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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1914, p. 2

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sgsggs PH A. B. McLATTGHLIN. Dariitisr, Solicitor and Conveyance*. OAce:--Bleakley Block. v . King Street. Bewnan* ville. Money to loan at reason* able rates. 48-17*- B.J.Hazlewood, M.D.,O.M BOWMAMYILLE. . 051. NOTES AND COMMENTS Flttstrory, K». - _ . - Oil re »Ld Beeiaence Weill Kio ' R t. To hnKc.lW. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH E&rristeie tnd Solicitors. - Rotaries Public. A. K. COOBMXr, D. C. CALB^AITH ^ 5g8 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts.' Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic animaLs treated lx latest known methods. . ■ v y ï'- ;• 5 * ' - Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow- manville. Phone 193. 30-lyr LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries . Public. R.R.LÔscomfce, K.C. B.S.Settkler, B.A, Money to Loin. Office: Mason ""Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. TOR AN I) RETURN FARE AND ONE-THIRD From Stations in Canada, Kingston, Renfrew and West thereof G ood going PJW- trains ._Decembej l0, àn J all trains December 11 and |2 Account "Toronto Fat Stock Show" All tickets,, valid 'to return up to and including December 14, I9 I 4- Full, particulars and tickets at G.T.R. tickét offices, or J. H. H. Jury, phone 78, Bowmanville. Ever sin-ce the European war began began reports have come froin Russia. ; of legal restriction of the use of al- 1 coholic beverages on an unprece- j -dented scale. Owing to a historic j tendency'of Russian government tOj announce policies in terms that ( seemed more sweeping than they | afterward ' proved," well-informed readers took these reports with considerable considerable reservation. TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW DECEMBER 11TH ANS 12TK. BANK OF himself and his town. He is the man who expectsf'to do the most free boosting for his town. The man who insists on sharing the business that comes to a town, but refuses to ^advertise his business, is i not a va!uabJj|:addition to any town. The life of anvjpwn depends upon _the^ live, twide-awake? arid liberal advertising^men. THE Established 1873 %z : . 13T7 Incorporated by cAct of 'Parliament Capital --^ $16,000*000 Rest -- -- $16,000,000 U ndiv.Profitsl,046,217.80 DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, G ideate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance Sfc. Bowmanville, Unat off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. in. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b The mule that gets in the kick .usually wins the scrap. first Reduced Fares in effect from all stations^ Kingston, Harrowsmitb, Tweed, Picton, Maynooth and West. Good going P.M. trains December IOth, all trains Dec. nth and I2th. Return Return limit Dec. 14th, 1914* For'tickets and all particulars apply to W. G. Giffler, Station Agent. Bowmanville. A pessimist is a fellow who expects expects to be turned down every time he turns up. Those Tinkling Tango Tunes ere simply fascinating when reproduced reproduced byThc EDISON Phonograph. There's no fun trying to do the new dances -- the Fox Trot, Maxixe, One Step, Hesitation, Boston; , Three Step--to the Jerky drumming of a piano. There's no tempting tempo. j But when the National Promenade •Band swings into the seductive "La Bella Argentina" or "Waltz Hesitation", and c Ts/Se nets) Savings Department Head Office, Montreal. J. A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are. busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous TaiJorrmade Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings, to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made, instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? . You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav (THE INSTRUMENT WITH THE DIAMOND POINT hi a reproduces the full, rich v |i f £3 A ' melody--the sway end swing - of it--the fascinating rhythm of it--then you have some- t'JZTS:ttK"«=gLll YJTTi \ thing worth dancing to. There are other epecial Dance Records available to owners of ISS Edison Phonographs --several hundred, other Band and. Orchestra . records, many of which are suitable for the new dances--and any number of Tango songs like "Underneath The Tango Moon." The new Edison Phonograph has the diamond reproducing point, unbreakable and long playing records, superior motors and construction, concealed horns, and the Cabinets are made in true Period " styles, in perfect harmony with the finest furniture. Come in and hear the EDISON play all these tinkling tango tunes-play them thev should be pUyed-thcn you'll appreciate just how much