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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1915, p. 5

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L rry*' to V ? V Next Week this Space will contain somethin? of înter- to every citizen in Bowmanville Look For It Read It Act ôn this suggestion and you will not only save mon ey but will have a lot of satisfaction for years to come. You will have more LIGHT on this subject next week. 1e. ?S r- )f beau- without ost ar- t world, rfront, ast re- ructible soasfcing centres. ■- YES! Our Customers Are Indeed Satisfied with the values and service they re eeive at THE MODEL GROCERY --and why shouldn't they be ? There is no place in town where you gnet better groceries and more for the money than we pass over the counter six days in the week Then every Friday and Saturday you always get some tempting "extra "extra specials" at The Model Grocery, which is a big feature of our growing growing business Purest of Groceries at Lowest Prices and Prompt Delivery account for our success. Poultry, Butter and Eggs Wanted Farmers, before disposing of your farm produce get our cash prices ) K n ville W. Blake McMurtry (T. H. Knight's Old Stand) Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville e; HOV. 11,1915 Social aed Personal. iob paid jrw iwslWr ^ /'.h ... - - Cz Mix. J. Wyler, sister, Mis. Fred J. MW» Rogers, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Evan H. McLean. Miss Olive Found, Ebenezer, spent Sunday Sunday with her brothers in town. Misses Margaret and and Minnie Trebil- cock were visiting in city last week. Mr. Roy Jackman and Mr. David Mutton Mutton have each purchased Ford Cars. Mr. W. R. Williams has returned from a three months' stay in North Dakota. Mrs. Dr. J. H. Elliott and daughter, Grace, Toronto, were in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tait and Miss Irwin spent Sunday with friends in Port Hope. Are you a good guesser ? Then, whose advt. appears on page 5 without a signature signature ? Mr. and Mrs, Norman Allin and family, Newcastle, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Jean Elliott, Toronto, lias been visiting at her grandfather's, Mr. John Lyle. Lawn bowling games are played every afternoon. Remarkable weather for November. November. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet in the Council Room on Friday, Noÿ. 12 at 4 p. m. Mr. C. M. Cawker attended the funeral of the late Joseph Lunness in Toronto Tuesday. Mr. James Deyman is attending Ontario Horticultural Society annual meeting in Toronto. Mrs. W. Bonathan, Newcastle, has moved moved to Georgetown and will reside with her ' son George. Mr. A. A. Smith, Barrister, Millbrook» while cranking his auto one day recently broke his arm. Mr. Russel Brown, who has been home convalescing from typhoid fever lias returned returned to Windsor. Mr. Ed. Witheridge and family who have been in North Dakota the past year have returned to town. Mr. T. B. Chalk, ol" Port Hope, has been appointed License inspector for Durham to succeed Mr. John Kennedy. Misses Candace Clare, Orono, Hellem Ford and Sara Pearce, Newcastle, were week-end guests of Mrs. John Rice. Mr. Will Hoar, who spent the summer m the West has returned home to his father's, Mr. Wm. Hoar's, Providence. Mr. W. Hislop and Miss Nettie Ormis- ton attended the funeral of the former'* brother-in-law, Mr. John Cooper., Whitby., Tuesday. Mr. Frank Peate, Orono, bought from Mrs. Bert Hockin the residence on Main Street South in that village, tenanted by him for some years past. Mrs. W. H. Wigg and Mrs. W. H. Wigg, jr, Oshawa, spent Tuesday with the former's sister, Mrs. W. Ellenor and visited other friends in town. No, it isn't an auto, a suit o' underwear., jewelry, groceries, or millinery that will be advertised in that mysterious advt on page 5 next week. Guess again. Mr. James Robinson, Orono, announces the engagement of his only daughter, Lena J., to Mr. Edward B. Vasey., of Midland, Midland, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly early in November. Thos. E. Elliott died Tuesday, Nov. 2, of heart trouble at his home, 15 Rusholme Park crescent, Toronto. Deceased was born in Cartwright 52 years ago and resided resided for some years in Midland. A farmer who