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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1915, p. 5

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y-. SSK^STr s8?& K, IB! Am Of > < >S ^r j* In other words, l am selling some lines of groceries for less than is the usual custom in Bowmanville 117HEN I started in business about a month ago it was my aim and determination, first, to sell groceries of the highest "quality ; second, to sell groceries on a small margin of profit; third, to give my customers prompt service and teous treatment at all times. Social and Personal. cour- From the generous patronage I have already received from the citizens of Bowmanville and • I my many friends in the Township it is sufficient proof that the values and service given at the Model Grocery is unexcelled. Why should I be accused of cutting prices ? If I find that I can sell certain lines of groceries cheaper than somebody else you don't call that "cutting," It is giving better value--more groceries groceries for the same amount of money--and that is what the Model Grocery is doing every week. Watch for -{he Friday and Saturday Grocery Specials at The Model Grocery this week. Poultry, Butter and Eggs Wanted Farmers, before disposing of your farm produce get my cash prices. W. Blake McMurtry (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville X - \ Now Is the Right Time to Buy / Your Winter's Supply of POTATOES Specially Treated Against Rôt Prices Right HOWARD COUCH R.M.D. No.4 Bowmanville Phone 146 rl3 i- k r e !• ^ili^lMIWUBPBroUIIIBWBWBBiWHIIIWIiyilWllllllllWIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWMllWIIWIIIMIWUlilllWWMHWBBHMWBMt^ | Let Us Cut Your Coal Bills * § 1 Our customers will tell you that their coal bills run 1 low. The reason is that we sell and they bum 1 LEHIGHVALLEY ANTHRACITE i The Coal That Satisfies | You get the best when you get this coal. Extremely I rich in carbon; carefully prepared. Yet we charge you 1 no more than you would pay for any other coaL I Why not give us a triad order today? JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153, Bowmanville Miss Florence Hoar is visiting friends in Cleveland, Ohio. See particulars of Library 27 in another column. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thornley Pennington have moved to Mimico. Mr. Percy Greenfield has enlisted and left Monday for Kingston, Miss Wilkinson, Toronto, is visiting her aunt/ Mrs. (Dr.) A. S. Tilley. Miss Luta Snÿth, Enniskillen, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rd. Snowden. Mr. D. G. Carter and bride, Napàhee, are guests of Mr. P. C. Trebilcock. Mrs. (Dr.) H. L. Barber and two children children are visiting at Mr. Albert Barber's. Mr. Russell Brown, Windsor, is home recovering from a siege of typhoid fever. Mrs. T. F. McCabe and family are mov-* ing to Belleville where Mr. McCabe is employed. employed. Mrs. Percy Finley, Bobcaygeon, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Herschell Hooper. - . Mr. Geo. Allum and daughter Helen, Toronto, recently visited his sister, Mrs. F. CatOr. . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Down spent. Sunday Sunday with his niece, Mrs. Harold Hayes, Columbus. Pte. Fred Davis of the 34th Batt., London, London, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. G. H. Bickell. Major W. Ç. King and Mrs. D. C. Betts were guests of Mrs. T. E. Knowlton, Toronto, Toronto, Sunday. ^Mrs. W. M. Ives recently visited her sister, sister, Mrs. W. Wright and other relatives at.Dundonald. Miss E. M. Ottdn attended the funeral of her uncle the late Asa Otton at Newcastle Newcastle Sunday. Rev. Walter Smart, wife, WeSley and Marjory, Bethany, visited Mrs. Thos. May, Harmony, recently. Mrs. Alex. Paterson, Richmond Hill, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st.. Mrs. Edwin Gould and Miss Eva Andrews, Andrews, Col borne, spent Thanksgiving with friends in Bowmanville. L : eut. Leon Dumas, Barriefield Camp, Kingston, Miss Mary Law, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. R. Dumas. Misses Alice Thompson and Janey Mason spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thompson, Port Hope. Pte. Ernest A. Meader, Niagara Military Military Camp, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Meader. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brittain, Mrs. Geo. Brittain, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. F. A. Haddy's and with other relatives here. Mrs. Colin Macdonald, Edmonton, Alta,, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robt. Young and sister, Mrs. M. Nokes a d other relatives relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Nunn, C. W. Nunn and J. T. Nunn jr, Colborne, attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Granger, Hamilton. Dr. H. L. Barber, Burk's Falls, and Mrs. (Dr.) Hogg, Preston, were called here again by the serious illness of their father, father, Mr. Albert Barber. Mr. Robert Carscadden, Wesleyvife, who met with a painful accident some time ago, by breaking his leg and dislocating dislocating the knee, is still in a serious condition. Messrs, Leonard and Ernest Bottrell, Toronto, spent Wednesday at home in honor of the 35th anniversary of the wedding wedding day of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bottrell-. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brooks, Solina, announce announce the engagement of the,r second daughter, Effa Mildred, to Mr. Harry E. Grooms, Toronto, formerly of Napanee. j he marriage will take place in November. Mr. Harry Balson, Courtice, brot us a ! fine sample of the fruits of his orchard last week. They were beauties and were luscious to eat and cook. May his orchard orchard continue to produce such finefruits. Mr. T. M. Horsey, purser on the steamer steamer Kingston, has enlisted with the 34th Battery. He is the second son of the late Capt. Edwin Horsey to volunteer for overseas overseas service. He is a nephew of Mr. W. M. Horsey, P. M., Bowmanville. Bowmanville Woman's Institute will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. J. T. Hooper on Friday, Oct. 29, when a contest in sugar cookies and other interesting features will be enjoyed by the members and any friend who desires desires to come. Mr. and Mrs; J. W. Sparling left Thursday Thursday morning for Orange, Southern California, California, where they will spend the winter. We trust that the balmy air and beautiful climate of that country will fully restore Mr. Sparling's health and he will return to enjoy his home once more among us. Mr. arid Mrs. R. J. Gill visited relatives in Brockville this week. Miss Addie Cawker has returned frorria pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. Mr, R. H.'Pickard, Kingsville, spent Thanksgiving with his parents and brother. Mrs. A. L. Nicholls recently visited her father at Niagara Falls and her sister in concert Oct. Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Pickard, Newcastle, is spending spending a few days with her son, Mr. A. W. Pickard. Miss Hamden and Miss Clarke were in Toronto this week_ looking up something new in millinery. 'Mr. J. E. Beacock, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. RoySpençer, Pontypoo], visited at Mr. A. W. Pickard's Sunday. Watch for list of grocery specials at W. Blake McMurtry's (Model Grocery) this week--Friday and Saturday. Mr. Wilfrid Hobden and sister, Mrs. Roger Vaughan, Boston, Mass., are visiting visiting their aunt, Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mrs. T. W. Underwood, Markham, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freeborn, Port Perry, recently recently visited at Mr. Alex. Colville's. Miss Eisler of the Central Millinery was in Toronto this week selecting later styles and creations in mid-autumn . ladies head- wear. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allin autoed to Colborne and spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. J. Batstone. - Dr. R. W. Clark has moved his office to his residence at the North-West corner of Lowe and Centre-sts. Entrance to office on Centre-st. Phone 23. 42-2 There will be no kick coming Mr. Farmer Farmer if you take your butter, poultry and eggs to the Model Grocery, because you are sure to get best prices. Phone 72. Special meeting of Canadian Order of Foresters this Thursday night. Every member be present as Organizer Wylie will be present with some good news for the members. Bring your furs in NOW to be repaired or have alterations made. We can guarantee guarantee work done promptly and satisfactorily satisfactorily if brought in this month. Mayer's Fur Store. Phone 229. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pier and daughters, Blanche, Dora and Ellen and son Morley and Mrs. Geo. Colwill and son, Tommy, Toronto, motored to Mr. J. Frank Osborne's, Osborne's, Clarke, Sunday. The Provincial Government has purchased purchased from W. H. Gibson, Newcastle, a car load, (600 boxes) of Golden Russet apples to be shipped to the hospitals in France for wounded soldiers. Dr. Davison, Eye Specialist, wishes it thoroughly understood that he is nothing in common with ordinary travelling opticians, opticians, but he prefers the most difficult cases. Phone 127 for appointments. Cold, frosty weather will soon be here and furs will be in order. Maybe you intend intend having > our furs repaired or altered. Now is the timoto bring them to Mayer's Fur Store if you want it done properly. A number of the young friends