I A. C. McLAUCHLlH, Barrister. Solicitor end Convey s-neer. Office Bleekler Block, Kins Street, Bowmanville. Money to loan et reasonable reasonable rate*. .... WT?. B. j. HAZLEWOOD, BOWMANVILLE, M.D., CeMe . ONT. Q OLD MEDALIST of Trinity University. Toronto; Physician and Burgeon Boepital. Pltteburg, K*. Office and Residence Telephone No. 108. Four years Attending' Carmel et ML Wellington Bt. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Farriet-en and Solicitors, Notaries Pablio, A. K. GOODMAN, 0. C. GALBRAITH let Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. I'ccorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- hpe. Diseases of all domestic animals treated 1 x latest known methods. Office at bis residence, Kmg-st, East Bow- n anville. Phone 193. ao-lyr. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express 8.62 a. m. rExpress 4.22 a. m Express 10.18 „ Local 7.C0 „ Passenger 8.36 p. m. Local 9.46 „ Local 6.49 „ Passenger l.S6p.m. Passenger 7.18 , :Paasenget 7.11 „ Mail 9.68 , : Daily Canadian Pacific Railway Going West NEW STRENGTH Ht THE Nature Needs Aid in Making New Health-Giving Blood. Tn the spring the system needs a tonic. To be healthy you must have new blood, just as the trees must have new sap to renew their vitality. Nature Nature démand it, and without this new blood you will feel weak and languid. You may have twinges of rheumatism of the sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia. neuralgia. Often there are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin. In CHAPLIN, OF BRTTBH PEERS ALWAYS A FAVORITE IN THE BRITISH COMMONS. in the Was King Edward's Chum Deceased Monarch's Madcap / Days. The Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin, who has just been created a peer, has dis- ! charged the duties of leader of the W who can tell? But it is certain that ! Yn*i Owa Ymirftplf thw Harry Chaplin, who. has always, hejeji . 1 *OU VrWe I OUT ini Treat after the inclined to take hibyrelf seriously in his public capacity; will not be less in- : heavy meats and the canned dined to do so, now that a coronet adorns his Jove-like brow. j nominal Opposition, in virtue of his other cases there is merely a feeling j seniority among ex-Cabineb Ministers, of tiredness and a variable appetite. ' ' " * '* " " 6.07 a, in. daily S.fS a. m. daily! 4.27 p. m. daily 7.46 p. m. daily t i Except Sunday. Going East 10.4C a. m. daily 3.21 p. m. daily! 6.69p. in. daily! 12.67 a. m. daily C. B. Kent, Agent. Canadian Northern Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. *: Express 11.69 a.m. *,! Express 6.33 p.m. SDaily except Sunday If Express 9.06 a.m. If Express 7.40 p.m "JDaily except Sunday. since the formation of the coalition Any of these are signs that the blood j Government. It is said that Mr. Chap- is out of order--that the indoor life j lin's failing health necessitates his of winter has lessened your vitality. ] retirement from the strenuous life of What you need in spring is a tonic j the Lower Chambr, of which, by the medicine to put you right, and in all j way, he has been a member--and al- ache may be cured by worshipping a the world of medicine there is no tonic 1 ' ' ■*- ■ - 1 hp mn tn ho WORSHIP SNAKE IN JAPAN. Natives Believe Reptile Has Cured Hundreds of Toothache. In the Suma gardens of Kobe, Japan, is a huge snake brought from the tropics. tropics. It measured 25 feet in length and 28 inches round, the waist. Naturally Naturally this splendid réptile excited admiration, admiration, and when it died much sympathy sympathy was expressed, and a-deputation asked the management to bury the snake in the vicinity, with due ceremony. ceremony. This was done,, the reptile being interred in a pine grove back of the restaurant. Then the discovery was made that the snake had died on the day of the snake in the Japanese : calendar, and somebody remembered an ancient superstition superstition according to which, tooth- vegetables of the Winter-- tirith a jaded stomach and rebellious liver--Shredded Wheat with Strawberries --a dish that is deliciously nourishing and --a perfect meal, and so easily and quickly prepared. For breakfast, for luncheon or any meal. STRIKE OIL IN AUSTRALIA. Message Tells of a- Big Petroleum ' Field. Near Grafton. ' can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills actually make new rich, red blood--your greatest need in spring. This new blood drives out the seeds of disease and makes easily tired men, women and children bright, active and strong. Mrs. Eugene Cadarette, Amherstburg, Ont., says; "I suffered for a long time from dizzi- most continuously--for nearly fifty 1 snake. The grave began to be visited years. The son of a parson--that kind and much benefit was derived b> tooth- of parson who was both country gan- , ^VdredsWsit the grave every week tleman and clergyman and was term- now and bring good pro fits to the gar- ed a "squarson"--and educated at> dens and the restaurant proprietor, Harrow