7 c'- fflz. mi ; ■v 7 | 7 7 ke4'7' >• Ess - !,."■• & O S| -7 iS iKi ag&s \ -, |5Sb. -•. J v 'i.. 7 A wmu Wm-, J-: ; y << CHRISTMAS GIFTS W6 are now showing in Stoves This, Premier Steel Range Only $30.00 Guaranteed to be excellent excellent Bakers and Heaters. Call and see our display before placing your order RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Bowmanvllle FARMERS! Bring us your Turnips and Apples and take home a ton of Lehigh Valley Coal The Coal That Satisfies JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153, Bowman ville Taking It All the Year Round You can't do better than buy your GROCERIES GROCERIES from me -Quality, price and service account account for our steady increase in business. Is it your fault or mine that I am not your grocer ? Bring your next order to A concert under auspices of Tyrone Women's Institute will be held in the church o Friday Nov. 19. Program will consist of violin music, songs, reci ation<, dialogu s, etc. Admission, 25c and 15c. Proceeds in ai i of Red Cross funds. •Mr. and Mrs, John Rundle are enjoying a visit with their spn, Dr. H..C. Rundle, Brighton, Ontario Mrs. W. H. Half acre is laid up with a severe attack of sciatica... .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin, McLaughlin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gardner, Ebenezer, Mrs." Ed. Step enson and daughter, daughter, Louise, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Pollard and daughter, Greta, Bowman- ville, Sundayed at Mr. Jas. Hodgson's; Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Woodley autoed to Goodwood near Port Perry, and visited at Mr. John Reid's; Mr. Thos. Goodman and Miss Emilv, Columbus, at Mr. Luther Goodman's; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue with his sister Mrs. Talbert Finlay, Union- ville. ENNISKILLEN Visitors : Mr. and Mrs John Broad, Detroit, Detroit, Messrs Will and Maurice Broad, Toronto, at Mr. John Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Càdmus, at Mr. Will Smith's; Mrs. Bessie Remmer and Hilda Lee have gone home to Whitby, having spent two weeks at F. W. Lee's; Mrs. Jno. , Pye and Mrs. Nellie Perry in Toronto visiting their daughters, who are ill; Mr. j Willard Stevens, Bowmanville,-at Mrs. G. Argue's Monday evening a Women's Patriotic League was organized here with the following officers and committees: Pres.--Mrs. Harry Wilkinson; Vice-Pres. --Mrs. C. W. Slemon; Secretary--Miss ' Sadie Virtue; Treas.--Mrs. T. McGill and supply, buying and program committee. On Tuesday the following goods were packed for shipment : 78 pairs pillow cases, 55 doz. small pads, 2 doz. large pads, II doz. wipe cloths, 7 sheets, I doz. sling bandages, 18 towels, 2 surgical caps, 12 night shirts and eight dozen bandages. There were also seven Xmas boxes sent to some o ; our boys Mr. and Mrs. P, Hills, Hampton, have moved to the Byers' farm ..We enjoyed a specially rich treat in Presbvteiian church on Tuesday evening when a most enthusiastic and successful P triotic meeting was held with Mr. John McLaughlin in the chair, the speakers all gave very instructive and timely addresses. They were : Rev. H. W. Wilkinson, Pastor Methodist church, Pte. Sanders, Toronto, a r. turned soldier, Dr. Jas. Moore, Brooklin, and Mr. A. M. Miller, B. A. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Redpath are visiting friends at Cobourg Mr. Fred Griffin, Union School, had his large ban s burned i'ues ay morning. It is supposed it was caught from a threshing machine and the high wind blowing made it impossible impossible to save it. Insurance on barn but none on contents. However a large part of the contents we e saved. Mrs. Jas. Courtice of Bowmanville recently recently visited her son, Mr. Wm. R. Courtice,.. Courtice,.. .Pte. Pickell of Saskatchewan, on his way to the.front, spent a few days with his uncle, Dean... .Our League was hard hit with wet weather Thursday night, but the few who gathered had an enjoyable tïm,\ Miss Lois Werry gave a fine paper OP the subject, "What is a Christian ?" Nfr] and Mrs. A. Gilders and daughter, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mr. H. Nichols'.. ..Mrs. S. Penfound visited her children in Toronto last week Our services on Sabbath were'largely attended. attended. pastor Delve gave us a rousing sermon sermon on Missions in the morning, and at night Mrs. A. J. Oke, Miss I. Worden and W. R. Courtice gave excellent reports of Provincial S. S. Convention Sam. Snowden is building a fine garage for his new car... .Miss Alma M. Courtice spent Sabbath with Bowmanville friends. % Mrs. Sanderson of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Courtice Next Sunday is Missionary Anniversary at our Church. Mr. W. B. Sparling, Lindsay, a prominent layman, will preach .at both services, and the annual subscriptions will be taken... .A Patriotic meeting was held in Ebenezer church Wednesday night, with Toronto speakers