A '* r ';'>^ >-;' s ;.; ' '=•/. - ; 3S?~ :?-$- SIW A. %. MeLAOCHLiW. Berrieter, Solicitor and Office:--Bleakley Block, King atreor.. »0WHt»imU«s - Honey to : loan at t***°A- able ratée. . . • '•••• ■■ - "•-. --^ -. •'• K sa B. J. UAZLEWOOB, M.D.. C.M. 10 WMA NV ILLE. ® H T* . C l OLD MEDALItiT ol Trinity Untyëtetty. y Toronto; Four years ; Attendtr'C Fhyeieiaua and Burgeon at ML Carmel ■oepit*LrJ?itt*burg, Ki. at Office ate 1 Beetdence Wellington TelepbonïPKb.' <06 BIG LOAN SUBSCRIPTION* f- ■ COFFEE WITH <>R WITHOUT. l GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Farritteii ind Solicitors, Notaries Public. A. K. GOODMAN; 0. C. CAtBRAITN lot Lumsden Bldg. Yorige & Adelaide-sts Toronto - Ontario How to Gét New Health and New Strength at This Season. Spring siilménts 'are not imaginary Years Ago People With Milk. DicT Mix It W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col lege. Diseases of all domestio animals treated l > le test known methods. Office at his residence, King-st," "East Bow- n anvill e. Phone 193. 20-ly RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway going east. going west 8.52 a. m. 10.18 „ 8.86 p.m. 6.40 „ 7.18 e.ee , : Express Local Local Passe ager ;Passenget 4.28 a. m 7.00 „ 9.46 .. l.E6p.m. 7.11 „ Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily . Jf Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.07 a. m. daily 10.46 a. m. daily 6.1 Ea. m. daily! . 8.21 p. m. daily 1 4.27 p. ut, daily 6.69 p. m. daily! 7.48 p. m. daily! 12.67 a. m. daily ! Except Sunday. C. B. Kkst. Agent. Canadian NorthernRaIlway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. SExpress 11.59 a.m. 11[ Express 9.06 a.m. tj Express 6.38 p.m. | II Express 7.40 p.ror Daily except Sunday | ^Daily except Sunday Wood's PhosphotiaOe English Bemed% The Great English Jtiemedy. Tones and invigorates the whole ( nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Mental and Brain Worry, Dtspon- oss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failina Memory. Price $1 per box, six for 85. One will please, six will cure. "Sold by all Détnt dency, French Bank Clerk Thought Stranger. _ Mah * Was. a Madman. -,... }'■< .. . . , , ■ v: . ", "/, " . ! •. Evidently, .thé-;.Germant» dor not-take; Amusing, antLatithe same time m- to Mack- coffee, for we are told j dicatiye oTth'é spirit ofFrancè^ isthe o v tîie ' Ne ne e t e Nachricbten that- <m story, related by Rene Bures in the Figaro, and which concerns a sub- bidden m scription to the French natpnal loan. ar e almost empty. Yet for many years It appears that in a certain small -after coffee was first drunk -in Europe, town, the name of which is not given saj's tlie Manchester Guardian, nei- Even the most robust find the winter j for obvious reasons, a man of or din- ther the Germans, nor anyone .else, their health. \ ary demeanor and clothing, with no- thought .1.ntang: it. jlth mük any thing- to « °au UhaSnsTo great majority of hie^ feUOTr-men We fr(j& 186 ^ Madame de Sevigne, walked into the blanch of a Parisian ( ^ her daughter in that year, bank. The single employe stepped to 6 ^d that A>doctor- much in vogue; "has the wicket. ' ' " M a ke Yo ur Bod y T ill g l ë Æ with life and energy for the day's work by eating foods that contain real TRAGIC FOLLY. It will not be long before -the fly season is .again with us, accompanied by supplications froiri the general press to "swat the fly." Simultaneous- nutriment-- : thàt do not use i lÿ, "the deadly poison fly papev, makes "> «:de day when the sale of milk is £or | upaU t he vitality of the body | i( ? appearance, -with the possible risk a sub- Ridden in Munich, the coffee houses . F rr A _,v ! of fatal., poisoning wherevei there months most trying to donfinemen* indtiors, often in overheated overheated and nearly always badly ventilated ventilated rooms--7-in the home, the office,, the shop, and the school--taxes the vitality vitality of even the strongest. The blood "becomes thin arid watery and is clogged clogged with impurities. -Some people have headaches and a feeling of languor. languor. Others are low-spirited and nervous. Still others are troubled with disfiguring pimples and. skin eruptions ; while some get up in the morning feeling just as tired as when they went to bed. These^ are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of order and that a medicine is needed. Many people take purgative medicines in the spring. This is a serious mistake. mistake. You cannot cure yourself with a medicine that gallops through your system" and leaves you weaker still. This is all that a purgative does. What you need «to give your health and strength in the spring is a tonic medicine medicine that will