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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1914, p. 3

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Nervousy Emotional Dizzy \xrOMEN who are restless, with b!S«hTa^ a wtkff"ne1n:e'&l? r BSff7^ who can be helped. •> ( Mrt. Addia Carttlngtr of CtdarSt.. Cairo ML. wrtttt Dr. Pimrct at follows: "I tend 31 cents for your 'Common 'Common Sense Medical Adviser for my daughter who has recently married and I know the bookwill be of much value to her. I have read and used for 25 years the valuable treatments contained in the *Medical Adviser* Mid have taken many bottlesot-Ur Pierce's Favorite Prjwcriptioii and Baye bêen restoredtohealth eaph time I usedlt. ïtJsagres* Trémedyforwomen as a strength builder, fine for the nerves and : general health." OUR SOLDIER BOYS. Sergt. Williams Carruthers. The Wingfoot Clan of Noy.28 says: Among the men who recently left Bow manville, Ont, for the front^wdh the second contingent, no man is more em ently fitted . for the job than SerR^ w * Caiydthers, lately of Dept. 5-B, Bowmanville Bowmanville Goodyear. A service of 12 years at home and abroad in the Royal Garrison Garrison artillery has been ; his training. He -has seen service m India. Gibraltar, _Ara bia and England. After a period of four years spent in Portsmouth and Liverpool, system. , Overcomes 1^bllTthTuffiM of rhed- Sergt. Carruthers spent the next three ging pains which resemble tne ._P""^_ eai . fnrtv in the Red Sea. From here DR. Favorite SOLDIER'S MORNING PRAYER. la the soothing, .cordial ^"'to^the newSa brines about an invigorating calm to tne nervou ^ Overcomes the weakness and the drag- ,s which resemble the p îïïfnMt forty matism. Thousands of women m tte past forty years can bear witness to its benefits. Pure Blood Is Absolutely Necessary To Health V. M. Pierce^ Invalids* Hotel- tablets. Address Dr. v. m. - - a n wical Institute, Buffalo, N. Ï. "Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Regelate ani Ievigorste India, ihbdiae. .-3.1 .Wood's „ Tht Great. ~ÊngUshÜ^ièmedy. Tones and Invigorates tbc whole I nervous system^ makes new^Blood ,, 'in oidlVeins;'. VnresNervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry. Bespcrn- dtney, Loss ofKrtfrgy, .PaZpriafTon of Heart. Fading ^temtrry. Price box, six for J- r m Due will please, six will cun 6 >old b> all drug*--* or mailed in plain pkg. <>.; receipt of price A>io pamphlet maxled free. THE WOOD MEDICINECO., TOIONTO, OUT. (Fwntrly Wtinr.) A POSITION FOR FALL and WINTER ..V PORTLAND - HALIFAX- LIVERPOOL XMAS SAILING VADERLAND .Dec. 12 -- 13 We have a sound business proposition for a fiable e.nerge tiçjsalçsmaii for this district to sell fruit trees, small fruits, flowering shrubs, etq, Pay weekly, out- fit free, exclusiv e territory. OVER 600 ACRES of fruit and o namental stock under cultivation. We sel through our salesmen. salesmen. direct to the, consumer, a ud guarantee guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade trees. Our agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give and the volume of business done. Estab'ished 35 years Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. P. S. Handsome catalogue ou request, either to applicant or . those wishing Nursery stock. ye->rs in Aden in the Red Sea. his regiment moved to Bombay, and after a year there moved to Gibraltar. Here he spent, fourty ears on garpson duty varied by the. installing of new and modern modern guns on the rock that guards Britain s 'gâte to the Mediterranean. Inuring his stay in Aden, o.h the Red Sea, he was sergeant in an East India camel battery of six guns. ' The entire squad was composed composed of eighteen camels, each gun pemg carried carried in three parts, limber, gttn, wheels and aifitnunition. .^Several native raids were subdued during his stay there, and he had an opportunity to becorqe familiar with several types of troops ^rmchare now in France. Sjkhs, Pathans and, Hindus Hindus were stationed there and lived in * h ® ir own way in their barracks. Many ot me British soldiers! had their wives *aud families families with them at this place. Bill s experience experience and good English bull-dog stub- bornesë will make him an unwelcome man to meet in battle, in the trenches in France. (f FRDlT-A-TiVES" PURIFIES Twin-Screw FromPorlland - Halifax S.S. Zeeland, 12,018 ton. Jan. 2 Jan. 3 S.S. Vaderland, 12,018 tons " 16 ^ 17 S.S. Zeeland, 12,018 ton. " 30 31 Apply local agents for full particulars, or Comp£n/s Office® 118 Notre Dame W„ Montreal Major A.Clare Williams, Barrister. We have pleasure in giving .space to these good words of another Bow man ville boy, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Williams, Cburch-st West. His father wears a Fenian,Raid Medal for service to his Queen and country in 1866. ' Like father, 37-22 OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLF. Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily Grand Trunk Railway GOING WEST rExpresa 4.22 a. m Local 7.02 Local Passenger •.Passenger GOING EAST. 8.52 a 10.18 m. 3.36 p.m. 6.46 „ 7.18 9.68 , 9.45 „ 1.S8 p.m. 7.11 - Canadian Pacific Railway going east. going west. Express 9.46 a.m. \ Express Express 8.10 p m Daily except Sunday. Office. 9.08 a.m Express 5.04 p.m. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone «ending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communications Communications strictly confldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents seut free. Oldest nconey for securing patents. Patents taken through Muun St Co. receive special notice, without charge, la the Sckntiîic Jlmericaiî. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest circulation circulation of any scieuiltlc Journal. Terms for Canada, $;i.T5 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealers. MONN & Co. s63B '° ad,ra »' New York Branch Office, 625 F SU Washington. D. C. like son" is an old saying. These Wonderful Tablets, Made of Fruit Juices, Are The Best Of All Tonics To Purify And Enrich The Blood. Pure, rich blood can flow only in a clean body. Now, a clean body is one in which the waste matter is regularly and naturally eliminated from the system. The blood cannot be pure when the skin action is weak, when the stomach does not digest the food properly, when the bowels,do not move regularly, when the strained or overworked. (Psalm 5 :3.) O Thou who ever livest, We seek Thy grace this day, That in the strength Thou givest We may Thy word oh e y- May we resist temptation, And- may there in us be The joy of Thy salvation That we may walk with Thee. Be near when foes are pressing, . And strengthen .heart and nerve Bestow Thy gracious*: blessing That we mtty never swerve. Be near when prospects favour And great success is known : Be near when comrades waver And we must stand- alone. _ At evening time, as ever, Be near to guard„and.keep ; Accept the ,day's .endeavour And give. refreshing sleep. When weary eyes are closing Regard our one request May we in Thee reposing , In peaceful safety rest. --T! WATSON. Ridge town, Ont., 1914. M Q\ kidneys are fjtpijffifrjfttBiiea) Medicine Ad ' 1 ÀVegkîabîe Pfeparaiion forAs- similating lhc Food and Régula* • lingihe Stomachs and Bowels of ? For Infants and Children. fhedtind You Have Always Bought Bears Canadian Northern Railway going east. going west. •TExpress 9.51 a.m. j e ,i Express 9.02 a.n -- k as u.m. ! If Express 7.37 p.n ÜDaily except Sunday JExpress 6.38 p.m. Daily except Sunday , -k gmg, CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY B0WMANV1LLE TIME TABLE (Effective Oct. 19th) TRAINS LEAVE T f i Toronto and Intermediate Stitio n 9.C2 a.m, 7.37 p.m. l , i *i 11 nton, Belleville, Yarker, Kingston, Brockville, Smith's Falls,, Ottawa and intermediate stations. 9.53 a.m. Tci Coe Bill and Intermediate Station! Found Belgian Husband. A Glasgow lady, who had placed her house at the disposal of the Belgian refugees received amongst her guests a woman whose husband, a Belgian soldier had been lost sight of since the beginning of the war. The lady suggested that a visit should be paid to the wounded soldiers soldiers at Stobhill Hospital, Glas- This was carried out a day or Great was the surprise to gow two ago . and jov of the Belgian woman find her husband amongst those under under treatment. Visitor--Is your husband in, Mrs. O'Brien 1 Mrs. O'Brien--Yes, sor ! Visitor--I'd like to see him. O'Brien--Ye can't, sor for t'ree months. Mrs. he's in Inter- PjiilH) 9.53a. m. Tor Yarker, Tweed, Harrowsmith, Sydanha n and Inteimediate Stations on Bay of Qinnte tty. 9.53 a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate^Sitioni 9.53 a. m. 6.38 p. ra. Him Napanee, .Belleville, Trenton an 1 u edit! t Points; also Picton andO.O.R. I.C2 a. m. 7.37 p.m. Irom Maynooth (C. O. R.) 7.37 p. 1 rom Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, 7.87 p. m. Oia nt- inn daily except Sunday nnlen other wise marked. I c l full her particular* see other airertisemant appearing in this paper, or apply W. G. GIFFLER, Depot Agent m. - CANADIAN NORTHERN HEW HICHT TRAIN Between