i & cm, T 4 GERMANY'S IGNOBLE BACKDOWN. BACKDOWN. By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Col. Military Mems. ) To the victors belong the spoiled towns and villages. Are the Russian army costs charged to running expenses ? Speaking of soldiers, a body of burglars should make a crack corps. And a corps of stokers should be able to advance under a hot fire. Why do soldiers need blankets when they can cover themselves with glory on the field? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5ASTORI A Cask's Cotton Root Compound. A sale, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) CHARM MOTHERHOOD Enhanced By Perfect Physical Physical Health. . After much "crimination and recrimination" recrimination" between the governments governments of the U. S. and that of Germany, Germany, the Kaiser has at last yielded to the American demand respecting submarine depredations. Some people call this a diplomatic victory for the Yankee nation; but others are equally insistent that Germany Germany has yielded only because "the waters were made too hot" for her by the activity of the British naval force. Whatever may be the real cause of Germany's acceding to America's. demand, demand, the result is equally glorious and reassuring. Regret, disavowal and indemnity are all conceded by Germany, with the assurance that the Teuton will hareafter be good. We are assured that the-Kaiser's order order to his submarines has been made so drastically stringent that the recurrence recurrence of incidents similar to the Arabic and Lusitania cases is considered considered out of the question. At the outset of the negotiations Germany asserted her right in unmistakable unmistakable terms to continue her original submarine policy, and stated in its first note that "the German Government Government is unable to acknowledge any obligation to grant indemnity in the matter, even if the commander of the submarine should have been mistaken as to the aggressive intentions of the Arabic." But, in the note a month or so later, we were informed by Count Bernstorff, that Germany is willing to negotiate • concerning the amount of the indemnity to be paid for the disaster, and this is expressly stated, whether the submarine commander commander w r as convinced or not, that the Arabic intended to ram the submarine; submarine; . and Germany has gracefully yielded to the testimony of the British British officers to the contrary. The Imperial government, in the same note, assured America that "the at- ; tack of the submarine was undertaken undertaken against the instructions issued to the commander," and that "the Government disavows the act and has notified the commander, Schneider, accordingly." We have some recollection of a "war zone" decree, and the liberal dimensions thereof, as set by the German German naval officials, but all this is now a mere reminiscence, it seems, and we are to hear no more about it. This is a signal and surprising victory victory for the whole world, for it fixes the limits of submarine activity for THE JOY OF BEING ALIVE AND WELL RED CROSS PUBLICITY. Statistics ■ of Work in tour in Nova Scotia in aid -of the Red Cross. Saltfleet township near Hamilton has decided to give $200 monthly to the Red Cross until the end of the Restored To Health By "Fruit-a-tives" The Famous Fruit Medicine Red Cross Ontario. In a great many towns joint Red Cross and Patriotic Fund Campaigns war. have been conducted, in which either j The students of McDonald College, 50, 25 or 40% of the proceeds went to 1 Guelph, have contributed $190 to the thé Red Cross. These campaigns Red Cross Society, lave been remarkably successful. A lady of Scotch descent in Am in Bowmanville, for instance, near- herst,--N.S., has offered to the Red y $22,000 was raised, in Midland Cross two antique chairs which are MDE. ROCHON Rochon, P.Q. March 2nd, 1915. "I have received the most wonderful benefit from taking 'Fruit-a-tives'.. I suffered for years from Rheumatism and change of life, and I took every remedy obtainable, without any good results. I heard of 'Fruit-a-tives' and gave it a trial and it was the only medicine that really did me good. Now I am entirely well ; the Rheumatism has disappeared and the terrible pains in my body are all gone. I am exceedingly exceedingly grateful to 'Fruit-a-tives' for such relief, and X hope • that others who suffer from such distressing diseases will try 'Fruit-a-tives' and get well". MADAME IS AIE ROCHON. The marvellous work that 'Fruit-a- tives' is doing, in overcoming disease and healing the sick, is winning the admiration of thousands and thousands. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. $17,000, in -Gampbellford $11,000, in Orangeville $7,000, in Alliston $5,000, in Shelbourne $5,100, in Beeton $2,000, in Creemore $2,500, in Stay- nor $2,600, and in Sault Ste. Marie $70,000. This campaign method produces large sums of money, as can be seen in the published results of Trafalgar Day, but that should give no discouragement discouragement to the small branches which by faithful and systematic work keep alive the Red Cross idea from one end of the year to the other. These few figures are a good indication indication of the way in which, in Red over 150 years old. Sussex, N.B., Red Cross has raised $1,448 during the past year. The Red Cross in the villages of Grand Pre and Hortonville, N.S., have raised $409 in cash and 337 in supplies. The Connaught Red Cross Society is the name of a new branch recently organized in Grand City, Man. The city Post Office employees in Ottawa have donated to the Red Cross a motor field ambulance received by the Ottawa Red Crossr Richard Livingstone, charged in the London police court with making a Cross .matters, Ontario is discharging I false statement that the Red Cross is 1 . i 1 . . * _ _ £? 