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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1916, p. 2

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RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Thttnk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a.m. Express 10.29 Pissenger 3.29 p.m. Local __ 649 p.m. Passenger 7.18 pun. Mail 958 p.m. : Daily Going West :Express 4-22 am Local 7.00 a.m Local 9 45 a«m Passenger 1.36 p.m : Passenger 7.02 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Guing East 6.07 am. daily 10.46 sum. daily 18^26 a.m. dailyt 3-21 pm. dailyt 4.27 p.m. daily X7.52 p.m. dailvf 7.48 p.m. dailyr 12.57 am. daily x North Toronto Station t Except Sunday C. B. KENT, Agent The Editor Talks Christmas, 1916, will be different in many homes from former years. Ontario Ontario has practical prohibition--the licensed bar being abolished. It'was in the till of the bar-room that the weekly earnings of many a workman found their way, but now the barroom barroom till is closed--let us hope* never to be opened again in this province. The wives and children are the gain- Who is good and who is bad? Some one has answered that "There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it does.not behoove any of us-to find fault with the rest of us." !dow?" We are given to dividing men according according to the characteristics which we seem to see in them and which we feel competent to judge. But our York City, a bare-footed, peering into We have been deeply amused, in- the window and shivering with cold, terested and instructed while reading A lady, riding up ^thë^treet in a beau- an article on. "Play to a. Purpose" by tifiil carriage observe^ the forlorn Winifred Sackvilïe Stoner, author of little lad and immediately ordered her "Natural Education." We can only driver to stop in front of the store, reproduce;here a few thoughts she ad- The lady, richly robed, went to the vances but they are well worth the boy and" said": "Little boy, why. are space they occupy. Children may be. yoU; looking-bo earnestly in that win--"taught to play- many games with a ers in large part by the change, for eyes deceive us again and" again, and Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West ^Express 11.59a.m. 1TExpress 906a.m. ft does not put down the distillery or the men who drank their wages bring the money home now; and so the homes of the people are brighter and happier; the moral tone of the community community is improved; the open bar, with its degenerating effects, is no longer seen. True, prohibition does not destroy the pest of the drink evil; Express 6.33 p.m. If Express 7.40 p.m IT Daily except Sunday. WANTED NOW Belfsble salesman to act ai agent in Durham Countv PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the businen for ire sell the highest grade 0/ stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries In first-class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and f ood money can be mut In this dbtrlct. or particulars write Sales Manager. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. 40,14 the brewery; and in so far as it does not do this, in so far is it inadequate. Are the breweries and distilleries, too powerful? They may linger, but the temperance cause is won. Rsis not emPerance cause 1S won. IMS not ms article on me question, "ii towel. By thig the man wqn through perfervid appeals to the had returned with the stockings. Placing a pair on the boy's feet, she purchased and gave him a pair of our judgment is superficial and mistaken mistaken when we set out to classify our fellow men as wise or foolish, strong or weak, true or false, mean or noble. Even when we try to classify ourselves, ourselves, having some advantage in that we can look deeper beneath the surface, surface, we find thé task such a doubtful one, despite the advantage, that we are willing to give over sorting our fellows. * * * . * Edward Hicks wrote an essay, basing his article on the question, "If "I was just asking Gad to give me a pair of shoes. Mamma told me p'raps He would if I asked Him," was the reply The lady took him by the hand and went into the store and ' asked the proprietor if he would allow one of his clerks.to go and buy her a half dozen pair of stockings. The proprietor proprietor cheerfully assented. She then asked him, if he could give her a basin of water and a towel, and he replied, "Certainly,", and quickly brought them to her. * * * * i She took the little fellow to the j back of the store and removing her ! gloves, washed and rubbed those cold little feet and dried them with the drunkard. It is won very largely because because drinking is impossible undér modern commercial and industrial conditions. conditions. It might have been possible and even attractive in the days of | the immortal Pickwick, when men i had nothing to do but drink; but mod He shows that'classification is not any easy undertaking, stating the familiar line of separation which puts all the good on one side and all the bad on the other is no longer to be trusted as it cannot be applied safely. " There is such great diversity in men's na- good old dictionary.. This book should be the source ofamusement as well as information for the whole family. ; With it I use the wonderful children's encyclopedia called "The Book of Knowledge," 1 which answers almost any question children may ask. The game of asking questions is a