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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1916, p. 7

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V B. J. HÀZLEWOOD, M:D„ C3L. BownÀirrxMs*. ' oss<. ft OLDW»«iiï« OF TRINITY TH*t- \l versity. Toronto. . Four T®??? 'Attending Physician and Surgeon at »t Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg. Ks; Office and --Residence, WeHiigton St. Telephone No. 108. ' GOODMAN «c OAIrBRAITH BerHsAsTs mad Solicitors, arbucrtee Ftftoe. A. K. COODMAN. D. C. CALBiAIT« 508 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate qf Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. King-st. East, Bowman ville. Phone 193. . 20-lyr GR AND TRUNK system H OMESE EKE Rs' EXCURSIONS Bound trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcon tinental Route, or via Chicago, St Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 31st inclusive, at low fares. f Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p. m., no change of cars, via Trànscftntî- nental Route. Return Limit, Two Months Exclusive of dates of sale. Final return return limit on all tickets, December 31. Berth reservations and full particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket offices or write C. E. Horning, Distinct Passen- gdv Agent, Toronto, Ont. "wife too ill TO WORK IN BED MOST OF TIME Her Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkh&m's Vegetable Compound. Indianapolis, Indiana. -- "My health was so poor and my constitution so run down that I could not work. I was thin, pale and weak, weighed but 109 pounds and was in bed most of the time. I began taking taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and five months later I weighed 133 pounds. I do all the housework housework and washing for eleven and I can tnV&fully say Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound has been a godsend to me for I would have been in my grave today but for it. I would tell all women women suffering as I was to try your valuable valuable remedy. "--Mrs. Wm. Green, 332 S. Addison Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. There is hardly a neighborhood in this country, wherein some woman has not found health by using this good old- fashioned root and herb remedy. If there is anything about which you would like special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. J Bays td tiré boy girl whose body is properly nourished wMi foods that are rich in muscle-making, 'brain-building elements that are easily digested. Youngsters fed on Shredded Wheat Biscuit are full of the bounce and buoyancy that belong to youth. The ideal food for growing children children because it contains all the material needed for building muscle, bone and brain, prepared in a digestible digestible form. One or two biscuits for breakfast with milk give a boy or girl a good start for the day. Ready-cooked and ready- to-serve. Made in Canada When the daintier morsels were gone, the locusts rntëTâie topmost branches. Then they Would gfnaw off small limbs, perhaps to get at the pith within. They stripped all th^ fruit trtwB and many shade trees of all their foliage. A PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS. * US SUICIDES IN WEEK: Despair of Hunger in Germany is Evident. News from Munich states, that during, during, a recent week, owing to the mis- j ery of starvation, 118 suicides, the ! majority of whom were women, hap- ; pened in Germany. One mother, accompanied by three young children, shot herself before the gates of the Royal Palace of Munich Munich and in the presence of the sentries.- sentries.- A placard found pinned to her breast stated: "Your Majesty, feed my children, I cannot." Parents are abandoning children in the parks in increasing numbers. The police have collected nearly 200 children children in Rhine towns. The Lokalanzeiger is indignant because because thirty-two children were abandoned abandoned in Berlin one Sunday. Thefts of food are becoming frequent. » In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,wlilch. will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 864 University 8t., Montréal. Cook's Cotton Root CompotnuL A *0/4, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three de- f reee of strength--No. 1, $1; lo. 2, 63; No. 3, 66 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. «, Address: THE COOK MEDhClHE CO, T--fît. HIT. (fmtrtr «Mmt.) OH.SUCH A 4 • .HEADACHE ! Nearly ever yon 4 has ripping, tearing headaches at times. Disordered stomach--sluggish stomach--sluggish liver does it. Cheer tup ! here's the real relief -Ch amb erHin ' s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They put the stomaph and bowels right. >11 druggists, *6c.. or by meil from 9 ChOttaWriain Medicine Co., Toronto CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS . S1,000.00 Jerusalem Was Visited By Them For Several Days. In an article in the National Geographic Geographic Magazine, Mr. John D. Whiting Whiting describes the ravages of the locusts. locusts. that