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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1914, p. 7

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' - -zv- ; -V -• \ ■ -:■ \\V- •: ^I^SiPPffiStsP mm®' fcol What Bobby Saw. "Bobby, did you ever see a, hole in your hand asked Uncle Joe. «^Khere isn't any hole in my ha§8^' said Bobby, positively. The children "were never _ quite sure when Uncle Joe was ]okiBgi for he always looked quite serious, although there W£s sometimes a twinkle in h-is eyes. ■ '•Now, Bdbby," said Uncle Joe, "take a large-sized magazine, _or an y piece of stiff paper about eighteen eighteen inches long. Roll- it up into ,./* small tube ; now, hold up your lefh and, with the palm toward you, _nd place the tube against the side of your hand. Look through the tube with your right eye, and keep your left eye open ' nrUxTB a unWi Pale or Sallow Cheeks One ot the Rrst Silos of Anaemia Pale"- and- sallow <3ieeks, T" '1? blanched lips and gums, and dark- circles under the^eye®, are the first signs that anaemia has begun u s deadly progress. This first warning is followed by great weariness^and breathlessness after any exertion Y où grow* melancholy, -have frequent frequent headaches,. aw ake in morning feeling 't&reÜ. Yomhê morbid add-nervous, start-ireg; at the slightest ridise, à-nd ÿôür h^&rt palpitates palpitates violently evéh on gdmg Upstairs;. Upstairs;. Mdôt girls frbfii fourfiw^Jo "'twenty suÈér from JCiftiemia. •lect to supply new blood to Interest to All Women What do you see i 0" vou ; "Oh, how funny !" shouted Bobby. Bobby. "It looks as if someone had cut a" little round hole right out of the palm of my hand !' . Bobby laid down the tube, ana had to look twice to make sure that his plump left pa-lm was just as sound and whole as the other. ••Bobb-^-hcw many fingers have asked Uncle Joe. / •Æen," said Bobby,_ looking as n he thought the question rather a foolish one N "You never saw an eleventh linger. linger. did vou V' "Why, no," said Bobby. But he did not speak quite so positively this time. "Hold your hands before you, with the fore-fiingers almost, but not quite, touching," said his uncle. "Now look--n^f at your forefingers, but at the floor just fcevond them." . "O Uncle Joe!" cried Bobb" m great excitement. "I see right between my forefingers -- another little stubbv finger, so short and fat ! What funny things you are showing me to-day !" . "You see, Bobbv." said his uncle, laughing, "no matter how good your eyes may be, there are times ,hen you cannot believe all that tell you."--Youth's Com- -étëe îangùistnbÈ, blbédlefe ; body ,«ie& a life of misery--feSleed it. is ^an open invitation tb that most hopeless hopeless of all diseases, consumption. The new., riôh- blood tot cures anaemia anaemia an ' gives new health ana strength is -eadiily created by i>r.. Williams' Pink Pills. That is why these pills have cured- more cases of blood les snetss and blood disorders disorders than any other medicine. They hâve made thousands of girls and women strong, well and rosy, with y> vurc ii ^ v i z . , 1 bright eyes and new energy, just ne- ■ 1 1 -- 1 -- **ntn Miss N. Y-, w they panion. -lo calise they nourish the body wr new, rich, red blood of health Here is a typical instance. Laura- Dempsey, Auburn^ says : "For several months I was in a very bad state of health, with many of the symptoms that accompany accompany anaemia-. I was pale and bloodless, had terrible . headaches, would be breathless _ at the least exertion. Having tried a number of medicines without relief I naturally naturally became discouraged and began to fear that I was doomed to continued continued illness. At this stage a friend who had herself been bene- fitted by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills urged me to try them. I did so and thanks to the pills I am now enjoying enjoying the best of health, and feel that I cannot recommend this splendid medicine to highly." Other weak and ailing -girls can also obtain new health and strength through the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. You can get these palls through any medicine dealer, or they will be sent by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams, Medicine (Jo., Brock ville, Ont. BRITAIN