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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1915, p. 3

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T" 4 For Infants and Children. ffafUcdtcineAtf. Jm!îFfJ a ^J >I 5 paralion forAs- Infants /Children Promotes DigeslmCheerfiib ness and Rest.Containsneilher] Opium.Mm'phinc nôrMoèraîJ Not Narcotic. Atcipe ofQUDrSSMUELTntEER Dunpkia Seed" jtùiSama + BtxfieUc Salts- A 1 niseSttd + *l$Cnr£}naiiSoia* Worm Seed- ÇtarÊtd Sugar • WatagnenFlcmr. Aperfect Remedy forConsli pa- lion. SourStomach.Diarrhoca/ Worms.Convul8ions.Fevensh- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile. Signature of TWe Centaur Company. MONTRBAL&NEW YORK At (>"«» onthsWIr^ 35 DosEs-jg.e^ Bears the Signature Exact Copy cf Wrapper. juxExMEsmm. SiSSON-^MG V1ÜLLENT A very pretty J une, «eddinsc took jjlace ySnd at the h *meof the bride's per- ents, Mr. and -Mrs. James " McMullen, JanetviJI.e, when their only daughter, .Ole May, was united In marriage with. Kail Devitt Sisson, youngest son of Stephen Sisson, Man vers. the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. S. MciY.ullen, Queen St., Methodist church* Lindsay, cousin of the bride, assisted fly Rev. Chancellor Bdwles of Victor à - University, uncle of the groom. At 2 3°. p. m. n the presence of seventy guests the - bridal pair, at to dêd by little Miss Thelma McMuhen, flower girl, and Ma ter T Hbward McMullen, Ting bfeârter, took "il ëir place under àn' èver-r green arch upon the lawn to the peals of the wedding march rendered- by Miss Jessie Jessie Arnott. After congratulations, during during the signing of the register, Miss Véra Bowles sang in a charming voice, "Love's Coronation." The bride looked ideàl, gowned in white satin. Her travelling suit was navy blue serge with Panama hat. After the ceremony the guests repaired repaired to the beautifully decorated.«lining rbom arid partodk of" a veiy sumptuous Wedding; dihnër. The health of the bride proposed by Rev. J. S. McMullen, was suitably responded to by the groom. Mr.' àni Mrs..Sisson will take up their residence residence on the 9th con. of Man vers after a brief honeymoon at Toronto, Niagara and other western points. The many valuable valuable presents to the bride reflected the very high esteem in which she is held by her nurtierotis ardent friends. The groom is a nephew of Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bowman- ville. Side Heedeotie-ànd' relieve all tlio troubles Incident Incident to fc : bHlpua state of the system, such as Dirtiness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, ko. While their most remarkable success has been slipwn in curing Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, 'èuridg^ud preventing preventing this annoying complàihC vrhilb they also correctall disorders of the s tomach^s tiinulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cored AchetheyWonldLo almostprlééleaa torthoee who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness docàhotendhere.and those who Once try them will find those little pills valu, ^ble in so many ways that they-will not bo willing willing to do without them. Hut after all sick head IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL î - s A/' FOR DISTiMPEe SPOHN MEDICAL PINK EYE, EPIZOOTIC, SHIPPING- FETES and CATARRHAL FETES. Surf; cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at 'any age are infected or "exposed." .Liquid. - given -on 'the tongue, acts on the Blood and Glands, expels.the poisonous germs from the-body.- Cures Distemper in Dogs and Sheep, • and Cholera in Poultry. Largest .selling' live - "stock-remedy. Cures La Grippe among human beings' and' is a- fine kidney remedy. Cut this out. ICeèp it. - Show it to your druggist, who will get it for you. D'rec Booklet, ' "Distemper, Causes and Cures." DISTRIBUTORS--ALL COm ChemistD-- and WHOLESALE DBtJGGIBTS. Bactexiolog'ist3,-~Gosh.en, Ind., TT.S.A. 1 1 1 a ;| ii;? :t£ & I I G orn Corn! Direct from the grower. Specially selected for our trade and of the best varieties and quality obtain- ^able. A full stock on hand at. the mill. 'Also Feed X-Sorn r Bread and Pastry Flour, Cereals, Mill etc. PrtKfes reasonable. Feed, CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON Phone 129 r 6 * *c< I Order Coal Now I Mn Felipe T. Smith, (writing a former résident of Darlington) from Victoria, Chili, South America, on April 30, 1915, says: I welcome The Statesman as an oldfriend. I remember when it was first published as my father was one. of'the first subscribers and, with a very short exception exception I have continued a subscriber to the present I have never lost interest in my old home. (near Hampton), arid friends in West Durham, and if God spares my life until these troublesome times are over, I shall endeavor to renew your acquaintance. Here in South America America we feel. the pinch of war conditions pretty bad. Our exports have been al-, most stopped, and imports are excessively dear. _ Cost of living is very high. Manu- fac uries are running about- half time. But in the s uth of Chili we have this season reaped an exceptionally good, harvest. harvest. Prices for grain are high" which normalizes the situation to some extent. We are now preparing land "for . sowing grain for our next crop. We purpose sowing about 200 > acres. Our land is high and dry with a deep vegetable soil and appears especially adapted to raising wheat and oats and also stock-raising as there are many small streams of water running through it. : *- Beware of Ointments fôr Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mt-rcury will surely destroy the sense o'" smel and completely derange the whole system when entéring.it through the mucous sur! aces. Such articles should never be ived except on prescriptions prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten lold to the goe d ytip .cap possibly derive from them. Hall's. Catarrh Cure, manufactured byF.