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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1915, p. 2

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HHHKSII % West Durham Fair P.r. HORSES Draught mare ana foal-- R Cale, C A Çhapman, H Hill. . 2 year filly or gelding--C A Chapman, Hugh Greenlees, T Baker & Son. 1 year filly or gelding--W E Jewell, G F Annis, P Leask & Son. Entire colt--U Power. Foal--E J Wilson, Wm Oke, H Hill. •v Span--W E Jewell, McClellan & Co. Agricultural mare and foal--{1 Greenlees, Greenlees, H E Hancock, N Andrews. 2 year filly or gelding--J F Chapman, A Welch, H Greenlees. ./> I year fiily or gelding-- A'Welch, W J Stutt, M Slemon. Foal-- -E C Beeman, C J Kerslake, H E Hancock. Span-- E C Beeman, A W Clemens, Bert Reid. General purpose mare and foal--James Scott; span--John Samells, H E Hancock. Carriage mare and foal--John Oke.Sc Son, W Ë Jewell, John Larmer; I year filly or gelding-- W E Jewell I & 3, John Oke & Son; 2 yr do-- J H McMuriry; foal -- W E Jewell I & 3, John Oke & Son 2; span 15^ over--J Oke & Son, L Brooks; span under 15%--1 E Davey. Carriage hor e 15% and over--M J Elliott, Elliott, C Wright, R Gilbert; do under 15% --Mrs A E Maxwell, J W Walker, Ray McLaughlin. Roadster mare and foal--J E Chapman, J Allin & Son; 2 yr-- F Tamblyn; do I vr --S Powell, J E Chapman; foal--J Allin & Son, J E Chapman; span--B Reid, C Power, Power, Dr Mcllroy. Single Roadster--T Cowan,Milton Gay, J. E Webster. Combination class--Ray McLaughlin, Mrs. Maxwell, M J Elliott. Saddle horse 1 --Mrs Maxwell I & 3, M J Elliott 2. Lady driver--Mrs Maxwell I & 2. Lady rider--Mrs Maxwell, Miss Marjorie Marjorie Bongard. Best turnout--Ray McLaughlin, Mrs. Maxwell. ' Style and speed turnout--Mrs Maxwell I & 3, C Wight 2. Single pony-- R A > Coulthard, GH Bickell 2 & 3. Span ponies--T Baker & Son. Crow specials--foal 1915, WE Jewell 1 & 3, J Oke & Son 2, J E Chapman 4; do 3 yr old--Ber-t Jewell, R Gilbert. teith special, Clydesdale foal-- E J Wilson, Wm O e, H Hill; do filly I yr-- W E Jewe'I, G F Annis, P Leask & Son. • Gale's special--C A Chapman, E : C Be- mar. ' CATTLE Shorthorns : Bull--T Baker & Son; bull 2 years--S Allin & Sons; do under 2 years--Brooks & Werry, S Allin & Sons, J F Osborne; do calf under I yr--J F Osborne, Osborne, T Baker & Son, S Allin & Sons; do bud calf--T Baker & Son, S Allin 2 and 3; cow--Baker & Son I & 3, Allin & Sons 2; heifer, 3 yrs--J F Osborne I & 3, Baker & Son 2; do 2 yrs--Baker & Son, J F Osborne; Osborne; do under 2 yrs--Fred Hill, Allin & Son, Baker & Son; calf under I year--Allin year--Allin & Son, Baker & Son; calf--J F Osborne, Osborne, H E Tink, Allin & Sons; herd--Allin herd--Allin & Sons. Grades, cow--Baker & Son, Allin Allin & Sons 2 & 3; heifer 3 yrs--All in & Sons; do 2 yrs--Baker & Son, J F Osborne, Osborne, Ajlin & Sons; do I yr--Baker & Son, Ailin'& Sons 2 & 3; calf--Allin & Sons 1 & 3, H E Tink 2; beef steer--J F Osborne, Baker & Son; do I yr--Baker & Son; do calf--Allin & Sons, Baker & Son. Polled Angus, bull--J A McLeod I & 2; bull calf--J A McLeod, R Hodgson; cow --McLeod 1 & 2; heifer 2 yrs--McLeod 2; do I yr--McLeod I & 2; do call--McLeod I & 2; herd--I & 2. Holsteins, bull--S A Northcott; bull under 2 yrs-- G J Northcott; do I year-- G J Northcott, L C,Snowden; cow--S A Northcott, L C Snowden, G J Northcott^ heifer 3 years--J D Stevens, S A NortKy cott, G J Northcott; do 2 yrs--S A Nortti - - cott, Howard and Morris Joness, G J Northcott; do under 2 yrs-- G J Northcott I & 2, S A Northcott 3; do I yr--S A Northcott, G J Northcott; herd--S' A Northcott, G J Northcott. Jerseys, cow-- E C Beman, T Percy; heifers 2 yrs and I yr-- E C Beman. Ayreshires, bull--Guy & Aberneth'y; cow--Guy & Abernethy r & 2; heifer, 2 yrs--Guv & Abernethy I & 2; do I yr-- Guy & Abernethy I & 2; calf--Guy & Abernethy Abernethy I & 2; herd--Guy & Abernethy. SHEEP Shropshires, ram--L Skinner & Son» Baker & Son; sh arling ram--Skinner & Sonpram Lmb--Skinner & Son, I and 2; ewe--Baker & Son, I and 3, Skinner & Son 2; shearling ewe--Skinner & Son, Baker & Son; ewe lamb--Baker & Son, Skinner & Son 2 and 3. Southdowns, ram, shearling ram, ram lamb, ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb--Ayre & Son, I and 2 on each. Leicesters, ram--H and N Allin I and 3, W C Blackburn & Son, 2; shearling ram-- H & N Allin, 1 and 2; ram Iamb-- Blackburn & Son, H & N Allin, 2 and 3; ewe--Blackburn &" Son, H & N Allin, 2 and 3; shearling ewe--H and & Allin, I and 2, B aqkburn & Son 3; ewè lamb-- Blackburn .