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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1915, p. 5

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r w The Canadian Patriotic Fund The Canadian Patriotic Fund has been established for the purpose of providing adequate adequate assistance to the family of every soldier from Canada, who enlists for Active Service, and also of "rendering temporary aid.to men invalided home to Canada by reason of sickness sickness and wounds. The Fund was incorporated by the Dominion Parliament last August, His Majesty the King is Patron, and His Royal- Highness the Duke of Connaught is President. It is now caring for approximately Nineteen Thousand Families at a monthly expenditure of about $380,000. The cost of operation of the Fund is very low. The bank interest which the money provided by the subscribers has earned ^ has been ample to cover every expense in connection with the administration of the Fund up to date. Let it be borne in mind that every dollar which has been subscribed to this Fund is available for the Soldiers' Families. Not one cent has been used for expenses. The Demands on the Fund Are Constantly Increasing The Fund is Dominion-wide. Each municipality pays in what it can and withdraws withdraws for relief what it needs. In this way the burden of a place that has sent many married men is partly borne by places that have sent few men. Each case of need is. investigated by a local committee. The Fund Assures a Decent Living to Needy Dependents Our lives, our homes, our property--all is at stake. We might better sacrifice something something now to insure Great Britain's success than have everything confiscated by the German Conqueror. The time has come for everyone to be doing his bit. Bowmanville must show that its sympathies are right, that it will back our brave boys in the trenches to the last dollar. Now then-- *" Every Shoulder to the Wheel SIR GEORGE E. FOSTER will tell you more about the Canadian Patriotic Fund in the Opera House, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Monday, October at 8 pah. HEAR HIM. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 30, 1915 Social and Personal Mrs. F. A. Foster is visiting friends in Toronto. > Misss Mary Neale, Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss Edra E. Grigg. Mrs. Wm. Stevens, Chicago, III., is visiting visiting Mrs. Wm. Robson, Division-st. Miss Gladys Cousins is taking a course at the Faculty of Education, Toronto. Mr. J. R. Finkle, Los Angeles, Cal., was in town last week calling on old friends. Miss Tamblyn, Toronto, is visiting Miss Murdoch, "Beaconsfield" and numerous other friends. Morrison's Orchestra furnished the musical program Friday evening at the entertainment at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Courtice and son Graham who spent, the summer here have returned to their home in Calgary, Alta. Dr. Beith is taking charge of Dr. Clark's practice during the latter's absence from town for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G. Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams attended the Symons-Taylor wedding at Charlecote Saturday. Miss Bell, B.A., London, who has been engaged on Government work in Ottawa, visited her aunt, Mrs. H. A. Farrow, on her way home. Mrs. W. H. Jackson and Miss Gladys Jackson. Newcastle, were recent guests of Mrs. Jas. Courtice. Mr. Chas. Piddington and Miss May Donovan, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. Philip Puley'ç. Mrs. A. Brake, Toronto, has been visiting visiting her father, Mr. Richard Darch and other relatives here. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Blyth and daughter are visiting her father, Mr. C. Rehder. Rev. Mr. Blyth has been appointed rector of a church at Oakville. Mr, Wm. Chapman, Toronto, only brother of Miss A. Chapman, town, has enlisted for overseas service and is in training at Niagara Camp. Mrs. Florence Smyth, Morrisburg, for six years President of Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, has been appointed Superintendent Superintendent protem of Bowmanville Hospital. Rev. C. C. Washington. B.A., has returned returned home from Josephine, Alta., where he spent the summer. He goes' to take charge of his pastorate at Roseneath. Major A. E. McLaughlin of • the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles, Barriefield Camp, Kingston, spent Sunday at home. He leaves shortly for overseas service. Mr. W. Slemon, Winnipeg, Man., _ who has been holidaying with his uncjejf Mn Wm. Trewin, and numerous other ' relatives relatives in this vicinity left Monday for home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Miss Eva Smith, and Mr. Rd. Moyse motored to Manvers Station and attended the funeral of Mr. Smith's aunt, Mrs. Henry Sandy, Saturday week. Rev. J. J. Rae, Richmond Ind., was in town Friday calling on old friends. He attended Orono fair and visited the scenes of his youth. Mrs. Rae is visiting relatives at Brighton. D. O. & P. Co. band entertained our citizens citizens to a number of good musical selections selections Friday previous to starting fcfr Orono Fair where they furnished the musical program of the afternoon. Miss M. E. Bruce, Superintendent of Bowmanville Hospital, who volunteered for service as nursing sister at the Front, sailed Saturday from Montreal. Her hosts of friends wish her a safe and pleasant pleasant voyage. Rev. W: G. Clarke was called to Belleville, Belleville, his former charge, on Tuesday afternoon, afternoon, to conduct the funeral of Ivan S. Heigle the Engineer of the International Limited who was killed ât Newtonville on Sunday last. Major-General Sir Sam Hughes and daughters, Mrs. Bryon Greene and Aileen, have left for England. Dr. J. W. Brown, Lindsay, has gone with them, having been appointed to the Superintendency of a noted hospital in England.--Lindsay Post. Principal T. F. Wright of St. Catharines Business College has our best thanks for two baskets of very superior Crawford peaches from his own garden. They were large, luscious and lovely--attractive lovely--attractive to the eye and sweet to the taste. May his trees continue to bearabundantly. Some people don't understand yet that Blake McMurty is no longer- connected with the West End House. Be it thoroly understood that the Model Grocery (T. H Knight's old stand) is a business by itself and under the sole management of W. Blake McMurtry's. Phone 72. Mr. Alf. Bennett, Toronto, was here Saturday attending the funeral of his brother, Frank J. Bennett, who has been ill for some time and who passed away in Toronto Thursday while undergoing an operation. He was a son of the late Reuben Bennett, for many years proprietor proprietor of the Bennett House. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, Bow- manyille, made a grand clean-up at Orono Fair last week with their driving horses. With five entries they took as many prizes in these classes: firsts in Carriage, .Turnout .Turnout and Rodster Special; seconds in Combination Combination and Roadster. How is it these horses are shown at most of the fairs in this section with the exception of West Durham Fair? Berlin Telegraph says: Mr. H. G. Marty Marty n's removal from Berlin will be greatly regretted. He has made a large number of friends during his residence, in this city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Martyn will be missed in Trinity Methodist Church circles where they were active workers, Mr. Martyn being being superintendent of the Sunday School. He has also taken an active interest in social reform work in this city. Altho sorry to lose him, his friends will congratulate congratulate him upon his advancement. He has been appointed on the Normal School teaching staff at Stratford. An event of much pleasure was enjoyed this morning by ladies of the Woman's Benefit Association of the Maccabees in the office of Miss Sadie C. Foley, who will become the" bride in October of Mr. Fred* R Foley of Bowmanville, Ont. Miss Foley is the private secretary of Miss: Bina M. West, Supremë Commander of the W.B.A.O.T.M., and upon her arrival at her office this morning she found to he* great surprise, the room beautifully deçor- ated with cosmosand smilax and American American and Canadian flags. In behalf of her co-workers she was presented with a five o'clocklea service and an electric toaster. From different members of the staff she received m|nÿ other gifts • of; cut > glass, silverware,'1china and aluminum.--Porf Huron Tifàes- Herald Aug. 27. > Local and Otherwise Not a drunk was seen in Town on Fair Day. , Mrs. S. G. Bennett is visiting friends in Toronto. 1 / ' Miss Ray.- Kirkendall, Tdronto, spent Sunday at home. / v String of beads found:' Enquire at Statesman Office. ; They're here---Sealshipt Oysters--better Oysters--better at Rd. Snowdep's. Miss x Allie Copper, Kendall, has been guest of Mrs. Manson Comstock, King-st. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foley spent Sunday with thëir son, Rev. HV W; Foley, Brook-, lin. Mrs. V. W. Torrance, Chicago, 111., has been visiting with her cousin Mrs. T. F.. McCabe, . More specials in groceries Friday and Saturday this week at the Model Grocery --watch for bills. Orono Patriotic Society raised over $430 at their fete on the afternoon and evening of the opening of the new school. Miss Grace Bray and Miss Vera Williams Williams motored down from Toronto Saturday Saturday and spent Sunday at Mr. M. A. James'. Mrs. Ethel W. Courtice spent the weekend weekend with Miss Margaret Oke and other friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs; S. Terrill and Mr. and Mrs. Maybee,-WooIer, visited at Mr. W. J. Bragg's, recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rutherford and Miss Jennie Rutherford, Colborne, recently visited friends here. Miss Jane Carscadden, Orono, has returned returned from visiting friends in Toronto, Creemore, Elmvale and Midland. Mrs. J. R. Black and Miss Janet, who have been visiting her father, Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C., have returned home to Winnipeg. Mr. A. R. Cameron, B. A., Edmonton, formerly teacher in our High School, is in town guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Duncan, Duncan, Port Hope.--Guide. Mrs. F. W. Couch and nephew, Master Glenn Martyn, and niece, Miss Theo Martyn are visiting Mrs; C. P. Israel and other relatives in Rochester, N.Y. Messrs. H. and N. Allin, Thos. Allin and J. A. McLeod, Newcastle, A. Ayre, T. Boitrell & Son, Bowmanville, were successful exhibitors at Lindsay Fair. Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats and Suits made up in the most up-to-date styles and of the newest materials just received received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. The Post says "The biggest crowd eve r seen at Lindsav Central Exhibition was present Saturday afternoon which makes the 1915 fair the biggest that has ever been held". - The engagement is announced at Port Huron, Mich., of Miss Sadie Caroline Foley, and Mr. Fred R. Foley, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The marriage will take place at Port Huron early in October. Mrs. John Wonnacott showed us a branch of raspberry bush Monday on which were a number of green and ripe raspberries. Who has anything rarer than this at this season of the year ? Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eagleson, Miss Maggie Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Cold Springs, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Clemens, Mr., and Mrs. Glen Rogers, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. Henry Brock and attended the Fair. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Scroggie,. Toronto, Toronto, announce the engagement of their daughter, .Mabel Helena, and William Bertrand Goldsboro, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs John Goldsboro, of Oshawa, the marriage to take place quietly next month. First of the season--Sealshipt Oysters --at Rd. Snowden's this week. When a man in search of a home or business location comes to Bowmanville and finds everybody full ol hope and enthusiasm enthusiasm over the prospects of the town, he too, soon becomes imbued with the spirit, plants his stakes and goes to work with equal interest. Lieut.-Col. Garnet Hughes, son of General General Sir Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, has been promoted to rank of Brigadier- General in command of the first brigade as a recognition of the splendid work done at St. Julien and Festubert battles. He rëceived a D. S. O. after St. Julien. Brigadier-General Hughes is step-grand- son of Mrs. H. W. Burk, this town. The funeral of Miss Isabella. Fleming, daughter of the late John and Margaret Fleming, took place Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 21, from the residence of her sister, Mrs. A. E. McCready, Silver-st. Deceased Deceased has been ill for about five months, but was bright and cheerful thru all her* illness illness and conscious to the last. The -service -service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. G. Clarke, B.A. Pall bearers were: Dr. J. C. Devitt, Messrs. John Hellyar, F. C. Vanstone, and T. W. Cawker. A mass of beautiful flowers, of which deceased was so fond, surrounded her casket as expressions expressions of sympathizing friends. Use a Supreme Steel Range; sold by Mason & Dale. Our stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W. H. Dustàn. Bring your produce to the Model Grocery Grocery and get highest cash prices. Now you can have an oyster supperi Rd. Snowden will receive his first shipment shipment of Sealshipt Oysters for Friday and Saturday this week. If you want solid comfort next winter fill your bins with Scranton Coal and do now. Read our ad in another . colhmn. McClellan &> Co, Ltd. "24-3 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing a good-assortment of patterns in the celebrated "VSvella" flannels.