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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1915, p. 6

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FT" r 1 -' *• " : ,rl afc rftt ft Uh ! ' More tttan JialJ Ceiittify ot is: JMAXBBilS. By- Gbas. Mi Bio©, Denver,. Colo. if. T. BENSON & CO.'S , CANADA PREPARED CORN iw. bF-/ * -lot CLCW^Jtr /*uvCMt CVAMAKTtSO PVA£ • unxcrjan iu Mnxi • re mum mjcMaujrp DVAMUM4 cvmo-Mâu exT. omet: ItMtiULlVL Always order by--the name BENSON'S in order to get what you want Practically every grocer in Canada has BENSON'S. Thsword "Brain," is of modern origin., and does not occur in thé Bible. The he*son is that during the eehturies" the ' Bible was being written no one suspected that this silent and secluded organ had anything anything to do with thought or feeling. Tn those days it wais considered sacriligious to dissect the human body ; neverthelesis, it Was subjected subjected in rare instances, to the scalpel, and the existence of the brain, though they knew not its functions, was wefjl known. ■ - With the Hebrew®, the heart was the chief seat of the soul, while the mind wa® supposed to he located in the kidneys, and all of the ■ tender emotions Were- assigned to the bowels. When -Jeremiah denounced hypocrites, hypocrites, he said of them they had the Lord in their mouths, but not in their kidneys ; and the Psalmist says that "His reins (kidneys) in "Fniit-a-tim" Kwps Young And Old - In Splendid «tilth ; ? are Ik-- Heard on the Train. "What book is that you reading, Jim?" " 'The Sorrows of Satan.' " , "Well, I'Ll say this for you, Jim ; rou always do take an interest in he troubles of your friends." Yes, Aimee, divorce prolongs life --for many a poor lawyer. . struct him in the night .seasons', and again, "The Lord trieth the heart and the kidneys. Hence, we even find in English speech to-day the use of the expression expression "Two fellow's of the same kidney." All this sounds strange to modern modern ears, but it was the microscope that drove animal spirits out of the body. In 1833 it was applied by Ehrn berg, who was the first to discover discover the nerve cell in the spinal ganglion. But Dr. Paul Broca, in 1861, was the first to definitely locate locate in the Brain, a particular locality locality on the cortex for articulate speech. This he located in the lower and posterior convolution called the - Third Front all, _ now known as "Broca's Convolution." This was no mare unverified scientific theory, but the fact wa® actually demonstrated by injury in that part of the brain, and consequent consequent loss of speech from paralysis. paralysis. Verily, it. would •seem from this, that the 'Phrenologists' had some foundation-for. their "bump- ology," only they did not locate the' speech faculty, in Broca's territory, but inside the eyes. •' They were possibly, correct in holding that the different faculties of the mind. We now know tihât 'twio -othier. ede- • mènts of simply butfhan speech have each their distinct and separate brain localities--mine plane devoted to receiving words' through thei ear, damage to which is called word- dieafneiss, though met deaf otherwise; otherwise; and also ' a distinct place in the brain for- words received through the! eye, as in .reading, damage, to which causes the unfortunate. unfortunate. victim to beicome wholly illiterate, though be may see and recognize .all other objects of sight as perfectly a®. ever. It has been fourid that each of the five special senisss ba® it® ama- tomical seat- in particular portions of the brain respectively, and centrally centrally located are to be found the ■seats ' which control thé voluhti/ry mipvemrents of every mîiscié, etc. Of course, this is all in the outer layer of the brain, or cortex--gray matter. But a.still more .astounding discovery discovery tha® been made in Brain- ology. While tihisi anatomical .sieia.ts of the senses are found in both hCmispherea of the brain, . and their • function s lane congenital, thaib is from birth, the seats of the faculty" faculty" of speech are. found only in one of the two hemisphere®. Hence, if . these- are damaged after middle life, the loss is irremediable., irremediable., and the unfortunate victim victim can never speak again, though the - corresponding spot in the other hemisphere he left intact. Another strange and remarkable feature has been discovered, viz. : that this endowment of the one hemisphere of the brain is not congenital, congenital, "or because of its superiority superiority over the other, but because it was the hemisphere that related to the most used hand of the. child. In all ■ right handed persons it is in the left brain that the. speech centires centires are located, and vice versa with left handed person® . This demonstrates that brain matter does not originate speech, for otherwise both hemispheres would have their respective speech centres. Either . hemisphere -is equally good for speech providing the hand dexterity, right or left, begins early enough in life