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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1914, p. 2

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N W \ 'JL. B. McLABGHLIN. Banlittr, Solicitor and Convey aeeer. €>■<•:-- BUokley Block. King B treat. SewmwviU*. Money to loan at roaeon* Okie rotas. B. J.Hazlewood, M.D.,O.M BOWMAHTILLB. . OUT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity Ub. irereity, Toronto: 7 oar years Attentic* Physlr' " FlUsbi BANK OF *oronw, a oar yet-- - - -, Pb jel clan anti Bnrgeon at Mt. C»rxne|:Hoeplt»l »urg, Kâ. Ofl ce and Heeldenoe Welll^gto* 1 cuFc. 10?. Rt Tel GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeia and Solicitors. Notaries Pablic. A. X. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated ty latest known methods. Office at his residence, Kmg-st, East" Bow- mantille. Phone 193. 20-lyr- LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.B.Loscombe, K.C. E.S.Senkler, B.A. Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street BowmanvilJe, Ontario. NOTES AND COMMENTS ES1ABLISHED 1617 Incorporated by c4ct of 'Parliament Capital -- $16,000*000 Rest -- -- $16,000,000 Undiv.. Profits 1,046,217.80 Savings Department Head Oifice, Montreal. J. A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. The war has caused a revival of the religious spirit in France, according according to a dispatch from Paris. A similar revival of religious feeling is reported from other countries engaged engaged in the. great conflict. This is not strange. In the face of the terrifie fact of wo rid-wide war, not only religion but also art, literature, literature, life and all sights and" sounds and shades of beauty must have taken on an added value. The peasant's peasant's vine-embowered cottage, the i little vineyard in the south, the simple rounds of daily life things which seemed a matter of course three months ago must now seem •beyond all measure valuable. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Boyal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance Sfc. Bowmanville, (just off King St.) OFFICE HOUBS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House phone 90b TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 The Largest Steamers them Hentriat MONTREAL - QUEBEC - LIVERPOOL sa Zedui T«i» Sot, 12,617 I«m Not. It Carrying ist, 2nd and 3rd Class Passengers PORTLAND - HALIFAX-LIVERPOOL From From Portland Halifax Dec. 1 Dec. 3 "5 ** 6 " 12 " 13 Jos. Jèffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to £20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav f ^ AFTER THE WAR Business in Canada will 1mm. The demand for well-trained young men and women for business will be keener keener than ever. The wls.e arc preparing now. Get into one of our schools and be ready. A few months will do it. It will pay yon well- Free catalogue. Write for it. SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS, Toronto, 395 Yonge St. W. H. Shaw, President. S.S. Arabic,. 15.860 Tom S.S. Metallic, 15,000 Tom S.S. Zeeland, 12,006 Tom Aonly Local Agents for full particulars or Compaay's Office. 118 Notre Dame Street West love, religion calmly. They p them as mere incidents of the - Switches - Switches pay for themselves by increasing the life of your tungsten tungsten bulbs. Look over your lighting system and have a few more switches cut in by us. Leave -vour orders at W. H. Dustan's Hardware Store. K.O. Whyte Electrical Contractor Temperance-st. - Bowmanville Next St. John's Church. Fatherhood, motherhood and all the intimacies of family life so rude ly cut by war--how incrediblely high, holy and important they must seem now that separation has come to show exactly what they meant to all ! In ordinary times men take- life, 1 fcak common way. as things which no one need dwell too fondly on. Then suddenly there comes a crisis and they see them in a different light. Truly of religion, art, and all forms of beauty that move and breathe upon the world it may be said : But you were nut so fair, nor so could move, Were it not your beauty, wonder- sweet, had caught An added splendor from the face of Death ! Major-General Sir Charles Ferguson, Ferguson, Bart., who is-commander of the Fifth Division Division of the Expeditionary Force CANADIANS IN ENGLAND DURHAM BOY COMMANDS. Lieut.-Col. W. Sÿ. Pierre Hughes is Commanding Officer of 21 st Infantry Infantry Battalion--Made a Splendid Address to Volunteers. THE HAMPTON MILLS Best Chop Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Iran, Shorts, Corn, etc., êtc. Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON. It is estimated that it is_ costing the warring nations $25,000 for every soldier of the enemy killed. This is about half the value of a soldier's soldier's weight in gold ; about the amount the average man in either army will earn in the course of a normal life. Yet thousands of men are killed in a single battle, with no more apparent reckoning of the cost than of the value of the lives themselves in the upbuilding of their nations, or of the infinitely greater value of such lives to those who hold them dear. Governments have been financed in Europe largely largely with the cost of killing men in view ; yet each live earner is worth more to a nation than a thousand soldiers of the enemy dead. Mr. S. W. Wreford, 83 Knighton Rd., Plymouth, England, formerly employed with Mr. Robt. Fielding, Bowmanville, sent us some Plymouth papers giving account account of the arrival of Canadian troops at Devonport and Plymouth. Here are a few sentences : At Salisbury Plain the men will for a time live under canvas, but wooden huts are being prepared as rapidly rapidly as possible. It will be a teetotal camp. The only licensed house within miles has been taken over for official headquarters. The Canadian Highlanders are a fine body of men" They wear kilts and have their pipers, and resemble the Scotch closely, but .many of them converse in French. One cavalryman is a pure-blooded pure-blooded Red Indian chief, who was a cavalry instructor in Western Canada. The one great wish of the men is that the King will come to inspect them before they go to the war. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has received £57,192 133. 3<L subscribed by the women of Canada as a gift to the War Office and Admiralty for hospital purposes. The spirit of the men is magnificent, and, like our own Territorials, their chief regret is that they are not being sent straight to the front. For some it was to be their first experience of war, though it was surprising to notice how many of those who came ashore wore South African African war ribbons. They did their bit thirteen thirteen years ago, but they are quite ready to do a little extra and take whatever the fortune of war may bring. The impression produced by such of the officers and men^who went ashore is that these troops are of the finest fighting material. material. The physioue and workmanlike air of one and all is a sufficient guarantee that they will give a splendid account of themselves on every occasion when they are confronted by the enemy. The one prevailing feeling amongst them seemed to be ieverish anxiety to get to the front. * Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only ouq way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caui?e£-6y an inflamed condition condition on the mucous lining.of the Eus- When this tube The 46th Durham Regiment, which includes includes the:.Bowmanville contingent comprises^ comprises^ officers and 69..men--one of the large regiments now in training at Kingston. Kingston. Lieut.-Col. W. S. Hughes, youngest son of the late Mr. John Hughes of Cartwright, Cartwright, is the Commanding officer and Tuesday afternoon addressed 'the 3-1 st Battalion, delivering-a"mosTexcellent address. address. He complimented the men on their appearance and their patriotism in responding responding to the call of Empire, and then gave the soldiers some excellent advice. Colonel Hughes said, "Men you have been brought to this old and historic military city for the purpose of being prepared to face the situation in Europe and to represent represent Canada on the firing line in the struggle now pending between Germany and our Empire. I expect you while here to quit you like men and soldiers and to remember the advice of the Secretary of War, Lord Kitchener, as to your conduct here as well as when you go abroad. "The bars of this city have Been placed out of bounds until six o'clock in' the evening, aud I trust that you will emulate the example of the Russians in the practice practice of habits of temperance and . strict sobriety. Let the principle of prohibition prevail as far as you are concerned, and if you do this the rigors and severities of 00 campaign will fell against you and vou will be better able to do our sacred duty when the important hour comes for you to exhibit your manhood and your soldierly soldierly ability With the officers of this battalion I expect you to set an example in this respect. I shall at all times stand ready to help you in all matters. "You came here on a serious mission. You will have a lot of real hard work, but we intend to see to it that you have the best of care and attention during vour training. You have good clean quarters, good beds and bedding, in fact everything is new. We expect to teed you well and to look after your every need, moral and physical. Remember as you are brought in contact on the streets of this city with women that you act the part of men and soldiers of the King and be respectful and courteous in all your dealings." At the conclusion of the Colonel's address address the men gave three rousing cheers for their commanding officers. Col. Hughes like his brothers Col. John and Major-General Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, is every inch a soldier and will look closely after the welfare of the men under him. •- <$• --- Established 