Plowing is be ing hustled these days, as all are expecting expecting a fretze-up soon.... A party of Wool- er people motored to Courtice Parsonage and spent the day with Pastor and Mrs. Delve. Quite a little hunting is being done by our local sports.... Mr. G. Reynolds Reynolds is quite ill Our Leaguers are preparing to entertain the Bowmanville District Leaguers on Thursday, November November 16, when representatives from all parts of the District are expected. Three sessions, commencing at 10 a.m. Interesting Interesting program. Reserve the date and come with us. HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanville SOLINA "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Runabout Price $480 Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Town Car The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont., effective Aug. 2,1915- No speedometer included In this year's equipment, otherwise otherwise cars fully equipped. Cars on display and sold at Ford Garage Opp. Hotel Bowmen Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and Mr. John Reynolds attended the golden wedding wedding celebration on Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perkins at Moorefield Quarterly meeting was well attended Sunday..... Messrs. W. C. and S. E. Werry. and Miss Nora and Mr. A. L. Pas- coe attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Thos. Werry, at Blackstock.... Miss Lulu Reynolds recently addressed the Women's Institute at Purple Hill... .Miss Lyda Taylor, for services rendered at the church as organist, was presented with a wrist watch. She is now attending Bowmanville Bowmanville High School.. . .Special services are being conducted at Eldad by Rev. Geo. Brown Mr. Thos. Baker has dis posed of several Shropshire sheep which are being sent to Iowa In honor of her coming marriage Miss Effa Brooks was presented with a kitchen shower by the Young Women's Bible Class on Friday afternoon last week at the home of Miss : >îora Werry, one of the members Mr. H. Argue has been confined to his bed .. Mr: W. N. Pascoe had a husking bee Saturday night....Messrs. W. J Spry and A. J. Balson have gone to Pickering to jack apples Cadets of Temperance intend having a Xmas tree... .Mr. Clark Stevens is convalescing from typhoid at Mr. B. G. Stevens Recent visitors: Mrs. R. B. Mitchell at Hampton; Mrs. jeo. Vice, Oshawa, with friends; Mr. Irwin Bragg and sister, Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Providence, at Mr. John Baker's; Mr. A. L. Pascoe at Oshawa; Miss Ethel L. VanNest, Bowmanville, and Miss Irene Bray, Enfield, at Mrs. W. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Seacock, Nestleton, at Mr. C. H. Scott's; Mis. Jas. McKenzie, Columbus, at Mr. J. T. Rundle's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Pascoe at Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pascoe, Marjorie and Edith, at Hampton The Red Cross and Patriotic Fund has, for its canvassers in polling sub-division sub-division No. 7 who will call on you next Tuesday Messrs. J. G. Langmaid and J. Balson 5th, J. Baker and A.. L. Pascoe 6th, A. J. Reynolds and S. E. Werry 7th, T. Baker and J. Campbell 8th, L. C. Pascoe and Jas. Gilbert 9th and 10th... .The regular regular meeting of our branch of Women's Institute will be held at Mrs. H. G. Pas- coe's on Thursday Nov. 8 at 2 p.m.' Mrs. Norval Washington will give a paper on "Is it injurious to health to have plants in the sleeping room ?" and Mrs. W. H. Westlake one on "To Give or not to Give." Music and other good things ion the program. Roll call, each member to respond with a recipe. All ladies invited .. . .Mrs. W. Werry celebrated her 73rd birthday on Monday evening when her sister, Mrs. M. A. James, and Editor James, Bowmanville, and her'son, Mr.. S. Edgar and Mrs. Werry and Miss Effa Brooks, bride-jelect, dropped in to congratulate congratulate her and enjoyed a fine chicken pie dinner. Her many friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. Werry's health is better than for a considerable period. Regular meeting of Solina Women's Institute will be held at Mrs. H.G. Pas- coo's, Thursday, Nov. 18 instead of Nov. IL EVERY KNOCK A BOOST. It has always been considered poor business ethics for a man to knock or slander a competitor. Such questionable tactics in business not only lower the esteem esteem in which à man might be held in the community, but i-lso shows a weakness which clearly demonstrates that he fears legitimate competition. Such are the conditions I am led to believe believe exist in Bowmanville since I have been in this vicinity for the past two months carrying on a very extensive business business of testing eyes. Such base insinuations insinuations as have b en thrown ouCby this individual, individual, pre umably at me, do not require an answer when one considers whence they come. "Live and let live" is unknown unknown to such a monopolist. I am willing to have the citizens of Bowmanville and vicinity judge of my ability to correctly test eyes from the unbounded unbounded satisfaction I gave here three years ago and the many difficult cases I. have handled here recently Which the ordinary ordinary opticians were unable to prescribe for properly. My 20 year»' successful experience experience of testing éyçs is at your service This week I will be in the vicinity of Enniskillen. For appointments in town or country phone 127. Dr. B. J. Davidson, Sight Specialist, Bowmanville. 