pleasure you can bave with an EDISON PHONOGRAPH in your own home, U\ Closing of vodka shops in placés where thousands of men. were assembling assembling seemed probable in the interest interest of military discipline and public order. That the ban on the sale of distilled spirits had been •made universal seemed doubtful. However, it seems that it has. An Associated Press disipat-ch affirms it without reservation. It also gives the personal story of Michael Demitrovitch Tchelisheff, the peasant peasant house-painter who won his way to wealth, the mayoralty of Samara and a seat in the duma, who led the movement to success. Seven years ago Mr. Tchelisheff, then a Samara aldermap, induced the city council to offer the imperial treasury a sum equal to tne local profits of the vodka monopoly on the condition that the sale be stopped stopped in that city. The offer was refused, refused, but this evidence of the willingness willingness of communities to make good the loss of revenue made -an impression. Tchelisheff continued his campaign and was elected to the duma on an 'anti-vodka^' platform. The czar became personally interested. interested. The movement was obstructed obstructed on financial grounds, since the vodka monopoly had become one of the most important sources of revenue, revenue, bringing in nearly $500,000,- 000 a year and providing means for railroad building and other public improvements. - -- c Then came the war. With it came memory of the drink disorders of the mobilization of .1904, and the vodka shops were closed as a mill- j tary measure for a month. Despite the paralysis of industry deposits in the savings banks increased and other., lines of trade prospered Tchelisheff seized the psychological moment. Hé organized delegations to petition for a continuance of the restriction to the end of the war at least. That has been obtained, with the czar's personal promise that the government will retire from the very little and gives much enjoyment. We , ... i.i shall be pleased any time to send a sample liquor traffic permanently. j tn anv address sent to us with a re- I - We generally travel with eÿés anil ears, ( opëh. Pass irrifb long on tfie cars the 6ther ; d^ywe wer$7aîtràçFed ^>y a v=rjr nice : looking farnr'with buildings painted? ana" I as well as we could see al! in a good state LQ-tofiafot .1. -.Fences. ~wexe „ goQdxuid. th<L i place look^ clean, tidy, and thrifty. Be- j- fore we hid passed many other farms our j notice was attracted to another, the very t'SPPOsite'm appearance to the 'first raen- ' tioned. The house and farm buildings, were Ÿàrirfhackled, fences down or very poor, the brehard looked as if a hurricane had struck it, wagons, machinery and implements implements were to be seen scattered over the place, and the whole farm as we could see it was a neglected and uninviting placé. It was excellent soil and located in a progressive district, but the owner was a careless, slovenly man, a sort of agricultural back number. __It is needless for us to point the moral---it. is self " evi-, dent. , Coming homeward from our" trip r we passed a Canadian ïargi whéfe there seemed to be no implement stiedjof if there was one it was apparently not used/ for farm implements and machines were all out-of-doors, exposed to the unfriendly action of the elements. If the careless farmer, who leaves his implements opt in the open during the season "when they are not in use, would take heed to the result of a special investigation, recently, conducted conducted which establishes the fact that implements implements properly housed will last mor.e than twice as long as those left to .the mercy of the weather. The average life of a binder, for instance, which is kept under cover, but not carefully re-painted and repaired, is 17 years, as compared with an average of 7 years, for one. left out. With proper attention to repairs, overhauling and printing, another five years may be added to the life of them. mm* rry /• S AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest Withdrawal* of part or the whole amount may be made whenever whenever desired without delay. ©F ©AMABAr OFfS/c^ TORONTO BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches ako at Blackstock (D. P. MacFarlane. Manager) , Newcastle. Oroao. Oshewn. Whitby, Brooklin and Newtonrtlle. •SS « T?OYAL MAIL 1 .... rr To LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON, HAVRE The .memory of a voyage on the Allan Line is one of luxury and happiness. On these fine steamers. comfort and convenience convenience exceed the expectations of the most blasé globe-trotter. For rates, sailing dates, and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or, THE ALLAN UNEV 95 Ktng^t., ,W cs L Toronto. 51. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. Farms for Sale or Rent Are you. looking for a farm ? 16 makes no différenc how large or how small, I have probablj' just what you are looking for. Farms suitable fo"r mixed farming, farming, fruif farms, market gardening, gardening, etc. Now is the time to buy. Insurance Information Are you interested in Insurance ? Do you want information about insurance ? I will gladly answer answer any questions about insurance insurance that you wish to know. Don't hesitate to calL and see me. Harry *Cann " • • d/ Insurance and Real Estate ' Don't Submit to Asthma. If you suffer suffer without hope of breaking the chains which bind you do not put off another day the purchase of JDr. J. D. Kellogg's Remedy . A trial will drive away all doubt as to its efficiency. The sure relief relief that conies will -convince you more-' than anything that can be written. When help is so sure, why suffer? This matchless remedy is sold by dealers everywhere. PROVIDENCE ITEMS. Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, for November, names in order of merit : Jr. IV--Leta Hancock; Sr. Ill--Edna Lux- ton, Roy Jackson, Victor Hancock; Jr. Ill--Albert Living, Nina Wilkins, Arthur Bell, Winnie Dilling; Sr. II--Tena Dilling and Barbara Woolner (equal), Myrtle Hancock, Mary Woolner; Jr. II--Willie Woolner (absent); Sr. Primer--Stanley Osborne, Mabel Dowson, Norman Lux- ton; Jr. Primer--Harold Hancock. Reta M. Caldwell, teacher. * Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the excrescences away by using"Holloway's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. The restriction does not apply to malt liquors and wines, -but only to copy to any address sent to us with a | quest to do so. F. C. Pethick, King Street, Bowmanville. , - - „ Our readers will be gratified to know distilled spirits. It is not »prohibi- wkhT.SLdonal tion of all alcoholics but only of wor j c> t h at literature is being prepared for the stronger sorts, usually regard- | the schools, that prizes will be offered for HAMPTON MILLS Best Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Chop, Bran, Shorts, Corn, etc., êtc. ed as the more injurious. Its immediate immediate effect is to divert the $15,- 000,000 a day that the Russian people people formerly spent for vodka to other purposes. : These figures are no estimate. The salé of such alco- the best essays on Anglo-American relations, relations, that church services will be held on February 14 next, and that the organization organization is being kept intact with a vièw to the holding of public festivities after the conclusion of the . war. The relations between Canada and the United States for some years past have been more than friendly, and the attitude of a large ma- inenuiy, *■ uuv ® . . holies was absolutely in the hands jority of Americans toward Great Britain, Of the government throughout Bas- sia, which as the only domestic eus- such today that if a great celebration be- tomer of the distillers controlled its tween our .neighbor and ourselves cap be Lomer CM. 1,110 - > arranged,it will elicit the warmest en- Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON. production. The effect upon public morals and public welfare are described described as so favorable that it is believed the policy will be continued. continued. • THE EDITOR TALKS. Pardon the introduction here of a mat- r . _ , I ter of mutual interest. A young lafdy told | ticulars of this disease. thusiasm on both sides of the boundary. Canadians do well tq be on the alert for any plague or disease that may affect live stock or,, other agricultural interests of this country. Durham county-farmers are advised, in view of the recent serious outbreak outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the United States* with its subsequent serious losses and-pçoçssitju. for., stringent measures, measures, to acquaint .fherpselves with the par- - - • '• - - r - Dr. J. G. Ruther- Ganon^'s (G. B.) Chocolates are made in 99 different forms and flavois o the richest and. most delicious Creams, Nougatines Cara me s, an Nuts. You get them in \ to 5 lb. sizes--and every box is full weight. THOMAS TOD Baker and ConfeiCtioner Bowmanville, unt, Christmas Business As Usual qur stock is as ^ COMPLETE AS IT IS OTHER YEARS AND WE ARE DISPLAYING new goods every day for your inspection. inspection. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore àk. ' Ton Order Coal Now LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct ft om the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Loscombe Yards and Office at,Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division Queen-sfcs., opposite High School. Phone 177. •'.IN -'V ifi ■>%r >.In ifi V|>. ite '.In .v#>. TÎ? V4>. '.In >|N •In >»« ifjL 'In •'.