A dd to these three essential features, quality and lowness of price, and you have the principal talking talking points of the stocks we are now displaying for your selection The season has developed style novelties surprisingly • numerous in variety, and to ofier you a satisfactory range for choosing, it has been necessary for us to provide provide more generously than ever before. The result is, a stock of the most comprehensive magnitude and an assembly of fashion's favorites that you will be glad to see. . "Women s patent colt, high cloth top, receding last, plain toe, in button or lace, price from ..$3.00 to $5.00 Women's vici kid, button or lace, on all new lasts, $2.50 to $4.50 A full line of Dr. Reed's cushion soles always in stock. We are the sole agents for these lines and have them at a lower price than .they can.be procured at in the city. BOWlCANVliLLE, -APR. 13, 1916. I IN THE EDITORS 9 MAIL. OBITESARIES. Mrs. w. A. Heads Wednesday, March 29, after a short illness illness from pneumonia, following an attack of la grippe, Mary Tuer, widow of Mr. W. A. Heads; formerly of - Bowmanville, Bowmanville, died at the residence of jher son, >V. J. Osborne, Winnipeg. Mrs. Heads has of late years been living in California and Vancouver, B.C., but About five, weeks ago returned to Winnipeg on a visit to her son and daughter there. Mrs. Heads was nearly 30 years a resident of Bowmanville, Mr. W. A. Heads, her second husband, died some 4% years ago at Rainy River. She leaves two sons and four daughters, J, Writing from Dawson, Yukon, Terri- ] tory, our former townsman, Mr. T. G. Bragg, B.A., Superintendent of Education writes as follows: Dear. Mr. James--I regret to say that the White Pass railway was blocked for over two weeks, and excessive excessive storms so blocked the 350 mile trail between here and Whitehorse that hardly any of your papers for 1916 reached reached me till the past week. However, arrears of papers and other mail for Dawson have now been pretty well cleaned up at the other end of the trail, and we should get a pretty good service for the next four j or five weeks, unless a premature thaw ! sets in. This year has beaten all "récords for snow in this region and it we get con- 1 tinuous hot weather the latter part of MavJ tnPrn wrîll J1.. l • r% » J I Big Departmental Store A-Osborne, Fort Frances, W. ROsbome therein°Lrii R J h YoM 1 e n ^nmD 1 eï t MÎ 8 ^ ll <? ray ir MîS * Thlss ? ction is doing its bit for our country's K. j. Young,.Winnipeg, Mrs. H. Speckman, cause in the hour of trial. Quite à res- Los Angeles Cal. Mrs. Stanley Edgar, pectable number from here are now ^ ¥ r f • T * B. Millar of the front and an additional company of V couver, B.C »,and two sisters, Mrs. 1250 men is being recruited. Though' the dsha ? a ' anü Mrs. David population of this region can hardly ex- de,DuBuque, Iowa. Funeral took place I ceed 5,000 at present, over $60,000.00 has snn^T^ r0 c the residence of her been so far contributed to various patriotic rpm/fVro 0 p bo f'? e ' F Q rt Frances to the and war funds. Nearly everyone who is _?. esi a ¥ rge "umber of citi- steadily employed contributes One Day's zens, who attended, the officers and 150 Pay Per Month to the patriotic fund, be- an d B Companies, 141st Bull j sides numerous extras for patriotic enter tainments of every description, one or more occurring every week. For example, the Dawson Curling Club had a "Patriotic Bonspiel" last fall at $r.oo per, which realized, realized, over Sgoo.and the American Women's Club is trying to beat this record in a Bonspiel Bonspiel to be held about the end of this month. The latter organization cleared $1,000 for Patriotic, Red Cross, Belgian, monticket monticket Moose Batt., out of respect to her grandson grandson Hugh Osborne who is a member of "A" Co. The floral tributes were from [the family and others were very