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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1916, p. 3

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I » w i K Sa ST B 1 , DELIGHTFULLY SATISFYING ALWAYS THE SAME A Feature of This War is the Splendid Work Among Soldiers Soldiers of this Organiz- . ation. « H -ti «FRUIT-A-TTVES" Brought The Joy Of jieelth After Two Year»* Suffering r ; ... .. » friendless and. homeless and .in nëedj j . v*A IMAY BE USED WITH SWEET MILK SOUR HI LX OR WATER BEST BY TEST Still Has Time. f bet you don't have any howling howling old times now you're married, old chap." "Don't I, though ? That shows you don't know anything about that kid of ours. Downed, as Usual. Peck--Of course, like all women, you have an inordinate curiosity. Mrs. Peck--Got a curiosity, have I? I've got a freak-. The writer was profoundly impress- j ed when visiting the military camp at j Valcartier by the grand work being j done among the soldiers by the j Young Men's Christian Association, j Never in the history of war has any ; single organization met the needs of j soldiers as this one is doing. This let- ! ter from M. Sherwood Eddy conveys j some conception of the beneficent and , helpful work being carried on at every camp where .soldiers are found. He writes : We are in the midst of a long tour through the camps of soldiers in Britain Britain and France. We have been working working seven days a week, holding meetings meetings for the soldiers every evening, with small group meetings and interviews.; interviews.; with the men during the day. Let me try and give you an idea of the work by a glimpse at the meeting last night. The great wooden hut is filled with men from end to end, a thousand tired soldiers after their hard day's drilling, with parades, the storming of trenches, bayonet .work and physical exercise. The poorest excuse a man can give is to>^lame society for his own shortcomings shortcomings . Two hundred machine gunners have just poured into the hut, after a hard day's march. They have gathered at the piano and are singing songs of home. "Tipperary" is dead, it has sung itself out, but new songs are taking its place, such as "Keep the Home Fires Burning"; "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Own Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile," etc.; songs of home, mother and "the girl I left behind me": these arç the war songs of the British soldier to-day. Indeed these men are not soldiers. They are a nation in arms. These quiet boys from the farm and city do not like the war, but every man is ready to take his place, to live or die; while the womanhood womanhood of Britain has risen in self- forgetful service for tile country. At one énd of the hut one hundred men are buying tea, coffee and refreshments refreshments at the lunch counter. A couple of hundred are at the writing tables, buried in their letters, their thoughts far away in the old home and oblivious oblivious to the roar of the music and the MADAM LAPLANTE • 85 St. Rose St., Montreal. April 4th.. "For over two years I was slçk and miserable. I suffered from constant Headaches, and had Palpitation of the Heart so badly that I feared I would die. There seemed to be a lump in my stomach and the Constipation was dreadful. I suffered from Pain in the Pack and Kidney Disease. I was treated by a physician for a year and a half and he did me no good at all. I tried " Fruit-a-tives " as a last resort. After using three boxes, I was greatly improved and twelve boxes made me well. Now I can work all cj^y and there are no Headaches, no Palpitation, no Heart Trouble, no Constipation, no Pain or Kidney Trouble and I feel like a new being--and it was "Fruit-a-tlVes" that gave me back my health". Madam ARTHUR LAPLANTE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. the next man. has just lost his wife* through her worry, and. . heartbreak^ has lost his home and his money, but: there in the trenches- he tells me> that he found God and was driven to pray- I er in the midst of a-life of sin. He 1 has lost .everything, but he tells.. ipe 1 with a b,rave smile that he has gained gained all and now wishes to prepare for the ministry to preach the gospel. Next-'is a young atheist, an illegitimate illegitimate child, a circus actor, who in the trenches found God and wants to know how to relate his life to Christ. The next m|n is a jockey, who in the midst of his sins enlisted in*prder that he might die for others and try to atone for his past life. The next is a red cheeked boy who has just come back from the hospital, recovering from the poison gas. Nine hundred and sixty of them, "went over