brought potatoes to the Cobourg market had his entire load confiscated, confiscated, under a town by-law, bee use every, bag in the lot was under 90 pounds. The farmer's mistake was in using sugar bags. Miss Margaret Allen, Secretary of Whitby Whitby Presbyterial, attended a meetii g of the Autumn Leaf Mission Band at St. Andrew's Church, Pickering, Saturday when Miss Cameron of Honan, China, addressed addressed the Band. Miss Myrtle Bichan, teacher at _ Maple Grove, was called to Goderich Tuesday on account of the death of her father, who passed away very suddenly Monday evening. Her many friends hère deeply sympathize with her in this severe trial. Dr. J. C. Devitt was operated on Monday Monday morning for appendicitis by Dr. F. W. Marlow, Toronto, and Dr.A.S. Tilley, Bowmanv.lle. Dr's many friends will be pleased to know he is doing very well. His dental office will be closed till further aotice. Rev. J. G. Lewis, Peterboro, received word of the death of his brother, James D, Lewis, who resided in St. Paul, Minn. Deceased learned the trade of cabinet maker in Peterboro. He was . about sixty years of age. He had been seriously ill for some time. A widow and three sons survive besides three brothers : Rev. J. G, Lewis, Peterboro, Rev. H. T.Lewis, Saskatoon, Saskatoon, and D, A. Lewis residing near Peterboro. Peterboro. Mrs. W. J. E. Gillott and Mrs. (Dr.) J. D. Deyell motored to Toronto last week and report having a pleasant trip. They called on Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Ross of the latter place and who used to live in Mill- brook. They are doing a prosperous business, and no wonder, as their house is always filled with guests and they spaffe no pains to make everyone comfortable and 'at home.' The ladies told-us that they received so much kindness during their trip that they intend going again in the near future.--Millbrook Reporter. m A. W. Pickard has been fortunate in securing the agency for Overland Automobiles. Automobiles. His district comprises/townships comprises/townships of Darlington, Clarke, Cartwright and also Bowmanville. Be sure to see the 1916 Model 83--$1050--aLhis show rooms 'and garage on Temperance-st. --Purr -- It FnetH* Ceetze, Qw , Vy *_ JL X™*_ rr, - •(Xh. Thw. nut, lit Xlfn~i D Toro**, see of Mr. ax life*: nâ- 31 Stur irtaat, *«« W.lLffieets. XiM Hcket. trtio* lastker at Mr. GMiXSenn. amt Wm. B. G^Uskre, T*roet* (upper left corae oetfep^e) General Sir Sam Hughes says he wLT lead Canadians in the big final drive to Berlin, and that march will start sooner than many expect. We like.to have people compare the Supreme Ranges with other ranges as it invariably means the sale of another Supreme. Supreme. Mason & Dale sell them. Not being able to get many French peas on account of war we have a special high grade brand of Hygeine Peas, very tender and small at 2 tins for 25c. Rd. Snowden. Snowden. Is it true that the Chevrolet motor car people approached Bowmanville town council with a view to establishing their Canadian factory here ? If so, why was the matter kept from the citizens ? Mrs. Geo. H. Bickell, past president, Mrs. W. B. Pinch and Miss E. E. H^r- craft, delegates from the Bowmanville Branch, are attending the Provincial Women's Institute Convention in'Central Technical Building, Toronto. NOTICE. The local managers of the Bank of Montreal and the Royal Bank o' Canada would appreciate it if parties, wishing to make deposits with the local banks in connection connection "with the Patriotic Fund, would present cards, which they received when making subscriptions, for endorsement. •-a. of hi» JUST A WORD11 Vnaiy ax the **, * tT - G- C. Vdnaa. Qmei-jt, Bonn v31e„ George tilwii. ia his 77th jcsc. Hill--At 10 OtUaads Ave^ Toronto, Nov. 3rd, Miss Edith Hill, daughter of late Hichartl Hill, Tyrone, aged 61 years. Interred at Bowmanville Cemetery, Nov.'4. Russell--In Belmont, Nov. 5th, Catherine Bonar, relict of the late Robert Russell, aged 79 years and 5 months. Mother of Mrs. Lewis Jollow, Bowmanville. Coleman--At the residence of her sister. Waynesboro, Waynesboro, Virginia. Nov, 4, Mary Josephi e Coleman, Coleman, wife of Edw n R. Coleman, Winnipeg, and daughter of the late Dr. R. A. Corbett, Port Hope. "Lest We Forget* E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, eto., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. H OUSE FOR SALE--An-entirely new modern 7-roomed house bn large lot. Apply to Thos. Hardy, Liberty-st., Bowmanville. 