and 'Christ Church, Oxford. wbo naturally are ready to be convin- The new peer is 75 years old. While C ed of the miraculous powers of the quite a young manche came into splen- snake- Some of the grateful .people did inheritance in the shape of the who have been cured have decided to Blankeney Estate in Lincolnshire--to ness, pain in the back and' sick head- this day he is termed the Squire of ache, and nothing I took did'me any i Blankeney in the House of Commons. erect a shrine to the memory of the snake. ARE YOU GOING . WEST? THE dfiAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM WILL RUN H0MESEEKERS' EXCURSION Each Tuesday March 7th tô October 31st (Inclusive) Tickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date of sale WINNIPEG and return §35.00 EDMONTON and retûrn §43.00 Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tickets and further, particulars at Grand Trunk ticket offices or J. H. H. JURY'S, Bow- nan ville. In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent tree. MARION & MARION, 864 University St., Montréal. Wool's Phosphodlao, The Great English Remedy• Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation 6f the. Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, sit for One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Fermsrty WIsdter.) good until,I began Dr.^Williams' Pink Pills. These cured me after taking six boxes and I now feel better than ever I did in my life. I had fallen off in weight to 82 pounds, and after taking taking thé Pills I had increased to 100 pounds." These Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,. Brockville; Ont. -- TELLS OF FRENCH COURAGE. Bavarian Says Verdun Defenders Fight With Bravery. A high Bavarian railroad official who is in charge of some of the German German field roads before Verdun writes home : "The defenders of Verdun fight with admirable bravery, and their artillery does good work. Whenever they are driven out of a position the French counter-attack at once with death-defying courage. The French army is brave and capable. "There is no hope that France will lay down her arms until the nation nation realizes that Germany can never be crushed. The war will go on even if Verdun fails. "The French civilians behind our front willingly work for us, and take the high wages we pay them, but their hate remains, and they have but one thought and wish: Germany must be crushed." ' ---- ASQUITH A RECORD PREMIER. ! The estate consisted of land and a splendid mansion, and the rent roll was pretty nearly a quarter of a million million dollars a year. Harrÿ Chaplin--- he is one of those men who are "Harry" all their lives--got through the lot in pretty short order. For truth to tell, this _now veteran statesman and newly-made peer was not a little of a'roysterer in the days of his hot youth. Hunting, shooting, I deer stalking, racing, card playing, ! dining, wining, and the rest of it--he was the equal of the best at any or ! Louis all of these. When King Edward j. was acting the part of madcap Prince ! Hal, Harry Chaplin was one of his nearest and dearest intimates. He is said to have won as much as $500,- Spreading Good News Broadcast WANTS EVERYBODY TO KNOW DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM. Champagne, After a Long Period of Sickness and Weakness, Says He Found New Health in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do you want to earn $10 a week or more in your own home ? Reliable persons will be furnished with profitable, all-year-round employment on Auto-Knitting Machines, $10 per week readily earned. earned. We teach you at home, distance is no hindrance. Write for particulars, particulars, rates of pay, send ac*. stamp. AUTO-KNITTER HOSIERY CO. Dept. 183 257 College St. - Toronto (Auso at Leicester, England) Has Held Office for a Long Period as Prime Minister. Mr. Asquith has been Premier of Great Britain longest of any since 1832. Not only is Mr. Asquith's, single 000 on a single race, and doubtless stretch of office longer than that of , has before npw many times, lost any other modern Prime Minister, but! pretty nearly that sum. In his old Discovery of the first gas and petro j leum field in the continent of Australia | was announced in a cable message 1 received by P. E. Quinn, Trade Commissioner Commissioner of New South Wales, Australia, Australia, New York. The message, which came from E. H. Palmer, acting assls- . n . tant superintendent of the Immigra- satisiying tion and Tourist Bureau, Sydney, contained contained only the information that the petroleum and gas field had been found near Grafton, on the Clarence River, in the extreme north-eastern part of New South Wales. That the newly found supply is extensive extensive is indicated by the fact that ; news of the discovery was cabled also | to Niel Nielson, Australian Trade Com- j missioner in Sanfrancisco and other I Australian representatives who are ; ! seeking to bring about closer