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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1915, p. 8

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BOWMAN YILLB, JULY 15, 1915 JUNE RECEPTION. 1 i T F you are about to build or remodel, investigate thoroughly the plumbing fixtures you install. Insist on the best only--even though they may cost a little more, j It will pay you in the long run as the service they give is permanently efficient. Standard" Sa nit ary Plumbing Fixtures insure every requisite of a sanitary and efficient equipment and their installation ends plumbing annoyance and expense. 3ZXT *'Edgemorc 11 Lavatory RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowmativille Specials This Week at Mitchell's Drug Store Toilets Talcums 15c to 50c Toilet Waters ... 35c to $1.50 Perfumes 50c to $2.00 oz. Lotions 25c, 40c, 50c Massage Creams 25c, 50c Face Creams 25c to 75c T ooth Pastes 25 c to 50c Eas'em Foot Powder 25c can A big stock of Rubber Goods just arrived. See our special Maple Leaf Hot Water Bottle Guaranteed for One Year. Reg. $1.50, On Sale 99c See our fine line of Bathing and Motor Caps for ladies, all colors. Prices 75c to $1.15. The New Ansco Speed Film for Cameras is Thé Talk of the Day They fit any camera. All sizes. Are you using them ? Soaps We carry any make of Standard Standard Soaps. Special this week: Jergen's Violet Glycerine at 3 cakes for 25c - Old English Soaps, Elder Flower and Oatmeal, big cakes, reg. 15c cake, for 10c. ' or , N >; a u l ' s Remedies Sole Agents for the Ansco and Nylo Chocolates Cameras and Supplies Sole Agents for Neiison's Chocolates R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists When we test eyes we do it Scientifically Opticians j / k GOOD THINGS TO EAT. "^as.'WJiïSSft.îS- ss.3- be done by selecting foods that appeal to the appetite. ' Canned Meats--Ideal for the warm weather and "hurrv sFtcei sbtedBee^dbork^dBeab.e™ 8 " 6 ' ° 0 ™ ed Beef - i?ke7b r 8 m^ Ter ^ 8 rvbK?n\Xra e ^d a rrd a ?n^,i alze b ° ul <* 10c, 15c, 20o, 250, 30c, 35o aid 40o per bottle. Nor wegian Fish, small and dainty mosf- ifiempting and appetizing in appearance. Per tin 10c amH5c. ^l BCU ê* s --During warm weather and especially around holidays the housewife does not care to be burdened with cooking. \V e have a splendid assortment of Fancy Biscuits fresh and crisp, prepared in a factory that is a model of cleanli- ness. These are just a few suggestions. We have au excellent youToïd^to 68 that WlU appeal to yon -' Giül around or phone HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanville FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 1 Lj-IOTT TORONTO, ONT. has to-day a stronger hold upon the public public confidence than ever before. "Thor- ongh Train! Mg" for choice positions in Business Life is given in all of our Departments. Departments. This college does not ask for a better reputation than it has now. We place many students in positions each Write to-day for large catalogne. Yonge and Charles Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal The Way to Independence is. by getting your Groceries at MANSFIELDS Grocery & Provision Store Phone 129 r32, Hampton g ;„^ hy , d ° nearIv a11 the Principal dealers J arger , s to " ns and cities handle ^rantcn Coal ? Because they have prov- ed by experience that it gives the best Sorf a n tl0n p „ Pla ce your order now with McClellan & Co., Ltd. 24-3 Cawker Always Sells the Best Meats Phone 64 i ' Call at Cà^rker's Butcher Butcher Shdp and *get particulars of!> new buggy for sale at a bargain. SOLINA Mrs. Thos. Baker entertained the town* f!r ip Y® unc h °n Wednesday evening.... Mrs. Frank Thompson entertained the Young Men and Young Women's Bible Classes Wednesday evening July 7th Mr. J. Pascoe lost a good horse recently... Sons of Temperance are having a swell time next Friday night, with music, song and plenty of ice cream. Every member connected with the Order is requested to be present .Recent visitors: Miss Grace Bray, Toronto with friends; Mrs Chisholm and son Gordon, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, with her aunts, the Misses Hogarth; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Philp, Burketon, Wright, Blackstock, and Mr. Wilfrid Rundle, South Darlington, at Mrs. W. Werry's; Miss Florence L VanNest, Bow many ille, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. Harry Grooms, Toro