RED CROSS SOCIETY. WON'T: Wed like to send you pt sample of x jàis pure essence essence of soap in flakes, Madame-- LUX A wonderful preparation that coaxes rather than forces the dirt out of clothes. LUX gives a rich, cream-like lather which dainty hands and garments need never fear. It prevents prevents all fabrics from matting and shrinking shrinking in the wash. LUX Won't Shrink Woollens--Price 10c. Send a post-card to-day for free sample of LUX. nAWiy __ jZ/v/i ft II : Made In Canada by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. The Hair. Falling of the hair can be positively positively and quickly stopped by using a mixture of half a pint of "alcohol, half a pint- of water (or a full pint of bay rum in place of alcohol and water), and one ounce of beita- quinol, thoroughly mixed. This surpasses surpasses any hair tonic or in vigor at or I have ever known. It is a hair forcer, actually compelling the hair to gro-w luxuriantly, frequently several inches a month. Hair stops falling, the hair becomes fluffy, silky and thick, and the formation of dandruff is completely stopped. Chickens come home to roost, and promissory notes display , the same tendency. * msmmmmgKuiimt ïwïViWSSr?'* mm, Spy m, &7Ï.-J Çi 5sc*?r.' » sp * ■ESCO- & \L U'V-i A This modern Artistic Plat Finish for Interior Decoration is rapidly grow- ing in popular favor/ Its First Claim is an Artistic one--then its Sanitary, qualifications qualifications appeal to the Modern Housekeeper. It is as easily washed as tiles--but having no lustre it admirably sets off pictures, draperie!, etc., giving a soft velvety effect, A Fresco-Tone Folder awaits you, showing Colors arid Color Schemes, and giving really valuable and interesting information about Interior Decoration. -- We carry an assortment'of "FRESCO-TONE" [in the very latest shades for,Home Decorations - MASON & DALE BOWMAN VILLE, - Toronto, May 1.--The heavy 'lo-ssr- es jsuffened by. the gallant troop®, who took part in the^glôrious battle- of. .Neuve . Chapelle showy., clearly tissât êven lcrçaï atecceeses cannot be gained without, gréait. 'loss. of -lifê. The greater proportion of- theso casualties anre wounded, and 'lives can only. be saved when these wounded miîh are attended to promptly and when the doctor s -and nurses have every, medical appliance appliance at their disposal. A litige, amount of medical supplies.have been sent' from the Red Cross both t-o England from Canada and from Canada-to the front during the. .past weeks, : and as the war progresses a still larger amount will be needed. needed. ' . Funds are specially needed for these surgical supplies, as the Red Cross authorities, know, exactly what-kind of instrument is heeded at the front and in the hospitals, and they have to be purchased from the proper sources. Nevertheless, anyone can roll bandages, and these 'are needed by the million, but word has been received from 'England that bandages not properr ly rolled should not be sent, amd bhe Canadian Red Cross Society earnestly requests that- all who undertake undertake to send in bandages should not do so . unless they are. prepared to carry put exactly the instructions given them. These bandages are made' 2 inch, 214 inch,. 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch and 6 inch and 5 yards long. A cheap grade of unbleached factory cotton should be used, and they must be torn, not cut, and tightly rolled on bandage rolling machines. Old linen, cotton and flannel will be always acceptable, and- there; must be many housewives who have table cloths, towels., sheets, etc.., which have been used sufficiently sufficiently to enable them to be replaced. replaced. If every -householder were to give one sheet, one towel and 'one table cloth, what a lot of bandages bandages could be made, to bind up the -wounds that our brave so-ldierns have suffered in the cause of freedom freedom . It is of the greatest -importance that all supplies should be packed according to directions and that the contents of each .parcel should be fully described on the outside, with the number of articles, size of articles, etc. Full directions as to packing and what is most needed, etc., can be had on-application to the Superintendent of Supplies, 77 King Street East,. Toronto. A new leaflet has just been issued, in which all information is given for the guidance of a-lil those, -who are helping in the great cause. Those who are assisting.the work of the Red Cross little realize how their good work is appreciated by the soldiers, both in the trenches and in the' hésitais.'" Herd Is" ah answer from a Canadian nursing sister, who was for same time