\V:> j PPI jjg§ mmm*, ' V- «ft A. TY McL AtTCHLIH, Barrister, Solicitor and. Gonveyaneer. Office^--Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. " Money to loan at reasonable reasonable rates. 48-lyr- B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.9., C.M. BOWMANVILLE, • - ONT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity University, Toronto; Four years Attending Physician and Surgeon at lit. Carnal Hoanital, P;ttebjirg, Ka. OJfice. and Residence Wellington St. Teleplgme Tïo. 108. Ht GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barrister# and Solicitors. Notaries Publie, A. K. GOODMAN, D. G. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsdcn Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary gra.dap.te of Ontario Veterinary Col it pc. Diseases joI all domestic -animals treated l j latest known methods. Office at big residence, Kmg-st, East Bow- n anvil]e. 193. 20-lyr. L08C0M1E & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.E.Loscosutoc* A r C. E.S.Senkler, B.A. Mossy to Loan. Cffice: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. G RAND TRUNK R AIL WAY GOING EAST. Express 8.52 a. m. Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 10.18 8A6p.ni. 6.40 „ 7.18 , 6.58 , GOING WEST 4.22 a. m Local Local Passenger iPassenger 7.C0 9.45 i. 6 p.m. 7.11 „ Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST, x Express ].07 a.ra. Express J0.46 a.m. 1 Express 7.0O p m. x Flag stop 1 Daily except Sunday. Office. GOING WEST, x Express 6.07 a.m. Kxpress 8.38 a.m. t Express 4.i7 p.m. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Canadian Northern Railway going east. going west. *1 Express 11.51 a.m. *1 Express U.3S p.m. "i Daily except Sunday IF Express 9.02 a.m. *f Express 7.37 p.m IFDaily except Sunday. LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA GOOD COIN Î EVERY TUESDAY FROM MARCH TO OCTOBER TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT 125,000 FREE HOMES May Be Had Through the I^ich, Red Blood Dr. William^' Pink Pills Actually Make. A girl's complexion is something mo-re than a. ma.tter to concern her vanity. It is an indication of the state of her health. Pallor in a growing girl means a thinning of the blood. Parents should be watchful of their daughters' complexions complexions and. should see to it that these danger signs are corrected. When a girl in her teens becomes pale and sallow, if she shows an inclination to tire easily, is listless and inattentive to her work or studies, she needs Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills, a tonic which directly and ^specifically corrects the condition condition from which she is suffering. A chemical analysis of the blood of such a, girl would show it to be deficient deficient in just the elements that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can supply, and which restore brightness to the eye and color to the cheeks. Miss Delina Arsenault, Urbainville, P.E.I., is one of the thousands of anaemic girls restored to health by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says : "I was attacked with anaemia, and was in such a miserable miserable condition that I had to consult a doctor, and was under his. care - for -several .months, but without, getting better. I was growing thinner every day, had dark circles circles around my eyes. I could hardly hardly sleep at night, but tossed restlessly restlessly and got up in the morning with black anticipation of the day's miseries before me. - I was always bothered "with headaches and pains in the back and limbs... My" appetite appetite was poor and I frequently vomited what I did eat. My friends feared that I would not recover. I had often seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advertised, and finally decided decided to try them. I used altogether altogether ^nine boxes, and they made me as well as ever I was in my life. All the pains and aches disappeared"; disappeared"; my appetite returned. I could sleep soundly at night, and the. color returned to my cheeks. I also, gained seventeen pounds in weight. I am now always well, and for this happy condition I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can get these Pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Medicine Co., Brock ville, .Ont. 5 along the Canadian Northern Railway For literature an l luvth-v particulars apply co * W G ÜIFFLER, C. N. R. Ag.