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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1915, p. 3

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$*=*> wmm X "fr 5SW:- wm sm:?%m IE, "V CAKltRS 1TTLE IVER PILLS. i I CURE <_Blok Headache and relieve all the troubles tod* dent to a bilious state of the system, such as ; ^Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after • eating. Pain in the Side, Ho. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing V' X SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complàint, while they also c direct all disorders of the stomach^) timulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD 'Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness does notendhere.and those who once try thorn will find these little pills valuable valuable in bo many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. Bnt after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while ethers do not. ■ Carter's Little Liver Pilla are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe o* purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. >• CA2TSB miema go., sew yobl hûR M ficia, i M îriofc He Knew Her. Wife--"I threw myself away when I married you!" Husband--"Well, Jane, I never knew you to throw anything away yet that was worth over a nickel." Some people are healthy because no self-respecting germ would go near them. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A MESSAGE FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND U.Sf VANCOUVER The following letter to the editor will be read with pleasure by many who remember remember the writer. Of the names mentioned mentioned Messts. W. Coombe, W. R. Knight and Harry J. Snelgrove have passed to the Great Beyond, Of the ministers mentioned mentioned Rev. W; Jolliffe is the only remaining remaining one. Rev. Kenner's obituary appears this week. Editor Statesman: My brother wrote to me on August 3 when he returned frerfn the Old Boys' reunion Aug. 2. He mentioned many names of former friends. I often think of the good influences pervading pervading the Sunday School when Mr. Paul Trebilcock was our teacher. I have no doubt all the other scholars will remember remember him with e.qual pleasure.. There are many names of persons I well remember in those days: T. C. Jewell, J. J. Mason, F. A. Haddy, W. Coombe, W. Knight, W. Richardson, H. J. Snelgrove and many others, and among the ministers of that time at the Bible Christian Church were Revs. W. Jolliffe, C. Barker, W. Kenner and others that are remembered by all with great pleasure. ' It is remarkable how certain songs will be remembered. One in particular I will mention sung Jay Misses Rosa and Adah Wright, "The spring invites, O come with us away". I remember the girls just as well as I dp the boys of that time, but I suppose. it would be just as well not to mention names, but kind remembrance to them all. This is an interesting city on the shores Of Burrard Inlet ànd stretches out to the North Arm of the Fraser River. lliniunniiiiiiiininiiiniiinmiintiiiiiiiiHiiiiinini®. Why 1^ not give your boy and girl an . opportunity to 1 make their home study easy and effective? Give them the same chances to win promotion promotion and success as the lad having the advantage of There was a Royal Sturgeon on view in Pat Burns' butcher shop last night that weighed SôAlbs. and measured 12 ft. 8 in. in length. They are usually caught at the mouths of great rivers. The price of sturgeoii steak last night was 15c a pound. My youngest son, Marshall, is paying teller at the main office of the Molson's Bank this city/ We are glad to have him here with us. Long before the war was thought of I wrote a few verses dedicated to the King. I will enclose a copy; they are appropriate at this time. I was much pleased to learn of the brilliant success of Miss Lilian O'Hara as an artist. Her. mother was very kind to me when I was a kid. With kind remembrance to all. former friends and wishing you the best success, I remain, yours truly, * Frank Falling, 1136 10-Ave.East, Aug. ^9, 1915. Vancouver, B.C. * -- Ml 111 America's Clash with Great Britain on Trade in Contraband Goods. While international law and general usage give the right to a belligerent nation to intercept all vessels scheduled. scheduled. for the parts of the enemy. Great : Britain goes one step further,, and claims the. right to .intercept -all vessels vessels containing contrabraind goods, destined destined to neutral ports, providing the goods are to ' be re-shipped from euoh ports to the enemy's country. To this alleged right, America enters her protest, protest, hence the quarrel with Great Britain. Britain. This is a new phase of international international law, for which there exists no certain precedent, as such right was seldom, if ever, before claimed in the world's history. But Germany is peculiarly located geographically, hence the question becomes becomes important. Great Britain has effectually blockaded all German porCS-, but Germany is continually receiving American goods via the ports of Holland, Holland, where they are re-transported to Germany. The question presented by these facts is this, Has Great-Britain the right to seize the cargoes of ships, billed to .Holland ports, whenever she: has good reason to believe that such cargoes are destined ultimately for Germany consumption? Great Britain claims the -affirmative of this issue, while the United States, with equal emphasis denies this right. Both Great Britain and Germany, claim that .their acts /respectively, the former tBe right to seizure, the latter the right to destroy by the submarine, are based on the urgent necessities - of the present war. Germany claims 'that Has Relieved More Cases. of Stomach, Liver, Blood, Kidney and Skin Trouble „ Than Any Other Medicine GOOD HEALTH TO IT Made From The Juices of Apples^ Oranges, Figs and Prunes Combined With Tonics and Antiseptics. "Fruit-a-tivés " means health. In years to come, people will look back to the discovery of 'Fruit-a-tives' and wonder how they ever managed to get along without these wonderful tablets, moule from fruit juices. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is excellent for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sour Stomach. 'Fruit-a-tives' is the only certain remedy that will correct chronic Constipation and Liver trouble. ■ 'Fruit-.a-tives' is the greatest Kidney Remedy in the world and many people have testified to its value in severe cases of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, lean property and profits on the sale' of goods, yet both nations, it is. claimed, claimed, have violated the law, and both justify themselves on the same ground of miltiary necessity. Great Britain's position, however, 'is a little different from that of Germany's, "in this : She claims that the details of the application application of the. principles of the law are subject .to-change, and that, she is not violating the principles themselves, while Germany claims, the right to sweep all principles-aside and to place her own necessities, above the law. German atrocities committed in Belgium Belgium and France, and on the seas, in my -opinion, largely justifies the harsh measures G. B. has been compelled thereby to take in destroying such a barbarous enemy. As Sir Edward Grey pertinently put it in his own felicitous felicitous language, "The one principle which is fundamental, and has obtained obtained universal recognition, is that, by means of blockade, a belligerent is entitled entitled to cut off the sea-borne commerce commerce of his enemy." The situation, upon any view, is decidedly interesting to all, and I. trust it will be amicably settled. CHAS. M. BICE. Denver, Sept. 8, 1915. Pain in the Back r Impure Blood, preat Britain has no right to intevce^V^Headaches, Neuralgia, Pimples, Blotches WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home. This new creation answers with final authority authority all kinds of puzzling questions in history, geography, biography, spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, and sciences. Oir. For Toothache.--There is no pain so acute and distressing as toothache. toothache. When yon have a so unwelcome a visitor apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil according to directions and you will find immediate relief. It touches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once. That it will ease toothache toothache is another fine quality of this oil, showing the many mes it has. *K HAMPTON 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. Over 6000 Illustrations. Colored Plates. The only dictionary with the Divided Page. The type matter is equivalent to that of a 15-volume encyclopedia. More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, and Authoritative than any other English English Dictionary. REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER EDITIONS. WRITE for specimen pages, r illustrations, etc. . ir FREE, a set of Pocket ?' Maps if you name this V- paper. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiümiimmiiiimiiiiii» MAPLE GROVE For Years, Restored To Health by Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound. Canadian women are continually writing writing us such letters as the two following, which are heartfelt expressions of gratitude gratitude for restored health: Glanford Station, Ont. -- "I have taken taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound and never found any medicine Henry Clark, to compare with it. I had ulcers and falling falling of womb and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking your medicine. I also also recommend it for nervousness and indigestion. indigestion. " -- Mrs. Glanford Station. Ont. ZION Using Discretion. Chesterville, Ont. -- " I heard your medicines,highly praised, and a year ago " I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. " My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffering suffering and I would be so nervous sometimes sometimes that I could nut bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated. " I cannot say too much for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I haw taken, them and I recommend them to all women. "Y ou may publish this testimonial." -- Mrs. Stephen Stephen J. Martin, Chestetville, Ontario, Canada. "I've dropped out, of the race for Mabel's hand." "You have ? Why ? "My nearest competitor is a man with millions. I think she loves me, but I've decided to withdraw.'