engaged engaged in ai hospital on Salisbury Plain :--"Please tell any of the •clear people who send Red Cross things that they will never know what a blessing the things they have made are. They cannot make too many handkerchiefs, night shirts and. pyjamas. They are valuable, I can tell you." - ' That is one of the mam y 'messages of gratitude, that comies across the sea to the splendid band of workers workers who are doing so much for our Canadian soldiers in their battle for freedom. • It should sbir J us to greater energy and renewed activity activity under the Red Cross sign. ST. Boniface db Shawinjgan, Qua. Fèb.,3i:d. 1914. "Jtis.a pleasure, to me-to inform you that after suffering from 'Chronic Constipation for t 2^ years, I have been cured by "Fruit-a-tives'\ ■ While I was a student at -Bertbier College, I became .'so.-ill 1 was forced to'leave the the college. Severe" pains across the intestines continually tortured me and it came -to a point when I could not stoop down at all, and my Digestion became paralyzed. Some Qne advised me to take "Fruit-a-tives" and at once I felt a great improvement. After I had taken four or five boxes, I realized that I was completely cured and what made me glad, also, was that they were acting gerttly, causing no pain . whatever to the bowels. All those who suffer with Chronic Constipation Should follow my example and take '>-Fruit-a-tives " for they are the medicine that cures"* MAGIyOIRF PAQUIN "Fruit-a-tives' 'aresold by all dealers yat 50c. a box, '6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. or sent postpaidpn receipt of price bj' Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. England in 1851." Accompanying, the message -was -a p'hofcograplh of .: the is-endie'r -who, though far away in Sunny Hawaii, has- not forgotten: our brave soldiers. ; The Girls' Red Gross Auxiliary,' of Aurora, Ontario, have for some time' been " ipaking a ©mall khaki bag containing iodine, wool pad), piece of gauze -and waterproof WdRK IN DURHAM COUNTY. Corn Growing and» Fertilizer Experiments. In some, counties a gréât deal of «ralu- atilè work has been done already byjboys of Short '"Coursé in Agricultural classes held 1 in' previous years. A icport ffrom Durham cbuiity, forwarded by R. S. Duncan, District 'Representative, Shows a plan to follow up work that we have not jseen excelled. A comprehensive rëview of thé work written by Mr. Duncan reads as follows : "Twelve of the boys undertook undertook to conduct .fertilizer experimertts on farm crops, a five plot test being conducted conducted in each instance. "Five of the boys undertook to .cotiduct an experiment in thé ' -testing of ensilage corn, the seed of which was procured from the growers in Essex County. This experiment was conducted with eight varieties, each variety being sown on bne- eighth of an acre. The experiment is to be carried on for a : périod of three years. We hope to,gain.some definite information information às to proper varieties for our own particular locality. We shall then be in a better position to advise the'Essex growers growers what to grow for us. _ "Two of the -boys were given scales valued at $5 with which to keep records of their cows as" to yield of milk for a period of one year. Seven of the boys undertook to conduct an Acre Profit Competition Competition in.potatoes.. Five of the boys undertook to compete in the Feeding of' Hogs for Profit Competition,"--Canadian Countryman. *' - ---*- --L PONTYPOOL Report of SS No 9, ■ Man vers, Tor April, names in order of merit: Sc IV-- *Gertie Kirk, Bertha Staples, Stephen Delahey; Sv III--'"Mildred Delahey, JessiePollard, 'Verena Nicholson, *Mar- etfia Marvin, *Bernico - Gain, Aubrey Cain; Jr III--*Lance Greenwood, *Rnth Benson, Garnet Goheen, Johnnie Cornelius, Cornelius, -Ethel Gould; Sr II--'Gordon Kirk, # Earl'Coulter, 'Laverne Masters, •'Raymond Douglas, -Eva Staples. "Preset "Preset every day. B. V. Jackson, teacher, RED CROSS NOTES. One -of the most interesting gifts -received so -far -by the Canadian Red . Cross Society reached headquarters headquarters .recently in the form of one scarf and three knitted' .wristlets, which were worked by Miàs J. M. Barnards, of Kohala, Hawaii. Enclosed Enclosed in the .package was a- note j which said::--"With "this old lady's • prayers .