V; ~' -: *'• 1 \ ^^PPP"^,,-,^-; .yv- Q",; :.x, . . ,* ;- ,L V ;'• V; -Vr:- : :^"-;- : .: ^ : ;- ':•.; ^ BOWMAN VILLE, JAN. 6, 1916 MORE POULTRY WANTED. I want 2000 lbs. of live poultry---chick ens, ducks, geese,, tuikeys--delivered to Ç. P. R. station, Bowmanyille, on Wednesday, Wednesday, Jan: 12. -1 am prepared to -pay the highest market prices in rash. For prices and further particulars phone C. M. Cawker-& Son," or J. H. Mutton, Bowman- tille. G. T. Johnston, . Formerly of Gunn, Langlois Co. DARLINGTON U Misses Alta Pickell and Clara McCalpin have returned from Brockville where they had à very happy holiday and pleasant trip.... Miss Luella McCalpin returned to her school at Rose-ave, Toronto, on Monday, Monday, and /Miss Clara to Melville-ave, to resume her studies.... Mr. Albert È., .Ru'n- dle unloaded a'car of salt at Darlington Station pn Monday. MERS, ATTENTION ! r e you seen John Penfound's big stock sale bill ? Having sold his farm| a clearing sale of everything in live stock, machinery, implements, corn, roots, ] oats.letc. The machinery is mostly modern modern ajnd good and the live stock, in fine condition. Don't fail to attend- this • important important sale next Monday, Jan. 10, on lot 33» con 2, Darlington, mile west of Courtice. Courtice. - All grinds of skates at F. O. Mason's. SHAWS Walter R ckard and family Christmas ed at W. H. Pearce's Carl Ciemence has returned to Toronto University.... Reg. Lovekin, Newcastle, at Maple Lodge ... .Norman Gil bank is at Peterboro engaged engaged as book-keeper Miss Annie Cox gavela successful party recently.... F. B. Lovekin jr and friend attended the oyster suppprat Newtonville Elgin Tavlor, Solir a, at W. E. Gilbank's... .Trustees S. S.ll are F. B. Lovekin, W. E. Gilbank, Ed. jVeatherilt Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilbank with Starkville and Osaca friends .... .|.Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pearce at Walter Rickard's Annual New Year's re union! was held at the home of Mr. W. S. Bragg when about 45 relatives greatly enjoyed enjoyed the day. Cutters--large display at F. O. Mason's. This is certainly the best time to buy a suit/while Ande son is selling so chea.j. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, town, Sun- da y ed at Mr. Milton Samis' Mi s Phipps, Toront , with her sister, Mrs. F. Swallow. Miss Emma Power with friînds in town... .Rev. John Garbutt, Sirncoe-st, Oshawa, will occupy the pulpit here next Sunday afternoon in the interest ofSocial and Moral Reform m.d Evangelism Evangelism .... Mr. and Mrs. H. Lane, niece Miss Gra nagan, Colborne. at Mr. Fred Lane's .. .LThe Snowden re-union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sno iden on New Year's day when about 40 had an enjpyable time....If the two men who ; were out rabbit hunting on Di c. 31st and ! took some fowl from the vacant house on lot/20, con. 3, would call and settle for same their names will not be exposed and w^ll prevent further action as their names I are known b, owner and seen by others !. / Everything in the sleigh line at F. O. | ason's. What an opportunity to lay in a supply of clothing while Anderson's sale is on ! . Underwear for all the family Fleece Lined Underwear for men, all sizes, reg. 50c, sale price per garment 39 c Fleece Lined underwear for men, all sizes; heavy wool fleece with double front and back in reg. 75c, per garment, 65c those lines shirt $1.18 yd. ten. 7 2 . in. ..