to. at Mr. S. E. Werrys; Miss Beacock, Nestleton, with Mrs. Q. H. Scott; Miss Myrtle Vice, En- neld, with friends; Mr. - Thos. Penfouud, Maple Grove, with his sister, Mrs. W. C. Werry, Snnday Women's Institute meeting on Thursday was well attended. Mrs. J. J. Smith, Vice President, presided. presided. This Institute has purchased 8 doz. 1 gems which the members will fill with jam I an( J marmalade for the soldiers in hospitals. hospitals. They are also getting materials for making bandages, surgical shirts and yarn for socks. August meeting at home of Mrs. Silas Williams when materials are to be made up. Mr. Wm. Baker celebrated his '--th .The Paris correspondence in Brantford Jijxpositor has the following reference to Mrs. S. Way Kent, (nee Jean Sharpe), a former Enniski.len girl: Although Wednesday, Wednesday, June 23rd, was Jar from a warm June day, still it did not prevent many attending attending Mrs. S. Way Kent's reception, which was held by her on that day in honor honor of Mrs. R. J. Kidd's wedding day. The blinds were drawn and a semi-in- direct lights made a cheering glow combined combined with the myriads of roses and orange blossoms that filled the large figured figured vases and flower baskets in the halls, drawing-room and dining-room. The door was attended by the fair Miss Helen Heasley, while Mrs. Kent received in. her wedding gown of cream satin and lace, assisted by Mrs. L. D. Kent, dressed in grey silk, veiled in silk chiffon. In the second drawing room looking after the welfare of the guests were to be found Mrs. R. J. Kidd, Peterboro, who wore mauve silk crepe chemois, little Miss Margaret Margaret Kidd looked charmingly sweet in embroidered pale blue silk. Mrs. J. AI sert Howell, in mauve satin with overdress overdress of richly embroidered silk net. Mrs. Smith, Woodstock, Copenhagen blue silk crêpé de chene, Miss Tate, Brantford, blue satin. In the handsome tea rooms bhe guests were awaited by Mrs. G. E. Taylor and Mrs. Dr. Dunton of- Paris anc Mrs. Heasley of Brantford. They wçre assisted by the Misses Metcalf of Niagara Falls, N. Y. and Burford, and Miss Taylor of Paris. . The Misses Jackson delightfully delightfully entertained with their musical numbers. TYRONE Visitors: Miss Mary Manning, Hamil* ton, guest of Miss Virtue; Mr. and Mrs. N^son and family and Mr. Lou Philp, Onlha, with friends; Miss Lovedy Hoskin, town, and Mr. Alf. Gully, Oshava, Oshava, Sundayed at Mr. R. Woodley's; Miss Leta Sanderson, Holland, Man , with her cousin. Miss Ethel Hooper; Miss Louise Stephenson and Mr. Short, Oshawa, at Mr K. Hodgson's; Mr. and Mrs Ashbury Wilson and children, Haileybury, at Mr W. Brent's; Miss Florence Clemens with friends a t Port Perry; Mr. Otho Staples with friends at Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. W. b. Briggs, Myrtle, were guests of Mr. John Rundle this week. « Cameras to rent, 10c a Lovell's. day at Jury & NECESSITIES Hot Weather * your just _ wiwiaisu ma -- y, wiin meir musical numDers, birthday on the evening of the 12th of Julv I Mr. Crumback, the efficient caterer of nrif n rtiitwL am a T L * r * 1 I L) _ _ if _ .. 1 ... _ -- _ with a number of his friends at home".... Mr. J. W. Bosberry, Oshawa, and Mr. J. G. Langmaid, have been to Lake Scugog. They tell some large fish stories. HAMPTON Visitors: Miss Lottie Horn at Summer School at Belleville; Mr. and" Mrs. Lewis I Ruse and Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson and children, Toronto, autoed down Saturday : an 5 s P ent the week-end with friends; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole with his sister, Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Kirby; Mr. and Mrs. "• 1 amblyn, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Enniskillen, at Mr. C. N Ruse's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Col will at Enfield anniversary Sunday; Mr. W: W. 