James Whitney s To All Canadians _-Wv- . : Toronto, August 4." I have been asked to express an opinion upon Canada's duty towards the^Empire at this juncture. •course must be. That course is to half of our Empire. Canada's VI 1010 T* V V. " --- -- " " ' •. 1 exert her whole strength and power at once in o - The momentous crisis we now face makès plain what We are part of the Empire in the fullest sense and we share m ^ tS well as its privileges. We have enjoyed under British ru e t e ® some ' liberty and protection and now that we have an opportunity of^Paying" " g measure the heavy debt we owe the Mother Country, we will do so with cheerfuln 3nd ïknowmy fellow Canadians too well to doubt that they will respond with enthns- listic loyalty to the appeal. Sir Robert Borden has all Canada steps that must be taken to join^n fighting the Empire's battles, forced upon Great Britain is our contest as much as hers and upon the issue.o •depends our national existence. Never before in our history has the call of duty and of honor been so clear and imperative and Canada'will never quail nor falter at the last The British Govern- _t has done everything possible to avoid war and has sought peace with an e estness worthy of responsible statesmen. But a dishonorable peace would prove disastrous disastrous to the Empire and we would be unworthy of the blood that if we sought to avoid an inevitable conflict. I rejoice at the evidences .of Imperial unity displayed on all •cause is to preserve liberty i and resist an unjust aggression best and nobliest in the Canadian character. BOWMANVILLE, AUG 13, 1914 runs in our veins sides and, as our it will evoke all that is J. P. WHITNEY. Utilizes every heat unit. F kies arranged soj heat is forced to travel over top of oven in| M'ClaryS Pandora tftck wj(f(2 down behind it and twice un- ^ •* der the bottom before escap-V ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer, ei % Sold by R- G- STURGEON & Co Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." | "RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG | $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES August 11th--From all stations, Kingston, Sharbot Lake. P.enfrew and west to A*llda and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to all points in Manitoba. , . . August 14th--From all stations east of Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, in the Provinces oi Ontario and Quebec, to all points in Manitoba. e _ . . . . - August 18th--From all stations, Kingston, Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and west to Azilaa and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to all points in Manitoba and to certain pointa in Saskatchewan Saskatchewan and Alberta. - , ^ ___ . - August 21st--From all stations east of Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, to all points In Manitoba and to certain points In Saskatchewan Saskatchewan and Alberta. ' For lull particulars regarding transportation west ol Winnipeg, etc., see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write-- E. F. L. STURDEE, Asst. D.P.A. M. G. MURPHY, P.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto. HAMPTON MILLS Best Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Chop, Bran, Shorts, Corn, etc., etc. Chets. Horn, Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON. ipnanananangi5iiEiiEnnnisiii5iisiii5iii5iii5iii5iiig!^ll!M^lgim Tungsten Lamps este- tybonb note». Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curtis leave this week for à trip through the north-west. Miss Clara Woodley entertained a number number of her girl friends Wednesday last. Recent visitors : Miss Blanche Dix, Little Little Britain, with Miss Florence Clemens; Miss Millie Mason, town, at Mr. Thomas Woodley's; Miss Edith Congdon, Rochester, Rochester, with old friends around here; Mrs. A. Wvborn, Grand Rapids, Mich., with her sister, Mrs, Wm. Moore; Mrs. Harris, Courticë, with friends; Misses Blanche. Ball and Emma Larke, Oshawa, Sundayed with Miss Myrtle Moore; Mrs. Jas. Hodgson Hodgson with friends at Orono; Miss Emma Werry holidaying with Mrs. E. W\ Tonkin Tonkin in Muskoka; Miss Gertrude Skinner is holidaying with Miss Madeline Emmer- son, Nestleton; Mr. Peter Werry with friends in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodley Sundayed at Mr. Laing's, Kirby. Twine--save money--F. O. Mason. The Foe of Indigestion.