$1.45 yd. EBENEZER Mr. Chas. Worden of Northwest, at home; Mrs. Geo. Annis with her parents at Bowman ville; Mrs. Gienny and boys, Lindsay, at the Parsonage; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry* Solina, at Courtice; Mrs. B. Gardiner and Florence at Tyrone.... New Year services here were ins, irine. The choir did fine service and pastor Delve preached good sermons Cecil Short and Geo. Moss have enlisted Miss Muriel Penfound returned Monday i to Conservatory of Music...... Rev. John 1 Garbutt, Oshawa, conducts service in the interest of Tempérance next Sunday.... Mr. Sid Nichols is out again after unpleasant unpleasant illness.... At No. 8 school meeting meeting Hy. Fair and H. Hancock are new trustees and D. Pickell at No. 4 re-elected - .. . Congratulations co W. R. Courtice on «lection to Darlington Council..... Ed- Thursda y. night was go d Miss McCalpin gave a Spicy address oil Women s Suffrage" which all enjoyed. %LTlF en r f °r d ^ n u ° sborne gave piano duet, Miss Lyla Osborne a reading, and Miss Alma Courtice a number on the --at F. O. Mason's.. There's a happy lot of customers at the . Anderson clothing sale every day--great bargains all right. SOLINA New Year's visitors: Mr. Russel ÎV ÿ~- nolds, Pickering, with his parents; Mr. Bruce Hogarth, Ottawa, with friends; Mr. Roy and Raymond Blair, Oshawa, at Mr. A'. L. Pascoe's; Miss Le ta Vice, tin- field, and Misses Marion and Florence L. VanNest, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Reynolds'; Reynolds'; Frank Bray, Enfield, with Harold Pascoe; Mr. and Mrs. R. Pascoe at Kinsale; Mrs. Wm. Werry, Miss Nora and Miss James guests of Mrs. M. A. James and Mrs. J. VanNest, town; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor at Wicklow; Master Harold Pascoe at Braeside, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Audrey at Mr. Thos. Penfound's, Maple Grove ..... Mr. F. J. Clemens, Oshawa, had a good sale of Hol- •steins at Solina station, grades selling up "to $120... . John Kelly has engaged with Mr. R. C. Scott... .Mr. L. T. Pascoe was elected school trustee... .Mr. Wm. Baker -and bride are home from their honeymoon ... .Mr. Roy H. Rickard, B.A., Victoria College, Toronto, preached very acceptably acceptably here Sunday and in the absence of -Principal RT J. McKessock taught the Adult Bible Class... .Mr. Robt. Wonna- cott has had a telephone installe 1...... "The regular meeting of Solina Women's Institute will be held at Mrs. J. J. Smith's, Thursday, Jap. 13 at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. S. Williams will give a .paper on "Life of Frances Wills rdf* Miss Nora Werry on ""Sewing" and: a reading by Miss Edna Taylor. All ladies cordially, invited. It is doubtful if such an opportunity 'wiU come again in 1916 to buy clothing at prices Anderson is offering them. Fleece Lined underwear for boys, extra heavy fleece, sale price per garment 33c Woollen Underwear, heavy ribbed wool shirts and drawers, all sizes, reg. $1.00 and $1.25, $*1.9 price per garment......85c V 1 'v Wov't^n Underwear, ladies ladies . mis-bs' and children's woollen woollen unde: wear, vests and drawers, drawers, all sizes, up to 35c, sale price per garment 23c mg, special -- 5 pieces only Tea T,o<e!img. «rice special, ver^ Àvide, s?