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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1914, p. 3

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pressing school problems being discussed in-a sort of round table conference. Unlike Unlike Canadian schools, dançing cl%^es ar aueht. and it was a pretty sight to see rhe%venil^"trippingt^lig^Vfanfasbc^ We spent a vefy enjoyaMe pert of^rid^y afternoon in company with Mr. $attista «« thA F.thinal Culture school playground scholars on the Ethical Culture on 147th street whère . teachers, and parents were assembled and the V0wmfef9'££rtainly b*d a joHy t^e. A * gTôud <c4uipn)€Rt 'i$ tbtr^ - 11, football/ swings ed 104 5 «.U uaowjftll, basket , . tog, slide* etc., weré heartily indulged 1 HBttcjàïe# and cakes-, were served at o/cjock. *'■„ ' , . ft may interest some readers • to hcffv this- sçhooV .is maintained. aniL Fancies.. learn Ttm charges id$: tuition cover the- costvtQ a-j large extent and are per year: Kinder- Mrs to Tike "Fruit-arTives" A void Substitutes. Sold at thtJBest Stores L. E. Waterman Company, lifted, Montreal Booklet on Request. ETHICAL CULTURE SCHOOL The Editor Visits one of New York's Popular Schools. C mlinucd from page one. Kindergarten forms a link' bet weep -the - home and the school and is designed for • children between the ages of fçur and six. It takes advantage of the instincts and interests interests of this period and through th%lay .activities aids in i he development of good habits of feeling, thinking, and doing.. Elementary department comprises seven , grades, covering the period during which the child obtains an acquaintance with the elements of the civilization into which he is born and acquires the habits necessary lor him to participate successfully in the , life about him. The aim is to develop creative power, interest .in the world about him, and habits and ideals of social service. The course ol study is.broad_ in Us scope in order to embrace the varied interests of modern life-moral mstruc- manual training, art, nature tion, study, garteqiioo; grades 111 and music, gymnastics, mathematics English, ABSOLUTE SECURITY. ceogra phy, and history. The school combines combines the advantages of the ejass and social social teachers, the latter bringing to the c las§ the; rich knowledge and enthusiasm of the specialist. The. High School undertakes to prepare for anv college and also for professional schools. It also keeps in mind the of students destined for a commercial or industrial career. With its completely equipped shops and laboratories, it is able to give an exceptionally adequate training to students preparing for higher technical institutions and for mechanical pursuits The requirements for graduation ensure thorough work during each of four years. A student's course of study. for each year must be approved by the principal A few features of the school deserve special mention. The physical training of the student is cared for in the. gymnas^ ium. Both boys and girls are encouraged to take part "in the outdoor life which is under direction of sp-cially qualified teachers, and to take part in the excursions, excursions, camping parties, cross-country and athletic contests which are m&oo; V-ind VI,' |»25; VII and VIII, High Sc&ool-isn-2>y*s $280 each, -fast two years $300; open air school $250, Normal $115. Books are extra. By an endowment scholarships exempting reap- ient, from paymg a» or part of annual tuition fee are assigned each year to deserving deserving applicants, a high standard or scholarship and .depor tment being required. required. One of the outstanding features ot this school is the discipline in manners, courtesy, respect for age and position, considerateness for ladies, feeble persops, strangers, recognition of worth, favors, meritorious actions, etc. In a word, the development ot the girls and boys into voung ladies and gentlemen is the aim. *-- Genuine Carter's t 4 Little Liver Pills, tramps, bo>^s " Athletic "Association" and the girls t -- oîm tn rn-onerat( features of the school life. The aim to co-operate Social and Personal. officers in making ath- Must Bear Signature of Ses Fac-Similé Wrapper Below. j Very email and os easy to t ahn as sugaiw FOR HEADACHE* s w FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. R3R THE COMPLEXION "Recreation League with the school (offic letics and other/rms of recreat.on most effective in the furthering of the general purpose of the school. Music is a prominent prominent feature in the schools activities, both in the form of systematic class work and by means of a- school chorus and students' organizations for. musical purposes. purposes. The school orchestra assists at the assemblies and