& Son, 1 and 2, H & N Allin 3. Cotswolds, ram--W Glaspell & : Son, F Allin, 2 and 3; shearling ram--Glaspell & Son, I-and 2, F Allin, ram lamb--Thos Allin, I and 2, Glaspell & Son; ewe-- F Allin I and 2, Glaspell & Son; shearling ewe--Glaspell & Son. F Allin, 2 and 3; ewe lamb--Glaspell & Son, I and 2, F Allin. ' Dorset, ram, Ayre & Son; shearling ram, Ayre & Son; ram lamb, Ayre & Son 1 and 2; ewe, shearling ewe, Ayre & Son; ewe lamb, Ayre & Son, 1 and 2. A.O.V. Short Wool, ram, shearling ram, J W Balson; ram lamb, Balson, I and 2; ewe, Ayre & Son, Balson; shearling ewe, Ayre_ & Son; ewe lamb, Balson, I and 2. SWINE Berkshire, boar, S Snowden & Son; sow, F.Tamblyn, Snowden & Son, 2 and 3; boar under 12 and over 6 mos, Snowden & Son, I and 2; sow do, Snowden & Son, F Tamblyn; boar under 6 mos, Snowden & Son; sow under 6 mos, -Snowden & Son, F Tamblyn, 2 and 3. - Tamworth, boar, A A Col will; sow, A A Colwill, 1 and 2; boar under I yr, Col- will I and 3, Snowden & Son 2; sow do, Colwill, I and 2; boar under 6 mos, Colwill; Colwill; sow. do, Colwill I and 2. Bacon hogs, Snowden & Son, I and 3, Colwill. POULTRY Brahma, cock and hen, Snowden & Son; Cochin cockerel, T J Cole; Langshan cock and hen, S Snowden & Son I, T J Cole, 2 on hen; Langshan cockerel and pullet, H G Pascoe &.Son, I and 2 on each; Barred Rock, cock, Snowden & Son, M and J Nokes; do hen, Snowden & Son; do cockerel, cockerel, Blackburn & Son; do pullet, E I> Vickery, Blackburn &. Son; A O V rock, cock, Vickery, G J Northcott; do hen, Northcott; do cockerel, do pullet, Vickery; Java cock, Weekes & Oke, I and 2; do hen, T J Cole, Weekes & Oke; do cockerel and pullet, Weekes & Oke; S C R I Red, cock, H Creeper, Vickery; do hen, Creeper, Creeper, C F Rice; do cockerel and pullet, Vickery, Vickery, I and 2 each. R CRI Red, cock, Snowden & Son, Vickery; do hen, N jkes, Snowden; do cockerel, Vickery; do -1 pullet, Snowden, Tamblyn; Campine, cock, T Percy, H G Pascoe & Son; do hen, Percy, Pascoe; do cockerel, Pascoe, Percy; do pullet, Percy, Pascoe. White Wyandotte, cock, M and J Nokes; doUien, Vickery 1 '"and 2; do cockerel, Weekes & Oke, J D Stevens; do pullet, Weekes & Oke, I apd 2. Black Wyandotte, cock and hen, C F Rice, I and 2 each; do cockerel> C F Rice. Lacéd Wyandotte, cock and hen, Snow- den\& Son, I each. S Laced Wyandotte, cock, F Tamblyn, I and 2; do hen, Vickery Vickery Tamblyn; do cockerel and hen, Tamblyn, Tamblyn, I and 2 each. AOW Wyandotte, cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, E J Wilson, Wilson, I on each. Dorking, cock, hen, cockerel, cockerel, pullet, E J Wilson, f. and 2 each. White Orpington, hen, G J Northcott, I and 2;'do cockerel and pallet, G J Northcott, Northcott, I each. Buff Orpington, cock, T E Higginbotham; do hen, Higginbotham, Vickery; do cockerel and pullet, Higginbotham, Higginbotham, I and 2 each; Pit game cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, M and J Nokes, I and 2 each. Houdan, cock, hen, E J Wilson, I each. Spangled Hamburg, cock, Pascoe & Son; do hen, Nokes. A O V Hamburg, cock, Bottrell & Son; do hen, Bottrell & Son, I and 2. White Leghorn cock, hen, cockerel and pullet, A A Battle, I and 2. Brown Leghorn, cock, Vickery. 'Snowden & Son; do hen, Vickery, I and 2; do cock- Vickery; do pullet, Vickery, I and 2. Buff Leghorn, cock, hen, cockerel, pullet, Weekes & Oke, I and 2. Black Leghorn, cock, Vickery, Nokes; do hen, Vickery, Nookes; do cockerel and pullet, Vickery I and 2 each. Andalusian, cock and hen Snowden & Son, Dr. Bonny- castle. Minorca, cock, W Bagnell, Pascoe & Son; do hen, cockerel cockerel and pullet, Bottrell & Son, W Bagnell, Bagnell, 2 on each; Black Spanish, hen, cockerel, cockerel, and pullet, C F Ricë, I and 2 on each. Poland, cock, M and J Nokes, I and 2; do hen, Cole, Nokes; do pullet, Nokes. Black Red Game Bantams, Bottrell & Son, Vickery; Vickery; chicks, Bottrell, I