« : Tea 1 owels, hemmed, ready foreuse, M^Murtrv Bath Towe's---Hand Towels, good size,Y©eekii . Crash or Huvk Towels, .special.... Dishcloths--25 doz. only-Dish Cloths, special Wash Cloths--10 doz. only Face Cloths, spèvj ^i g c each ■ 11 hy yd. ... 8c yd. .. 15c-yd. 11c each 12c each 22c each 3c each Boys' Clothing Boys' Suits-- Every boy's suit is marked down to the lowest possible price. We have them to suit every boy and purse. Watch for the Bed Ticket. ' Overcoats--8 only, b o.ys' Chinchilla and Tweed overcoats reg. $5.00 and 5.50, for 3.95 6 only boys' tweed overcoats, reg $6.00 and 6.50, for... $4.75 10 only Bbys* Heavy Ulster Coats, reg. 9.00, 10.00 for $6.90 Knickers--10 doz. of Boys' Heavy Tweed Bloomer Pants, full lined, reg. up to $1-25, special 69c pr. Stockings--Children's stockings, stockings, large sizes, heavÿ ribbed, wool. iSpecial 38c pair Boots, Rubbers, etc. Men's Jersey Storm Rubbers, sizes 10, 11, 12, reg. 1.50 ... 89c Men's 3 buckle Overshoes, reg. $2.50 for $1.65 Ladies' Rubbers, stocking attached, attached, reg. 1.00, fori 65c Children's Rubbers, stockings attached, reg. 75c for. . 49c pr. Ladies' Jersey Storm Rubbers, broken sizes, reg 1.15. 79c Men's Leather Top Lumberman's' Lumberman's' Rubbers,, reg. 2.50. . 1.79 Women's Sample Boots, reg: 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, for . .$1.69 pr. Women's and Children's Felt Slippers, big variety...... 4 8c pr. Men's Tan Pullman Slippers, reg. $1.75 for.$1.49 pr. 20 prs. Ladies' black and blue felt and Jblack plush slippers, reg. 1/25 for ..........,$1.05 Men's Tan leather Boots, knee length, reg 5.00. . $3.95 pr x Men Odd F^nts .--30 pairs men's Tweed pa^,ri g .$2.25 and 2.50, sale price.'.vh..; $1.65 pair i| Caps--Men f. tweed caps, with or without rui/ band, also aviation aviation caps; reg/ 50c for 38c; 75c for 63c; $1.00 for 78c; $1.25 for 89c; $1.50 for 1.18c. ' Braces--o dozen only, heavy or light web, special. :.. 19c pair Felt Hats--A general clean up on all our felt hats; worth up to $2.00, sale price $1.00 Gloves--10 dozen only, men's canvas gloves, special 5c pr Watch for the Red all the men's suits. Tags on Winter Clearance Sale, from Jan. 5 to Jan. 29 ALL THE YEAR AROUND OUR PRICED ARE LOW, HoNE-ST PRICED, BUT NOW THERE 1.5 AN HONEST REASON WHY WE HAVE "REDUCED" OUR PRICED. WE WOULD RATHER .SELL THE WINTER GOODJ WE HAVE LETT OVER FOR MUCH LE.S.S THAN KEEP THEM A WHOLE YEAR. WE .STILL HAVE A BIG .STOCK OF SPLENDID WINTER GOOD.S; BUT WE WON'T HAVE THEM LONG. OUR "REDUCED" PRICED WILL J00N MAKE THEM MoVE OUT OF OUR .STORE. YOU YET HAVE A LONG TIME To UGE AND ENJOY OUR, Linens Regardless of the great advance in linens, we are offerins at greatly reduced prices. pie °j s o£ fine bleached Double Dam,.si: Table Lmen, <0 and 72 m. w.de, reg. $1.50, sale price, ...05c yd! L ™ eQ . 70 in. wide! iC^ c ^:iï:t dDoab,e Dam " k Tab,eLin< 1 piece of Unbleached Tabife Linen, 70 in. wide, reg. 60c £o- 45c yd. 1 piece of unbleached heavy-pure Table Linen, 52 to 54 in wide re „ - . » 63c yd. 1 p.ece of Bleached Table Linen, 58 in. wide, special ..32cyd Towelling--500 yds Linen Crash Ha^d TowoiHi Linen cuock Tea Towelling, sale- price NICE, WARM, 'WINTER THINGS. COME IN. COME, THE BETTER THE PICKING Cottons Cotton--Bleached White Cotton, 36 in. wide, reg. 10c 8c yd. Fine Long Cloth, 36 in. wide, reg. 124c, sale price 10£c yd. 1500 yds. Unbleached Cotton, very fine weave, reg. 12|c for 9£c yd. Pillow Cotton--6 pieces of Pillow Cotton, plain and circular, good heavy cotton, special.. 