to use it for. that purpose. It follows that self-education begins begins largely with the" stretching forth of the hand, and is quite distinct distinct from the elementary functions of sensation and motion, which are congenital. . Our ability to know and to recognize recognize what particular objects mean,, and what our senses report, is not congenital, but is acquired by us, in the sarnie way as speech is acquired. It has been diocovered that in the visual space, or area, is- a place which if damaged, renders the person person unab le to, recognize members of his own family though he can plainly see- them-; The same is true it a certain spot die" injured in the brain corresponding to hearing : the person is. unable to distinguish between the report of a gun and the bark of a dog. He hea.rs a noise only, and to him they are all alike. Denver, April 29, 1915. V. W. HAMMOND Esq. Scotland, Ont., Aug. 25th. 1913 "Fruit-a-tives" are the only pill Manufactured, to my way of thinking. They, work completely, no griping whatever, and one is plenty for any ordinary person at a dose. My wife was a martyr to Constipation. We tried everything on the calendar without satisfaction, and spent large sums of money until we happened on " Fruit- a-tives". I cannot say too much in their favor. We have used-them in the family for about two years and we would not use anything else as long as we can get "Fruit-a-tives". Their action is mild, and no distress at all. I have'recommeuded them to many other people, and our whole family uses them.". J. W. HAMMOND. Those who have been cured by "Fruit- a-tives" are proud and happy to tell a sick or ailing friend about these wonderful wonderful tablets made from fruit juices. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers' or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. mind decs not act .as a unit, but is divided into various faculties. Broca-' s discovery lad to further investigations, until now the w'hole of the cortex surface of the brain ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamers are equipped with every convenience and luxury, conducive conducive to comfort arid pleasure while travelling. A delightful journey from the commencement of the trip to the last hour on board* Here 1 » Why For rates, sailing dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or PRESIDENT SUSPENDER THE ALLAN LINE, 95 King St., Welt, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Ageut, Bowmanville. NONE 50-EASY MIN rANAD't r Boots That Stood the  MES HOLDEN McCREADY LIMITED, Canada's largest shoe, manufacturers, supplied, supplied, within thirty-three days, 32,217 pairs of leather ankle boots and 30,000 pairs of canvas shoes for the. outfitting of the.First Canadian -Contingent, the largest quantity supplied by any manufacturer. These boots were worn by our soldiers on active service both in this country- and in the training camps in England. They were subjected subjected to the most Severe usage that boots could be subjected to. They travelled over rough roads and smooth. They Waded through, mud and through slush past all description. They were soaked by the never-ceasing rains of an abnormally wet English winter. They •were baked on hot stoves, grilled On steam radiators and roasted before open fires. Yet, THEY STOOD THE TEST. Out of the entire 32,217 pairs of leather boots supplied by. this; company only a single pair was shown to be open to criticism when the• Government enquiry was made six months later. - ' Experts employed by the Government exam- ine(J 1365 pairs and 348 odd boots made by various manufacturers. Among the number were found only, seven pairs of boots of Ames Holden 'McCready manufacture, of which five . were found to be repairable, one pair unrepairable, unrepairable, and ONE PAIR HAD A SOLE UNDER GAUGE. • The best proof of the durability and service- ^ ability of f " the Ames Holden McCready boots, however, was afforded by- the -hworn statements statements of soldiers who had worn these boots r constantly from the-time they wete-'issued Tn September, 1914, right through to March, 1915. They swore -that they had Warn the bbotS" : through all the rough . experiences at Valcar- ' tier and on Salisbury Plain and tljat they ; had given excellent service throughout." v Ser- . géant Nussey, of Toronto, /who had served twelve years in the British Army,-appeared before before the Committee with -a pair of 'SUch boats - still on his feet and submitted • them to the committee's inspection. . . A - ■_ The testimony of these witnesses hàs sincë been amply corroborated by numerous reports and letters received from officers and soldiers at the front all testifying to the. good wearing qualities of the Ames Holden McCready boots. When the question was raised concerning the quality of .'the Canadian soldiers' boots, Ames Holden McCready Limited placed themselves themselves IMMEDIATELY upon record, by writing to the. Government, as desirous of having the most thorough investigation of the matter. The appointment