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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1916, p. 8

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I Rich. Snowden TheEliteGrocery Right This Way ! Something new this week in line of cured meats--a nice little roll of meat out of a sweet pickle. Try one, no bone, no waste, 22c lb. Biscuits 2 lbs for 27c Tea. black, green, or mixed...2,lbs for 69c . 'Redpath" Sugar, granulated, 20 lbs $1.69 Seedless Raisins 15c lb Shelled Almonds, 5 crown .59c lb Shelled Walnuts, the best 57c lb Sweet, juicy Oranges 30c, 40c 50c doz Grape Fruit, Al 3 and 4 for 25c Layer Raisins for Table 35c lb Strictly new làid eggs this wéek, 50c dôzen Highest Cash Price paid for Poultry, Eggs ând Bûtter RD. SNOWDEN. Phone 243 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 7, SOLINA Solina Women's Institue will meet in S. of T. hall on Thursday December 14, when the delegates to the Provincial Con- | yention will give their reports. All members members come and bring your friends. The famous 5/T horse blankets at F. O. Mason's. $10 a day,--vou can easily make $10 I clear profit by attending Jury & Lovell's ic sale 1 day this week. ( Si ENNISKILLEN A concert under auspices of Enniskillen Circuit will be held in the Methodist Church Friday Dec. 8 at 8 p. m. Auto graph quilt will be auctioned. A good program will be given by eminent circuit talent. Admission 2oc and 10c. Junior League concert Dec. 22. Ic will buy one dollar's worth at Jury & Lovell's Dec. 7, 8, Q. See their windows for particulars; BETHESDA On Wednesday, Dec^zoth a first-class I concert will be given here consisting o:" music and readings by local talent; also a play entitled "The Deacon's Tribulation", 1 in four acts, by Bethesda Dramatic Club Admission 25c and 15c. Be there with [your friends. 49-2W Eleven different styles of Cutters at F. O. Mason's. $2 Hot Water-Bottles2 for$2.0I at Jury [ & Lovell's ic Sale Dec. 7, 8,9. FARMERS' MEETINGS West Durham Board of Agriculture will hpld meetings as follows: Nestleton, Foresters' Hall, on Thursday, Thursday, December 14th, at 1.30 and 7.30 p. m. .Purple Hill, Orange Hall, Friday» December 15th at 1.30 p. m. Tyrone, Sons of Temperance Hall, on Monday, December 18th at 1.30 and 7.30 p. m. Ebenezer, S. S. Room, Tuesday, Dec. 19th at I.30 and 7.30. p. m. Music provided at all evening meetings. The speakers are: Mr. Robt. Murphy, Alliston, Mr. Ed. Clemens, Fenwick, and Miss Susie Campbell, Toronto. EBENEZER ■# * # e * s * !*###*######♦#*#*###♦»#### S One-More Mattress Bargain This week we will sell you a full size mattress mattress to fit any bed at $2 95. We have a line of all felt mattresses that cannot be excelled, and will give 10% cun on all. Our Adjusto Ventilated Ventilated Felt Mattress can be made fit any bed. See our Phonograph with 12 records at £14.00 cash, £16.00 in installments. - Come in and hear it play. Alan M. Williams, Undertaking receives prompt attention day or night. Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville BE BRIGHT, STRONG AND WELL If one is to be efficient the daily food must include certain mineral elements best derived from field grains, but lacking in many foods. These elements are supplied in splendid proportion if you use bread and pastry pastry made at Tod's Bakery. A very choice assortment assortment of Christmas confectionery. confectionery. All orders will receive prompt attention. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville Fresh Sausage and Weeners All kinds of Smoked Meats Fresh Fruits For Christmas Do not delay buying the necessities for your Christmas baking as the prices are advancing. We have everything ready to hand of the best quality and at prices as low as the lowest. Raisins Currants Dates Figs Peels Spices Extracts Walnuts Almonds Syrup Sugar Butter • Eggs Lard Mince Meat You know our Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. phone number is 186. Harry Allin Specials in Canned Goods Opposite Goodyear Club. All kinds of Vegetables. for Report of S. S. No. 4, Darlington, November, names in order of -merit: V--Mary Found, (421) Walter Rundle, I (316 marks); Sr IV--Harrv Osborne, Gor- I don Trull; Jr IV--Addie Nichols, Irene Welsh; Sr III--Arthur Found, Elsie Welsh; I Jr III-- Allie Worden, Hazel Rundle, John Oke; Jr II--Nina Oke; Sr I--Norman Welsh; Jr I--Cecil Welsh, Keith Worden, Willie Wade, May Wade; Sr Pr--Orval Grills; Jr Pr--Fern Oke, Irene Grills. Marion M. Van Nest, teacher, See the variety of washing machines at F. O. Mason's. $1 Hair Brushes 2 for $1.01 at Jury & Lovell's Dec. 7, 8, 9. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Eber Snowden is visiting friends in Moorefield... .Mr. Lloyd Snowden is attending attending Guelph winter fair.". .".Misses Aura Rundle and Gertie Lymer, are attending attending the Domestic Science course at Solina.... Miss Vera Baker, Solina, is visiting visiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden Congragulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trimble on the arrival of a daughter Mr. and Mrs. Gilbank, Leskard, visited their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Trimble.... Mr. S. Snowden was an exhibitor of dressed dressed poultry at the Guelph fair this week MessrsfJfD. and R. R. Stevens, J. H, Munday and L. C. Snowden, attended a sale near Toronto Tuesday. Mitts and Gloves at lowest town--F. O. Mason. A. W. Pickard has a fine display of cutters. He offers something really fine. If you miss the ic sale Dec. 7, 8, 9, at Jury & Lovell's you will regret it for months. < prices in PROVIDENCES Miss Caldwell, teacher, and the pupils of Providence School are to be congratal- ated on the success of their concert on Friday evening. A fine crowd attended and enjoyed the excellent program. Recitations Recitations were given by Miss Katie Cochrane, Cochrane, Kendall, and Miss Bessie Scott, calera; calera; violin selections by Carruthers Bros; solos by Mr. W. S. Bragg and Misses Ella Wight and Reta Caldwell. A flag drill was nicely given by 12 boys and girls and the program closed with a drama "The Making of the Canadian Flag" ending with a tableau by the whole company. Rev. J. E. Beckel made a yery acceptable chairman. chairman. Proceeds $28.61. If you need a new Cutter, see Pickard. Farmers--See the bargain in halters and blankets at F. O. Mason's. Dec. 7, 8, 9, are the days when you can get $10 worth of goods for $5.05 at Jury & Lovell's. SALEM Special service was held in our Church Sunday afternoon when Pastor Beckel gave usa splendid sermon. Monday evening evening an excellant concert and tea was held to celebrate the opening of the new enclosed enclosed shed. A fine program was given consisting of solos by Miss Gladys Coll- acott, Tyrone, Misses Ella Wight and Reta R. Caldwell, Providence, and Miss Addie Rutledge; readings by Miss Bessie Scott; recitations .by Misses Vera Slemon, Haydon, John Thomas, Bethesda; duet by Misses Wight and Caldwell; an address by Rev, H. Wilkinson, Enniskillen, -and two selections by the choir. Pastor Beckel, presided. In the absence of the Secretary, Mr. WesleV" Werry, through illness, the financial report of the shed was read by Mr. F. L. Squair. Proceeds of concert and subscriptions amounted to $200 leaving a balance of $100 debt on the shed Visitors: Miss Ethel Ashtoni Haydon, at Mr. Chas. Pollard's; Miss Lepha Doncaster, Town, at Mr. R. Hughes; Mr. Geo. Honey in Toronto; Deputy-Reeve G. A. Stephens is attending Counties' Council Council at Cobourg... .One of our respected residents in the person of Sophia Jane Prance, beloved wife of Mr. James Darch, passed away Nov. 29th in her 75th year. Deceased has been ill for a long time and was a great sufferer. The funeral took place Friday afternoon to Bowmanville cemetery, service being conducted by Rev. J. E. Beckel. The bearers were Messrs. W. J. Bragg, R. H. Collacott, A. Tait _ and F. L. Squair. Among the beautiful floral offerings were wreaths from her husband and sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Darch; Sprays from Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dale and Mr. Richard Hobbs a fid family and others. The ic Sale at Jury & Lovell's makes $1.01 worth $2.00 to you Dec. 7, 8, 9. Warts will render the /prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the ex/rescences away by using Hollaway's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. Skates, skates, winter