17c yd. Fine bleached Pillow Cases, 42 and 44 in., special 15c each Fine bleached Pillow Cases, extra heavy quality, 42 ani 44", 22c ea. Sheets--Fine bleached Cotton Sheets, double bed size, reg. $2.25 and $2.50, sale price : $1.90 pr. Sheeting--10 pieces bleached Sheeting, plain, width 68 and 70 in., reg. 38c, sale price 25c yd. Plain and Twilled Unbleached Sheeting, very heavy, special ... 32c Counterpanes--12 only fine pique counterpanes, reg. $2 for $1.55 Fine Piqué Counterpanes, reg. $2.25 and 2.50, for $1,90 ea. Line Pique Counterpanes, large size and extra heavy, reg. $3.50 and 3-75, sale price ! ...$2.95 ea. 12 only Honeycomb Quilts, special $1.19 Embroideries--A large assortment of fine long cloth Embroideries, Embroideries, reg. 10c and 124c, for 7c yd. 10 pieces only wide Corset- Cover Embroidery, very fine, 45c and 50c quality, for... ...32c yd. 4 pieces only Frilled Embroidery with Insertion 18c yd. Linen Torchon and Val. Laces, big assortment ,.5c yd. THE aSooNER^YoU Miscellaneous Umbrellas--15 only, heavy cotton umbrellas, good handles, reg. $1.00, sale price 7 9c Table Oilcloth-Colored ruble oilcloth, 14 yds wide, best quality, quality, reg. 28c, sale price...23c yd White table oilcloth, ]-/ yds wide, reg. 38c, sale price 29c yd Comforters--8 only,- chintz comforters wadded ' with pure white cotton, reg $2.50 and 2.75 sale price .....$1.95 each 10 only chintz comforters, wadded with white cotton, spe cial sale price $1.59 each Wool Blankets--18 pairs of heavy white wool blankets, reg. $5.00 and 5.50, sale price $4 25; reg. $6.00 to 7.50, for $5.25 pr! Bath Mats--18 only, assorted assorted colors, heavy quality, regvN lar $1.00, sale price 65c Chintz --15 ends fancy chintz, and Art Sateens, reg. 25c, 30c\ for 18c yd.; 6 pieces, reg. 35c, 40c, 45c, for 29c yd. For the Men Ties--5 dozen only, the balj ance of our 25c Christmas ti essaie essaie price 19c 10 dozen only, the balance of our 50c ties, all the newest shades and shapes, to clear, 35c Neck Scarfs--Men's silk neck scarfs, in checks or paisleys, reg. $1.00, 1.25, sale price 89c Nightgowns--Men's heavy flannelette gowns, good coeurs, special 69c Pyjama. Suits--Men's heavy flannelette pyjama suits, reg. $2.00, sale price $1.59 suit 20% discount on all sweater and sweater coats and woollen and fancy vests except-Jaeger. Men's Overcoats 15 men's overcoats with velvet collars. This is a snap...$4.65 Men's heavy ulsters and dress coats, reg. $17 and 18, sale price - ... $12.95 Men's heavy ulsters, reg. $20 and 21.00, sale price 14.95, reg 22.50 and 25.00, sale price 16.95 Men's curl lined overcoat, rubber interlined, mink marmot collar, reg. $13.50 and 15.00, sale price - 10.45 Men's curl lined overcoat, rubber interlined, mink marmot collar, reg. $22.50, special 16.50 Men's chamois lined coats with otter collars, reg $35, for 27.50 1 only muskrat lined coat, fine melton shell, Otter collar reg $60, sale price 39.50 2 only Coon coats left; sale price - ' 60.00 and 65.00 Specials for Women Cors its --5 dozen corsets, all sizes, McMÆrtry's spécial- ........ . 590 pr. Blouses---Flannelette Blouses, assorted colors, %ll sizèq, reg. 75c to- $1.25, sale price. .