enrich the blood and soothe the jangled nerves. And the one always reliable tonic and blood purifier fa Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills not- only banish spring weakness but guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such as anaemia, nervous debility, indigestion, indigestion, rheumatism and other diseases diseases due to bad blood. In proof of this Mrs. D. E. Hughes, Hazenmore, Sask., says : "About a year ago I was badly run down, my nerves were all drui^t. o, maifed inon -S "f unstrung, and I could not go up Stairs price. New pamphlet mailedfrte. THE WOOD MEDICINE COT,TORONTO. ONT. (Fwmrlj Wliiw.) ROHPTLY SECURED! In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent free.. MARION & MARION. 864 University St., Montréal, r Do you want to earn $10 a week or more in your own home ? without stopping to rest. As I was a long ways from a doctor I determined to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in the course of a few weeks I felt like a new person. As an all round restorative I can heartily recommend this medicine." - If you are ailing this spring you cannot afford, in your own interest, to overlook so valuable a medicine as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. CHICKENS FROM RICE. Reliable persons will be furnished with profitable, all-year-round employment" on Auto-Knitting Machines, $10 per week readily earned. earned. We teach you at home, distance is ho hindrance. Write for particulars, particulars, rates of pay. send ac. stamp. ' "I wish to subscribe to the loap," said the stranger. "How much?" the-clerk demanded, indifferently. "Twelve million francs," was the answer. answer. , The clerk -gagged. Finally he recovered recovered himself and saw that the man was not joking. Neither did he have the air of a madman. "How much did you say ?" he sparred. sparred. "Twelve million francs." The clerk had heard of persons insane insane upon but one subject and he knew that to cross them meant .courting .courting danger. . "Just" a moment," he stuttered, "I-- ' I'll call the manager," And he hurried hurried into the private office, not forgetting forgetting to lock his cash drawer. The manager,, on hearing the story, came out with a jump. He stared at the customer. His clothes were neither too old nor too new; he wore a derby hat. Although he looked like an everyday man, surely not a man to hand over twelve million francs. "A subscription ? " coldly questioned the manager, buttoning his frock coat. (All French bank managers and hotel clerks wear frock coats.) "Yes," and the stranger fixed his gaze on the manager. The latter began began to wilt a bit. "And you want to subscribe--how much?" "I said twelve million francs," with a trace of irritation. The manager pulled his necktie straight; fumbled with his cuffs, and looked around for an exit. "But--that is, I mean to say--such a sum, you understand." His voice trailed away and then he mustered his courage. "Have you got twelve million francs?" "Certainly." "Er--here, with you?" taught us to mix sugar and milk with our coffee. They make a most delightful delightful compound which will help to support me through the rigors of Lent-" - In a letter written seven years earlier earlier she had mentioned as an eccentric proceeding on the part of Madame de la Sabjiere -that. "she. drinks milk to. her tea." Readers of "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan" may remember that one of the Ainus thought it disgusting that Mrs. Bishop should drink milk and pollute her tea with a fluid having so strong a smell and taste. Can Do My Work Pain is All Gone MISS DOLLIE Mc^LAIN tells of DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Alberta Lady Tells of Quick and Complete Cure Through Using Dodd's Kidney Pills. ■: t AUTO-KNITTER HOSIERY CO. Dept. 183 257 College St. - Toronto Oi--i/ at Leicester, England) RAW FURS WANTED How the Chinese Hatch Chicks and Ducklings. I The Chinese method of hatching as many as five hundred duck and chicken eggs in one sitting -has not yet been adopted in this country. Unhusked .rice is used for the purpose, purpose, and when this has been roasted, it us either cooled by a fanning process, process, or the wind is allowed to blow through - it until it is lukewarm. The breeder then sprinkles a three- inch layer of rice in the bottom of a wooden tub, and on this surface places "Of course," and he pulled out a sheaf of certificates of deposit and handed them over. The manager turned them over to the clerk, who spoiled three receipts before he managed managed to fill one out properly, while the manager hovered at his shoulder. The mysterious stranger was simply a very wealthy man, whose