descended on Jerusalem - in 1915 and wrought destruction to gardens, gardens, farms and vineyards throughout Palestine. He says : In Jerusalem they were first seen one day early in March, at noon. The sunshine was suddenly darkened, and then came a veritable shower of their excretions, which fell thick and fast, and resembled those of mice. At times the insects were hundreds of feet in the air; again they came down quite low, and some of them alighted. The clouds of them were so dense as to appear quite black, with the edges lighter, until they faded away into the blue sky. When they first reached Jerusalem countless numbers poured into the broad-walled road that leads into the city from the west. For three or four days an unending stream filled the road from side to side, like troops marching on parade, and in spite of the traffic at that point, their ranks, although thinned, entered the ancient gateway and the New Breach. The moat round "David's Tower" was so filled that the dry earth seemed to be a living mass. Up the city walls and the castle they climbed to the very top. They were disastrous to the crops in the country, and obnoxious in the houses, for they squeezed through the cracks of doors and windows, and even scaled the walls to the roofs, and then got into the houses by throwing themselves into the open courts. Women Women frantically swept the walls and roofs of their homes, but to no avail. For several days Jerusalem was thus visited, but the insects evidently sought greener and less populated districts districts ; so, after the first few days, we saw nothing more of them. At Bethlehem Bethlehem heavy showers of rain brought them to the earth, and the poorer people people gathered quantities of them. A few ate them roasted; but the main reason for collecting them was to get the small bounty offered by the local local government of Bethlehem. Tons of the insects were destroyed; most of them were buried alive, until several several ancient abandoned cisterns were filled. The native vineyards and orchards were stripped bare to the bark of the trees and vines. Of all things fig leaves best suited their taste; and once a tree fell a prey to them, the ground about would be literally layers deep. . Promptly Had* to Storage Batteries Generators Magne to s Starter s. BtOBAas OO.. LZMITB9 ÙT 'Mmm K, Toronto. Willard Agents. death. The "Pals" whom he has so often amused are now hoping that he will get the medal he deserves. <ëi =32 For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St, Toronto. Correspondence invited. "Another Article Against Tea and Coffee"- In spite of broad publicity, many people dp not realize the harm that tne drug, caffeine, caffeine, in tea and coffee does to many users, until they try a 10 days' change to Postum satisfies the desire desire for a hot table drink, and its users generally sleep better, feel better, smile oftener and enjoy life more. A fair trial---off both tea and coffee and on Postum-- shows 99 "There's t Reason Canadian Portum Ccrcal, Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. RELIEF FROM INDIGESTION The Most Common Cause of This Trouble is Poor Blood. All conditions of depressed vitality tend to disturb the process of digestion. digestion. There is not a disturbed condition condition of life that, may not affect digestion. digestion. But few causes of the trouble are so common as thin, weak blood. It affects directly and at once the process process of nutrition. Not only is the action of the- gastric and intestinal glands diminished but the muscular action of the stomach is weakened. Nothing will more promptly restore digestive efficiency than good, red blood. Without it the normal activity of the stomach is impossible. Thin, pale people who complain of indigestion must improve the condition condition of their blood to find relief. The most active blood builder in such cases is Dr. Williams Pink Pills. They make the rich, red blood which quickly restores the digestive organs to their proper activity, and the dyspeptic who has hated the sight and smell of food now looks forward to meal time with pleasure. As proving the value of Dr. Williams Pink Pills in curing indigestion indigestion Miss Edith M. Smith, R. R. No. 4, Perth, Ont., says: "I can honestly honestly say I owe my present good health to Dr. Williams Pink Pills. My stomach was terribly weak and I suffered suffered from indigestion and sick headache, headache, and was always very nervous. I was troubled this way for nearly three years, and in that time took a great deal of doctors' medicine, which, however, did not help me. I could not eat anything without experiencing the most agonizing pain. My sick headaches headaches were most violent and I could not rest night or day. I was asked one day by a friend to try Dr. Williams Williams Pink Pills, and consented to do so. After taking them some time I found they were helping me, and I continued to take them steadily for several months, dntil I found that I was completely cured. While taking the