'Horn and sister, Miss Norah Horn at Mr. Jabez Moore's; Mrs. Annie Wilcox and children, Toronto, with Mr. Harry Wilcox, sr; Miss f?,:™ Cryderman with her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Markham; Miss Lyra j 1 rënouth with friends in Toronto; Miss ! Annie Johns has returned to the city Mr. 1 and Mrs. H. A. Bird, Hamilton, have re- I ■ burned home after a pleasant visit with I her sister, Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy ...Rev I -Orge Brown, our new pastor, made a 1 good impression Sunday evening.... Mr. Fruntford, was all that could be desired and_ remarked on the efficiency and conveniences conveniences of the serving kitchen, which had just been finished in white enamel, complete with porcelairf table, dish drainers, drainers, etc. maple grove Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens and daughter daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wood and family, and Mr. Howard Wood I visited Mr. Richard Cronsberry, Virgina, Reeve of Georgina Township, near Lake Simcoe, and attended-his barn raising at which over 700 were present-. Mrs. Bert Gay son Harold and daughter Evelyn, Evelyn, Oshawa, visited her sister, Mrs. W. I J. Snowden... Miss Myrtle Bichan, teacher, teacher, has been re-engaged Mr. J. D. ' Stevens has improved the appearance of his residence with a coat of paint Con gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Munday who have the degrees of P.A., and MA., conferred upon them--it's a hoy The Young Men's Wide Awake Class held a business meeting Tuesday evening July 6th and among other items they donated the sum of $10 toward the debt on the new enclosed shed.... Young Tir --,--~' ...mr. "*'*'*■ new ciiuuscu snea.. .. ïoung W. souch will take a trip to the North- Ladies of the Sunday School organized rest rest in the near future Mr, I nwnn centlv as the WnrUro< ---.l j west in the near future.. '. Mr. Luxton, ' Bowmanville, has purchased ten acres of land from Mr. H. Elliott, opposite the cheese factory. I Women's Institute, met Thursday, July 8 at the home of Mr. J. Spry. Next meet- , I"? at the home of Mrs. A. Peters on J hursdây, August 5, when all are expect- | ed to hdp make hospital supplies for the Red Cross. All ladies invited. An entertainment under auspices of S® y ° T m ®?' s Institute will be held on Mr. T. J. Clarke s lawn Tuesday, July 20. Good program expected to which every- ; o°oy is invited. Admission 10c. Ice cream ! and home-made candy will be sold by the young men and young ladies S. S. j Bible classes. Proceeds for Red Cross 1 b und. Come and help. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are show- I mg an elegant collection of new summer dress goods-- violes, crepes, ratinees, and bedford cords. cently as the busy Workers' Class with the following officers: President--Miss Aura Rundle; Vice President--Miss Leta Gaul; Secretary--Miss Edna Snowden; j Treasurer--Miss Evelyn Hockin; Teacher • Mrs. W. J. Snowden. W^e wish them every success... .Mrs. H. S. Freeman and baby, Eva May, arrived home from town on Monday and received a hearty welcome. stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W. H. Dustan. A second-hand post card size camera for sale at Jury & Lovell's. Use Dr. Williams' Fly Killer for live stock. Mason and Dale. A fresh stock of pure Paris Green received at Mason and Dale's. Rd. Snowden is paying 21c a dozen for eggs and 22c a lb. for butler this week. . Chinamel will make your old baby carnage carnage or go-cart like new. W. H. Dustan. f ^e have Kalsomine in all shades. Ask uo„ Mu w? c H.D r n Sn. and ceiling decora ' Ladies say our Baking Powder is the best they ever used. Try a pound yourself yourself at 40c. Jury & Lovell. Dont worry about hard times. Chinamel 2iv U i°i? furnitu ^- Your neighbors will think it's new. W. H. Dustanf Dont neglect your floors. Old pine floors made to look like solid oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustan. For cattle, horses and poultry there is nothing better than Dr. Williams' Fly Killer. Try it to-day. Mason and Dale. Fa: mers, always get highest price for vour products at Rd. Snowden's. This 1 week he is paying 2lc doz. for eggs and 22c lb. for butter. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have opened out a big stock of men's and boys' ready-to-wear suits. Bought for cash from the best and most reliable makers in Canada. After forty years' experience we have no hesitation in stating that D. L. & W Scranton Coal is the very best fuel for your furnace, heater or range. Place your order now with McClellan & Co, Ltd. 24-3 House Boat For Sale at Port Bowmanville. Not "How Cheap" but "How Good" Quality counts in the long run All the goods you, purchase from us are of the best value that money can buy. Guaranteed to fit and wear and to be up-to-the-minute in style. Underwear Underwear, balbriggan, nainsook or light wool, two piece or combination,- long or short sleeves or drawers......... 