}' ' 'You're foolish, man. If she loves you and is as sensible as I think she is you can win her without money." "That's just the point. I think . I could win, all right, but ever after she'd have the opportunity to remind me of the millionaire she could have married. I've decided for my own happiness that perhaps I'd better let him have her." A Gentleman. À true gentleman •" never > forgets himself--or fails to remember others. contrabrand goods billed .to a neutral port, though, ultimately designed for Germany, and because of this alleged wrongful act, Germany made use of the murderous submarine, as a war necessity. America claims that no mere war necessity is a justification for the violation of international law, by the destruction *of neutral vessels not carrying contrabrand goods, or by the destruction of belligerent vessels carrying neutrals or nonoombataambs, at least without warning such vessels and giving sufficient time for all on board to safely escape. It is apparent that the questions are not only perplexing, but are three sided, with three nations as respective litigants, and while the whole matter involves the simple right to sell goods and make a profit, the questions back- of this are of a far-reaching character. The London Morning Post has this to say about it: "Americans will not, we and other Skin Troubles. - "FRUIT-A-TIVES" has been one of the great successes of" the century and the sales are enormous, both in Canada and the United States. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Misses Dorothy Johnston and Mercedes Harrington, Bowmanville, wheeled out to Miss Evelyn White's last week.... Mr. R. Burns continues very low.... School opened opened last week with Mr. F. T. Groat at the helm and Miss Currie, Lindsay, assistant ... .A large number from here attended the great Toronto exhibition... .Mr. W. Luxton is improving his home with a coat of paint Visitors: Mrs. C. Wickett, Bowmanville, guest of Mrs. M. Robbins; Mrs. Paget, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wray; Mrs. C. N. Ruse with her daughter in Toronto and attending the Fair; Miss Hilda Cryderman with friends at Orono... .Mr. Bate has taken possession possession of the store owned by his father, Win. Bate of Fleetwood, and will cater to the wants of the public as a barber, baker and grocer.... W.M.S. entertainment was quite a success. Proceeds $18... .Mrs. E. Ward is under the doctor's care The ice cream parlor run by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Doidge has become quite an attraction attraction Congratulations to Mr. Nor man Yellowlees and bride. Skin Sufferers Your Relief Is Guaranteed. The D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema, a mild, antiseptic wash stops that awful awful itch instantly. Druggists throughout the city have witnessed such remarkable cures with this remedy that they now universally recommend D. D. D. As proof of their confidence, they offer offer you the first full-sized bottle on guarantee that unless it does the .same for you, it costs yon not a cent. A generous trial bottle for 25c. Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville D. D. D. is Made in Canada. No sergical operatian is necessary in removing corns if Holloway's Corn Cure be used. Wood's Phosphedino, The Great. English Rcmed'i Tones and invigorates the whole 1 nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price SI per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure, Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on_ receipt ed price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (Fwewrly Windsor.) Visitors: Miss Florence Burk, Base Line, with Miss Edna Snowden; Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson, Oshawa, with her sister, sister, Mrs. John Snowden; Mr. Raymond Snowden with his cousin, Mr. Harold Gay, Oshawa; Miss Geitie Lymer with friends in Toronto and Hamilton Mr. Lloyd Snowden was run into Sunday night while returning from church, but was not seriously hurt... .Mr v M. Monday, Monday, sr., while picking pears at his son's, fell from the tree and received a bad shaking-up Rev. J. E. Beckel, Tyrone, occupied the pulpit very acceptably Sunday. Sunday. .. .The death angel has again entered our community and taken from our midst our aged friend, Mrs. Samuel Cole. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones in their loss. I PROMPTLY SECURED! In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent free* MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Montréal. A pleasant time was enjoyed at the Ladies' Aid meeting at the home of Mrs. G. A. Langmaid Wednesday Sept. 1 when Miss Georgie Langmaid and Miss ; Jean Root contributed a very interesting program. Balance of the afternoon was devoted to Red Cross work. Refreshments Refreshments were served by • Mrs.- Langmaid which all enjoyed. Next meeting at Mrs. Wm. Lavis'. • violations of the law. Undoubtedly there are large trading interests in the U.S. which chafe increasingly increasingly against their inability to run their goods into Germany and sell them at war prices-, such, for instance, as the cotton growers of the South. England, as is well known, has lately placed this class of goods on the list as contraband, so the question deepens as time goes on. „ The American press is divided on these questions, some claiming that the matter is not simply one-of maintaining maintaining the rights of neutrals, but of standing by the law that protects the rights of all neutrals, not 1 only in this war., but in any wars that may follow, and thus forever destroy the rights of neutrals-, if the law is not upheld-, and giving to the nation having the strongest