the top" (i.e., into the charge) together. Eighty of them came back. % a few minutes to make and bake with the use of Royal Baking .Powder, which insures superior quality and wholesome ness. n\ My eye falls on a single page of this, morning's paper, with five thousand thousand names on the casualty list. Everyone represents a heartbroken mother or a grieving'home, and millions millions are scanning the columns daily to see if their boy's name is there. And every day these boys are dying for me, giving: their lives to make a world worth their having died for! I think of this vicarious sacrifice night by night as I shake hands and say good-bye for the last time to a battalion battalion which starts in the morning for the front. --L- If ever in my life I needed Light and flaky, with crisp, brown crust, broken apart and spread with butter, marmalade or jam, they are delicious and appetizing. Of all overworked women probably th< housewiic is the hardest worked. Shi ha£ so much to attend to with very little j talking going on about them' nelp. hier work can be lightened if shi i knows the value of system and she should : ----_ try and take a short, rest in the daytime, i It is time for our meeting to begin, Aphysician who became famous almost ■ bn\ how are we going to grip the at- Ri iff Ain .Fierce, oi tention of a thousand restless men? Jtiunalo, N. 1., the specialist to woman's r T , v j ? V diseases, for many years practiced medi* j Here are several hundred men who cine in a farming district. He there ob- ! " ave been driven toward God, and *L_ ed the lack of system in the planning j who are face to face with the great the Yvork. j realities of life, death and the future If it is_ a . headache, a backache, a sen- for the first time in their lives, eager ®, f , ™ abdn ^ or twitching and ; for a messa ge which shall help them uncontrollable nervousness, something . - , 6 , , , . ,5 " muet be wrong with the head or back, a ' bo bnd God and help them in time of woman .naturally says, but alj/the^time i trouble. But here are several hundred the reft! trouble very often centers in the : others who have been hardened by organs. In'nine cases out/bf ten the ! war, who have fallen victims to evil seat of the difficulty is here, ind a woman habits, determined you shall not force Ttf dtocto Lïojld be taLtod reli f ion down toeir throats. How are steadily and systematically with Dr. : w . e bo ca P^ ure the attention of this Pierce's Favorite Pre-emption. j whole mass of men and hold them ? For diseases from which women stiff el ' Will they bolt or stand fire ? The "Favorite Prescription" is_ a powerful re- time has come to begin the meeting The thought of an illustration strikes me. I hold up a gold half sovereign. "Who will take me at my word and ask for a gift ? " At last a man rises up, there is a little scene, and then a burst of applause as the man gets the coin and goes to his seat. "Now why didn't you come ? Some of you didn't believe me, some were ashamed to come up before everybody and ask for it, some were just waiting, waiting, but you lost your chance. Once again I offer a gift. oHere is something something more valuable than all the gold on earth, heaven to be had for the asking}'; the free gift of God is eternal life. Why don't you come ? The same three reasons. Some of you don't believe,. believe,. sqme are afraid to show their colors, some are just waiting. You will start for the front to-morrow to take your plaçe ,in the trenches. Are you ready for life or death ? What then will you do with Jesus Christ?" ever m my me l needed your prayers it is now. Every night during the next two months I shall be facing these throngs of men, and the nearer they get to the trenches the more earnest and sober they are. Will you not pray that there may be a mighty outpouring of God's spirit in this hour not only of national but world need, and that thousands upon thousands thousands may be won for Christ during these days of tragic need and oppor- : tunity ? I write this letter only as a plea for prayer. POWDER Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar Goutmmm No Alum EBENEZER CLUBBING LIST storativc. During the last fifty years it hai banished from the lives of- tens of thou* sands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused by these diseases. If you arc a sufferer, get Dr. Pierce's and we plunge in. "Come on, boys, let's have a sing-song; gather round the piano and let's sing some of the old camp songs." Favorite Prcscrinrion in liquid or tablet form to-day. Then address Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,. N. Y., and get conndcorial medical advice entirely free. The