Pure Invention innfumnnnnjumnn. Up in the back aifctick of Mrs. Patch ett's lodging-house there dwelt a quiet, inoffensive old gentleman, gentleman, of whom all his fellow- lodgers held the same, opinion^ though each of them' expressed it differently. Mrs. Laycott and her daughters, for instance, speaking with the refinement refinement naturally expected from residents on the first floor, plaintively plaintively protested to each other that Mr. Simeon Day le was eccentric and peculiar. A little lower in the social scale, though a little higher in residence, Mr. Jelks, on the second floor, was wont merely to tap his head in- roguish pantomime at sight of Mr. Davie. ' And sportive, slangy Mr. Benderly, up another flight of stairs, never hesitated to couple the old man with the phrase barmy barmy on the crumpet." And yet there was nothing markedly markedly peculiar about old Simeon Day le, save that he had battled unsuccessfully unsuccessfully against life for many, many years, and still had faith m himself. By profession he was an inventor, and, by confession, an unsuccessful one, and that was mainly, why the t boarding-house doubted his sanity. They thought him mad because, at his age-, he would not give up trying. trying. . , In all the house there was only one person who never ridiculed him, and that person was Irene, the shabby - little maid-of-all-work. There was a curious friendship between the little servant and the old man, dating probably from the day when Simeon Dayle, meeting Irene in the street, had raised his hat to her, • leaving her to stare, breathless and pink with gratification, gratification, after his retreating form for several long seconds. Irene did all she could to make his life more bearable under Mrs Datchett's hostile roof. She would talk to him, and puzzle her head over his complicated designs and makeshift models. But all . the time she was of unspoken opinion- that he had a tile off--that he was, indeed, as Mr. Benderly and the rest of them said he was. Old Simeon Dayle, on the other hand, was inexpressibly gratefut for her friendship and interest, and found encouragement in the thought . that here, at any rate, was someone mg to who believed in him. "Ah, my turn will come : he would tell her. , "Course it will !" cheerfully af firmed Irene. "Bound to, sooner or later. There's nothing to stop it. " And, secretly, she would defiantly defiantly add to herself : "I dont mind if it is a lie I m telling. I bucks him up more than the truth. would !" - . , Thus went on old Simeon Dayle s life for week after week, his aged soul a battleground of hope against disappointment, of enthusiasm a train st rebuffs. , Some days he would labor hard a .H the morning, and. triumphantly wavlav the work-begrimed Irene to announce to her that success was in his grasp at last. On other.black da vs he would brokenly admit the possibility of his failure, and then would rally his spirits, affecting a, vast confidence in his ideas. • • At intervals of every few days he would sally forth with a parcel of drawings or one of his patch-work models, and then she would inevitably inevitably contrive to be in the passage to mutter "Good luck !" to him as he went bravely out, and to murmur murmur ' 'Better luck next tune ! to bim when he returned. Atr last came a day. of disaster, when all ideas had fled from him, leaving him inert and dejected. F urther, Irene had' that morning tearfully brought him a packet left by the postman. To. the postman it was a mere small parcel for delivery, delivery, but to Simeon. Dayle it signified signified a crumbling of high hopes, for it was the return of an invention with which he -had hoped to unlock the door to fortune. As if that were not enough, another another trouble came in the person of Mrs. Datchet*. "I'm sorry,' Mr. Dayle," she said, "but I find I can't