--Indigestion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most distressing complaint complaint and often the suffering attending it is most severe. The very best remedy is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken according according to directions. They rectify the the irregular action of the stomach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia indigestion and highly emed for their qualities. SALEM Mr. Chapman visited Mr. Arthur Welsh. Miss Lottie Challis is visiting relatives in town. Harvest Home here is to be held on AUg. 31. Particulars later. Miss Mary Riley, Oshawa, visited her cousin, Miss Mary Woolner. Miss Katie Stephens is visiting her friend, Miss Connie Dingle, North Bay. Mrs. Geo. Robb and son, Peterboro, are visiting her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Cornish. Prof. John Squair, M. A., wife and Miss Marian, Toronto, visited relatives here. Mr. Arthur Welsh has a new metal roof on his barn which is a great improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Barrie and Miss Mabel, town, visited their son, Mr. Harvey Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Cann, Percy and Gladys Sundayed at her father's, Mr. fiooper, Tyrone. Miss Dora Prout returned from a pleasant pleasant visit with Mrs. W. W. Manning, Oshawa, Oshawa, accompanied by her niece and nephew, Mis, Barbara and Master Edgar Manning. Gold Medal twine at F. O. Mason's. A pleasant evening was spent at Mr. F. , Squair's on Monday, Aug. 10, it being the birthday of her son Kyle, also ,ot Misses Misses Helena and Rowena Bragg and Rev. HL. S. Cobb who were present and added much to the enjoyment of this function. Like a Grip at the Throat. For a dis ease that- is not classed, as fatal there is Drobably none which causas more terrible terrible suffering than asthma. Sleep is imoossible, the sufferer becomes exhausted exhausted and'finally, though the attack passes, is left in uneasy dread of its return. Dr. J. D Kellog's Asthma Remedy is a wonderful curative agent. It immediately immediately relieves the restricted air passages passages as thousands can testify. It is sold by dealers everywhere. DON'T SET FIRES. While forest fires are raging in many of the Northern Countries arid doing such terrible destruction everyone should _be most careful during the dry " season . that no fire is started in field or woods. A number of picnic parties from towmare in the habit of going out; to Mr. Jacob Gaud s woods on lot 12, Con. 3, Darlington, and carelessly leaving fire. As a result Mr. Gaud and sons spent all day Sunday and most of Monday fighting fire; started thro carelessness of a picnic party who were in the woods on Saturday. Mr- Gaud does not object to parties picnicking there but absolutely forbids anyone starting a fire and any person doing so will be liable for all damage. We are sure it is from the wont of thought on the part of children children or others. DURHAM COUNTY STOCK BREEDERS. Mr. Duncan Taking a Pure-Bred Live Stock Census. Breeders and owners of pure bred stock in Durham County are to co-operate with the local branch of the Department. of Agriculture in the preparation of a Live Stock Census of pure bred animals. The work will embody a complete list of the owners of animals registered or eligible for registration. The object is to serve an advertising medium, and to cultivate a keener interest in the production of high grade stock. Farmers having one or more males or females tailing under this class would greatly facilitate in the work by communicating with Mr. R. S. Duncan, Port Hope. We hope all local breeders will co-opeiate at once in this important movement. . J I WÊÊ W <6 IS WHAT IS PENSLAR" f We will tell you. It is the biand-name of the finest line of family remedies and toilet preparations preparations ever brought to this town. And the goods have arrived--a big shipment. There are about 100 Remedies, each for a c particular particular purpose. The exact formula,or