is coming and every boy and girl will be wanting a pair of skates. Mason & D le have the ever- popular automobile skate. See then before before you buy. Thursday, Dec. 21st - Mr. Percy Clarke, lot 18, con. 5, Darlington, will sell all his j farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at I ! p. m. See bills. L. A. W. TOLE, tioneer. DARLINGTON Christmas entertainment of Base Line Sunday School will be held Thursday Dec. 2ist. Miss Birdie Burk has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Geo. Fitzgerald and cousin Mrs. Wm, Simpson and also relatives at Islington Islington and Toronto... .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood were recent visitors with Mrs. W. Cory, Oshawa.... Mr. Mark Blackburn has a telephone installed in his home on line, 183 Misses Acy Rundle andNeliie Guy have joined the Girls' Patriotic League... .Miss Neva Allin, teacher, is training the children in recitation and dialogue for the coming Christmas tree anniversary of the Base Line Sunday School of Dec. 2lst. If you spend 26c at Jury & Lovell's ic Sale you save just 24c Dec. 7, 8, 9. Couch, Johnston, & Cryderman are showing a large and choice stock of useful and fancy goods suitable for Christmas presents. DURHAM DISTRICT DIVISION Sons of Temperance of Durham District will hold the annual session in Taunton Hall, God willing, on Wednesday Dec. 13th, commencing at 2 o'clock, p. m., sharp, when the regular business will be transacted. At 8 p. m. a good program will be given by members of the Order. There will be a Grand Division Officer to to give an address both afternoon and evening. A silver collection will be taken in aid of the funds. Members of the Order Order should attend to help make arrange- ment for carrying out our Temperance laws and for making total prohibition a successful and sweeping measure. Would like to have a full house. Yours in L.P. F., A. D, Langmaid, B. G.Stevens- D.S. D. W, P. WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC LEAGUE TYRONE During the months of October and November The Woman's Patriotic League have shipped 398 pair's-socks, 128 hospital shirts and 6 suits pyjamas. With regard to the socks, in November 275 pairs were carefully done up in individual parcels 1 and addressed to our men who have gone from this District. Mr. W. H. Dustan very kindly came to the assistance of the League, had the boxes containing this last consignment carefully covered, banded with iron and made safe for the overseas trip. Financial Report for past three months: Receipts Expenditures August 26 Balance on hand $324.47 Money Received 364.75 Aug. Collection ■ ' , 8.40 Money Expended Balance A Comedy play entitled "Oak Farm" in three acts will bs given in S.„. of T. Hall under auspices of Epworth League on Friday Friday Dec. 15 at 8 p. m. Admission 25c and 15c._ Don't miss hearing this entertainment entertainment as it will be a full program of fun. Mr. and Mrs. John Samells, Nestleton, recently visited at Mr. Norman Coll- acott's... .Miss Maude Virtue and Mrs. Jos Hawkey attended Thank-ofiering services and visited Mr. J. H. Mutton Bowmanville, Sunday.'V. .Miss Marjorie Peel has returned after visiting friends in Toronto.... Mr. Matt. Tennant, New Park, has purchased the Branton Property. Property. .. .Everybody attend"Sunday School next Sunday missionary program and Christmas Tree for South Oshawa Mission. Mission. AUCTION SALES $767.62 October 2 Balance on Hand $749-53 Money Received 406.62 Monthly Collection 69.90 Money expended including $300 Canadian Red Cross $ 18.09 74953 $767.62 $100 British Red Cross $411.12 Balance 814 93 $1226.05 $1226.05 November 6 Balance on hand $814.93 Money Received 18.74 Monthly Collection 79.51 Money Expended $191.98 Balance 721.20 $91318 $913-18 Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, Treasurer. WOOD SALES auc- Mrs. F. L. Bragg will sell sometime in December about 5 acres of st mg mixed timber on lot 13, Con. 5, ling ton. Watch for date. / 1 Gifts that bear the Truè Ring of Friendship Often the very people who are most in need of the soft, consoling comfort of Comfys are the last to think of buying buying them for themselves LOOK OVER THIS LIST It will help you to reach a decision For Father, Husband, Brother For the Kiddies •o , -r, , en nr\ Girls and boys wear out an awful lot of shoes. Ten to Kid Slippers $125-$2.75 one they needT new ones right Felt and Plaids... 