IS MAKING AN ARMY. Ton Days Drill, Then Weeding Out, and Shooting Practice. • A British officer thus describes the process of - building up ' Kit-che- ^fcer's army" : . , , "The recruit begins with eight hours a dav on the parade ground <me < befor-e breakfast, three m the forenoon, three after dinner, and one after tea. For the first few weeks the work consists entirely ot piemen tar v foot-drill, marching, te handling of the rifle, and above all, -physical training. Ten days of this weed out- the unfit and the sluggards. sluggards. and effect" a vast, improvement- improvement- in the demeanor of those ff •- ted to stand the strain. Chests expand. expand. heads come up, shoulders square out, and the bodies move with a rhythm. The _ shop-walker, the idea-l of ease and grace, begins to learn that he can't- distinguish has right- hand from his left when asked to do so without warning ; the man who found the scythe an easy weapon weapon to^wield, finds that the simple- iooking bavonet is far too much for him: the fluent speaker m tile local debating society finds that it is beyond beyond his art- to explain how to form "fours. But gradually NEWS BY M AH. ABOUT f JOHN B UIVL A ST) liTS PEO P LE. Occurrences In the Land 11ml • Peigna Supremo In. the C!om*« nicreial World. Two pears were sold at Grimsby for the Belgiân Itèîu gees' Fund, valued ^>130. ' . Prinbêss Mary BWs issiÉeti an .appeal .appeal for -$50(^D0§ 'for gifts; fôr'the s<Mdi'efs and èaifers. . All lîdénsed ifotidSes in the London ire, for fcft'e future, cfosing at 10 pim. instead of 11 : A rébruit to Lord Ritch&Ier s arfoy ■pho comes from bdwfs m e-name of - Julius Caesar. ^ A new £l note will .shortly be in the hands of the public and is a great improvement on the first issue. issue. Six patrol women are to ibe appointed appointed at Portsmouth, where they will work in conjunction with the police force. . Orders for khaki clothing to the amount of $1,250,000, for Russian troops, have been offered to firms in Leeds and West Riding. A revised list of the . number ot railway men who have joined the colors shows that 24 railway systems systems have contributed 54,276 men. The Alhambra Theatre in London is offering two private boxes nightly for the use of convalescent wounded soldiers home from the front. It is stated that at the patriotic concert at the Albert Hall, London, King George joined heartily in the chorus of "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." Tipperary." Two : inmates of Bath Workhouse for some years have been a Mr. Pickwick and Sam Weller. Mr. Weller has just died and Mr. Pickwick Pickwick lies seriously ill. . Lord John. Spencer Cavendish, D.S.O., brother of the Duke of Devonshire, Devonshire, of the 1st Life Guards, has been killed in action. He was only thirty-nine years of age. In order to kee-p as many men as possible employed during the war, the Government has hurried forward forward the contract for the construction construction of the new Post Office tube. Among the great historic ings. which have in COW-CODE USED BY GERMANS System to we pull Was Used By Scouts Direct the Armies. Crude drawings of cows of varying varying proportions, some in attitudes of defence, belligerency, or m grazing grazing positions, were noticed by French officers during the early days of the campaign on the Aisne. The sketches at first were considered considered the simple efforts of school children, children, but the frequency with which this subject appeared on walls, building's, bridges and in every available place in the departments of Oise and Somme puzzled French officers who conducted a thorough investigation. They are now convinced convinced that the system was used by German scouts to direct the armies that were to follow. . There was a great variety m the sizes oi the drawings and in the positions of the heads and other particulars. By comparing notes and dates it was discovered that these crude pictures had a very intimate intimate relation with passing events. Certain categories of the pictures coincided in every case with the same developments in the military possible damage from Zeppelin bombs is Westminster Abbey. The sum for which it is insured is $755, 000. The war is costing the country about $55 a second,- or