and 2. A O V Game bantams, Bottrell, I and 2; do chick?, Bottrell. Black Cochin, bantams, I and 2^. do chicks, Bottrell. A O V Cochin Bantams, Nokes, Rice; do chicks, Snowden, Buttery. Black R C Bantams and'chicks, Bottrell, I and 2 on on each. A O V Bantams, Marguerite Joness, Bottrell; Bottrell; do chicks, Bottrell." Bronze Turkey, coçk, T J Cole; do hen, Cole, Blackburn; do, cock under I yr, Blackburn, Cole; do hen under one year, Cole, Blackburn. A 0 V Turkey, cock, Cole; do hen, Cole, I and 2; do, cock, and hen under I yr, Cole, 1 and 2 each. White Goose, male, Northcott, Northcott, Tamblyn; do, female, Northcott, I and 2; do, male and female under I yr, Northcott, Tamblyn, each. Rouen Drake, Blackburn; do duckJEUaekburn; do drake, under one year, Blackburn, Snowden; do duck, Blackburn, Snowden. Aylesbury, drake, duck, Pascoe, Cole; .do drake and duck, underT year, Cole, 1 and 2 on each. Pekin drake, duck, Pascoe; do drake and duck under,I yr, Pascoe, C Stevens. . Indian Indian Runner, drake, duck, Cole, Pascoe; do, drake and duck under 1 yr, Pascoe, I and 2 eaclu Collection pigeons, Bottrell, 1 and 2. Yellow or green canary, Mrs J Nokes. Mottled, canary, plumage, Jos Pattmsdn. Mottled singer, any, Mrs J Nokes. DAIRY, ETC. Butter, crock, 10 lbs--Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. J.. T. Bundle, Mrs.-Jos. Chatworthy. " 10 lb. rolls;--Mrs. J. Samis, Mrs. J. T. Bundle. 5 lb. rolls --Mrs. T. Baker, Mrs. ; J. T. Rundle. 4 lbs., by girl under 18 years--Frances Chat worthy. 2 lbs, artistic design-- Mrs. Jas. Knight. Clear honey--Mrs. J. W. Sparling. Honey in comb--T. J. Cole. Largest hen's eggs---Mrs. Alex. Taylor, T. Bottrell and son, A. W. Pinch. GRAINS, SEEDS, ETC. Red fall wheat-- H. G. Pascoe & Son, A. Welch. White fall wheat--A. L. Pascoe & Son, R. Collacott- Spring wheat, hard--Lord & Cryderman. Spring wheat, soft--A Welch. Large peas^-W. S. Bragg. Blue peas-- F . M. Tamblyn. 6-rowed barley-- H. G. Pascoe & Sons. White oats-- H. G. Pas- ooe & Son, A. L. Pascoe & Soit White beans-- F. M. Tamblyn. Corn, 12-row- ed--J. Samis, G. A. Stephens. t Corn,^ 8- rowed--R... Brooks, G. A. Stephens. FRUIT. Coll, apples, 10 to 20 varieties--R. Collacott, F. B. Lovekin, A. W. Pinch. Coll, dessert apples, 4 to 10 varieties -- F. B. Lovekin, R. Collacott, A. W. Pinch. Coll, cooking apples-- F. B. Lovekin, R. Collacott, J. Samis. Fall dessert-- W. L. Buttery, F. B. Lovekin, Jno. Snowden. Alexander--J. Snowden, Snowden, T. Bottrell & Son, F. B. Lovekin. Wealthy--J. Snowden,- J. Samis, J. D. Hoar. Snow--R. Collacott, G. J. Northcott, W. L. Buttery. Winter dessert--J. Samis, J. F. Osborne, F. B. Lovekin. King Tompkins--S. Snowden Snowden & Son, A_ W. PincK, J. Samis. Fallawater--J. F. Osborne, J. D. Hoar, J. Samis>. Belle Fleur--A. Welch, J. Snowden, F. B. Lovekin. Colvert --J. F. Osborne, J. Samis, A. W. Pinch. Duchess--S. Snowden & Son, J. F. Osborne. St. Lawrence-- F. B. Lovekin, Lovekin, A. W. Pinch, J. Samis. Blenheim Pippin--A. E. Bellman, A. JV. Pinch, J. Samis. Ribston Pippin--R. Collacott, Collacott, A. Welch, J. Snowden. Graven- steins-- W. J. Bragg, R. Collacott, J. F. Osborne. Rhode Island Greenings --J. D. Hoar, R. Collacott, J. F. Osborne. Osborne. American Golden Russetts-- J. F. Osborne, R. Collacott, A. Welch. Ontario-- -W. T. Stevens, J. F. Osborne, J. Samis. Stark--J. D. Hoar, G. A. Stephens, J. F. Osborne. Baldwin-- A. E. Bellman, J. F. Osborne, F. B. Lovekin. Northern Spy--J. F. Osborne, Osborne, A. W.- Pinch, J. Samis. Ben Davis--J. Samis, J. F. Osborne, Frank Allin. Crabs-- L. C. Snowden, G. A. Stephens, J. D. Stevens. Table pears --Geo. Varcoe, J. Nokes, J. D. Stevens. Lawrence--J. D. Hoar, F. B. Lovekin, C. Stevens. Bartlett--Frank Allin, F. M. Tamblyn, J. Snowden. Sheldon. --T. Bottrell & Son, R. Brooks, M. Nookes. Duchess Augouleme--Mrs. Sparling, J. Nokes, F. ^llen. Seckel -- W. , L. Buttery, J. D. Hoar, Mrs. Sparling. Beurre D'Anjou-- C. Stevens, Stevens, Bottrell & Son, J. Nokes. Flemish Beauty--Frank .Allin, J. Snowden, A. E. Bellman. Ponds Seedling Plums-- M. Nokes, C. Stevens. Smiths Orleans --J. D. Hoar, W. J. Bragg. Grand Duke--F. Allin, J. D. Hoar. Glass' Seedling-- W. J. Bragg, J. D. Hoar, F. B. Lovekin. Reine Claude--J. D. Hoar, R. Brooks, F. Allin. Yellow Egg--R. Brooks. Moore's Diamond Grapes-- W. F. Allen, . Mrs. Sparling, R. Brooks. Niagara--W. Mrs. Sparling, R. Brooks. --R. Brooks, W. F. Allen. W. F. Allen. Wooden--R. W. F. Allen. Watermelons--R J. Samis. Musk melons--R. J. Samis. S. J. Jackman. Pinks, double china-- S. J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. Sweet Peas--J. Nokes, W. S. Bragg.