Wh 6S'- v <' i » i--' S ph r .&> '"fi r > 3? - rM m£ ■ rÿ'-' 7 " EÇt'" It has Power--Comfort--Beauty--Convenience--Magneto Ignition--Easy Ignition--Easy Operating Clutch--Electric Starter and Lighter^--and many other advantages over other autos in the $1500 to $2000 class, but the "Overland" only'costs you $1050. See this 1916 model Car at my garage and. then compare it with other autos--you will then want an "Overland."' I Am "Overland" Agent for Bowmanville, Darlington, Clarke and Cartwright, and will be assisted in the sales department by Mr. T. E. Higginbotham. I also have the exclusive agency in Bowmanville - for the famous White Rose Gasoline. Bowser Pump installed. A. W. Pickard's Garage Temperance St. - Bowmanville Eat with a two-fold purpose--enjoyment and nourishment nourishment You'll find both in Tod's Home-made Bread It's not "home made" in name only, for while it comes from Tod's ovens, every loaf carries that same uniform sweetness and good wholesome flavor that the '*old folks" used to pride themselves in. having the "home' oven produce. The high quality standard set for the home made biead ingredients and the skill of the bakerman, and help of modern baking ' helps" guarantees it. Try a loaf to see--6 cents, delivered in town» Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville Grasp this chance to get good fresh groceries at the- lowest prices. Everything is fresh and attractive and of the best quality. We have a superior brand of canned goods, which are the best on the market at lowest prices. We always have in stock very best table butter, fresh eggs and young poultry. Oui* groceries 'will be delivered at your door and your order taken every day, if you wish. Farmers, We Want Your Produce-- Yon Want Onr Cash HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 2; 1» 18 A'Sebool and League concert will be he d in'Salem church on Wednesday, Dec. 22 when a good literary and musical program program will be rendered by local talent. BBBNSZBR Dont failTto hear the. school concert at S. S. No. 4, Thursday, Dec. 23. 'Sketches "Sowing .Seeds in Danny" by. pupils Other attractions' also. Watch for further further particulars. MAPLE GROVE Pastor Delv preached a good practical sermon Sunday afternoon on "Our Talent".' Talent".' The special music bv some of the membérs-of the League was very much appreciated by the audience. Balance of news, ; held over. " TYRONE The Public School will give a Patriotic concert in Sons of Temperance hall on Friday, Dec. 3. Mr. W. Êasson -Brown, Tbronto, reader, and other outside talent wjll ass st. Admission isc. Tyrone Epworth League will hold their Christmas concert in S. of T. hall on Friday evening Dcd 17.. Program will consist of a cantata entitled "The Crowning Crowning of Loye" and a temperance drama "Out in the Street" Music by Mr. Norman Norman Redpath, Enniskillen, and others. Admission 25c, children 15c. Miss Maida Amsbury is holidaying with friends in oronto.... Miss Greta Virtue is visiting her sister; Mrs. W, Riddell, Or- ono... .Miss Florence McLaughlin, Osh- awa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. J. Werry.. . .The Women's Institute patriotic patriotic concert on Tuesday evening was well attended. The dialogue " Aftèrnoori Tea in a Friendly Village" created lots of merriment; a pantomine, The Holy City," was nicely presented; violin music by the Carruthers Bros, Salem, was greatly enjoyed enjoyed as. was the solos by Miss Marian Martin, and the recitations_ by Miss Maida Amsbury and Master John Thomas. In the bean guessing contest the prizes were awarded to J. H. Mutton, Hugh McCullough, McCullough, and Maude Hodgson. Total proceeds proceeds of concert and contest over $100. HAMPTON Our Leaguers have secured On Cleaver of Toronto to give his world-renowned lecture, "Jean Val Jean" here on Dec. 28. The Women's Institute will meet this (Thursday) afternoon Dec. 2nd at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. W. W. Horn. 1 he District President, Miss Reynolds, Solina, is expected to be present and will give a report of the recen' convention in Toronto. Toronto. All ladiës arc inyited to come. All those having finished knitting or other work please bring to the meeting. Wool for knitting will be supplied