of Pte. Doiph Tucker assembled at the C. P. R , station Tuesday night and gave him a farewell "send off" in the form of an illuminated illuminated wrist watch accompanied by the good wishes-of his old friends in this town. Pte. Adolph Tucker who enlisted at Moose Jaw with the 46th Batt., stopped off at Bowmanville to visit his mother, Mrs. W. H. Tucker. He left Tuesday for Montreal and thence ' for England. Pte. Douglas Brittain, son of the late Harry Brittain, formerly of this town, is in the same battalion. The American War Cry has been received received containing an obituary of the late Mrs. Staff-Captain Ayre who died at Pasadena, Pasadena, Cal., Sept. 17. Some Very fine tributes are paid to the life and w rk of Mrs. Ayre who is well known to many ! Bowmanville people. As the facts of her death have already been given in our issue of Oct. 14 we will not repeat. A good photo of deceased also appears in this number of the War Cry. ARE YOU A LOVER . Of plants arid flowers ? If so, you are invited to the annual meeting of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Horticultural Society in the Council Room, Wednesday, November 3, at 8 p m. Come and hear the annual report report and learn the advantages of belonging belonging to this society. Every member is urgently requested to be present and bring a friend who is interested in this work of beautifying the home. Wm. Trewin, . Jas. Deyman, President. Secretary. PUBLIC LIBRARY CONCERT. Opera House, Wednesday, Oct. 27. Public Library have been fortunate in securing the services of these well-known artists forits oopular concert in the Opera House, Bowmanville, Wednesday, Oct. 27: Mrs. L. F. Jones, soloist, St. Thomas church, Toronto, Miss Burnham, Port Hope, Miss Helen Martin, Prof. C. C. Laugher, Mr. H. J. Knight, Miss Mamie Shaw,§ Mr. Franke, Russian Violinist, Miss Eva Mitchell, Orono, and . Mr. T. S, Holgate.. Admission 25c and 35c. Proceeds Proceeds will be devoted to upkeep of the Public Library. GIRLS MAKE A RECORD. The Tea Rcom which is conducted in the rooms formerly used as Dental Parlors by Dr. Devitt, each Saturday afternoon and evening by the Girls' Patriotic Club has become so popular that many citizens look forward with pleasant anticipations to this social event from week to week. The various menus have pleased all tastes and the proceeds have grown each week until last Saturday a record was reached ot $42.50. A feature of the menu was large, luscious, fresh raspberries donated by the grower, Mr. J. H. H. Jury, being the second bearing from his bushes this season. The "Jolly Stitchers" were in charge last Saturday, and this week the younger "girls" will serve macaroni and other tempting viands. The financial statement of the club for September appears appears on page 2 of this issue. '.mm: A nnoancement Re Gold Brooches Our stock of gold brooches is so large we are going to reduce it by giving for a few days only a special discount of 20 per cent, off all our gold brooches. This is a very attractive offer for parties looking for something something in this line for Xmas, as we have just received our Fall goods and the selection is as large as you would find in most city stores. This special offer is good only from October 20 to October 30. For a small deposit we will put any of these aside for Xmas. This is a rare offer for this season of the year and should be taken advantage of early. Jeweler C.H.HABDY Bowmanville BIRTHS. Webster--In Clarke," Oct 9, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Webster, a (laughter. Peeling--In Ushawa, Oct. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Peeling:, a son. (Bruce Albert). Colville--At Bowmanville Hospital, Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Colville, a son (Alexander). MARRIAGES Markin--Mills--In Toronto, Oct. 12, by Rev. Dr. Wilson, Maitland W. Marklin, and Anna S. Mills. Oct. 11th, by Rev. and May Alberta Young--Piper--In Oshawa, John Garbntt, Stanley Young, Piper, both of Oshawa. Wilson--Lee --In Oshawa, by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Wilson, Wilfrid Frederic Wilson, and Pearl Wane, daughter of Mr. David Lee, both of Oshawa. Wallace--Laidlaw--At Port Hope, Oct. 14, by Rev. G; C. Pidgeon. D. D., Mrs. Margaret Laidlaw, Laidlaw, Toronto, and Rev. W. G. Wallace, D. D., pastor of Bloor-st Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Crest, Toronto, on Methodist thence to 14, CHRISTMAS BOXES FOR THE SOLDIERS The Girls' Patriotic Club is arranging to send a bundle of Christmas presents to the soldiers at the front about Nov. 1st. Parcels are to be left at W. H. Dastan's store and will be placed in the window. Any of the following articles will be acceptable acceptable : jams, jellies, fruit cake, candy, chewing