prescription for each remedy is plainly printed on the label so that every one may know just how it is made. These remedies are prepared by one of the best- known manufacturing chemists in this county and conform to the highest standards of purity and quality. The Toilet Preparations also are particularly fine and meet every requirement of the modern toilet. We have been appointed exclusive selling agents here for the Penslar preparations. Only one drug store, carefully selected for its high standing standing and progressive methods, is given the Penslar Agency in each town. That is why the Penslar sign is^so widely \nown as "the Sign of a good Drug Store. Come in and examine these splendid preparations. preparations. You will be surprised and pleased to find how much they can add to your health comfort. Drùggists R. M. MITCHELL & CO. °p« cIâns A Full Line of Nyal Goods always on hand. Bowmanville, Phone 92a, Night calls 92b HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS. $12.00 to Winnipeg August ii and 18. The Grand Trunk Railway System will run Harvest excursions via Chicago Duluth Duluth on August II andt8, from all stations in Ontario, Kingston, Renfrew and west at low rate of $12.00 to Winnipeg, plus half cent per mile from Winnipeg to destination. destination. First excursion on August II applies to all points in Manitoba.^ Second excursion on August 18 to certain points in Saskatchewan and Alberta and all points in Manitoba. Returning--half cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.00 Winnipeg to destination in ada. The route via Chicago is an attractive one, many large cities and towns being passed enroute, which breaks the monotony monotony of the journey. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton and traverses some of the best farming country in Manitoba and the most rapidly developing section ol Western Western Canada. Full particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices or write. C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. 34 -2w EBENEZER A social will be held at Ebenezer church, Courtice, Wednesday, Aug. 9, in aid of the Sunshine Class. Tea will be served from 5 o'clock. At 8 o'clock Miss Jean Root, M. E., Toronto, who toured thru America with the famous Brooklyn Quartette, and Miss Georgie Langmaid, M.E., of' O.L.C., Whitby, will give the program. Admission tea and concert 25c; or 15c each. I I / x :.»1 ENNISKILLEN NEWS. from Eastern Can- HAMPTON NEWS. BOLINA DOINGS. m We handle only those lamps which are proven by tests by our engineering department department to be the most economical and have the longest life. We are pleased to be able to offer you from now on, the well known "Canadian Westinghouse Mazda Lamp," at the following prices : 25 Watt. formerly 50c ..now 37c 40 Watt formerly 55c now 37ç 60 Watt......formerly 65c now 50c For the best twine see F. O, Mason. Miss Mary Mason is visiting at Kirk- field, Ont. Mr. Harry Welch has returned to Toronto Toronto after a pleasant visit at home. Master Lome Hastings hurt his foot badly while bathing Saturday evening. Mrs.Ewart Creeper and son Elroy, Owen Sound, are visiting at Mr. John Elliott's. Miss Marjorie Cole and Miss Winnie Robbins recently entertained some girl friends. Miss Mary Perkins who has been with her sister Mrs. Theo Salter all summer has returned to Chatham. Mr. W. R. Allin, Mrs. F. T. Allin and Master Albert attended the funeral of a cousin near Brooklin Sunday. Dr. J. E. Brown, Toronto, Rev. S. G* Brown, Almonte, and Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, with their brother, Mr. I. L. Brown. Bush, fires have been raging in the swamp near Solina Station for some days, and quite a number of men have been fighting it. Mr. Levi Robbins' team ran away last week with part of a load of sheaves and jumped on a Frost wire fence which held them till caught. One of the horses rubbed rubbed his bridle off and could not be controlled. controlled. Massey-Harris and De Laval Separators Separators at F. O. Mason's. Measuring Social under auspices _ of Hampton Epworth League of Christian Endeavor will be held on the church lawn Tuesday Aug. 18th at 8 p. m., when an excellent excellent program will be given, followed by refreshments of ice cream and cake. Admission: Three cents for every foot you're tall; Measure yourself on door or wall, An extra cent for each inch give, And thereby show how high you live. With music and song, recitation and pleasure, We will meet one and all at our Social of Measure. 