Help in the^Relitf Work of the Cànâdiân Patriotic Orgânizatfon and Support Canadian Industry BY BUYING REXALL TOILET GOODS, REXALL REMEDIES and REXALL PRODUCTS From October 15th to December 31st, we, along with over 400 other Rexall Store*--The Best Drug Store* in Canaria--are contributing to the Canadian Patriotic Fund FIVE PER CENT, of our total purchases of REXALL PRODUCTS. PRODUCTS. On the basis of last year's purchases, this contribution will amount to several thousand dollars, but it can be doubled and trebled if the people of this town and the people of Canaria will lend a helping hand. REXALL GOODS ARE MADE IN CANADA In the big new factory of the United Drug Co- Limited, in Toronto. Every rim** you ouy a REXALL article you help in relieving the suffering caused by rhU calamitous war, and you also help Canada and the Empire by keeping Canadian people employed. Moreover, REXALL goods are better than most foreign-made goods of similar similar character--millions of users endorse them in Great Britain, Canada and the United States. Behind them is the personal reputation and guarantee of over 7,000 of the Leading Drug Stores throughout these countries. Besides, in buying REXALL goods you take no risks. REXALL Stores everywhere prefer to refund, and will refund your money if any REXALL product is not satisfactory. Wear's more, REXALL products will not cost yon a cent more than they have been costing, the -ccreasec cost of manufacturing incurred since the war wid i>e borne by the Lmted Drug Go„ anc the RexaL Stores, as well as this extra five per cent, voluntarily assumed tor the Relief VS ork of the Canadian Canadian Patriotic Organization. Wiil you lend a hand and pass the word along to your irienos ? All the funds that can be collected is required for Relief Work, and Canadian 'workmen need to be kept employed. Get full list of Rezrii Goods that you can out to advanta.e at our stores. Ask for it. i r= Tee JL RY & LOVELL 73fc# *R&XcdUL Star* SPECIAL TPTS WFEK--A TOOTH BRUSH FREE with every, package of Rexall Tooth Paste. BOWMAN VILLE. NOV. 5, 1914 NEW C. P. R- STEAMER. The rtanariian Pacific grand new steamer steamer "Missanabie" will sail from Montreal for Liverpool on November 14. Rates : Cabin $60 and upwards; third class, >35- This steamer offers the most up-to-date accommodation for second cabin and third ria« passengers. Tickets and all information can be had from M. A-Tames, Steamship Passenger agent, Bowmanville. HOCKEY Meeting of Bowmanville Hockey Club was held at the rink Monday, Nov. 2, when the following officers were elected : Hon. President--A. N. McMillan; President-- Dr. T. C. Devin; 1st Vice--L. W. Reade; 2nd Vice-- Dr. B. J Hazlewood; Secretary --F. Cryderman; Treasurer--Alex. Taylor; Taylor; Committee--F. Williams, Reg. Jones, A. Densem, T. Dos tan. All interested in hockey should attend meeting at the rink Monday, Nov. gth, at 8 o'clock. WORLD'S TEMPERANCE SUNDAY. November 8th, 1914- A Union Gospel Temperance Service will be held in the S. A. Citadel Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.- Short crisp addresses addresses will be given by resident clergy, and Mr. E. Skitch, Missionary Secretary R. T. of T. Choice vocz, and instrumental instrumental music by local talent. A hearty invitation invitation is given to come and enjoy the service. service. No collection. SPEND CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. M. A. James, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, is now booking passengers for Christmas sailing to Great Britain. It is well to secure accommodation early. The rush to England will be great this year. Call or write for terms, boats, etc. All Canadian steamship lines are represented, ! or can send passengers by New York, j Portland or Boston. Bookings to Glas- j gow, Londonderry, Belfast, Dublin, Liver- j pool, Bristol, Plymouth, Southampton and j London. OUR BOYS IN ENGLAND. We were very glad to receive the first news direct from Salisbury Plain on Monday Monday morning when a card arrived from Pte. Dan Douglass, member of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Methodist church choir. His army number is. No. 8433--let us hope a lucky number. His