1 -- « n. r, rtl 1 i VI /v n /-X rtlrn 4- z-v nrtl rll /Wfi OT AT» r\ C? û All V its duty, -as the province of largest population arid greatest wealth. Red Cross News. The Beaches Red Cross Auxiliary of Toronto have in the past year collected collected $4,700 cash and have made 14,- 800 articles. The Vancouver Red Cross reports a total cash contribution of $75,147 during during the past year. Shipments of Red Cross supplies have consisted of 1,080 cases, containing 861,000 articles. articles. The year's record of the Toronto Red Crriss Society shows a total cash. t cofltribu ion of $166,873 and supplies * jnmates of the Hospital for In- compnsmg 675,000 articles of a value I curable3 in Toronto have, during the selling socks to soldiers, before securing securing his release was forced to sign a legal affidavit repudiating this allegation. allegation. $1,575 has been raised by the Mel- ford, Man., branch of the Red Cross, as shown by its annual report. Members of the Brook Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire have organized a new Red Cross branch at New Dublin near Brockville. A new Red Cross auxiliary branch has recently been formed in Naskup, B.C. The Red Cross at Eganville near Ottawa has collected $973 during the The experience of Motherhood is a trying trying one to most women and marks distinctly distinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a hundred is prepared or un- f -Jerstands how to properly care for herself. herself. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experience experience with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Following that the weapon she relied upon has been struck from her hand, and that ends it. The President got nearly every^ thing he demended, bit by bit, and the American public kept its head and backed the President. The war-toot- ers and peace-at-any-price fawners, and the angry hyphenated citizens have had their dayi in court. The public has had enough of . them. Whether Whether the President "muddled through" in the diplomatic controversy, as some claim, or not, we have escaped the of $108,500. Since Ajigust the St. John Red Cross has used 52,000 yards of material material in making garments for wounded wounded soldiers. Berlin, Ont., is raising $20,000 for the British Red Cross by the issue of debentures. Miss Mary Hall, an African ex plorer, who is a member of the Royal Geographical Society, is on a lecture all time, and demonstrates how illy danger of being dragged into an igno- founded were Mr. Bryan's direful apprehensions apprehensions that found expression in his resignation as a cabinet officer. What a chance for immortal glory his evil genius induced him to throw away! This is not merely an American victory. victory. In principle the U. S. has been ' defending the rights of all neutrals, : and all will rejoice over the success : of American diplomacy. The result will make it easier to right upon this comes the nervous strain ■ broaden and strengthen the code of of caring for the child, and a distinct ' international rights when the present change in the mother results. j W ar is ended. Force has bowed to There is nothing more charming than rectitude, and morahty has dominated a happy and healthy mother of children, power once more. President Wilson s and indeed child-birth under the right statesmanship, inflexible will and conditions need be no hazard to health or lofty courage have again triumphed, beauty. The unexplainable thing is and though harassed at home^by the that, with all the evidence of shattered impatient, and heckled by minious war. Denver, Nov. 3, 1915. • : * nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with ample ample time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. In many homes once childless there are now children because because of the fact that Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound makes V\\ women normal, /Jjjf, healthy and strong. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. PInkham Medicine Co. (confl- ^ .. - , . T • dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter .will : ated, should easily apply to the Lusi- be onened, read and answered by a ; tania when the time comes to settle Yixvuén and held in strict confidence. . that dispute. It is enough to know =3 Teutonic sympathizers, he deserves and will receive the adoration of a grateful people. Certain papers in this country that stand for America's preparedness, however, are disposed to belittle the achievement, and claim, if there is a triumph, it is naval rather than diplomatic, diplomatic, for, say they, "Germany has abandoned her submarine warfare against merchant shipping and the rights of neutrals because the British fleet has made the submarine question a dead issue." . What about the Lusitania? demand these papers. That question is still unsettled. , But Germany's answer in the case 1 of the Arabic, and the concessions therein made, and principles enunei I ALLAN I IN royal 'Mail steamships To Liverpool - Blasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamer* are equipped with every convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and pleasure while travelling.