afford to let you stop on any longer at the old rate. The cost of food has gone up bo much. I shall have to charge you a shilling a week more in future.. "A shilling a week!" he exclaimed, exclaimed, aghast. "I--I Of course, I'd be sorry to lose - ' • --- 1 : " she you ; but business is business, remarked. "If you was more of a business man yourself, I dare say you'd understand me better . "A shilling a week more!" muttered muttered Dayle, shaking his grey head blankly. , , ,. Mrs. Datohett glanced dispara g ingly around the little room. "I dare say it comes a bit.hard on vou," she observed. "But it's your own fault, ain't it? If only you d give up all this--this time wasting-- and take just a small job. some- PRICES CF turn h\ BEFOBTS '.-v TES j SEAS 1 ?® TRADE CEBIT BBS X3TP AMTSKICA. . Breadstuff)!* . Toronto/:. July 7.-^--Manitoba Wheat- Lake ports. No." 1 'Northern, 93c; No. i, 918c. - . : - - Manitoba oats--Bay-; ports, No. 2 c. W., 43c; No. 3 C.W., 42ic. . Ontario wheat--Outside, ,96c to $1. Ontario oats---40 - to" 41c, outside and 43c . to 44c, orf' tfStsIc, Toronto. . . _ " American corn--Fresh shelled, No. A yellow, on track, Port Gblhorne, 741 c - Peas--No. 2, 98c to $1..03„ car lots,, outside, ' nominal. Rye--No. 2, 63 to 64c, outside. Barley--Good malting barley, outside, 67 to 69c., nominal. , Rolled oats--Per bag of 90 pounds, $2.'26; in smaller lots, $2.371; per barrel, barrel, $5, wholesale, Windsor ,to Montreal. Buckwheat--No. 2, 88c to 90c, in car lots /outside, nominal. , . „ Millfeed--Manitoba bran, $23; shorts, $26 ; Ontario bran, $23; middlings. $ 23 to $27; good fèed fidür, $30'to $32. " Manitoba flour--First patents, $5. ou in jute, bags; strong bakers', $4.80 in jute bags; in cottbn bags ten cents more per barrel Ontario flour--Winter wheat flour, per cent, patents, is offered at $3.70 to $3.75, seaboard, in bulk, $3.70 to $3.7o, Toronto. -, Cornmeal--Yellow, 98 lb. sacks, $2.<$o. Wi H Cant. Kendall ot Wrecked Empress of Ireland and Uis Wile. P Photographed at the Inquiry. Country Produce. Wholesalers are - now selling to the trade at the following, prices:-- Eggs--Strictly .new laids in cartons, 24 to 26c; extra firsts, 23 to 25c; ordinary ordinary firsts, 20 to 21c. . Cheese--New, large, 141 to 14*c, twins, 141 to 143c; old, large, 16$c, twins, 17c. . Butter--Creamery prints, fresh rnaae, 23 to 26c; farmers' separator prints, a» to 20c; dairy prints, 17 to 19c, bakers, 15 tO 161C. h c . XX T> Beans--Primes, bushel, $2.15, r., $2.30 to $2.25. , Honey--Buckwheat, 7c a tins, 61c in barrels; strained clover honey, 10c to 101c a pound in 60 lb. tins, 11c in 10 lb. tins; 111c in 6 lb. tins, comb honey. No. 1. $2.65 per dozen, ex tra, $2 to $2.26 per dozen; No. 2, P ei d °Poultry--Fowl, dressed, heavy. 15 to MENA'S,vCiiibhKEN Promotes Drgestwn£tectf$ nessand RestLoatfefieifotf QpixâivMorphÿtè nôr Not* Narcotic. j^ofoutesàmürom Y Pumpkin Seed" JlxSautat JbxhtlcMts- Jœt$tcA + îièrm Seed' irouivry --x'uwi, ui cootu, « f: 4-^ 1 0/>r 16c; light, 13 to 14c;Jive L fatJO to 12c| me for he had been disappointed 'often before when all seemed so Even to Irene he had merely (Aina V «-VAX j w -- e - . m ÇV-.-. yp ill Y Oil LAJ -- 1 w where, it 'ud make it easier for I matters, and, though she you." . ,, , had professed gratification, he fan- "Per-haps you're right, he said, h e had detected a note of doubt listlessly. ,, , , • j I in her tones. » -"You think it over, she advised railway com him. "But there's one thing very But now the g ^ ^ ^ - n certain--if you can't afford to pa ,^ an< f less than an hour ago an extra shilling a week, can v ■ gne d a portentous agree- h^ho!?? Me r r that the E^rythin^as sur. Httl sekant came into the room : He would g<i and hve " sSSSBKBa-a her chterhd greeting of "'ere we| fcants; he would anything 'ud come of all your work. But I didn't mean to let on to you what I thought. You see, you and me was such pals, in a way. But now she's going to collar my wages fnr weeks. I don't know what s to y y for weeks be done, and " said the old man, and chickens, dressed, milkffed, -- _ t ordinary. 