card is dated OcL 21 and says in part : We landed in Camp on Salisbury Plain last evening--a very tired bunch, too, I can assure you, but we are all well You will be pleased to hear that all bars are closed to the troops here. Hope Bowmanville is still on the map^ We were 23 days on the boat and were glad to skidoo at the end of that long period. Kind regards from all the boys to The Statesman staff. Address, Canadian Canadian Overseas Contingent, Bustard Camp, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Salisbury' Salisbury' Plain, England, with name, rank and number, if you have it, Foot Sufferers-Attention! For the benefit of all who have foot troubles, whose feet ache or pain, who tire easily---we have obtained the services of Mr Greenwood* the Foot Specialist, who will be at our store. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays •= NOVEMBER 9,10, 11 Consult him--his services are FREE and you will not be obliged to purchase your shoes here. OBITUARY We have inaugurated as a permanent part of our store an O R T H 0- PEDIC DEPARTMENT for the relief and cure of all foot and where we will carry the entire line of comfort-civ:: ■Mfg. û L T, : > :-g Fv 1--. mi .ci Rev. Jos.H. Oliver, Toronto. A man who until his .retirement three ROYAL TEMPLARS years ago was a preacher of rare power ORGANIZING £n< ^ originality, and later became a busi- | ness man of enthusiasm and keen perception. perception. passed away last night a: his home in Osborne Apartments, 14.34 King-st W. Rev. Joseph H. Oliver was bom at Hampton, Ont-, Durham Co , 47 years ago. Educated at Victoria College, he entered the Methotiis; ministry. His first circuit was at Inglewood, and he afterwards served at Cooksville, Clinton-st, Toronto, Listowel, Sarnia, and finally at Regina, where by a stupendous effort he succeeded succeeded in building the Regina, College. His breakdown in health was due Largely to his v. ork at Regina, and three years ago he retired from the ministry and engaged in the real estate business in Toronto, until March last, when his health entirely broke down. Mr. Oliver held important offices in the Methodist church, and was for a time a member of the Book Room Committee.--Glrfje. Specialties and Appliances made by the Scholl of Toronto, Chicago, New York, London. There's a Scholl Appliance or Remed y ; Mr. E. Sketch of Campbellford is in town working in the interest of the Royal Templars of Temperance, ihe Society 1 Mr. Skitch represents is a Christian Tem- 1 perance and Prohibition Society .with its ' doors wice open to every man and woman : to unite for the overthrow of the gigantic of Intemperance. During the 33 ' years of organized effort in the Dominion ' the society has pledged lyO,(X/j persons to j total abstinence. Mr. Skitch invites the ! people of Bowmanville to co-operate with him in this important branch 01 Christian ■ work. i For Every Foot Ache or Pain MAJ.-GENERAL HCGÇES DINED IN LONDON. 1 t 0 So says the weather man and he generally generally knows So be prepared-- Get under one of our umbrellas and you will keep dry. You will find a good selection from which to choose, from a good serviceable one for $1 to the beautiful beautiful silk covered, gold handled kind. A good umbrella makes, a mighty nice birthday gift, too. Don't put off buying another day. Today is the time to prepare for a rainy day. A dinner was given in hor^rv of Major General Sam Hughes and the officers of • the Canadian contingent in London, Eng- ! land, Thursday evening, Oct. 29. Lord ! Islington, under Secretary for the CoJon- ! ies, proposed the toast of Canada, Hon. ; George Periey responding. Loid Roberts I proposed the health of General Hughes. Amongst others present were : Lord Chas. ! Beiesford, Hon. Walter Long, General j AJderson, Sir Edward Carson, Lord In- i verclyde, Lord Kesteven, Sir Trevor ! Dawson, Sir Vincent Gaillard, Sir George I Armstrong, Alfred Smithers, Sir Edward j Cyril Cassells. Co:onels Davidson, Me* j Rae and Wilson were to sail with General Hughes for Canada on Saturday. I We have just made a purchase of Gentlemen's Umbrellas which we have/marked at very special special prices. Come in and see them. Also ask to