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Negligee Shïrts Negligee Shirts 75c to $2.00 Other Summer Wear Strawj_Hats, Caps, Lisle Silk and Cashmere Sox, Belts, Braces, Garters, Arm Bands, Khaki, Flannel and Duck Trousers, Bathing Suits, Jersies. DEAL AT ENNISKILLEN ENFIELD Report in order of standing of S. S. No. I5 :P ar ! ington : J r IV--Leta Vice; Sr III --Myrtle Hobbs, Irene Ashton; Jr III-- Ivason Moore (passed), Wallace Pascoe (passed), Russel Vice, Leona Alexander, Harold Ormiston; Jr II--Luella Moore f(passed), Lillian Ashton (passed), Myrtle Vice, Queenie Rham, Henry Strong, ! Willie Alexander; Sr I--Dorothy Pascoe, I Lme Baldwin; Sr Primer--Mervin Knapp, El wood Rham, Herbert Ashton; Jr Primer Merle Ashton, Nita Wotten, John Alexander, Alexander, Harry Baldwin, Art Wotten. . Visitors:--Mrs. Westfall and Miss Grace Ashton, Detroit, are guests of Mr. J. Ash- ton; Mr. Ralph Ashton, Detroit, at Mr. E. Pascoe s; Mr. Harvey Pascoe, Taunton, with relatives here; Mrs. Thos. Hobbs and children, Harriston, at Mr. J. Hobbs'; Anniversary Anniversary Visitors:--Councillor and Mrs. Ellins and Mr. and Mrs. W. Dyer, Columbus; Columbus; Mr. Levi Tordiff and children, Myrtle, Myrtle, Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Wilkinson, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, at Mr. J. Gilbert's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cochrane, Raglan, at Mr. Stinson's; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pascoe and daughters, Solina, at Mr. Ellis Pascoe's; Master Levi Niddery, Hampton, at Mr. Geo. Ormis- ton s; Misses Mary -and Emma Niddery, Hampton, with relatives; Mr. and Mrs. N. Pascoe, Solina, Councillor and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Taunton, and Master Walton Walton at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Mrs. W. Griffin, Enniskillen, at Mr. Thos. Wclten's; Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Columbus, at Mr. J. Hepburn's; Mr. and Mrs. Colwill, Hampton, Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ashton, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, at Mr. Jos. Ashton's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemon, Enniskillen, and Mrs. S. Trew- in, Haydon. at Mr. Fred Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hepburn, Beathton; Mr. and Miss Hepburn, Kedron, and Miss Grey, Toronto, at Mr. A. Ormiston's; Mrs. N. Smith, Mr, RuSsel and Mrs. Gilbert, l£nnis kiUen.at Mr. J. J. Ormiston's; Mr. and Mrs. W.- Avery, Raglan, at Mr. W. J. Or- "iston's; Mr. W.C. Werry, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Tippit, Whitby, Miss Llewella Ever- son, Oshawa and Mr. Geo. Bray, Bowman- ville, at Mr. S. Bray's; Mr. and Mrs. Clare Niddery have .been visiting at Brock.... Anniversary services on Sunday were a splendid success. Two impressive sermons were delivered by the Rev. H. W. Wilkinson in a very pleasing manner The singing by the Enniskillen choir was very much appreciated. Collections were on the plates for full amount asked i° r Mrs. L.C. Pascoe and Master Wal lace spent a few days in Toronto recently. ( Grotoded out last week) Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, Toronto, have been holidaying at Mr. B. Powell's... .Mr. and Mrs. S. Storie, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Dé McCulloch's and Mrs. J. Campbell s... Enfield and Brady football teams play again next Saturday evening here. . . .The ram last Sunday night was much appreci- ated by the farmers... .Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Messrs Edwin and Russell Ormiston Ormiston attended the picnic at Lake Sciuor Saturday, Vis'tors: Mrs. Ben. Palmer and children, Weston, at Mr. S. Hoskin's; Mrs. Geo Argue, and Mrs. Joseph Cole, Red Deer, Alta., with their brother in Listowel; Miss ■ Eulalie Pascoe with Mrs. (Dr.) L. B. Williams, Williams, Toronto; Mr. Joseph Martyn holidaying holidaying at Bale, at Mr. W. W. Noble's summer home; Misses Leta Oke and Hel- ena Werry home from summer scqool, at * î/jf v *w' J°h n Cowling, Hampton, at Mr. Wm. Oke's; Mr. and Mrs. Wal er Oke and Howard in Whitby and Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee at Mr. Fred Rog- Whitby; Miss Gross, Toronto, at Dr'. Slemon's; Mr. Howard Stevens, Edmon- ton, Alta., at Mr. Jas. Stainton's; Mr. and Mrs. Albert StàintO", ■ Toronto, with friends; Mr. and Mrs. Wade and son Billy, Welland, and Mrs. Wm. Broad, Toronto, at