commer- j ; ci'al relations . between the United j j States and the Australian Common-1 wealth. I Commissioner Quinn said the oil and gas supply nearest Australia was that discovered in recent years in New Guinea. He was not able to estimate liow the American market of these products might be affected, but he pointed out that Australia annually has bought from the United States ' more than $10,000,000 worth of gaso- one glass will render a man more leue> benzol> lubricating oils and other liable to any contagious or infectious petroleum products, disease. ' Not long ago the Academy of Medicine Medicine of Toronto, unanimously declared against the use of alcohol in any form as a medicine. Finally let us remember remember that) in the U.S. whiskey and brandy have been left off the_ American American Pharmacopeia, which is the official official list of medicines recommended for the use of Physicians. If that be so, are you not quite safe in dropping the use of it as a family medicine ? Some- *^DEIN can a ^ making: For soap. For soften- Ing water. For removing paint. For disinfecting refrl gerators, • inks, cloeots, ; d rains and for BOO other purposes, REFUSE BVEaTITUTES. *TS Made in Canada. A Pleasant Discovery. An old lady -on board a vessel observed observed two sailors pumping up water to wash the deck, and, the captain being being near, she accosted him as follows: "Well captain,' so we've got a ' well aboard, eh?" "Yes, ma'am always carry one," said the polite captain. "Well that'f; clever. It's so much better than the nasty sea water, which I always dislike so." Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend MILK SHORTAGE IN AUSTRIA. In Innsbruck Shops Open for Only Two Hours Daily. _ . patterns kept there The scarcity of live stock and milk ; among the leading in Austria has assumed such alarm- j However, many patterns'have Chinese Porcelain. It Is announced that the famous King Teh Chceng porcelain factory which from the year 1396 furnished all the fine porcelain for the royal palaces of China, is to he reopened. This factory was partly -destroyed during the revolution revolution in which the republic was established, established, and the various samples, and were divided revolutionists, jeen re- ing proportions that at Innsbruck j covered, together with samples, during the mid-Lent cattle market | only twelve cows were available for sale and they were immediately retime retime I may advise what to use in its quisitioned by the military authorities. place.-- H. Arnott, M.B., M.C.P.S. -- -«$« POULTRY RAISER'S CHANCE. The amount of milk available for Mlnard'3 Liniment n.ed by Physician*. Father's Advice. 'I told father I loved sale is so limited that milk shops aie, £ ba ^ any girl I ever met opened for only two hours every day and the- crowd of people is so great Present Market Outlook Warrants that the police experience the greatest ' more gi r j s '" Greatly Increased Production j difficulty in regulating the sale andj During 1916. I distribution of milk for children and you more 7" "And what did your father say "He said to try and meet some sick persons. Millerand, Ont., May 8th (Special.) --Strong and hearty again after a long period of weakness and ill-health, Louis Champagne a well-known resident resident of this place, is spreading broadcast broadcast the good news that he found new health and strength in Dodd's Kidney Pills. "For a long time," Mr. Champagne states in an interview, "I suffered from kidney disease and backache. My appetite was uncertain, and I got up in the morning with a bitter taste in my moùth. There were flashes of light before my eyes, and I had a dragging sensation across, the loins. My limbs were heavy and I was always tired. "Then I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Kidney Pills, and I am glad to be able to say that two boxes made me well. I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all those who suffer from feebleness or bad kidneys." If you have the symptoms mentioned mentioned by Mr. Champagne you may be sure your kidneys need attention. Neglected kidneys are the cause of more than half the ills mankind is heir to. The way to treat sick or weak kidneys is to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. * THE FAMILY BOTTLE. j Makers of alarm clocks are among i those who do a rousing business. Conditions m other regions are much ; than in the Tyrol, where m tne ryroi, wnere m times cattle breeding flourishes and consequently the milk *- MOTHER AND BABY. S EED ble;s. SEED POTATOES POTATOES. IRISH COB- Delexvare. Carman Or der at 07.2. Supply limited. Write for quotations. H. ~vV. Dawson. Brampton. FOR 6AJ E. LADIOLUS, THE COMING FLOW- .X ER. Cultured directions free. H. P. Vanwagner, R. 5, Hamilton. 18 age he was glad to accept a pension ' such as an ex-Cabinet Minister of im-! Ag Prohibition approaches, a good poverished means is entitled M of m who st m believe in the virtues - , * 6 # 0 a y ear ' an< V° llVe at . Stafford of alcohol as a. family medicine may for about fourteen years in all and, House as practically a pensionei on be disturbed as to how they can have Lord Salisbury for about thirteen, but the i b . 