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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1915, p. 8

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No room in the house deserves more attention than the Bath - Room because because your health may depend upon , the quality of the Plumbing. Defective P'1 ji m b i n g .creates sevrer gas and sewer gas brings typhoid. 'Standard" 'Brocklcy- Bath Let us make your Plumbing Plumbing modern and healthy. RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowmanville Not Sold Out, But Rejuvenated --And Still Ready to Serve You ^ The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is still selling SCRANTON SCRANTON COAL--the Standard Anthracite--and ready to fill orders for all sizes at Summer prices-, -which for the present are as follows : Egg, Stove & Chestnut $7.50 per ton; Péa $6.50 pér ton; NET CASH, delivered to all parts of thé town; 50c|per ton less at the Harbor. Customers wishing to pay for their coal now may have it delivered delivered at once or later on, as they see fit; and in the event of lower prices prevailing during the season all who pay for their coal will be protected fully by having difference in price refunded. 1Î We have also a full line of Building Material, including Dressed and Undressed Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, Oak, Maple, Birch, B. C. Cedar and Fir; also Beaver Board, Bishopric Wall Board; "Canada "Canada Cement", Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash and Mouldings. ESTIMATES ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. Our other lines are : Hard and Soft Wood, long or sawed and split; Cannel and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Fine and Coarse Salt, Land Plaster, Buckwheat, Barley, Oats and Wheat! If Your patronage is respectfully solicited, and we shall do our best to give you satisfactory service. 1Ï Special attention will be given to cash customers. McCLELLAN & CO., Limited King St. East, Bowmanville A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone Directory is now being prepared, and additions and changes fori t should be reported to our Local Manager at once. Bave you a telephone ? Those who hav^/ will tell you that it is the most precious of modern conveniences. j Why not order* to-day and have your name in the new directory? The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Runabout Price $480 Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Town Car Price $780 The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont., effective Aug. 2, 1915. No speedometer included in this year's equipment, otherwise otherwise cars fully equipped. Cars on display and sold at Ford Garàge Opp. Hotel Bowman ; Mrs. W.J. Trenouth has returned to her home in. Norwood, having spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert-- .Miss Birdie Burk is visiting visiting in Toronto... . Miss Merle Power has been visiting at Mr. H. T. Power's...... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crago visited her father, Mr. R. Osborne, town.. .'.Mr. D. Mutton is again making his threshing rounds. The yield of grain is turning out very good this year. . . .Miss Margaret Oke has sold her home on the Base Line to Mr. Joe Bell... .Mr. Arthur Burgess . has bought Mrs. Harvey Burk's farm on the Kingston road, now occupied by Mr. Wm; Pethick. ENNISKILLEN Visitors: Mesdames Frank Robbins and Wesley Oke at Mj\ Leyi Robbins, Hampton; Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, Burketon, ! with relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wood- ; ley, Tyrone, and Miss Jackson, Port Hope, ; at Mr. John SJemor.'s; Misses Hel.na and I Alma and Master Gordon Werry at Mr. Chas. Tamblyn's, Bowmanville; Mrs. i Nellie Perry at Mr. Bates', Hampton.... i Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson (nee Addié Pye) Toronto. It's a boy ... . Harvest Home services in ; Mèth- odist Church passed off quite successfully Sunday evening. Beautiful floral decora tions, good music, and a fine earnest address address by the pastor, together with the liberal liberal response financially, all tended to make it a success... .Next Sunday Rally 1 Day will be observed in Presbyterian . Church morning ard afternoon and in ! the Methodist Church in the evening.... ! League monthly Citizenship meeting was held Wednesday evening. The topic, "The Toiler and Nation Building" was prepared by Mrs. F. W. Lee and read by Pastor Wilkinson. We were also favored by a splendid address on "Work--Manual, Mental and Spiritual" by Mr. Knight of Wycliffe College, Toronto. Mr. Milton Sanderson gave a temperance reading and Mr. J. A. Werry the war talk.. The "Buds of Promise" make their first bow to the public on Friday evening. Our first fall shipment of the famous Supreme Steel Ranges are just received, and they are better than ever. Come in and see them. Mason & Dale. HAMPTON Watch for particulars of the Pumpkin Pie social Thanksgi, ing night Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Savage, South Roxton, Que., were recent guests at Mr. Edwin Reynolds on .heir return from a three months' trip to the World's Fair and Southern States Women's Insti ute will meet at Mrs. Chas. Stonhouse's this (Thursday) p. m. at 2.30. All ladies invited.... Mr. Charles Horn was judge on grain and his daughter Mrs. W. G. Doidge on ladies work at Blackstock Fair Miss N. Johns is at tending Faculty of Education, Toronto Woman's Missionary Society held their meeting at Mrs. I. L. Brown's, Sept 23rd. Good attendance. Mrs. S. Mount- joy and Miss Roach read excellent and helpful papers. Annual At Home and quilting Oct. 14. All interested cordially invited to assist Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and son Wallace, Mr. and Mrs/H. E. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery, Mr. Chas. Horn and Miss Minnie Horn autoed to Lindsay and enjoyed the fair A num ber of our young ladies enj ryed a picnic in the park Thursday Mr. Mv Robbins is building a silo The Sunday School Rally Sunday night was a great success. The.music rendered by a choir, of 24 voices was very good and was enjoyed by a large congregation. Pastor Brown assisted assisted the school. The floral decorations were much admired Mrs. W. Ander son, Janetville, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. C. N. Ruse.... Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Rowe and daughters Lois and Ruth visited at Mr. A. Trenouth's and Mr. G. Taylor's. Supreme Steel Range saves half your coal bill, best for baking, keeps the bouse warm and comfortable. Sold in Bowmanville Bowmanville by Mason &Dale. COURTICE Biblé Society annual meeting , was held in Ebenézer Church Thursday night. In spite of the rain quite a crowd turned out. Mr. Robinson of Tapan gave a grand lecture lecture on "The Land of the Mikado" illus trated by fine stereopticon views. Every one enjoyed this meeting. The officers for the South Darlington branch are a% follows: President, W. R. Courtice; Secre- tary, G. F. Annis; Treasurer, Mr. F. T. Guy.... A few from this district attended Orono Fair Fr day John Morrow lost a horse last week... .JHeavv rain fell Saturday Saturday nLht and Sunday a companied by heavy winds, flattened the corn, blew down apples and made things unpleasant generally generally ... .Miss L. McCalpin of Toronto was home over Sabbath.... The patriotic en- I tertainment Friday night was good and largely attended. "Sunshine" choir did nobly and the ladies' quartet was excel- : lent. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson gave a capital address on the war, as also did our. own pastor, Rev. R. A. Delve, who was chairman. chairman. Proceeds $22 Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brock on Monday Monday morning claiming their infant, four and a half months old. The funeral was conducted on Tuesday by Rev. Mr. Delve at the house and interment madè in Union cemetery Inspector Tilley visited our school Friday and found everything going going in good shape Mrs. L. Courtice spent last week at Oshawa Buckwheat harvest is now on and is a good^rield.... Mrs. A. E. Clemens of Tyrone spent a few days at her old home... .Corn is being cut now and some is being stooked, and much is being put into silos... .No service on Sunday morning on account of the heavy j ràinstorm. About 8b ■ came to Sunday School in the afternoon. At night our pastor gave an impressive sermon on "Is there a Hell ?" to a good-sized congregation... congregation... îMr. Kenneth Courtice attended à District S. S. Executive meeting at Hampton Saturday Our Epworth League begins for the season next Thursday Thursday night Oct. 7th and we hope will be a great success L .... Mr. W. R. Courtice, wheelright and painter, is being kept pretty busy these days and his work always always gives satisfaction Mr. Milton Gay got 2nd prize at Bowmanville on his fine driver Mr. and Mrs. Luther T. Courtice have returned to their home in I Calgary, Alta., after an enjoyable visit among relatives