3 2 2 Worms in children work havoc These pests attack the tender lining of the Intestines and, if left to pursue their ravagés undisturbed, will ultimately perforate the wall, because these worms are of the hook variety that cling to and feed upon interior surfaces. Miller's Worm Powders will not only extermin ate these worms, of whatever variety, but will serve to repair the injury they have done. Miss Hutchison has' been visiting her cousins, the Misses Baker. Mr. Ed. Ward, Hampton, is building a concrete silo for Mr. R. C. Scott. Everybody should hear the original newspaper at Division this week. Miss May Reynolds is to be congratulated congratulated on passing her exams so creditably. Miss Gertrude Pascoe and Mrs. Walter Fair, Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Miss Edna Reynolds, home from a pleasant trip around Scarboro and Toronto. Toronto. Mr. Henry Brown, Weston, visited his cousins, Mrs. Blake Stevens and Mrs. R. Miss Esther Stevens is with her sister Miss Gertie Stevens, Peterboro. Mrs. H. L. White, Kenilworth, is visiting visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Stevens. Miss Esther Stevens has returned home after a very pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. Dr. J. E. Brown, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. Mary Brown and sister Mrs. Enoch Stevens. Quite a number from here attended the "Garden Party" given by Ladies' Aid at Enfield last week and enjoyed tea and program. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogers holidaying at Mr. Thompson's, near Orono; Mrs. Brooks, Lindsay, visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Preston; Mrs. Nellie Perry, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pascoe, Solina, at Mr. Geo.Argue's ; Miss Olive Luke, Kedrom with her cousin, Miss May Werry ; Mrs. Thos. Craig and daughter, Sadie with friends in Bowm.n- ville; Miss Mary Knox, Orono, at her uncle's, Mr. H. J. Werry's; Mr. Elmer Farrell, Long Sault, at Mr. Fred. Mount- joy's; Misses Jessie and Irené Byers and Mr. H. McGinnis, Cartwright, at Mr. C. Sanderson's, recently; Mr. H. Ryley and daughter, Miss Alice and son, Master Bruce, Bethany, at Mr. Thos. McGill's; Miss Fern Gregory, Oshawa, at Mr. C. W. Souch's; Miss Ethel Gilbert is holidaying with her sister Mrs. Wm. Newby, Sea- bright; Little Miss Alma Page visiting at her grandfather's, Mr. Stephen Page's; Miss Gertrude Stevens and Mr. Jas. McFadden, McFadden, Peterboro, at Mr. Enoch Stevens'. Holloway's Corn Cure takes the corn out by the roots. Try it and prove it. F\ A. H A D D V The China Hall Grocery Pickling Season Near at Hand TOWN COUNCIL. Regular monthly meeting was held Monday evening Aug. 3rd with members all present and Mayor Hillier presiding. Robt. Campling offered to pay $40 for his share of expense in connection with offer C. Scott. Quarterly meeting at Zion next Sunday I smallpox case. As his share is $100 10.30 a.m. Pastor Barrett is expected to j was no t accepted be present. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray, Enfield, and Mrs. J. VanNest, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. W. Werry's. Our farmers here are to be congratulated congratulated in the field crop competition winning four prizes out of seven on four farms adjoining adjoining each other. Mrs, Walter Ross and sons, George and Donald, Indian Head, Sask., and _ Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Maple Grove, visited Mrs. Blake Stevens, Sunday. PROVIDENCE ITEMS. Seymour Power & Electric Co. g Phone 192 "At Your Service" Limited j ■ l !^asaBill51lsill5ill5ill5ill5ilBilB||§^ll!l@IBpig|g|g|Bl§^iaiÉ N0X A COLD IOB WHILE YOU SLEEP The most remarkable Cough and cold remedy known to science. For all lung and throat trouble it has no equal. 