about $5,- 000,000 a day, according to Mr. Sidney Webb, Professor of Administration Administration in the University of Lon- Halîfàx Sends Out "a Message of Help to. Many People. Halifax, Ft.S., Deb. 15 ; --When interviewed interviewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her Peculiarly .unfortunate case. "I was always blue afid depressed, depressed, felt wealth languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite What 1 did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- aclfc and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Bills. - "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. An six weeks I was a; well woman,, cured, completely after uafferent uafferent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason tha£ I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or digestive digestive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton s Pills " Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strengthen strengthen the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. . * -- GEN. FRENCH AND THE BOERS •Tricked Gen. Beyers Into Believing He Had Large Force. Sir John French came into prominence prominence by a -succession of unusual achievements. He held the Bo at Colesberg and held him on a 20-mile line with less troops than he now'has in reserve. The story of French at Colesberg is the story of a big hoax. He hoaxed the commandant commandant commanding the enemy s forces so successfully that although the Boer was in great numbers he never dared venture an ■ att More than this, he had a heavy field gun dragged up the slopes of the almost' almost' inaccessible Coleskop and shelled the laagers of the invader with such effect that the Boer gen eral withdrew his. forces to the other bank of the Orange River, lhis commandant, Gen. Beyers, a er wards discussed the situation with Sir John French, and-expressed his „ I total incredulity when the British !sured "against general revealed the weakness o ttàir Came Out.. Stiàlp Itchett atïd > Burned. Scales Like Sawdust. Çüficura Soap arid Ointment Healed in Six Weeks-. The Pas, Manitoba --" Pour years ago I began to lose my hair. -■ It used to come out any time' that I combed it. I think it wits bècausè iny head was. full of dandruff. Whenever I brushed it the scales flew off like saw-dust. My -scalp also itched and burned and my head was like.a dry crust. The dandruff showed very plainly. " I applied several remedies but found no Improvement till I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After using Cuticura' Soap and Ointment a few days I found a great difference difference so I continued with them six weeks and they completely healed me." (Signed) Li. D. Lockwood, June 4,1914. RASH OVER BABY'S CHEST 99 Follis Ave., Toronto, Ont.-- "From birth my baby grandson had a rash over his chest which prevented his sleeping .and seemed to irritate him a great deal. They were a mass of tiny red pimples on hi* chest and arms. He was too ypung to scratch but was very cross and fretful. "I used the samples of both Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they appeared to afford him relief immediately so I bought more. In three or four weeks he was entirely healed." (Signed) Mrs. L. Compton, May 23, 19^4. Samples Free by Although Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold throughout the world, a sample of each with 32-p. Skin Book will be Bent free upon request. Address post-card: V Cuticura, Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A. LIKENESS OF BATTLEFIELHS. -- those .of To-day to Those of Napoleonic Napoleonic Wars. . The lat-esit riiiinber fi-o hafid. of the London Tfniesi'n it-s quotations from its files of a century ago has the following.' The places ; mentioned as the s-pbere of opérations a year 3 efore the Battle o-f Waterloo show remiarka-ble' similiarity to the battlefields battlefields of the present day. 1 'Brussels, October 24.--The . following following is the position of thé different different corps that formed the army in Belgium : Ostend, Nie-uport, Fur- nes, and Ypres, Mendn and Cour- trai have numerous .garrisons con- sisiting of English and Hanoverian troops. The other places in Flanders Flanders as ~ Ghent, Bruges, ^and Tififo- mond are also garrisoned by English English and Hanoverian with the addition addition of Belgium troops. Tourney^ has a garrison of three English regiments, a corps of the Hanseatic Hanseatic legion, and some squadrons of horse. At Mon s and Char leroy are Belgium infantry and Hanoverian dragoons, .