0UI ^^_ 0 ^ 2 „Sutherland, ^ bo ttle replenished. To all such I Lord Beaconsfield had only about ~ ~ ~ seven years, and Lord John Russell he is getting near the top of the list | for length of years of office with or ; without breaks. Mr. Gladstone was Prime Minister I From present indications Great Britain will require all the eggs and I poultry Canada can produce during i W0 J se 1916. Last year, as a result of great- ! or mar Y ly increased production, Canada was . . . .... able to ship to Great Britain the larg- j su PP'y 15 Plentiful, est quantity of eggs exported since 1902, and at the same time reduced her imports for home consumption by j nearly a million dozen. | The fond mother always has the Canadian eggs have found favor on ; welfare of her little ones at heart, the British market, and the prospects ' She is continually on the watch for are that, providing they are available, : any appearance of the maladies wnicn i Superioi . supplies Co., Hamilton. Ont much larger quantities will be ship- 1 threaten her little ones. Thousands ! ped this year. The unusually high 1 of mothers have learned by experience prices prevailing at the present time , that nothing will equal Baby's Own are largely due to this anticipated ex port demand. ■ - Prices for poultry are also high, ! Blissfield, N.B., writes: "Baby's Own ; and will likely continue so for the rest Tablets are the best medicine I have > of the season. Last fall and winter ever used for my baby. He was very | all the surplus Canadian poultry was cross but the Tablets soon put him j -- - - • sold j O EWING MACHINE SUPPLIES kO Superior Needles 25c. Shuttles 75c, Bobbins Be, Belts 20c, for any Machine; HELP WANTED. Tablets in keeping the children well. Concerning them Mrs. R. Morehouse, \\7 ANTED--UPHOLSTERERS, GOOD VV wages ; piecework. Apply Bac-lz Brothers & Co., Berlin, Ont. W ANTED, EXPERIENCED GOAR exported at highly profitable prices. Highest wages paid. Apply by letter Hosiery Company, care Wilson Publishing Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ^ _ ^ right again." The Tablets are Between fifty and sixty cars of live by medicine,dealers or by mail at 25 - t>rofit-MAKING news and poultry were shipped from Western ' --^ - W from The Dr. Williams' A Offices for sale in good O Ontario to the Eastern States alone, cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. and in the .Maritime Provinces, particularly particularly in Prince Edward Island, the export demand for canned poultry has Strong One Way. Wife--"My husband is not well, I'm greatly enhanced prices to producers, j afraid he 7 )! give out." Although some uneasiness has ex- ! Wife's Mother--"Well he may give'; isted on the part of the trade as re- j out. He certainly never gives in gards transportation facilities in view I of the high freight rates and the'j shortage of boats, it is now reasonably i certain that an even greater demand ) for Canadian poultry and eggs will j this year. - It is important, 1 JOB Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses^ Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Company. Company. 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. Ask for mnard'a and take no other about six. Lord Palmerston's ascend- ancy was roughly from 1855 till 1865, j in which period he had two terms as ] Prime Minister, one lasting three and I the other six years. It took Sir | Robert Peel about five years to and leave a name as one greatest of Prime Ministers. -- .j, ■ GLASS OF WATER Her Reward. Mrs. A.--I met Mrs. Swellton, the president for the Home for the Aged, to-day and gave her $10 for it, which I couldn't well afford. Mrs. B.--Heaven will reward you. Mrs. A.--It has already. She invited invited me to luncheon. Miller's Worm Powders act mildly and without injury to the child, and there can be no doubt of their deadly effect upon worms. Thev have beei>dh successful use for a long time and aiV recognized as a. leading preparation/for the purpose. They have prove less cases and hav ands of children, of get the his kinsman by marriage. A General Favorite. Yet, with all his faults and foibles-- address this letter, asking them to examine examine the matter fairly and candidly. Alcohol as medicine is rapidly being and they are neither few nor small--| given up in all the large^ hospitals. Mr. Chaplin has always been a great j This is shown by the collated reports favorite in the House of Commons. 