pills I gained both in strength and weight, and I feel it impossible to praise Dr. Williams Pink Pills too highly." You can procure these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60, from The Dr. Williams Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- DEAF MAN IN WAR. He Faces Silent Death Rescuing the Wounded. Irish Wit. Dr. X hired O'Brien to clean off the walk from his house to the front gate. At the close of the day, when he examined examined Pat's work, he was dissatisfied with it. "O'Brien," he said, "the whole walk is covered with gravel and dirt. In my estimation, it's a bad job." Pat looked at him ip surprise for a moment and replied : "Shure, doctor, there's many a bad job of yours covered covered with gravel and dirt." « -- Peevish, pale, restless, and sickly children children owe their condition to worms. Mother Mother Graves* Wfcrm 1 Exterminator will lieve them and restore health. i HArrLKb: 5»^nd o u r RAW FURS fcoJOHN HAUAM i whim, We eesd > rare in watwl. "otloSsr Made la Caaatf* who sous tn«ir torsto us bee»nee they kaow tfcsT » equate deal, eàl Whelre mere money tor tbstr furs. TeewHlalae. We bey mere fuilroa* twpyere ~ lea ear otite» ire tome In Canada. Hatiaae'elrapeer OeBstSMs» *{eë «nVOeta UHfc wrV»oeUtl«ea r -M StyieBoelc on padee) Sant free ate teweee > Adftaee ae fro lows: JOHN KALLAM limited Halîam Building, Toronto. re- iUnard's Liniment Cure» Bums, Bto. Cause for Wrath. Jones (to his grocer)--You seem angry, Mr. Brown. . Brown--I am. The inspector of weights and measures has just been in. Jones--Ha, ha, He caught you-giv- ing lB ounces to the pound, did he? Brown--Worse than that. He said I'd been giving 17. ttnaelaled Eyelid* ! Eyes inflamed by x exposure exposure to Sea, Dast and Wind L quickly relieved by Marine | Eye Bawdy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's SOc per Bottle. Merlae Eye SahrainTueièeZSc. PorBeefc el IbeEyeErwask Druggists orHerlaeEyeBemedyCe.,CMc«i| The Observing Child. A woman said to a little boy with his hair bobbed in his neck; "Frank- lyn, when are you going to have your hair cut like papa's?" "I don't want my hair cut like papa's," he replied, "with a hole in the top." Reliably Informed. Ned--I was just introduced to Miss Petite. There's a woriian for you! Ted--Not for me--I've asked her! A fraternel and Insurance society the» protects its members I» accordance with the Ontario Government Standard. Sick and funeral benefits opti oaaL Authorised to obtain members and charter ledges in every Previnca in Canada. Purely Canadian, safe, sound and economical. economical. If there Is no local lodge of Chosen Friends In yoor district, apply direct to any of the following officers; Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P. W. F. Montague, Grand Recorder W. F. Campbell J. H. BeU, M.D., Grand Organiser. Grand Medical Ex, HAMILTON . ONTARIO WANTED ! Help for Woollen Mill. Carders, Weavers, Fullers and Napper Tenders. Good waxes paid In all Departments, and steady work assured. Wo have several openings for Inexperienced help, where energy and ability will bring promotion. promotion. Wages paid to apprentices while learning weaving. Special inducement inducement to family workers. W rite. Stating full experience. If any, age. etc., to The Slinphy ManifactuFing Co, LIMITED, BRANTFORD, -- ONTARIO. "BILL SADLER'S LEG BOX." jj A GREAT CONVENIENCE. What the Canadian Pacific Railway Is Doing For Its Employees. For the convenience of the employees, employees, of whom there are neariy 2,000 in the Windsor Station buildings, buildings, Montreal, the Canadian Pacific Railway has recently set up a cafe- tera luncheon "at 15 cents in a large apartment which will accommodate 251 persons at a sitting. Judging by the attendances, it is bound to be bne of the most popular features thé company company has put its hand to.. There are hundreds of girls, . especially, who have not time - to go home, or who, if they do go home, are greatly pressed pressed for time. With this service at their disposal they will save car fare; they will get a thoroughly satisfying luncheon ; and they can have the comfort comfort of the lounge room in connection on wet or cold days--a lounge room which contains a piano, magazines and papers and in which the employees employees can rest for the balance of ! their lunch hour. The arrangement : is four to a table; all the appoint- ! ments are harmonious ; there is an air of quiet dignity about the place. Mr. W. A. Cooper, manager of the sleeping and dining car department, said that this was in accordance with the well-known policy of the Canadian Canadian Pacific for taking care_ of its employees. employees. The people in the offices constituted quite a little city in themselves. Many could not go home with convenience. This lunch room would meet the wants of many. Of course, there would still be the 30-cent luncheon upstairs, and the regular dining room in which you could have what you wanted and pay for the same as much as you liked; but this was strictly for the