-and Hussars. In the villages villages between these places are cantoned cantoned troops of the same description. description. Namur -is wholly garrisoned by Dutch troops. In the Interior the Hpssars of Croy are at Ash, and the Belgium Light Horse with a, strong division of artillery at Malones. Malones. The Congreve Rocket Division Division is at V liver "den. At Louvain are same battalions of Belgium infantry, infantry, and the garrison of Brussels Brussels consists of English guards and a corps of Horse Artillery, and the Belgium regiment of Carabineers. To these troops must be added the garrison at Antwerp and those which are stationed at Maest-richt and -along- the Maese as far as Namur. Namur. Highest grade beans kept whole and nfêaiyhy perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. Tftfay have no niinkl. t Just Like Mamma's. Ah attractive little girl at a party was being questioned about a doll she had just received for her birthday. birthday. The mother was- beaming with delight at the attention her daughter daughter was receiving, when the little girl said, "Why, do you know, the hair on my doll's head comes off just like mamma's !" your own druggist will tell you Try Murine Eye.Remedy for Red, Wea.it, W a-tery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting-- inst Eye Comfort. Write for Rook of the Eye by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. A BERMUDA RAIN CATCH. he 'his force. "We could have eaten you, said, regretfully. ,, "You tried to once. or twice, smiled Sir John. , , The Boer commandant nodoeo. "Yes," he said, "but unfortunately unfortunately every time we went to take a mouthful we struck the bit with the mustard!" After the Boer War there was a don. ■ , , Lord Kitchener has appealed to ---- -- f ra ternizing between the oublie asking everyone to avoid great deal ot tiateimz s treating soldier! to drink and to the rival commande rs, and theaebe- them every assistance in re- gan many Irien s ips pre sent which are | splendidly fructified m this presenr moment of crisis. Our people learnu much from their whilom enemy, Lord Leith, of Fyvie, said we give sisting temptations placed before them-. Speaking recently at Torquay, I % " ve since turned through and pass on to the hand- operations and continuing the r kng of the rifle as a weapon of war. rese arches, they discovered a per- , sysfcem 0 { communication had thus been organized, similar to the system often employed by _ gypsies and tramps for indicating information information to those Of their confreres that come after. , The position of the animal shead was made to indicate the direction in which the French troops were to be found, and the size of thé anima, indicated - the importance of the rxs wuuwid, i forces. A very small cow meant aRually lot that the route was not very strong- a ii tihis ly guarded ; a cow in a naturaLpo sition of defence indicated fortifica- The air-gun enthusiast srbarts here full of confidence, until he finds himself placed in the. "awkward squad" for further aiming instruction. instruction. The man who would be in- euî^d if he were told that he could not tell the time finds that six o'clock on the bull" takes a lot of finding. . . , M The first essay on the miniature range is also usually something o a disappointment. But careful m dividual instruction works wonders^ and the men are . gr ready for field training. _ time the work of I neighborhood, and the eks and expandmg cheato has gone t on,the ne gh ^ ^ steadily on and the ma-rches have the fortificatiobs . A bC The baSn now sings the magie cow with head raised high indicated lLong^»y.to®p : | to now reached a poipt when the Gov- goo ^ - ernment had recognized the neces- ! I remember discussing sity of making a wholesale sweep of alien enemies. During the week end, seven hospital hospital ships arrived in Southampton. They brought home about 2,000 invalid invalid and wounded troops, who have been sent to hospitals in various various parts