gum, candles, lead pencils, note paper, magazines, tobacco, shaving soap, small towels, colored handkerchiefs, mitts, socks, etc. Send in your gifts early in order that arrangements may be made for transit. NEWSPAPERMAN DROWNED %imm 1 1 * Farmers, take your produce to the Model Grocery--there is where you get the best cash prices. Phone 72. Supreme Range is the greatest hot water heater on the market. It is made to heat the water quickly. Ask Mason & Dale for particulars. Touch up your picture frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results will surprise you. Old goods made new with Chinamel. W. H. Dustan. Better have that old fur altered into a stylish shape. If you want work- done now is the time before the big rush next month. Mayer's Fur Store. Phone 229. Couch, Johnston & Çryderman -have just opened out the biggest shipment of men's and boys' suits they have ever received received at one time, and having placed this order early they are able to sell these goods at old prices, notwithstanding the big advance in woolen goods. Chinamel will make your old baby carriage carriage or go-cart like new. W. H. Dustan.' Dont worry about hard times. Chinamel your old furniture. Your neighbors will think it's new. W. H. Dustan. If your cook is "out of sorts" because the "fire won't burn" order some Scranton Coal and then "See her smilé." 2^ 3. Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats and Suits ma^e up in the most up-to-date styles and of the newest materials just received received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Women's Patriotic League wish to acknowledge acknowledge the following donations from the little folks : $1 each from Willie Point- on and James Nicholls, 75 c from Mabel Gainer. To you who are installing waterworks you will want a good stove to heat the water and do it quickly. The best stove for that purpose is the Supreme Range. Mason & Dale. To be brief, in commenting on the Guy Brothers' Minstrel Show which appeared in the Opera House Saturday night we might say that the anticipation surpassed the realization of the performance. This well known company riaust put on a better show than that given Saturday night if they expeet to. get~a "full house" sqch as they have enjoyed in this town for many years. Sunday last a number of the members of Jerusalem Lodge, No. 31, A.F. & A.M attended the funeral of the late Asa Otton at Newcastle. Deceased had been suffering suffering from cancer but a medical inspection in the General Hospital, Toronto, revealed revealed that nothing could be done and he passed passed away on Thursday, Oct. 14. Rev. J. E. Penning, rector of St. George's church, conducted the service, the interment taking taking place in the Wilmot BuryingGround. A very large cortege followed the remains to their last resting place. The S. S. Missanabie arrived at Plymouth Plymouth on Monday with Canadian troops including the 8th Canadian Mounted Rjfles in which Unit, are Major A. E. Me-. Laughlin, second in command, Ptes. Andrew Andrew Nicholls, R. Dickinson, Oscar Pingle, Sid Thompson, R. Tait and one or two others from here whose names we do not know. The choir and congregation of the Methodist church sang "For those in peril on the sea" the Sunday evening after our boys sailed from Montreal. All will be pleased to learn of their safe arrival in England. We expect to hear good reports of Major McLaughlin and his Canadian braves. This contingent left Barriefield Camp on October 8th. Wanted at once--1000 lbs choice butter, 500 plump spring chickens, 10,000 dozen fresh eggs. Deliver the goods to Blake McMurtry at Model Grocery. Phone 72. A' sad and distressing tragedy took place near Lindsay last Thursday when Allen J. Gillies, proprietor of the Watchman- Warder, and Chas. W. Hall, barber, were drowned in Scugog River. The two men had gone out in the former's- steam launch to Sturgeon Point, and no one knows what happened. Hall's body was found the same evening, but Gillies', body was not recovered until Friday afternoon. The funerals took place Sunday and were very largely attended. Hall leaves a wife and one. child. Gillies leaves a wife and four children. Mr. Gillies was born in Lindsay and learned his trade in the Watchman office. He afterwards worked in the Warder office, in Hamilton and Stratford Herald offices, eight years ago returning to Lindsay to assume proprietorship of the Warder. His many friends in the newspaper fraternity will sympathize with the widow and little children. DEATHS Martin--At 54 High View Oct. 20, Mrs. John Martin» Funeral service at the Enniskillen church, Friday, Oct. 22nd, at 1.30 p.m. Bowmanville cemetery for.bnrial. King--In Township of Hamilton, Oct. 16, Andrew Andrew King, in