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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1914, p. 5

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HUMS- X > A Tremendous Stock of Brushes at Jury & Lovell's T HE LARGEST Shipment of Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cloth Brushes, etc. ever brought to this county is now on the way direct from the factory to our stores. We must make room for them. This is your opportunity. All Brushes Regular Price CC CC C C cc cc cc CC cc cc cc Cl cc c c cc cc cc cc 10c, Special Price 15c, 25c, 50c, 75 c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00,. 2.50, 3.00, <6 CC CC cc c c cc cc cc cc cc 7c. 9 c. 17c. 33 c. 48c. 68c. 87c. 98c. 1.37. 1.70. 1.95. Special lots at less than Wholesale Prices $1.60 worth for 78c. Hair Brush $1.00 Tooth Brush 25 Tooth Powder ... .25 Comb 10 $1.60 All for 78c. $3.00 worth for $1.45 Hair Brush $1.25 Tooth Brush .35 Tooth Powder ... .25 Cloth Brush 1.00 Comb -15 $3.00 All for $1.45 * Straw Hats Cleaned 5c. each Our straw hat cleaner cleaner only costs 10c and will clean 2 or 3 Hats and make them look like new. Chocolates 33c Every Saturday we sell Chocolates at '33c a lb or 20c half pound. Regular price 50c. Your Eyesight In our Optical Department you get the advantage of 25 year's experience by a graduate optician from Chicago Ophthalic College, Detroit Optical College, New York School of Optics and Canada's Best Optical College. We are offering special values in all the latest styles in Optical Goods and make a special feature of the invisible double vision glasses which will give a man of TO as good vision as he had at the age of 16, either for reading or for distance. No Charge For Consultation. Jury &'L-fOV©ll The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists. Oshawa and Bowmanville "WHEN we test eyes it is done properly 5 G. T. BOWMANVILLE GOING BAST. Express 8.52 a.m. :Express Express 10.18 „ Local Passenger 3.36 p.m. Local Local 6.49 „ Passenger 7.18 , Mail 9.58 , : Daily STATION. going west 4.22 a. m3 7.02 Passenger iPaasenget 9.45 „ 1.38 p.m. 7.11 „ Have you paid your subscription ? Bowmanville Fair will be held Sept. 22 ! and 23. I Miss Eva Curtis is visiting friends in I Parry Sound. Mr. W. T. Legett and family are mov- [ ing to Peterboro. Miss Olive Clement, Niagara Falls, is visiting Mrs. A. L. Nicholls. BOWMANVILLE, AUG 6, 1914 Chief R. Jarvis was in Brighton recently, recently, says The Ensign. Miss Gladys Walton, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Dudley, Colborne. Miss Maude J. Squires, Oshawa, has been guest of Mrs. T. Geo. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peardon, Toronto, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. W. R. Cawker. R. H. Elliott, Toronto, Mrs. W. C. Washington has returned from Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.. Down visited friends in Oshawa Sunday. Miss Olive Down, Oshawa, is visiting her uncle, Mr. W. W. Down. Miss Jessie Odell, Cobourg, is visiting her friend, Miss Else Inch, Port Britain. Mrs. Going, Toronto, and Mrs. Camer- VWIU115 *>**«. *.. I or 7 T> A --■ - Mr Carl Mavnard, Toronto, is spending on, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. Kd A 7 ~ __ _ I A linn o4- z>n TiiûoHait Mr. and Mrs. ---- --, .. visited her sister, Mrs. R. M. Mitchell. m ,o. ^ _ - Mrs. Wm. Wakelin has been visiting is visiting the Misses Galbraith, Queen-st. holidays at Port Bowmanville. Miss Stella Mason, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Norman James. Miss Lizzie Painton is visiting her sister, sister, Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, London. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cory, Oshawa, spent Monday with relatives here. Mr. Gus Keiser, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. H. L. Creeper. A money saving sale jbf .crushes of all kinds is now on at Jury tyLovell's. Mrs. Frank McKay, Indian Head, Sask., her daughter and other friends in Toronto. Toronto. Sorry to hear Mrs. Richard Peate> Oro no, keeps very poorly--not able to get out. r g 2-column advertis 1 save you many dol- Jury & Lovell's I ment this week lars. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Ebenezer, visited his father, Mr. James Courtice on Sunday. Mr. Clarence Mutton has returned from a pleasant holiday at Lakes Simcoe and Scugog. , Belleville is to have the next firemen s convention and demonstration if the city can handle it. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dudley and daughter Dunreath, Newcastle, visited Reeve Dud ley, Colborne. Mr. W. F. Allen, J.P., and son, Mr. W. L. Allen and son, Cobourg, are on a trip to St. John.N.B. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Penfound, Courtice, were recent guests of her uncle, Mr. R Penhall, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Taylor are holidaying holidaying at Yellowgrass, Sask., Shaunavon,and other western points. Mr. L. Bandell, Whitby, has purchased from Mr. J. W. Meharry, Port Perry, his fine residence in that town. Miss Allie Darch, Orono.has returned home after spending a month with friends in Toronto and Bond Lake. Dr. Charles and Mrs. Walsh and babe, Vancouver, B. C., are visiting at his father's, Mr. J. W. Walsh, Millbrook. Mrs. E. A. Rutherford and children, Colborne, recently visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ives, Bowmanville. Mr. Geo. A. Morrow, Toronto, an old Millbrook boy, has been appointed manager manager of the Imperial Life Insurance Co. Miss Berta Harris, New York, and Miss Evelyn Everson, Moose Jaw, bask., have been guests of Mrs. James Courtice. Peterboro is discussing-a fitting cele bration for the opening of the Trent Valley Valley Canal. This work has lingered long. Miss Grace Trewiii has returned from visiting her sister at their summer cottage near Lake Simcoe and Mrs. W. A. Bain accompanied her here to the parental roof. Mrs.Norman Fraser and daughters, Forest Forest Hill, N. Y., and Mr. Archie Pearce, West Orange, N. J., are guests of Miss A. V. Cole. John Percy, Pickering, had a valuable horse killed while running in a field; it came against a barbed wire fence rupturing rupturing the jugular vein. Mrs. Frank Eagen, Toronto, and Mrs. E Swallow and grand-daughters, Elizabeth Elizabeth and Alice Harris, Toronto, are visiting visiting Mrs. Thos. Nichols. Teach your boy to swim. It is the best exercise in the world in the summer.. It developes the chest, improves the wind, and strengthens the heart. Mr and Mrs. H. F. Hutcheson and family, Dr. and Mrs. F. Trebilcock, Mr. A J Trebilcock,' Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. P. C. Trebilcock's. Boys who enjoyed Boys Camp at Caes area, under the supervision of Mr. Soanes Bovs' Secretary Y. M. C. A., report a gooc time. About twenty-five boys were in attendance.--Reformer.. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Langstone and son jack and Mrs. Herbert Langstone and son Ernest and" Miss Bertha Langstone, Toronto, Toronto, are holidaying at their cousins, Mr W. H. Wood, Base Line. Eastern Firemen's Association's new officers are: Hon. Pres^-Robert Weddell, Trenton; President-- W. H. Heaney, Des- eronto; Vice Pres.--James Bell, Lindsay, Sec.-Treas.-- W. H. James, Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Green and family and Mrs. E. J. Smith, Hamilton, motored here Tuesday and are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hughson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundle at the home of Mr. Alex Taylor. The firemen's demonstration Thursday was a splendid advertisement, for Lindsay and did more to bring the town into the limelight than a dozen booster clubs. Visitors from all points went away impressed impressed with the fact that Lindsay is not an ordinary town--Warder. David A. Tope, Hamilton, was found dead under his motor car a mile west of Newtonvilie on Saturday afternoon by Mr. Ikè Walters. A fore wheel had collapsed collapsed and the car turned turtle. He was alone on the way to Stoney Lake where his wife and daughter were holidaying to spend Sunday with them. - His body was taken to Col. John Hughes' and his brothers brothers came Saturday evening and took it back to Hamilton. He was one of the best known football players in Canada. William H. Robertson, proprietor Morning Times, Peterboro, passed awa y Sunday at his late residence, Water Street after a short illness. Mr. Robertson accompanied accompanied his wife and daughter on a motor ride. Early next momm ? he was siezed with a paralytic stroke which proved proved fatal. He was born in Colborqe sixty- two years ago. For the past forty years he bad been associated with the Morning Times. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and one daughter. He was a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. I" The biggest shipment of Brushes ever brought to this town is now on its way and we must make room for it so are clearing out our stock at greatly reduced prices.--Remember you get your money back cheerfully if any goods sold by us are not up to your expectations. Jury <x Lovell. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS TO R 1 A Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weekes, Toronto, were holidaying here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. H. Anderson are attending, the Old Boys' Re-union in London. London. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn and children, Port Perry, spent the week-end with friends here. "Darlington Boy" failed to name with his letter, hence its non appearance. appearance. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry King. Oshawa, visited visited at Mr. Edwin Reynolds', Hampton, recently. Miss Annie Dingman is in Rochester with her sister, Mrs. A. A. Thompson who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baskerville, Toronto, spefit the week-end with his sister, Mrs. John Curtis. Mrs. G. Harris and Mrs. Eleanor Bales, Oshawa, are visiting their sister, Mrs. James Courtice. Dr. J. C. Devitt's Dental Parlors will be closed from July 29 to Aug. 22 on account account "of holidays. 2 9tf Miss Vera Werry and Miss Allie Oke, Courtice, have been visiting Miss Reta Cole, King-st., W. Mr. James Jarvis of the Toronto Police Force, and wife, Toronto, are visiting his father Chief Jarvis. Miss Nita Deyman and Mr. R. Armstrong, Armstrong, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. James Deyman's. Mr. Fred Brimacombe and son, Garfield, Garfield, Toronto, spent the week-end with his.mother and sisters here. Mrs. M. Killick and two daughters arrived arrived from England Sunday morning to make their home in Canada. Mrs. A. Slute and daughters, Marjorie and Nell, Toronto, were recent guests of her brother, Mr. W. Painton. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. Wm. Mc- Reynolds, "Brookhill Dairy." Mrs. John Harvey and Mrs. Geo. H. Harvey and family, East Liverpool, Ohio, are visiting Mr. F. C. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Haddy, Toronto, Miss Ethel Kirby, Oshawa, spent the week-end at Mr. F. A. Haddy s. Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Tilley and daughters, daughters, Toronto, have been enjoying the lake breezes at Bowmanville-on-the-Lake. Mrs. John N. Lawrie and Miss Mildred attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Jean McPherson in Toronto Monday. Misses Ina Dropej Bertha Gillson, Margery Margery Harrison and Hazel Mercer were holiday visitors at Mr. W. H. Mercer s. Papers are received from Toledo, O., in a St. Paul's Epworth League envelope but no article marked. Why were they sent. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Morris, Vienna, Austria, are enjoying their honeymoon with his mother, Mrs. D. T. Morris, Hor- sey-st. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cole have been en- joying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewood, 12 Burlington Crescent, Toronto. Mrs. L. Harris and daughter Miss Annie Harris, who is head Librarian of Carnegie Library, Guelph-, have been visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Pearn. Ladies' dresses, white and colored, and wash skirts at reduced prices, and one- third of the price of children's dresses at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Miss Nellie Pattinson of the teaching staff of Lillian Massey School, Toronto, and Miss Nina Gibbs, Hamilton, are visiting visiting at Mr. Jos. Pattinson's, Lowe-st. If you like to spend your summer vacation vacation at Bowmanville-on-the-lake, you can get comfortable accommodation a t ; Jerry's, west side, at reasonable terms. Mr. and Mrs. William Cox who have