-n.t, 1 owm an ville. GRAND TRUNK B ATTRACTIVE TRIPS TO Muskoka Lakes Georgian Bay Blench Itiv v • i\ lagan etawan 1 Li l* i- Lake of Bays Algonquin Park JCawai-iha Lakes T'imagaini, etc. Not Una ui mo us. Hix -- Women arc suspicious creatures ! Wix--My experience is to the .contrary. For instance, there's my wife ; she's a woman and trusts me, while my grocer, - who- is .a* man, doesn't. Round trip tourist tickets iww en sale from certain statious in OnUir.u at very low fares with liberal stop- .vers, * Keep Minard's Iiiniment in the house. She Wasn't Sure. A famous baseball player has a younger sister who is very proud of him, although she is not very familiar with the game. Having spoken of him one day to a visitor she -was-asked by the latter what position her brother played. "Why," she stammered, "I--I'm not sure, but I think he's a batter." batter." WHÈRI THE. SPARK IGNITED tSerajevo, -Capital . of Bosnia, Losing Oriental Character. Sarajevo, the unknown Bosnian town where the spark ignited that flamed forth into the greatest' war of the ages, is described by the National Geographic Society as one of the beauty spots of the Balkans. It was the scene of the assassination of the Archduke "Francis Ferdinand, heir- apparent to the thrones of Austria and Hungary, and his wife the Duchess of Hohenberg. Serajevo is built upon the river Mil- jacka, a small tributary of the Bosnia, and spreads over both slopes of- the narrow valley to the rugged hills. Partly oriental and wholly set iu the green and emerald of its gardens and neighboring welLwooded hills, Serajevo Serajevo is frequently called "The Damascus Damascus of ^the-North." The: city liés "122 miles southwest cf Belgrade. With a growing population of 5Ô,Ôût> and a thriving commerce and industry, Serajevo Serajevo has been fast losing its eastérn character, reconstructing the old Turkish Turkish city- to conform to the purposes of Western progress. . Its large bazaar is a favorite market market place for the peasants of the whole province, while its commission houses conduct the exchange of Bosnian agricultural agricultural and mineral products with the manufactories of other parts of thé empire. It has potteries, silk mills, a tobacco factory and a large individual, individual, or house industry, which produces fine embroideries, rugs, embossed and filigree work. . *: Napkin Envelopes. Envelopes are used instead of. napkin. rings in -some of the pensions pensions of Europe." White or colored or a pretty flowered crepe paper of a heavy quality is doubled, then cut into pieces eleven by sixteen inches, one end rounded at the corners. All around the edge receives a double row of machine stitching and the paper then is folded in three, so that the rounded end is a trifle shorter than the other part. The short end forms the flap of the envelope envelope - made by the - other part. Stitch at both ends. On the flap paste a bit of white paper one by three inches, on which to write the name. The napkin when folded fits nicely into this envelope ease. These cases are; being used in pensions pensions all over -Europe, a fresh one being given to each person as soon as the old one is soiled. In various colors they also give a prêtty touch to the home table. He Meant Word He Spoke JUST WHY J. A. HILI>RECOMMENDS HILI>RECOMMENDS DODD'S KJDNEY , PILLS. He Had Sore Bgck and Other Symptoms of Kidney Disease and Got Heal Benefit from Dodd's Kidtpey Pills. Sixty-Nine Corners, Ont., June 7 (Special).--"I am recommending Dodd's Kidney Pills as the best of Medicines. ' ' The spéa-ke r was Mr. J. A. Hill, a well-known resident , of this .place, and he left no,doubt in the -minds of his hearers that he meant every word he said. "Some time ago," Mr. Hill continued, continued, "I had a very sore back. It started from a cold and I suffered suffered for six months with it. I also had stiffness in- my joints and cramps in my muscles and I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. My appetite was fitful and my limbs were heavy. Then I decided to try Dodd's -Kidney Pills. I took four boxes and received great benefit from them. That's why' I recommend recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills." - Every one of Mr. Hill's symp- ' toms showed that his troublé was of the Kidneys. That is why. he got sufih benefit from Dodd's Kidney Pills. 4 They are no cure all, but- they do cure sick Kidneys, and the Kidneys aire the keystone of health. a Sick ffflman Can Regain Heattji READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY, "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired;* a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were, not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without ' permanent ' benefit. A visit to my slpt.pr pjat into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sfie placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever ..they, might .