of the country d advantage. the war with General De Wet in the train between Kroonstadt and the Vaal, writes a correspondent-. I was particularly particularly anxious to know which branch of the service most impressed impressed the Boer. "Undoubtedly the infantry," infantry," he replied promptly, we started by feeling a little contempt Writing from^the front, a private for the foot soldiers---we finished by Y" 4 Dorset says "Some have holding him in a wholesome, respect. worn thli? shirts Tver since they | The cavalry we did not mind - the have 'been here. If you could man age to sen$l a few, Tommy would look upon it as a ^godsend. GERMAN MACHINE TOOLS. British Manufacturers Arc After cavalry divisions never got near enough to do any great damage. But we soon discovered that the infantryman infantryman was a different P r ^P^ sl " tion. ' We shot at him and killed him--'but he came on. In long lines an easy mark for our shots, he advanced advanced up hills Which we could have How the Natives Provide a Supply of Fresh Water. The rain catch is an institution that many Bermudian householders adopt to provide a supply of "fresh water for drinking and washing. Since there are po springs or brooks in the Bermudian archipelago, archipelago, and nothing but brackish water water can be obtained by driving wells in the porous coral rock of which the islands are formed, the law obliges obliges every householder to catch and store away in tanks or covered cisterns cisterns enough rain water for his own Accordingly, the roofs of all the houses are pitched so as to .carry the rain water by a system of gutters gutters and pipes into large stone tanks. The roofs are whitewashed three timês a year by government regulation, and there is a law that requires every householder to keep his tank in good condition. All Bermudian houses are built of coral coral blocks, roofed over with thin slabs of the same material. . Another method of collecting and preserving the rain water for household household purposes is the unique Bermudian Bermudian rain catch. It is a large, sloping sloping basin of coral rock placed on a convenient hillside to give it the proper pitch. The.floor of the basin is formed bv scraping away the thin layer of top soil so as to expose.the coral rock. A low wall is raised about three sides of this, and a covered reservoir, partly.above and partly below ground adjoins it at the foot of the sloping runway. The whole thing is cemented to make it water-tight, and whitewashed at frequent intervals to keep it. clean. The rain eateh, shimmering m dazzling dazzling whiteness in the bright Bermudian Bermudian sunshine against a luxuriant luxuriant green hillside, is one most interesting features Bermudian landscape. Magic "Nerviline' Ends Stiff Neck, Lumbago Any Curable Muscular or Joint Is Instantly Relieved by Nerviline. Pain Brmvn _I wanted to get married when I was 21, but my father said I didn't have sense enough. So 1 waited until I was 30. Cora--And so you got married at 30 1 Brown Oh, no, at 30 I had too much sense to want a-wife. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. War, as a- deed, is barbarous ; as a spectacle, poor and hideous. War is want piled upon want weaiving the body, dulling the mind. W ar is honor or profit for the few : happiness happiness for no one. GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. You don't have to wait all day to H. W. -DAWSON, Ninety Toronto. Colborne Street, Ket.the'kink out ofa stiff neck if you ! T P you WANT TO b'JY.OR SELL A ^ Anri vou don't need ; JL Fr rub on Nerviline. And you don t need ; to go around eomplaining about ffim- borne . s " t .. Toronto, bago any more. You can rub such things away very quickly with Nervi- line. It's the grandest liniment, me quickest to penetrate, the speediest o ease muscular pain of any kind. i anger One twenty-five cent trial bottle ot Nerviline will cure any attack of lumbago lumbago or lame back. . This has been proved a thousand times, just as it was in the case of Mrs. E. J. Grayden. of Caledonia, who writes:--"I wouldn t, think of going to bed without knowing j we had Nerviline in the house. I have . use<Lfit-for twenty odd years and~ap-, .etc. from preciate its value as a family remedy more and more