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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1915, p. 7

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n ü&ÜË&)SÉj& ÙSbiHàm the The Red Ball on each package is the "Mark of Quality** §.ifes- Pure Cane Granulated AT MruîiTl}i G *i< I K Hermetically sealed against moisture and impurities. No spilling, no waste; just cut a corner off the carton carton and pour out the sugar. Sold in 2 and S lb. sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed PweGjuie 1 ■ [SB If hB Txtr* Qutiitv- ' | Granulated y Kt V. lOUC. Pure Cane ( f < Si; 20 LBS. Quality •anulated Extra Quality Granulated Lantic granulated granulated is also sold in 100 lb. jute bags provided with snowy white cotton linings-- and in 10 and 20 lb. white cotton bags. Look for the Red Ball on each bag. Weight Guaranteed Absolutely pure powdered sugar-- the sugar for fruits and cereals. The cartons have a moisture-proof inside waxed bag, which prevents prevents the sugar from caking. Sold in 2 lb. sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed Lantic Icing, extra fine ground, for confections, icings and cakes. Absolutely pure sugar, with a moisture-proof inside waxed bag, which prevents the sugar froth caking. Sold in 1 lb. sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed Lantic Sugars are refined exclusively from Pure Cane Sugar. No hand touches the sugar from the refinery to your pantry. Buy in Original Packages, and look for the Lantic Red Ball on each package, j Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL, QUE. ST - JOHN » Nl 81 S** Quality Icinrf ■U-**<v>c Suoaji ^4. A Woman's Sympathy Aro you discouraged ? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women--I have been discouraged, too; but learned howto cure myself. I want to relieve your burdens. burdens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me. All you need do is to write for * fra# box of the remedy which has been placed in my hanfla .to be given away. Perhaps > this one box will cure you---it ha* done so for others If so, I shall be happy ana you will be cured for 8c. (the cost Of postage only). Tour letters held confidentially. confidentially. Write to-day for my free treatment. treatment. MBS- v - B- CUBBAH. Windsor. Ont. Sad Indeed. A Boston school teacher had read Whittier's ' 'Maud Muller" to her pupils, and at the close of her reading spoke of the sorrowful insignificance insignificance of the words f 'It might liave been." She asked the boys and girls if they could think of any four sadder words. One alert youngster of a dozen years held up his hand and said : ' 'I know two sadder words. ' ' "What are they V ' asked the teacher. " 'Please remit.' " Monotonous. "B^ack specks dance before my eyes, doctor," complained the society society patient. "That is very annoying and mon- atonous." "Yes ; they never have any new dances." ' „ LAUNDRY STARCH means perfect starching, whether used for sheer Laces, dainty Dimities, delicate delicate fabrics, Lace Curtains or Table Linens. 55 5UÜÉ "Silver Glows'* has been the favorite in the homeformore than 50 years ATGROCERS The Canada Start* Co. Limited A High Grade 6% Investment CITY OF CALGARY 6% TREASURY BILLS. Due 1918. Interest payable 15th March and September, in Toronto, Montreal, Montreal, and New York. Assessment ....... $134,886,425 Population 80,000 PRICE: Par and Interest. YIELDING 6% JOHN STARK & CO. 24 ADELAIDE ST. E„ Toronto. MADE IN CANADA gHlRTS COLLARS pYJAMAS gUMMER IJNDERWEAR gOYS'gLOUSES THE WILLIAMS, GREENB& ROME CO.. LIMITED BERLIN. ONTARIO HAMPTON (Croiuded out last week) Holiday visitors: Miss Litta Ruse and Mr. and Mrs/Wa!key, Toronto, at Mr. C. N. Ruse's; Miss Brown, Lindsay, with her sister at the parsonage; Mr. W. Easson Brown, Toronto, at Mr. I. L. Brown's; Mrs. J. Joli and Mrs. Elmo Clarke, Toronto, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Leach, Oshawa, Oshawa, at Mrs. W. I. Clarke's; Mr. and Mrs. Web Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. J. Ranton's; Rev. and Mrs. Philp, Miss Kinsman Hunter, Hunter, Toronto, at Mr. W. Jeffery's; Miss Mildred Cole, Pontypool, home for the holiday; Miss Ethie Johns, Pickering, and Mrs. Nelson Brown, Toronto, resumed their duties Tuesday; Mrs. Wilbur Burnett and son, Markham, with friends;.