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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1914, p. 2

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m^cssc -SB m fir- |S:. A. B. McLATJGHLIN. Ba.r t isier. Solicitor and Coaveyancef. Omee:--Uleakley Block. Kin* Street. ■owmwavlUe. Heavy to Seao at reaeoo* able rateo. 4»-lyr. B.J.HazlewoodeM.D.,O.M BOW MANTILLE. . ONT. G OLD MEDALIST of .Trinity vv. ivetslty, Toronto; Four year* Attenflfc* Fh> elder sna Hairtoa stMt. Oermel Hoe peel Httekorg, Ks, .. Of) re end Retidenee WelU^gto-i 1 11 «Nr. IV. BANK OF NOTES AND COMMENTS Tel E&ABL&HED Ml 7 Incorporated by c4ct of ^OfttameHi GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Eerristen. sad Solicitera. Notaries Pmblic. A. K. GOODMAN, 0. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario Capital =-r $ ISïOôôyôôO Rest -- -- $16,000,000 Undiv. Profits 1,046,217.80 W. H. ALEXANPER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Colit Colit ge. Diseases of all domestic animals treated 1} latest known methods. Office at Ids residence, King-st, East Bow- Dianvillè. Phone 198. *)-lyr L06COMBB & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.R.Leaceiofce, K.C. B.S.So«ltler, B. A. Monet to Losn. Office: Mason Block, King Street BowmanViIle. Ontario. DR. T. C, DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanrille, , (Just off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 6 a. in. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. House Phone 90b I'HONE 90a Saving* Department Head Office, Montreal. J. A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. COURT OF REVISION Municipality of Darlington- Notice' is hereby piven that a Court will be helu pursuant to the-Ontario Voters' List Act, by his Honor the Jrnlgè of the County Court of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham at the Council Room, in the Town of Rowman- ville, on Wednesday the 16th day of December, 1914, at thé hour of ten thirty o'clock in the forenoon, forenoon, to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality Municipality of Darlington for 1914, so far as relates to polling subdivisions numbers one, three and six. And that a Court will be held at the Town Hall, in the Village of Hampton, by the said Judge, on Thursday the 17th dav of December 1914 at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon forenoon to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the said Voters' List so far as relates to polling subdivisions numbers two, four, five and seven. W. R. ALLIN, Clerk of Darlington. Dated at Hampton, in the Township of Darlington, Darlington, this 30th day of November, 1914. 49 2 Christmas Business As Usual QUR stock is as COMPLETE AS IT IS OTHER YEARS AND WE ARE DISPLAYING NEW GOODS EVERY DAY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. INSPECTION. W. T. Allen «« Big 20 »> Bookstore What's the Use of Missing So Much Pleasure that you Could Have ? •x TES, you can live without music and brightness and V happiness and friends. But why should you, when JL these things cosft so little and mean so much ? Lots of people, who said they "could do without an Edison Phonograph" before they owned one, now say they "could not do without it"--it has brought so much pleasure into their lives. m , The Edison appeal is universal. To thosfe who love good music--to those who enjoy most the old airs--to those who prefer instrumental music--to the younger set and even to the children--the Edison is a daily source of pleasure and recreation. , And the prices for Edison Phohographs and Edison Records are so moderate-the varietyjs so great-that there can be no question as to our ability to suit you. What's the use of missing so much pleasure r vet new PHONOGRAPH (THE INSTRUMENT WITH THE DIAMOND POIND F. C. Pethick, King Street, Bowmanville. The entrance of Turkey into the war means once more the bloodstained bloodstained soil of the Holy Land will send to heaven the cries of the de- - sola ted and 'the dying. One of the earliest, despatches reports fighting at Gaz a. It - will be recalled 'that Samson carried off the gates'of this city. Turkish troops have mobilized mobilized around the Gulf c^Akàba and the Sinai peninsula. Over this same ground more than 3,000 years ago the same great prophet Moses, led the children of Israel;. Turkish troops have been rëported as concentrated concentrated at Mosul on the Tigris, which is across the river from ancient ancient Nineveh. First Fish--European waters are getting dangerous with these mines. Second Fish--Thank goodness, -t doesn't, cost us anything to swim to America. There has been widespread distress distress and devastation throughout the Holy Land caused by the wholesale wholesale conscription of all men, Christians Christians and Moslems alike, between the ages of eighteen and forty-two. The Jewish colonists of Palestine have been especial sufferers.