beautiful. The late Mrs. Heads was twice married, her first husband being-Alexander Osbor ne, Whitby and Bowmanville, and of the I law firm of J. E. Farewell, county attorney attorney for Ontario county, Mr. Osborne , raiIlüUt , uross died some 45 years age and six years later Serbian Relief Funds by holding a Mrs. Osborne marriéd W. A. Heads, agent J ster dance in two big halls at 50c a ^° ver t y ears .of the Canadian Ex- and 25c extra for refreshments,every cent press at Bowmanville, son of the late of expense in connection with the dance Jacob Heads, iron founder. Mrs. Heads I being defrayed by the Club so that the total total receipts might be available for patriotic patriotic purposes. A recently organized "British Empire Club" and four local chap-1 ters of the "Daughters of the Empire" have done wonders in stimulating èvery one to contribute systematically as well as by way of extras. Allow me once more to congratulate you on the continued excell- ende of your paper. Best wishes for the prosperity of yourself and staff and the good people of the dear old Homeland of I Durham. TRY OUR Was born in 1835 at Little York, now Tor ohto, and was the daughter of the late Wm. Tuer, one of the early pioneers of Ontario who emigrated from the Cheviot Hills, Scotland, in 1830 and later settled in Darlington near Tyrone. ^Mr. Wilson Heads of this town is,a brother-in-law of deceased. iCOlT Shoe£ HE STORE OF QUALITY Hever before has any model been such a complete and instantaneous success. Small wonder, really. ^or never before has there been so complete a car at anywhere near so. low a price. It stands out alone--boldly alone--boldly -- conspicuously -- unapproached--a unapproached--a powerful five- passenger touring car complete complete for only $850. Note that word "complete". That means electric starter starter and electric light, electric horn, magnetic speedometer --in fact every necessary item. Nothing is lacking. There are no extras to buy. Note that the motor is the very latest en bloc design-- the last word in fine engine- Note that four-inch costing tires. the tires are size. Many cars more have smaller enng. Remember it comes complete--only complete--only $850. Note that the rear springs are the famous cantilever type. Many bigger, more expensive cars are nowhere near as easy-riding. Note the headlight dimmers--the dimmers--the electric control buttons on steering columns --demountable rims and one- man top--all big features-- high-priced car features. And it is a perfect beauty --snappy, stylish, speedy. No wonder there's a rush to possess the car the world has been waiting for. But that means quick action action on your part in order to get a prompt delivery. Don't delay--get^your order order in to-day. A. W. Pickard's Garage Temperance St. - - Bowmanville & '/y'/yy/y-yy. *! You Should Eat More Fish i . Fish should, be more freely used because it ranges exceed- m /ly high in point of food value. It is an economical source of energy for those who work with either head or hands. It is also most easily digested. There are many reasons, indeed, why people should eat more fish. The chief one is that it is Good Food, Appetizing and Economical At this season of the year fish can be purchased, in specially fine condition and at reasonable prices. Our stock comprises a big variety. Our shipment of fresh fish comes in regularly. A Few Suggestions HaHbut--nice, tender steaks, per. lb Fresh Salmon, per lb... Finnan Haddie, delicious, per lb.r. . Smelts, per lb .;. Oysters, select, per pint Order To-day Highest cash price for Butter and Eggs ArChlC THit,Bowmanville The House oi Quality Phone 65 Mrs. John A. Holgate, Bowmanville After an illness that has been almost continuous since they settled in their residence residence on Division-st., Mrs. Fidelia L. Holgate passed away Wednesday morning, morning, April 5. We quote from The