of a Parliamentary Committee and the official enquiry: followed. It occupied several several weeks' time. The Committee stopped at nothing in their efforts to get at all the facts. • This Company purchased the best leather and supplies available in Canada and spared no expense in manufacturing the boots. All our invoices, and shop and manufacturing records were produced before thè Parliamentary. Committee Committee for their inspection and information. We had nothing to hide and were proud of the -boots which were furnished to the Government. THE AMES HOLDEN McCREADY BOOTS CAME OUT OF THE ORDEAL UNSCATHED. The Committee reported to Parliament that the boots supplied by this company substantially substantially complied with the sample, that no paper or other, fraudulent substances had been employed employed in their manufacture and that all charges involving the integrity of this company or of the boots supplied by them had been abundantly disproven by the sworn evidence taken before the Committee. The report, which was adopted by Parliament, Parliament, was A COMPLETE VINDICATION FOR AMES HOLDEN McCREADY LIMITED. In bringing these facts prominently before the people of the Dominion, Ames Holden McCready Limited are actuated by the desire not only to protect their own good name -- "which needs no vindication with the thousands of Canadians who" are familiar with this company company and its products -- but also that of a notable and important Canadian - 'industry, which, has been unwarrantably afcperfeed. MONTREAL EDMONTON TORONTO VANCOUVER - Winnipeg DÉ LORIMIER johSj - ST. ST. HYACINTHE am (sgs dates at bottom) NEW 1Ô1 5 INVENTION RETAINS rtüWTtfRE WITHOUT KNI Ft. HARNESS, DANGER,OR PAIN* COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. Mr. Egan's new 1915 appliances, "the Curative" arid "the Curatrus", are rapidly rapidly taking the plàce of the old-fashioned trusses purchased by mail order. These new inventions are constructed to assist nature in her work of healing and are free from every cumbersome feature thatyou possibly have been annoyed with some time or another. . Complète comfort awaits you. Correct holding will be experienced experienced from the start. No inore escape of rupture. Misery comes to an end at once. Yon will enjoy that absolute confidence confidence of being able to do anything at any time Or anywhere without the bowel mak ing its escape outside the abdomen. This will re" relieve you of mental unrest and worry. This will make you feel like a new person. This kind of retention is intended intended to assist nature to close the opening. opening. These new inventions -are adapted to different forms of hernia to meet the needs of every man, woman or child. Stop further experimenting with foreign appliances appliances and end your rapture troubles at small cost by consulting a Canadian rupture rupture appliance specialist. Delays may be dangerous; tear off coupon now. : p -çroÿx~ jo*,; . vpè*»âiü6. w'titod, so compact is it. A complète complète diningroom suite - made 'of this wood has been commented upon a® one of thé most Striking exhibits at the, exposition. Another unusual timber product is thé QüèénsMtnd maplo,_ resembling resembling the Canadian maple- in grain and polish, but carrying out the birdiseye effect in tones suggeistive of Italian walnut. Rosewood, which has become a rare commodity, has been made into à numbèr of attractive attractive piece® of furniture, and descriptive descriptive literature tells the tale that it grows in Australia in sufficient* sufficient* quantity to permit of exportation. exportation. Blackwood, eucalyptus, red cedar and the kauri pine are all timber products which interior decorators and furnisHeriS will welcome as an answer to the problem of supply which threatens to" puzzle them. As an illustration of the endurance of the Australian hardwoods there is a tie on display which was used in a railroad track in Sydney for a period of thirty-five years, from 1879 to 1914. It is of forest mahogany mahogany and is still intact and capable from all appearances of serving another another thirty-five year®. The total production of hardwood in Australia, for the year 1913 was 667,554,000 super feet. THIS FREE RUPTURE COUPON Upon presentation to J. Y. Egan, specialist, 6 wr • ~ " ' " est King street, Toronto, who will visit the towns below, entitles bearer to free con sultation and examination of samples. Ask at hotel office for room number. Note dates, Bowmanville, Bowman Hotel Wednesday, June 23 All day and night. One day only. Oshawa, Queen's Hotel Thursday, June 24 Made in Canada. 