1 °f seven of the largest hospitals in Squire, sportsman, and something of England. In 1862^ $37,403 was spaI T j which annually becomes a drug on the a scholar--in the sense that he has for alcohol and only $14,675 for milk. ] market in the fall of the year. Again ! cultivated a taste for literature such In 1902 only $13,186 was spent foi al- j occur tms year. - it is therefore, that every poultry producer t^kes steps to profit thereby, by hatching as many chickens as possible this spring. Now is the time, by hatching early, by hatching everything possible in Unappreciated Rewards. Mother--"The teacher complains you have not had a correct lesson for a month ; why is it?" Son--"She always kisses me when I get them right." - ^ . . . I cured a horse of the Mange with the month of May, to guard against MINAPD » S LINIMENT. C ancer, tumors, lumps, etc.. internal and external, cured without without pain by our heme treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood. Ont "Overseas" Liniment Why suffer with Rheumatism. Lumbago, Lumbago, Lame Back or pain of any kin J, when "Overseas" Liniment will cure yo i. The Highest Grade Liniment -maoe. Guaranteed. Send at once. Family size 50c; Large size $1.00. OVERSEAS CHEMICAL CO., 810 Bathurst St., Toronto. Can. the marketing of so much small, un- ! dersized, poorly finished poultry, SP6nt, , , , ,, , 1 ...l_ L n m <-> l 1 tv K/a/i r\ n r» Z CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a horse badly torn by a t 1 " ! pitchfork, with MÏNARD'S LINI- EDW. p J. O « A O U W CX o O U C XXL X U 1 1 ■ , ( i -i -j I ■* • i * U X l/Llli. oi as is not often possessed by the aver- ; cohol and $43,818 for milk with about j 1S th ° n cbicbens a every possible chance ' peer's C B age country gentleman-he is very the same number of ko thrive and grow, tiiat a maximum , St *_ ^^ofabad far from being a fool in public mat-1 Victor Horsely tells us that some of q{ eggg can be obtained in the win- ! ^mINARD'S LINIMENT, -- BOOK ON DOG diseases! And How to Feed Miiled free to any Address by America's the Author Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. Dog Remedies L 118 West 31st Street, New York ters whatever he may have proved thé present day rapid recoveries are Upset Her. himself to be in the management of due to the fact that after, operations, People who don't know about food j hig own a ff a irs. In fact, so astute a thé patients are no longer dosed with judge as Disraeli welcomed him as a 1 alcohol. Many of the most successful LINLIEF. swelling ter time. Given their proportionate amount j of attention, the growing of poultry j brings quick and profitable returns to j Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W. PAYNE. No Joke. "Yes and I asked him if all >ut 'What did he say? : "He said that some people r eir power in number- iven relief to thous- o, but for the good offices of this superior compound, would have continued weak and enfeebled. does f Its Usual Remark. Master Biltjon---Pa, what money say when it talks ? Bilton, Sr. (speaking from personal experience)--Good-bye! should never be allowed to feed per sons with weak stomachs __ r _ _ ^ Sometime ago a young woman had ; burne d to Parliament to swell the it even in the smallest quantity. That | tl } e ^ a ^ e ^' ^ an attack of scarlet fever, and when I ranbs G f the Conservative minority in ! being so, would it not be wise to leave J ° . ' • ' . convalescing was permitted to eat ' t be year 1868. . His admiration for it out of the family medicine chest. | i b nroblem j°^ es a ^out married life were so. anything she wanted. Indiscriminate-; pi sr à; e li has affected his Parliament- j It is now beyond dispute that alco- ; P ou . . . _ ,, h j o-irls "What did he say?" feeding soon put her back in bed with l ary sty ie almost beyond belief. When , hoi even in moderate quantities, les- i 1S not cnuca1 ' ... uyb - anu ë - "TTa- said that some people had severe stomach and kidney trouble. j a young and impressionable member : sens efficiency, lessens power of en-, "There I stayed," she says, "three ; be was accustomed to note that great ' durance, weakens the memory and ! y he . poultry months, with my stomach in such con- j man ' s * air of Olympian reflection arid ! eyesight. It doe's not require any j a few I b j g assumed grandiloquence of _jnan- J great intelligence to understand that j what does all this must lessen the power of a patient to. fight disease. If a single glass of beer lessens a man's endurance by seven per cent, and his HAWK BICYCLES An up-to-date High Grade BicyclehttedwithÀW/zi'CVfo:», Nrtu Defat lure or Hercules Coaster Brake and IIubs, Detachable Detachable Tires, high grade equipment. equipment. Including Mud- çc:,- S guards, Pump,&Tools «44.DU s S. d FREE 1916 Catalogue, 60 pages of Bicycles, Sundries and Repair Material. You can buy your supplies from us at Wholesale Prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame St. West, MontreaL dition that I could take only teaspoonfuls of milk or beef juice at 1 ner an d he came to the conclusion ! a time. Finally Grape-Nuts was ! ^ ba t if these were essential to Par- $1, REWARD For information that* will lead to the discovery or.whereabouts of the person or persons suffering- from Nervous Debility, Diseases