-cost,... I. found Dr. Hamilton's Hamilton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they established established regularity. My appetite grew keen---my blood red and pure--heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and unwrinkled unwrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all," •The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller In Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. 9 ■ -- * . REMARKABLY STRONG POSITION POSITION OF THE MERCHANTS ' BANK OF CANADA SHOWN BY ANNUAL REPORT ? MUSKOKA EXPRESS Leaves Toro -to 10 15 a.m daily, except Sunday a WiiarLUtmlsyille, ALouquhtPariri .. iirni ^orth Bay. Connections are made at Mus- k Wharf for Mnxkoka Lakes and Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, DusI and Wind quickly relieved by N«dne ËyeBcaKdy.No Smarting, jüst Éye Comfort. At vii e. for poi its on Lake of Bay's." Pallo^-Library- ! Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle.. Marine Eye Itn TTO t no >. f n 4 1 .. .. !.. Y Y 1. . 1-» 1 . • . J * " - Hnffet car to Algonquin Park; Parlor-Library Cafe car an-l first e ass. coaches to Nortli Bav. uUil particulars anti tickets on application to agents. No matter where you are going, call Phone 78 for information. - We will gladly gladly delivèr tickets to any house in town. J. H. H. JURY, Local. Agent, House Phone 51. w a CANADIAN NORTHERN BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE - (Effective January 25th) - TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Statio s ■ Î) 02 a.m. f 7.37 p.m. | For Trenton, Belleville, Yarker, Tweed, 1 llarro.wsmith, Sydenham,-Kingston, | Brockville, Smith's Falls, Ottawa i and Intermediate Stations. f 11.53 a.m. - For Coe Hill and Intermediate Stations 1 f 11.58 a.m. For Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Pic- ton and intermediate points f 11 58 a.m C.38 p.m. ^ TRAINS ARRIVE F^pm Toronto and intermediate stations f 11.53 a.m. 6 38 p.m. Frcm Belleville, Trenton and iutennud- iate points ; also Pic ton and V.O R. points 9 02 a!m ' f 7 37 p.m/ From M ijiiooth (C.O.R ) r 7.3/ p.m. From Sydenham, Twee 1, Yarker, etc. - £■ 7.37 p.m. Freni Ottawa, Smiths Falls, Brockville, Kingston, Yarker, Deserouto. Napauee, Pic ton, Trenton and intermediate points - 7.37p.m. Trains run daily except S.ftpday unless otherwise rparked. For further particulars see other adver tisemeut appearing in this paper, or apply W. F. GIFFLER,* -flag.stop .... . Depot-Agent;: SalveinTubes 25c. For Book ollheEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago The best bed for a child is one of . ch-OD-ned.. straw in: a. strong, unbleached unbleached "cover. It is healthy, springy, and. cheap. HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and AUGUST UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION f) MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING MINING A 5 CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO. Y. CHOWN, Regietrar THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Thousands of mothers say Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine they wou-ld give their little, ones. Among them is Mrs. Howard Hod- gins, St. Catharines, Ont., who says : "I am a riser of Baby's Own Tablets and thinlggthein the best medicine in thét> world for little ones." Once a mother has used the Tablets she will use no other medicine because sHe feels ithe Tablets Tablets are absolutely safe and knows they never fail to banish all the simple ailments of . little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •$" Lights for Battle Fields. According to the Army and'Navy Journal, searchlights are for obvious obvious reasons kept dark until the field artillery - has 'ceased • firing and - the enemy is charging. ,To illuminate illuminate a field over which the enemy is to advance, star bombs and flares are also used. Flares, which are merely modified fireworks, are like the familiar red, white and blue lights used in Fourth of July, celebrations to illuminate streets and parks. Sappers go out in front of the trenches with flares, which are then connected' with the headquarters of the officers in command command of the first line, who by setting setting them off a.t intervals throughout throughout the night can keep the battle front continually lighted. Star bombs are also adaptations of modern modern fireworks. They are shot from mortars into the sky, where for twenty miles they will give off an Intense light over a wide circle of the surrounding country. Before one bomb dies out another is shot into the air. A kind of star bomb, shot into the sky