every day. If any o. the children gets a stiff neck, Lervi- line cures quickly. If it is Ç toothache, cold on the chest, sore ; throat, "Nerviline is always my stand- bv. My husband once cured himseit ; of a frightful attack of lumbago by i Nerviline, and for a hundred, ailments ■ that'turn up in a large family Nervi- ; line is by far the best thing to have. about you. Stock, Grain or ; Dairy Farm, W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90 Col- ETC.. W It il* VV ri"^ VI ed :c.U TUMORS. LUMPS, internal and external, cured, out pain by out home treatment. UE before too late Dr. Bellman Co.. Limited. Co 1 1 i n g wood. Ont- Machinery For Sale Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, irge factory for sale. W 7 heeIock engine. 18 by 42. complete with cylinder frame, fly wheel, bear- inns, etc., all m good condition, çarache, i gj^ a fting from one inch to tnree inches, pulleys thirty inches to fifty inches, belting six inches to twelve inches. Will sell entire or in part. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. was of otf the t-he The Kid's Regiment. Mrs- Blunderby--My sister Kate who married the Englishman vvwites me that her boy is going to fight. Mrs. Kawler--Dear me ! Iso t he rather young 1 t Mr.s. B'lunderb.y---W e 1.1,. yes ; but, you see, he':s going to join the infantry. infantry. S. Frank Wilson c' Sms, *3 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Manufacturers the Trade. T-n most of the foreign markets in held to doomsday, but there whiéh Germany does much business something so inevitable about th ITWhiM-Ws 'the ohi«f a*tr«c- advance of his that our men got tion is dhea-pnoss. This is the case panic-stricken toward the end n in markets of so diverse a character wou ld not wait.' . . . as Denmark, Russia 'and the Argèn- '<The British infantry is inevit- tine In one or two valuable mar- I a ble," the general went on. xou kebs such as Australia and Japan, m i g ht ride away from him, but he we have the larger business, but a wou ld follow. He would turn up cood deal of the more elementary ag fresh ds though he had been car- work can be done on a cheap class r * e< j the way by wagon. He of machine, which, if we make it at ^ ^ day or two ibefore he all, is certainly not properly mar- türn€ d up, but there he would be, keted, or our busitiess would be . at the end 0 f the- war when it in those countries where j v j ta xiy necessary that we 5,000 OUT OF WORK Not men, but oorne that were put out of bueineee laet week b- Putnam's Corn No corn can live if treated by It is eafe, painleee and sure. 25c. at all dealers. M M?m» n t l ^nter^eived jgat Sent ST-slvlre'luLk * La Grippe. S 1 ! have frequently proved it to be vet effective in caees of Information. Y< W ra A. HUTCHINSON. Extractor. Putnam e XJee only Putnam'e neVary,and "HulloT Who's Yourlploring the t i j o" .O.C? :+. ewiners alontr vpnf-.uri ■Lady "Friend 1" as it swings along, dusty roads. In fact, the authors and composer® of these ballads, led by the forgotten genius who Rented the mouth-organ, have done much to help in the training of our new soldiers. So now off we neighborhood venturing farther. fr CRYING CHILDREN When baby cries it ie bbCaU-se he is unwell--not because he is bad I natured as so-many imagine. Cry- go in high spirals to spend lo g the W£Ly the little one has of hours in fill on teUing of his pato aud the impregnable pitiojsQd I motïllr can lineS^. Hi W* by his y J.JLLLX2V ÎÎ ginary Germans, who are ^'^.le^dhe simply by his crÿ driven out at the bayonets when baby cries a great deal give As the weeks roll on these Practices | ^hv's Own Tablets 'and he will larger wfll be carried pu^ in equipment, and in larger bodaes till finally our New Army is capa ble of going on manoeuvres &nq marching all mght to attack dawn, or of digging all nighty ^ e happy again. . Concern ing Mrs. Jas, .Gaudrea-u, him soon the Tablets .. , ^ ptre Damp Boas, $ u i'V}*I*i * y baby effet} day and mght I W as greaithy j^scounagedr I béfâfi Tablets and tie was soon vîn-i preparation fofi the attack which ^hSalthy 1 ând St." The Tab hourly çxpecbed. > ■ PPy» ,, u __ x:--„ fulcra r> v t , j i p u o-r-e sold by medicine dealers or By this time the men will have ! ^ 2 5 cents a box from The • béèii tràlheJ in