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains contains no mercury, and is taken internally, internally, acting directly upon the blood and muer ns surfaces of the system. In buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. Id is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney & Go. Testimonials Jr-, e. Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bottle, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. lathe bane of bo finny lives "that here is where we make Our great boaat. Our pills cure It while Others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy, to take". One or twô'pùls make a dose. They afe strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who uitombm. . - CARTIS KtolClSS CO-, H2W TOSS. lui É .tiM-Mïrâs, In all countries. - Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be Bent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St„ Montréal, Cook's Cotton Root Compound A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, 31 ; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5-per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of Free pamphlet. price: <8 Address : irepai free THE COtfK MEDICINE CO TORONTO. ONT. (frrStriy Wiil Mr .) Dont Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Remove Them With the Othine Prescription., ÈEÈKÉÉPÉÈS ATTENTION ! -t LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the -best Lehigh Valley Cdal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your,order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Loscombe Office in rear of Standard Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 177 Temperance Street Nyal's Mayflower Talcum is an experience experience to every first time user. Its touch is s^ft, soothing and refreshing. Its distinc-. 1( tive Mayflower perfume, delicate, individual, elusive. Ideal for every use to which you. can put a Talcum. \ \ x< / Nyal Quality preparations can be obtained only in Nyal Quality" Stores' Ask one of them for free copy of Booklet entitled "Your Complexion," giving full particulars particulars of best methods of massage. &v 'A f L You will have a chance to visit the apiary of Wm. Richardson, Pontypool, % mile from C. P. R. station. Tue day, June 15, at i.go.p. m. sharp. A qualified apiary instructor sent by the Ontario Department Department of Agriculture will show how to examine hives for disease, and will actually actually put a colony through the treatment for cure finding the queen, removing bees from supers, operating to prevent swarming swarming etc. Ladie^ are especially invited, bring bee veils so they can come right out into the apiary with comfort. -- -- Use Miller's Worm Powders and the batfc e agaiust worms is won. These powders correct the morbid conditions of the stomach which nourish worms, and these destructive parasités cannot exist after they come in contact with thé mecticiiie. Soundness is impaired to the Organs and the 'health of the child stéàdily iinprovës. . *ï« -- EBENEZÈR This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent physician and is usually so sue essful iu removiug freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil ; get an ounce of othiue and remove them. Even the first few applications shou'd show a wonderful improvémeut, some of the ighter freckles vanishing 'entirely. "Bo sure to ask the 'druggist 1 "for the double strength othiue; it is this that is sold on the money-back -guarantee. 3 / No person may establish a wire less telegraph station in the British British Isles or on board a British ship in bonne waters, except- under & licence licence granted by the Postmaster- General. Simple and Sure.--Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil is so simple in application that a child can understand the instructions. instructions. Used as a liniment, the only direction direction is to rub, and wh: n used as a dre ssing to apply. The directions are so plain and uumis'alcable that they are rapidly understood by youug or old. and v Look for this Ba ll on a ll Lan tic Packages S-Bags t L. 1 1 ? " Fashion Hints ni COULD NOT . Report of S. S. 4, Darlington, names- in ordér of merit : Sr IV--Myrtle Blair, Lorna Qke; Jr IV--Ghas. Osborne; Sr III --Harry Osborne, Mary Found, Walter Rundle, Gordon Trull, Irene Welsh; Jr III --Addle Nichols; - Sr II--Clarence Bell, Arthur Found, Allie Worden, John Oke; Jr II--Hazel Rundle; Intermediate Pr.-- Norman Welsh, Nina Oke; Beginners-- May Wade, Keith Wdrdferi, "Willie Wade, Cecil Welsh, Orval Grills, Irene Grifis. Marion M.VanNest, teacher. • -t , ■; *---- _ A Scottisih Laird invited an Erig- lisih jriend to go salmon fishing with him. The Englishman hooked. - a salmon, but in his excitement, fell, into the stream. The keeper, "seeing "seeing he was no swimmer, went to his aid, when the laird called out : "What-are ye about, Donald J ' Get hand o' the- rod, and look to the fuish. He will wait, b ut th e f iisti: wunna !" " : hr Mitchell tille, Ont. & Co., Druggists, F. R. Kerslake, Driiggist, Rowinan- The doors of a certain new hoifse" had shrunk horribly, as is the way of the modern door, made of.unseasoned of.unseasoned wood. - The builder would hot send the joiner to repair them, so the hduiseholder tried the ironical method, and wrote : "Dear Sir,-- The mice can run under most .of pur doors, ; but..O.ur. cat. cannot, follow follow them. Will you please send à man , at once to make "room under the doors for the cat, and mucih oblige oblige . " Mrs. Baker So Weak---Could Not Do Her Work---Found Réliëf In Novël Way. - Adrian, Mich. -- "I suffered terribly with female weakness and backache and got so weak that I could hardly do my work. When