* Cut flowers-- -S. J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. Everlasting flowers--Roy Jackman, S. J. Jackman. . -Double Zinnas-- S. J. Jackman, J. Nokes. French Mary golds S. X Jackman, J. Nokes. African Marygolds--J. Nokes, Mrs. M. Nokes. Gladiolus-- S. J. Jackman, Roy Jack- man. -Snapdragons-- S. J. Jackman, Miss J. Hoskin. Carnations--Roy Jackman, S. J. Jackman. Tuberous Begonias-- S. J. Jackman. Nasturtiums silk--Miss McClellan, Mrs. Percy, Crochet wrap--Mrs. J. Nokes, Miss A. Percy. Crochet, with braid--Mrs. R T. Stephens, Ida Hoskin. Ladies' underwear--Mrs. Jas. Knight. Fancy work, by lady over 75 years--Mrs. Jas. Knight, Mrs. Jas. Byers. Fancy , work by girl under 14 years--Winnie Varcoe, Varcoe, Miss Patterson. Darning--Mrs Percy, Miss ICaterson. "Child's dress-- Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Pearn. Crochet yoke Mrs. M. Nokes, Ida Hoskin. Holder for centre pieces--Mrs. Meath, Mrs. Percy. Hat pin holder--Mrs. Robinson, Belle Allen. Cross stitch Miss A. Percy, Mrs. Couch. S. J. Jackman, J. Nokes. Dark Ger-, ivuumouu, jDt?ne Alien uross stitcn in ^n mS Lifht S ' n G - y * rC ° e ' r |? k-Miss A " Percy ' Mis. Couch. Best man. Light G eraniums-- S. J. Jack- \ dressed doll--Winnie Varcoe Ruby J- N P^ es - Scented Geranium-- j Clatworthy. Bulgarian work--Helen . Nokes, Mrs. M. Nokes. Colens--S. 1 Morris, Mrs. Percy. Tatting--R. Percy, Mrs. Montgomery. Rag mat-- J. Jackman, J. Nokes. Fuchsias--J. Nokes, Roy Jackman. Window Box-- q t _ Mrs. J. T. Run die, Mrs. Montgomery. S. J. Jackman. Ferns-- S. J. Jackman, = Rag carpet--Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. R°î Jackman. Specimen Plant-- S. J. ! Richards Jackman, Roy F. Allen, Brighton Lindley-- Brooks, Brooks, Brooks, VEGETABLES. -R. pood forHittle too Everybody-- young and old --loves the rich, delicious flavor of EBWARDSBURG Brand Corn •It is a daily treat--the perfect sweet. Just what the children should have on Bread--costs far less than butter or preserves. Delicious with . Hot Biscuits, and Batter Cakes. Gives a new delight to Baked Apples, Blanc-Mange and Puddings. Makes the best Candy you ever tasted. '"'LILY WHITE" is. a pure white Corn Syrup, not as pronounced i'ri flavor as "Crown Brand". Your'Grocer has both Brands, in 2, s> 10 and 20 pound tins--or can easily get them for you. The Canada Starch Cp« Limited, Montreal Winter Cabbage--R. Brooks, Bottrell Bottrell & Son. Early Cabbage--R. Brooks, G. H. Richards. Red Cabbage -- G. H. Richards, Bottrell & Son. Savoy Cabbage--Bottrell & Son, G. H. Richards. White Celery--R. Brooks, J. Nokes. Red, Celery--J. Nokes, Bottrell Bottrell & Son/ Winter Celery-- G. H. Richards, Bottrell & Son. Cauliflower --R. Brooks. ' Red Onions'--R. Brooks, J. Oke & Son. White Onions-- G. H. Richards, Guy & Abernethy. . Potato Onions-- G. H. Richards, F. B. Lovekin. Lovekin. Yellow Onions-- G. H.- Richards, R. Brooks. Pickling Onions-- G. H. Richards, "J. Nokes. Long Blood Beets--Bottrell & Son, G. H. Richards. Turnip Blood Beets--J. Nokes, C. Stevens. Parsnips-- G. H. Richards, R. Brooks. Long Scarlet Radish--Bottrell Radish--Bottrell & Son, R. Brooks. Tomatoes-- R. Brooks, S. J. Jackman. Sweet Corn--R. Brooks, C. Stevens. Long Red Mangolds--R. Brooks, _ J. Samis. Yellow Mangolds-- r G. H. Richards, J. Samis. Sugar Mangolds--C. Stevens, F. B. Lovekin. White Carrots-- G. H. Richards, E. J. Wilson. Long Red Table Carrots--Bottrell & Son, R. Brooks. Short Red Carrots--S. Snow-, den • & Son, G. H. Richards. Turnips --J. Samis, A. Ayre. Table Squash-- Roy Jackman, G. H. Richards. Hub- hard Squash-- W. C. Blackburn & Son, R. Brooks. Pumpkins--P. Leask & Son, S. Snowden & Son, Citron Bottrell Bottrell -& Son,' R. Brooks. Early Potatoes--R. Potatoes--R. Brooks, Guy & Abernethy. Potatoes, any kind--R. Brooks, J. Samis.. Coll. Potatoes--R. Brooks. Large Squash--Bottrell & Son, C. Stevens. Chinese Red Peppers--J. Nokes, R. Brooks. Green Peppers-- C. Stevens, Bottrell & Son. FLOWERS. Coll greenhouse "plants-- S. J.; Jack- man, Roy Jackman. Window plants-- Roy Jackman, J. Nokes, Dahlias S. j Jackman, Roy Jackman. Balsams-- J. Nokes, C. Mutton. ; Stocks--Miss Ida Hoskin, S. J. Jackman. Asters, Comet or Chrys--S. J. Jackman, Roy Jackinan. ; Asters, A. 0:V.