Canadian Statesman a.ni The Bowman- TILLE News are paulished every Thursday and Friday rcoruing, respectively, at The Statesman Office, James Blocs, 26 and 27 Klng-st. West, Bowmanv-lle, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James dS Sons, Publishers and Proprietors, at $1.50 per innn.ni, payable in advance; $2.00 after first three months. J. T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank Bowmanville J. T. Allen announces thathe now makes suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. Ail work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. The little camp song books, published published by the Young Men's Christian Association, Association, are handed out, and we start in on a few favorite choruses. A dozen dozen voices call for the songs of Scotland, Scotland, others ask for "John Brown's Body," "Marching Through Georgia," and negro melodies. Others call for the "Marseillaise," and the war songs of Britain. Soon we have five hundred men seated around the piano and the chorus gathers - in volume." Now we call for local talent. A boy with-blue eyes and a clear tenor sings of home, A red-headed humorist named "Ginger," "Ginger," climbs on the table, and at his impersonations, his acting and comic songs? the crowd shouts with glee. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A tafe, reliable regulating \edictne. Sold in three de- mtdictnc. VT , greee of strength--fso. 1, *1 No. 2, |3; No. 3, *5 per bos Sold by all druçgi»ta, or aen; f repaid on receipt of price ree pamphlet, s. Addre :ree pamphlet. Address the cook MEDICINE CO. TOIWITO. OUT. (Ftrewiy Wltiw.; PROMPTLY SECUREOI j^countries. Ask for our INYEN 'S AD VISER, which will be sent fret MARION & MARION, 364 University St* Montréal. si.ooo.oo REWARD My heart begins to sink within me as I look over this sea of faces and wonder how I am ever going to hold this crowd that "Ginger" has in the hollow of his hand. Somehow these men must be gripped and held to the last. "Boys, what was the greatest battle of the war ?" we ask. "Was it the brave stand of little Belgium at Liege? Was it the great retreat of the little British army from Mons? Was it the battle of the Marne, when the French and British struck their first blow? Was it the great stand at Ypres, the defence of Verdun, or the drive of the Somme? What was your hardest battle ? Is it not inside, the fight with passion ? Now is the time to challenge every sin that weakens weakens a man or the nation. Boys, how about drink? Is it"a friend or foe? How about gambling ? I was watching watching you at your game this afternoon." We have had them forty minutes now and every man is listening for his life. We hold up the pledge card of the war roll. "How many of you are willing to take the stand against drink, gambling and impurity, breaking breaking away from sin, and sign the war roll, which says: T pledge my allegiance allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and King, by God's help to fight His battles and bring victory to His Kingdom ?' Who will stand before before this whole crowd and sign today?" today?" Here and there all over the house men begin to rise. A hundred come forward to get cards and sign them. <f Now boys, let's stand for a closing prayer." Every head is bowed bowed and in the. stillness we pray for these boys, for they are mere lads, with ruddy cheeks, fresh from the farm or city,, streets, boys of eighteen and twenty. Statesman $1 60 Bowmanville News 1 60 The Statesman or The News will be furnished for 1916 in connection with the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe .....* $4 50 Daily Mail & Empire 4 50 Toronto World 4 00 Toronto Dailv News 400 Toronto Daily Star 4 00 Weekly Witness 2 50 Weekly Sun \ 2 25 Farmers' Advocate 3 00 Farm and Dairy , 2 25 Family Herald & Weekly Star 2 50 Ladies Canadian Home Journal.... 2 50 Christian Herald 3 50 Christian Guardiah 3 00 Canadian Farm -v-....... 2 25 Canadian Countryman 2 50 Saturday Globe 2 50 Toronto Sunday World 3 50 Now the meeting breaks up and ye plunge down into the crowd. Men dome up and ask for private talks, some to confess their sins and others to ask for prâyer. Here a Jew wants to ask whether Jesus is the Christ; next a Roman Catholic boy who is In all infantile complaints that are the result of the depredations of worms in the stomach and intestines Miller's Worm Powders will bej found an effective rem edy. They attack the^dause of these -troubles, and by/ expeljkfg the worms from the organs insure jiti orderly working of the system, witbeiut which the child cannot cannot maintain its strength or thrive. These powders mean health and improvement. improvement. HAYDON