to those enquirin .... The young ladies' organized I bible class have made and sent away this ; month 18 surgical shirts, 12 pillow covers, and two dozen handkerchiefs for the Red Cross Miss Margaret Pascoe visited friends in Toronto last week and attended the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance Temperance Mrs. Cuttell, Toronto; visited at Mr. Thos. Pascoe's... .Mrs. Corden and Mr. Theo. Salter, superintendent, gave excellent excellent reports of the S. S. Convention in Toronto Congratulations to Mr. Oscar Welsh and bride Sunday Mr. Hilton Peters gave a very-full and interesting report report of the Boys' Work Conference in Peterboro recently.... Mr.and Mrs. Lewis Cornish, town, visited Mr. Thos. Elliott Sunday. . ..This community was deeply shocked Sunday morning to learn of the sudden death of Mr. Samuel Martin. See notice in another column. The funeral service was held here Tuesday morning. Rev. Gèô. Brown gave a short address. Interment took place at Scarboro.. ; .The League meeting Friday night was in charge of the social committee, Mr. Willie White, presiding. After the opening exercises exercises a hymn was sweetly sung after which Mr. Ed. Ward and Mr. Hilton Peters gave a temperance and patriotic reading respectively. Two rousing choruses choruses were sung by eight boys which delighted delighted all who were present. Miss Laz- elle Brown and Miss Minnie Horn deserve credit for the excellent program. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, Nov. 27. Regular meeting, members all present, Reeve W.Courtice presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Messrs. J. J. Smith, J. R. Cole, S. Snowden, Snowden, Fred Smith and Fred Courtice applied to build wire fence for bonus; granted. John Tabb asked for assistance for care of Lizzie Venning; laid over. In regard to sale of timber on Saturday, Dec. 4th next, at 2 o'clock p.m., Reeve Courtice will start at south half of lots 34 and 35, con 4, Dep. Reeve Stanley at lots 20 and 21, con 5, and Coun. Clemens at lots 12 and 13, con 7; all parties interested should i be promptly on hand. Treasurer report- ■ ed $3 65 from C un. Clemens for old lumber lumber sold in* Tyrone. v Council adjourned to Wednesday, Dec. 15th, at 10 a.m. W. R. Allin, Clerk. ■i More Supreme Ranges are being sold in this district thanever befbre. Seethe big <fisplay at Blason & For die finest stock ofr useful articles suitable for Christmas presents call at CaidbJ<*nston&-Crydennan*s» .. :.. f More comfort at lese costjf you hare a Supreme Range in yoorhome. Blason & -Dale. : : . '■ y-T ; >7 Coodi, J<fimston & Cryderman are still a fioe assortment of Laches' and FARMERS* INSTITUTE Meetings in connection with West Durham Durham Farmers' Institute- will be held as follows: Nestieton, Foresters* Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 13th, afternoon and evening; Solina, Sons' Hall, Thursday, Dec. 16, afternoon;. Tyrone, Sons' Hall, Thu bday, Dec. 16, 17, evening; Ebenezer, S. S, Room, Friday, Dec. afternoon and evening. Deputation: Messrs. Gavin Barbour and P. C. Dempsey, Graduate of O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. Barbour's subjects--Soil Cultivation; Control of Soil Moisture; Beef Cattle; Draught Horses and how to raise them; Com and the Silo; How to Grow Crops in à Dry Season. Evening---, Farmers and their Sons; Present Day Needs of Ontario Agriculture. ; t . Blr. Dempsey will be able to treat any phase of the-fiuit Qdestion. Also Fer- tilizers and Soil Treatment; Potatoes; Sel- -MSS.H. i W* Parsons, Cochrane, will address tbe Women's. Institute'.^; Solina friths iftgmoon^Dm:i<Aav r-. t** -..yr: ./-• • * C* - .j J - - if 1 , 7 -'-' -J,\ POLLAitt), Another lot of thoce choice tomatoes at R. Snowden's this week. Sunday School entertainment will. be held in Haydoo chiprch on Tnesday, Dec. 21st. Watch for p rtticulârs. 