45t efiboot Ladies' Wrist Watches cAboot Gents' Wrist Watches The mofet useful and appreciated appreciated gift yon can give a lady is a Wrist Watch, provided, it is a good timekeeper. We gearantee all of our Wrist Watches to be good timekeepers, timekeepers, and the styles and shown in. sreax "Whether enlisting for the front or in your regular work, you will find a Wrist Watch roar best friend. .We would call vour at ten- jn tvs rtlA-nlww] V* tp Tinetr. Ask to see the new Waltham and Elgin Convertible Watch. Waltham Müîcary Watch at $12.00. It will pay you to see this watch before making vour selectio". CHRISTMAS CARDS--If you haven't ordered your Christmas Cards, do so at once. Christmas is only a short time off now. G H. HADDY Jeweler R ING LOST--3-pearl gold ring lost between Kine and Prospect Sts., Bowmanville, Nov. 1st. Reward for return to The Statesman office. 45f £• UR SCARF LOST--(black) in October between . r G.T.R. station and Church-st.--via Liberty 1 street. Reward for return to Statesman Office. 46 1* LEAGUE CONVENTION. All Young People Invited to the Convention at Ebenezer Next Thursday. An event of more than ordinary importance importance is the annual convention of Bowmanville Bowmanville District Leaguers at Ebenezer on Thursday, Nov. 18 commencing at ioa.m., when addresses and papers are expected from Rev. L. Langford, General Secretary Secretary of Epworth Leagues, Rev. J. A. Connell Connell and Miss Rowland , Newcastle, Rev. J. E. Beckel and Miss E. M. Werry, Tyrone, Rev. John Garbutt, Miss M. Burns and Miss Luella Oke, Oshawa. Music, discussion and other interesting and helpful features will serve to make the program a spiritual uplift to all. Let every League be well represented and be ready to answer the roll cell. It will be a meeting 1 worthy the time and earnest thought of all the young people. F .OR SALE--2 sets single harness, 1 set heavy 1 single harness, rubber tire buggy, nearly ' new, cutter and robes. Apply Statesman . Office, or Box 224, Bowmanville. , 46tf | A UTOMOBILE FOR SALE--McLaughlin Auto, 1 5 passenger, in good condition. A big bar- j gain for some one. See it at A. W Pickard's Garage. Temperance-st, Bowmanville. 461 W ANTED--Weavers, knitters, sewing machine hands, also reelers, winders, spinners, etc. Variety of work for families and for young men and women. Work quickly learned. R. Forbes, Limited, Hespeler, unt. 46 2 OBITUARIES W. H. SonLey, Crystal City, Man. The many relatives in this vicinity of Mr. W. H. Soniey, Crystal City, Man., will regret to hear of his sudden death at his home there on Friday, October 22 in his 163rd year. His widow is Sara Clark, daughter of late John Clark of Manilla and niece of late William Werry, Solina'. Tthe Courier of Oct. 2S says, Deceased was a fine type of a Canadian citizen. A successful farmer, strictly honest and honorable honorable in all his dealings, be was respected as a friend, neighbor and counsellor. Retiring Retiring from his farm some years ago, Mr. Soniey became a resident of the town and the large number who. followed his remains remains to the grave attested to the love and respect in which he was held by everyone. Besides a large circle of friends deceased leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, two sons, Osmond, of Goderich, Clark of this place, and two daughters, Mrs. R. C. Daly and Mrs. J. H. Treble both of Crystal Crystal City. F ARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being part 1-ots 3, 4, B.F. Darlington, in good state of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns with stone stabling underneath. For terms apply apply to Mrs. Jas. Mc.îonnachie, Concession-st., Bowmanville. 40-tf F OR SALE--Brick residence with modern fittings fittings and three acres of land with frnit trees, etc,, property, of Dr. B, J. Dandeno, situated on Liberty-st. North, Bowmanville. Any reasonable offer accepted. Small payment down. Apply to L. A. Tole, real estate agent, Bowmanville. - 43t 'PRIDE OF ALL" FOR SALE. Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Pride of All", (6784) (13652), Government Inspected and Approved Approved Certificate, No. 1. "Pride of All" has proved himself to be a sure foal-getter of high class stock. Anyone wanting a money-maker will find in this horse what he is looking for, and at a pricë about half what he is worth as I am going o it of the horse business. Apply to A. E. Jennings, Jennings, Hampton. 46 2 95 Mrs. John Martin, Formerly of En- " NISKILLEN. truly good and noble woman has passed to rest after an active and useful life, deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends. We refer to Mrs. John Martin, whose maiden name was Dorcas Trewin, and who was born in Darlington, April 3, 1852. - As previously announced, she departed departed this life at the home of her daughter, daughter, Mrs. W. WV Noble, 54 Highview Crescent, Crescent, Toronto, Saturday Oct. 20th, 1915, having succu nbed, after a brief illness, to a severe attack of pneumonia. Deceased, who survived her husband, the late John Martin of Boyne Water Mills, near Enniskillen, Enniskillen, by some ten years, passed most of her life in her native township. During During her long residence at Enniskillen she was a member and an active supporter of the Methodist Church. Latterly, she was a useful member successively of the College-stand College-stand Westmoreland Avenue churches churches in Toronto. With the passing to rest of this estimable lady, the community in which she so long resided loses one of its best known and most highly respected residents Not a few of the farmers who, in the by-gone days, had a grist for the mill at "Boyne Waters" have partaken of the generous hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, and not a few of the older acquaintances acquaintances and friends who followed her remains or helped to convey Mrs. Martin to her last resting-place in Bowmanville cemetery, felt a tugging at the heartstrings heartstrings as they thought of the happy associations associations of other days, and realized that she. who had been so active in promoting them, had answered the last call. BEFORE DISPOSING OF YOUR APPLES CONSULT, MR. E. PEARSON. For particulars of shipping facilities and trade conditions, etc, correspondence invited. invited. E. PEARSON, Newcastle, Ont. Partner of Pearson Bros.; Fruit Brokers, 31-tf Liverpool, England. QUALITY MEATS In the slaughtering, handling and selling of our meats we comply with the rigid requirements requirements of the Canadian Pure Food Laws. Our goods are always fresh and clean. They are stowed in our sanitary sanitary ice box, thus retaining their color and epicurean qualities. We solicit your orders by phone, assuring prompt delivery in every instance. instance. C. M. Cawker & Son Phone 64 Bowmanville. Strictly Pure Drugs In catering to the discriminating discriminating patronage of the people of Bowmanville and vicinity, we have always made it a principle to handle none but the PUREST PUREST and BEST at all times. In this era of impurities and adulterations, adulterations, we have found that our efforts have been appreciated appreciated in serving you honestly. We solicit your drug business upon the basis of Fair Prices and Perfect, Conscientious Service. Service. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians We Test Eyes Scientifically 'Bowmanville Tait'S Reputation For the Best Groceries Has stood the test of time, and we have never been better able to give our many customers better values, better service and better groceries than we are doing to-day. Our increase in business during the past year has been very gratifying. It is sufficient proof that it pays to buy your groceries from Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville M LADIES' Coat Opportunity 25 - ONLY - 25 Manufacturers' Sample Coats 25 per cent, off Regular Prices $8.00 Coats for $6.00 9-.00 " 6.75 10.00 " 7.50 11.00 " 8.25 12.75 " 9.56 15.00 " 11.25 15.75 " 11.76 17.50 " 13.13 18.00 " 13.50 20.00 " 15.00 Also a magnificent assortment of our regular stock of up- to-date Coats at special special prices.-- Telephone Orders Promptly Attended To S. W. Mason & Son 5s Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville v. .- jV -N Üéé v-' ■. m Ü . ■ .v-v-s,"' YrJ*•£' - J:

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