I washed my dishes I had to sit down and when I would sweep the floor I would get so weak that I would have to get a drink every few minutes, and before I did my dusting I would have to lie down, I got so poorly that my folks thought I was going into consumption. One day I found a piece of paper blowing around the yard and I picked it up and read it. It said ' Saved from the Grave, ' and told what Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound has done for women. I showed it :to my. hushand arid he said, * Why don't you try it ? ' So I did, and after I had takçn two bottles I felt better and I said to my husband,T don't need any more, ' and he said ' You had better take it a little longer anyway. ' So I took it for three months and got Well and strong. " --Mrs. Alonzo E. Baker, 9 'Tecumseh St., Adrian, Mich. Not Well Enough to Work. In these words is hidden the tragedy of many a womah, housekeeper or wage' earner who supportsheréelf and is often helping to support a family, on .mdagre wages, Whether,, in hoiise, office, victory, victory, shop, store 'or" kitchen, woman should remember that there is oneTirfea and true rèmedy "for the ills' to which all women are^prone, and that is Lydiâ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' It promotes that vigor which iriak es work easy.. The Lydia E; Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Summer Style. Talfeta, crisip and cool looking, though recognized only in its supple supple qualities, has a certain buoy- ancy that gives it t!h,e necessary - full appearance for this summer's .style. A letter from abroad speaks of several new taffeta outside garments garments that are being made for Parisians, one a sport or sweater coat, whichever you may be pleased pleased to call it, and the other an elab- orate 00at to go over modish summer summer afternoon gowns. The sport coat, with its wide al axer stripes of Color and white racings, though utterly inappropriate inappropriate for the city street, has the necessary necessary garish, quality t-o cope with nature's strong colors of country or shore scenery. It -has just the dash 'hat shows up well on the tennis courts, in the Shady lanes or against the white sands of the bathing bathing beach. Such coats are also made in plain bright colors. The >e-lt or sash is always tied or fastened fastened j whether the coat edges are left widely open or simply buttoned up to the chin. Something is lacking iu the style of the ensemble, however, if the wearer does not have , a rakish looking looking sport hat matching the coat in color. Boy like straw sailor shapes with turned down brims are woven like the seat of a cane seat chair, and must certainly be worn on ,a dark day or a moonlight night if one does not wish to be sun burned burned in polka dots. There is "something.. naive and young about these latter hats, with their over-bound brims, narrow- ribbon band and long streamers to the waist. A coat that*is between a sport and an elaborate afternoon taffeta coat has just been made by a New. York dressmaker. It is of white taffeta, built exactly- on the lines of an up to date masculine coat of today today and modified just - enough- to follow feminine contours. This sort ' of .coat has the advantage of adapting itself to any time of day or costume--a -thing in which American fashions still differ f rom those on N the Continent in times of peace. Lengthening a short bolero taffeta taffeta top by" an added full skirt gives a midst attractive shape for am outside outside coat and one that an extremely extremely stout woman can wear by modifying modifying the skirt part into a scant gored gored fla.re. Putting a band, of ribbon, or a tulle fold on the edge of a hat rim, as if to oyerbind ..it, , and then letting letting the lower edge fall free, Is a new wrinkle in. millinery : Brim facings of silk, straw or whatever may contrast with the hat material itself are almost a- rule in tills year's millinery. The all chiffon chiffon hat has its filmin-ess a bit disguised disguised by a heavy velvet overbrim facing, tulle ' ruche or overlays of tulle or chiffon',. ' Ghiha beads, in rolled -strands, often replace the gros. grain ribbon on tOie mo re. tailored tailored type ; of sumitiiier v h'att these strands ham gin g in rather -short streaimer jeudis, with :. fops-v-of>.ihe beads foTming tasselcd ends.' - ■ - - --d ; " " v " ÛY epsia for Us There ian ta member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take er i n ® S*o mac li and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning. All drnrroti, 25c, or bj mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 ^^9 w Established over Forty-one 'Years THESTANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking erfect Safety. (Juick Assets. {Reliable Service . i 78 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also at Blaclcstock (D. P. MacFarlane, Manager), Newcastle, Orono, pn Oshawa, Whitby, Brbofclin and Newtonville. * ^ your GOLD DUST Put a dash of Gold Dust into the water, and if will go to the bottom of things, drive out every bit of diitj every germ, every hidden particle. Gold Dust cleanses as well as cleans. We" promise you this, if you use Gold Dust: Your dishes will be swfeetér and cleaner than ever before, and you will save at least half the time ordinarily 3* consumed in wash- ing them. ^ X ' Gold Dust does better better work than soap or any other dishwashing dishwashing product-- and saves half the time. { '.u IT" T* T "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work", : Mexican I-n-diahs lise firc-ftieê fd-r lighting purposes. - , * " f TY? t -- B N, K. FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED, Montreal, Canada ■cl'-' 'tÊssm :V;V ' J ' : 'T V," mmm i _ û ^ ~ ^ wè

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