Toronto and Ottawa DAY TRAIN 9 53 a. m. 5.20 p. m. Lv. Bowmanville, Ar. Ottawa.. •• • (Central Station) Lv. Bowmanville 7-37 P- Ax. Toronto 9-^5 P* Daily except Sunday For Railway and Steamship Tickets, Parlor and Sleeping Car reservations, and all information apply to W. G. Giffler, Station Agent. The address explains itself: Major A. C. Williams, Commanding l8th Mounted Rifles, Portage Portage la Prairie, Man. Dear Major, It is with feelings of regret and pleasure that we address you at this time, regretting that we are to lose you from our midst for a time, yet a pleasure to know that we have men like you who are ever îeady when duty calls to lav aside their business business and sever family ties in order to assist assist in the upholding of the British Empire. Empire. We, your Portage friends whose name are appended, admire the s^and you have taken, and assure you that your career career in the army will be closely followed, knowing that you will acquit yoqtself with honor and credit to your country, and this your home city. As a slight token of our appreciation of your friendship, and that you may take with you something as a remembrance from your Portage friends, we would ask you to accept these held glasses. You do not need them to see your path of duty, but may they be useful in finding the enemy over whom you are to be a unit in the work of final victory We wish you God speed, and may the day be not far distant when you will return to us to renew the friendships which are now temporarily severed. We subscribe ourselves your true friends. Portage la Prairie, Man., Nov. 14. Officers and staffs ot various .penitentiaries .penitentiaries of Canada are expressing thejr ap preciation of Lieut.-Col. W. S. Hughes O.C., 2ist Battalion, and are purchasing for the battalion which the popular commanding commanding officer is now training m Kingston Kingston a fine modern auick-firmg gun. Col Hughes accepts the gracious gift witr every gratitude both on his own part anc that of his battalion. For the past two years Lt.-Col. Hughes has been inspector of penitentaries, and in that brief penoc has completely won the admiration and respect of the officers and staff of the six Dominion penal institutions. He has a capable, obliging, courteous inspector and his military training covering a long term enabled him to conduct his duties in the most expeditious ^manner. Pure blood is the result of perfect health and harmony of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and skin. "Fruit-a-tives", by their wonderful action on all these organs, keeps the whole system as clean as Nature intended intended our bodies to be clean. " Fruit-a-tives " tones up, invigorates, invigorates, strengthens, purifies, cleans and gives pure, rich, clean blood that is, in truth, the stream of life. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50 trial size 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. PURPLE HILL Women's Institute meeting at Mrs. James Strong's was interestirtg and large despite the fact of the Demonstration Lecturer calling the ladies out on so many afternoons. M<iny of our ladies are knitV ting; every one that can squeeze in a little time is trying to knit at least one pair of sox. The musical program was completed with the boistrous "Tippèrary". The next meeting is to be held at Mrs. S. Robertson's Dec., 9th when the chief item is to be a. l< Parcel shower" for the Belgians. Every one interested is invited to attend and bring a donation. _ It is requested that any partly worn clothing should be clean and in good repair. We hope for a attendance. Promotes Di^eslionJCkeerfii- Dess and Kest.Contains neiitzr i 'OpiiiiSorphine noTMiutral. Not ^arç otic. HedpeotOldlhcSiil&lELFfFCfcEll Plaapkiu Seed"' JLiSeanar JkditUcSdts- jîaatSttd *■ WSÜula. y/kmSatd- good Aperfcct Remedy forConshpa- turn. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms.Convu!sions.Feverish- ness atid LOSS OF SLEEP, facsimile Signature of Tvis. Centaur Company. MdNTREAL&NEWYORK Thirty Years _-- *- Exact Copy of Wrapper THX CKNTAU K COMPANY. NEW VO * K CITY. ENNISKILLEN NEWS. 0 IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL. Mr. Wm. Mackintosh, Madoc, Ontario, one of the best known Public School Inspectors Inspectors of Eastern Ontario, writes under date of Dec. 4» 1914, thusly : Dear Mr. James : You: have occasionally been kind enough to favor me with a copy of THE STATESMAN containing a special article on some educational topic. For these I wish to thank you. The articles are 'always 'always .well worth reading; indeed, your paper is a model of what a local paper should be. You have evidently not lost interest in school work and seem to take advantage of every opportunity .to aid the good cause ot public education. Public School Report for November. Sr. IV--Gordon Werry, Mabel Mount joy, Roy McGill, Francis Werry, Madeline Virtue; Jr. IV--Fred Preston, Wilbert Smith, Lillie Sharp, Harry Chapman, Walter Smith, Arthur Brunt; Sr. Ill-- Cora Oke, Eva Sanderson, Alma Werry; jr. HI--May Werry, Grace Grieve, Marjorie Marjorie Virtue, Melville Griffin, Clarke Dor- land, John Trodd; Sr. II--Winnie Aÿton, Laverne Griffin, Reva McGill/ Myrtle Brunt, Olive Sharp, Gordon Preston, Reta Ashton; Jr. II--Claude Smith, Milton Stainton; I--Gladys Stainton; Primer -(a) Jean Thompson; (b) Maude Ashton, Ernest Ernest Werry, Elva Griffin; (c) Mona Pres- Harold Brunt, Marjorie Smith, Eric "No more headache for you--take these" Don't just "smother" the headache without removing the cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only cure the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because they tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them. AU DressisU, 25c.. »r by mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Terente, Oat. 13 I'M To.Mkn Who Live Inactive Lives.-- Exercise in thqopen air is t/he beat tonic, for the stomach and system generally ; but there are those who are compelled to follow sedentary occupation and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness sickness follows. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restores healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of the pills always on hand. *- EBENEZER ton, Stainton, Luella Stephens. RUNDLE, teacher. *- (Miss) SPEND CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. SOUTH OSHAWA APPEAL. v & N COURT UF REVISION; Municipality of Darlington- J Notice'is hereby piven that a held pursuant te the Ontario ^ otexs List Act, by • his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the United Counties of Northumberland andDurham t at the Council Room, in the Town oflînivinan-^ ville, 00 Wednesday the 16 th day of Deceu-ljei- 1914 at the hour of ten thirty o clock in the fo. - ^ noon, to hear and determine complaints oferrov, and omissions in the Voters' List of the-Munich -nality of Darlington for 1914, so far as relates t-- polling subdivisions numbers one, three and six. And that a Court will be held at the. Town | Hall, in the Village of Hampton, bythesa.i t Judge, on Thursday the 17th day of December .. 1914- at the hour of eleven o clock in the forenoon forenoon to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the said Voters List so fai as 4 relates to polling subdivisions numbers two,.., four, five and seven. W. R. ALLIN, ; Clerk of Darlington. Dated at Hampton, inthe To wn ^}P of Dar- . lington, this 30th day of November, 1914. 49 * is for you, Madam ! WHAT is LUX? It is ' * a soap of unusual purity made into the thinnest of flakes that readily dissolve in hot water. It makes à creamy, foamy lather that cannot injure the daintiest fabric or the hands. LUX is a wonderful life lengthener of all woollen and flannel garments. It absolutely prevents them from mattirig, thickening or shrinking in the wash. Will you let us send you a sample, free? Address LUX Dept., Lever \ Brothers Limited, Toronto. ; All'grocers sell LUX 10c. Wont shrin li Woollen? No man is so illiterate that he not teach another something. ;an CANADA* Dear Mr. Editor:--Permit me to nwfce an^ap?,çst^,2ij2P.ei4Uo i the.many kind "hearted people of the Bowmanville. Dist- .riçt.t.o .hçlP us jsupply Xmas, sunshine to the many poor children qf South Oshawa Methodist Mission. The people here are crowded together so thickly and many huddled into bare and poor homes that I the story is a very sad one. S.everal of the fathers have volunteered for service, some leaving behind a wife and six child- 2, preferring to risk .death on the battlefield, to staying at home, to fight in vain to keep the wolf from, the door. We have children who cannot go,to Sunday School because they have no clothes to j wear and very often suffer the pangs of hunger. While I was at the Epworth League convention at Orono a week ago, my wife discovered a case where the mother with a babe a few days old lay in bed with no fire in the stoye or coal in the house and they were hungry. Five children were in this home, some too poorly clad to go out. The picture is only one among many more. I could; tell you of many cases of distress