see our suit case style. You'jJ find them very convenient for travelling C. H. HADDY, Jeweler The House for High-Grade Watches ^>eYioy^ x\o<aviYQvra ^ Çjy&asffixxdÿ Far Better Than We Can Tell You! W E WISH that every woman in this town had used a box of this face powder--yes, or even the smallest part of a box. Then we-should not need to advertise it, for nothing we can say about MADE IN CANADA Sylvodora Face Powder can tell you half as much about its perfection as you can learn from even a single application. You will be pleased to find how adherent and invisible it is, and its delightful scent is an additional charm. The quality will suggest that the price is a dollar a box; but 50 cents will buy it. And remember--it can be had only at our store. R. M. MITCHELL & CO Druggists and Opticians Nyal Goods. Camera Supplies. NeiIson's Chocolates. A LIVELY PLAYLET. The ladies ol King-st Methodist, Osha- wa, have found a plavlet that drew from The Reformer this testimony : "Une of : the best amateur productions ever staged ; in Oshawa, was given by the Ladies Aid 1 of King-st Methodist church two evenings . last week in the Crystal Theatre. It was i a playlet representing life in the early ! sixties and took place in the village par- | lors of Mrs. Kelly in 186 . The room was ! verv quaintly furnished with mottos, I candies, melodeon and old fashioned furm- ! ture. Mrs. M. A. Herer. as Mrs. Kelly, : the village hostess, played her part ex- j ceedingly well, and charmed the audience ' with her IrUh ways and speeches." Mrs. Heren is daughter of Mrs. M. A. Wash in g- : ton, Bowmanville, and lived here beiore ' going to Oshawa. The Reformer adds : I "Much credit is due Mrs. O. j. Clatworthy i who was directress of the performance. ! The company presented her with a hand- ; some bouquet of 'mums. Mrs. Heren, hostess, was also presented with one from the Ladies' Aid." King-st Sunday School orchestra, which is always equal to any occasion, interested and entertained the audience between acts." Frederick John Maynard, Toronto. ' A young life was blotted out when Fred the youngest son of the late John Maynard Maynard of this town, passed away with con- | sumption at 1130 am Monday, Oct. 26, at \ his residence 405 Pape-ave., Toronto.. Deceased was 32 years old and was a j member of the Canadian Order of Fores- 1 ters and was well- liked bv his fellow- j workers at the Dunlop Tire Company, j Toronto, were he has worked for the past \ seven years. The floral tributes were \ numerous and beautiful. The funeral was j on Wednesday, Oct. 28, from the residence ! of bis brother-in-law, Mr. Otto Mayer, 1 Prospeci-sL The paii-bearers were : \ Messrs Joe Maynard, Woodstock, Will ! Maynard, Otto Mayer and Jack Mayer, i Bowmanville. Deceased leaves to mourn ; his loss a widow and one son. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Fred Maynard desires to thank ail ! her friends ior the sympathy and kind- j nesses shown during her late bereavement. ! Scholls Foot-Eazer--A Foot Rest -- eases the feet, gives absolute rest to muscles and nerves--light and springy--equalize;, the body's weight and gives a buovant and graceful • step. Scholl s Tri-Spring Arch Support for severe cases of flat foot and for persons of heavy weight---gives an upward, springy pressure to the kev- bone of the arch. Scholl s Bunion-Right for Bunion or overlapping toe. Scholl's Bunion Reducer for t: ion or enlarged joints. Red protects the bunion or e: joint. Scholl's Toe-Right ror ever! small toes and soft corns h the toes--a sure cure. Scholl's Fixo Corn Plaster-- t reed to remove .corns. Scholl's Fixo Foot Powder--ar. F, healing and pleas Scholl's Footdok c sweatv feer. Scholl s Absorbo Corn Pads remove corns and callouses by the process of absorption:' also prevents shoe pressuré. Mr. Greenwood spent three days with ns last Spring and gave such excellent satisfaction and made so many feet happy that we have engaged him again. Nothing embarrassing obout his examination (stockings not removed removed except in extreme cases y but he te* s you what you need and shows \ou how L V tr.e ner ■ overcome all foot troubles, him. Don't fail to Fred t fe rn UNION SCHOOL NO. 17 Bowmanville