-and best wishes, .who left X. M Or "Free Excursions For The Dealer Take your choice ! Which do YOU want for YOUR FEMCE MONSY ? When you buy PÀGKE FENCE DIRECT you get AL.L No. 9 Fence ot the HIGHEST ® QUALITY---at COST plus our very small margin of profit. What we save by selling .DIRECT--by cutting *- We give you LIFETIME Fence--at little (if out Saleamanager's and Blockmen's Salaries, arid any)naore than any ordinary Fence; All that we Dealers' Commissions--we give you in HIGHEST save YOU by selling direct--the other fellows must , QUALITY at LOWEST-COST. - - take out of quality çr aidd on to price. PRICE LIST HEAVY FENCE Stays Height inches apart Spacing irlsontala of horlsoi 8, 9, ie, 10 7, 8«, 9, .9 -- 5, SHt 7, 7, 7H, 8 Priée In" Old • Ontario ... 80.21 .... :.24, SPECIAL FENCE w No. 9 top and bottom. Belanoe No. IS. upright, 6 inch* apart. , o, O/Jl 'l «, '711 u - 5,4H, 7U, 9, 10, 10 .......... 6) 6, 6| 6,im 4, 5, rSH, 7. 8&, % 4, 5,7 9 8X, 9, 9_ 4, 4, 5, 5k, 7, 8Ü, 9, 9.... 4, 4, 5, 7, 8M,.9,,».... 18-bar, 48-Inch 20-bar, 60-lnch S-ft. Gate 12- ft.Gate 13- ft. Gate. 14- ft. Gate Set tools .... 25 lbe.PraceWlre 25 lbe. Staplee, ••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee •••••••••••••••i ••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea. FREIGHT PAliy ON ORpRRS OFf 10.00, OROVKR GOOD Fence CAN'T be sold at LESS than PAGE prices; And when yon figure the extra Vaell- ing-expense"--von understand the BEASONfor No. ll Knots in "No. : 9 Fence"--at No. 9 Prices. PAGB . FENCE is ALL No.-9. even the looks. WHen yon buy PAGE -FENCE you get your money's worth in ESENCE. Mail your order to the nearest J PAGE BRANCH. Enclose cash, cheque, money or express order or : bank-draft. Get IMMEDIATE shipments--freight PAID--on |10 or over. . - .. : Be snr^ to get a FREE COPY of the BIG PÀGE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE CATALOG; .Wholesale prices on highest-grade farm and home neces.iilietf. 1187 King St. W. - TORONTO 87 Ctiarch St> WALKERVILLE Altogether girls have made 525 of little bags. Full description description a-nd direetioniSi are printed printed in English amd French on/ 'tihe outside cover, which also has the maple leaf printed above the direc-, tions. ; While the appeal of the Society has fyeen met in a generous manner, a large quantity is. still needed if the Canadjian troops ât itihe front are to be supplied with this luxury. Pipes, tobàe co im tins, plug tobacco, tobacco, and smokes of all kinds will be welcomed at he ad quarte rs and also money to buy them. It is not necessary necessary to point out w'hat a great deal of comfort and pleasure à pipe of "baccy" affords our-soildieris in the trenches and in hospital. Another large . consignment of .Red Cross supplies left this city a few days ago, when 435 case's were sent to Halifax en route to London, where they will be distributed by" the Canadian Commissioner. Since September 10. ; ne;j£ess than t 8,696 cases have left lie ad quarters, and supplies .from ail parts of 'the country still continue to ^arrive every day. Among the articles sent yeaterdiay were 4,861 shirts and 5,805 sock»', besides a- large assortment assortment of otherr articles. It is an interesting fact to note that from August, 30 to. December 31 last, 3,548 cases were sent from Toronto, amd from December 31 to April 15 the number shipped -totalled -totalled 5,148. Thus 1,600 more cases were shipped during the past three, and a half months than during the previous four months. These shipments shipments do not include am y article sent other than Red Cross supplies. That the West is doing its share is shown by the fact tlhast in the past three weeks two, shipments of* 48 cases each arrived.' from Calgary. Calgary. A large- ■oonsignment was also rooeivèd from Hamilton and 3,600 'Soaks from the Bjandon • Cbap- fief of the Daughteté df the Empire. These'-latter articles were for the War 'Contingent Association. Oolomieii Gorroll, -who is in- charge of the D uche s s of Conn aught Hospital Hospital at Cliveden, England, in a recent letter to Mr. Noel Marshall, chairman of tihe Executive Committee Committee of the Canadian Red Cross •Society, asked that maple sugar and syrup be sent, as the ■ isoldiers specially appreciated this luxury. The Society will be glad' to reoeive any maple products, arid ;tihe farmers farmers of Ontario and Quebec are spe cially asked to assist in this worthy " appeal. * We cannot do -too much for our soldier®, and whep they express express a wish for. any particular lux urÿ, they - 'should receive it. Although there are only ..twelve ladies in the town of Careross, Yukon Yukon Territory, including one .. Japanese Japanese and one Indian, they, have been doing a splendid work on behalf behalf of the soldiers} and have s-emt a parcel of knitted goods to the Canadian' Red Cross. Thèse coni forts were, sent by . the Patriotic League of tihat lititile town; in thé far north. The citizens of Guelph, through the