^ A delightful journey from the commencement of the trip to the last hour on board. 1 For rates, soiling dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE, 95 King 5b. West, Toronto. M. a. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. COMPLETE TRAIN SERVICE "The 'Rideau" and "The York", New Trains Between Toronto and Ottawa via Canadian Pacific Pacific Railway. Bowmanville's train service east and west is now most complete and convenient convenient since the Canadian Pacific Railway has added a new de luxe train each way daily except Sunday. When the C.P.R. attaches a name to train this means that the equipment is the finest and most up-to-date. The Lake Ontario Shore Line, on which the two new trains, "The Rideau" and "The York' are operated, was recently completed at very heavy cost, and has a roadbed unexcelled unexcelled on any part of the system. Excellent Excellent service is therefore assured to to those who travel by these trains between between Toronto and Ottawa, and the delightful delightful scenery should add an additiona* attraction to the journey. The trains leave Toronto at 1:45 p.m. and Ottawa at 1.15 p.m. daily except Sunday, reaching their respective ,terrain als the same evening--namely, Ottawa 10 p.m. and Toronto at 9.30 p.m. They cal' at Bowmanville (see tipne-table) and al the principal stations en route and have convenient connections with trains from Kingston and also from western Ontario points. Buffet-library-observation-parlor cars, in which current periodicals are supplied supplied free, and a broiler service provide mind and body with food as required. The trains will run from and into the Union Station at Toronto, and Sparks street (Central) Station at Ottawa, close to the Parliament Buildings. Particulars from C. B. Kent, Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent,Bowmanville or write M.G.Murphy District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ; * HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Dr. J. B. Dandeno has written Principal Ross that the prize offered by him in Lower School Science, is available any time. This prize was won by Robert R. Parker, Thomas A. Norton being second. For the year '1915-16, Dr. Dandeno wishes to transfer the prize formerly offered in Science to the subject of Agriculture, Agriculture, in which department he is now especially interested. This is a graceful way of showing his abiding interest in jhe school where he taught Science and Agriculture Agriculture so successfully during the past five years. No doubt that it will be appreciated appreciated by students and citizens alike. Dr. Dandeno has also forwarded a letter from the Deputy Minister of Education stating that the highest aggregate of marks obtained during the Upper School Faculty Entrance examination Iasi: July It Mi* Margaret R. Squair (11 CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. past year, made for the Red Cross 2,000 bandages, 5 cases of surgical supplies, and over 500 knitted articles. articles. Andrew Schaab, of Wilkie, Sask., has donated a town lot, to be sold at auction for the Red Cross. The St. John, Newfoundland, Red Cross Society has raised $1,500, which is to go toward the establish ment of a Newfoundland ward of 25 beds in one of the British Red Cross hospitals. In addition St.. John's raised over $5,000 on Trafalgar Day. Employees of the Saskatchewan Division of the C.P.R. recently donated donated $500 to the Red Cross. CASTOR» For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Proprielary or feten I MedicineAcI. j! AVege table Preparation forAs- similating IheFood and Régula 1 - : jinglheBtomachsand Bowelsof j Promotes DigeslionOtecrfuI-: ness and Rest.Contains neither Opnnu.Morphine nor Mineral 1 Not Narcotic. Recipe of Old DrSMUELnTCEER Plmtpkin Seed" AIx.Settna + Jhthdlc Salts - Anise Seed + vnt-' Horn Seed- Clarified Sugar • WmtergreenFhmr. Aperfect Remedy forConshpa- •; lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea/ - Worms,Convulsions.reYensn- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Si&nalure of THE Centaur Company. MONTREAL&NEW YORK Thirty Years l.fe; Exact Copy of Wrapper. TME CK NTAU n COMPANY. New YO UK CITY. Poisoned Seeds. Observations on plant variation , from poisoning of seeds have been ! reported in France by Professor A. Jungelson. After being placed for | one to twenty-four hours in a dilute j the tendency of the plant to take on new forms. At Target Practice. A new recruit >vas out for target practice, and his target seemed the solution of sulphate of copper seeds ! only point^m the landscape^qmte safe, of maize were planted, and a con _ ; from his bullets. Ol IIIctiAC WCIC ~ ,, • 1 ^ 1 siderable proportion yielded abnormal ™n, ^ ^ goinf „. CURE Blok Headache and relieve all the troubles incident incident to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing The Cobalt branch has recently sent . , , . out its record shipment of Red Cross ™ al _ p ]^f supplies. It amounts to 89. cases, making a grand total of 475. The Railwaymen's Patriotic Associations Associations at Barrie have just ordered a Great Scott! my hurrying up to spikes, thé percentage of the.abnor->m the new mal plants being greatest among : 1 ,. hnt thev a n those from seeds that had been de- j recruit, confidentially, but they all prived of their seed coat or otherwise ; left heie all rig ■ ___ mutilated before exposure to the cop- solution. The mutilation alone per second motor ambulance for T£TS* ! Headache, yet Carter's Little Live? Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoy ing complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the s tomach^timulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would he almostpricelees to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness does notend here, and those who onçe try them will find these li ttle pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be wll- ling to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast» Our pills cure it while others do not. ' , Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe ox purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. 0A2TZ2 W8IC&B CO., SEW YOBS. M ML M M _ W ife PROMPTLY 6ECUREI In all countries. Ask for our INVEN TOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Montréal, Db you want to earn $10 a week or more in your own home ? - Reliable persons will be furnished with profitable, all-year-round employment on Auto-Knitting Machines, $10 per week readily earned. earned. We teach you at home, distance is no hindrance. Write for particulars, particulars, rates of pay, send 2c. stamp. AUt"'-VNITTER HOSIERY CO. Dept. 183 257 College St. - Toronto at Leicester, England) Are you Bilious?^ Cross. This association has $3,700 to date. The annual report of the Barrie branch of the Red Cross shows a total total membership of 264 and annual receipts receipts of $12,278. The Ogden Hotel, presented to .the Alberta Red Cross by the Calgary Brewing Co. as a home for wounded soldiers, was formally opened last week in Calgary by the Lieutenant- Governor. The building has 64 rooms and is completely furnished with beds and all accessories. In each room three or four beds can be installed. The building cost the donors $125,000. There' are already ten soldiers in the home. The London Red Cross, the shipping point for Western Ontario, has expanded expanded its operations so much that it is now shipping directly to Montreal and Halifax. instead of, as formerly, through the head shipping office in Toronto. Over 20 religious communities in the Province of Quebec have , contributed contributed supplies to the French Canadian Canadian section of the Red Cross. The Metcalfe Red Cross Society near Ottawa have collected in the last year $937 with a membership of only 20. * - • A Chatham bby, seven years old, sold two pet rabbits to make * contribution contribution to the British Red Cross. The year's revenue of t-he Louis- burg, N.S., Red Cross has been $618. Over $17,000 passed through the hands of the treasurer of the Barrie branch of the Red Cross during the past year. The United Growers of Okanagan, B.C., have sent over 5,000 boxes of apples to the Red Cross hospitals. The Red Cross realized $400 by a fair at Glace Bay, N.S. One of the features was a sale by auction of a live pig. The International Society of the Red Cross at Geneva has notified the British War Office that the Greek Red Cross Society has volunteered to furnish furnish information to the families of English prisoners of war in the hands of Turkey. i -1,200 wounded men were brought m one Red Cross train from the. northern northern theatre of war to Biarritz in the south of France, the famous fashionable fashionable health resort. contact of the poison the greater was Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A Hampton Flour Mills Choice grades of Bread and Pas try Flour, Try our flour and be convinced that we have the best on the market. Corn, Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Chas., Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 6 Farmers ! Read This ! I have now for-rsale Cotton Seed Meal Caldwell's Molasses Meal Feed and Seed Corn Call at the mill or phone your order to No. 77. F. C. Vanstone BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO Don'tletitrun too long, it will lead to chronic j InSgestMS. In PROVIDENCE ! Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, for I October, i._mes in order of merit : Sr IV i -- I/t» Hancock; Jr IY--Edna L««1ûs, , T-scfaaerSr El--Wincifired DB&agfl ! îjylÆkTH --Mary WooÈner. Tenaj ! Dating, Myrtle Hancock; Sr u--Hainan. | Wooiner; Jr H--"Stanley Osborne, ^- = 023 Luton, WEE- Wooiaer, Mabel ! Dovsoc* Sr Printer-- Haroâd Hancock; Jr i Printer--Mtiboerae Oto Valeria | Dîîlirg- 'Highest Taaifca. kETA SLCald- ' well, teacher. * j Waiters at one rdkfawwn London | are instructed in} at THROUGH SERVICE Toronto to NOV. 1st Via PARRY SOUND, SUDBURY, PORT ARTHUR, AND FORT WILLIAM Connections at Winnipeg Union*Station for Edmonton, Edmonton, Calgary, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Regina. Brandon, and all important points in Western Western Canada and the Pacific Coast. LEAVE TORONTO 10.45 P. M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday all modern eqoipmekt «liable express service Through tickets frou Bowmanville to all points and berth reservations from W. G. Gifler, Station Agent, or write to 8- L FAIRBAIRN, .E. Toronto, Ont-