A Name to Remember H [ ERE is a name---"Penslar"--that will mean a great deal to 'every man, woman and child in this town when they learn what it stands for. It is our duty and pleasure to tell you. There is a great firm of Manufacturing Chemists in Detroit, The Pensular Chemical Company, whose name on the label of a remedy is the best possible, guarantee'of its purity and medicinal worth. , They prepare in their splendid laboratories over 100 remedies for household use. They do not believe in secret medicines. They think you have a right to know what you are taking. And you have. So they put thejull, formula on every label--the name and the exact quantity of every ingredient--all in plain English so you can judge for yourself. If they were not sure that each of these was the best possible prescription--if they were not sure that their skill in compounding compounding these remedies was unsurpassed, they could not afford to do this. We like to handle drugs of quality. That is tile way we get our trade. That is why we obtained 'the agency for these splendid remedies known as TRA D E NAME Remember the name, "Penslar." Remember what it means, "Highest Quality and Formula-on-the-label." We've a good deal more to say about Penslar. Watch for it. . Comç in and ask about Penslar Remedies. . You may need a good reliable remedy some uay--learn about it now. R. M. MITCHELL & CO Druggists and Opticians Nyal Goods. Camera Supplies. Neilson's Chocolates. ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. There-opening services of the Methodist Methodist church will he"held Sunday, Oct. 25. Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B: D., pastor of King-st Methodist church, Oshawa, will preach at : _2,30 and 7 p m. Enniskillen choir will burnish music. Everyone cordially invited to Come and assist in these thank-offering services. Collections in aid of church funds. Attend C. W. Souch's sale this Friday. Great Bargains in Men's Overcoats. Read Anderson Clothing advertisement. - Warts tin the hands is a disfigurement that troubled. tin any ladies. Holloway's Corn Cure will, remove the blemishes without pain. ZION The annual chicken pie supper under auspices of the Ladies Aid will be held in church parlors on Thursday, Oct. 29, com- i mencing at 5.30 p.m. At 8 p.m, a good I concert will be given by the following I artists : Miss W. Moore, Columbus, elocutionist, elocutionist, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Bow- ! manville, Hampton Quartette also local j talent. Admission, Adults 35c, children 1 20c. All c me and enjoy a treat. Attend C. W. Soiich's sale this Friday. Indications point to a cold long Winter. Prepare for this by purchasing one of The Anderson Clothing Co's bargain overcoats. overcoats. T I Its Virtue Cannot be Described.-- No one can .explain the subtle power that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses. Tne originator was himself surprised by • the wonderful qualities that bis com- ! pound possesses. That he was the benefactor benefactor of humanity is shown by the my raids that rise in praise of this wonderful wonderful Oil. So familiar is everyone with it that it is prized as a household medicine everywhere. ALBERT GRADUATES. Re-Union at Ottawa of Ex-Students and Friends of Albert College#*, Belleville. HAMPTON MILLS Best Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Chop, Bran, Shorts, Corn, etc., etc. Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON. HAMPTON NEWS. mmxm> You Get the Best at Cawker's £ I The old reliable purveyors are still leading. We have {[fifty- five of the best young Heifers and Steers procurable, having recently recently bought 19 steers and 6 heifers from Mr. Frank Symons. When we say BEST stock, bur judgment is a safe guarantee. These cattle are for our own use, so our customers will have the best quality, largest variety and handled in the most sanitary manner. We also carry an assortment of Cooked Meats, Smoked Meats, all kinds of fresh meats, pure home rendered lard, home made sausage and poultry. Your liberal patronage thankfully received and solicit a continuance continuance of the same. C. M. Cawker & Son PURVEYORS r Victoria Building, Bowmanville CANADIAN NORTHERN Lv. Toronto 8.20 a.m. Lv. Bowmanville f9-53 a.m. Ar. Ottawa 5.20 p.m. Lv. Ottawa 12.15 noon Lv. Bowmanville 7-37 P- m * Ar. Toronto 9*!5 P- m « (Daily except Sunday.) GENERAL CHANGE OF TIME ONTARIO LINES Effective Monday, October 19, 1914 For full particulars see latest Time Table Folder. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis, Brook- lit), with friends; Mrs. G. Stephenson, Oshawa, Oshawa, with friends; Miss Mildred Cole, Pontypool, at home; Mr." A. Ward and bride, Toronto*at Mr. H. Elliott's; Miss M. Oliver, late of Colborne, in the village; Mi s Elma Clarke, Oshawa, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horn recently visited at Port Perry Rev. C. W. Barrett gave his lecture on his trip to England Thanks-' giving evening which delighted everyone Rev. Dr. White, B. C., gave a good talk on missions in B. C., Sunday evening. Subscriptions will exceed last year...... Mr. Wm. Greenaway's sale came off last week, prices fair... .Mr. A. E. Jennings has moved into his new house on King-st ....Miss Winnie and Master Everett Robbins entertained their S.S. classmates Thursday. The boys presented Everett with several nice gifts.. .. Mr. W. R. Allin has been quite ill Mr. C. N. Ruse shipped shipped a car of apples to Waterous, Sask Mr. Frank Ruse is no better, still continues continues verv weak. Attend C. W. Souch's sale this Friday. Dont put it off any longer, have that roof Certain-teed. Mason & Dale. Great bargains in Men's Overcoats. Read Anderson Clothing advertisëment. Always Serviceable.--Most pills lose their properties with age. Not so with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. The pill in ss is so compounded that their strength and effectiveness is preserved and the pills can be carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency. This is a quality that few pills possess. Some pills lose their power, but not' so with Parmelee's. They will maintain their freshness and potency for a long time. One of several social functions at Ottawa Ottawa during the sittings there 3 of the Methodise General Conference was a banquet banquet and reunion of old boys of Albert College, held at Murphy-Gamble banquet- ting ball and was a most enjoyable function. function. After partaking of a splendid dinner a round of toasts was honored, Rev. Albert Carman, D.D., General Superintendent, and first Principal of Albert College, being being toast master. The first toast drunk was 'The King,'followed by an,address by Rev. T. Cummings, Smith's P alls, that aroused great enthusiasm. „ "The British Empire" brought forth a brilliant speech from Rev. John.Garbutt, Cobourg, President of Bay of Quinte Conference, Conference, and also a very flowery, and eloquent eloquent oration from Rev. C. L._ Mclrvine, Berlin, who recited after his address, "Tommy Atkins." Rev. W. E. Millson# Stratford, sang a capital song "Coming back to Canada" by Chas. Wheeler, an excellent expression of loyal Canadian sentiment that drew forth rapturous applause. The toast of Albert College was enthusiastically enthusiastically received by the large assembly. Rev. Dr. F. C. Stephenson gave a rousing speech that created an enthusiasm, that, made the walls. of the banquet hall resound resound with Albert's praises. Principal E. N. Baker gave a brief account account of the progress and efficiency of the College and referred to the uniform success success of the ex-students. The announcement announcement that a largér attendance is in the college this term than last and several are still coming, brought forth great applause. Special mention of the name of Miss Gardiner, Vice-Principal, caused a round of applause from ex-student. "The Ex-Students" was ably proposed by Editor H. P. Moore, Acton, who told of the new vision given to the boys and girls of Albert College and of the success of students of both sexes who have the benefit of tuition, and helpful environment of Albert. If the institution had done nothing more than give to the cause of missions such a man