18 to 19c; live Àess- 14c; broilers, 20 to 22c; turkeys, dçess ed, 19 to 30c; alive, 15 to 16c Onions--Egyptians, 112 lbs, $7. Potatoes--Ontarios, $1.40 to $1.50 per bag out of store; New Brunswicks, $1.50 to $160 out of _store; new pota. Àperfect Remedy torConsW| lion. SwrSlom=ch D r mnho&,' ; Worms.Cdnvul8ion9.F^ensh v j ness and LOSS OF " îr.alureof À- ; i Thirty Years toes, bbl., $5.25 to $5.76^ Maple 'syrup--Pure, Imperial gallon $1 to $1.10; wine gallon, 76c to 86c. are again He'stopped abruptly in his mus- "I'm going |i n gs, alarmed by a crashing and ' tinkling of glass and metal down- "Irene," he stated, outi"^exclanned the incre- | ^rd tim voice Irene dulous Irene "I am," raised in tearful protest, and the hV -said turning slowly TO ice of Mrs. Datchett in passion- to her'and ^courageously trying to Lte reproof He went down a thght smile. "I'm going to SjeuP i^ok ° 'Tdon^clre !" the infuriated intr to invent, and I'm going to look I 4°n t<xr out for useful work. Irene looked sharply at him. _ Mrs. Datchett was saying. •'Accident •'Accident or no accident, you- broke it, 1 j do ! triumphantly waved a slip «f pink paper before her. Look at that. And that's only to go on with. There'll be heaps more to come. < 'You--you' re never going to tell me," cried Irene, in helpless amazement, "that you ve ehckedî "Yes* and I'll be able to work out- my other ideas properly now. I'm going to live in the country and you' re coming with me ! A ou re going to look after the housekeep- 1D " Can^I^^cau" myself the lady ousekeeper V' Irene asked eagerly. "If you like!" replied Simeon Dayle, "but you'll be known to most people as my adopted daughter daughter !"--London Answers. Provisions. Wholesalers are selling to the trade on the following price basis: Smoked and dry salted meats *,. : Smoked 141 to 16c; hams, medium, is to 181c;' heavy, 17 to 18c; b I® a ^L ast tQ ng" con. 18 to 19c; long clear bacon, tons. 14c; cases 1 141c; backs, plain, 20c; ape- 50S A. v f UttV/lKO, ' n o 9 A zV cial, 22 to 23c; boneless backs, 23 to 4*^ Green meats--Out of pickle, lc less than smoked. _ Lard--Tierces, 12lc to 123c. Baled Hay. Local merchants are buying on track Toronto, at the following prices.-Baled hay," choice, No. 1 $14_to $ 1 i^°L No. 2, HaTbq' to $'i3j No : j. $io to jii; "The old woman's-been a-going I an d you shall pay for it out of your on ( c at vou 7" she demanded. hSitt^r "Ind-and I ? m going | wages till it's paid for and how totakeher^ri^Wtwa^l^ok^n^up^sni^t ISO OU vu r ° . » Q c fi No. 3, $8 to $9; baled straw, $8 to $8-.50. •Winnipeg Grain. Northern, 5c, _ • ,ni c; extra No. be kind to father. X don *b know . recommended ab le to pay that extra *ilhnç a week for him now, and e ceitamly shan't stop 'ere if 'e don t pay it to give m, but^-- ;) "Then don't : Irene stoutly. "You keep plugging awav at your little wheels and things. It'll all glad I 'old Mr/ Dayle went slowly up- My boy, he kind to "father, For he's been kind to you ; He sought to lead you sa-fely Your life'-s brief pathway through. He's cared for you and loved you; He's tried to save you pam, And given kindly counsel, I hope not all in vain. Flax- *N'W.C.,'$1.37i; Nc>7 2 C.W., $1-341; No. 3 C.W., $1-221. rejected, 4 71c ; feed, 4 7c^ 'isself ! 'Ow you could.'ave- day, and then you u "No : I'm His you ? tue^ to Jt.^ it; „ said. I face 'was grave and y stairs and back into his room. His e T..Q c orra.ve and yet wonderfully 0 "You see, Mrs. Datohett is com- | tender ; it had the look^of ^ extra shil-1 who has suddenly glimpsed the inbell inbell pelled don't want to l n er beauty of life. ling a week._ -Ana l t I presently he rang the bell tor 1111 er 3.' WWK. ' 11 leave here. I don't supposai cou^, firet'antl last time he the little, smudgy maid-of-all-work 50 th7t shinîngkl n i-- I can't afford it, I ever so I must earn a little extra; and| a . step.