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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1915, p. 4

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BO WMAN VILLE, OCT. 2L, 1515 The Churches WHY DID MAYOR HILLIER REFUSE TO ACT? Rev. Geo. Yule, Oshawa Presbyterian Church, and Rev. W. J. West, Port Perry, exchanged pulpits Sunday. Rev. A. H. Drumm and Mr. John Mo / Murtry attended the meeting -of Whitby Presbytery in Oshawa Tuesday. /' Rev. H. E. Abraham, Guelph/conduct- j ed anniversary services in St. Paul's Presbyterian Presbyterian church, Port Hope, Sunday. Rev. John Gar butt, pastoi/of Simcoe-st, I Methodist Church, Oshawa/ addressed the j ! Presbyterian Guild in/that town on " Thanksgiving." Mrs. Andrew Stalter, Oshawa, is in ! Ottawa attending the 38th Ontario W.C. ! T.U. convention as representative of the! Union in that town. Methodist Union -of Toronto presented an illuminated address to Rev. Albert Carman, D.D., LL. D., General Superin- I tendent Emeritus and for thirty years General Superintendent of the Methodist | West End House What Mail & Empire Says About Mayors and Councils. We find we are not alone in our criticism criticism of Mayor Hillier for refusing to carry out the request of the Lieutenant-Governor Lieutenant-Governor to assist in organizing a campaign in 20th Century Brand If you are needing a new Overcoat this Winter drop in and look ours Over. We have a large variety of patterns and styles. Our prices are always right. Youth demands smartness in clothes and is entitled to demand it Have you, young man seen as smart a style as this Overcoat shown anywhere ? ; changed to conform with the style shoes you wear. The day for cumbersome, unsightly overshoes is passed, and you may now wear rubbers without feeling feeling that your feet present an appearance far from agreeable. We are showing rubbers for ladies and gentlemen and children in all the latest shapes and widths--the best rubbers made, and in styles Yo suit every taste, whether you want them to cover the entire shoe or merely protect the sole. Children's Rubbers at 40c Ladies' Rubbers at 70c Men's Rubbers at ; 90c to Ladies' Arctics at $1 50 to Men's Arctics at.. SI 50 to I of the sick and wounded soldiers. If the a socia * time enjoyed by the congregation, j respective Councils attended to this matter The junior Missionary Auxiliary of St. in the conscientious and systematic way Paul's Church held their organization j which the school ng of the war is making meeting at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) A. H. lithe rule for all business, Ontario will!Drumm Tuesday evening, when plàns I have no reason to be ashamed of j,ts con- were laid for the coming ^winter's work, j tributiôn." and the following officers elected: Presi- I The proclamation of the Lieutenant- I j 6nt ^! ss Flora Galbraith; Vice Presi- Governor sent to Mayor Hillier reads • dent--Miss Ida Stephens; 2nd Vice Presi- " We do hereby request that the Mayor dent --Miss H. Burk; Secretary--Miss Ber- of every town and city, will confer im- IH? a Cann; Treasurer Miss Belle Allen, mediately with the Patriotic and Red Next meeting at the Manse Nov. 6. Cross Organizations in his community and The Woman's Missionary Auxiliary of with such other organizations and societ- Sr. John's Anglican church held an internes internes as he may see fit, and call a public esting session Friday afternoon when meeting for the purpose of organizing a about 60 ladies of the congregation with campaign for the collection of funds on several visitors from Newcastle Auxiliary the twenty-first day of this month. We, listened to an address given by Miss Cart- I ^ rt £ermore, urge upon all clergymen in wright, Principal of St. Hilda's Ladies' the Province to bring this matter before College, Toronto. The address was great-I their congregations, etc." Iy enjoyed by the ladies, and after the Did Mayor Hillier "confer immediately " p J^olionaï exercises conducted by with the Patriotic and Red Cross Organ- ^® ^ re s ident » Mrs - A - D -Cousms,refresh- izations in his community" ? No merits were served and a social time . Pleasantly spent. Miss Cartwright was Did Mayor Hillier "confer with such guest of Mrs. (Rev.) T. A. Nind other organizations and societies" ? No. The annual thank-offering of the Worn- Did Mayor Hillier "call a public meet- an>s Missionary Society of St. Paul's Pres- ! j ing for purpose of organizing a cam- b y te f ian church was attended by a large i paign"? No. number of members and friends Tuesd -.yM Did Mayor Hillier think it was eyen vkfrTnm Mïc?n hey were / a y°f T ed with a 1 worth while to call a special meeting of Newcastle,' the Town Council to consider this request President Mrs NT^^if te " a ' • The 11 md obtain councillors'oninions ? 