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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1915, p. 5

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r-'~* : --X-3r? *111 i 1~ .. .V..^, -- - : ' : v- '• : ' ■ - * - . : ■ - - - ' 'T*'"-' v'" ' ' " Ci :: r" . < - X- : V *■■. -- . -•'. VÏ - ^ - -;.; r X ; : "... ' »- ", ■ •- ^ : ■&œ BUSINESS CHANGE Three Thousand .stock, Village store-business in Durham County, good country district with profitable business; nine roomed frame dwelling attached to store, large lot with several fruit trees, barn.rdrive house, post office in connection with store; revenue Two Hundred per annum, low store rental. JOHN FISHER & CO., Lumsden Building, Toronto. An Ideal Spot for Partiés, Picnics, Sports V is . The Park, Hampton ) First Class Painting If you want your Automobile or Buggy painted, see the new Painter at EDGER'S Carriâge Works Bowmnnville Ice Cream Parlor Boat for Hire fx For particulars apply to MANSFIELDS Grocery & Provision Store Phone 129 r3 Hampton EYE TESTING is not a matter of trying on many pairs of ready-made eyeglasses. eyeglasses. It's not guesswork. It's scientific measuring of the optical optical power of your eye. One reason for the general confidence in our optical service is that we always maintain our high standard of work, never lowering to make catch penny baits. Our optica] room is private and is in charge of experts. No charge for examination. Jury & Lovell The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians. T When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury & Lovell Graduates of Chicago, Detroit, New York and Toronto Optical. Colleges Dr. J. S. Somers DENTIST, of TORONTO has removed his office to the new Imperial Bank Building, corner Yonge and Queen Sts. This office has been fitted with the most up-to-date dental appliances appliances and in every way is one of the best in the city. 23-4-sn FOR SALE At Bowmanville on the Lake, seven seven room house, completely furnished, furnished, including dishes and bedding. bedding. Two verandahs, garage, quarter acre lot, fine lawn to clean beach. ALSO, At Bowmanville on the Lake. House of six rooms and bath. Garage, verandah, large lot, good lawn, (rented for the season of 1915.) ALSO, A four acre orchard lot, one hundred and sixty seven- year-old fruit -trees, south-east corner Concession St., half-mile east of Liberty St., in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. ($1000 cash.) ALSO, An Orchard Lot of three and one half acres, one hundred and twelve, ten years old fruit trees, finest variety, two blocks east of Scugog St. and north of C.P.B. tracks in Bowmanville. ALSO, The Old Burk Family Property Property on the east side of Scugog St., near King, lot 140'x 90', with a lane froni Church St. On this lot are a small brick house, 15' x 24', a brick stable, 40'x30' with loft over, a tool house and a brick carriage house 40' x 32', and on the north side of the lot is a solid brick wall 3'xl0'x50'. Full particulars from R. B. Andrew 309 Temple Bldg. • TORONTO The Statesman to end of 1915 for 50c to new subscribers. M. A. Tames & Sons. i Let Tod Do Your Baking During the Hot Weather Why swelter over a hot fire baking when Tod's expert bakers will supply you with fresh Home-made Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies every day. Daily delivery delivery right to your door. Phone 3. V Know the Coal You Buy How much have you knownôn. the past about the coal you have bought ? Who mines it ? Where is it mined ? How is it mined ? How carefully is it prepared for your use ? You spend a considerable, considerable, sum of money on coal, and you should buy it carefully. 'ginow what you get. You do know when you buy ^ Léhigh Valley Anthracite--The Coal thât Satisfies It is the finest of Pennsylvania anthracite, or hard. The various sizes, egg, stove, nut, etc., always run imiform. Careful preparation preparation does-away with the preparation of slate and other foreign matter. In addition to these qualities and because; of them, Lehigh Lehigh Valley Anthracite burns long and evenly, with little waste, giving steady and ample heat. The next time you need coal order Lehigh Valley Anthracite. We handle this coal exclusively, and we guarantee there will be no mixing this coal with inferior grades at our yards. Order it by name. We Guarantee Our Weights -BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 10, 1915, Sim? John A. Holgate & Son PHONE 153, BOWMANVILLE Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Trëwm spent day in Oshawa. Mrs. J. P. Dunnett, Dundonald, is visit ing relatives here. Miss Olga Tod is visiting frierids in Toronto Toronto and Hamilton. Miss.McSorley has returned from visiting visiting relatives at Markdale. Whitby subscribed $8,519-00 in two days to the Patriotic Fund. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Elliott recently visited relatives at Midland. Rev. F. G. joblin was guest of Mr. F. A. Haddy over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearn spent Sunday Sunday with relatives in Oshawa. Miss E. L. McQueen, Oshawa, was Sunday guest of Miss Kerslake. Mrs. Wilkinson, Toronto, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Short and Mrs. Tilley. Mrs. Thos. Patton passed away Sunday May 29, in her 90th year at Kendall. Mrs. J. C. Dudley is visiting her daughter, daughter, Mrs. W. J. Bradd, Regina, Sask. Lance Corp. Alex Beith, 39th Batt., Belleville, Belleville, was home over the week-end. Mrs. W. M. Horsey and Miss Horsey visited relatives in Oshawa last week. Mrs. G. H. Bickell is visiting her father, Mr. Davis who is very ill in London. Mr. D. Arthur Lee, Toronto, was guest of his uncle, Mr. J. T. Bragg, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. McReynolds. Mrs. B. M. Allison, Akron, Ohio, is visiting visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Wattleworth. Miss M. E. Bruce and Miss Mary Cry- derman spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. Oshawa. Mr. Leslie Cox of John Hopkins University, University, Baltimore, Mo., is holidaying at home. Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins, Little Britain, were recent guests of Mr. A. M. Hardy. Mrs. W. N. Tilley, Toronto, visited her sisters, Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Miss Young. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet in Council Room on Friday, June II at 4 p. m. Mrs. Mary L. Freeland, Toronto, was recent t uest Of the Misses Stephens, Odell-st. Wedding invitations, announcements and visiting cards neatly printed at .The Statesman office. Mr. and Mrs. Rod'k. M. Mitchell and son Bernard have returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Rev. J. F. Chapman, Cannington,. visited visited at Mr. L. Morris' and also his mother in Orono Saturday. Mr. Archie Tait is carrying his arm in a sling these daya, the result of cranking his new automobile. Mr. Harold W. Elliott of the Bank of Montreal, Welland, has been transferred to the branch at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, Miss Doris Foster and Miss Mabel Bray spent Sunday with relatives in Oshawa. Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Chapman, Cannington, has been visiting at her father's, Mr. L» Morris, during Conference. Misses Winnifred and Elva B. Bragg spent the week-end with their uncle Mr. Harry Nicholls, Wesleyville. Dr. Susan L. Fotheringham, Toronto, who addressed the Women's Institute last week was guest of the Misses Stephens. Mrs. W. L. Mason, Oshawa, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. F. R. Kerslake, Hampton, Miss Litta Ruse, Toronto, Mrs. Price, New Brunswick, recently visited Miss Kerslake. The play "Breezy Point," will be given by Bowmanville ladies, in the Town Hall, Orono, June 15th, under auspices of the Women's Institute. Col. J. E. Farewell, Whitby, has been nursing injuries sustained by an automobile automobile crashing into the buggy in which he was riding while returning from a fishing trip north of town. Mrs. W. P. Prower, Mrs. Thos. Percy, Miss Helen Johnston and Mrs. Clarke Bennett were among those attending the June meeting of the Disciples church in Toronto over the week-end. We congratulate Mr. Arthur J. Trebil- cock, son of Councillor and Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock of this town, on passing his first year law exams at Osgoode Hall with honors and winning a scholarship. Mrs. L. A. Tôle, Mrs. F. A. Foster Mrs. W.Coombe and Mrs.A.E.McCreary are at Port Hope attending the Branch riieeting of theW.M.S., Mrs. W. B. Short.and Miss Grace Trewin are representing the Mission Mission Circle. The engagement is announced of Miss Emma Louise, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDougall, and Mr. James Douglas Carruthers both of Bow manville, the marriage to take place the last of June. The Woman's Patiotic League are serving serving afternoon tea on Mr. Thos. Hardy's lawn, Liberty-st., Bowmanville, Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. Admission 15c. Also ice cream booth. Come and help to supply supply comforts for the soldiers. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Dyke, Darlington, Darlington, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Lela Belle, and Ml*. E. F. Willoughby, B. A., Winnipeg, second son of Mrs. J. Willoughby, Chicago, the wedding wedding to take place the latter part of July. Mrs. Andrew Sharp, Burketon, has received received word from Scotland that her. nephew, nephew, Alexander Grant, Bugler in the 7th Royal Scots, was killed in a troop train collision. He was a brothér of Frank Grant who left Bowmanville with the second second contingent, and of James Grant of this town. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp have one son and seven nephews in aptiye. service. A meeting of the Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club was held Monday evening when the officers were re-elected. Honorary President--Mrs. President--Mrs. W. L. Mallorv ; Honorary Vice do.