*• 59c each Flannel Blouses,Tight or dark shades, reg. $ 2.50 to 3.50 for $1.45- Underskirts--Moire Underskirts in all the newest shades, reg. $3>.00, $3.50 and $4.50, sale price $1.90 each * Fancy Striped Sateen Underskirts, reg. $1.50, sale price ... 95c each I -•MBlack or colored Underskirts, special.... 39c each * Z** Black Sateen Underskirts, reg. $1.00, for .69c each T Aprons--Overall Aprons in all shades and patterns, reg. $1.00... 79c I . Ladies' Overall Aprons with dust cap to match 48c each [ Ladies' Aprons, with or without bibs, re». 50c, sale price 38c * Ladies' and Misses' Tea Aprons, white only, special ..15c .Mitts for ladies and misses, red and white with long cuff, 40c. 29c Gloves for ladies and misses, Scotch knit, special 65c pr. Night Gowns--Pink or white flannelette, special..... 89c each ' Ladies' Striped Flannelette Night Gowns, special 43c each Ladies' and Misses' Pink and white Night Gowns, special ... 65c each Furs---Every piece of fur is greatly reduced. We cannot in this space give a full list of the bargain prices. Look for the red tag on each and every piece. ' They tell the story. Groceries Wagstaffs and E. D. Smith's Orange Marmalade and Strawberry, Black Currant and Apricot Jam in glass jars...,. ,18c jar, 2 for 35c Our special Coffee, fresh ground, special 39c lb. California Valencia Raisins i2c lb Canned Pumpkins, special 8c tin Epps Cocoa, initias, special 8c tin; large size, special, 22c tin Catsup, large bottles of tomato catsup, special 2 for 25c Pork arid Beaus, large size tin, Peerless or Simcoe, special.... 2 for 25c Pickles,- large bottles, special v . 18c bottle Red Salmon in tins, special ;.. 2 for 25c Choice Pot Barley, special 8 lbs. for 25c Jams, 51b. pails, all flavors, special 63c pail Fresh Herring, special. .....; n c tin Beans, Golden Wax String Beans, in tins, special . 3 f or 25 c International Poultry Food in packages 25c size 21c; 50c size 42c Entire Clean-up on Crockery We are now cutting last sale's prices entirely, in two. Dress Goods, etc. Dress Materials--6 pieces only, of checks or plaids. We will never lie able to replace these goods at the same price. Special, per yard 21.c 5Fancy dress materials consisting consisting of voiles, crepes and silk mixtures, a big variety, to clear at Half Price. Silks--Black and Colored silk, 36 to 40 in. wide, reg. $1.75, sale price per yard $1.19 2 Black and colored silk, 36 in. wide, reg. $1.25, sale price...95c Wash Goods--Balance wash goods in all colors and weaves, reg. 20c to 35c, per yard... . 12c Shaker Flannel-- 600 yds. Shaker Flannel, light pink and blue stripes, 33" wide.. .8£c yd. Specials for Men and Boys Socks--Regardless of the price of wool, 20 doz. only Wool Socks, worth 35c to 40c pr., sale price 24c pr. 100 prs. Homespun and Home-made Socks, sale price 65c pr. Gloves--Men's and Boys' Mitts and Gloves, wool or leather, 50c...39c Shirts--Men's Print Shirts, all good stripes and colors, sizes 14 to 16, Special 65c each Men's Print and Flannel Shirts, all sizes, reg. $1.25, sale price ... 89<f Men's Flannel Shirts, dark and light grey, reg. 1.50, 1.75, 2.00....1,29 Men's Heavy Drill Shirts, black with white stripes, all sizes, 14 to 17, reg. $1.00, sale price.... ..79c each Mail Orders by Parcel Post For the convenience of those unable to come in, we will fill orders by Parcel Post. We pay the postage. y 1