here... - Mr..and Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewood, Toronto, visited at her father's, Mr. Geo. Pearce... .Severalfrom here attended the Patriotic meeting at Maple Grove on Friday., night and -some of our talent assisted in the program. Canadian Catechism QUESTION Ï, ' What; is The Canadian Red Cross Society ? ANSWER I. It is a society for helping 1 our sick and wounded soldiers in time of war. ESTION II. Tlow does The Red Cross Society help our sick and wounded Canadian soldiers ? ANSWER II. By maintaining hospitals, doctors, nurses and ambulances, and by supplying stretchers, drugs, dressings, dressings, clothing and other supplies. QUESTION III. Why does not Government do all these things ? the ANSWER III. No military establishment establishment in the world has an Army Medical Medical Corps sufficient to care for the sick and wounded in time of war. QUESTION IV. Why not ? ANSWER IV. Because, according to the Geneva Convention of 1864, fifteen European nations agreed that neutrals neutrals and civilians could help the sick and wounded through Red Cross Societies, without being classed as belligerents. QUESTION V Why should I give my v money to The ^Canadian Red Cross Society? ANSWER V. Because that is the only way I, who am staying at home, can co-operate directly, with the armies in the field. QUESTION VI What will happen if everybody in Canada subscribes generously generously to the Red Cross ? ANSWER VI. Hundreds of Canadian soldiers will be returned fit to their duties at the front, and. many others who would not otherwise see home agàin, will be returned to the arms of their families. ' How much will you give toward this worthy cause on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 5 and 6 ? Wednesday, Oct. 13--Mr.W.J.Clemens, lot con. 4, Darlington, south of Hampton, haying sold his farm will sell all of his stock, implements etc. Sale at i p. in. See bills. James Bishop, auctioneer. HAYDON Come to the League At Home in the Church Thanksgiving night/ Good program program of solos, readings, instrumental music, etc., by local and outside talent. Refreshments. Admission 20c and ioc. Supreme Steel Ranges--the best on the market--are sold by Mason & Dale. HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR. Hampton Women's Institute will serve lunch from ioc up at the School Fair Friday, Friday, October 8 on the school grounds. Hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, etc. Proceeds for Red Cross Work. Patronize the ladies and help the good work. 40-2W SOLINA Mr. Norman Reynolds has resumed his studies at Toronto University Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Scott, Mr. Paul Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake attended Lindsay Fair... .Harvest Homè and Thanksgiving services at Eldad Sunday Oct. 10th. The church will be decorated with products of field, forest and garden. Special collection collection for Choir Fund Farmers Club meets Wednesday night next week Election of officers and other important business at Division this week The wind and rain badly beat down corn and a lot of apples Mr. T. Baker & Sons won a number of prizes, on Shorthorns and Shropshires at Orono Fair Sunday School Rally was not very well attended owing to rain.. Exercises were well carried carried out and singing was extra good Mrs. R. Pascoe is recovering from an attack attack of appendicitis... .Mr. R. J. McKes- sock being under the weather Tuesday, no school... .Miss Ellen J. James, town, is staying with Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. Blake McMurtry must have more farm produce to supply his customers. If you lave first grade butter or eggs bring them to the Model Grocery and get the cash. TYRONE Miss Jackson, Port Hope, and Mr. .^arold Gully, Toronto, at Mr. Thomas Woodley's; Mr. Jon. Philp, Cannington, and Mrs. Pearn, Toronto, at Mr. P. Werry's; Miss Emily and Mr. Thos. Goodman, Goodman, Columbus,- at Mr. L. Goodman's; Misses Velma Staples and Maida Ams- bary with friends at Oshawa; Mrs. A. E. Clemens with her mother, Mrs. L. M. Courtice, ' Courtice; Misses Ethel Lilli- crapp and Vera Colwill, Messrs Alex Staples, Lome Phare, Albert Hills, Lionel and Earl Byam and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Byam attended _ Lindsay Fair; - Messrs R. Hodgson, H. Hills, Levi Skinner and A. W. Clemens were prize winners at Bowmanville Bowmanville and Orono fairs. _ Chinamel will make your old baby car- | riage or go-cart like hew. W. H. Dustan. Rd. Snowden will have fresh, large, meaty Sealshipt Oysters Friday and Sat- I urday this week. . e Dr. Homes, the well-known skin specialist, specialist, writes: As a vernv.cide there is no preparation that equals Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It has saved the lives of countless children. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, Sept. 25 th- Regular meeting of Council, members all present, Reeve W. E. Courtice presiding. presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. G.T.R. acknowledged receipt of complaints of overhead bridge at lots 20 and 21, B.F. con., and promised attention. attention. C.P.R. acknowledged receipt of complaint of culvert at lot.2, con 2, being filled, and stated that same had received attention. John Allin made complaint that, on account of culvert being choked, water was Tunning down-right of way on G.T.R. and unto road at lot 6, B.F. con. causing much inconvenience and damage; Clerk instructed to notify G.T.R. and request request them to remedy same, they having assumed responsibility of keeping culvert I in repair. The sale of timber at lot 10, con 7 was left in hands of Couns. Clemens and Stephens. Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Coun. Baker were ' instructed to inspect fence at lot 25, con 7. On motion of Coun. Stephens and Clemens it was decided decided to call a public meeting in Town Hall, Hampton, on Thursday Oct. 21 at 8 p.m., when addresses will be given and ways and means considered in regard to raising a fitting contribution from Darlington township for patriotic purposes. Particulars Particulars later by advertisement and posters. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of 25c from Jas. Ashton for wood. These orders were drawn on Treasurer: Jos. Clatworthy, bridge work $300 00 Blake Courtice, -gravel. 80 S. J. Honey, " 1 30 J. Montgomery, " 3 80 Mrs. L. K. Murton " - 4 40 John Oke, " 4 90 W. E. Clarke, work Trull bridge.. 6 50 Benj. Powell, gravel 14 it; Pedlar People Ltd., culvert tubing 24 66 J. E. Allin, wire fence bonus : 4 7c Wesley R. Allin " 5 00 John Spry " 5 75 Robt.Gill " !2 bo Noble Metcalfe " 13 ex) Mrs. W. G. Stevens, on salary acc't 3 00 W. R. Allin, 3rd quartèr salary.. 87 50 M. A. James & Sons, printing, etc 107 25 John Reynolds, advance teacher's salary S S 20 . 100 00 Geo. White, do S.S. n 130 00 Council adjourned to Saturday October 30th at 10 a.m. W. R. Allin, Tp. Clerk. Touch-up your picture frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results will surprise you. Old goods made new with Chinamel. W. H. Dustan. BEFORE DISPOSING OF YOUR APPLES CONSULT, MR. E. PEARSON. For particulars of shipping facilities and trade conditions, etc, correspondence invited. invited. E. PEARSON, Newcastle, Got. Partner of Pearson Bros., Fruit Brokers, 3l-tf Liverpool, England. Wanted Now Reliable salesman to* act as agent in Durham & Ontario Counties. Pay Weekly Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the business business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliv- eries in first class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and ^ood money can be made in this district. --Jk>r particulars .^8* write Sales Manager, V PELHAM NURSERY CO.? *0*18 Toronto, Ontario Let Us Clean Your Clothes. Suits cleaned and pressed in 24 hours. Clothes dyed black for mourning in 48 hours. We have recently installed an "automatic steam cleaning press which is especially good for cleaning velvets. All work guaranteed. Gibson's Cleaning and Dye Works. ^ Phone 273 Bowmanville It's Easy Work to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new way at the new blacksmith shop. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. "Mowers "Mowers called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your wants will be attended to promptly. A. W. Pickard K South of Post Office*m Temot-rance St. A New Fall Importa tions of Wall PAPER have been received and placed in stock. Tfiey are very pretty and well worth your inspection, and at prices to suit everyone. h W. T. Allen tt Big 20" Bookstore Stall Fed Cattle Fdr Fall Trade. 'V We have recently purchased purchased a car load of stall fed steers, averaging 1200 lbs each, which is a very super ior lot of young cattle. ' In fact is is one of the finest "shipments of beef cattle we have ever purchased. We are bound to keep up the quality of our meat and only buy from the best feeders. Get the habit of buying your meat from C. M. Cawker & Son Phone 64, Bowmanville. \ g----. .

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