^ c&me ^ him re d-rim ventured to take so dictatorial I iicne came to him with red-rim- He faltered to a full stop.. Irene | m ed eyes and a pitiful Utile sob m He wants to see you happy, He wants you to be true- ; His hope and pride -are centred, Believe it, boy, in you. J How much of joy and comfort/ Is in your power to giv\J /This faithful, loving father, If rightfully you live. Ualteff States Markets. liSÆpgl Northern 83 to 855c G0_no. 3 whit e. Duluth, July "ÿiuj- No. 2 Nor-. 881c; No SSi. 85ÎC td 851c; July, 861c. Cash and July, $1.573 ULD NOT STAND ON FEET j saw his eyes wavçr toward his be- he ( r t ^ es ',, he id » it seems that 'oved kernes, and then suddenly I Jrene^^ ^ in thls Live Stock Markets. ! m $8.15; common °ows. 0 g to 56^0, St cowsf *«.50 " St/choice hulls. $1 to VCalves--Good veal, $3.25 to J10.50; common, $4. <_5 5/^--steers, 700 to J 11 1 Ail vv ▼ _ r. Stocker^and "stocker s, $6 become bright with toar-s j y house." He pointed an accusing -Ere, ÿu leave this to me, ^ hous. « ub t hat ex .= t 0 lt r h ed M,s. I Datoheti for you. La shilling a week Mrs. Baker So Weak--Could Not Do Her Work--Found Relief In Novel Way. chit with Mrs. yateheti lot S[-^ ae there. You've I'll see if I can't persuade er Ive beer. i ^ s rsel£> an d teUing ^VndTtorVhe^uld detain her, | me Zt Mrs. Datohett had let me she had gone tumultuously down Be manly, true, and honest, In everything that s done, And show him that his counsel Is treasured by his son. -Be" kind when old age sprinkles Its snowflakes in his hair, And make his last days happy With loving words -- 900 lb9., $7 t0 Hjgl--$S.50 fed-and watered. $S.75 off cars, and $ 8 _ATjl:T ewes. $6; 'sherp'^dTambs-Llght ewes. heavy/ $3.60 to $4/60rbucks v ^3^50 to 3. du w .1$ L tu bv $4.50; spring Jambs, t # ^ t * Q $ s.50. Adrian, Mich. -- "I suffered terribly with female weakness and backache ana got so weak that 1 could hardly do my ^Minute after minute he her return, scarce y daring to hope '< X work. Wh en 1 I washed my dishes I Cll had to sit down and when I would sweep the floor I would get bo weak that I would have to get a dnnk every few minutes, and before I did my dusting I would have to lie down. I g°t bo poorly that my folks thought I waa going into consumption. One day X found a piece of paper blowing around, the yard and I picked it up and read it. It said ' Saved from the Grave and told what Lydia E. PinkhanVa Vegetable Vegetable Compound has done for women, l showed it to my husband and »? said, ' Why don't you try it? ' So I did, and after I had taken two bottles I felt better and I said to my husband, I don t need any moré/ and he said You had better take it a little longer anyway. Sol took it for three months and. got s. E. Adrian, l£ich. to^WOEÿ. h thé toà|edj herd? wage for her success. The ideals and am bitious of he- 1 * rebec ted vaguely that it was fortunate fortunate she had always believed m bi "It's all right/ said Irene skip- eventually. ping back into the room "She's a-going to let you stay on at the old rate-for a few weeks, an „ wav And then we 11 have to hive another look, round and see W ^lnotVr 6 trweeks!" he ex- claimH jubilantly. "Why, I may have had my turn of luck by then^ I may be a successful man m a tew weeks !" v> "Of course you may • agreed. "Very likely, I 6 off it " > i She promised me she d never tell you!" she stammered "I--I was so sorry for you and 1 wanted to do what I could to elp. I didn't see why you should eve mow, and now . "You thought one of my inventions inventions would prove successful l ne suggested. she gulped . a d thep, out