the use of-ball am- y Medicine Co., Brock- munation, of wihich it is to be hoved | ^ ; 'x . ^ -- The devil may be an unsatisfactory unsatisfactory boss, but at least the wages of sin are always paid. cheapness is a prime cobfkteratdon, F . _ secure food and ammunition says afScotch paper. We have or » snoum " other Occasions referred to the sell iuui „ ing matters and the value of a pro- P ^ m0 ved against a convoy giessive attitude in this connection by Britishlhfahtry." Germany frequently sets about guarded py ^ ^ fitudving a ■ market in a very meth 1 _ ,, » n odioaLway, and before attempting it often pay® to let the other fe - to send goods finds out exactly | j ow talk While you acti what.will suit it. All this costs a 1 ' ^ ' considerable amount- of money, which must be spent before any re- turris cas bfi -Î4 toe_dnd results warrant the trouble. It ^ announced that a large Conumssoon is shortly leaving the United States for South. America for the purpose of studying the markets hitherto supplied from Germany, We ought {p W Æ# South IrneSca, bùt m other countries nearer home. It is essential to sue- cess, and whether done by firttn® individually individually or in combination, if j good is to follow it must be taken. non ns LKiBNEY \jf FM.i s Giving Pa Notice. T understand that you have called called to ask for mv daughter's hand ? "Oh, no, nothing like that. < 'Then ' ' "She and I settled all that, What I have called for is to find out what part of the house you are .going to turn over to us when we get married?" married?" À WJtRfc WINTËR. --A.ther Drevalle in California, ilie i^M^Wlntêrinr plaoe. reeolied. comfort- aîd «SinFenti j by the Chioa«o k F^uY^pïend^ tïai M^daUy terminal Chioifco^-The OveHand fiSteet train to San Franclwso ; Anffelee Limited, three day* to «11 rah in e the famous San.Fran- TimtMd^înd the Câlifbrnla MaU. ° futistrate<L " foldehs deeoribihRuthe |reat California Expositions, and aleo SS2°lnd faHA^rticulaie, wiUhe maM .roSetry onWeUoattw 'SfiSSI Not To Be Trusted. "What's yours ?" "Coffee and rolls, my girl. One of those iron-heavy, qnar clinch clinch thick mugs of coffee was pushed pushed over the counter. The fastidious , persbn seemed dazed. He looked under the mug and over it. "But where is the saucer s he I inquired. , '.'We don't give no saucers here. If we did some low^brow'd, come pil- " ' in an' drink out of "hi® saucer, .we'd lose a lot of our swell est Chapped Hands Quickly Healed C HAPPED hands and lips always come with cold weather, but m an' trade." mhard's Llnlmsnt Curss Dlphthsrla. A Great Demand. A countryman while in Paris no _ ticed a shop with empty shelves and B^e^AÏnntr'Btoàio & North Wèétern I windows . He walked in and asked By., 46 Yonge 8t- Toronto. Ont. propr j € tor, with a stupid look, "I suppose When you WiSing^to arnui. himself at the -wfJf sates:- "«• - T radcmirk CAMPHOR ICE brings sure and speedy relief. Children especially need "Vaseline" Camphor Ice for their rough and smarting smarting hands. In tubes and tins--at drug and general stores everywhere, everywhere, Insist on "Vaseline" "Vaseline" Camphor Ice. Our new iflustratod booklet booklet describes all the "Vase- lihe" preparations. A postcard postcard brings it. ii,. 6 b fVl EU M Af 'r f in the 'Son, don't-come you are able to keep.'." pay for your commented countryman, "you - must have mg- the Government will not be ga-rdly. A ldiig face gets a short welcome from the busy man. ^ |r TEl E "I always believe in saving sqme- t^ing- for a rainy fay " "How much have you saved 1 v Oh, 1 haven't saved anything, but I believe believe in it." ED. 4. ISSUE 49--'14. ' fol load. ■Hhard's Llnmiëiit Cure* Distemper. i ■■ • Bobbie--'Don't you feel tired,- Mr. BibbleA" GuetiW-No, Bdbbie... Why - do you askî Bobbie - " "Causé* pa said he met you Hast night and you were carrying an aw- u tiae a great demand for them, because I see only one left in the shop. It was Josh Billings who said tie had "seen, some awful bad throat diseases completely cured in three days! by •simply joining a • temperance temperance society." 'Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ao. dHESEBROU^H MF'G. CO. - "(ConscüidiMed) 1 MO CHABOT AVE. MONTREAL irvr r ! "

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