--Mrs. G. Varcoe, Roy Jackman. .Roses-- S. J. Jackman. Rose bush m pot-- S. J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. Verbenas Roy Jackman, Addie Cawker. Pansies g j. Jackman, C. Mutton. Petunias single^r-S. " J. - Jackman. Petunias, double--S. jJjackmtfh. Phlox, perennial--S. perennial--S. J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. 1 phlox, drummondii-- G. H. Richards, Jackman. • Hanging basket--Roy Jackman, Mrs. G. Varcoe. Table bouquet--Roy Jackman, S. J. Jackman. Hand bouqupt--Roy Jack- man, S. J. Jackman. Moral basket-- S. J. Jackman, Ray Jackman, - Floral design-- S. J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. Funeral design-- S.' J. Jackman, Roy Jackman. FANCY WORK. Collection fancy work--Mrs. C. Meath, Mrs. E; "Montgomery. Hard- anger work--Mrs. F. Robinson, Mrs. E. J. Kindy. English eyelet embroidery--Mrs. embroidery--Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. M. Patterson. Embroidered table cloth and doylies-- Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. Patterson. Table cover crochet and doylies--Mrs. T. Percy, Miss A. Percy. Sofa cushion, , made up--Mrs. E. Montgomery, Mrs. jT\ Percy. Sofa cushion, washable-- j Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Percy. Sofa cushion, hand painted--Miss Helen Morris, Mrs. J. Nokes. Table cover, any other--Mrs. E. S. Senkler, Mrs. Pattinson. Bedroom towels', crochet insertion--Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. Jas. Knight. Guest towels-^Miss B. Allen, Mrs. Patterson. Bedroom towels, Swedish darning--Mrs. T. Percy, Miss R. Percy^ Bedroom towels, emb. in colors--^Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Meath. Tray cloth, emb---Mrs. Pattinson, Mrs. T. Percy. Tray cloth, drawn work--Mrs. T. Percy, Miss E. McClellan. .5 o'clock tea cloth, emb.--Mrs. M. Patterson, Addle Cawker. 5 o'clock .hand-mbde lace--Mrs. Percy, Miss Alien. Centre piece, darned huckaback--Mrs. Meath, Miss N. Pattinson. Centre piece, colored--^fclrs. colored--^fclrs. Senkler, Addie Cawker. Centre piece, punch work--Belle Allen, Allen, Mrs. Meath. Centre piece, white emb.--Miss N. Pattinson, Ethel Morris. Morris. Centre" piece, any other--Ida Hoskin, Mrs. W. Pearn.. Mount Mellick Mellick embroidery--Mrs. M. Patterson, Mrs. F. Robinson. Roman embroidery --H. Morris, E. Morris. Wallàchian embroidery---Addie Cawker, Mrs. E. Montgomery. Ladies' shirt "waist, emb.--Mrs. Meath, Mrs. Patterson. Corset cover, emb.--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Robinson. Corset cover, crochet--Mrs. Percy, Miss N.. Pattinson. Drawn thread work--Miss R. Percy, Mrs. Percy. Outline work--Mrs. R. T. Stephens, .Belle Allen. Sideboard scarf--Mrs. Patterson, Ida Hoskin. Dressing table cover--Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Percy. Pillow shams--Mrs. Percy, Miss Jfc^Percy. Emb. pillow cases--Mrs. Montgomery, Miss N. Pattinson. Coronation braid work-- Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Montgomery. Tea cozey--Belle Allen, Mrs. Percy. Crochet hand bag--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Pearn. Pin cushion--Addie Cawker, Ida Hoskin. Work bag--Mrs. Montgomery, Montgomery, Mrs. Robinson. . Collar and cuff set--Mrs. Couch, Addie Cawker. Crochet table mats--Mrs. Clatworthy, Addie Cawker. Set table mats, asbestos--Miss asbestos--Miss McClellan, Mrs. Percy. Afghan, wool--Mrs. Montgomery, Ida Hoskin. Fancy work apron--Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Meath. Work basket--Miss McClellan, Mrs. J. Nokes. Luncheon set--Mrs. Meath, Addie Cawker. Irish crochet collar-- Mr S'. Sparling, Ida Hoskin. Irish crochet--Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Patterson. Italian relief embroidery--Belle