 50c. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 3 half an inch wider than it is wanted, wanted, a basting line can mark the desired desired edge, and the cellar can be finished with a machine made picot edge at some trimming shop at slight expense. If a regulation hem is desired allow allow an eighth of an inch. Then cut a bias strip of the material and seam it around the edge, turning it under in a facing. A hem cannot readily be turned on the collar because, because, of the curving, bias edges. Sometimes it is even better to cut a regulation facing the shape of the edge of the collar, than to use a bias strip. Not since ruchings appeared to make a woman's neck comfortable and attractive has such an innovation innovation as the collar of the spring come to us. It is hoped that it will find a long and lasting welcome for it is surely a dainty and becoming fashion. The Proprietoyor Rtfeei Medicine Act POINTED PARAGRAPHS. AVegetabkPteparalitmlbrAs similating Ihe Food and Régula 1 l ing lhe Stomachs and Bowes of CASTBMA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the CHAMBERLAIN'S . TABLETS . POINTED PARAGRAPHS. true "Small service is while it lasts, Of humblest friends, bright creature creature ! scorn not one ; The daisy, by the shadow that CaStS ' the 7 lingering dewdrop it Protects from the sun. with men, y ? one. mand was not very heavy, representing representing only a small portion of the total" deposits. The banks-, of course, do not loan money for the purchase- of land, but the opinion is general that no farmer who enjoyed a good reputation and- could give reasonable security had any difficulty difficulty in securing money needed to finance his farm operations, which was the 'chief purpose for which loans were sought. The rate of interest interest charged varied from 5%. per cent. on. long-time loans to 7 per cent, on short time loans, with occasionally rates of 8 per cent, and 10 per cent, in some of the newer districts. These figures were collected collected ah the time when the money stringency was at its height and -money generally was scarce, s«o that they would not represent normal conditions. In every instance it appeared appeared that the farmers were able However it may be Hence HfeproStiTto the* faithful I to "secure financial accminnodation Philadelphia, which, with I on the The path of By-and-By leads to Nowhere. A little learning is all right when properly a4<Feci to. Some people are not on speaking terms with their duty. The best way to learn how to waste money is to get it easy. Every time a wise man makes a mistake he learns something. Anyway, the bald-headed man realizes that he comes out on top. Serenity comes after a man is completely saturated with indifference. indifference. There are angels and angels and a man usually marries the other kind. But a girl is never happy until she falls in love and then she miserable. A thing of be-auty may remain a joy forever--if the other fellow marries marries her. We know some railway bridges that seem to be dependent on Providence -and a coat of paint. * : Imams - Children r 18 Promotes DigestionJChterfd- ncss and Rest.Containsreitor Opiuni.MorpMnc ror Mineral Not Narcotic. of Hecÿe a/Ofdlk-JSS^uaJilVBER Dawpkto Sttd~ jUx.Staaa + BxhtieSdts- iSHr* Aperfcct Remedy îorDwsJtpa- lion. SourSlomach.Duinhoea/ Worm8.Convulsions.Rvam- nesa and LOSS OF SLEEP».. Facsimile Sisnature of TWz Centaur Company. MONTREAL&.NEWY0RK Thirty Years ! t , J'Atb inoidhL old - ^ jjB os ï V - 35' CjKpftS Exact Copy of Wrapper. JTAU N COM l»A P NEW YO * K CITY. geniu-s, we church in _ a "little power" did - will make men to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that 1 have loved thee.'"--Bev. John Haynes Holmes. same terms and ba-sis as much :--"I I those engaged in other occupations. "These facts would indicate that the financial conditions of the Province Province are sound, and that the outlook outlook is healthful." Deafness Cannot Be Cured HON. J. S. DUFF'S REPORT. Cats and candidates love to roost on the fence. Silence is golden, yet some people people won't shut up ! The more the big fellows want the less we little chaps seem to get,. The morning after is an occasion many a man would be glad to dis- remember. A woman's new hat brings more satisfaction to her milliner than to her own husband. A man doesn't- worry because he isn't clever, provided he knows that he's good looking. - Wretched from Asthma. Strength Df body and vigor of mind are inevitably impaired by the visitations of asthma. Who can live under the cloud of recurring recurring attacks an keep body and mind at their full efficiency ? Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy dissipates the cloud by removing the cause It does relieve. It does restore the sufferer to normal bodily bodily trim and mental happiness. Deceitful Appearances. Minister (calling on inmate _ prison)--Remember, Mr. Kenney, tha/t stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage. Kenny--Well, they've got hypnotized, then ; that s all. What He Says in Regard to Financial Financial Conditions in Ontario. "In regard' to rural finance, a letter was addressed to the District Representatives, of whom we have now thirty-seven located in thirty- seven different centres in the Province, Province, asking them to secure what information they could on this subject-, subject-, especially with reference to the following points : "1. The percentage*of farms mortgaged- mortgaged- and- per cent, of mortgage on value of {stems, and whether increasing increasing or decreasing. • "2. The extent of deposits by farmers in savings banks, "3. The extent of the- damand on the part of farmers- for loans. "4. Rate of interest paid both on long and short time loans. "5. Whether the loans are on the purchasing of land only or for financing farm operations "In gathering this information they conferred with bankers, busi- ness men, lawyers, registry office officials and prominent farmers- As is well known, men of thid type are usually in close touch with the con- ditions of their communities, hot. by reason of their position and by reason of the fact that they have Î lived a long time m the district. Th of i information which has thus been se ' cured should, therefore, be reason- county the bankers estimated that the deposits had increased from 20 per cent, to 30 per cent, m the last few years. In another county it was estimated that 70 per cent to 90 per cent, of the money deposited in local banks was deposited by the farmers. Another county estimated that 75 per cent, of the farmers had savings running from 000 each. Fashion Hints ntin-Aig i^in As to the total amount of Sheer Mïüflfft Collars. One of the -moist delightful notes j -fo nf farmers' money, only a I in spring fashions-isftJie new collar depute of.fa,mens K ^ nn = t be very ddhnitely defined general, Acaôhot 'be dlaimed CO y ' 1 1 for the spring. It bega" itself late in the winter. r.Teen^hreeTnd'fo"r"'Ston dot I for" the" spring. It began to show tara of farmers- money was depoti- ^ is the flar- ted m the local bran fr0 m ing collar of 'fine muslin that takes I^Vfiv? m^rToilar ulr up^n itself a deen, even a hun- these circumstances it would seem r , e |f ' i .™ S e i 0 p e< j i n the Medici -afe to estimate the total amount M When it has long, pointed for ends that almost brush the cheeks it is called -the Gladstone. Some- by local applications, as - they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to curé deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condition condition of the mucous lining of the Eust- acliain Tube. W 7 hen this tube is inflamed inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed inflamed condition of the mucous surface^ We will give One Hundred Dollars fvL- any case of Deafness [caused by catarrhl that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Chin. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Pills for constipation Comparative Values. A German peasant had just lost his faithful cow. His wife became so grieved over the loss tha't her heart was broken, and she. too, died. Scarcely was she buried when one of the neighbors came and offered his daughter, another his sister, and a third his niece, for a wife, whereupon the farmer remarked : . _ . ., . "Well, I can easily see that it is better to lose a wife than a cow in this town. As soon as my wife dead a choice of half a dozen is offered ' me, but when my l-S wives Invited Questions. At the close of his talk before a Sunday School the bishop invited questions. A tiny boy. with white, eager face, at once held up his hand. "Please, sir," said he, "why was Adam never a baby 1 The "bishop coughed in doubt as to what answer to give, but a little girl, the eldest of several brothers and' sisters, came promptly to his