as Dr. Fred C. Steph- èi son, the father of mission literature in Canada, its efforts would not be in vain. Rev. J. Coulter, Stettler, Alberta, gave a reminiscent speech telling of many incidents incidents of his college life involving the escapades of several old students of Albert Albert College, none of whom were present. Rev. F. L. Brown, Orillia, closed with a strong appeal for help for old Albert, and God Save the King, closed a most interesting interesting and enjoyable two hours. Among the large company present were Rev. H. B. Kenny and M. A. James, Bowmanville, Rev. W. Higgs, Tyrone, and Mr. W. H. Hopper, Cobourg. NOTICE ! FARMERS ! The farmers of Ontario having expressed expressed a desire to show their loyal co-operation co-operation in the present great struggle, imposed imposed on the Empire by making a free offering offering to the British Government of the fruits of their.labor, the British Government have gratefully accepted the proffered gifts and made arrangements for the transport of these offerings from the points of shipment without cost to the donors. _ • At a special meeting of the Council it was resolved to ask the ratepayers of the Township to deliver at the C. P. R. (Burket.im) C. N. It. {Solina and Bou -^ manville Stations^ and G. T. R. (Bow- manville), WEDNESDAY, OCTOSTER 28, donations or Outs, Beans, Potatois, Apples, Cheese and Butter. Oats and beans to be securely bagged, cheese and butte • adequately boxed, apples boxed or barrelled and potatoes bairell d. Tags on above to be marked "Department of Trade and Commerce, Montreal." The hearty co-operations of all ratepayers ratepayers throughout this banner township is confidently expected in this most worthy cause. Signed on behalf of the township, W. E. Courtice, W. R. Allin, Reeve. Tp Clerk. Hampton, Oct. 10, 1914. 42-2W "THOROUGHNESS" IS THE KEYNOTE KEYNOTE OF THIS INSTITUTION. Our graduates succeed because they have received received correct preparation. LLIOTT Toronto, enjoys a National Reputation for superior Business and Shorthand Education. Education. All Business Schools ark NOT alike. Nothing less than the best should satisfy YOU and nothing less than giving the best training will satisfy US. Catalogue free. Enter any time. -W. J. Elliott, Principal, Cor. Yonge and Charles Sts. NOTICE. West Durham Fair prize money will be paid at the Treasurer's office, Municipal Buildings, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Oct. 24. J. S. MOORCRAFI", Treasurer. MR. SOUCH'S SALE. Mr. C. W. Soucti, lot 24, con.7,Darlington, con.7,Darlington, will sell his farm stock/ implements, etc., tomorrow (Friday)/Oct. 23. This is an important sale. /Some household furniture will also be sold. Be on time as it is a b : g sale; begins at I o'clock, promptly. OUR INSIDE PAGES For Rail and Steamship Tickets, Parlor and Sleeping Car reservations, and all information apply to W". G. GIFFLER, Station Agent. Miller's Worm Powders work so effectively that no traces of worms can be found. The pests are macerated in in the stomach and pass away in the stools without being perceptible. They make an entire and clean sweep of the intestines, and n< thing in the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when, these powders are in operation. Nothing could be more thoron 0 h or desirable than their eotion. - SOLINA DOINGS. Mr. Wm. Werry plucked several branch, es from his raspberry bushes -Tuesday that were heavily laden with ripe berries. Who says this is the "Land of the Snows" when two crops of berries are gathered in one season? . Attend C. W. Souc'i's sale this Friday. ENNISKILLEN NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Banbury, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at John Slemon's; MrsrJ. B. Smith, Brighton, with her sister, Mrs. H. Rogers; Miss Hoskin, Toronto, at S. Ho.skin's; Rev. R. Large and son Gordr n, Port Simpson, 8. C., and Miss Hoskin, Bowmanville, at the Parsonage; Mr. Fenton Fenton arid Miss Melissa Stevens, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at Mr. Geo. Argue's; Mr. Elmer Herring spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. W. G