Allen, Mrs. Percy. . Bedroom slirv ers, knitted--Miss knitted--Miss McClellan, Ida Hdskin. Bedroom Bedroom slippers, crochet--Mrs. J> A. McClellan, McClellan, Mrs. Montgomery. Infants' bootees--Mrs. Patterson, "Mrs. Montgomery. Montgomery. Infants' jacket--Miss McClellan, McClellan, Mrs. Montgomery. Infant's hood--Mrs-. S. J. Jackman, Mrs. E. Montgomery. Infants' bonnet--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Montgomery. Fancy knitting--A. knitting--A. Percy, E. McClellan. Crochet lace--Miss M. Katerson, Mrs. Percy. Crochet doylies--Mrs\Patterson, Miss McClellan. Crochet, with wool--Mrs. Montgomery, Miss A. Perçcy. Crochet, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTP R I A Hômeseekers' Special Train Léaves Toronto 10.45 p.m. Each Tuesday For the accommodation of Homeseek- ers' and general tourist traffic to Western Canada, through train parrying Tourist Sleepers and Colonist Cars leaves Toronto 10.45 p.m. each Tuesday until further notice, notice, running through to Winnipeg. Attention is directed to the remarkably low round trip fares in connection with Hômeseekers' Excursions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets are on sale "each Tuesday until October 26th, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of sale. Apply to any C.P R. Agent for full particulars particulars or write M. G. Murphy, District PassengenAgent, Toronto. 39-2 SUSPENDER NONE SO - EA S Y MADL IN CANADA Crochet quilt--Miss McClellan, McClellan, Mrs. Couch. Knitting quilt-- Mrs. Clatworthy^ Addie Cawker. Woolen Woolen coverlet---Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Rundle. Cotton coverlet--Miss McClellan. McClellan. Crazy patchwork quilt--Mrs. Montgomery, E. Morris. Log cabin quilt---Mrs. M. Blackburn, Miss Katerson. Katerson. Patched quilt, cotton--Mrs. .Montgomery, Mrs. M. Nokes. Quilting Addie Cawker, Mrs. Pearn. Woolen mitts--Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Lovekin. Lovekin. Woollen mitts, fancy--Miss McClellan, McClellan, Mrs. J. T. Rundle. Stockings --Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Richards. Socks--Mrs. S. J. Jackman, Roy Jack- man. Patched quilt--Mrs. Varcoe, Mrs. Montgomery. Slumbering rug-- Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. J. E. Allin. FINE ARTS. Coll, china painting^-E. Morris, Mrs. Robinson. Bread and butter .plates-- H. Morris, E. Morris: Burnt leather work--Miss Katerson, Mrs. J. E. Allin. Coll, burnt wood--Hr Morris, Mrs. J. E.- Allin. Hand painted 5 o'clock tea .set--E. Morris, H. Morris. Burnt wood--E. Morris, H. Morris. Dec. painting on china--E. Morris, H. Morris. Morris. Photo frame painting--Mrs. Montgomery, Montgomery, E. Morris. Folding screen, scrap picture--Mrs. Varcoe. Plaque-- E. Morris, H. Morris. Pottery decoration--E. decoration--E. Morris, M. Katerson. Jardiniere--E. Jardiniere--E. Morris, H. Morris. Punch bowl--E. Morris. Figure work--E. Morris. Wood carving--^1. Allen, M. Katerson. Oil painting, portrait--Miss E. Waddell, Miss A. Irwin. Oil painting, painting, figure--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Oil painting, animal--A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Waddell. Oil painting, marine--A. Irwin, H. Morris, Oil painting, orig. Can. marine--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Oil painting, orig. Can. landscape--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Oil painting, landscape--H. Morris, Mrs. Montgomery. Montgomery. Oil paintings fruit--E. Waddell, H. Morris. Oil painting, flowers--A. Irwin, F. Morris. Oil painting, original--E. original--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Water colors, colors, figure--A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Water colors, portrait--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Water colors, animal--A. Irwin, Irwin, H. Morris. Water colors, orig. Can. marine--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Water colors, marine--F. Morris, H. Morris. Water colors, brig. Can. landscape--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Water colors, landscape--A. Irwin. Mrs. Montgomery. Water colors, orig. Bowman ville scene--H. Morris. Water colors, flowers--H. Morris, A. Irwin. Water