Mr. John Slemon's... .We are pleased to know that Mr. W. H. Moore's little daughter, Muriel, who had a severe attack of pleurisy, is improving There qui etly passed away to the great beyond Monday Monday afternoon, while sitting in her chair, Mrs. McClellan, an aged resident of Darlington, Darlington, and mother of Mr. Jas. Parr of this village. Mrs. McClellan who is in her 92nd year fell some months ago injuring her hip. The funeral service was held at the home of Mr. Jas. Parr, Wednesday afternoon, afternoon, after which the remains were laid to rest in Hampton cemetery Congratulations to Mn and Mrs. Frank Virtue, Brantford, on the arrival of a little daughter. Size 40 ft x 14 ft with cabin 30 ft x ft;, one year old, in perfect condition inside cabin finished in Georgian pine and Mahogany, completely completely furnished. Will stand in spection any time. Can be used winter or summer. This is a g( uine bargain and will pay you to investigate. 3 Cottages at Lake to Rent. Enjoy the lake breezes this summer. summer. I have 3 cottages to rent in first class condition. Rent lower than usual. I insure everything The Men's Store Thé Anderson Clothing Co's. Phone 61 Bowmanville r Harry Cann, |, Phone 50. , - Bowmanville. BOOKS EBENEZER The annual W.MiS. "At Home" was held at the home of Mrs. F. W Rundle. About 6o ladies were present and a few gentlemen also attended. Mrs. Found gave a capital report of the annual convention convention at Port Hope, and Miss Irene Worden a fine paper also. Our new pastor, pastor, Rev. R. A. Delve, gave a brief address, address, and a good program was rendered. All then adjourned to the tea tables which were laden with good things to which all did ample justice. A good sociable time was enjoyed, and all expressed their pleasure at the pleasant outing given them. Mrs. R. E. Osborne assisted Mrs. Rundle in preparation of the excellent re past. The day was lovely for the occasion occasion Miss Muriel Penfound, our cap able church organist, is away on two weeks' holiday, and ail wish her a pleasant vacation. Miss Irene Worden is presiding presiding in her absence The big event of last week was the wedding on Saturday when Miss Gertrude Brooks and Mr. Marshall Marshall Soules of Oshawa were united in matrimony by Rev. R. A. Delve. A large party, a perfect day, and magnificent dinner characterized the event The parsonage repairs will not be finished this week, and our pastor and family will not be installed until next week Several from here attended the Base Line S. S. picnic on Wednesday and report a successful successful gathering Haying is in full swing. Special Sale of Books-- We are offering regular $1.00 and $1.25 books this week for 29 cents "See Our Window Display W. T..- Allen "Big 20" Bookstore v X It was not many years ago that a farmer farmer thot he was doing well to get i2c doz. eggs during summer months, and to think this week Rd. Snowden is paying 2ic doz. for the same variety of hen fniitl No wonder so many farmers have autos. Scranton Goal is the best prepared and most satisfactory fuel in the market today- today- You run no risk whatever in placing placing vour order now. Read our advertisement advertisement in another column. McClellan & Go. Limited. 24-3 It's Easy Wor] to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new why at the new blacksmith shop. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Mowers Mowers called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your wantf will be attended to promptly. A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St. China = Hall = Grocery Open All Day and Evening Wednesday, June 30th Thursday, July 1, being a holiday, our store will be open Wednesday until 10.30 pm, as is usual on the day preceding a holiday. Fruits Foreign and domestic fruits in great variety. We cannot quote prices now but will have bargains in Oranges, Bananas, Pineapples, Peaches, Apricots, Apricots, Plums, etc. An extra large stock and at extra low prices. Grape Juice Special in Grape Juice, reg. 25c size for 20c. A pure, nourishing, healthful, healthful, drink. Canned Salmon Canned Salmon, a. special bargain at 2 for 25c. * Lobster Lobster, a special bargain ,25c tin. Evaporated Fruits Evaporated Apricots Evaporated Peaches .................. j 0c k- Phone 62 F. A. Haddy Bowmanville 'fSSnr5S5SBE<13tj9$$i' v.

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