aid. "Please, sir." she answered smartly, "there was nobody to nuss him." ' died, cow single one •they 5 ; didn't offer me a Money is a man's greatest trouble trouble if he hasn't any. It's all right to, pray for the things von want, but it is advisable to do a little hustling for the things you must have. Not Driven. "Was he driven to drink 1" "I never saw him show any luctance about it." re- No man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Hollo-, way's Corn Cure. " deposits in rural Ontario | shape. While this safe to estimât- farmers' --^ -. , ,, at one hundred million dollars the entire Province may appear to be a very large figure, figure, it should be remembered that the aggregate farm wealth of Ontario, Ontario, including, land, buildings, implements implements and live stock, 1® placed at $1,405,950,940 by the Bureau ot Industries Report, and that a very large amount is required as a work times it is called the Brittany collar, collar, because it is suggestive qf the Brittany peasants. And dozens of designers give it dozens of names. But its name is unessential. I he essential point about it is that it is dainty and almost invariably becoming. becoming. It must be made of some white fabric, the sheerer the bet- ■c mg capital in conducting the Ja-rm I ^^nd it must be stiffened usual- a pi ant which rep-re-1 . ■ ■» 1J ~ operations on a piano, with starch, so that it holds the sents such a large investment. 1 • g itg ma k ers planned for it. average o. | t ^ n organdy collars are, in a measure, the most striking of & would only mean an about $600 per farm, but of cours - at the same time it is- reco ghized 9] , our m '•V'Nte' J.-y Ket;, a 0 » 1 1 < • if 1» 0 91 \C\ Cb LUL/Ctoui v- } ^ ^ w . • j the new ones. But they are decicl- me that all the surplus money ot ■ e< ji v 'fragile. They can be " launder- , . .. , 1 , farmers is not deposited m . . tne e d back into shape without trouble, ably reliable. question banks, although unquestionably a they mU st be laundered often. p erâ?m W n g to mo Js eUted the considerable proportion of ,t ». " -- - -- -- Lot that abou.t_45 per cent. I.* 6 I ^ ol | wear. They add the to «ch of daintr n w n w S* O There are no barriers of distance--our buyers scour the markets of the world for suitable merchandise for the Scroggie Catalogue-and from the four corners of the globe --from all nations comes the choicest of their products. a-re mort- An Oil For All Men.--The sailor, the soldier, the fisherman, the ^ m ber- mau, the out-door laborer and all who are exposed to injury and the elements will find in Dr. Thomas' Electric a true and faithful friend. To ease pain, relieve relieve colds, dress wounds, subdue lumbago lumbago and overcome rheumatism, it nas v j n ce no equal. Therefore it should have a place iu all home medicines aud those taken on a journey. farms of the Province craned to some extent, and that oik,- fhfrd would baa fair estimate-of uhe amount which the- ™°rtgage represents represents to -the total value- of the pro perty This means that mortgages against farm property in the Pro- i vince represent onto about 15 pei cent, of the total value of farm pro- hich must be taken as a Moreover opinion apeared to be that the de- 1 ne-ss necessary to every one of ^ the The Repartee. "A penny for your thoughts. "Spendthrift ! I was thinking of you." marble Cold hearts. cash often melts Remarkable Performance. 'S in perty, w. very encouraging sign. , side-r-a-ble percentage of these held by a con mortgages are farmers. Opinions were also unanimous that any article intended to relieve the sufferings of humanity is not lightly won. There must be continued proof of value. But for three generations, and , 1-1.. rJ^rPAiSimg. DUT, ior UlICC gcutio.wvuk,, --- rS a f: e îv county reported throughout the world, endur BY ONE. TIME ÇRIPfLE James Bailey of Ilford, Essex, was almost crippled with Rheumatism for three y eats but the other day he succeeded succeeded in running a mile in just under six minutes. He attributes bis present good health to Kephaldol. This prescription was •discovered by Dr. Stohr of Vienna and used by him with great success for ailments ailments affecting the nerves- - One. great advantage about Kephaldol is the fact that it is absolutely harmless, having no bad effects even though the heart be weak. For the relief and-cure of then-; mafic pains it has no equal. If you find difficulty in obtain