name is well known, but who prefers to dress and live very simply. His name is "withheld. "withheld. KEEP CHILDREN WELL. about a hundred eggs; another laypr We are the recognized Muskrat Kings of Canada. We are absolutely reliable. If you want the highest possible price ship to tis direct, and save the middlemen's middlemen's profits. V Pay no attention to the fakers who are sending out price lists quoting nearly twice as much as they pay. 1,000,000 Muskrat Skins I We arc known all over the "world as The Honest Fur House of Canada We buy all kinds of Raw Fur in season. Write and tell us what you have "for sale. -pj_j GEORGE MONTIETH FUR CO- of rice about two inches thick is spread over them, and on this layer eggs are j also placed, and the tub is filled in this. way until there are six layers of rice and five layers of eggs, making | five hundred eggs in all in the tub. Every twenty-four hours the rice has to be heated, and for this purpose the eggs have to be removed, and the bottom layer this time being placed oh top, and the other layers one row lower down, the eggs that occùpied the central position ; in the tub. now being placed at the edges. There is some difficulty in gauging the exact time at which the eggs will hatch, and unless care is taken, some of - the young ones are likely to be smothered. This is, of course, the point at which the ability of the expert is shown. HANDY HUSBAND. Knew How to - Get Part of the Breakfast. To keep little ones well the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. Nine-tenths of childhood ailments ailments are caused by derangements of these organs. Baby's Own Tablets never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels--that is why thousands of mothers mothers would give no other medicine to their little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Chas. A. Turner, Marie Joseph, N.S., writes :--"We have been using Baby's Own Tablets off and on for the past year and a half and have found nothing to equal "them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. Ferguson's Flats, Alberta, April 10th (Special.)--"Yes, I am very glad I can say that I have tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and found them all that is claimed for them." So says Miss Dollie McClain, an estimable lady residing residing here. "I was troubled with a sore back that made me almost helpless. I took one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and my back is all right. I can do my work and the pain is all gone." Thousands of women in Canada are suffering daily tortures from pain in the back. Thousands of others like Miss McClain are doing their work without an effort because they took the advice of others and cured their backache by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. • Every woman should use Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are the finest tonic in the world because, acting directly directly on the kidneys, they tone up those organs to do their full work of straining all the impurities out of the blood. Pure blood means new strength for all parts of the body. New strength means new cheerfulness. cheerfulness. That is why so many women so cheerfully testify to,, the benefit received received from using ï)odd ? s Kidney Pills. :-- :-- in an effort,to digest them. Shredded Wheat Biscuit supplies supplies the greatest amount of body-buildin g, ener gy-crea- ting material with the least tax upon the digestive otgans. It is a real whole wheat food, ready-cooked and ready-to- I are children. II |: Haî been Canada *. favoiUe yeait for more than forty years. Enough for 5c. >o i For during 1915 twenty-six cases of ity-poisoning were reported from eleven states. In 1914 forty-six chil- . dr en were innocent victims, v This record is in all probability incomplete as .symptoms of arsenical poisoning are so similar to those of choltra infantum that even physicians of long experience are likely to conservé conservé containing the life ~bf fuse them, and the subsequent illness, ' - ■ is ascribed to cholera infantum. { The Michigan U.S.A. Legislature j has already passed a law regulating \ the sale of. poisonous fly papers. The ! question should be considered by every ; civic body of Canada and the States' j to stop infantum mortality from an ! absolutely unnecessary cause. police 50 large ^TORONTO. ONT, loaves ci hne. Do made in Canada wholesome nourishing nourishing home made bread, hot experiment, there is nothing just as good. the wheat grain--nothing added, nothing taken away. Start the day right by eating Shredded Wheat with hot or cold milk; Serve it for luncheon luncheon with sliced bananas or other fruits. EW.GILLETT