strongest naval power the right to dictate the world's commerce. If we yield to British violation of the law to-day, we "may have to yield to-morrow to a like violation by Russia, Germany, or Japan. Japan. The U.S., as the most powerful of the neutral nations, it is claimed, must not permit such violations of law, but mu^t hold al^ belligerents strictly to its observance. White Germany feels that she is fighting for -"Kultur," and England feels that her fight'is for civilization, civilization, so America feels that she is- called upon to . uphold the rights of neutral nations, as those "rights have been -established by centuries' of struggle. struggle. Our clash with G. B. grows out of the restrictions she has seen fit to impose in the name of "blockade," white our clash with Germany arises from the restrictions that she claims the right to impose upon contraband and the ships that carry it. The acts of one nation in- carrying out her policy policy have, resulted in "the loss of American American lives, as well as American property, property, white the acts- of the other nation have only resulted in the loss of Amer- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A A Bi Don'tletitrun too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion, jp the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, nervousness, nervousness, depression depression and sallow complexion. Justtry CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMAÇH& LIVER TABLETS. They relieve relieve fermentation, indigestion -- gently but surely cleanse the system and keep the stomach andIiverinperfect running-order. At all dranbts, 2Sc., er by «ail from 11 Chamberlain "Medicine Co;,' Toronto FALL SERVICE In Effect Sept. S Leave Bowmanville 11.59 a.m. daily except except Sunday for TTrenton, Picton, Belle- Ville, Deseronto, _Napanee, Smith Falls, "Ottawa, ana intermediate point's. Leave Bowmanville 9.06 a.m. and 7.32 p.m. daily except Sunday for Toronto and intermediate points. TAKE THESE Leave Bowmanville 6.33 p.m. daily except Sunday for Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto and intermediate points. Further particulars on application to W.; G. GIFFLER, Station Agent HIS MAJESTY THE KING. The Rose, the Thistle, the. Shamrock, Dear 'emblems over the sea. Are ail -of. them loving tokens Of the. homage we offer thee. The central king of the nations Is throned on the hub of the wheel, And all the s pdk.es are British oaks, And the felloes are bound with steel. The God of Ldghfi sustain thy might! And may'st thou never forget The weal of those mighty dominions On which the sun doth not set. The pulse of-thy Sovereign power Vibrateth in every land. 1 We pray for peace, but if it cease We're all at the King's command. are mire, In this great crisis, allow material considerations of passing magnitude to Individuals- but no more tlhan -a grain of sand in the scale' of civilization to imperil the world's future." future." This would seem to Imply that while G. B. knows she is violating the law, America should overlook it in the interests of .civilization. But Germany would doubtless make a : similar plea In justification of her submarine déprédations, that it is done in the interests of German "Kultur," and so there would be no end to the From this fair land of the Maple, •This granary of golden wheat, We bring our tribute and fealty And lay them at thy feet. This the prayer of Canadian hearts, Mây thy Majesty never lack The men or the might to defend the right, And the fame of. the Union Jack. Three cheers for the King of England! With three for the Red, White and Blue! May the King have peace and plenty, And the love of his subjects, too. --F. Falling, Vancouver, B.C. * Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S )ASTOR5A ...si- BATTLEFIELD TERMS. Many Military Terms Are Not Generally Generally Understood. Although used every day in the descriptions descriptions of happenings at the front, many military terms are not generally generally understood. Here is a selection from the lesser-known military terms : Beaten zone.--The belt of ground beaten by a cone of fire. Enfilade fire.--Fire which sweeps a target from a flank. Grazing fire.--Fire which is parallel, or nearly so, to the surface of hte ground. , Dead ground.--Ground which cannot cannot be covered by fire. Abattis. --An obstacle formed T>f trees or branches of trees picketed to the ground, with their points towards the enemy. Banquette.--The place upon which the men stand to fire over" a parapet. Counterscarp.--The slope of the ditch of a work farthest from the parapet. Donga.--A channel or gully formed by the action of water. Embrasure.--A channel through the parapet of a work through which a gun is fired. Fascine.--A long bundle of brushwood, brushwood, tied up tightly, used for roadmaking, roadmaking, etc. Fold in the ground.--A slight hollow hollow caubed by the regular lie of the ground being broken by a rise or depression. depression. Gabion.--An opèn cylinder of brushwood, brushwood, sheet iron, etc., used for revetting. revetting. Revetment.--Any method of making making earth stand at a steeper slope than the natural one. Sap.--A trench formed by men working from the bottom of the trench and constantly extending the end towards the enemy. Spitlock.