festivals, and,, gives valuable valuable musical, training to its members. Every effort is made to keep unbroker., from*the first grade through the last yeai of the High School, the continuity of subject subject matter, instruction, and school lire. The Normal training department has been chiefly confined to fitting, kinder- gartners for their vocation. Normal students students are allowed the freedom of the school for purposes of observation and conference, conference, with teachers. Courses are given m nature study, manual and fine arts, domestic domestic science, school _ hygiene, psychology, psychology, history of education, story telling, special CU PF - SICK HEADACHE* Cook's Cotton Root A safe, reliable, requlatinç de medicine. Sold in three créés of strength--No. 1, Si- No. 2, 53; No. 3, S5 per bo Sold by all druggists, or sci prepaid on receipt of nm Free pamphlet. Addrc ■ THE COOK MEDICINE C ' TOIONTO. ONT. (Ferwrly Wir, You should always keeps, bottle of Chamberlain s l .Stomach and LiyerTablets von the shelf. The little folk 1 so often need a mild and l safe cath&rtic and they do ■ appreciate Chamberlain e Vinstead of nauseous oils and (teoublelandcons'tipation, gi veone just before ] iStobed. All druggists, 25c, or send to CHAMBERIJUW-MEDICINE CO.. T010MTQ_lOj Notice to Creditors In the estate^ LUCY ANN HAINES, late of the Town of Bowmanyille, -Wid ow, Deceased. . ,-v hereby given that all persons having »nv claims or day o'foctober Ann 'V.ml.rercmdredtr, send in post -oitô ,ïïï BSrtosss&Ss ° f «" security, Vf any, held by them. take notice that after the 10uh day of December next the said vma^ ^ deceased to distribute the| t ^ et t hereto , having regard among those eucit ^ ^ 3 he shall then have Vida Cox will nob part thereof to anv person or wxi.-se claim she shall not then of November And 1^ >• vw> VT. T. n H Hillli of the those entitled thereto, onlv to the claims of which had" notice and that the said be liable for said assets or any any person of whose have received notice. Dated at Bowmanville 1Q1 4 K. RUS5KLLLOSCOMBE Solicitor for Vida Cox. literature and siuiy icuiiife, o H . methods ^ dergarten, Primary, and Grammar School, observation and practice teaching. The open air department greatly _interested _interested us. It includes divisions of- fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. The object of these classes is to give, the child îen the advantages of long days m the open air for the purpose of building up their Physiques, Physiques, so that they may derive the highest highest degree of benefit from, their school work Preference is given to. children whose blood tests or whose general nervous nervous condition indicate^that they will derive derive special benefit . from the open air. Instruction is somewhat modified to meet the out-of-door conditions, but. these grades are parallel to the corresponding grades in the in-door school. The. classes are held on the roof of the school building building from 9 a.m, to 3 P-m. Classroom work is broken by frequent periods for rest and play. The school is supplied with science laboratories, laboratories, manual training .shops, art studios, rooms especially fitted up for domestic domestic science and art, a commodious library, an ethics room, a gymnasium, roof garden, and a lunch room. A gymnasium gymnasium with shower baths, running track, and adequate equipment furnishes opportunity opportunity for indoor work under the supervision supervision of a trained director. Provision is made for physical examinations and special special corrective work. A roof garden and an interior court furnish opportunity tor outdoor recreation and games. The » Mechanics' Art Department is equipped to meet the needs of all classes. There are shops for bench wood work, machine wood work, forging and moulding, moulding, machine metal work, a stock room with machinery, and an office and conference conference room. They are equipped with representative representative modern mechanics tools and machinery. The lunch room on the roof, overlooking overlooking Central Park, is a bright and cheerful room where pupils and teachers eat together together in orderly fashion, designed to preserve preserve the atmosphere of friendliness which pervades the school and add to the esprit de corps of the student body. So many good features are possessed by this school that we hardly know, where to stop. It is a common practise in.this school as in many others to hold frequent parents' and teachers' conferences for the purpose of bringing the parentrand school into close and mutually helpful relations, Whitby Christmas Fair Thursday, December 24 Newcastle is to, have a first-class skating skating rink this winter. - > Mr. S. Alcorn, formerly of