Daily Ontario, Belleville : Deceased, whose maiden name was Fidelia L. Demorest, was the daughter of John and Hannah Demorest, and was born at Foxboro sixty-four years ago. In addition to her sorrowing husband she is survived by two sons, Bidwell of Edmonton, and Thomas of Bowmanville. She is also survived by three brothers, Charles Demorest, Stirling; Arthur, of Hughton, Sask., and Francis, of Foxboro. The late Mrs. Holgate was a lady of most exemplary character. At the early age of sixteen she was converted at a camp meeting in Wesley Denÿes' grove in 1868, Mr. John Holgate who * afterwards became became her husband being converted at the same time and place. She united with the Methodist Church and continued" a devoted devoted member of that denomination at Foxboro Foxboro until the day of her death. She was a life member of the Woman's Missionary Missionary Society in whose work she took a very deep interest. The news of her death will be received with the deepest regret not only among her new found I friends at Bowmanville, but among the I. many she left behind at Foxboro and vicinity." |. Owing to the coming of Mr. Bidwell Holgate from Edmonton, the funeral was deferred to Monday, 10th inst. Service , was conducted at the family residence, ! Bowmanville, at 9 a.m. by Rev. W. G. Clarke, assisted by Rev. W. C. Washington, Washington, M.A., a relative of the family. The cortege then proceeded Jo the G.T.R. station. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. Chas. M. Cawker, Councillor L. Cornish, W. Trewin, A. Mitchell, R. Snowden, and j M. A. James. Mayor J. B. Mitchel, Reeve Geo. W. James, and Councillors F. H. Mason, T. H. Knight, Thos. Tod, and Cornish and civic officials attended the service, - Mr. Thos. S. Holgate being a member of the Town Council. Several business men, officials and members of the Methodist Church and Sabbath School, and Rev. G. C. Weisman of Disciples Church were also present. \ . Among friends present from out-of- town were Mr. John A. HoIgate's_ sister, Mrs. Hannah Peregrine, and son Albert, Queensville; Mrs. F. S. Demorest, Foxboro; Foxboro; Mrs. P. Ketcheson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Dryden, Deseronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Wright, Campbellford. Besides the chief mourners, Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washington, Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Miss Lena Taylor (nurse) and Mr. F. F. Morris (funeral director) and Rev. W. G. Clarke accompanied the remains : to Foxboro. Foxboro. ' The Belleville Ontario on Tuesday gives these additional particulars: All that was mortal of the late Mrs. John A. Holgate, Bowmanville was laid to rest Monday afternoon in Foxboro cemetery. The remains arrived by train at noon and were taken to Foxboro Methodist church where the Rev. W. W. Jones,-S.T.L. conducted conducted an impressive service assisted by Rev. W. G. Clarke, Bowmanville. formerly formerly of Belleville and Rev. Dr. E. N. Baker, Principal of Albert College. The church was filled with friends of the deceased. Other ministers present were Rev. H. S. Osborne, B.D., Belleville; Rev. R. L. Edwards, Rednersville; and Rev. D. Balfour, Balfour, Janetville. The pall-bearers at Foxboro were: Messrs. R.N. Bird, Jos. Bryant, Geo. Wick- ett, L. B. Faulkner, Dr. D. W. Faulkner and Dr«-J. Albert Faulkner. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful the principal ones being as follows: follows: Children, Pillow "Mother"; Bowmanville Bowmanville Methodist Choir, wreath; Alpha Club, wreath; Albert College Belleville, wreath; Foxboro Methodist Choir, cross; Bounsall Family, spray; MissEvelyn Bounsall, Bounsall, spray; W. H. Dustan and Family, violets; F. F. Morris and Family, sheaf of roses; Mr. and Mrs. James Solway, spray; Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Faulkner, wreath; Dr. D. Wi Faulkner, anchor; Mrs. Geo. Mun- roe, bouquet; Mrs. Jessie Burk, spray; Misses Alberta and Mary Van Allen, spray; Ladies of Adult Bible Class, Foxboro, Foxboro, deposited flowers individually in the grave. Other gifts of flowers were made of which we have no record. Mr. Holgate and sons have the sincerest sympathy'of all our citizens in their great loss. U ii HOSPITAL ANNIVERSARY. Bowmanville Ladies gave Generous Donations. The Women's Hospital Auxiliary desire to thank all citizens who so generously helped to make the third birthday "At Home" such a gratifying success. Owing to the crowded condition of the wards and the extra amount of work entailed upon upon the nurses by the large number of sick patients the birthday party was held this year in the Council Room and the change met with general approval. The need always always exists so an opportunity is always open and contributions are very acceptable. acceptable. The list of donations received on March 29 comprise : MCMurtry & Co 5 lbs tea Mrs. D. B. Simpson. : . . .6 bottles truit F. J. Manning.. v lb. tea. L. A. Tole............ 1 % doz. eggs M. A. James. Comforter Murdoff bottle fruit S. J. Jackman cut flowers Fowler. bottle fruit L. Paterson bottle fruit W. Robinson can cocoa J. G. Rickard,... .home-made bread and buns and jar marmalade. B. M. Warnica 25c McCready pair towels A. S. Tilley .. $1 worth sugar Rd Snowden 2 lbs coffee W. H. Pearn beans and cereal J. Spencer jar marmalade J. Lyle bottle fruit J• B. Martyn box cooki es E. R. Bounsall...... 9 kitchen helps and wash clothes Fred. J. Mitchel gem of fruit E. W. Loscombe gem of fruit Ç. F, Gibson gem of fruit W. H. Dustan $1 S. C. Hillier box soda biscuits W. E. Tilley % lb tea J. H. Jury bushel of potatoes H. Brock, gem of fruit, basket apples J. Elliott.... bottle of fruit A. Beith.. lb tea D. Beith lb tea Trebilcock. box toilet soap W. H. Williams, Liberty-st., 25 lbs flour, box loaf sugar. E. H. McLean, sugar and marmalade F. A. Foster... .$1 and gem of fruit F. W. Couch 4 tea towels C. Rehder. .$2 C. Carrruthers gem of fruit R. Clark sugar J. Fleming. $1 T. E. Higginbotham $1 Ri T. Stephens . y 2 lb tea J.-A. McClellan..... .25 lb bag flour J. Percy, bottle fruit, tin of cocoa B. J. Hazlewood..... .shaker flannèl F. A. Haddy...... homemade scones W. G. Clarke. 50c J. C.. Devitt. bottle fruit W. H. Martin . 25c C. H. Anderson.... 2 qt bottles fruit J. B. Mitchell, 2 qt bottles fruit and jar of pickles. Miss McMurtry... V.... 4 bottles fruit Miss Young v ; 50c Miss Allen 2 pairs pillow slips Miss Margaret Allen.. pair B. towels Miss Bleakley, can peas, lb tea and $1 Miss I. Clemens.... box macaroni Miss L. McLean. .$5 Miss K, Murdoch raisins and tapicca Miss I. Stephens. .50c Miss Bassett. tray Miss Bundle........... ,2Çc worth sugar Miss D. Fowler ...bottle fruit Miss Fairbairn .doz wash towels Miss Otton...................pair towels Miss Haycraft pair towels Miss Galbraith i ....... >. gem fruit Miss Smithgem of fruit Miss Stephens box macaroni Miss H. Burk lb tea Thos. Tod................... 10 lbs sugar WE ONLY WANT You To try our groceries once, this MEANJ THAT You WILL BUY THEM FROM MS ALWAYS. ALL GROCERIES ARE NoT THE «SAME QUALITY. BUT ALL OF OUR (3ROCERIE.S ARE THE «SAME QUALITY--THE BE.ST QUALITY WE CAN BUY."WEJ WON'T BUY ANY OTHER KIND. THEREFORE WE CANNOT JELL YOU ANY BUT THE BE«ST. AND ON OUR HIGH GRADE GROCERIES WE MAKE THE PRICE«S RIGHT DOWN LOW. Seeds ! Seeds ! ! Seeds ! ! ! Now is the time to make your selection of Vegetable and Flower Seeds We are Rowing complete selections of such, well known seeds men as Co and D M^erry Co** b6St Bng ish Seeds ) Steele-Briggs Co., Rennie & ^ , 4f : FARMERS--Be sure and inspect our Red Clover and Timothy Seeds'before buying Only Government Inspected Seeds sold. Best Red Clover Seed $16 50 bushel Timothy Seed §5.75 bushel. McMurtry Phone 83 Thé Big