Visitors:--Mrs. Rd. Ashton is home from Bethany; Mr. Elgin and Miss Dora Mount- joy at Mr. W. Samelis, Nestlçton; Miss Fannv Cooper, Bowmanville, at Mr. R. Ashton's; Miss Grace Slemon and-Miss E. Rundle, Enniskillen, visited • ^it Mr. Rd. Slemon's; Mrs. S. Trimble, Salem, at Mr. Cooper's: Mr. Geo. F. Cowling? Burk- eton, is moving into Mr. J. Hockeil's house . . .. Epworth League Rally led by Rev. J. E. Beckel held Monday evening wasÀvery successful. Special singing aud fourfive- minute addresses given by Rev. Bedkel, Mrs. Henry Ashton, Mr. Rd. Slemon zmd Miss Vera Slemon deserve special mention. League program will be given this Thursday Thursday evening by the Juniors Rev. W. Me Mullen, B. A., Toronto, Associate Editor of Christian Guardian, preached here Sunday Sunday on "Social Service and Evangelism". CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Foison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 YongeSt, Toronto. Correspondence invited. In five minutes the room is quiet, in ten minutes we have the ear of every man in the hut, the last man has stopped stopped talking and now th^ battle is on. They are gripped on tiré moral issue, how can we get them to the religious ? These men have the roots of religion in their souls but do not know it. They believe in strength, in purity, in generosity. generosity. I show that they are falling before temptation, but the very things that they admire are all found in their fullness in Jesus Christ. Tne wages of their sin is death, but the free gift' of God is eternal life. CURE Blok Headache and relieve all the troubles In* ,dent to » bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distreài after eating, Pain In the Side. &o. While their moat remarkable success has been shownwQi curing SICK Headache, yet . Carter's Little Liver Pill* are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders or the s tomach^itimulal*'tbe tirer and regulate bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almostprlceless tothoee who suffer from this distressing complaint;- but fortunately fortunately their goodness docs notend here.and those Who onoe try them wfil find these little pills valuable valuable In so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE Xhthe bene of so many lives that here la where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very ynall and very easy to take. One or two pills make s doeev They are strictly vegetable and do not grip# or parse, but by thfctr gentM action planée all who use them. Help For Asthma. Neglect-gives asthma asthma a great .advantage. The trouble, once it has secured a/ootbold, fastens its grip on the brojnchufl passages tenaciously. tenaciously. Dr. J. D. Keljogg's Asthma Remedy is daily curing l/ases of "asthma of long standing. Yedrs of suffering, however, might have been prevented had the remedy remedy been used when the trouble was in its (Crowded out last week) . Blake Courtice had expert opinion re his strike of natural gas but will not drill further for it.- The present vein is not strong enough to light cur village but Blake will have a bountiful supply of water water Mrs. Jos. Armour has been visiting her son Norman in Toronto Howard Nichols'baby has been very ill ...S. S. Brooks is remodelling the smithy Ep worth League was well attended Thursday evening. Pastor Delve gave an interesting interesting address on the "Liquor Traffic". Miss Mae Gardiner and Miss A. Courtice contributed contributed piano and vocal solos respectively... respectively... .F. W. Rundle entertained his apple pickers Friday evening... .Mrs. Sanderson of Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. W. R. Courtice.... Sunday services were fine, Reys. Geo. Brown of Hampton and Capt. Clarke of Bowmanville preaching strong Temperance sermons. to "Have his friend. A Foot Menu, you dined?" said "I have, a. lounger upon my No Hope. Doctor--Remember, nurse, you must keep the patients cheerful, and not let honor," replied he. "Then,">rejoined them get downhearted. thefi rst, "if you have dined upon your honor, you must have made but a scanty meal." Nurse--But what can I do, doctor ? Six of them have proposed to me already already this morning! vM AN IDEAL TONIC TYRONE When your head is dull and heavy, your tongue furred, and you feel done-up and good for nothing, without knowing what is really the matter with you, probably all that is needed to restore you to health and vigour is a few doses of a reliable FOR THE digestive tonic and stomachic rem- STOMACH AND LIVER edy such as Mother Seigel's Syrup. Take it after each meal for a few days and note how beneficial is its action upon the stomach, liver and bowels-- how it restores tone and healthy activity to these important organs, and by so doing enables you to gain new stores of vigour, vitality and health. Mr. and Mrs. Riddell and Miss Greta Virtue, Orono, Sundayed at Mr. Will. Virtue's,.. .Mrs. Harvey Cook, Grimsby visited her sister, Mrs. M. J. Werry. Mrs. Wm. Moore and Mrs.L. Skinner attended attended the Women's Institue Convention and visited friends in Toronto Miss Roma Phare entertained the young people Tuesday Nov. 21 Preparations are being made for Xmas, concerts MOTHER SEIGEL'S SYRUP The newj.00 size contains three times as much as the trial size sold at 50c per bottle. SOIS 'Tis A Marvellous Thing.