--Mrs. J. A. McClellan ; President--Mrs. President--Mrs. Jas. Deyman ; Treasurer-- Mrs. Geo. R. Mason. Seçretary-rMrs. A. S. Tilley., Ladies are requested to makë special effort to be at the green Tuesday and Friday evenings. joe Mark one of the Mark Bros, was in Bowmanville this week and made arrangements arrangements for the appearance here of the celebrated celebrated Irish Comedian Tom Marks, and a select company of players in the Opera House, Bowmanville, for three nights-- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 14,15 and 16, when they will present such splendid plavs as "The Golden Rule." "Peg O' My Heart." "Mollie Mé Darlint." Thè Irish attorney, "Bought and Paid For" under the auspices of The Bowmanville Bowmanville Fife and Drum Band. Prices to suit all, 15--25--35 cents. Seats reserved at Mitchell's Drug Store. _Mrs*,W.LLCarscadden has ingr Mends at Midland. ; X Mr: " John Hardy, B.A., spent the weekend weekend at his home at Peniel. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chipps spent Sunday Sunday with relatives in Oshawa. Conference will meet in 1916 in George- st. Methodist Church, Peterboro. Mr. Samuel Bingham is enjoying a month's holiday near Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Robt. Holmes has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hinkson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rundle, Toronto, are spending the summer near Columbus. Mr. John Purcell, Port Perry, visited his nephew, Mr. W. J. Williams, recently. Miss Lily Burns and Miss Mary Hume spent Sunday with Miss Mary Wood, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Nicholson, Nestleton, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Wood, Base Line. Mrs. John Grigg, Miss Edra E. Grigg and Miss Muriel Dech spent the week-end with Mrs. Roger Fishleigh, Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Bunner, Campbell- ford, and Miss Grant, Toronto, were in town Saturday calling on old friends. Full attendance of members is requested at next meeting of Royal Templars in the I.O.O.F. hall June 15. Election of officers. Farmers, remember that Bowmanville merchants will close their shops Wednesday Wednesday afternoons at 12.30 p.m. during June, July and August. Mr. Percy Piper, who is lettering and painting for the Simpson Mfg. Co., Brantford, Brantford, has had a serious operation on his nose, which has been successful. Miss Nellie L. Pattinson who is holiday-/ ing at home, has been appointed assistants instructor of Domestic Science in the new Technical School, Toronto, at a salary of $1200. Members of the Council of Ontario Pharmacy College, Toronto, were entertained entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mr. J. H. H. Jury, President, at his residence," Wood- lawn." Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Courtice, announce announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Gertrude Mary, and Mr. Marshall Marshall S. Soules, Oshawa, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Soules. The marriage will take place in July. Mr. William Skipper Fletcher and Mrs. Robert Jackson, Charing Cross, visited during the week, and Mr. Charles Skipper and bride werè week-end guests at their cousin's, Mrs. J. J. Muttton's, also visiting other relatives here. Private William Swan, of the 10th Battalion, Battalion, and brother of Mrs. Wm. Mason, Liberty St., Bowmanville, is dangerously ill of a gunshot wound and has been admitted admitted to-No. I Eastern General Hospital. Cambridge. His mother lives at Saskatoon. Saskatoon. - • Col. John Hughes, Orono, is commandant commandant of the training camp at Valcartier. When the editor visited Valcartier last September a prominent military officer from Western Ontario told him that Col. John Hughes was one of the most capable officers in the Dominion. Our thanks are due. to the Principal, Rev. É. N. Baker, D;D„ and Faculty of Albert College, Belleville, for an invitation invitation to attend the Commeffcement Exercises Exercises on June 22, when Convocation and Distribution of Prizes and Medals and Students Re-union takes place. E. W. Loscoinbe, coal and wood, Standard Standard Bank Building. Phone 177. Chinamel makes old furniture look like new. Buy it at W. H. Dustan's. Martin-Senour Paints - dook well and wear well; Sold by W/H. Dustan. Every pint of Martin-Sënour 100% Paint is guaranteed. W. H. Dustan Christian Guardian to end of 1915 for 75c to new subscribers. M. A. James, agent. Dont worry about hard times. Chiname your old furniture. Your neighbors wil think it's new. W. H. Dustan. E. W. Loscombe has removed his coa and wood office to Temperance-st, in the Standard Bank Building. Phone 177. Make the old furniture as good as new --use China-Lac. Mason & Dale. Dont neglect your floors. Old pine floors made to look like solid oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustan. Farmers wanting male help, write Civic Employment Bureau, 130 Richmond-st., W., Toronto, stating requirements. No charge. The optical department at Jury & Lovell's is equipped with the most up to date optical instruments. When we test eyes it is done properly. Dr. Devitt is now settled in his modern dental office in the Harry Cann Building, King-st., Bowmanville. Office hours a. m. to 6 p. m. Appointments may be made by phoning 90a. igt After forty years' experience we have no hesitation in stating that D. L. & W, Scranton Coal is the very best fuel for your furnace, heater or range. Place your order now with McClellan & Co, Ltd- 24-3 Pills of Attested Value.