25c I and 50c per bottle at all drug stores. Jury's Drug Store, Special Agents. Binder tongue trucks; see F. O. Mason. Miss Minnie Hoar, is guest of friends in Kingston. Separators, three good second-hand, at F. O. Mason's. Miss Ethel Hughan, Lindsay, is visiting- relatives here. Miss K. Blackburn, Lake Shore*; is visiting visiting her brother Mr. Fred Blackburn. Missess Effa and Ella Wight recently visited at Mr. J. H. Werry's, Bethesda. Mrs. Annie Hoar and daughter Miss Olga were recently at Mr. Alex Wight's. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and family Sundayed at her father's, Mr. W. J. Bragg. Miss Ila Nichols, Bowmanville, spent a few days at her cousin's, Miss Pearl Lux- ton's. Miss Myrtle V. Bragg has reterned to Toronto after spending a pleasant holiday at home. Mr. W. H. Hoar, left Tuesday for a three months' trip to Manitoba and other western points. Mr. George Wight and sister recently attended the funeral of their brother-in- law Dr. A.A. Brown, Toronto. Miss Lilian Smale has returned home after spending a pleasant holida v with her brother, Dr. R. R. Smale, Stayner. Sores Heal Quickly. Haye you a pre- sistaut sore that refuses to heal ? Then- try Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil in the dressing. It will stop sloughing, carry away the proud flesh, draw out the pus and prepare a clean way for the new skin. It is the recognized healer among oils and myriads of people can certify that it healed where other oils failed utterly* utterly* Hospital Board asked refund of $12 being rental of Opera House for concert. Not granted. Darlington Council asked $15 for damage damage to highway from overflow of water from pipes on lots 6 and 7. Referred to Waterworks Com. Carlisle-ave residents asked for connection connection with town water work and sewage. Referred to same Com. Council refused to pay bill of $24.50 from Toronto Free Hospital for keep of James Price. Chas. J. Gibson, Haileybury, was appointed appointed engineer at $100 per month. Petition from John Hellyar and Mrs. Paterson asking for cement sidewalk in front of their property on west side of Division-st was referred to Roads and Streets Com. Petition from residents on Duke-st asked asked for water main--granted. By-law was parsed for levying rates for 1914 based on the following estimates of receipts and expenditure, making a rate of 25 mills on the $ :-- Expenditure Roads and Streets $ Spices -•'i£f,The best and purest only carried in stock. You can depend on the quality of our spices and the price is no more than you would pay for inferior goods. Vinegar White Wine Cider, Fruit and Malt Vinegars, from the best factories and guaranteed to standard as-sold. y JS Vegetables Pickling Vegetables as we can procure them in the best markets. Fruits Oranges, Peaches, Lemons, Melons, Pears, Plums, Bananas and all foreign and domestic fruits in large quantities. quantities. F- A. HADDY c SSiSf' Bowmanville Phone 62 I I I I 1 I 1 B 0 XZZZ3I t IT 30 2500 00 Public Property 2700 00 Fire and Water 1250 00 Police Dept 1850 00 Cemetery 850 00 Poor Relief 1100 00 Printing 240 00 Salaries 2130 00 Contingent acct 4 00 00 Exemptions 4° 2 6 00 Rebate on taxes 25 00 Interest account 950 Ob Deficit from 1913 6328 64 $24,349.64 Receipts Licenses, rents, etc $ 55° 00 Water Rates 1500 00 Fines and Fees 600 00 Local Improvement Tax 884 58 Debenture Refund 1184 76 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co 75° 00 Dog Tax and Statute Labor 467 00 Cemeterv receipts 850 00 Drain Tax 217 95 Charged against lands 23 00 Town Rate, 8J£ mills High and Public Schools, 6 mills Debenture Rate, 9 mills I County Rate, Ij£ mills $7027 29 $17,322 35 10,200 00 19,999 33 2,901 28 $50,422 96 Total assessment 1914, $2,019,995.00. Who's Your Grocer ? We're Bidding for Your Trade HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here? Call and let us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -- choice groceries^ fresh fruits, appetizing cooked and smoked meats, high grade teas, pure confectionery, all leading brands of breakfast foods, and best canned goods on market. f Your order will be filled promptly and satisfactorily satisfactorily if left with . V HARRY ALLIN a " h Central for Independent Phone. Bowmanville Bell Phone 186 /