*»• and ^ .v$w. W eeseli Why Do Have You Tried the New Home-Made Bakery ? I us last wtek how much she appreciated thisfpaper when she is away from home, j Here is a hint for all of us--we all have friends away from this dear old county whô would be delighted to get the paper that ? *is better than a letter from home." We can all have the pleasure of giving pleasure by sending to absent ones your I favorite family, journal; either your own copy or ordering it sent direct from this I office. We give a, special rate to persons, ordering the paper sent for a year to rela r tives or friends at a distance. It costs A FTER one month's trial the popular verdict of our customers is ' 'That Christie's Home- Made Bread is just as good as the best." It is pure, .wholesome and delicious--a bread that is healthful and appetizing. It is the bread that puts relish into y our meals. Don't take my word for it. Try a loaf and be convinced Have the wagon call to-day. m U ri--*- ford, formerly Veterinary Director Gen eral for Canada, has prepared a pamphlet outlining the symptoms and appearance of the disease with its treatment and preventative preventative measures. k It is one of the most infectious diseases known, attacking near- ly all species of farm animals, and its germs can be easily conveyed from, place to place. Dr. Rutherford's knowledge should prove of great value should the disease make its appearance in, Canada.. Write at once for a copy of pamphlet No. 9, Health of Animals Branch, Publica- tions Branch, Department ,ot Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. The Goodyear Wingfoot Clan says: If Father Noah sailed to-day His craft before the breeze, He'd have an awful time, I think, With hoof and mouth disease. The fiomè-Maàe Bakery Church Si Bowmlmvili Is nasal breathing fjnpaire4? Does gopr throat husky or clogged* t Modem science proves that these symptoms re- «uUifrom run-down health. Snuffs and .vapors are irritating irritating and useless. .L The oiLfood in Scott's Emulsion %ill enrich and enliven the blood, àid nutrition, arid assist nature to 'check the inflammation and •terra EKyumi ceeuwwt •V' Sir -a it ') it) T 'X ' • SV*.' ZW, rSVI : Sfmn Alç*bol upon SGQ7TS* - "Experience teaches" is an old adage. We had a little experience last week. Wanting tasecure a few barrels of apples in New York .State for shipçaeqt , to^ the city >we got a town paper and strange as it may seem no grocer, apple dealer or fruiter could be found among the local I advertisers. Some- time ago ■ a friend I wished to employ,the services of a lawyer J in a western town. Taking up the local .paper from our exchanges we sought m k» vain through its advertising columns for N .a lawyer's card. So that we agrée with Isi-an exchange tha^a stranger, mckmg up a iocal newspaÿ^*, fhquld.be to. tell gjust what business is represented in a .town by looking at the busings mention- yed m the paper. This i34heb«lt possible SoÆàdvertiser. The man who does not ^advertise his business does an injustice to You have no doubt, -• asked yourself this question ! The answer is that the difference is in the QUALITY of work done. Each contractor wiU quote on HIS quality, and as no one is going to do business business at a loss, the only conclusion conclusion is, that R LOW figure means a LOW Quality. You do not. notice this difference AT FIRST, for most -of the work- is concealed. But in a short time faults will appear, and the necessary repairs will more than equal the difference difference between the QUALITY and the LOW-PRICED job. My aim is to make known that my price is always for the HIGHEST QUALITY and BEST WORKMAN- - SHIP. El Electrician. Orders m>y be left atVIV. H. Dastan's Keeping Up the Quality * of Meat S O MANY' of our customers comment on the good quality of meat we ALWAYS have and wonder bow we are able to do this week after week. The reason is that we personally select all our live stock and make it a rule to buy only young stock nothin" nothin" over three years. Another thing, we only buy from the best feeders. For instance, for our Fall delivery we have bought some exceptionally choice young steers and heifers as follows : six -from Thos. Moffatb, Clarke; seven from Thos. Coatham, Clarke; two from Edward Rutledge, Salem. For Christmas trade we have bought two prize-winning steers from Thos. Baker, Solina, and four from Milton Wight, Providence. We always have the best in pork, veal, lamb, cooked ham and home-made sausages. Highest cash prices paid for choice dry-picked poultry i C. M. Cawker & Son PURVEYORS Victoria Building, Bowmanville ÜÉl g&iÈi mm ÜÉji .. 6 ' -v-x ' ■ ÏMSSÎ ,

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