his 91st year. xxT H ^. LL T By TT r i°, wning , in Scn eog, Oct. 14. Charles Wellington Hall, aged 28 years. Uglow--At Port Hope, Oct. 16, Ann Evans, re lict of late Thos, Uglow, aged 85 years. Otton--In Toronto General Hospital, Oct Asa Otton, Newcastle, in his 57th year. LOSCOMBE--In Bowmanville, October 7, Robert Russell Loscnmbe, K. C., aged 80 years. Hills--At Port Hope. Oct. 12th, Ann Jane Uglow, Uglow, widow of Thos. Hills, aged 78 years. Rogers--On Oct. 13, Ernest Rogers. Manvers Station. Interred at Pontypool Cemetery. Elliott--Entered into rest, at his residence, Hampton, Oct. 15, Henry Elliott, in his 81st year. Bishop--In Oshawa, Oct. 11, Julia White, be- lo\ ed ■wife of M r. J allies Bishop, in her 54th year. BRIMACOMBE--At Osaca. Out. 14th, Margaret Penny, relict of late Thos. Brimacombe, aged IS years. Granger--At Hamilton, Oct. 10, Mrs. Granger wife of A. W. Granger, G.T.R. agent, Lorneville Junction. _ Gillies--By drowning in Scngog, Oct. 14, Allan J. Gillies. Publisher^of The Warder, Lin-lsay, aged 40 years. r. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 7th, Lizzie G. Gill, beloved wife of J. R. Mitchell, formerly of Port Hope Tail's Reputation For the Best Groceries Has stood the test of time, and we have never been better able to give our many customers better values, better service and better groceries than we are doing to-day. Our increase in business during the past year has been very gratifying. It is sufficient proof that it pays to buy your groceries from Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. C. C. LAUGHER A.L.C.M. L.L.C.M. F.V.C.M. Piano Violin Composition Get down that VIOLIN. Write Box 414 Bowmanville. I will mail Terms and 40-tf interview. arrange & ■>: if DR. B. J. DAVISON SIGHT SPECIALIST BOWMANVILLE Phone 127 for appointments in Town or Country Difficult cases preferred. H OUSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b How the War Affects the Price of Underwear Owing to the great demand for woolens woolens for clothing and underwear for the soldiers, woolens have advanced greatly in price in Canada, underwear would necessarily necessarily be much higher in price this fall. Last Spring The Anderson Clothing Co were offered a great snap on men's combination combination suits by one of the largest and most reliable makers .of underwear in Canada. The lines we bought were all high-priced lines, as these were the lines most affected by the depression in business. business. Men's combination silk and wool that have always sold at $5.00 we are selling selling at $3.50. Men's combination, finest botany wool, spring needle knit, medium weight, a regular $4.50 suit for $3.00. One more line--fine, spring needle knit, medium medium weight, comifr nation or two piece, regular $2.00 per suit, now $1.50. AndersonClothing Co, Bowmanville. H OUSE FOR SALE--An entirely new 7-rromed house on large lot. Apply Thos. Hardy, Liberty-st., Bowmanville. modern to 43 1 rUITE TO RENT--4-roomed suite, unfurnished, k in good part of the town with water and light. Apply to Box 71, Bowmanville. 41t IRL WANTED-- For general house work. Duties to commence Nov, l. Apply to Mrs. A. W. Pickard, King-st, Bowmanville, or Phone 186. 435 G' F ORD CAR FOR SALE--Second-hand this year model, 5-passenger, in good condition. Ap- ~ply Bradley Bros., Ford Garage, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Phone j 149. 422 F ARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being part lots 3, 4, B.F. Darlington, In good state of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns with stone stabling underneath. For terms ap- jdyto Mrs. Jas. McOonnachie, Concession-st., | I x I ! % I I îowman ville. 40-tf OR SALE--Brick residence with modern fit- tings and three acres of land with fruit . trees, etc,, property, of Dr. B. J. Dandeno, situated on Liberty st. North, Bowmanville. Any reasonable offer accepted. Small payment down. Apply to L. A. Tole, real estate agent, rule. Bowmanvill 43t MONEY WANTED. $600.00 first mortgage security wanted, Durham County farm, interest six per cent per annum. S7CO.OO wanted first mortgage security, Durham County, hundred acies, flvfe and half to six per cent per annum. JOHN FISHER <fc CO.. Lumsderi Building, Toronto. And carefully inspecteur magnificent display of high class Fashion Favorites in Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses. Our Dress Goods in silk, silk and wool and wool-are up to the minute minute in style, texture and value. Gur stock of General Dry Goods is now complete in every department. department. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville We Invite You to Call And View Our Fall Styles %% I- i >1 i M r-

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