like an ordinary rocket is used by both armies for signalling at night. ANYTHING TO WIN. Who Can Refuse to Believe Any Charge Against Germany. After the torpedoing of the Lusitania, Lusitania, without warning even, who can reasonably refuse to believe any charge of brutal atrocity brought, against Germany?s. conduct of the war ? writes a correspondent in the New York Sun. Who can refuse refuse to believe that a nation capable capable of waging a war in such a fashion fashion was capable of deliberately bringing on the war 1 Who can doubt that the policy of / 'anything to win" now demonstrated is evidence evidence that Germany courted the war in pursuance of a policy of just such world domination as was set forth by. Bernhardi ? Of what avail is it to complain of the breaches of international law which have been committed by both sides in the European conflict % The fact that American lives were lost on a vessel sailing under the British British flag after the German Government Government had warned them of the risk they -■ were-running:--is -- immaterial. Germany has furnished proof that her warfare respects no flag, not even the Stars and . Stripes. The war on Germany's part is a war against no nation, but against all nations. It is a war against humanity. humanity. . Is it not clear that, under its present present leadership and the ideals which control its Kultur,- the German German nation 0 is a peril to civilization civilization and not fit to survive 1 What will the liberties ôf (the world be worth if Germany emerges victor from this conflict because j through a cowardly and dreamy love of peace, nations which have been neutral hitherto refuse to do their part in combating the peril of a pax Germanica with which civilization civilization 'is- threatened ^ : - v 'Unless ithe United States has become become a country of Chinamen it will not take this affront lying down. Indeed, the Chinese, with all their .weakness; would make at least a show of fight against so hideous a wrong rand-so dreadful" a dahger. ' -- *-- -- GET POWER Felt He Must Say Something. Callers were a-t the door 'and Bobbie- was told to show them into the parlor. He yli4 so,' and while h is - - mothe r-. • was -fixing - Aer se If - up he sat there ■ rather . embarrassed^ Presently, seeing ' the „ visitors glancing around the room, he Said : "Well, what do you think of our stuff, anyway ?" Pays for Itself In Seven Days I Coi •eje -with tijiie 1915 Mçdel 6*vej8 you time, labor And You get better • mix with Write-^or catalogues. WETTLAÔFER BROS., Improved Concrete Machinery. Pespt. W. Spadina Ave., Toronto. Ontfigio. Mixinsr HAND MIXE money, (cement, ED. €. 5M--'15. Diamond Oldest of Riches. The discoverer of diamonds is unknown. unknown. From references in Exodus Exodus it is apparent that the diamond was a precious stone in Egypt in those eatly times ; and even before thati ; t".wasrkno wn in India, where probably it was first obtained. The name is derived from the. Greek word "adamas," meaning "unsub- duable." From Pliny, a writer of the first century, we learn that the diamond was regarded as the most valualble The Supply Cornés From Food. If we get power from food, why not strive to get all the power we can. That is only- possible by selecting selecting food that exactly fits the requirements of ithe body. "Not knowing how to select the right food to fit my needs, I suffered suffered grievously for a long time from stomach trouble," writes a lady from a little Western town. "It seemed as if I would never be able to find out the sort of food that was best for me. Hardly anything anything that I could eat would stay on my stomach. Every attempt gave me heart-burn and filled my sto- maoh with gas. I got thinner and .thinner until I literally became a living skeleton and in time was compelled to keep to my bed. "Afew months ago I was persuaded persuaded to try Grape-Nuts food, and it had such. good eff ect ..from, the very beginning that T kept up its use. I was surprised at the ease with which I digested it. It proved to be just what I needed. ' 'All my unpleasant symptoms, the heart-burn, the inflated feeling which gave me iso much 'pain-, disappeared. disappeared. My weight gradually r increased from 99 to. 116 lbs., my Alaska was bought by the United States from Russia for $7,200,000. of all . things, and only a few king^ ever could afford-to buy them. But , • , , . - ■ ■ L as :no^raearis of^rtiôm.al ^otiBimeg- T W bee» discov.red Wn= 3e- back ' and 1 am now «W» preciate.d -in value,- so H?