Deen enjoying several weeks' holidays with old friends and relatives hereabouts, iave returned to their home in Olds, Alta. Mrs. Draper who has been spending several weeks with her friend Mrs. Wm. Wakelin has returned enroute for Lincoln, Lincoln, New Hampshire, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Gould, Bowmanville, announce the engagement of their younger younger daughter lia to Mr. C. Ernest Rehder, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place early in September. Canadian Magazine for August caters caters especially to lovers of good fiction ten short stories, most of them by Canadian writers, and one "The Calgary Venus, is worth the price of the magazine. Mr. Albert Relf of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Works left Monday for Montreal. Montreal. He sailed by the "Victorian" of the Allan Line for a visit with friends m the homeland. He was booked by M. A. James, agent. Mr. A. W. Foley, Dept, of Agriculture, Edmonton, Alta., called on his parents last week en route to Ottawa on business He is also attending the Convention of Poultry Instructors and Investigators of of America at McDonald Institute, Que. Mr. G. W. Mercer, Florist, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 41 years died May 1st, 1914. He was the youngest brother of Mr. W. H. Mercer, Bowmanville, and was born at Leskard but at the time of his death was residing in Cleveland. Deceased leaves a wife and two children. Mrs. A. M. Hardy was called to Whitby last week owing to the serious illness ot her mother who passed away August 1st, after a week's illness. Deceased was a widow of the late Jôhn Webster.- She was a life-long member of the Presbyter ian church. She leaves to mourn the loss of a loving mother, one son and two daughters, Robert L. Webster of Detroit, Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Bowmanville, and Mrs. J. A VanSteenbergh, Cleveland, Ohio, all of whom were at her bedside when she passed away. Allen, Church-st., on Tuesday. Mr. Robert McLaughlin, wife and sister, sister, Mrs. Jas. Smith, and daughter, Oshawa, Oshawa, called on friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Jackson, Willie and Harvey motored from Kendall anc visited at. Mr. W. W. Down's, Saturday. Charles Wilfrid Nichols, the four-year old son of Mr. Chas. Nichols, Indian Head, Sask., died on July 24, from burns received received by his play tent catching fire. He was taken to the hospital and given every attention but without avail. The funeral took place Saturday altemoon from the Methodist church. Deceased is a nephew of Mrs. Thos. Nichols, Bowmanville. A very happy and pleasant famil y reunion reunion was held at the home of Mrs. M. A. Washington, Ontario-st., on Tuesday, July 28, when all members of her^ family were present for the first time in many I years. Mrs. Washington is now in her ... I 77th year and the gathering afforded much send his | pj easure and satisfaction to all. After supper a group photo of the family was taken. In a social way the evening was pleasantly spent. The children present | were : Mrs. Josephine Street, and Mrs. M. A. Heren, Oshawa, Mr. Stephen J. Washington Washington and Mrs. F. A. Parrett, Glendive, Montana; Mrs. Julia Ferguson, St. Catharines; Catharines; Miss L. M. Washington, Bethany; Miss Ida Washington at home; also Miss Frances E. Conley, grandaughter. A niece Mrs. B. B. Sloss of Appleton, Minnesota, Minnesota, was also present. Notices ot Births 25 cents; Marriages 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Jennings--In Oshawa Hospital, July 2Sth, to Mr. ancl Mrs. Hubert Jennings, (nee Greta .Jack- man), a son. MARRIAGES Clark--Walker--At St. John's church, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, August 1st, by Rev. T. A. Nind, Mr. Ernest Clark, and Miss Sarah Ellen Louise Walker, both of Bowmanville. Garland--McPherson--At Bonar Presbyterian Presbyterian church, Toronto, Aug. 3rd, by Rev. E. R. McLean, McLean, M. A., B. D., Mr. Nicholas L. Garland, and Jean, eldest daughter of Mr. David McPherson, Toronto. DEATHS Pringle--In Belleville, July 29, Henry Pringle, in his 58tli year. Henry--In Newcastle, August 2, Samuel Henry, aged 71 years. ROSS--At Pontypool, July 