Canadian Red'. Gross Society, and the people of. Wellington County, have presented a motor aqubulance to the Society for ser y ice._ atijihe. front, . The yukon Chapter, No. 1, .of the Order., of the Eastern. Star, of Dawson City, Y.T., has fdrwarded to the Canadian. Red Croias Soçieiÿ file sum of $304. Tire people e of tti«- 1 Yukon; 'îerritorÿ have . supporied the Red. Cross in a gbneroûâ manner. manner. " - ' - - ' Silence and wisdom may not be ;■ quite the same thing," but,'nevertheless, but,'nevertheless, if you keep your mouth- shùt nobody càft prove you a fool. ' BRIEF JOTTINGS. Ctilldren Cry for The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 yeai-s, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal personal Supervision since its infancy. Allow nd one to deceive you in tliis. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and ii Just-as-good '* aye but Experiments that trifle with arid endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teetliing Troubles and Pi9jrrhœa. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and. natural sleep. , Th© Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years . ! TH E OFM^AIJ^ 'TOM RAN Y. NEW YORK CITY. * We are told that the Australian school system is an excellent one and in a paper we see the statement that boxing is taught in the State schools. It is a good thing when a man knows how to handle himself. himself. *_--.--: Beware of Ointments fûr Catarrh Thât Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense ot" smel and completely derange the whole system whén entering it through, the" mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten told to the good you can possibly "derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured byF.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., Contains Contains no mercury, and is taken internally, internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. * In buying buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney & Go. Testimonials free. . .. Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. •$. ; Makes a Difference. "There sadder .sighlfc to me," said the S-0-cia.lisb orator, "than the. Laborer's empty dinner pail." "Shtire !" said a. man in the; crowd, "thofc all depinds on whe-i ther it's imp'ty before fch' noon hour; or aft-er." Horse Earned Highest Praise. Mr. Badderley, a Leicester schoolmaster, received " a letter from a former pupil, & lance-corporal lance-corporal at the front who writes : "One of our horses is à candidate for the Victoria Croâs. It is a true story of' animal devotion. The troops were charging at bhe. time, and as one rider fell from his horse, wounded, the animal picked him up with his mouth by his clothes and carried him away td safety, where other men of the regiment were resting." During 1914 the London Fire Brigade Brigade received 5,860 calls, of which 5,410 were for actual fires and 450 false alarms. . , n An Oil That is Famous.--Though Canada was not the birthplace of Dr. Thomas' Ecledtrio Oil, it is the home of- that famous Compound. From hère its good name -was spread to Central and South America, ,and West Indes, Aus- t valiaund New Z inland, that is far afield em ugh to attest its excelleride for in all these countries it is on sale and in demand. demand. Similarity. "Bragson makes me think of river - "Where's the-similarity-? "When a river's head is swollen you are m£de aware of the fadfc by its mouth." is the universal language. language. It should be in every home. With a Vidtrola in your home, you have the world's bedt music interpreted interpreted by the world's greatest musicians musicians and singers, constantly at your command. A few dollars down will put a Vidtrola in your home today--a small amount each week will keep it there. Go to any "His Master's Voice" dealer's today, and let him play your favorite music on thé Vidtrola and explain the easy-pay ment way. A Pill that Proves its Value.-- Those of weak,stomach will find strong th in Parinelee's Vegetable Pills,, be cause they serve to maintain the healthy action of the stomach and thé liver, irregularities irregularities in which are most distressing. They have afforded relief when other preparations have failed, and have effect ted cures in ailments of long standing Where other medicines fail. "I don't knqw.lhow to take this chicken- apart," declared ifche bride "Weill, coming dorwn here, we tackled tackled a motor successfully," said "the young husband. "We ought to be able to handle a small jolb Like this. Where's the book of'instructionis l WILLIAMS. 6REÉNE & ROME_C0., 6ÈAUF#,' 6#TXriO .K. w F-' > B 1 b 2." <' Ï.'