CO. LTD( TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL^, you like my Made in Canada. PACTS ABOUT MUSK. Carried As They Often Do. When the fish are running freely That's the time to fish, they say But it irritates one, really, When they only run away. Her Comeback. Evangeline--How < : new hat ? | Caroline--I think it is charming. : had one just like it last year. 1 Minarü's Uniment for sale everywner* A man can even boast of his rheu- i mutism until he gets it. moons. FAMINE IN GERMANY. Peculiar Effects When It Is Close to the Body. The musk of commerce comes, for the greater part, from Tachienlu, a town in China that is known as the "Gateway to Thibet." Three thousand thousand pounds of this odoriferous substance substance is exported annually. The bulk of it goes to France, where it is used in manufacturing perfumery. Musk is an essential ingredient of almost all perfumes. Musk has certain radioactive properties properties that cause the odor of the per-1 there!" fume to be carried through the air j in a very extraordinary way. The i radioactive property of musk affects • the natives who carry it to market j very strangely. If a package of musk i is held close to the body for any j length of time, it produces sores that are -similar in character to those caused by pure radium. " j Musk is obtained .from a sort of | gland, or pouch, of the male musk | deer, and it is secreted only during j certain seasons of the year. The musk deer is a small animal, seldom more than three feet long and twenty-two inches in height. It is becoming more and more scarce every year, and at the present rate will eventually become become extinct. _ Granulated Eyelids, ^^1 11 1-* Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by MurlOC Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. MnrtaeEye Stive inTubes 25 c. ForBook ol IheEycfreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Go., CMIcage SEED POTATOES S EED J-OTATOES. IRISH COB- bleis, Delewure, Carman. Or der at ouo>. Supply -limited.. Write for quotations. II. V/. Dawson, Brampton- HELP WAIîïBDi W ANTED GIRLS FOR KNITTING and Finishing Departments; Fine for Love-Making. "The. planet Jupiter has good wages. Apply Kingston lloisory Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. * five j W ANTED -- LATH M A< TU N ISTH and Fitters. TooImakerK. also "TTn-cv romantic the nitrhtc must be' operators experienced on the larg-v size MOW r omantic rne mgnu. ihum, j shells. Phone nr wire appUeations l-re- | ferred. R. Hell Son Company. Ltd.. ! St. George, Ont. Mlnard'a Liniment Believes Neuralgia. W A XTE D-- S1 -I N N K R S « >N T •V Eurber and Whit h\ His Concern. "What's the matter, old man? debt?" "Exactly." "I wouldn't worry about that if In DAVIS Mules. Steady work and highest wages paid. For full particulars, apply The Slingsby Manufacturing: Co.. Ltd., Brantford < >nt. W » were you. "I'm not worrying about being in ! debt; what troubles me is that my; creditors refuse to let me get in any | deeper." ; ANTED - - GENERAL .MACHI.\ja and belt .sander me::: also finishers finishers and rubbers for high-grade furniture. furniture. Apply- staling experience, Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co.. Kincardine, < hit. W I 'AMBUK ÜOLEN MILL HELP, CARDERS spinners and weavers We will pay inexperienced help while learning weaving. Good wages paid in all these departments and steady work for months to come. For further particulars, particulars, apply to the Slingsby Manufacturing Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Brantford, Ont. AGEWTS WANTED. The Wisdom of Willie. Mother- (angrily)--Why didn't you come when I called you the first time? • Willie--'Cause I didn't hear you Till you called the third time. Mother--Now how could you know it was the third call unless you heard the other two? Willie--Easy enough ma. I knew it was the third time 'cause you sounded so mad. "THE NEXT CASE PLEASE." How a Bohemian Peasant Heard of the Death of His Son. The Arbeiter Zeitung of Vienna, a news paper devoted to the interests of the workingman of Austria, prints the following incident. " The scene," says the Arbeiter Zeitung, "is in a little village in Bo- " 'I know one dish I can prepare for j hernia. Wenzel Nekvasil has received breakfast as well as any cook on some legal paper earth,' said my husband one morning when the cook was ill and he had volunteered volunteered to help get breakfast. He appeared with his dish and I discovered discovered it was Grape-Nut® which, of course, Neither he nor his wife can read, so his neighbors read it for him, telling Nekvasil that it is a summons to appear in the District Court. " 'Perhaps it is about my son/ said Nekvasil. You know we have not was easy to prepare for it was per- ; heard from him in four months.' 