of" the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured, at The Ontario- Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence inyite^.r; brought to my attention and I asked my doctor if I might eat it. He said, 'yes,' and I commenced at once. "The food did me good from the start and I was soon out of bed and recovered from the stpmach trouble. I have gained ten pounds and am able to do all household duties,, some days sitting down only long enough to eat my meals. I can eat anything that one ought to eat, but I still continue to eat Grape-Nuts at breakfast and supper and like it better every day. "Considering that I could stand only a short) time, and that a glass of water seemed 'so heavy,' I am fully satisfied that Grape-Nuts has been everything to me and that my return to. health is 'due to it. . "I have told several friends having nervous or stomach trouble what Grape-Nuts did for me arid, in every case they spéak highly of the food." "There's a Reason." Name given ; by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Onto Brsr read the akexe Jitter ?_ A_nsw ons appear* from tfi&s to ^ tlnis. _ Tbty a#* genuine,^ true, J latstset. liamentary success he would succeed in Parliament. However, Disraeli possessed possessed a good deal that Harry Chaplin Chaplin conspicuously lacks. Arid so, on the farm - -- fare of Meas of what constitntee inal, prices for poultry and eggs are J0 e ' high, the highest, • in fact?, for many ' the 1 years. It is obvious, therefore, that Canadians have a patriotic, as well as an economic duty to perform in making making the year 1916 the banner year for Sore Lice uy seven ^ noultrv production in Canada, power to remember things by fifteen | P . " per cent., it follows that it also weak though the latter has been a Cabinet j e ns his power of recovery from dis- Minister, he has never reached a higher position than that of a second rate man. Had Splendid Physique. The new peer was in his youth a man of superlative physique. With his broad shoulders and his six foot ] J^d r poster, two of height -he was possessed of 1 great strength. And he was, too, an extremely goodrlooking man, with his aqueline nose, his high forefieead, his finely chiselled face, his Saxon blue eyes, at once keen and kindly, and his general expression of prevailing good humor. If ever a man was a typical specimen of thç open-handed arid open- hearted. English squire the newest addition addition to the House of Lords is that one. He has-all the English squire's virtues and nearly all,his limitations. sad full of human ease. Dr. Welsh, of Johns Hopkins University said "Alcohol in any form or in any quantity lessens a patient's chan.ce- of recovery." If that be true of an adult, how' much truer, it is of the delicate tissues of a child. Some years ago the German government is- warning parents to give their children '"riot one drop of beer, not one drop .of' wine, not one drop of whiskey or any other form of alcohol." Not only does alcohol lessen a patient's patient's chance of recovery frorp illness,. illness,. but it greatly increases his texir dency to contract disease. No one will accuse military, men of being temperance temperance cranks, and yet the Handbook of the -Royal Army Medical Corps takes great pains to put that fact be- On page*20 of that WSeth=r *he House of Lord, will take ^ him more seriously.than the House of i ,, F v .. - ^ 1 ° , . . v t . j ! would convince any man a that Commons has done in these later days, W ' UU1U -, . ■ • J , even REMEMBER ! The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the- cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood ! Zam- B.uk is purely herbal. No poisonous poisonous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Box at All Druggists and Stores. -USb ONLY ►am-buk Granulafed Eyelids# Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, _ just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Ej • Salve inTubes 2 5 c. ForBookof thcEyeFreeask Druggists or Mu.riiiG Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Innocence Abroad. Grocer--We have some very nice; ; horseradish to-day, madam. ! 1 Mrs. Newlywed--I don't think I'll, take any this morning, thank you. | You see, we just started housekeep-_ ing and haven't a horse yet. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the house Her Choice. "When I am big mamma, I'm going going to marry a doctor or a minister." "Why, my dear ? " « 'Cause if I marry a doctor I can get well for nothing, and if I marry a minister I can be good for nothing. IS YOUR WAGON LOPSIDED ? Have worn axles made the wheels all out of gear? You could have prevented that condition--and you can still help It with MICA AXLE GREASE The mica does it. It fills the worn pores of the axle. Won't gum. Kills friction. At BmI" F.ivrruhtTi The Imperial Oil Company Limited BRANCHES TN ALL CITIES It. is believed by some that the tinif come when an honest man will command respect. ED. 7. ISSUE 20--'16