- These goods are..fast ctiqurs, do not shrink, and retain their origiifil finish after repeated washings. BOW MANVILLE HOSPITAL. Annual meeting will be held in the Cojuncii Room, Bowmànville at 8 o'clock, on Wednesday evening, October 20th, I9I5» A large attendance is requested. C. Rehder, ' J. C. Wilkinson, President. Sec'y-Treasurer. v - 40-3W BIRTHS. Sylvester--In Montreal, Sept. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd N. Sylvester, a daughter. MCLaughlin--In Oshawa Hospital, Sept, 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, Oshawa, a son. ~ MARRIAGES " Frayne--Snell--At Methodist Pàrsonagé, Exeter, Exeter, Sept. 15th, by Bey. S. ,W. Muxworthy, Mr. Clayton F.rayne, Thames Boad, and Mrs. Rhoda Snell, Exeter. Tickell--Branton--In Toronto,- Sept. 23, by Rev. P. K. Dayfoot, Gladys E.-, eldest dauphter of Mrs. John Bratiton, Toronto, and William P. Tickell. Port Hope. Symons--Taylor--At Charledote, Sept. 25, by Rev. T. G. McCullough, Port Hope, William K. Symons, Winnipeg, and Jessie M., daughter of Mr. S, O; Taylor, Charlecote. ' _ Cartwright--Henry--In Napanee, Sept. 22, by Bev. N. H. Coleman, Florence Mary, daughter of Mr. Thos. S. Henry, and Dr. Richard C. Cartwright, Cartwright, son of the late Sir Richard Cartwright i and Lady Cartwright, Kingston. DEATHS Coulter--At Hartney, Man., Sept. 17th, G. Albert Coulter, aged 50 years. Bennett--In Toronto, Sept. 23, Frank J. Bennett, Bennett, Bowmanville, aged 50 years. Goldring--In Newcastle, Sept. 26, Harry, only son of John Goldring, formerly of Toronto. - HOGG--At Port Hope, Sept. 23. Clara J. Wilson, beloved wife of John Hogg, in her 38fch year. „ Burr--At Virden, Man., Sept. 12, Mrs. Peter Burr, aged 60 years. Sister of Mr. James Leask, Taunton. Hayman--In Bowmanville, Sept. 28, Walter Thomas, infant son of Thos. Hayman, aged 2 months, 13 days. Field--At Cobourg, Sept. 27, Francis W. Field, late Registrar of Deeds for the West Riding Riding of the County of .Northumberland, in his 80th year. Everson--Passed peacefully to rest Sept. 4, 1915, Ann, dearly beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Everson, Great Dinworthy, Bradworthy, Devon, England, aged 67 years. . All the pain and grief are over. All the restless tossing past, She is now at rest forever, Safely home in heaven at last. "Lest We Forget" E. R. B0ÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris 8c Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON C. C. LAUGHER A.L.C.M. L.L.C.M. F.V.C.M. Piano Violin Composition Get down that VIOLIN. Write Box 414.Bowmanville. I will mail Terms and arrange 40-tf interview. Miss Alma M. Courtice Instruction in Piano and Singing Commencing Sept. 9 ■ Terms Reasonable Stndio at Mrs. Jas. Courtice's, Scngog St. Bowmanville 36-tf rTANDIXG CORN FOR SALE--One acre of | standing cob corn, good crop. Apply at <>nce ' to Box 6, Bowmanville 40tf M AID WANTED--For general house work, small family. Apply to Mrs. Duncan Beith, Church-st., Bowmanvillé. 3St H G OUSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b IRL WANTED--To look after little girl and do light housework. Apply to Mrs. Clark, at S. S. Edsall's, Brown-st., Bowmanville. rATCHELLOST--Containing sum of money, | along Division or Centre streets. Leave at Statesman Office and receive reward, 3 t H EIFER STRAYED--From lot 25, con 8, Dar* lington, light red heifer rising 2 yeais, hole punched thru top fight ear. Russel Gilbert, Enniskillen. 39 3 F ARM FOR SALE--The farm known as the Evans farm, belonging to Mrs. S. Davis, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, of 150 acres, being lot 25, con. 8, Darlington, is offered for sale. Easy terms for quick sale. Soil good clay loam, in good locality. For terms.and particulars apply to L. A. W.' Tole, Real Estate Agent, Bowmanville. 35tf DO YOU WANT DYNAMITING? I am prepared to do dynamiting of stones, stumps, etc., at $2 per day and cost of material used. Dynamite for sale to persons doing their own blasting. Percy' Hills, Hampton. Phone 2S8-r4. 