13 Some men's ideas of progress to stand and watch other® go backward. backward. Here is a full list of birthstones ; January, garnet ; February, amethyst; amethyst; March, bloodstone; April, sapphire ; May, emerald ; June, agate ; July, ruby ; August, sardonyx; sardonyx; September, chrysolite ; October, October, opal; November, .topaz ; .December, .December, turquoise. a/ AUSTRALIAN HARDWOODS. Ail Interesting Display at the Panama Panama Fair. In the Australian exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Fair is a-collection of hard woods of special interest. There are specimens of woods of exquisite exquisite grain and color, grown in commercial quantities, of which little is known. in this country, and which will supply new material to cabinetmakers and others. Something entirely new to this part of the world is the Victorian ■myrtle. In grain it is said to be even more susceptible of polish than mahogany or - the Hawaiian ko a, and its color varies from the lightest lightest of. maple tints to the deepest redwood hues. At first view it i.m- DRUG STORES BENEFIT BY NEW BUSINESS IDEA. Exclusive Agents for Line. Well , Known Iu all lines of business old ideas are giving place to new, and modern efficiency efficiency is showing better ways of selling goods... Almost everyone is familiar with the famous Nyal's Family Remédies and Toilet preparations and.hag been accustomed accustomed to seeing them in almost every family medicine cupboard. Very recently the. Company have made a far reaching change in their plan of doiug"business. In the future Nyal preparations will only be obtainable -through selected drug store agencies Who are shareholders in the company. It is a proven fact that agents, selected selected because as their ability and business standing and more intimately connected with the manufacturers are able to market market goods more econr m cally and at the same time give better service to the buying public. Much,of the friction of competitive business methods is eliminated eliminated aud the public benefits therefrom. R. M Mitchell & Co , Druggists, F.R. Kérslàke, Druggist,have b;en appointed Nyal Agents in Bowmanvil'e and will in the future make these preparations prominent features of their business. The Elcctriquette. More than - four hundred diminutive diminutive electric vehicle® .are now in, use on the! exhibition grounds at San Francisco, where they are ; very popular. ..Their success probably, means that they, will, displace -the wheeled, dhi&irs of the seaside resorts/7 resorts/ 7 The new" chair, which is knorwn as the "eleotriquétte," and which is propelled by a motor that derives its power from a small storage storage battery, is..a .comfortable and commodioùs vehicleseating two. persons. ; . It is controlled so easily that anybody can run one without previous experience.- V m I Pure Ice Cream IT IS GENERALLY CONCEDED that Tuberculosis is transmitted by unpasteurized Ice Cream. I City Dairy Ice Cream is Pasteurized Pasteurized and therefore skfe for even the youngest child./ The Brightest Women Find sometimes that they are dull PL mind, depressed in spirits, and tiial . they have headache, backache, and sufferings that make life seem not worth living. But these conditions need be only temporary.* They are usually caused by indigestion or biliousness and a few doses of will quickly, safely and certainly right the wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, stimulates stimulates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beecham's Pills cleanse the system of àccumulating poisons and purify the blood. Their beneficial action shows in brighter looks, clearer complexions, better feelings. Try iixem, and you also will find that they A Guinea a Box The Purity and healthfillness of City Dairy Ice Cream is guarded in every way. 'h The matter of flavoring is an important one-- City Dairy uses no imitations or synthètic flavors--we flavor our ."Maple Walnut" with pure maple sugar--we use Pure Fruits in our "Fruit Ice Creams" and flavor our "Vanilla" with the Pure Mexican Vanilla Bean. The minute specks in City Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream are pieces of the ground bean--^the specks make the flavor." So far as we know we are the only manufacturers in Canada using the Pure vanilla bean, and no other make can compare with the delicate flavor of City Dairy Vanilla Ice Créant --the cost is about double but the selling price is the same. Ask for the Ice Cream in which "the specks make the flavor"-- City Dairy. For Sale by discriminating shopkeepers everywhere. Look •for -the Sign. A- TORONTO. Wo want'an agent In every town. Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. In boxes. 25 cexits. T a Drives Asthma Like Magic. Thè immediate help from Dr. JT. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy seems . like - magic. Nevertheless it is only a natural renledy- used in a natural wày... The smoke or vapor, reaching thé paëëa%e of the affected tubes, brushes -asôde the trbuble and bpeWtt way for fresh-air* Td enter. It is sold by dealers throughout the land. I F you want sugar that is absolutely absolutely pürè, arid as clean as when it left the tefiriery, you can depend on getting it in 2-lb, and 54b. Sealed Cartons. 10, 20, 50 and 100-lb. Cloth Bags. *s favorite Sugar CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL 123 % A-

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