95c-$1.50 now - A P a j r wiU P lease them. All sizes and prices. Carpet ......................75c Moccasins 85c-$1.50 -- c . , - Overshoes $L50-$2.00 For Mother, Wife, or Sister Toy Trunks $2.00 Beautiful Boots, $3.00-$6.00- Juvenile Suit Oases, Evening Shoes...$3.00-$4.00 Corduroy'Leggings,90c-$l'.2S Fur trimmed Juliet. .,.$1.40 Pretty Slippers 35c-75c Boudoir Slippers $1.00 Bootees, all colors..,35c-60c Comfys, special, in red, For Fyerybody blue, brown 95c Hockey Boots, Warm Over- shoes, Buckskin Moccasins, Felts and Car pets... 60c-7 5 c Rub ber Footwear, Rubber Overgaiters ..4.60c-$2.50 Heels, Felt Houseboots, Shoe Silk Laces.. ....lBe-SSc ^f 8 ' 'î >0,ish SUpp6r Soles, etc. Once a man gets off his day shoes and slips his feet into house shoes, it's a guarantee he will stay in the rest of the evening. Fred R. Foley t \}&n Sutmyside Boot Shop, Bow * anville Escape the Frost ! in Victoriâ or Vancouver, B. C. Canada's own Winter Resorts, and spend your money at home AVERAGE SUNSHINE 5* HOURS DAILY Splendid roads for motoring--Golf the year round --Fishing, Hunting, Shooting. Three Superb Trains Leave Toronto each week Get full particulars, through tickets and reservations reservations from W. G. GIFFLER, Station Agent, or M. À. JAMES, Town Agent, or write R. L. Fair- bairn, General Passenger Agent, 68 King-st. E. Toronto, Ont. Travel Canadian Northern all the way Christmas Meats ! Only the choicest meats bought from first-class feeders, are to be found at our store. 1 Here is a list of feeders of our Christmas meats: 4 choice steers and 2 choice heifers, R. H. Souch, Providence) 2 choice steers, J. Lane, Shaws';- 2 choice steers, F. Symons, Bowmanville; 3 choice heifers, Wellington Cowan, Starkville; 1 choice heifer, J. Tabb, Bowmanville) 2 choice steers and 1 choice heifer, D. Smith, Bethesda) 5 Leicester ewe lambs, R. H, Souch, Providence) 2 Polled Angus calves, J. Couch, Clarke. Home rendered lard, meats, poultry of all kinds'. cooked hams, all kinds of smoked order. We guarantee satisfactory service. Try us for your next 28 * C. M. CAWKER &' SON Phone 64 - - Bowmanville zm: zmm: & Price Reduced An unusual occurrence these days is a reduction in price. GRAPE FRUIT ! GRAPE FRUIT I 6 for 25c; 5 for 25c; 4 for 25c, 3 for 25c. A large purchase en- ablesus to make this offer. ORANGES Juicy and sweet at 30c and 40c per dozen , EXTRACTS Extracts for flavoring in great variety for your Christmas cooking--10c per bottle NUTS ! NUTSi Shelled Almonds and Walnuts--good fresh stock.. 50c lb. RAISINS Fresh and new Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs for 25c. New Peels, new Raisins, new Dates,, new Currants, etc. F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville V i In e = uD □D didn T t I have this bathroom put in long ago. It is so clean and beautiful beautiful that I feel provoked thinking of all that time that I worried along with the old bathroom." Don't wait until you can say that when a Standard ^anitarg" bathroom put in by us will mean so much to you . 'Standard" LivcLU Lavatory now. RICE & Opp. Post Office CO., Phone 66 m SB Coal XVood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day^ E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 V O--Cedar mops and polishes at F. O. Mason's. Mitts and Gloves--largest display in town at F. O. Mason's. Cutters! Cutter si! Winter is coming. See Pickard before purchasing that new .cutter. Cold weather is coming, ice will soon be good. Get your skates ready. Mason & Dale have just the-kind you need. Flashlights from 50c up at F. O. Mason's. Do you need a new cutter? See A. W. Pickard before buying. Farmers save 25% by, buying blankets at F. O. Mason's as they were ordered a year ago last August. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are still showing a Superb Stock of Ladies' and Children's Plush and Cloth Coats, allmade up in the very latest styles. o

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