of her despair, told the truth °. U I mean, no. I-I never thought A LAPSUS LINGUAE. (The Canadian Courier). m the pound; yearHh^^ 1 ™^- a -- $ 5 0 to Milch cows $80 Montreal Markets. Tnlv 7 --Corn--American Montreal, July <• Qats --Canadian No. 2 yellow, 78 to 79c. ua ^ Nq 3 , western. No- a 4 r iey--Man. feed, 55 to 43i to_,433c LM B n g y ring wh t patents, Exact Copy of Wrapper the g entau h COMF-ANV. N EW VO « K CITY. ASSASSINATION OF RULERS. The Number Who Have Been Killed . In Recent Years. Following is a list of rulers and Ministers assassinated since 1865; Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, April 14, 1865 : The Earl of Mayo, Governor- General of India, February 8, 1872. Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Turkey, June 4, 1876. _ ' . Alexander II., Czar of Russia, March 13,1881. , James A. Garfield, President of the" United States, July 2 1881. Marie Francois Sadi-Carnot, President of France June -4-/894 Nazr-ed-Din, Shah of May 1, 1896 Von Plehve, Russian Minister of the Interior, July 28, 1904 / Carlos, King of Portugal, Feb. 1, 1908. _ rv + or Prince Ito, of Japan, Oct. 26, 1909. . , -er- Yi Wan Yung, Premier of Korea, Dec. 21, 1909. Ramon Caceres, President Santo Domingo, Nov. 19, 1911 • Peter Stolypin, Premier of Rus sia, Sept. 14, 1911. _ „ Jose Canalejas, Prime Minister of Spain, Nov. 12, 1912. Francis I. Madero, President of Mexico, Feb. 23, 1918. Jose Pino Suarez, Vice-President of Mexico, Feb. 23, 1913. George I., King of Greece, March 18,1913. -j Mahmoud Shevket Pasha, Grand "v A '. _-- 0 , Premier Manmoua j. --* - Stanislaus S tomb on loff Heme r o£ Turkey> June 11, 1913. Urrirrn.TJifc .Tnlv 23. 1895. I -p ranz Ferdinand, Crown Prince Linseed of Bulgaria, July 23, Canovas del Castillo, Prime Mm ister of Spain, August 8, 18 . Juan Idiarte Borda, President of Uruguay, August >25, 1897. Jose Maria R&jna, qs dent of Guatemala Feb. 18 1898 Empress Elizabeth of Austria, of Austria, June 28, 1914. What Mother Missed. S Hlmlirti King of My, July 29, 19 Willi am McKinley, President of toe United States, Sept. 6, 19UL ,,:"A Khm of Servia, and Alexander, King Queen Draga, June ii, ^* f GoveTnor-General Bobukofl, Finland, June 16, 1904 Little Kollo had been reprov for his table manners by papa and mamma. He trained his baby stave on mamma to ask : "When you was a little girl didn't /ever u.p your jelly roll m coffee! "No, my dear, acerbity. with a tinge Y'ot to try it-. Gee, it's great!" 66c. Flour--Man. 10"strong bak- ; _s6Cond3,_$5.10. strong ^ firsts, $5 ; 60, patents,' c h°ice ers', $4.90; wiiilvi h----• ^4.70 to to *5.251 = t a r |' Eh $ t 2.16 0l t l o $2.20._RoUed A prominent newspaperman _ r - - 1 -j-'"" He is a Toronto tells a good story huge man-both ways When he was in England he went to Clovelly, in Devon, where, at the bottom of a 111 i xrmi mav catch a $4.75; do., oae». tt/."" do ""bags. 90 lbs. oats. b a^rels. $2 $4.5o, ho do. Middlings 28. 'Mouillie $28 to $32 Hay ton, car lots $14.25 to ^ e ast- ehe hould in L/CVG1I, yr -- -- I 1 steep declivity you may catch crlimpse of the sea. g Thl newspaperman who leans towards towards fatness, tolled down to the bottom of the rocks and got the Law Then he looked at the steep Zd wtoh 4 had to climb to get hack A native of the place cam along, and the newspaperman com- *Sd to the old villager that ÊZe should be «me motor or trac- per ton, urn oa l^c* do., east- --Finest W6stern| ic 12l ' 3u " er '--chotcest creamery. 245 to 241=; 000^ J2i to 1JV ?^ S N0 Fr i S s h t==k. 2*0? Ni. 2 stock. 20 to 2 21c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1.10 to $1-40. rf'LJTÇ T tttTER FROM MR. GEO. W. BURT* Wayne County, M» shows how well satisMthe WnWlt crete roads, in Wayne County. PERIL in PROJECTILES' WIND ' Mr ' Road Commissioners, Wayne County, Detroit, Mich. Men Fatally Injured by Change in Atmospheric Pressures. Curious confirmation of the belief Our concrete roads are far ahead of that men can be killed and wound- pectations onhemajority bus hels we used to ed by the wind of passing projectiles of produce, we now market twice as much m one was given in a paper by Prcif.