1873 ©F ©AMJMBA I T is an advantage stimebme» to keep a bank account in the names of two persons, so that eithef one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account." We shall be pleased to furnish particulars. particulars. V<e> D ? FF 'ce TORONTO BOWMANVILLE B R A N C H a A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branchée also at Blackstock (R. H. Coulson, Manager), Newcastle. Orono, Oahawa, Whitby, Brookiin and Newtonnllc. DC BECK'S WEEKLY. Who's Your Grocer ? We're Bidding for Your Trade HAVE YOU TRIED marketing" here ? Call and let us fill your next order. If you Avant clean, fresh groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -- choice groceries, fresh fruits, appetizing cooked and smoked meats, high grade teas,; pure confectionery, all. leading brands of breakfast foods, and best canned goods on market. Your order will be filled prompt: factorily if left with HARRY ALLIN ° PPO tlmanv'mf CiUb Central for Independent Phone. Bowmanville Bell Phone 186 ■ 1 Try Eclipse Flour for and Pastry. It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It Takes Less Shortening than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by By the expenditure of only a tithe of the cost of killing a man of the enemy of the nation may be made broader and better and more useful. useful. Money spent for education, for better sanitary conditions, for the upbuilding of the arts and of commerce commerce would add permanently to the wealth of the nation, material, moral and spiritual. Money spent in killing men of other nations, except except in necessary self-defense, is an absolute waste. Europe's statesmen statesmen and financiers cannot be accused accused of inability to grasp this truth. They are not thus mentally deficient. deficient. They have lacked' the will and moral strength to act upon a truth well understood. tachian Tube. When this tube is inflame'! inflame'! you have a rumbling sound or j to obtuined anywhere. imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out aud this tube restored to its normal condition, condition, hearing will be destroyed forever forever , nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed inflamed condition of the mucoçs surfaces. We will give give One Hundred Dollars Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free. F, J. Cheney & Go., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Halls Family Pills for Constipation. Constipation. ■ : * TOWN COUNCIL. Beck's Weekly, edited by Edward Beck, the man who employed the Burns Detective Detective Agents to unearth graft in the Quebec Legislature, and published in Montreal, is a unique publication and one that is growing growing in favor throughout the country. While devoted, primarily, to the promotion promotion of honesty in the administration of public affairs, it is by no means obsessed of one idea, but it is made up every week of clever cartoons and pictures, stories, j humorous sketches and a department of intelligent if somewhat caustic comment on Canadian affairs. Among its contributors contributors are several of the best writers and artists in Canada. It furnishes one of the most appetizing week-end collations of information, information, discussion and entertainment The price is $2 Keeping Up the Quality of Meat s Fred. C. Vanstone, Phone 77. Bowmanville. , m ^UIUIUIU LULUDJ1LL2 CREAK (• -I LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery M A LT O -CREAM SANDWICH A delicious, oddly.-jkj shaped biscuit, with the delightful tang of malted milk and a rich cream filling; At your grocer's. > THE PERRIN "SAMPLER" PACKAGE it a box of delicious biscuit-Ki] surprises. . Send 10c. (coin ofc: L stamps) end your grocer' name for it. D. S. Perrin & Company, LIMITED LONDON - CANADA jaOi All members were present at regular monthly meeting of Council Monday night. Petition for electric light at Queen & St. George Sts. Was referred to Public Property Committee to report. John McMurtry was given permission to cut down dead tree at Church & Scugog Sts. Mrs. A. J. Smith asked what town intended intended doing with her claim of $300 for damages for right of way. Referred to solicitor. Thos.-Hardy asked for rebate of taxes on account of condition his property had been left by railway company. Referred to Court of Revision. A. H. Moore's assessment assessment will also be considered by same court. Special committee to meet Contractor Connelly regarding bad condition of roads reported it had accepted Leo from the contractor to be applied in repairing roads. Waterworks Committee reported that owing to financial depression Wood Gundy Gundy & Co. were, unable to carry out the purchase of $35,000 debenture issue, only being able to take two lots, $2269.79 and $7441.16. The. balance of the issue was taken over by Contractor Connellv at 101 for each $100 debenture. Fire and Water Com. will report on advisability of installing s. public fire- alarm system with automatic tower