Departmental Store Bowmanville. a _ John Ross Robertson, publisher of The Evening Telegram,.Toronta, has been enjoying enjoying the balmy air of Florida. Roofing--all kindsat F. O. Mason's. See big display of Cleveland Bicycles at Mason and Dale's. 2 packages of garden seeds for 5c at The Model Grocery. Now's the time to buy a Cleveland Bicycle Bicycle at Mason & Dale's. Come in and look them over. ' - Chi-Namel is about the. only product that, has not increased in price. It is still selling at the old price. W. H. Dustan. Couch, Johnston& Cryderman are now showing their first shipment of Ladies' Spring Coats and Suit^^all made up in the vèry latest styles. Ladies should see these new goods. .... Fertilizer at F. Ô. Mason's. Stop that roof leak--setTlCo. Mason. Lankford Horse Collars at F.O.Mason's. Renuall and O'Cedar polish at F. O. Mason's - Car load of Ai Hay just received at Holgate's. Phone 153. Muskrat skins wanted at once. Highest cash price paid. F. R. Mayer, Phone 68, Bowmanville. Great bargains in Ladies' coats" a w fashionable goods at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. The paint you use should be the best possible. Martin Senour's is 100% pure. There is no better. Sold by W. H. Dustan. Ontario «Government has decided to increase increase the cost of marrying. At present the marriage license fee is $2; it is to be raised to $5. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto, spoke at a Patriotic meeting at Cavanville and inspired everyone by his eloquence land enthusiasm. C. C. LAUGHER A.L.C.M. Piano L.L.C.&. Violin F.V.C.M. Composition VIOLIN Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. In the Matter of the Estate ol ROBERT GREENLEES, late of the Town of Bowmanville, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named Robert Greenlees, deceased, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid, on or before the Nineteenth day of May, A.D. 1916, to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administrator Administrator of the estate, their names and addresses and a fall description of all claims and the nature of securities, if any, held by them, such claims to be duly verified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately immediately after the Nineteenth day of May A.D. 1916, the Administrator will proceed to distribute the sail! estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only for the claims of which he shall then have received notice. i«C Ô W AN,~TO WERS dT c!o WAN, ». 6 ■ Solicitors for the Administrator, Ahgns Greenlees. Dated at Sarnia this 5th day of April A.D. 1916.^5 Piano For Sale Nearly new, Dominion Upright, at a bargain. Apply to JAS. DEYMAN, Phone 54. Bowmanville Carriage Wheels Having purchased all of the McLaughlin carriage Co s unused A.. Grade W heels, parties can be supplied with a full set, 'a pair, or àn odd wheel, at bargain prices. TOM PERCY, Bowmanville. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE : King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phonk 90a House Phone 90b Insurance Office Agency for : Sun Life Ass. Co., of Canada. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Society, Royal Exchange Assurance (Fire). Economical Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Agent, Btowmanville Phone 189 Brantford Asphalt' Roofing at F. O. Mason's. Chi-Namel for - every use and ip. all shades at W. H. Dustan's. Is Your Automobile Insured If not, why not? Special rates to Ford and Chevrolet owners. Now is-the to insure insure your auto against fire, accident, accident, and liability.. I only - carry the best companies. Get particulars to-daÿ. j I INSURE EVERYTHING IDI In Fire, Life and Casualty Insurance T have some of the best companies in the world. I have something of special interest to parties who do not carry insurance. Harry Gann, Phone 50. . » . Bowmanville. ! K- It is Hi