Newcastle, has,, been chosen Colonel ot Li.idsays Home Guard. Francis Ward, a life-long resident of Manvers, passed away Nov. 26, in his bist year from pneumonia. Corns cause much suffering, but Holloway's Holloway's (lorn Cure offers a speedy, sure, and satisfactory relief. - Northumberland and Durham Counties Council voted $500 a month to the Patriotic Patriotic Fund during the period of ihe war. Mr.'Reginald Bradley, son of Mr. J. W. Bradley, Newcastle, is recovering from a attack ot appendicitis at Holbeck, Sask. Following a course at Ottawa, Lieut. J. J. Bell, Principal of the Whitby High School, has been gazetted as a regimental instructor of musketry. License Commissioners of East Durham in Port Hope cancelled the license of Mr. L. G. Bennett, on the three convictions registered against him. Mr. Fred Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. A- Moore, Whitby, formerly of Hampton has been in Oshawa Hospital, where he underwent underwent an operation for appendicitis. A pleasant', medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Ext.erm.ua tor, and there is nothing better lor driving woims. from the system. Mr. and Mrs. HughÀrd, Orono, celebrated celebrated tH#Hhirticth anniversary, of their wedding Nov. II. An address, silver tea pot and set of silver tea knives were pie- sented. -- ' . T ^ , Monday evening Nov. 23, Mr. Kobt. Mahon of Port Hope- was struck, by the shunter on the Midland Division of the G. T. R. and death was almost instantanThe instantanThe will of Hon. Samuel H. Blake probated probated at Toronto, disposes of an estate valued at $206,819. His widow is left $50,000 in bonds of the Canada Bread Company, ' • . , -, t , Judges' Court of Revision on the \ oters List was held in Newcastle last week, His Honor Judge Ward presiding. There HAGERÿWLLÏn ONT.., AUG. 26th. 1913. 'M ean highly recommend "Fruit-a- tives" because they did me an awful lot"of good and L cannot speak too highly about them. Abou,t four years ago, I commenced taking " Fruit-a- tives" for a general break-down and they did me a world oi good. We bought a good many dollar s worth, but'^it was money well spent because they did all that 3-011 claiiq for them. Their action is so peasant; compared with other laxatives, that I found only pleasure, as well as health, in taking them. They seemed to- me to particularly suited to women, account of their mild and gentle action, and I trust that soipe other women may start taking. ' ' Kniit-a-tivcs after reading my letter, and if tfiey do, I am satisfied the results will be the same as in my own case". Mrs. W. N. KELLY » " Eruit-a-tives " are sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2SC, or sen tpostpàid on receiptpf ice bv Eruit-a-iives Limited, Ottawa, be on A pink chiffon blouse has as lace oollay for all ..the world :he old-fashioned Taoè collars used t-o be wired up under our and fastened ■ with hooks in back--two decided differences Children Cry for Fletcher'» price were forty-five appeals but only nine were Gill day 40 • OVER 08 YEARS* EXPERIENCE allowed. , ..... Geo. Morton, Cavan, died Nov. 12, in his 85th year. Last Spring he fractured a thigh and has been suffering, from the accident ever since. He is survived by a daughter and eight sons. Capt. the Rev. Spencer, Millbrook, was in Peterboro acting as examining officer at the Military . Training- School. Capt. Spencer is one of the most"popular members members of the J6th Regiment. . . Port Hope Conservative Association elected these officers Nov. 27 • President-- D. H. Chisholm; 1st vice--E. Brown; 2nd vice-- Dr. F. J. Brown; Treas.-John McMahon; McMahon; Sec.-- Victor Bradburn. Mr. Frank Law, Newtonville, who for nearly 20 years clerked for Col, John Hughes, has purchased his stock and business business and has been appointed Postmaster of Clarke P. O. Col/Hughes has carried on the business for 25 years. The Proven Asthma Remedy. Since asthma existed there has been no lack of much heralded remedies, but they have proved short lived and worthless. The cver-growing.reputation ef Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has given it a place in the field of medicine which no other can approach. It- has never been pushed by sensational methods, hut has simply gone on effecting relief and making making new converts. . Mr. John S. Gerrie, a well-known Whitby Whitby boy, who is following the journalistic career, is making a distinguished success of the financial and business page of the San Francisco "Call" of which he is the editor. , . .. _ ^ Thursday Nov. 19 being Mr. Roy Denholm's Denholm's birthday, his pupils in Newtonville school presented him with a handsome watch griard. He gave them a treat of delicious taffy. Both teacher and pupils will long remember the happy occasion. As the result of fracases or fights be tween Blake Stapleton and Bob Findley at Newcastle, the former is under the doctor's care with a cut from a knife through the muscle part of his arm, while the latter is in Cobourg gaol. A Remedy for Bill tous Headache.