Wotten...... Mr. Jas. Mountjoy, sr, is suffering from a slight stroke Mrs. Jas. Stain ton and Verna Trewiri are indisposed indisposed and Mrs. Wm. Uke and Mrs. F. W. Lee are still confined to their homes The Methodist choir are busy practising for Enfield church re-opening next Sunday Sunday and our Leaguers for their Silver Jubilee League Rally Service, Sunday, 1 Nov. 1st. See particulars about concert in Nov. next week. Dont forget the date .... On Sabbath evening Rev. R. Largo of Port Simpson, B. C , who is home on furlough furlough conducted and concluded the series of missionary services here. In a very earnest address he described his life-work among the Indians, telling of their lives and habits and how in many instances the Indian is helpful and blessed by the advent of the white man, but in many, many more how whole villages are cursed by 'the white man's booze and other kindred vices, while tuberculosis and worse diseases diseases have followed in the wake of the men who should have been saviours to them. Mrs. Palmer, Toronto, sang "The ninety- and-nine" very sweetly and the choir gave two missionary anthems .Wednesday afternoon our W.M.S., held their annual quilting in which they were assisted by a number of Tyrone ladies. At the close of the quilting about sixty partook of a most excellent supper. After which the program of the evening was taken in charge by Tyrone Auxiliary, from twenty- five to thirty members being present. The program consisting of choruses, solos, duets, papers, readings and recitations, was highly instructive and entertaining and Tyrone ladies may rest assured of a good audience and reception at their next appearance. Our Auxiliary takes the opportunity opportunity thru the press of extending heartfelt gratitude to their Sister Auxiliary. Auxiliary. Number of quilts five. Proceeds about $10. The best ever, both in quilts and proceeds. Attend C. W. Souch's sale this Friday. Buy your New Overcoat at .The Anderson Anderson Clothing Co., and save 35 to 50% You'll have, to hurry if you're going to use Certain-teed on that roof. Mason & Dale. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Mr. Chas. M. Bice's contributed article on "The Folly of This War" on another page is very well worth reading. Joaquin Miller's poem, "The Mothers of Men", makes à capital recitation--on an inner page of this issue. "The War Prisoners' Lot" is an article that's worth reading--see an inner page. Denmark's Advance" contains Mr. Ed. Mitchell's address, in part, at Teacher J Convention. Read it on an inner page. "Population of the World" is a very illuminating illuminating arEicie-ron an inner page. Tg| ASTOR MODEL Twenty years is a long test of character, whether in manor shoe. Take note that after twenty years of eye-test for style, of scrape- and-twist-test for wear, of tender-toe-test for comfort, comfort, there are more Regal Shoe feet than ever before. You should give Régals a chance. Here's the ASTOR MODEL. It has the linos and style that will make the most perfectly cut trousers look, even better. Ru sais. C <»ir Blucher, titoutt sole ; also Tan Button. REGALS TYRONE NOTES. Mrs. Levi Annis, Ebenezer, visited her son, Mr. Levi Annis ... Miss Myrtle Moore visited friends in Oshawa recently Good congregations enjoyed the missionary missionary addresses Sunday by Rev. C. H. Cross Saskatoon, Sask., and Dr. W. E. Smith of West China Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clem ens visited friends at Elizabethville Sunday. Sunday. .. .Mr. and Mrs.. W. H. Webber and granddaughter of Clifford, Ont., and Mrs. Wright of Western Ontario, have been visiting their sister, Mrs. S. Channon.... Mr. Jonathan Channon, on^ of our old and respected farmers, who suffered a paralytic paralytic stroke last week, passed away Tuesday, Tuesday, evening. The funeral takes place Friday at 1.30 p.m. to Bethesda cemetery. A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator MAPLE GROVE. Visitors : Mr. S. O'Brien, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgess and family, Base Line, spent Sunday at