48-tf value in Ladiés* handsome am- lias suitable for Christmas presents at Conch, Johnston & Cryderman's. CHRISTIE'S BAKERY If you are not one ot our regular customers customers give us a trial order and we will convince you that we can serve you best. We lise only the purest of ingredients in our bakery and guarantee that you will like our baking. * For the For % Just now we are making a specialty of Scotch Shprt Biead, Scotch Buns, English English Fruit Cake, Christmas';Cake and other high-class pastry v Quality, Style and Price that Will Satisfy MEN'S ULSTERS--With shawl collar, belt on back, heavy lining, well made, sp'endid tweeds, brown, gray, fawn, heather, green, every coat guaranteed $10.00, 12.50, 15.00, 18.00 I The Home-Made Bakery Phone 97, Bowmanville MEN'S DRESS COATS -- Beavers, Chinchillas, Meltons, Tweeds, in blue, gray, brown, black, single or double breasted, velvet collar, about 45 in. long. ..$10.00, 12.50,. 15.00, 18.00, 20.00 " e#il r D ON'T deprive yourself of the pleasure and the healthful results ot a "daily constitutional" out in the open air these crisp winter days for fear your feet will get cold Buy shoes to suit the conditions--shoes that will keep your feet dry and warm We are selling at special prices this week, just the kina of shoes you need for everyday street wear. . High top lace and button styles for men, women and children; made of the best leathers with solid oak soles, in the latest winter styles. HERE ARE THE PRICES : Men's Box Kip Bals .. $2 50 Women's Box Calf in button or " Calf " $3 to $6 lace, Goodyer welt sole $2.40 to $4 Men's All Felt and Felt Women's felt foxed lace boots. Foxed Boots... .$2 to $3 house or street wear,.. $1 to |2 25 THE STORE OF QUALITY £. SERVICE THe King of Ranges A glance at the Happy Thought Range will show it to be of beautiful beautiful and harmonious design, SMOOTH and ELEGANT, without too 'much carving, easily kept clean and a delight to the most artistic artistic eye. Quickest and most even baking oven in the world. Illuminated, ventilated oven, thermometer, powerful waterfront, properly constructed firebox, brick dr cast linings -with cast removable removable ends, original duplex grates, patented unobetructible damper, patented reservoir damper, .large broiler and toasting dSûfor, large deep ash-pan, practically everlasting covers and centres. H. Dxistan PHsm74 QUALITY HARDWARE Bowmanwill* BOYS' OVERCOATS--Sizes 28 to 34. Ulsters with shawl or convertible collars, collars, guod heavy tweeds in assorted colors, $4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 8 CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS -- Buster, Russian Russian and Ulster sty 1 es, some with belts on back, some with belts all around, and some plain, in all colors and materials, materials, $3.00, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00 The Anderson Clothing Co THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Phone 61 - Bowmanville Wonderful Reductions in China, Crockery and Glassware. F. A. Haddy <fc Son are disposing of their stock of China, Crockery and Glassware at great reductions giving the public an opportunity opportunity to procure your Christmas purchases at considerably less than present wholesale prices. We have some choice pieces of Fancy China in excellent designs and rich colorings ranging from 25c to $2.00 each, on these we give ^ discount for cash, giving you a 25c article for 17c, and a $2 article for $1.33 and all other prices in same proportion. SPECIALS § 25c Syrup or Honey Jug for 10c. Parlor and Hanging Lamps at % price. 25°/ 0 Discount on Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, including stock patterns and Glassware. 15°/ 0 Discount on - ordinary Crockery. These prices for spot cash. 1 A Grocery Department. Baking Powder Special A regular 25c Baking Powder for 15c, or 2 lbs for 25c. Guaranteed above the Government Standard. Christmas Cooking Fruits New Fruit for Christmas Cooking--Raisins, Dates, Currants, Peels, Shelled Shelled Nuts, etc. These are all of the best quality and last week's quotations hold for this week. If you do your own washing this should interest you Toro Washing Tablets ^ The great labor saver. In order to introduce them we are making a special price for one week. Regular 5c. Special 7 for 25c. See Our Table of 10c Articles French Peas, Pickles, Sauces, Kippered Herring, Pork ami Beans, etc. Door Mats L. Only a few left. Mostly medium and large sizes. 25 per cent reductions on these. We have many other bargains not mentioned here. P] Fresh Eggs and Good Butter Wanted <*1 F. A. H addy &, Son Phone 62 Bowmanville r : fc- j m m