-- To those subject to billions headache, Parmele.e's Vegetable Pills are recommended recommended as the way to sppedy relief. Taken according to directions they wi 1 subdue irregularities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in the head, will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to billion-ness and familiar with its attendant evils. . Yet none need suffer with thes < p 11s ao hand. Sav'ngs of children of Cobourg public school lor November amounted to $58 There has been considerable rivalry among the different rooms. The amount is to g,o to the National Patriotic Pund. Teachers donate one cènt op the dollar, of the r salaries. What will the trustees do? asks the Sentinel-Star. Miller's Worm Powders will _ drive worms from the system without injuiy to the child. The powders are so easy to take that the,most delicate stomach can us-initiate them and welcome them as speedy - easers of pain, because they promptly lc ll the worms that cause the pain, and thus the suffering of the child i-; relieved. With so sterling a remedy at. nand 110 child should suffer an hour from \'*orms. Six members of Counties' Council are seeking the Warden's chair: Reeve Doak, Millbrook, Reeve Tait, Bowmanville, Reeve C jiwi. , Newcastle, Deputy Reeve Patterson, Port Hope, Reeve J. R. Armstrong; Armstrong; Manvers, arid Reeve Thorne, Cavan. Why do statesmen read the Weekly Sun of Toronto ? Because it is a paper with a reputation that is unquestioned. It is-the farmers' business paper, and is watching farmers' interests all the time. Aside, even, from its market reports, which are acknowledged to be the best in the Dominion, it is a paper of weight. You should have it come to your home evei y week. All through the long winter nights it will furnish a wealth of interest ing reading material of a thoroughly rcJr- able character. This paper has special clubbing arrangements with the S.un. Let us have your renewal and add the your list of papers for 1915- Remains of William Bartley, who died at Toronto on Nov. 24, were laid at res in Pine Grove Cemetery, -Prince Albert Deceased was a life-long resident of Cartwright. Cartwright. He died at the ripe old age of 85 years. He was a member of the Orange Order for over 65 years. He leaves five sons and two daughters. The sons are : John and Thomas, of Roland, .Man.; W. G„ of Peterboro, Joseph, of Toronto, and Robert James, of Pipestone,_N. W. 1. The daughters are : Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Toronto, and Mrs. John Johnston, Port Perry. He was buried by the Orangemen of West Durham. : high like that ears the Instead Instead it is fastened, in the front, and it" is loose enough to stand nip without without wires. It is edged with fur and so are the fronts of the pink chiffon blouse, and the fur is put on with a-, band of narrow black silk brakL K is decidedly smart, this use of; fur and braid together. The skirt scalloped about the edge is an accepted thing. no\^; and it is as attractive as it is usual. It breaks the full line aboutfhe ankles and makes the shorter skirt less- abrupt abrupt in its ending. Short Eton effects of lace on chiffon chiffon blouses are decidedly becoming. The little jackets usually fall _ ovel a girdle' of .some decided shade orange, green or bright blue velvet. Wide silk braid is noticeable on many of the new French importations. importations. Sometimes it is used for belts, drawn through straps of. the fabric of the frock, sometimes it is used for patch pockets. It is formed'into formed'into upstanding collars and deep cuffo, and it even forms the edge ot tunics and of the- foundation - skirts beneath them. Black velvet ribbon is one of the minor features of the fashions. Sometimes it is worn about vhe throat, tied in a bow, with a long end or loop reaching to be caiight in another bow on the front of the bodice. ' . For a child there are seal mutt and hat sets, trimmed with red ; or The Kind Y ou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. &4C Allow no one to deceive you in this • All Counterfeits /Ithitationsand^^Just-as-good. «arehut Exneriments thrit trifle with and endanger the health Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for Casto.r Oil, Bare* Cas, to and So pthing Syrups. It is pleasant.. It Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic goric, Drops contains neither substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ond aUavs Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trophies and Diarrhœ/ It regulates the Stomach and- Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea--The Mother s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS the Signature of Use For 1 -, -- O M PANV Over 30 Years fslKW YORK CITY, on. from suffering means true happiness. happiness. The trouble due to indigestion indigestion and biliousness, is removed quickly, certainly and safely^ by pink roses--one on the hat, one both bright and cheerful. Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World Sold Everywhere. Ia boxes, 23 cents the muff, ... There are many sleeves of white net, rather full, gathered into a narrow wristband in dark serge and satin bodices.' These give a touch of daintines's that is essential in .woman's dress. Leaves are twisted, one stem about another, around the crown of a black" velvet Spanish sailor hat. A.child's hat of .black velvet six or eight strands of white . red beads about the crown, finished on one side with a.red bead rose. A velvet- hat has about the crown a band of beaver fur, with has and three tailored bows of . inch-wide silver ribbon tilted smartly at the edge of the brim, Ostrich is used as a trimming on many, of the new blouses. Short flues are used as a fringe to edge flaring collars and cuffs of organel or satin 'Or silk. It- is a decidedly soft- and effective means of trimming. trimming. Ruffs of fur and tulle are among | the new things offered for the con- ! tenwlation and envv of smart wo- hood Th»r^ is a hish standing u chine flarine un ward from a smif collar of fur 1 x- pKont th» thr."a t m a n ! i tu 11 » in rather narrow, that- olacnc cnno-l Sun to •XHO n'.vin x mi ¥ v >x /< X S3. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Ccx, doing business îmthe city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and pvorv case c>f Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ihe use o£ HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6 Lh A da ^°Vr A, D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood anc Mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY.& CO., Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists,,75c. . Take Hall's Family pills for constipation. 'c>> WONT .7 c § it -X-.S « & On v m & xN Li YOUR BLOOD i s the canal of life but.it becomes a Ail life consists ofi building up Ànd - tearing Axifono sendl tjuickiy its lav eu tL ^ T8 gt?i n cti> confldeiit Trade Marks DesioRs RIGHTS S& descrlptAm may " e wbSJier an Otomnnlea- on Patenta " Patents taken through Munn A CO. tec •effi notice, without ch IP*| ?h Munn large, In the receive j. :tr#; JP - eg nts taken tnrou notice, without c . Bmerica» ^ hMdsom e I y^iiluatrat"! waakle. Largest > ilaflon Largest clr- Term* for Bold by various pku oflhëbodythe the cells up"so it_is compelled to carry «way the waatematenal^ that shorn down. These waste mateSs'arepoisonow and deÿroyM unie» the'hVer andkidneysnre'ptimidahKlinfco refreshed and vigorous life. DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovesy is the balancing power--a vitaUang Jowec. Kacts on etOTjag „d organ, of clean the Blood. --andstyrfjB. This headaches •ration as n ,, . need it--if you are always "catching cold vetiea-roota are- throat. The active médicinal principles^ A^encan-Nâttve-roote arw extracted without alcohol and. you. can obUi^tbli i tonic in liquid or tablet form at any drug storei or send 60 cents in 1-cent stamns for tnsl box of tablets. t ' Send31 one-cent . cost of merit offlmon Senem J iinr etna Second Year of Married Life. It is, say the philosophers, during during the second year of married Me, when its glamor of newness is wiring wiring off, thait danger anses. The man then begins to settle down, but woman is i^y nature retrospective. retrospective. Much tact, therefore, is needed needed to harmonize the present with the past. Fortunately little Jen; kins was eminently, tactful. Jack» said wife tô hén one da^, I don't believe you Uvè me any more, Ifttany rate, noth* like so mtioh as •once you did:' 7 ^onsetiso, dear! replied the husiband in » convm- soothing voice. But why f M cing, soothing . "I don't know." A pause. Lots of little ways." Another pause " Why do your alwaysrletme get up to Ught the fire noW?" "Nonsense- darling. Being alble to come down fa mokes | me love you more."- Pour LUX on waters of PILLIONS of these little wash-day all over Canada. In color they are like cream- SSK Tfm fine! soft, creamy lather LUX makes, is tiSS Îame^wôiÎlZ 6 * liîiens^etc. dainty or other-» SAMPLE; FREE on application to Lever Brothers all grocers, 10c; Limited, Toronto. Sold at Canada. 5nd. It won $ t shrink wootiens. Remember : 1st LUX is made 171

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