employees, employees, male and female, who would prefer to have their luncheon inside the building to going to restaurants --those of them who were in the habit habit of going to restaurants. "Made in Oanada ♦* Best for quality, style and value. .Guaranteed for all climates. climates. Ask Your Dealer Still Healthy. "Do you see that strong, healthy- looking man over there ? " "I was just admiring his physique," "The doctors gavé him up years ago." "You surprise me." "Yes; they found out. they couldn't get anything out of him." Certain morbid conditions must exist ii the stomach and intestines to encourage worms, and they will exist as long as these morbid conditions permit them to. To be rid of them and spare the child suffering, suffering, use Miller's Worm Pdwder^/They will correct the digestive irfegujffrities by destroying the worms, conditions favorable favorable to worms will disappear, and the child will have no more suffering from that cause. Didn't Have To. "Well, thank Heaven," he said, approaching approaching a sad-looking man who sat back in a corner, "that's over with." . "What is?" "I've danced with the hostess. Have you gone through with it yet?" "No; I don't need to. I'm the host." The world may owe every man a living, but a lot of them haven't sense enough to show up on pay day. Ulnard's Liniment for sale everywhere. SEED POTATOES S EED POTATOES. IRISH COB- blers. Delaware. Carman. Order at once. Supply limited. Write for quotations. quotations. H. W..Dawson. Brampton. HELP WANTED. Kinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Some men who give with one hand advertise it with the other. Some day the stretcher bearers who are working steadily throughout the big advance ought to have a monument monument all to themselves. They have already earned it by their magnificent courage under terrific fire. One officer officer of a Manchester "Pals" regiment regiment which fought at Mametz and elsewhere is now in a London hospital, hospital, his life saved by the courage of the men who dashed through a curtain curtain of fire to his -rescue when he fell helplessly wounded. He says that all the time the stretcher bearers were doing these things which deserved the Distinguished Distinguished Conduct Medal, and he told of at least one man who he thinks has won it. This is a man so deaf that he was unfit for work in the trenches. He was. a. cheerful sort and the men liked the queer things that happened when he failed to hear an order. Every one but the deaf man stood to attention. He took no notice. "Stand to!" shouted the colonel. The deaf man turned pathetic eyes on him. "Is it true, sir," he asked anxiously, anxiously, "that the Government have stopped the rum ration?" During the big battle hè was ordered to the clearing station just behind the lines, but he spent the whole day under the murderous fire of the machine guns and the artillery between the first line trenches and a shorter trench far advanced in the most exposed part of the ground, picking up thé -wounded, I twisting them on to his broad back, 1 and staggering hack with them under fire until he reached a place of comparative comparative safety. j I Then he went back into the thick j of it again. He was the one man j in that toiling, dévoted company who did not hear the awful clamor of the j shells, but calmly faced a silent Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,--I can recommend MINARD'S MINARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly, T. B. LAVERS, St. John. The Silver Lining. The Tender-hearted Cook--No bad news, I 'ope, ma'am ? Thé Mistress--The master's been wounded. The Cook--There now, ma'am; don't let that worry you. They tells me they -can 'patch em up so's they're better better than before. - 1 Heard in a Cafe, "Waiter, two eggs and boil them four minutes." "Yes, sir; be ready in half a second, sir. How Donald A. Smith Satisfied the Fisherman. How to get a man into a bunk that was a foot too short for him, and how to keep him from being discontented with his bed, was the Procrustean problem solved by Lord Strathcona when, as Donald A. Smith, he was a chief factor of the Hudson's Bay Company. Company. A solution at which he arrived is described by Mr. Beckles Wilson in his "Life of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. 