21 JARVIS STREET TORONTO, Ont Show this advertisement to in- y «terested friends. are.not here to. go to sleep--no more are you. Get on--or get out, that, is the law of to-day. For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of. the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility," Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poispn, Skin Diseased, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, arid Chronic dr Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute,. 268-205 Yonge St., . Toronto. Correspondence invited. fectly cooked at the factory, but it was a good illustration of the convenience convenience of having Grape-Nuts about: "We took up Grape-Nuts immediately immediately after returning from a five years' sojourn in a hot country. Our stomachs were irr bad condition and we were in poor health generally. "In a day or. two we liked Grape- Nuts better, than any. other kind, pi food on the table. We both gained steadily in health and strength, and this was caused by Grape Nuts and Postum. "A friend of ours had a similar experience. experience. She was seriously ill with indigestion and could find nothing to eat that Would not giye her heartburn and palpitation, especially at night.. "She found that a small dish of Grape-Nuts with cream made her a satisfactory supper and gave her a comfortable, night's rest. In a short time she gained several pounds in weight." "There's a Reason." Name given' by Canadian Postum Co u Windsor, Ont. Brer read tfc# above - letter» ■*..< eie appears - free* time ld ^tbae. " They "ere geaetae, 1 ten*, - aan • full of htàu "At six o'clock in the morning of the 17th Nekvasil starts to walk to the District District Court. When he reaches the Court building he is ordered to sit on a bench in the corridor. After waiting waiting two hours hé is called in. " 'You are Herr Wenzel Nekvasil?' " 'Yes, Your Honor.' " 'Your son, Franz Nekvasin, nineteen nineteen years old, who was with the Landsturm infantry regiment, No-- , fell like a hero in battle in Galicia: Was he your son? / " 'Yes, Your Honor.' " 'Well, assets to thé value of 17.30 kronen were found on his person. Do you understand?' " 'Yes Your Honor.' Renewed Stories of the Suffering of the People. The London Chronicle has the following following from Copenhagen: It appears that the Germans are at ../IT,*" ,, J last facing the facts of a threatening j - famine. New examples are daily told by travellers, especially by women. Up to the close of February it) seems that a greater part of the population had not really suffered, although the rations had not long been greatly diminished, diminished, but in March a great) change came, and a catastrophe is apprehended. apprehended. i In a Danish journal, Dr. Edward Lehman, lately returned from Berlin, says everybody stays at home. It saves money and it saves strength. j Within a few days meat cards will be added to the bread cards and bub- ; ter cards, meaning that the consumpf: tion of meat throughout the empire will be regulated from a central meat distribution office. . ! * . ' Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff Obliged to Leave Early. "Daughter, your new beau doesn't remain very late. The last one used to hang around until the milkman called. "Well, you see, dad, this one is a Purely Herbal--No poisonous poisonous coloring matter, j Antiseptic-- S tops blood- poisoning festering, etc. Soothlng-r-Ends quickly the I pain and smarting. Heals all sores. L ive agents wanted for every County in untavio. with exclusive exclusive territory to right men; house calls by appointment ami sales practically practically certain ; snap for college students who wish to make high wages for holidays; holidays; write quick for particulars, glx inp experience and location desired. The Art Memorial Publishing Co., Box 92, Brantford, Ont. NEWBFAPEES FOB SAM. 50c. Box. All Druggists amîStores PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB _L Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Company, Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. iiiKïr'"" SEEDSq" C ancer, tumors, lumps, etc.. internal and external, cured wlth- : out pain by our home treatment. Write us before• too late. Dr. Bellman Medical : Co., Limited, CoRingwood. Ont. Color, Anyhow. The grocer had just put a new boy to work, and among the other instructions instructions was this : "If you do not happen to have what a customer asks for, suggest something something else nearly like it as possible." Soon a woman came into the store and asked the boy : "Have you any fresh green stuff today?" * "No, ma'am," answered the boy, "but we have some nice bluing." " 'So I will declare you and your wife are the only heirs. Now you will please sign this examination paper.' " 'Nekvasil sighs by making three croses: - "'go now you can go. Next please.' '"Nekvasil goes to the door, but hesitates. " 'Is there, anything else you wish ? ask'sithe' official. . 