Mr. T. Power's; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gay and family, Oshawa, Oshawa, recently visited her sister, Mrs. W. J. Snowden; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Foley, visited their aunt, Mrs. S. Cole and other friends last week; Mrs. A. Trenouth and son Frank, Hampton, and Mrs. George Stephenson, Oshawa, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs/John Snowden The Silver Jubilee of the Epworth League will be observed next Sunday when Rev. Mr. Skilling, Victoria College, Toronto, will preach. Good attendance requested. Special music is being prepared..... .Mr. Thos. Snowden had two-thirds of his barn unroofed Saturday week by the thunder storm. It was carried 15 to 20 ft. from the barn... .Mr. T. R. Denyes, Belleville, occupied the pulpit very acceptably Sunday Sunday afternoon in interests of missionary camjpaign of the church. Attend C. W. Souch's sale this Friday. The factory manufacturing Supreme Ranges are finding it difficult to fill orders the demand ibeing so great for these economical ranges. Mason & Dale. $ I 1 1 ! I £: NOTICE ! We wish to announce to the citizens of Bowmanville and the public in general that we have placed Mr. Fred Kir- kendall in charge of our garage garage at the corner of Silver and King Sts. for the present, present, and he will attend to all . repairs, etc., in out* interests. >s BRADLEY BROS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM SÉ 'QeAxoyeS. Ovntv ^ When you spend a dollar outside, Bo wmarfbille gets the goods but loses the dollar* dollar* When you spend a dollar dollar at home Bolfomanptlle gets both* Great Bargains in Men's and Boys' Overcoats Pig Purchase from Montreal Manufacturer Manufacturer Who Needed the Spot Cash We succeeded in buying a lot of Men's and Boys' Overcoats at practically our own price. We are going to share the bargains with you. Heavy Dark Brown Ulster, shawl collar, the very latest style, good value for $J2, our price $8.00 Heavy G-rey Ulster, plain pattern, shawl collar, belt on back, a first class coat for $15.00, for $10.00 Navy Blue Chinchilla, the very fashionable overcoat. overcoat. This is made in a shorter coat, short belt, small shawl collar, a very stylish, snappy overcoat overcoat for the young man, sold ev- dj | o erywhere for $16.50, our price lZf'clU These are only a few of the bargains--300 overcoats overcoats in the lot. The Anderson Clothing Com'y. The Swell Dressers Store Bowmanville ■' f >r / F A. H AD D Y The China Hall Grocery DOUBLE TRACK AtL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO-MONTREAL The International Limited Canada's Train of Superior Service Leaves Toronto"4.40 p.m. daily, arrives Detroit 9.55 p.m. and Chicago 8.00 a.m. MORNING SERVICE- Leaves Toronto 8 a.m., arrives Detroit 1.45 p.m. and Chicago 8.40 p m. daily. LAST TRAIN OUT OF TORONTO AT NIGHT Leaves 11.36 p.m., arrives Detroit -8.00 a.m. and Chicago 3.004>.m. daily, assuring important connections connections with-principal trains for Western States and Canada, t FC^R MONTREAL Leave Toronto 9 a.m., 8.30 p.m. and 11 p.m. dady. Berth reservations, etc., at G.T.R. ticket offices. j J H. H. JURY, Phone 78, Local Agent. 1 I 1 I | I I 1 | & I SOUPS--Special purchase of the celebrated celebrated CAMPBELL'S SOUPS in all the leading varieties, including chicken, tomato, tomato, vegetable, celery, ox-tail, mock turtle, mutton broth, pea, beef, Julienne, Mulligatawny, etc 2 tins for 25c MAGI ^TABLET SOUPS--easily made and very nutritious in all the best selling selling flavors. Each tablet makes three ordinary servings only 5c tablet. BAKING POWDER - Baking Powder in one lb - O Dalton's D. B. tins. This will give y oh satisfaction. Our special price*-... 20c per rin. SMOKED MEATS--Try .our Smoked Meats We receive fresh every week meats from the best packers, breakfast bacon, boneless back . bacon, choice cooked ham, corned beef, bologna sausages, sausages, weiners and fresh sausage. * F- A. HADDY c à™ Bowmanville Phone 62 C a g EsWEÈill ■- ~ - : " ;xv -• \ --/sS ! -hhvi V:---.- . ■ ml■ . WÊÊÊÈÜÜjHüfe ;..Z" : -«s®**®** //- • /Li, -?;/-j-/ Cÿ'A .à>Z • ;/VHvfrî*-*