«t *1^ ruby %ad t^e erqerald became more precious.. precious.. . JThe,-jdiscove ry iby Ludwig van Berquen, in 1476, of a mode of polishing. and^cutting~it..at once re - turnûd^thiâ gerpto tbe . firs t -place among- precious stones. ., . do my- housework and enjoy it., -Grape-Nute ,did iit." ■y A'-tep. days trial will .show any- onie »ome"fÀetB about food". Name given by Gamadian Postum JOç.y ^Wm^or, Opt. R^d,*' "The RcHB^d -to Wellvilfe," in pkgs. - " Therea Reason " Ever read the i*ev# letter? a new 'eee appears frpm ibne to time. -They are genuine, true, and full of human IntereeL , It is significant that after more than eight months of the severest financial strain Canada has ever experienced, the Merchants Bank of Canada comes forward with a report showing not only the greatest greatest strength in its history comparing comparing fayorably with the strongest commercial bank throughout the world. P e rthaps the ~ o utstan din g f eatu re of the annual statement as at April 30th last, is the assets which are or can immediately be converted converted into cash. These amount to $32,086,571.51 exclusive of $1,000,- 000 deposited in the Central Gold Reserve, and $335,000 deposited with the Government for the purposes purposes of the Circulation Fund. Altogether Altogether the immediately realisable assets amount to $33,421,571, or over 46%. of the Bank's liability to the public. What this means will be appreciated when it is remembered remembered that last year these items totalled over $8,000,000 less, or less than 37%, of the liabilities to the public--and this was a very good showing for normal times. The total assets of the Bank are $86,190,464.51, an increase of -over three" "millions from last year. It is worthy of note that there are no mortgages, while overdue debts and real estate, other than Bank premises premises together amount to only $263,- 538.40, or less than one-third of one per cent, of the total assets. The actual cash, coin and notes, on hand were over $21,000,000, or twice what they were a year ago. Thus the Merchants Bank of Canada Canada is in a position of great strength, which enables it to face any possible development of the war situation with perfect confidence. confidence. During the. year the Bank's deposit deposit business expanded very considerably. considerably. Its deposits bearing interest interest increased over four millions, to $50,037,101.80, and its total public public liabilities grew three millions to $71,769,613.81. The capital paid up and the reserve fund stand at $7,000,000 each. Profits were necessarily affected by the efforts to maintain so high a ratio ' of liquid reserve ■ or assets, that could be converted into cash immediately. Current commercial loans :n Canada, the main source of a Canadian bank's profits, were reduced by $6,200,000, and the net profits for the year were $995,431, against $1,218,694 . for 1914. These were still further reduced by appropriations appropriations for patriotic purposes, by the war taxes and by $250,000 written .off for depreciation in the market value of securities. There is every probability that the latter amount will be in considerable part recovered in the future, when se- j entities resume their normal value. | The appropriation for patriotic j purposes indicate the sacrifices I that the Bank is making for the I general good in .these exacting I times, and the shareholders are j amply compensated in the fact that the Bank's immense strength and constantly widening connections enable it to look forward to greatly enhanced prosperity as soon as business in Canada resumes its usual activity. Meanwhile a b.al- .<ance sheet such a^.this, rafter nearly nearly nine months of war, is the best .evidence of solidity and sound management that a bank could possibly possibly have. -- * : Sore Absolutely .Painless No cutting, no plas: ters or pads to press the sore spot Putnam's. Extractor makes the corn go ■vyij;hout pain.. Takes out . the sting oyer-night ' Nev.er tails --leaves no scar. Get a 25c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to-day. ' ; v?. •• " ' The offimAl repdWr in the (Hou^e ,of Iyiords $2 ;< 5Q0 a yiar. Ask toy WUutfd's Aft otfrecr. 