and poverty, traceable of course to all kinds of causes, but the children, oh, the children, the lambs of the fold, they so often suffer and know not why. We must not blame them. God does not blame them. He still says, "Make way for them, suffer them, etc." Xmas is coming and Santa will be going to your homes with many beautiful and costly toys. You will be ! making great preparations to gladden your ; homes. "Oh, spare a thought for the I kiddies of South Oshawa. Your children I w iH make your homes ring on Xmas morn with their joy when they, see what Santa has done for them. Oh, spare a crumb for my bairns. We have about 200 in our school, many of whom are reafiy destitute. There's a cry from Macedonia; Macedonia; come and help us. Giftr of domina domina fruit or cash will be gladly accepted by ' the pastor, Rev. W. H. Truscott, South Oshawa, P.O. Note by the Editor: On inquiry of Rev. H. B. Kenny, Chairman of Bowman- ville District, which. includes the South Oshawa Mission, we are assured that this 1 appeal is very real and that Pastor Trus-1 cottis doing a grand yvork there , and he hopes for à. generous response to his appeal appeal for outside help. i* When evening falls you like to gather round the table and read, the whole family family does. The weekly Sun of Toronto has deparfments-of interest to everyone, from the markets and editorials for father down to. a story for boys arid a bright, thoughtful home page for mother and the girls. _ It is all interesting, and .ever y issue is well worth while. Hqw-wquld it be.for a Christmas gift, it would certainly be a profitable one, and help you make farm pay. School report for S. S. No. 4, Darlington Darlington for December, names in order of merit : Sr IV--Myrtle Blair; Jr IV--Annie IV--Annie Cox and Lorna Oke (equal), Charles Osborne; Sr III--Mary Found, Harry Osborne, Walter Rundlë, Gordon Trull, Irene Welsh; Jr III--Addie Nichols; Sr II --Elsie Welsh, Clarence Bell, Allie Worden, Worden, John Oke; Sr I--Arthur Found; Jr I --Hazel Rundle; Primer--Norman Welsh, Nina Oke. Marion M. VanNest, teacher. UNION SCHOOL NO. 17 Every careful and observant mother knows when her child suffers from worms. She also knows that if some remedy be not speedily applied much harm will result to the infant. The best application that can be got is Miller's Miller's Worm Powders. They drive worms from tli^ system and set up stimulating stimulating and soothing effects, so that the child's progress thereafter is painless and satisfying. ■*- -- Birds the Worst Gluttons. Birds are among the largest eaters eaters of all the animal kingdom. Some birds consume two and one- half times their weight of food in twenty-four hours. The heron, which has a light weight of f<^ur pounds in spite of its size, is a striking example. One was lately caught which had. just swallowed two trout of one and one-half and two pounds.. Wild pigeons are among the foremost eaters, and they make a most copious repast whenever whenever an abundance of food is found. Thus a single pigeon picked up 1,000 grains of wheat in one day. M. A. James, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, is now bpoking passengers for Christmas sailing to Great Britain. It is well to secure accommodation early. I lie rush to England will be great this year. Call or write for terms, boats, etc. All Canadian steamship lines are represented, or can send passengers by New York, Portland or. Boston. Bookings to Glasgow, Glasgow, Londonderry, Belfast, Dublin, Liverpool, Liverpool, Bristol, Plymouth, Southampton and London. Tr» all countries. Ask for our TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent Irei MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal, It Bids Pain Begone. - When neuralgia neuralgia racks the nerves or lumbago cripples cripples the back is the time to test the virtues virtues ot Dr. Thomas' Eclectnc Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce produce a sensation of ease and rest. There like it as a liniment for -its Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable repu la tin g medicine. Sold in three decrees decrees of strength--No. 1, 31; No. ■ 2, $3; No. 3. Sô per box. • Sold' by all druggists, or senfc 4 prepaid on receipt of- price. Free pamphlet. $ Address: the COOK MEDICINE CO- TORONTO. ONT. (Ferewrir Windsor.) is nothing - curative properties are great, of it will establish faith in it. --* A trial NAPOLEON'S MAXIM'S. the Honor Roll for November : Sr. V-- Hoskin Smith. J r. V--Everett Ormiston, Mildred Bentham, Elmo Ashton. Sr. IV