ng this prescription, write direct to the manufacturers -en- closing 50c for a large tube; Kephaldol Limited, 31 Latour Sb ; , Moiitreal. Practically every county that payments were being kept vp very promptly and a large numbe of mortga,ges were bel1 'A each year. In. many cases it was pointed out that mortgages while they are frequently taken as & b%ro- oi^ter of prosperity, are not altogether altogether an unhealthy sign, as many fre placed, in order te secure ^ to extend the land_holdings, erect- fame and mg and growing favor have been accorded BEECHAM'S £ in under-d ramage, . , improvements which were lathena- ture of investment. In a unfortunately, j* was^ported that mortgages -had been placed on farms a.. +o i-sose money tor epecu-la- 21 in order to raise nion^ - . >1 fcion in western real estate, and tha there are too many indications that a great deal of money of Ontario ^ been u «d for th» Pur jKD&e and,has not brought the returns returns anticipated. - - t "In the matter of deposits of farmer® there was also a-unamnwty of opinion that these had - • ii* i 2--; Jïi 'OÏ16 materially râii .j^eéentrycar®.- because they have proved to be the bèst corrective arid preventive of disordered conditions conditions of stomach, liver, kidneys kidneys and hbwels. The first dose gives quick relief andper- manent improvement follows tiieir systematic use. A trial will show why, in all homes, the us^ of Beecham s Pills spring frocks and they hold their shape longer than 'do the sheerer ones. No Longer Seems Odd. It seemed odd, at first, to s . ee linen and organdy used in combination combination with the finest laces. A blouse made of cobwebby lace mounted over chiffon ought logically, it seemed, to have a collar of-tulle or lace. Behold it with a «tiff collar of linen. . Now that we are used to this combination, it no longer- seems odd. And it muet he admitted that it - is quite attractive. The best thing about these collars collars is that they preside a method of freshehing up heairy ot dark frocks. They are qffcçn mftde with cuffs to match and a set of organdy or linen collars and cuffs add tremendously tremendously to a frock of serge or gabardine or taffeta in a dark color. Another good thing about . the new collars is that they are not difficult to make at home. A new model, when it is first shown in the shops, costs eeyeral dollars. Soon it is duplicated in çheapej a n/T n:nv woman With deft This vast collection of the world's best merchandise can be placed before you, to serve you at your leisure-there is no long drive to to wn-no crowding-no jostling-no purchases hastily and unsatisfactorily unsatisfactorily made. Through a Scroggie Catalogue your purchasing is quietly and comfortably done, with the aid and advice of every member member of your family, and the goods delivered to you the quickest possible possible way, by parcel post if the shipment weighs under eleven pounds. . V The Scroggie Midsummer Sale Catalogue brings you all these comforts and luxuries-at savings of 20 to 50% from our regular low prices. 20 to -50% Savings won- It is a sale Catalogue--it tells only of bargains--of savings a derful tale of economy in just the things you need for summer. WUVAUJ -- J --~ v I Things to wear-pretty-stunning tittle summer dr^ses^mejeal Sold •wmrywKere. bn lkezM, 28 «mK. 1W larMct Mb e€- weWct to nW Vwfcw. wonders in vAists 39c up to $2.98-the most fascinating of lingerie- some charming millinery conceits that will delight the he * rt 0 | ^g woman, &A prices seem increditably low-Pans has outdone herself in the new--novel--fashionable neck fixings and dress accessories. maxes. And any woman wren xtefb fingets can buy one for a pattern and duplicate duplicate it from a strip of organdy or linen. 5ÿmr Seems to Jk© Lacking. Sometimes the Horn Bothers the amateur. In the model collars ttie hem seems to be strangely locking, In this bodk there is everything for milady fashionaMe--for dress oc- casions-- for street or house wear--for working--things tor mnnond woman--boy and girl--nt prices lower than you have ever dreamed of for iwcli qiudlties-- x ' Seed for ym <*py ei thto Çatalpgiie to-day-dtep un a poet ari. mail it to-day and cut your summer exp«ses ia two. Catalog will be me! led Us* in June in many cases. : ", ., The edge of the collar can be cut ! î::;;;;!;:;;';;:;;-: . ; ;;; ^ s.;!!*,!-: k;:,! ~ : - v - 4 4 m ► V.âV T s-s Vf •' 'm ' 'lî-»-,'