5. re - SIden X' Mrs : A L. Nicholls, in intro- I This 20th Century exclusive style Suit represents represents the latest word in smart attire for young* men A dozen other styles from which to choose Brand BRAND brand Blankets We have a full stock of Fine Wool Blankets, Heavy Grey Blankets and Horse Blankets. Robes and Rugs We can give you good value Buffalo Robes, Bugo-y Rugs Steamer Ru^s. 1Î The People's^Fuel and Lumber Depot is 'still selling SCRANTON SCRANTON COAL--the Standard Anthracite-^and ready to fill order; for all sizes at Summer prices, which for the present are as follows ■ Stojê 5 Chestnut 87.50 per ton; Péa 86.50 pértôn; JNL1 CASH, delivered to all parte of the town; SOcjper toneless at the Harbor, * ; 1Î Customers wishing to pay for their coal now may have it delivered delivered at once or later on, as they see fit: and in the event of lower prices prevailing during the season all who pay for their coal will be protected fully by having difference in price refunded. If We have âIso a fuI1 line of Building Material, including Dressed and Undressed Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, Oak, Maple, Birch, B C Cedar and Fir; also Beaver Board, Bishopric Wall Board, "Canada "Canada Cement", Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash and Mouldings ' ESTIMATES ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. ° ' Our other lines are : Hard and Soft Wood, long or sawed and split, Gannel and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Fine and Coarse Salt, Land Plaster, Buckwheat, Barley, Oats and Wheat. If Your patronage is respectfully solicited,-and we shall do our best to give you satisfactory service. If Special attention will be given to cash customers. during the visitor and speaker of the afternoon, made a very urgent plea to all to become members and to take some part in this important work of missions. Miss Drummond presented in a very kindly kindly and convincing manner causes for Thanksgiving for the splendid work being accomplished. All present were greatly pleased with the address and at the close a hearty vote of thanks moved by Mrs. T. Tod and seconded by Miss McMurtry was given the speaker for her excellent address. address. A social hour was then enjoyed when refreshments were served. Offering Offering $86 with more to come. Special 50 yds only pure wool Sheeting, 72 ins. wide, reg. $1.00, specials....85c Spécial 60 yds. only Flannelette Sheetin 72 in. wide, reg. 45c. special 35c. EPWORTH LEAGUE ENTERTAINS STUDENTS Everybody Welcome at McMurtry & Co. Ltd The High School staff and students of Bowmanville were guests of the Methodist Methodist Epworth League on Monday evening when they provided the literary part of thé program as follows : piano duets, Misses Misses Aileen and Ethelda Hazlewood, Miss Nellie Burk and Miss Zuern, Misses Leta Bragg and Helen Johnston; piano solo, Miss Ina Pethick; vocal solos, Misses Helen Johnstcn, Evelyn White and Florence Florence Van Nest; readings, Mr. Ken; eth Cox, Misses Esther Stevens and Stella Slemon; choruses by the boys and two by the girls. Each number was well given - OBITUARIES The Big Departmental Store Phone 83 Robert Russell Loscombe, K.C. Few men in Bowmanville have been better known to the citizens of town and country during the past 60 years than Robert Russell Loscombe, K, C., who passed to rest on Thursday, October 7, in his 80th year and was buried on Saturday, Oct. 9th. Deceased was son of Charles Robert Loscombe and his grandfather was Major Loscombe of Royal Irish Fusi liers, Bath, Andover. He came to Canada in 1834 and Robert Russell Loscombe was born at Niagara on August 9, 1835. The family moved to Toronto about 1845, where he attended Upper Canada College and later entered as a student in Hon. Edward Blake's father's^ law office. He came later to Bowmanville and was em-1 ployed in St. John Hutchinson's office for I a time, commencing business for himself 59 years ago--at the age of 21--and h s been continuously in practice ever sinef, even up to the Tuesday before his dea-i>, which came after a very brief illness th. u stomach trouble of some kind. He was gazetted a King's Counsellor hi January, 1908. He had a long and active I public career, having served 26 years in the Town Council, eleven of them as I Bowmanville McCLELLAN & CO., Limited T • King St. East, Bowmanville FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Eqnipment' Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville, Phones 10-34 Branches : OBONO HAMPTON Are Y ou Prepared For Cold Weather? Gèt the Habit Of Buying CHRISTIE'S Bread Cakes and Pastry mrseii these questions, and see if you are Is your furnace in good trim? Aie you contemplating' a new one ? I> your p.umbing in good repair? Do you intend installing a bathroom ? Is your stove in good repair ? Does it need new bricks, grates, etc ? YY ill you be needing a new one ? Have you a stove you want set un ? I hat is why so many people prefer it to making their own thread. It is nourishing, wholesome, full weight, contains best grade flour and other ingredients, and is made under most sanitary methods. Keep the family healthy and good natured by feeding them more of Tod's Bread. Alex. Christie The Home-Made Bakery Phone 97, Bowmanville W. H. DUST AN Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74 > Bowmanville Naims'Linoleums in two, three and four yards wide just opened out at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. If you want solid comfort next winter fill your bins with Scranton Coal and do now. Read our ad in another column. McClellan & Co Ltd. -- 2 Dont neglect your floors. Old r floors made to look like solid oak v Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustai A supreme Range with waterworks tached heats the water three times quickly as an ordinary stove. How is Mason & Dale will explain. Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville it&i

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