- Actual deaths from starvation have been reported dn the Holy City itself. Most of the 60,000 Jews in Jerusa- em are from Russia, Roumania and Germany. Their source of livelihood livelihood has been the trade remittances remittances which they have received through the mail from home. War las stopped this income. Many of the colonists are old people who :iave gone to the land of promise to spend their declining years,' and these are unequal to the special exertions exertions necessary to obtain funds to leave the country. It is said that comparatively few of these Jewish settlers are Americans, but relief is sorely needed by them. *-- Biscuits •< of delicious, golden-brown -s'vrexrtme'enr, bearing pictures of'troops of the allied armies, Union Jack, British Bulldog, etc. - Entertaining anPiffstruc- : tive for the kiddies and superlatively superlatively delicious for tife grown-ups. At your grocer's, every biscuit-guaranteed. 30 D. S. Perrin & Company, Limited London, - Canada NOTABLE MASONIC EVENT. Methodist General Conference Delegates At,tend a Meeting of the Grafr in"Ottawa. •v; Established 187» \jw as#. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL. TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-itaâde Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have yoiir suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You nëvér saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav In every copy of your paper there*is something of lasting value.--Rev. T. Watson, Ridgetown. A minister out north writes : Mr. M. A. James, Bowmanville : "The cards you printed for us are splendid--I - am well pleased." Our motto is : "We strive to excel." A pleased customer is - our best advertisement. "I see from yesterday's News that some of our boys who went to Egypt are likely to be in the midst of the fighting. Of one thing we are all assured, that wherever they may be they will acquit themselves well.--James M. Muir, Hakalau, Hawaii, T. H. Mr. C. M. Scott of Doherty Piano Co., Edmonton, Alta., under date of Nov. 25th writes: We are right back into summer weather today and were treated to a shower of rain this afternoon. » Any time there are any Bowmanville people here or want information about our city if they., will write me I will gladly give them any help I can. Sorry we didn't see Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne when here yesterday. St. Bride-st., London, E.C., Nov. 4, 1914. "The Editor of the "Daily Express" presented his compliments to Mr. S. W. Wreford, and begs to thank him very much for so kindly sending him a copy of "The Canadian Statesman" which the Editor has read with interest". This is one evidence of the courtesy of the educated educated Englishman. We heard of a Canadian Canadian publisher who sent a sample copy of his paper containing a complete report of their annual convention, to 100 public school teachers, and not one of them acknowledged his thoughtfulness. They were evidently not trained in an ethical culture school. I find much interesting and instructive reading in The Canadian Statesman. The article by Mr. C. M. Bice, Denver, €oio., in your issue of Oct. 8,1 think is great. It may interest you to know that have forwarded The Statesman to a _riend "at the front" and is probably by his time in the firing line. As you will lave seen 'by the papers, we gave the Canadian Contingent a great welcome in Plymouth. " I met some bovs from Toronto, Toronto, Hamilton and other places, probab- y there were some from Bowmanville, but I could not locate them, and as there were over 32,000 it is not to be wondered at. They are a grand set of fellows, but their one ambition: seems to be now to get "right there" as one said To me, (and he apparently voice's the sentiment of them all), "We want to get at them--that's what we camé for." Sydney W. Wreford, Wreford, Plymouth, England. A A A A Why Do Estimates ? $ $ **e***#*******e*s********j| ! Order Coal Now I LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and ~ Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. séèm&éMééêém You have no doubt, asked yourself this question ! The answer is that the difference is in the QUALITY of work done. Each Contractor wiU quote on HIS quality, and as no one is-going to do business business at a loss, the only, conclusion conclusion is,-that a LOW figure means a LOW Quality. You do not notice this difference AT FIRST, for most of the work is concealed. But in a short time faults will appear, and the necessary repairs will more than equal the. x difference difference between the QU ALITY and the LOW-PRICED job. -My aim is to make known that my price is always for the HIGHEST QUALITY and BEST WORKMANSHIP. WORKMANSHIP. . K. 0. Whyte Electrician. Orders may be left at W. H. Dustan's $ $ « AM $ An event "of more than ordinary interest interest to the Masonic craft was a meeting of Doric Locfee ÀF., & A.M.,No.56, G.R.C., in