colors, fruit---A. Irwin, Mrs. Montgomery. Water colors, orig. any --A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Crayon drawing--A. drawing--A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Crayon portrait--A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Pastel portrait--E. Waddell. Pencil drawing, figure--A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Pencil drawing, animal--E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Irwin. Pen and ink sketch--A. Irwin, Mrs. Montgomery. Crayon drawing-- E. *Waddell, A. Irwin.. Coll, photo post cards--F. Robinson, Mrs. Montgomery. Coll, photos--Thos. Robson. Coll, amateur photos--C. Mutton. Oil painting, painting, landscape--F. Morris. Oil painting, painting, figure--F. Morris. Oil painting, landscape--F. Morris. . Arch, and mechanical drawing--A. Irwin, Mrs. "Percy. Industrial . design--H. Morris, F. Morris. Photo finished in inib or crayon--A. Irwin. Writing, girl under 16--Frances Clatworthy. Writing, girl under 10--Ruby Clatworthy. Per r spective drawing--Mrs. Percy. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Coll, canned fruits--Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. J. Nokes. Coll, jellies--Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. Sparling. Coll, pickles-- Mrs. J. Nokes. Mustard pickles--Miss A. Rowe, Mrs. A. Taylor. Mixed pickles 1 --A. Rowe, Mrs. Taylor. Chill Sauce--Addie Cawker, A. Rowe. Catsup--Mrs. Catsup--Mrs. Jos. Pattinson, Mrs. J. Nokes. Orange marmalade--Mrs. Varcoe, Varcoe, Miss Katerson. White' bread- Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. J. E. Ailing Brown bread--Mrs. T. Baker, Mrs. Lovekin. Plain buns--Mrs. J. Samis, Mrs. J. Nokes., Currant buns--Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. Baker. Baking powder buns : -- A. Rowe, Mrs. Baker. Soda buns-- Mrs. J. Nokes, A. Rowe. Ginger snaps --Miss Katerson, Mrs. Baker. Sugar cookies--Mrs. Rundle--Mrs. Sparling. Cocoanut cake--Mrs. J. Lyle, Mrs. Lovekin. Roll Jelly cake--Mrs. Love- ldn, Mrs., J. Nokes. Sponge cake-- Mrs. Sparling, Mrs. J. Nokes. Devil cake--Mrs. J. Lyle, A. Rowe. Fig cake --Mrs. Rundle, Mrs. Sparling. Nut cake--A. Rowe, Mrs. Sparling. Fruit cake--Miss Katerson, Mrs. Varcoe. Angel cake--Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. Sparling. Sparling. Ribbon cake--Mrs. J. Nokes, A. Rowe. Banbury cakes--Mrs.. J. Nokes. Apple pie--A. Rowe, Mrs. Lyle. Custard Custard pie--Mrs. Lyle, A. Rowe. Lemon pie--Mrs-. Lyle, Ida Hoskin. Chocolate Chocolate pie--Mrs. Lovekin, Miss Nokes. Cocoanut pie--Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Nokes. Raspberry pie--Mrs. Varcoe, Mrs. Rundle. Macramé emb. table runner .--Mrs. T. -Percy. Table linen--Mrs. Percy. Doll's bed and dolls--Miss Mc- Sorley. 4«- Tactful. Mr. Hardfax--I've brought you here so w.e could be alone, so that. I can tell you what I'vé been dying to speak of. * Miss. Gushington--Tell me. What is it? Mr. ' Hardfax--There's too much powder on your face. f If multiplied by 2, 3, 4, or any other Integer less than 9, the number 1,176,- 470;588,235,294 will probably produce" the same digits in the " same order, simply'beginning at a different place in the set. Fresh from the Gardens oi the finest Tea-producing country in the world. SâLADA B 74 . Sealed Packets Only. Try it--it's delicious. BLACK GREEN or MIXED. The Treasures of Darkness Everything Is Not Misfortune Because It Comes to Us With a Frown. Tribulation work'eth patience; and patience, experience; and experience hope."--Rom. v., 3. Who would have imagined that hope would be the child of tribulation ? But, then, who would have dreamed that the beautiful yellow pond-lily would have been born and nourished in its slimy ooze? Who would have thought that from coal-tar we could extract colors whose brilliance would make Solomon's glory . seem ■ dim. Nay, who would have thought that from this same coal-tar, with its oppressive oppressive smell, we should derive some of our most delicate and exquisite perfumes perfumes ? In coal-tar we can find the beauties of the dawn and the scent of the new-mown hay! And in tribulation tribulation we can find the strong grace of patience and t^ie