Russell McLaughlin, Lome Knapp. Jr. IV--Jack Smith, Phoebe Beech, Walter Rahm, Lenore Bentham, Lome Potter. Sr. Ill--Eugene Beëch, Carl Potter. Jr. II- Cyril Avery, Harold Potter. Sr. I-- Lelia Rahm, Katie Potter. Sr. Primer- La wrence Avery. Jr. Primer--Gordon Beech, Lloyd Ferguson, Reta Potter, Sei- bret Hali (absent part of term). M. A. Reid, Teacher. The Brightest Women >h- "Poverty, my dear, grace." "I know that, other hand, you know to brag about, either.' is no dis- but, on the it's nothing nd ■a Bometimes that they are dull & mind, depressed in spirits, and that they have headache, backache, and sufferings that make life seem not worth living. But these conditions need be only temporary. They are usually caused by indigestion or biliousness and a few doses of before intelligence ■child- When itself an Correct. Teacher (the subject being "Now, who can name the pine that has the longest and needles V' Bright Boy--"I can, miss porcupine." trees) pin sharpest the A Few Striking Sentences by Great Corsican. The sight of a battlefield after the fight is enough to inspire princes with a love of pea-c horror of war. Intelligence has rights fqree. Force is nothing. -To a father who loses his ren victory has no-charms, the heart speaks glory is illusion. Tents are unhealthy ; it better for the soldier to bivouc the open air, for then he can a fire and sleep with warm Tents are only necessary officers, who are oblige and consult their maps. The fate of war is to be exa in the morning, and low enough night. There is but one step front! triumph to ruin. It is in time, ot difficulty great men and great nations all the energy of their Complete in itself, Mother Graved Worm Exterminator does not require the assistance of any other medicine to make it- effective. I - does not fail to do its work. is much in build feet, for general O v to read ilted at The New Maid--In my last place I alwavs took things fairly easv. Cook--Well, it's different here. They keep; everything locked up. "Why do you feed every tramp w h o com es along? ; T h e y ne v e r any work for you." *'Nv> . s ^d . wife, "but it is a great satisfaction to me to see a man eat a out finding fault with in g " meal the do his w i then then ok- l play will quickly, safely and certainly right the wrong. This famous family remedy, tones, the stomach, stimulates stimulates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beecbam's Pills cleanse the , system jof accumulating poisons and purify the bloççL Their beneficial action r diows in brighter looks, clearer complexions, better feelings. Try yaem, and you also will find that they Each biscuit bears a picture of patriotic interest, interest, such as Canadian Canadian Soldiers and troops of the ot^er armies. Union an of in •> V : f A Guinea a Largest Stlsof Any Mêdicuiu In this Worid. Sold everywhere. In hexes, 25 cents. that dis- char- acter, and become an objec-t of admiration admiration to posterity. Valor and a love of glory are instinct with the French, a sort ■sixth sense. How many times the heat of battles I have stopped to look at my young conscripts throwing themselves into the thick of the fight for the first time, honor and courage coming from their very pores. Military bravery has nothing m cojpnjon wi^h ciyjl courage.. ^ Indecision and anarchy in leaders leaders lead to weakness and anarchy in results. , The will of princes is 'sometimes foi'led ; it depends upon events, and awaits their issue. It iig better to have an open emy than a doubtful ally, greatest fault, perhaps, was Elck Headache nnd relieve all the troubles înol- Aent to* ft bilious state of tho Hystem 3uch aa 'DiMlnesB, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dis trtes aftei natTns Yainln th.o Side. &c. While their most remuable success P-S been shou-nm curing remarkable Headache, yet Carter's little Liver Pills cured en- My not having dethroned the King of Prussia Prussia when I could have done so easily. It is sontetimes almost as hard meet a bill as it is to keep out its way. to of _their coodnoea does not end here.and those whomioet^themTill find these littie pills valit- ACHE h Is the bane of bo many lives that horetfi wher4 xre make our great boast. Our pills cure it while ° t C^teris 1 LUtle Liver Pills are very sm jli and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They, are strictly-vegataole and do mot gripoos L .'purgê. butby thetr gentle action please all whs use tBam. CARTES ItlDICMS C0-, HSW r 70K._ ^ &Ü9.H Ml M B0681

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