1 ' The company had a number of boarded huts for the fishermen in their employ, of such narrow dimensions dimensions as to afford sleeping accommodations accommodations only for persons of normal length. On one occasion a very honest honest and active man presented himself to Chief Factor Smith for a bunk in one of these huts. The difficulty was that he was six feet six inches in length--nearly a foot longer than the bunk. On an inspection of his quarters quarters he rejected Mr. Smith's offer summarily, declaring that he was not going to be cramped for any agent or planter living, and neither was he content to be sawed in two. "Will a bed seven feet long suit you?" asked the chief factor. The fisherman said it would. There- uppn Mr. Smith sent for the company's company's carpenter; a hole was cut in the wall of the building, to which a box lined with deerskin was applied outside and rendered stable by props. The man afterwards told Mr. Smith it was the first thoroughly comfortable comfortable bed he had occupied in years, pie receptacle was afterwards exhibited at the store at Rigolet and enjoyed much local fame as "Bill Sadler's leg box." ■» BITS ABOUT ANTWERP. A Bell Which Is Rung Only When the Nuns Want Food. Antwerp, the city of churches and chimes, is crowned with history, and its name will figure prominently when the page of the future comes to be written. The romantic Belgian city, that ever resounds with the sound of church bells, will doubtless have heard lately the sinister chime of a bell that has not been rung within the histdry of living man. The bell hangs in a convent supported by nuns of a curious curious order. These nuns have all been great ladies who have renounced the world and all its ways, and consecrated consecrated their wealth to the church. Having taken the vow of poverty they walk through life barefooted, and hold no communication whatever with the busy populace outside their walls. For their daily bread they depend solely on the charity of the townspeople, who religiously leave food on their doorway every day. The bell hanging in their convent is never tolled, it being being kept as a last desperate resort to inform the city that the nuns can live no longer unless they have food. One half the population of a village knows all about how the other half lives, It is Wise to Prevent Disorder.-- Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach stomach and few are free from them. At thefirst manifestation that the stomach and liver are not performing their functions, functions, a course of ParmeJée's Vegetable Pills should be tried, antKt w ill be found that the digestive/organs will speedily resume healthy aétion. Laxatives and sedatives are so blended in these pills that no other preparation could be so effectiva as they. C ABINET MAKERS AND MACHINE hands wanted. Steady work at highest wages. Apply to The Bell Furniture Co., Southampton. Ont. CBE CIBLE 3 WANTED. N O. 60, No. 60, No. 70. STATE QUAN- tlty you have for sale, also Maker's name and best cash price. Apply United Brass & Lead, Ltd., 2S4 St. Helens Ave., Toronto, Ont. TTEW9FAEERS rOX BALE ROFIT-M AKIN G NEWS AND JOB Office* for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and lnterestlns of all businesses. Full Information on application to Wilson Publishing Company, Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. C ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC- Internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. It's easy to teach ahoy to obey; it's a hard, bitter job to teach the lesson to a man. ^ When buying your Piano insist on having an " OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION ' " ^ - America's Pioneer Dof Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to F eed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York 528 THE NATION'S FUTURE Depends Upon Healthy Babies Properly reared children grow up to be strong, healthy citizens Many diseases to which children children are susceptible, first indicate their presence in the bowels. The careful mother should watch her child's bowel movements movements and use Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and other ailments to which children are subject especially during the teething period. It is absolutely non-narcotic and contains neither opium, morphine nor any of their derivatives. derivatives. Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothing Syrup Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Soothes the fretting child during the trying .period of jts development development and thus gives rest and relief to both child and mother. Buy a bottle today and keep it handy Sota by all druggists in Canada and throughout the world . Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Soreness Soreness from Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind--an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at druggists druggists or postpaid. Will tell vou more if you write. Made in the U. 8. A. by W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can. "ébsorblnc sod Absorblne, Jr., are made In Canada, i BANDSMEN WANTED FOR Kitchener's Apply to Staff Scrg't Dawson, Bandmaster K. O. (late Bandmaster Bandmaster Gov, Gen's. Bodyguard, Toronto) 197 Peel Street, Montreal. Montreal. mnard's Liaiment Relieves neuralgia- Wheelock Engine, 150 H.P., 18x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins. wide,aud Dynamo 30 K.W. belt driven. All in first class condition. Would be sold together or separately separately ; also a lot of shafting at a very great bargain as room is required immediately. immediately. 8. Frank Wilson & Sons 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ED. 4. ISSUE 40--'16.

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