radiant grace of hope. There is no dark experience from which we cannot obtain the stuff of noble character. We .can make the apparently unfriendly circumstance pay homage to our souls. "The clouds ye so much dread are big with blessing." blessing." A gracious gift can come to us in a gay and tinted envelope, but it can" also come to us in an envelope CANADA'S GRAIN CROP. Prospect of a Prosperous Year for the Dominion. Jf the circulation of money is the fundamental factor in material prosperity prosperity this should be a great year for Canada. The war has its depressing influences influences on some lines of trade, but there are factors which greatly counteract it. The other day an official crop bulletin bulletin placed the grain crop at about three hundred and twenty-five million bushels. This should put probably three hundred million dollars in circulation. circulation. Apart from the grain crops, "other agricultural products will add at least another hundred million at a conservative estimate. Government expenditures on army contracts equipment will be around sixty or seventy million, while the allied Government orders for shells and ammunition are already over a hundred and fifty millions, with prospects prospects of material expansion, in addition addition to which probably forty or fifty millions of other orders for equipment have been placed.by the allied Governments. Governments. With quick and expeditious transportation assured for the grain crop, prices are ruling fairly high, and there is general activity in industrial industrial lines. The fundamentals of prosperity prosperity seem of the soundest character, and the coming winter should be de- Its so with. a black border. And therefore it is part of the ministry of believers in Christ Jesus to show to the world what benediction may hide in dark things. We are to be experts in growing lilies of peace in most unlikely unlikely places, and in deriving lovelier tints for the affections in the gloomy experiences experiences of disappointment and apparent apparent defeat. We are to make, manifest manifest that "the things what happened to us turned out to be the furtherance of the Gospel." Now graces, like diamonds, resting on dark velvet shine most resplen- dently against a foil of gloomy experience. experience. „ It is so with peace in the midst of tribulations, it is so with hope in the time of general fainting, it is so with the joy of the Lord in the dark and cloudy day. When the noisome thing brings forth perfume the scent is felt to be of a superlative kind. In Christ Jesus we are made competent to give this witness before the world. It is the promise of His word :--"All things work together for good to them that love God." Yes, even the dark things become the ground-bed of everlasting flowers. "Tribulation worketh patience and patience hope." --Rev. J. H. Jowett, D.D. cidedly easier in its problems than last year. * No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure if used as directed. LITTLE GIRL WORKERS. in Flappers Replacing Young !V?Üi Shops and Offices. Little girls of school age in London, London, England, are now joining their elder sisters in taking the places of young men and youths^vho have abandoned abandoned business for khaki. Fourteen and fifteen are the tender ages of some of these-girls with short skirts and with "flapper" pigtails or long ringlets of curls. The little" girl greengrocer is notable among the juvenile workers. She can be seen busily weighing up the apples and the plums and filling the big scales with potatoes. The flapper butcher has also arrived. arrived. She takes the joints round to the customers, and can weigh up the suet *and the dripping. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of F The Canaoa I fT' Compare the paper bag that tears and spills with the tidy,, convenient ar 144 << Let SugarCartons These do more than keep the sugar clean and handy--they ensure your getting the genuine RED PATH -- Canada's favorite sugar for T three generations. 2 and 5 lb. Cartons-- 10, 20, 50 and 100 lb. Cloth Bags. Sweeten it" CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL.

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