Ontario Honor Roll for October: Sr. V--Hos- kin Smith; Jr. V--Everett Ormiston, Mil-, dred Bentham, Elmo Ashton: Jr. IV--Jack « Smith, Phoebe Beech, Lenvre Bentham, i Waiter Rahra: Sr. HI--Eugene Beech; Jr. II--Cyril A verv; Sr. I--Leiia Rahm; Sr. ' Primer--Lawrence Avery;- Jr. Primer--i Seibret Hali, Lloyd Ferguson, Gordon P-e*ch. Mary A. Reid, Teacher. \ You'll have to hurry if you're going to ; use Certain-teed on that roof. Mason & Dale. Before Get your eyes tested this week at. Jury 6: Lovell's--over 25 years' experience. Safen- first;--Don't strike matches to find your electric light, get K. O. Whyte to put in a switch. It costs yov nothing to consult an optician optician of 25 years' experience at Jury 5: Lovell's. Call this week. 'c: tc: We - Have you seen Mason dc Dale aooa: D:~* :c: :: ;r a that new Supreme Range? A full line of Nyal's Earn:: always in stock. Jury 5c Love!:. :: ST - 7E>ha_S' : or I Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have -■= sen: :: opened out a big src-ck of men's suits and ^or.cers :r:n now overcoats. No better n.otnina an: n. y--_ar n«a;n ;n a2fa. better value anywhere. s-TN5. newmanm !e v X new tt HALLOWE'EN FESTIVITIES The third Hallowe'en Entertainment given by the ladies of the town in aid of the Public Library, was a grand success and was a public demonstration of the go-cd-will of Bowmanville citizens for the Public Library and their interest in its eauipment, this annual masquerade being not only an evening of real social enjoyment enjoyment and innocent fun but a decided help financially towards the library needs. A large number attended in costume and the characters were so many, varied and so good that it would be difficult to make any particular mention. The decis- . ions of the judges were: Best costume 1 ladies--Mis Hillier, Court Lady; 2nd, Mrs. T. Hardy; best costume gent--Hodge Smith, "Bill Board"; 2nd, E. Rowe. Best j costume girls--Ruth Percy and Gwendo yn ! Williams, "The Little Pickaninnies". Best ! costume boy--Kenneth Mitchell, "Harry Lauder." Best costume comic ladies-- the Misses Mason, Manning and Lyle "The Nutty Triplets". Best costume comic gents--Messrs. C. Wattle worth and T. H. Clayton, "The Minstrels." There was the usual Grand March by those in masque and as they entered the court room were introduced to the judges and spectators by Major A. E. McLaughlin McLaughlin in his own happy manner. The supper room was beautifully decorated decorated for the occasion and reflected much credit on Mrs. J. A. McClellan, the President, President, and her lady assistants. The ladies contributed most liberally with refreshments, refreshments, the supper room was an attractive spot and well patronized, the whole affair being a most enjoyable social function. castor 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Han AI» ay* Bought Bears the Signature of ALEX. CHRISTIE STARTS NEW BAKERY AT HIS RESIDENCE ON CHURCH STREET Starting THURSDAY. OCT. 29. I will have for sale at mv residence, one door west of Fire Hall. white" bread, brown bread, cakes, BUNS and PIES It is hardly necessary for me to introduce myself to the citizens of Bowmanville as I have been a foreman-baker in this town almost continuously for the past twenty-five years. You are therefore therefore familiar with my ability as a first-class baker, baker, and on my past reputation I think I am justified justified in asking that vou favor me with a share of c_5 %j your patronage In all my baking I will use Made-in-Bowmanville Flour, being Manitoba Hard Wheat flour manufactured manufactured by F. G Vanstone Goods will be delivered daily to all parts of the town. t Hail the wagon, call or drop me a card and we will call at your home regularly. Bread 6c a loaf or 17 tickets for $1.00. ALEX. CHRISTIE A Satisfied Customer Is Our Best Advertisement j?: m ;a I §5 THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES are sure to satisfy you in every particular. ^Thev have six distinguishing features : Effectiveness of Heating Durability of Wearing Lowness of Price Economy of Construction Excellency of Finish Excellent Cookers Church Street The Home-Made Bakery Bowmanville Our stock is complete. W. H. Dustan