--When the cures effected by Dr. Thomas' Eclect- ric Oil are considerfed, the speedy and permanent permanent relief it has brought to the suffering suffering wherever it h^ 1 been used, it must be regarded as a marvellous thing that so potent potent a medicine should result from the six ingredients which enter into its composition. composition. A trial will convince the most skeptial of its healing virtues. [CKristmaSi HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Wednesday week the Cadet Corps took a route march ofabout three and a half miles which was done in creditable style. Including the Signalling Section, Bugle Band and three Sections, some 48 boys turned out. Early in 1917 thé Corps will give entertainment for obtaining .fundsjor furl her equipment which is needed. needed. A letter from Instructor W. G. Butson to Principal Ross contains much interesting interesting information regarding the experiences of the 136th on the Atlantic, in England and in France. It was written in a dug out about 20 feet below the surface, whilst rifle grenades, trench mortars and 5 9's made a hideous din overhead and makes one realize what a terrible business modern modern warfare is. first stages. Do not neglect asthma, use this preparation at once. but ENNISKILLEN Report of Public School S. S. No. 16, for November, names in order of merit: Class V--*C6ra Sharp, Laura Virtue, Wilbert Wilbert Smith; Sr IV--Alma Werry; Jr IV --'May Werry, Grace Grieve, "Clarke Dorland, "Marjorie Virtue; Sr III--Lo- vejrne Griffin and "Olive Sharp equal, "Winnie Ashton and "Myrtle'IJrunt equal, "Reva McGill, "Gordon Prestofi; Jr HI-- "Reta Ashton, Milton Stainlon, Caroline 1 The Best Christmas Present. That is what many write us, who make a gift of a Youth's Companion subscription to a friend or relative. Thousands can recall the first Christmas Christmas that The Companion came into the house, and how it was passed, from one to another as à most precious precious thing, and the beauty of it was that every week it "was looked for, and pounced upon and devyred, and everything else put aside for it. You can bring that shine sense of delight into any home by sending The 1 Youth's Clapham;Sr II--"Gladys Stainton, "Elaine i Companion to it for a year--$2.25-- Palmer; Jr II--Ernest Werry, "Jean- Thompson, Maud Ashton; Sr I--"Elva Griffin, "Luella Stevens, Mona Preston; Jr I--Marjorie Smith, Harold Brunt, " Winnie Oke; Primer--(a) "Orville Ashton, Ashton, "Alma Oke, Eric Stainton; (b) 'Ellis Griffin, "Irene Preston, Leonard Stainton, Blanche Parkin; (c) Charlie Stainton, Phe- mia Hall,-'David Tordiff, Madeline Brunt. "Present every day. Elsie E. Rundle, Teacher. Oiim itzBxcan 00-, *iw you. Jml fiUJti Boa. Small Price. Complete in itself, Worm Exterminator Movers Graves' doev^ot require the assistance of any othi r nfedicinato make it effective, work. It doef'not fail do its less than four cents a week. The Companion Home Calendar goes to every .new subscriber and to everyone everyone who makes a gift subscription. The Youth's Companion, 40 St. Paul Sti, Boston, Mass. : : From the Chestnut Tree. "Willie, don't hug that dog." ' "Why not, ma?" "Mange!" "Aw, no danger! He's got ready." it Sometimes a mean with his conversation. man is liberal b%y. imile because it guarantees unequalled service--from Christmas to Christmas Christmas -- over and over again -- is j ^ It's the "safest" gift you can select, for every man shaves, and knows that in the Gillette you are giving him the best equipment that money can buy. His appreciation will be SURE and LASTING. V: -, . \ Christmas Gillette displays will be in the , windows of all the hustling Gillette dealers--Drug, Jewelry, Hardware and General Stores--everywhere--in a dozen styles or more--priced from $5 to $25. > i 1 J Safety Razor Co. of Canada, limited Office «fid Fectofy--GILLETTE BUILDING, MONTREAL 225 MOM* If* VI ■■ "■ ' ■■ - '■ ■ ■- . . ?■* MiÊifâÊÉÊMâ ÉÊÊÊÊÈÉSÊiÈÆÈ&Êi

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