Ontario, htsftf in the handsome MsTSpnic Terïfplé, Ottawa, on Friday ëvéning, Ôct. 20, with Worshipful Brb. E. S. Macphail in the chair - All members-of the-Craft in attendance at the Methodist General Cqn- ference were invited to attend the regular communication and a goodly number enjoyed enjoyed theTâte opportunity of taking part in the evenings work*and 1 pleasures:in the Capital of the Dominion, with prominent Masons présent from every Province in Càhadà and the Island pf Newfoundland. Bros. H. W. Mix, W. A. Oliver and Rt. W. Bro. S. A. Luke (formerly of Oshawa) were active in the committee that greeted the visiting breti ren. After the work of the evening was over the visitors were escorted to the spacious dining-rood 1 ! where 150 Masons sat dowh te> a'ma|niff- cent banquet tendered the'visitors. After full justice had been done to the feast, a round of Speeches were made by one representative representative from each of the provinces, Mr. F. E. O'Fiynn, Barrister, Belleville, making a capital response for Ontario. This report is late owing to the delay in securing the complete list with addresses addresses of the visiting brethren. The ministers and other delegates to the General Conference Conference present were : British Columbia--Rev. Eber Crummy, Crummy, D.D., Vancouver, B. C. Alberta--Rev. C. H. Huestis, Red Deer, Alta. Saskatchewan--Rev. Chas. Endi- cott, Swift Current; J. A. Cress, Regina; C. B. Keenleyside, Regina. Manitoba--Rev. G. K. B; Adams, Port Arthur, Ont.; Rev. M. G. Flatt, Portage Portage la Prairie; Rev. A. E. Smith, Brandon; G. A. Nicholson, Dauphin; G. N. Jackson, Winnipeg; E. T. Greenway, Crystal City; W. D. Pettigrew, Winnipeg; A. S. Argue,. Roland; T. G. Bethel, Dauphin. Quebec--Rev. W. S. Lennon, Granby; F. Barrington, Waterloo; G.H. McCombe, Montreal; John Cunningham, Montreal. New Brunswick--Rev. Thos. Marshall, Marshall, Fredericton; R. W. Weddall, St. Andrews; Andrews; J Â. Lindsay, Woodstock; R. Duncan Smith, St. John. No va Scotia--Rev. Donald Farquhar, Lunenburg; Rev. W. I. Croft, Wallace; C. L. Hall, Hebron; W. N. Grant, WaK lace; Dr. M. E. Armstrong, Bridgetown. Prince Edward Island--Rev. G. M. Young, Tyrone. Newfoundland--John Leamon, A. W. Hartin, W. H. Peters, Arthur W. Mews, St. John. Ontario -- Revs. D. T. Cummings, Smith's Falls; H. S. Dougald, St. Thomas; John Garbutt, Cobourg; John Kenner, London; H. B. Kenny, Bowmanville; W. C. Kettlewell, Toronto; A. J. Langford, Kincardine; • J. A. Long,-Weston;. A. E. Lavelle, Brantford; J. B. Robeson, Mer- rickville; J. D. Richardson, Cornwall; W. E. Mil Ison, Stratford; F. E. Mallott, St. Mary's; C. M, Marshall, Orillia; T. Albert Moore, Toronto; C. L. Mclrvine, Bérlin; A. J. Paul, Brampton; G. W. Robinson, Orangeville; M. E. Sexsmith, Whitby; W. B. Smith, Oakville; W. J. Smith, Hamilton; Hamilton; C. W. Watch, Midland; A. I. Terry- berry, Preston; Isaac Couch, Ottawa; S. L. Toll, Windsor; Hon. E. J. Davis, Newmarket; Newmarket; Messrs, J. * W. Crews, Trenton; Elmer Davis, Kingston; W. S. Dingman, Stratford; R. G. Kirby, Toronto; F. B. Holtby, St. Thomas; W. H. Hopper, Cobourg; Cobourg; H.P. Moore, Acton; F. E. O'F.ynn, Belleville; W. B. Sparling, Lindsay; E. E. Starr, Whitby;" Israel Taylor, London; Wm., Williams, Collingwood; A. Shaw, Kingston; M. A. James, Bowmanville; C. P. McGregor, Waterdown; W. A. Oliver j and H. W. Mix, Ottawa. i * -- ' j Ox Sale Everywhere. - -There may j be country merchants who do not- keep j Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, though they i are few and far between, and these may ! suggest that some other oil is just as j good. There is uothiugiSO good as a liniment" liniment" or as an internal medicine in certain certain casés. Take no other. The demand demand for ifc shows that it is the only popular oil. ' Lady--Is this a pedigreed dog? Dealer--Pedigreed ! Why, if that dog could talk he .wouldn't-speak to either of us Î ©F CAMABA 0,B P»C^ TORONTO T HE btfsiness man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collecting collecting drafts, etc. >33 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also at Blaclrstoclc (D. P. MacFarlane. Manacar) . Newcastle. Orwae, Osieewe, Whitby, Brookttn and Newtonville. iHj (A Catarrhal Fever Pink Eye, Shipping Fever, Epizootic leedily laving ilhem ^by"using Spohn's Distemper and Cough Compound, 3 to 6 doeea often cures; one bottle guaranteed to cure one er.ee. Safe for brood mares, baby co'-ts, et all ions, all ages and con- ditione. Meet skillful scientific compound. Any druggist. And ail <f6seaÈee of the horee affecting his throat, epe cured; oolfti and horeee in the same stable kept from h: SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Ind. U.S.A. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre To take the Allan Line means that the Ocean voyage will be one of the pleasantest memones of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steamers, steamers, replete with every convenience and luxury-- the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence--the courtesy and attention of the ship's attendants--are not easily forgotten. / 2 For rates. Bailing dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agente or > it til 1 . THE ALLAN UNE - King St:. ~We;t, Toronto. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. Best Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Chop. Bran, Shorts, Corn, etc., etc. «a Chas. Horn, Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON. t « ■ ® n t=i SPEND CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. M. A. James, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, is now booking passengers for Christmas sailing to Great Britain. It is well to secure accommodation early. The rush to England will be great this year. Call or write for terms, boats, etc. All Canadian steamship lines are represented, or can send passengers by New York, Portland or Boston. Bookings to Glasgow, Glasgow, Londonderry, Belfast, püblin, Liverpool, Liverpool, Bristol, Plymouth, Southampton and. London. His Choice. First La-borer (gazing into, jeweller's jeweller's window)--^-How would you like to have your pick amongst that lot, Bill? Second Laborer--I'd sooner have my shovel. Who's Your Grocer ? We're Bidding for Your Trade HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here? Call and let ns fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -- choice groceries, fresh fruits, appetizing cooked and smoked meats, high gracie teas, pure confectionery, all leading brands of breakfast foods, and best canned goods on market. Your order will be filled, promptly and satisfactorily satisfactorily if left with HARRY ALLIN 0ppo C m °a 0 „ d r Club Central for Independent Phone. Bell Phone 186 J 3C mue T 3! YOUNG MEN'S CONFERENCE ! LIGHTNING HITCH because the entire system becomes permeated with injurious acids. To t relieve rheumatism Scott's Emulsion is a double hélp ; it is rich in blood-food; -it Imparts strength to the functions and sup-. plies the very 4)ll-food that rheu matic conditions always need. Scott's Emulsion has helped countless thousands when other remedies failed. 1 } Refitie Inferior Sebstitüte*. The Fun Is On We have studied the matter of Com- , ., , , . . j fort and Quality to increase vour Young men and older boys to the num- 1 , j . ,1 ... . her of ilo, from Sunday Schools and Ep-I pleasure during the Win tot. worth Leagues within thè bounds of Bay 1 of Quinte Conference, are called to meet in Conference at George-st. Method» Church, Peterboro, Dec. 28-30th. An adequate program, dealing with many phases of active life as confronting the youth in hia varied relationships,' will be. dealt with by recognized leaders in the Y.M.C.A. and the Methodist Church. Del egates must be sixteen years old or over. Registration fee $1.00. Another dollar will be charged for four square meals during the Conference. The first 150 del egates registered will be entertained on , . , . TBe Best Hockey Boots J. E. Chapman, B.A., Çâtihihgtori, Ont., ; : •. - without delay. Churches throughout thè for the smallest investment is our aim, Bay of Qiiinte Conference should select an( j the wonderful sâles wë are Qhak- from among the most promising of their j j s the best evidence of our success. W0 . earr y^ . larg ; for leadership.. Among the ^peakers are: variety. Prices from $150 to $3 50. Rev. S.T; Bartlett, General Secretary of 1 . _ Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies; Societies; Rev. F. L. Farewell, B.A., Associate Associate Secretary of ; Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues;:Rev. C. J. Bishop, B.A., • •*--. -- _y^ c* 'V TVÆ f™' A • AÆ Keeping Up the Quality of Meat We specialize on McPherson's, "Lightning "Lightning Hitch", the best known Hockey Boots in .Canada. Dominion y Secretary of Y.M.C.A.; -Mr. Taylor Statten, Dominion Secretary of BWtoârtviitè Fred R. Foley Ô MANY of our customers comment on the good quality of meat we ALWAYS have and wonder how we are able to do this week after week. The reason is that we personally select all our live stock and make it a rule to buy only young stock--nothing stock--nothing over tliree years. Another thing, we only buy from the best feeders. For instance, for our Fall delivery we have bought some exceptionally choice young steers and heifers as follows : six from Thos. Moffatt, Clarke; seven from Thos. Coatham, Clarke; two from Edward Rutledge, Salem. For Christmas trade we have bought two prize-winning steers from Thos. Baker, Solina, and four from Milton Wight, Providence. We always have the best in pbrk, veal, lamb, cooked ham and home-made sausages. Highest cash prices paid fdr choice dry-picked poultry V Ç. M. Cawker & Son PURVEYORS : Victoria Building, Bowmanville I •;.a 1 i X u r- : v

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