'Pardon/ but j am thiriking of my son--ie hedead? ? - , =- •* 'My dear friend, I thought that you understood. ViÿentiB îPpfi /datûr here- dttas---if be were alive there would be mP rëâson- for court action/' ; I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BE ST Liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. lately. . I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it was as- well as ever next day. . Yours very truly, t. g. McMullen. Feminine Logic; Helen annoyed her father with questions questions while he tried to read the newspaper) newspaper) One evening, among other things she demanded, "Papa, what do you dp at the storè àll day?" "Oh," he answered briefly, "nothing." "nothing." Helen-; was silent a moment, and then asked. "But how do you know when you are done?" TNERM0R Waterless Rem *'" Ho * for 12 Hours Hot Bottle 18 *" a Litetime It is made of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply boil the "Thermor" for ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hot for fid! twelve hours at an even temperature of 125 deg. Recommended by physicians physicians on accourit of the steady heat and sanitary metal case. No trouble -- no filling -- no danger of scalding the hands-- no leaks---no expense and one purchase lasts a lifetime. In sickness, such as Neuralgia, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuritis, Inflammation--in fact all aches and pains, the "Thermor" is invaluable. As a bed-warmer and a foot-warmer it has no equal. "The "Thermor" measures 8%" across and is 1%" thick, ÿet it weighs less than a filled two quart rubber bottle. The price-is $4.00 sent Postpaid anywhere and sold under an absolute absolute guarantee from/the makers. makers. High-class representatives wanted' in some territories. GOLDEN GATE -MANUFACTURING -MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED 9 Youville Street, Montreal. Before placing placing your order for seeds, see our 1916 Oeld- en Jubilee Catalogue-it Is free Gov't. Stan. Bus. No. 1 Red Clover (Fancy) 616.00 No. 1 Alaÿke 18,00 No, 1 Timothy 6.7S Allow 30c for each cotton bag We pay railway freight in Ontario Ontario and Quebec over $35.00 EMPIRE BUSINESS COLLEGE 846 Broadview Ave., Toronto^ Ont. ô.y I# MONTHS COURSE N Iff Hi: The only College in Canada .teaching all Typewriter Keyboards Oa rate* are half those prevailing elsewhere GEO.KF.lTH &50NS uiàiMwSi. L stras r.iv K -• Dr. , iawmsoms trade MARK i 1 BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any addrcea by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West SlstSlreet, New York Mr I ! America's I PieMtr 1 Dog Remedies Should be In every stable. STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. Cures Caked Udders Sore Neck-- Galls -- Distemper-- Spavins--Curbs or Splints. It has no equal. Price 26c--60c and $1.00 sent prepaid promptly on receipt or price if your druggist cannot supply. supply. Dr. Lawrason Medicine Co. H. Toronto, Ont. Dept. Wairtfi Llatunt Cures : Burns, Btoi. SPECIALLY MADE FARM FOOTWEAR DELIVERED TO YOU CANADA'S GREATEST Miiskrat Handler is the old firm of HIRAM JOHNSON Limited, 410 St. Paul St; W., Montreal. Ship all your fura there and obtain full value. Here is a light weight, durable and comfortable working shoe specially suitable for farmers, woodsmen, miii- men, trackmen, laborers--all who require require extra strong, easy footwear for working In. We make them of the splendid oil-tanned Skowhegan waterproofed' waterproofed' leather that has made Palmer's "Moose Head Brand" famous for almost forty years. No need to suffer with tired, sore, aching, aching, burning feet. Get a pair of these and find ease and comfort. If your dealer doesn't carry them, send us hie name, enclosing $3.26, and we -will ship vou a pair, all charges paid, to any address In Canada or U. k. Remit (stating -size) by postal or express urder Same stvle as shown. 8 eyelets eyelets high, $3.76.Write for our catalo • fully illustrating our Summer Winter footweer. JOB» PAI.MBB. ÇO., Limited. Fredericton, If. Canada. talog and MICA AXLE GREASE Has been the standardfor years. The mica fills the pores in the spindle. spindle. Saves friction, friction, wear and money. Dealers Everywhere The Imperial Oil Co., Limited BRANCHES I IN A1X. CITH® SÇLÈ" MU El), 7. ISSUE 16.-- '1». . Ü ■.■-/fc:-:': ÆÊÊÊË '.-.V'J É 1S i i i i .1 A