delight to every child's heart, and' it may be- made a pleasure to parents when they learn how to answer these questions- * * * * * I As parents owe everything to the ■ children they have brought not only I into this world but for the world to ' come, it is their duty, to make the pathway to knowledge one of joy rather than drudgery to the wee folks. This may be easily accomplished if mothers take more time for constructive constructive play with the little ones than for housework and embroidery. No IF YOU DO NOTUKE BETTER THÀM THE ___ mm YOU ItSVE BEEN USINO ■Kmmm md BACK BEST BY TEST Mother, can revel loves best. in the books she Awful Asthma Attacks. Is there a member of yOur family who is in the power power of this distressing trouble? No service you can render him will equal the bringing to his attention of Dr. J. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. This remarkable remedy rests mother who has young children has eyesight for reading to the childen, its reputation upon what it„has érfi them' mg pair of stocking, handed patted him on th she smiled and said : "Now, my little, her leave her beds unmade in the to him, and, patted him on the head, : anc j if something must be neglected let GRAND TRUNK system' ER WIN 1 TOURS era business demands that men be tures that the essential division must ^"°^'re ° U A7L"t^eaTl^t{iB = wa!ks or play games sober. While the cries of the injured relate to the eomMned qualities .of SoSk >ad c^Ther hand,' and! Wlth the k ' dd ' eS ' wife and neglected children have had head, heart and hand--emphasizing i 00 ki n g- up i n t 0 her face eagerly * ex- some effect, it is true that the neces- ! qualities of the spirit which is the claimed: "Are you an angel?" sity of modern business life has done ; real life, rather than to qualities of ; There will be many little boys and more to close bar-rooms. The drink- j mind or body which are the only true ! Iittle g. irlg with ba cold feet thi ing man cannot get a position any more. * * * * The season of year is almost here again when cities, towns and rural municipalities select the men who are to fill the legislative offices for the mediums through which the real life expresses itself. He makes * out a pretty strong case, for if the great spiritual forces of good and' evil Here is a "slam" that will apply to a lot of us. When fathers come heme in the evening they should not k that they are the demigods who v~n sit in quiet-and read the evening paper while mothers put the youngsters youngsters to bed. It is their duty to plây games with the., little ones, and to help most every part of this even beyond the seas. ne for record, otess in al- cdôtinent, and It is estimated that there is not enough enough lead in the world to make sufficient sufficient bullets for a long war involving involving so many fighters. m I PROMPTLY -SECURED! In all countries. Ask fo» our INVEN- TOR'S ADVISER/which will be sent free, MARION & aMiUON, 364 University St.; Montréal. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS- S PECIAL Fares now in effect effect to resorts in Florida Greorgia,. North and South p0 rtance than it usually Carolina, Louisiana and other Southern States and to Bermuda and the West Indies. Return Limit May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed For full information write to C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Or J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent, Bow- manville. Wood's Fhcsphodias, TKt Great English Remedy. Tones snd Invigorates the whole perron* system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Los* of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Faüins Memory, Price $1 per box, six for 45, One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of S rice. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD I EDI CINE CO., TORONTO, (HIT. (Esrwrfr WlsdwO receives. Not : forces of evil. Every one of us must enough value is placed on personal ; be enrolled in one army or the other, ability. Too often a friend is sup- j because the rivalry is so keen that no ported for an important office simply man or woman is overlooked by the on the ground of friendship regardless recruiting or drafting agents. The of fitness or ability to perform the 1 person who does „ not definitely enlist duties. Character and fitness for the on one side is pretty sure to be draft- office should govern the actions of ed on the other. Every human heart those entrusted with the ballot, bas been made the campaign head- Friendship should have little, if any, : quarters for one kind or the other of weight. This raises the old contro- j these active spirits. The citadel has coming winter. There will be many wretched homes where mothers and children are shivering and starving-- , . . , .. . , where fathers are going down, dis- : »«*»== »»ivn u 1Ci m,u C vues, miu lu ueiu . , , e ^^id can operate ; couraged and hopeless in the struggle. | their wives tuck the babies into bed. on y m an r ° u £ human lives, it, There are sad. hearts in homes where j Many educational games may be play- must be evident that all mankind ; sorrow has entered; there is coldness, I ed by patents with children which will falls into two grand divisions those j and hardness, and dout^ where love | be instructive to the parents them- ir l ' and faith ought to be; there is hum-! selves, and thus every one will be °* i ble work near at hand such as He who ! made happy. Then, after the young ' sters have gone to bed, Father can enjoy enjoy his well-earned newspaper and ensuing year. Societies, too, nearly all elect their officers during the 12th; who are controlled by and act month of the year, the fraternal so- ! obedience to the spiritual forces cieties especially. The choice of of- j good, and those who are controlled by ! said: "I have given you an example-" ficers is-attended with far greater im-I and act in obedience to the spiritual : there are dark placeg that need to United Counties of Northumberland and Durham I versy of what constitutes character? D A T\ Prescription .U.U. for ECZEMA for 15 years !he standard remedy for all skin diseases. A liquid used externally. Instant relief from itch. Your money back if the first bottle does not bring you relief. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. been gained after a hard fight, per- j haps, and is held only by constant struggle. * * * * Jury&Lovell, 48--3 w Druggists, Bowmanville. made bright, and foul places that need to be made clean and sweet. Are you an angel? * * * * We have just read a letter from a Canadian friend who has been visiting visiting for some weeks at the home of a busy physician in which this sentence occurs: "I have been out with the doctor doctor every day in the auto making our calls." That is the idea--our calls. There is an added joy in doing things if it is only accompanying the one who really does the work when you , can point with pride to the result of ■Whatever the essential quaht.es of your !abor . Even th h do t angelhood are there ,s certainly a oWn the artMe that is S ^ made ?hê i e „^, U Jr x v nCe '"a natUreS ' you are happy if in some w »y such as The longer we live an3 the more ex- did our £riend identily it aa ours _ penence we have with the world and , something done in our rounds of duty. Prompt Relief from the all-too-common ills of the digestive organs ■-- weak stomach, torpid liver and inactive inactive bowels--is found in the. always safe, sure, quick-acting BEECHAM'S PILLS Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. By virtue of a Warrant under the seal of the Warden and the seal of . , the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham bearing the date of the Twentieth day of September 1916, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list, for the arrears of taxes due thereon and the costs as therein therein set forth. I hereby give my notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell such lands or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes andall lawful charges incurred at THE TREASURER'S OFFICE in the town of COBOURG, by Public Auction on THURSDAY, December 28th, 1916 at the hour of ELEVEN o'clock in the forenoon, in compliance with the provisions of the Assessment Act Pt or Description Lot of Lot 85 Part 18 & 14 Plan No. 1 lot 9 pt 18 S* à" Pt 9 Pt lot 2 PtEi S.W. Corner SPt W4 28 29 10 20 Con. or Acres Street BRIGHTON VILLAGE West Alice 1-5 North Elizabeth E.S. Railroad St 1-5 CARTWRIGHT 10 - 1-8 HALDIMAND 7 97 , HAMILTON 2 85 - 9 4 HOPE 10 , 60 MANVERS 11 25 MURRAY 9 70 Arrears Costs Total 8.99 2.60 10.85 6.54 20 88 11.24 1.85 7.45 11.75 3 25 8.25 3.25 3.25 3.55 8.28 3.25 8.25 .24 5.91 14 13 9.79 23 93 14.52 4.60 10.70 8.30 15.05 Full description will be given on application and at day of sale of these lot County Treasurer's Office, NEIL F. MacNACHTAN, Cobourg, September 20, 1916. Counties' Treasurer. S. Xr the people in it, the more strongly convinced we are that there is no need to postpone angelhood or good works, if you please, until w.e reach the "home over there," for then the opportunity opportunity is forever past. The Christmas Christmas season is almost upon us again and it is at such times that the need of angel acts are most needed. The good Book plainly tells us that there TTNON'T think your home ^ will always be spared Yesterday a mai^remarked in the course of conversation how proud he was that he had performed a small part in helping to secure for his town a certain hospital--it gave him a keener personal interest in its great work. Similarly, a great mansion may be owned by a multi-millionaire, but the architect, the contractor, the engineer, engineer, the mason, the carpenter, the Whal is without Music is very poor chance of any man real-,! decorator and all others who aided the danger of destructive flames. Lightning and the straying spark show no favors to fine buildings and love-abiding homes. Unless your roof is of inflammable material, at any moment Hghtninv or fire may envelop all you pomeee and endanger endanger die Uvea of those the neartnetone cannot «pare. Fulfill the duty of guardianship the home-folke have . placed in you by seeing to it at once your loved ones, your property, are fully protected from the everpresent everpresent menace of fire. Pedlar"■ •'Oehawa" Shingles mean safety and protection protection in the most practical, most dependable form. Made of sheet metal, each shingle interlocks on ALL POUR SI DES, forming a single sheet °f, e teelthatia practically indestructible. Retain Retain their beauty and service without repairs aslcag as your home lasts. Write for •"The Right Roof" Booklet ^ 8 THE PEDLAH PEOPLE Limited (Established 1861) Omces and Factories: Oshawa, Ont. Branches: Montreal, (Xtawa, Toronto Loffdon, Winnipeg Westminster Hotel, Toronto "A Real Hotel Without a Bar" Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has .& bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi service from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. RATES: Single room, with bath, $1.50 to $2.50. Breakfast, 25c to 60c. Luncheon, 85c to 50c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rates American plan, $2.50 to $3.50 a day. Write for booklet to 240 JARVIS STREET, TORONTO. izing the ambition to be an angel in the world to come who does not practise practise the profession in this present world. The essayist very appropriately appropriately suggests that there is no preparatory preparatory school for angels in heaven. But graduates from the preparatory school on earth are gladly admitted. Angels are very different from other persons, although the difference does not consist of wings and shining raiment. raiment. Still, there is a radiance in face and manner which proclaims thtSm, whether they work in a kitchen, or toil in a workshop; or grace drawing-room. its erection take very great delight in pointing it out to friends as a house they helped to çreate^-it is the work of our hands. Considerable inspiration inspiration comes from the thought yoù are entitled to some credit for a worthy achievement. For example, a man has built founded z We read a rather touching story that beautifully illustrates this type of angelhood among humans, and in view of the near approach of the season season for gift-giving we will give it here in the hope that some of our readers may be inspired to "go and do likewise." likewise." If the opportunity does not present itself, as in this case, we suggest suggest a search in some likely quarter j till one- or more are found. The story j states that one day a ragged little fellow, fellow, about ten years old, was standing before a shoe store on Broadway, New Leave Toronto Union Station 10.45 p m, Monday, Wednesday, Friday For Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, North Bajttleford, Edmonton, Vancouver and Pacific Coast points. Connecting train leaves Bowmanville 7.40 p.m. Mondays, Wednesday and'Friday. Tickets and berth reservations from M. A Tames, Town Agent, or write R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Passenger Agent, 68 King-st. E., Toronto, Ont. CAHAOIM H RTHERN All ïrtE WAY Mother's Troubles Mother's unending work and devotion drains and strains her physical strength and leaves its mark in dimmed eyes and careworn expressions--she ages before her time. Any mother who is weary and languid should start taking n OF PUREST COD LIVER OIL as a strengthening food and bracing tonic to add richness to her blood and build up her nerves before, it is too late. Start SCOTFS today--its fame is world-wide. No Harmful Drugs. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 16-4 p a successful business, useful institution or had some part to act in a noble cause, if only accompanying a physician on his calls, takes a lot of healthy satisfaction satisfaction in the mere identification of his personality with the work accomplished. accomplished. To be privileged to do something something each day that indelibly takes the impress of your personality is to be in the way of happiness. * * * * Never in the world's history have so many people in all countries been thinking about war and 1 * its dire results. results. Walt. Whitman- is credited with saying once in his coarse but practical and effective way that "War is 99% diarrhoea and 1% glory." While this may be an extravagant statement it suggests many pertinent questions about the present war: How can war and all its horrors be avoided in future? It a policy of blood and iron necessary for the advancement of civilization ? Can we organize a federation federation of all nations so that all international international disputes can be settled without war ? Present operations in the terrible war now raging make questions like these appeal to the better better part of every man and woman. Do we not all agree that the European holocaust is a disgrace to 20th century century civilization ? Only think of the cruel, barbarous and infamous outrages outrages that we hâve read about, and these are only a few that have come to the attention of newspaper correspondents. correspondents. x Millions of outrages in the warring countries have been committed committed that the world knows not of. Think too, of a comparatively small and unoffending nation Being ruthlessly ruthlessly trodden under foot and captured in violation of d solemn compact! Undefended cities have been assaulted by Zeppelins and bombed, killing inoffensive inoffensive inhabitants. Passenger and even hospital ships unarmed, bearing thousands^ of precious lives have been torpedoed without warning--thus perpetrating perpetrating wholesale murder. Sürély history cannot fail to stamp with eternal infamy any nation or nations guilty of such savage and unnecessary unnecessary acts. - 6W -AUW AV.Vv O nm 0 > < COLUMBIA $475 to $20 Made in Canada im Fit Any «P Machine HEARING S BELIEVING " The Columbia dealer nearest to you will gladly demonstrate. Very easy payments Little cash required. Dealer will explain terms. Send for a new free catalogue. • COLUMBIA GEAPHOPHOHE CO. "Creators of the Industry.' "Pioneers and Leaders in the Art.' ' * " Owners of the Fundamental Patents." CANADIAN FACTORY, TORONTO W. T. ALLEN, Ageqt >1 1 Bowmanvilie Nbte^j

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