46-1 w AUCTION SALES Farm Boots We are giving more attention to this branch of our business and have a splendid stock of good, strong, well-made shoes for country use. Economy the Buy-Word In spite of continued advance in prices, we are still able to supply many of our best lines at the old prices. Men's Heavy Boots, $2.25 to $5 Women's " 2.00 to $3 Fred R. Foley Always on the Sunny Side Bowmanville Wednesday, November 17.--Mr. A. E. Clemens, lot 8, con. 6, Darlington, will sell by auction his farm stock, implements, implements, etc. Sale at I p. m. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. ANNUAL FAL L AUCTION AT SOLINA STATION. Friday, Nov. 26 at 1 p.m., of live and dead farming stock. Entries already received received include a good number of well bred, renewed and other cows, heifers, steers, spring calves, brood sows, three horses,.poultry, wagon, harness and other effects. Fu ther entries received by F G. Carnell, Solina Station, C. N. R., Phone 133 r 2, Bowmanville, 162 r 32 Oshawa. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have just opened out the biggest shipment of men's and boys' suits they have ever received received at one time, and having placed this order early they are able to sell these goods at old prices, notwithstanding the big advance in woolen goods. H OÜSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b New Fall Importations Importations of Wall PAPER have been received and placed in stock. They are verv pretty and well worth your inspection, and at prices to suit everyone. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore Christmas gifts for soldiers in ENGLAND AND FRANCE SHOULD BE SHIPPED NOT LATER THAN NOV. 15 We have put in a special line of Regulation goods suitable for presents for the soldiers. While the Government equips him generously, yet his equipment equipment will wear out, and during the Winter months any of the following articles will be welcome-- Sweater Coats, Woollen Scarves, Woollen Shirts, Heavy Underwear, Warm Socks, Woollen Gloves, Woollen Caps, etc. All these goods are the proper Regulation color and weight Coa.t Sweaters S3.00, 3.50. 4.00 Woollen JYlufflers $1.25 Woollen Gloves... 50c, 75c. $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 Flannel Shirts $1 to $3 Underwear $1 to $3 Woollen Balaclava Caps 75c, $1 Woollen Socks 25c, 35c, 50c Handkerchiefs, khaki, lawn, excelda, silk, some with patriotic emblems... 13c, 25c, 50c, $1.00 Other acceptable lines are Putties at $1.75, $2 75; Swagger Sticks; Cholera Belts 75c; Lanyards 35a We will pack and properly address all Parcels FREE. Full information given regarding Postal Rates, etc Ï: | I | :'v J The Anderson Clothing Co. Phone 61 - Bowmanville ^ Fire! Fire! Don't wait until you have a fire to put on insurance. Do it now. You will be surprised to learn what little money it takes to insure your contents--and in the strongest companies in America. Call for more information. information. \ 3* What's the Use? of paying rent all your life when you can buy-a nice comfortable home at a very reasonable figure. I have several desirable homes that will be sold at bargain prices. Harry Cann, Phone 50. - Bowmanville Fish, oysters and poultry a specialty at Rd. Snowden's. Supreme Ranges are so designed that the special hot water attachments do not interfere with the oven. Ask Mason & Dale for more particulars. Bread was Never Better Than It Is To-day That is why so many people prefer it to making their own bread. It is nourishing, wholesome, full weight, contains best grade flour and other, ingredients^ and is made under most sanitary methods. Keep the family healthy and good natured by feeding them more of Tod's Biread. Thomas Tod Baker and Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville China Hall Grocery How Is This For A Striking Bargain ? MATCHES A large stock of matches to be cleared out at bargain prices. Easy striking Parlor Matches clearing price. .... 2 boxes for 5c Large boxes 10c each or 3 for 25c ir Attention ! 1 As we are making a change in our business, business, our large stock of Groceries and Crockery Crockery must be reduced considerably the next few days. In order to do this we will have some interesting interesting bargains to offer. T Watch this space next week for full particulars. particulars. ft F. A. Haddy Phone 62 Bowmanville KgaSg, ui;.. -L ' ' ; Vf; --rf', '--■lifelfi m%migj wm JSv ... M . ,-C «as