26tli, Evelyn Logie, beloved daughter of Rev. James Ross. White--In Toronto. July 25th, Katy B. Morse, eldest daughter of Wilton E. White, Oshawa. Harris--At Vancouver, July 21, James Harris, of Customs Office, son of Solomon Harris, Newcastle. Newcastle. Cowan--In Ottawa, Aug. 1st, Mary Bronson* wife of late R. W. Cowan and mother of H. B- Cowan, Peterboro. Graham--At her late residence, 23 St. Anne's place, St. Thomas, July 31st, Mary Richards, widow of the late Rev. William Graham of Man- yers. Hi SLOP--In Bowmanville, August 1st, Mary Porteons Ormiston, beloved wife of Mr. William Hislop, in her 72nd year. Interred in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Somerville--At the residence of her son-inlaw, son-inlaw, Mr. J. F. Perchard, 458 Gladstone-ave, Toronto, Toronto, Aug. 2, Elizabeth, wife of the late Andrew Somerville, Brooklin, in her 78th year. 'Lest We Forget* m E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones Branches : ORONO 10-34 HAMPTON G en Ply ENERAL SERVANT WANTED at once. Ap- to MRS. JOHN GRIGG, Ontario-st., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 31 ' tf hIGS FOR SALE--8 young pigs, 6 weeks old. 7 John Nichols, Courtice, P.O. lot 25, con 3, Darlington, 32tf P ups for sale--utter terrier pups for sale. E. Grove, Bowmanville. of pure bred fox Jennings, Maple 20-3* ,IANO TUNING--Mr. John Rice will be in ' 1Y1 O Yl V î 1 1 P* fi t", cud of tuning for his p Phone 232. Bowmanville at end of week and will be able to do piano customers. 29tf H EIFER LOST-- Y earling heifer, dehorned, red with some white, wire tag on right ear. Lost about July 17th. Send information to I. S. Allin, Newcastle. 31-3w* T EACHER WANTED--For a primary room in the Bowmanville Public Schools, one with some experience prefeired. Apply stating qualifications, etc., to John Lyle, Sec.-Treas^ iOR SALE--Davis Sewing Machine, Dinner Set, Dining Room Rug. These articles will be sold at a reduced rate for cash. Can be seen at Mrs. W.W. Short's, King Street, East, Bowmanville. 3~-rw TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders -will be received for kalsomin- ing walls and ceilings of the Methodist Church and Sunday School, Bowmanville, on or before Saturday, August 22nd, 1914. Contractor to provide provide and erect his own scaffold, and supply all material. No tender necessarily accepted. P.C. TREBILCOCK, Secretary Trustee Board, 32.3 " Bowmanville. R. B. ANDREW Real Estate. Loan», Valuations 309 Temple Bldg., TORONTO jgjjgjj St. George's 5 Hall Temperance St. Suitable for Banquets, Receptions, Dancing Dancing and other amusements. Equipped with all conveniences. Open for engagements. engagements. Inspection invited. Terms moderate. moderate. Apply to Box 116 John A. Cox, Bowmanville Special Sale of Olives FRIDAY AND SATURDAY there will be Olive Specials at the Elite Grocery. Call in and see them. Bring us your butter and eggs and receive highest cash prices. Rd. Snowden Bowmanville Next Door East L. Morris & Son's Holiday Suggestions in Footwear We have a complete assortment of Women s, Misses' and Children's White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps for hot weather wear. Still on hand at greatly reduced prices a full line of Men's Oxfords in tan, black or patent leathers. Just the thing for the summer resort-- Children's Barefoot Sandals and Running Shoes. FRED. KNOX Successor to Jno. Hellyar HOT Wéather Goods New this Week Childs, and Misses and •. Womens Dresses Middy, Muslin, Voile and Crepe Waists. \ Princess Slips, Skirts, Corset Covers, Vests and Night Gowns. New Wash Dress Goods, latest weaves. New Parasols, Lace Collars, Collars, Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves. Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts, the balance to clear at less than cost of manufacture. New Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums, Lace Curtains Curtains and Curtain Nets. 9 Lettei or Telephone orders, carefully and promptly attended to '. Store Closes orx Wednesday afternoons at 12.30 during June, July and August. S. W. Mason & Son ^fext Door to Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE r '•>.5 7 ..-S;

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