37 4 OFFICIAL FRUITBULLETIN Fruit Branch--Dept, of Agriculture Canning and preserving fruits are almost almost done, although some gobd pea- -ches may even yet be obtained. .Those who have not canned or preserved stif- ficietitLo last'foil a year, should act promptly. Do-not forget that grape jelly 'is delicious; and a liberal supply should be on th&sjhejves for it the .coming .coming winter. Get?: Sjùdçk; Pçachésiihe" latest a.hd prie p£|he$best for" canning, this wegjcr If you can still get a "few Elbertas, fake thëjn. Some good prunes prunes aré stifl iavaUijbte^ Do not forget out soldiers.' Do' up a few jars for them and communicate^ with the . 'Canadian Club or Red Crbss Branch in thè nearest nearest city., - horse And outfit for sale. Driving horse in good condition, 2 sets single harness, rubber tired top buggy, nearly as good as new, ateehtired open buggy, rug, etc., complete. complete. Will sell separately or entire outfit. This is ; a ; -. genuine bargain that ■ will b e snapped up qmckly. . Get particulars from Norman Norman James, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 39t DURHAM COUNTY FARM FOR SALE $2500.00. Seventy acres, Clarke township, nine roomed dwelling, bank.ham, good.stables, drive house, 'poultry house and piggery, three acres good bearing Orchard and small fruits, five acres bush, spring creek, two miles from Starkville and Newtonville, clear of encumbrance. Will take house in Bowmanville or Oshawa. Vii M JOHN"FISHER & CO.. " IjumsdenrBnilding, Toronto. CARD OF : THANKS, - Mrs. A. E. McCready desires to thank the many friends for kindness and sympathy sympathy expressed during the long illness of her sister, Isabella Fleming. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN DIAMONDS ? If so, it will pay you to investigate our values in Diamond Rings. We carry in stock a large assortment of the smallèr and lower priced stones, and have special arrangements with a large Diamond Merchant in Toronto to procure on approval at short notice a selection of any of the larger stones not kept in stock by us. _ ... By not having to stock the more expensive rings we are'enabled are'enabled to,quote you surprisingly close pieces. Come in and let us talk the matter over with you. * E / C. H. HADD Y G ALVES ESVRAY--Came on lot 2, con. 3, Darlington, about Sept. 14, 4 Spring calves. Ownei requested to prove property, pay expenses expenses and tike them away. W; J. Bragg, Bowmanville. n s irwEIFER. STRAYED--Came on lot 14, con 8, |j Darlington, about July 10, red heifer, year- ling past. Owner may have same by proving proving property and paying expenses. Apply to W. H. Trewin, Haydon. 39 3* F ARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being part lots 3, 4, B.F. Darlington, in good state of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns with stone stabling underneath. For terms apply apply to Mrs. Jas. McCONNACHIE, Concession-st., Bowmanville. 40-tf F ARM FOR SALE--75 acres of good land, being being lot 24, con 4, Darlington, on which are good frame house, barns, stables, etc., creek running through farm. Close to Solina C. N. R. station,- stock and coal yards, fruit house and store. For terms apply to J. H, Trull, Solina.38t Jeweler *Bowmanville 1915 FALL FAVORITES Dame Fashion has put her stamp of approval on the shoe styles for fall See them in our 1 : window Step in and put on a pair. | A Shoe for every foot. A price for every purse. FRED. R. FOLEY, Parlor Boot Shop. On the Sunny Side. Bowmanville Ontario piiiiiBUHimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiniii»fflHiuiiiiMHiiiHiiniii| I The Pick of the | 1 Coal Fields | I j H There's a difference in coal. n H We're selling our customers || 1 the best--a coal that gives §§ gj an even, lasting heat, and 1 H burns clean to the last po ind. j| ■ LEHIGH VALLEY I 1 ANTHRACITE | 8 The Coal That Satisfies = i i s We are prepared to make H = prompt deliveries. Phone g H in your order now. j I John A. Holgate t I & Son I 1 Phone 153," Bowmanville 1 Siiiiiiiiiuiiminiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiii Tod's Bread Was Never Better Than It Is To-day That is why so many'" people prefer it to making their own ibread. It is nourishing, wholesome, full weight, contains best grade flour and othèr ingredients, and is made under most sanitary methods. Keep the family healthy and good natured by feeding them more of Tod's Bread. Thomas Tod Baker And Confectioner Phqne$3, Bowmanville

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