strik-' er. Probable cost $400. Public Property Com. report carried to make re-distribution of lights on King-st, to other parts of town; install telephone in resident engineer's office; sell 60 ft. lot on Queen-st to Wm. Brock for $600; notify notify parties having gravel on Queen-st lots that rent will be charged if gravel is not removed bv January 1st. Mayor was given permission to build cement crossing in front of his premises. --r-*~ per year, and the publishers will be pleased to send a sample copy upon request. Address Address Beck's Weekly, 335 Craig Street West, Montreal, Que. * -- WOMAN AND WAR is the subject of the November CANADA MONTHL.Y; Man goes; woman gives. Man fights, woman fears. Man succeeds or succumbs; woman suffers» clear to the bottom of her mother-soul, whichever way the battle turns. From the cover design, straight through to the Pedlar's Pack, the Magazine Magazine carries this idea. "It is not only man that War grips--crushing the heart--but it is Woman as well. Woman, the non- fighter, the passive, the patient being." Thus "Kit" begins the leading article, j The first accrejited women war corres- i pondent in the world has watched men j shed blood and the woman who wait at] home shed tears. Surely she knows where j war hits hardest. Every woman will j weep when she reads, "With the Women ' Who Wait." Every man should read it. "Kit" had her pen-point in tune with the heart-throb of anguished womankind. She has never written better--and that is the strongest compliment that can be paid. * : & & 0 MANY of our customers comment on the q -Vl quality ut meat we ALWAYS have and wonder bow we are able to do this week after week. The reason is that we personally select all out live stock and make it a rule to buy only young stock--notn- ing-over three years. Another thing, we only buy from the best feeders. For instance, for our Fall delivery we have bought some exceptionally choice young steers and heifers as follows : six from Thos. Moffatt, Clarke; seven from Thos. Coatham. Clarke;, two from Edward Rutledge, Salem. For Christmas trade we have bought two pri/.e-winning steers from Thos. Baker, Solina, and four from Milton Wight, Providence. We always have the best in pork, veal, lamb, cooked ha n and home-made sausages. Highest cash prices paid for choice dry-picked poultry C. M. Cawker & Son PURVEYORS Victoria Building. Bowmanville 1 Renfrew Mercury says: Hon. T. Chase Casgrain is now Postmaster-General and the Hon. P. E. Blondin Minister of Inland Revenue, in succession to the Hon. Messrs. Messrs. Pelletier and Nantel. It cannot afford afford much satisfaction to Canadians in general to know that there is now presiding presiding over the Inland Revenue Department a man wfio in a public address delivered at Ste. Eustache declared that it was necessary necessary to "shoot holes in the Union Jack in order to breathe the air of freedom." To say anything of the kind was to give utterance to treasonable speech, also to take liberties with truth. *r -- "It took eight years of work." "That's a long time to devote to indeed--six Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and , Queer-sts., opposite High School, Phone 177, iiNH»*s*s##*ess#e«ee***»#eS FERRtWS LOi sa one picture." "Yes, days to paint it and the rest of the time to sell it- Coming to Bowmanville on FRIDAY. NOV. 13 th "I say, maj" stammered Bobby through tfhe $uds as his mother scrubbed and' scrubbed him. I guess you want to get, rid o' me 3 - "Why, no, Bobby, dear," replied his mother. ^"Whatever put such an idea into youf mind?" -'Oh, nubbin'," said Bobby, "only ;fc seems to me: you're tryin' to run- me otifc. ' ; Poor Btoojk is the indirect cause of much winter sickness--it allows chills, invites colds and sickness. Nourishment alone makes blood-- pot drugs or liquors--and the nourishing nourishing food in Scott'* Emulsion charges summer blood with winter richness and increases the red corpuscles. Its Cod Liver Oil warms the body, fortifies the lungs, and" alleviates rheumatic -tendencies. YOUR DRUGGIST HAS FT. 14-45 SHUN SUBSTITUTES. Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto will be at the hotel bowman with a special sample stock of all the latest stylos hi hah goods. FOR LADIES :--There will be shown beautiful brains, switches, transformations, pompadours, waves, fronts, full wigs, etc., of'the iu'.- esL quality hair and workmanship that cannot bo excelled. who are desirous of seeing something that will beautify •■■he.' 1L ance should not miss this opportunity of calling at the hotel uui.ng the visit. GENTLEMEN "Are You Bald ?" Come and have a FREE DEMONSTRATION of The DORENWEND SANITARY SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE which is the only structure of its kind. They are feather-weight, in- detectable, hygienic and will make you appear twenty years younger. (Worn by Men in all Stations of Life and over 250,000 in use) 4

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