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bunt, Toronto; with friends recently; Miss Lottie Horn with friends at Oshawa The Hall family, Oshawa, paid, their annual visit to the cemetery on May 24th,. cutting the grass, planting flowers, and otherwise beautifying. their family plots. We are pleased that so many take an interest in keeping the graves of dear ones green. There are still a number of neglected ones... .Mr. Verney Welch is north of Toronto testing testing milk. Miller's Worm Powdérs act mildly and without injury to the child, arrd there canbe no doubt to their deadly effect upon the worms. They have proved proved their power in numberless cases and have given relief to thousands of child- dreu, who, but for the good offices of this superior compound, would have continued weak and enfeebled. TYRONE (Crowded out last tveek) Mr. Peter Werry attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Werry, Blackstock, Tuesday. À number of the W.M.S. attended the district convention at Ebenezer and report report a good time.-- Mr. Norman -Woodley -Woodley has purchased a new Ford automobile. The Mission Study Class of Tyrone Ep- worth League held a very successful banquet banquet at the home of the Misses Skinner. In addition to the twenty members there were present several visitors including the pastor, Rev. Wm. Higgs,, and Mr. Cobb. After a period of continued study Mr. Woodsworth's book, "My Neighbor"* which has proved so interesting and in structiye to the young people this winter, was concluded^ A solo was pleasingly rendered fcbr Miss Vera ColwM after which all repaired to the prettily decorated dining dining room where the tables looked attractive attractive with beautiful bouquets and vinehr. After a sumptuous repast toasts were Ê reposed and responded to by Rev. Higgs, ïëssrs. Cobb, A. Hill, Alex. Staples, Garnet Garnet McCoy, Lionel Byam, Frank Wheeler, and Misses Stinson and Van Nest. An original composition, featuring the helpful characteristics of different members of the class; was given by Miss E. M. Werry. Much credit was given Miss Stinson, leader leader and teacher. Visitors : Miss Greta Oke home from visiting Mrs. Harry Pye, Bowman ville; Mis;? XIi'mil 1 'UübOii at home in Toronto; Mrs. (R-.v.; S A. Tonkin, Bow man ville, with ixl iss E. M. Werry; Mrs. Foster, Frankford, at Rev. Wm. Higgs'; Miss Ethelwin and Stanley Dix, Little Britain, at Mr. A. E. Clemens'; Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott, Oshawa, Miss Lillie Skinner, Tor-, onto, Mr. Leo Webber, Brooklin, at Levi Skinner's; Miss Mullen, Acton^ with her sister; Mrs. Levi Annis, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Luther T. Courtice, Calgary, at Mr.. Arthur Brent's; Miss Mabel F. Bray, Toronto, Toronto, Miss Minnie Trebilcock and Mr. Fred J. Van Nest, Bowmanville, - at W. R. Clemens'; Rev. Stanley E. Annis at Mr. Ai W. Annis'; Mr. and Mrs. T. Finlay, Union- ville, at Ed. Virtue's; Miss Mabel C. Cox, Bowmanville, Miss Margaret Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopper, Toronto, at Chas. Hooper; Miss Blanche Ball, Oshawa, Oshawa, with Mrs. W. H. Moore; Mr. and Mrs. W. Riddel and Mr.'and Mrs. Ball, Orono, at Will Virtue's; Miss Gertrude Pascoe and Mr. Douglas McLaughlin, Oshawa, at Milton J. Werrv's; Miss Maude and Leslie Curtis, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole, Hampton, at Jas^urtis'; Miss Kate Wood, Toronto, with Miss Ethel Wood- ley; Mr. and Mrs. L. Buckley, Orono, at Harvey Curtis'; Miss Bertha Jackson, Pontypool, at Mr. W. Hamley's; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Argue, Enniskillen, at James Hodgson's; Mr. Tom Penfound and John Hellyar, Bowmanville, at J. H. Mutton's; Miss Emily and Mr. Tom Goodman, Columbus, Columbus, at Luther Goodman's;Miss Maggie McFeeters, Toronto, with Miss Phena Collacuti; Mr. and Mrs. Blake Stevens, Solina, with Miss Lizzie Virtue; Miss Hay- craft, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Rundle's; Mrs. Jos. Wight and Mr. Wrightson Wight, Providence, at Mrs. Phare's; Mr. Fred Rundle, Rànnoch, with his brother, Mr. John Rundle, Tuesday. ! Read This! I have now for sale Cotton Seed Meal !♦ CaldwelFs Molasses Meal Feed and Seed Com Call at the mill or phone your order to No, 77. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves'- Worm Exterminator, and there is nothing better for driving worms from the system. SOLINA (Crowded out last week) Congratulations to Mr. Norman Reynolds Reynolds on successfully passing his recent Exams at Toronto University Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. B. Ashton at Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Mr. S. E. and Miss Nora Werry and Mr. A. L. Pascoe Pascoe attended on Tuesday the funeral of their aunt Mrs. Thos. Werry, Cartwright. Interment at Prince Albert Cadets of Temperance officers : Worthy Patron-- Miss Edna Reynolds; Worthy Archon-- Howard Price; "Vice-Archon--Harold Pascoe; Secretary--Jack Reynolds; Ass't.- Secretary--Marjorie Wonnacott; Inside Watchrpan--Hilton Tink; Outside Watchman--Elsie Watchman--Elsie Langmaid; Guide--Mary Reynolds; Reynolds; Usher--Humphrey Cornell; Chaplain--Alan Chaplain--Alan McKessock. Recent visitors : Miss Kivell, Toronto, with her brother, John; Miss Baldwin, Toronto, at home; Mr. Roy C. Werry, B. A., Montreal, at his grandmother's, Mrs. W. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle at Mr. S. Penfound's, Courtice; Mrs. Grooms, Napanee, and son, Mr. Harry Grooms, Toronto, at Mr. S. E. Werr^'s; Mr. Ernest Freeman at Toronto. $ F. C. Vanstone BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO 9 • $100.00 IN CASH s given a Way*' AND NUMBER OF VALUABLE PREMIUMS In ° ? .h L 3rd Pr|„, $18.00 in, c.h 2nd Prize, $20.00 in é«*h 4th Prize, $10100 in eaeh 5th to 10th Prize, each $5.00 in cash Baiow will be found A( .et* of mixed letters. Can'^u arrange these 4 sets of letter* in such order that each Ht will a pell tbs name of a well knewn wild animait It task, but by patience and perseverance you can find them. By sending a proper arrangement arrangement you can win a Cash Prize. That may reqûlfé a little of vour tim* hut If ànU««;.ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NUMBERGF VALUABLE P^l- MIUMS GIVEN, that is worth Oayind attention to. Re^ ^ -* ~v- do is to write these names (plainly ind'nefctly) with in eaee of tie* both neatness and writing will be eoasi partake in this contest we do not require the spen OLIN GERIT is no easy proper ime but if j JABLE PR i. I». ilemember that all you have to nth yoyr année and address In full, as soasidored factors in this contest. To pendiàg fit any of YOUR MONEY. LWQF RARE Send your answer at once; we will reply by return mail telling you whether your answer is correct or not, and wo will send you a complete Prize List, together' with the I names and addresses of persons who have received Several Thousand dollars in Cash Prize» and lovely Premiums from us. and full particulars of a simple condition to be /tl: 1-» J the spending of any of your money). The fulfilled. (This condition does not-involve winners m our lest competition have not the privilege of competing in this contest This contest will be judged by welLknown business men whose honesty is incontestable your answer immediately. who are strangers to our Company and their decision should be accepted as final. - Send Address Canadian Medicine Co., Dept. HI Montreal, Que. FOB DISTEMPER Bare cure -and positive preventive, no ftPOUN MEDICAL PINK EYU, EPIZOOTIC SHIPPING FEVER, and CATARRHAL FEVBRé _ „ matter how honeee at any age are infected or "exposed." Liquid, given on the tongue, acts on the Blood and Glande, expels the poisonoul germe from the body. Core# Distemper, in Dogs and Sheep, and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live stock reinedy. Cures La Grippe among human beings and is a 'fine kidney remedy. Opt thim out. Keep it. Show it to your druggist; who will get it for you. Free Booklet, "Distemper, Cause# and Cures." DISTRIBUTORS--ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS C0„ . Chemlet» and Bacteriologists, Goshen, Ind., U.8.A* Out of Long Experience. Barristers should always be respectful respectful to the court and accept decisions with good humor, says Dr. Blake Odgens, who illustrates the proper attitude of tihe profession profession in the Yorkshire Post. A young barrister who field different different views from the court remarked remarked on one occasion that lie was surprised to hear the judge make a certain statement, whereupon the leading counsel apologized for his junior on the grounds of his youth. "When he is as old as I am, my lord," he said deferentially, "he will never be surprised at anything your lordship says or does." Corns cause much suffering, but Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure offers, a speedy, sure, and satisfactory relief. , The candidate for a young woman's woman's hand makes a lot of campaign campaign promises during courtship. More people travel first class than second class in the United Kingdom. Kingdom. BrtitesemOi b;,'S A m â°o WON T SHRINK WOOLLENS Pour LUX on the troubled waters of the wash M ILLIONS of these little LUX wafers are working wonders every wash-day all over Canada. In color they are like cream--to the touch like silk. The fine, soft, creamy lather LUX. makes, is splendid for woollens--it never shrinks or hardens them. In fact, all kinds of garments, woollens, silks, laces, lihens, etc., dainty or otherwise, otherwise, are really preserved by LUX. It leaves them luxuriously clean, but with the fabric absolutely free from matting and shrinkage. SAMPLE FREE on application to Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Sold at all grocers, 10c. . % Remember: 1st LUX is made in Canada. 2nd. It won't shrink woollens. 17 ■iiin;itnniinniniiinmiii;iimi!mimiimtnmnmmiunum»ni»umm«i»imnuimnnmutiniiinnnimnitimHmnmniniiiiminr. ' X i|8S|

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