-- Parme leea Vegetable Fills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain certain roots and herbs, and the action of such as sedatives and laxatives on the digestive organs. The success the compounders compounders have met with attests the value value of their work. These pills have been recognized for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. vmt-_ PROTECTION AND - INVESTMENT. The Canada Life Assurance Company numbers amongst its policyholders many of the prominent men of Bowmanville, the risks carried in this vicinity running close to $125,000. This Company is well and favourably known and evidenced that its business is forging ahead is given by the substantial increase in dividends just received. The Company has enlisted the services of Mrs. A. H. Scobell as its' authorized agent in Bowmanville and vicinity. Mrs. Scobell is well known to many in this district, having been for nearly 20 years in the office of Mr. D. B. Simpson, ÏC. G, and those interested in life insurance protection would do well to .enquire from Mrs. Scobell as to what this Company has to offer to. its policyholders. By wise and prudent investments this Company is able to give its policy holders very nice extra returns in the shape of dividends over and above what is guaranteed guaranteed under its policies. A policy in the Canada Life is always worth 100 cents on the dollar. Life insurance increases not only the self-respect of the insured and the esteem in which others hold him, but it banishes fear from the household and makes the family life more of a delight; it assures independence for the widow, education for the orphan, and renders certain a comfortable and care-free old âge. Insure now. AUCTION SALE. Saturday, June 19--Miss Lillie Harris, east off Elgin-st, Bowmanville, will sell , by auction household furniture and I furnishings, consisting of stoves, bed- steds, dressers, stands, carpets, sideboard, sideboard, tables, chairs, dishes, blinds, tubs and other articles. Sale at 2 p. m. Terms Cash. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. auctioneer. 23-2W. Notices of Births 2S cents; Marriages SO cents ; Deaths, SO cents, each insertion, When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Swain--In Toronto, May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swain, a daughter. Cameron--At Salem, June 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cameron, a daughter. McMillan--In Bowmanville, May 29, the wifè of Duncan McMillan; a daughter. Richards--In Bowmanville, June 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richards, a son. Montgomery--At Courtice, May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Montgomery, a son. Thorley--In Bowmanville, June 1, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thorley, a son. (Since died) Bradd--At Regina, Sask, Junel, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd, (nee Violet Dudley), a son. McLean--At Grace Hospital, Toronto, June 5, the wife of Evan H. McLean, Bowmanville, of a son. r ■ MARRIAGES Johnston--Stinson--At Pontypool, June 3rd, by Rev. W. S. Mahon, B.D., Richard H. Jbhnston, Janetville, and Cora Evelene, daughter of Mr. W. A. Stinson, Janetville. Patterson--Branton--At St. John's Church, Bowmanville, June 3, by Rev. T. A. Nind, Richard Richard Patterson, formerly of Carlisle, England, and Celia Maud Branton, Bowmanville. Den yes--Holliday--At the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, June 7, by Rev. Dr. J. J, Hare, Rev. George Franklin Dènyes of Holloway, Hastings Hastings County, and Miss Olive, daughter of Mr. Mark J. Holliday. Whitby. Balson--Bunner--At Grace Methodist church, Trenton, May 22, by Rev. W. A. Bunner, assisted by Rev. J. W. Banner, Campbellford, brothers of the bride, Henry Balson, Oshawa, and Miss M. A. Bunner, formerly of Bowmanville. Gents, why pay iriore than $15 fora tailor made suit when we are giving such exceptional values at that price. Come in arid see our samples. Fit guaranteed Cleaning, pressing-and repairing ladies' and gents suits a spëcialty. Jos. Jeffery & Son, Star House, Bowmanville. ORANGEMEN, ATTENTION. Officers of L. O. L.,. No. 2384, are anxious to have a good attendance at the next regular meeting Friday, June nth, to make arrangëments for the annual church service and other important business. business. Mr. Alex Hall of Toronto "The Sentinel Man" will be present and give an address. He is a very interesting and humorous speaker, and a very enjoyable evening is anticipated. Visiting brethren are especially invited to attend this meeting. meeting. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S GA$TOR TA DEATHS Spencer--At Blackstock, May 29th, Thomas Spencer, in his 64th year. McElroy --At Garden Hill, May 24, Jane McKeown, McKeown, wife of Samuel J. McElroy. ViPOND--At Port Perry, May 28th, Dbnald H., youngest son of Fred Vipond, aged 4 years. Rowe--In Bowmanville, June 7th, Mary Ann Ta^son, beloved wife of William Rowe, aged 89 years. Mann--At 30 Victoria Ave., Windsor, June 6, Frank H. Mann, son of late Henry Mann, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Jackson--In BowYnanville, Jnne 6th, Andrew Jackson, late of Lindsay. Interment in Riverside cemetery, Lindsay on Tuesday. ' Gamsby--At Stratton, May 26th, Frederick Tyler Gam-by, only son of late Wm. R. Gamsby, of Clarke Township, in bis 46th year. Hawkins--On June 7th, at her brother's, 805 King-st. W., Toronto, Susie May, second daughter daughter of Ephraim andsTane Hawkins, Canton, Ont. • Luttrell--At Goderich, Jnne 8th, Alexander Luttrell, formerly of Bowmanville. Funeral from G.T.bt. station, Thursday, Jnne 10, On arrival of 3.36 p.m. train. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Allin Herschel Richards who died June 10,1913. He like a little faded flower While lying qniet and still, His sweet blue eyes were closing, His little hands were chilled. When on that day the Master came. And from among the flowers He came to gather lillies, The day he gathered ours. Father, Mother, Sisters, Brothers. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanvi e, Ontario FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones TO-34 branches : ORONO HAMPTON WOOD SET SINGLE HARNESS FOR SALE-- $15 TAILOR MADE SUITS. U Applyto J * H; C'yderman. Bowmanville^ <OUND--An automobile < street, Bowmanville. lory, King-st. repair kit on Ontario Apply to R. J. Mai-. • 243 rOUNG YORKSHIRE SOW FOR SALE--Due to farrow about Auç. 1st. Apply to John C. Montgomery, Courtice. '241* OST--Brown Leather Hand Satchel, containing containing $16 and some papers, Saturday evening • Jnne 5, between Martyn's store. Bowmanville, Bowmanville, and her own home near Stephen's Mill. Reward for return to Mrs. Chas. Woolne.r, R.R. No'; 4, Bowmanville. ' 241 PUBLIC NOTICE. If any person or persons have any claim of any nature against the house and lot owned and occupied occupied by the late Mrs. James Tabb they are hereby notified to present the same to Mr. Jas. Tabb, Bowmanville, on or before July 1,1915. 284 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED. Having had a large experience in the grinding and repairing ot Lawn Mowers now is the time to bring them before the rush comes. Try me and see how nice I can fix your mower. A few second hand mowers for sale very cheap. All edge tools ground at the old Smith, and Saws sharpënéd. W. H. Williams, Church-st, West, at his home, Bowmanville. i6-3m wm* V*- in Tea "But Not at Snowden's W E have received notice from wholesalers that tea has made another advance in price. We will continue to sell at old prices as long as the present stock on hand lasts, as follows Liptons...30c to 40c lb. Melagama...30c to 40c lb. Bidgways 40c to 50c lb. Bed Bose ...35c to 45c lb. Salada ...35c to 45c lb. Bulk Teas...30c to 60c lb. It will pay you to buy Tea at The Elite Grocery. Fresh Fish Thursday DH Stl Owd^fl Next Door East 1-711 U W ucn L. Morris & Son's m Eat More Fruit and Vegetables Doctors recommend- people to eat more fruit and vegetables vegetables during the hot summer months. It's a good idea--but remember if you want the best in seasonable seasonable fruits and vegetables you can depend on our having having them. Just now our stock includes very choice Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Pineapples, Grape Fruit, Strawberries, Bhubarb, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Badish, Green Onions, etc. Very best stock of; groceries and provisions. always on hand. Fresh Fish every Friday. Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville < y - '■ '■\ :-vV.-.'. :v.vXxV--\ LADIES ! THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We find that we have too many Ladies' Suits, and in order to make a substantial reduction in the number, number, we will for the next two weeks sell any of our New Spring Suits at the following reduced prices : All sizes, 14 to 40. Ladies' Suits, reg. $13.75, sale price...$ 9.75 " " 15.75, " ... 1175 " " 18.75, " ... 13.75 " . .** 22.00, " ... 16.75 " " 25.00, - " ... 18 75 10 Only, Suits, Special sizes 16 to 38 Regular price $12.75 to $18.75, your choice $7.75 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville

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