^ Lau day, and can go to the city anytime we want to good B he went out of the door, say 1 But as Sh l tight, a, month, another £or tnight dragged old Sim- fluy D Sale S that Mr^Datohett look- ea at him-iueeri^when he r patd ht e VVh 1 t e Star bçoM iKiiQN Line Montreal & Quebec tion car running up the ^cliffs )n car uihu-o -jr , ,, Said the villager : When the A1 mighty put those cliffs there He didn't expect people to bo w lazy font of Brussels,'read recently be- ' the French Academy of up 'and ^ tors B w ththeir oil and fore :ie M Scien Laurent declared that several cases had come under his notice want a "Y "" do * n V want any rocks yle came home radiant. ?ihg wages. Whetiier shouidîemèmfer thaï ®re is'orm and true remedy for theills to which all in one fined anti true remeoy iw "**""*" u* Tvdia E. women are prone, and th^t Pinkham's Vegetable pompoa^d.^^t that e Ly< , Ma Sim SML- Ho held his head 1> châ^fig d thei . e was an in h- Via LIVERPOOL To GREAT B5TTAIN end CONTINENT -Palatial Steaàirs^lxceîlent Semes ■ ««fANAli^" - July 11 me"- July 18 ,'ONIC" - July 25 AND EVERY SATURDAY . FOLLOWING Rates to Lireipool from $M.50 lrtClw» railway with their petrol and smell. In fill sir, we don't want any ver- ! nacular traffic of any kind . during the Balkan wars-of soldiers who "showed symptoms of cer ébrouai ébrouai disturbance, though they had P wound of any kind. The syrup s' no toms were fainting, » tingling sen- Alcorn hom^^ons will last twice as long. . u,,;Mino- Hoping you will keep ng . on ' . b ac k these roads, and that the county will stand bac of this movement, I remain, Yours truly, * . (Sgd.) Geo. XV • Burt Bedford,: Wayne County, Mich. 44 voic^. edible had happened, and The 'TaTtometo him^azzlihg, Only four shôrtdays at sea. M. A. JAMES, Agent, 30WMANVIEEE * Was Afraid of Water. Peter the Great loathed the sight of water. He could scarcely be persuaded to cross a bridge^ and^if compelled to. do .so would sit in his carriage with „ ^ w , 3 ' bathed in perspiration. Fear ol toe River Mosera, which flower through his palace gardens, ..prevented him ever seeing their beauty. Nation and even partial paralysis. In the more serious cases the vre- tims became cataleptic. Sometimes death resuU^d. , în the latte? eases autopsies weie performed which failed to show any nervous lesions. It then appeared to Prof. Laurent that the violations violations of air produced by the passage of a bullet and the sudden atmosr- pheric pressure affected the nerve cells and caused the phenomena of inhibition produced by cannon balls. Since the speed of modern Concrete Roads are the best, cheapest £° S *^rr'wfSre^e^^Uries^nl 1 im- Best, because they P crmi ^ b g ^ heapcst because they arc permanent prove conditions generally. P , . , permits road taxes to be prove conmuons A ' : * w hich permits roaa taxes w ^ and requfre practically no^ repa^^, Most satisfactory, because they lower cost of marketing and year, " C «^ctiA,mer,proms. cost ot uvmg auu O.C.V-- ...- - - roads will be sent, Good Roads literature tell.ng all about free, to everyone interested. Write to Pinkham s V egevauie ■ ■■ - easy. Co., Lynn, ' VirBlianh and certain success, work I b H e had said nothing to anybody in the toufo Of what wad develop Question. ribhs I toiHfdtTno one can fool my » Then how did you get her 1 projectiles has beenjnereased.^nd S have become more important to warfâre, Prof, Laurent looks for a larger number of cases of the kind indicated during conflict. Concrete Roads Department Canada Cement Company Limited 804 Herald Building, Montreal