---To mark out a line on the ground with the point of a pick. * A Match for Her. A certain suburban theatre was very full when the young man entered. entered. Presently he*'stopped beside a somewhat. stout lady who was trying to occupy enough room for two. "Is this seat engaged?" he asked politely. . stout woman looked up angrily. .... **■---•*'- "Yes, it is!" she snapped. I'm keeping keeping it for a "gentleman." "That's me right enough!" smiled the witty youth, as he slid into the seat. "But how did you know I was coming?" When a man becomes thoroughly contented he has outlived his usefulness. usefulness. «"«mainniM For Infants and Children. 'IfeProprielaiyorhitealMedicineAcl. j AVegetable Preparation forAs-t the Food and Regular jij pngIheSlomachsand Bowèlsof Infants/Chhilrbn Promotes DigestiomClieerfuI- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiuni.Morphine nor Mineral, Not Narcotic. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I Signature of Leapt of Qhl DcStddUELPITüER ftmpkin Sted~ jtlx.Seaua + JbcfteUe Salts- utilise &td + ftHfei, ftfrmSeed- CladOedS Apêrfecr Remedy for Const pa- - lion, SourSlomach,Diarrboea; . Worms.Convulsions.Feverish-; i ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. * Facsimile Signature of ■ ... Hit Centaur Company. MONTRBAL&NEW YORK UiW-liii Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Years T THE CtNTAUH COM F»AN Y. NEW Y O Ft K CITY. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - To take the Allan Line means that the Ocean voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steam- J ers, replete with every convenience and luxury-- the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence--the'eourtesy and attention of the ship's attendants--are not easily forgotten, [j Î For rates, sailing dates ar.d beautiful deccriptir* booklets apply to local agenta or Havre V / J THE ALLAN LINE - 95 King St., West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. FARE DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & D § U § w The largest and most costly steamer on any inland water of the world. - Sleeping accommodations accommodations for 1E00 passengers. "CITY OF ERIE" 3 Magnificent Steamers "CITY OF BUFFALO" BETWEEN BUFFALO--Daily, May 1st to Dec. 1st--CLEVELAND Leavo Buffalo - 9:00 P. M. Leave Cleveland - - 9:00 P. M. Arrive Cleveland - - 7:30 A.M, Arrive Buffalo * 7:50 A.M. Î (Eai r Pol: Eastern Standard Time) 8 Southwest. Railroad tickets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland are good for transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via O. & B. Line. Beautifully colored sectional puzxlo chart, showing both exterior and interior of The Great Ship "SEËANDBEE" sent on receipt; of five cents to cover postage and mailing. Also ask for our 24-pago pictorial and descriptive booklet free.'. I THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cleveland, Ohio i ! THE "KISS-AND-WASH" BRIGADE given the name of the "Wash and Kiss Is Not Very Popular With the Wounded Wounded Soldiers. Lady Warwick, in her characteristically characteristically fearless and out-spoken manner, manner, has draw attention to the scandal that a number of the women volunteers volunteers for nursing work at the front only offer to help because the novelty appeals to them. They have no special special qualifications, and pester the authorities for permits until the wearied wearied officials sometimes give way. Lady Warwick says that most of the fashionable nurses who go to the front are bent upon nothing but having having a good time, and adding to their collection of sensations. They drive a coach-and-four through such things as regulations and discipline, and are a sore trial to the really-trained nurses. nurses. Such a statement by one who is in a position to know what she is talking talking about has caused not a little exasperation exasperation in certain high places. Soldiers at the base hospitals have ' Brigade" to those ultra-fashionable , nurses. "What they seem to do most," said a friend of mine from the front, : "is to wash the wounded man's face î and then kiss him for his mother." i Which reminds one of a story of the ! South African War. A fussy nurse j went to one bed and asked the wound- i ed soldier what she could do for him. : Anything you like ma'am," bluntly re- ; plied Tommy, "but don't wash my i face again. Them other ladies have ! washed it six times already." We Always Do. : Don't let^people bore you to death ! with their moss-covered anecdotes. : Spring a few of your own old favorites. favorites. Also in Debt. "The beauty' of automobiling is : that it keeps one' out of doors." "Not always. It frequently lands one in jail or the hospital." You Should Worry If it were difficult to find a safe and reliable remedy for the ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomach, liver or bowels. These ailments are likely to attack anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sickness if not relieved. arc famous the world over, for their power to correct these troubles certainly and safely. They cleanse the svstem, purify the blood and act as a general tonic upon body, brain and nerves, indigestion, biliousness, constipation might, indeed, cause you prolonged prolonged suffering and expose you to danger if jBeecham's Pills Were Not On Hand Prepared only by Thom»» Bcecham, St. Helens Lencaehire. En<lc.acL Sold evwy where m Canada and U. S. America. I„ fcoxc*. 25 oolVs. t r u X *

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