24-HDUR SYSTEM:- Paper Dials Were Issued in 1886 By the C.P.R. A- souvenir of the eiarrly days of the C.P.R., in the shape of one of the original watch dials which the company got out when it introduced 24 o'clock time in the West, is in possession, of one of the officials. In 1886 the company -determined -determined to . introduce the 24-hour system on the western divisions; and to give emphasis to the new departure, and, at the same time, help the memory of all concerned, concerned, it issued pauper dials with the whole 24 'hours completing the day, which were to be worn on the watches of the employees, to familiarize familiarize them with the new method. This setting up of the . new -time standard was deemed, at the time, a radical innovation, calculated to disturb the all cons'ervative and timid creatures who dreaded change. A certain .sensation was produced at the time ; it passed ; the business went on its way ; the western employees became acquainted acquainted with the new time standard, standard, and accepted it as a matter of course ; but the sight of one of the old dial plates, which everybody was showing as a curiosity in 1886, as something which was going to revolutionize the common life of the people, recalls the eagerness of the company to arrest the attention, attention, though, of course, the change was advantageous in itself. * There are some guests who almost almost pay for the hospitality they receive by the pleasure they give their hosts by going. If, when people are charged with their faults they were credited with their good intentions, there would be more satisfactory neighbors neighbors in the world. HOES it Sold by all shoe dealers 1 Womby every member/thefemily ■o' w Reduce Your Roofing Costs, Protect Your Buildings From Fire, Lightning and Weather You accomplish all these results by using our-heavily zinc coated (( 99 Send For Free Itook Metallic Shingles They "give longer service than any other roofing. Cost less to lay. Are rust-proot and do not require painting. Those laid 28 years ago are mill giving good service. Send for free book" that shows how " Eastlake" shingles make your buildings lightning fire, and weather-proof and why they cost less per year than any other roofing. We Manafactare a complete Bn# ef Sheet Metal SaiMia* Material THE METALLIC ROOFING CO., Limite* 3 Manafactarets . 797 Metre Daw Ave., WINNIPEG . Kinga^DatieriaSts.. TORONTO At Any Vaudeville. "Why do these pipers keep walking walking up and down while they are playing 1" "Because it makes them harder to hit." At the Yarmouth Y.M.C.A. Boye" Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for eun burn, an -immediate relief for colic and toothache. ' ALFRED STOKES. General Sec'y. The object of the National Service Service League, founded in 1902, is to promote the movement for compulsory compulsory military service in Great Britain. Mlnard'» Liniment need by Physicians. Among the regimental trophies of the Lancashire Fusiliers is a Life of Marlborough presented to the regiment by Napoleon when they were guarding him in St. Helena. Minard's Iiiniment Xiumbennan's Priend SEED POTATOES. E arly irish cobbler potatoes. specially selected and ; Government inspected for seed. Only limited quantity. Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Brampton. Brampton. Also Connoisseur's Pride and New Snow, two excellent new potatoes. Price. Two Dollars" per bushel. Special pr ces for large quantity. Cash must accompany accompany all orders. H. W. Dawson. Brampton. Brampton. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB OF- ficea for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and .interesting of all businesses. Full information on application application to Wilson "Publishing Company. 71 West Adela~.de St.. Toronto.- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING W ANTED--LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF good standing in every neighborhood neighborhood of Ontario and Quebec Provinces, to obtain list of reliable people who are interested interested in savinr money during theso war times on -urchaecs of staple merchandise merchandise selected from illustrated catalogue catalogue of established Montreal Departmental Departmental Store. To the right persons we offer attractive remuneration. Write immediate!-- immediate!-- giving name, residence, experience, experience, with references. Character is of more importance than experience. Address Address P. O. Bçx 443. Montreal. MISCELLANEOUS. E nglish "violet cream, magic Beautifier. Price 25c. Yiodora Com- T>any, Orillia. C ancer, tumors, lumps, etc.. internal ant. external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. "Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colltngwood. Or.t. „ - America's Standard 4 Cycle Marine Motor" , < Cycle. 4 Cylinder. 12 io 20 H.P. Highest duality. duality. Silent operation. No vibration. Controls like the finest Motor Car engine. Extremely J * economical on fucL Used m standard equip- f ment bv over 80 per cent, of the.world's 1 leading boat builders. Catalog on request. ! 1180 to 1380 deu^.idlng or. equipment. I KEKMATH MFS. CO. D.d. O.lrell, Mich. Made m Wm ÆÈ, Wmm pi IBs 3" - " mm.