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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1916, p. 3

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Key if? *8 Ipr StSs :/■ -»r Nurses Wasted I? qi HE TORONTO - HOSPITAL FOR JL; -Incurables affiliated with Bellevue- furd -AUted Hospitala. 'New York, offers MB THOS. SYMONS DEAD. >\ __ ident. Miss .'Cook, ISO Toronto. Something that every womÉi will at na vSÈfc f A Christmas-time Jingle. By James Whitcomb Riley My dears, do you know, one short Christmas ago, There were two little children named Jimpsy and Joe, Who were stolen away by their Uncle that day, Who drove round and carted them off in a sleigh ? And the two little chaps, rolled in buffalo wraps With their eyes in the furs and their hands in their laps, ?Ie whizzed down the street, through the snow and the sleet, At a gait old Kriss Kringle himself couldn't beat. A.nd their Uncle yelled "Ho!" all at once, and then 'Whoa! Mr. Horses, this store is where we W'ant to go." ^ And as the sleigh stopped, up the ' v little heads popped, And out on the sidewalk the old Uncle hopped. And he took the boys in, with a v/ink -and a grin, And had 'em dressed clean up from toe-tip to chin, Then he bundled 'em back in the sleigh, and cur-rack! Went the whip; and away they all went whizzin' back. Am. Jimpsy and Joe, when they Vmarched in, you know, There at home, with new suits, both their parents says "OH! What dee-lishamous rare little children children you air,-- W'y you' got the best Uncle tha' is anywhere!" But their Uncle just pats the boys' heads and says, "Rats!" In a whisper to them--"Parents purr same as cats;" Then he kissed 'em and rose arid fished fished round in his clothes, And lit his old pipe with the end of his nose. Let the little ones know that the good Saint knows the way to th©tr stockings on Christmas morning. . Sega to Rev. T. D McCullough, InspectorfPort Hope, Ont. Unsatisfying. "Are you a vegetarian?" "At heart. But I can't induce my stomach to become one." «ïïht Suffer With Bagucse, Kiukeys or Rheumatism Now ? La tier Tells of Lcng-locked-for Prescription, Erasers--If I can do any good In thtFfrorid for others, I wish to do it, and I feel that it is my duty to write about the wonderful results I received from the use of " Anurie.' - I was suffering from kidney and biadder troubles, scalding urine, backache and rheumatism, and feet and ankles swelled so that at times I could not walk without assistance. Had taken several different kinds of kidney remedies but all failed. I sent for a box of Dr. Pierce's newest discovery, discovery, "Anurie," which 1 received by mail in tablet form. I soon got better and am convinced that this popular new medicine is good. I wish to recommend recommend it to my neighbors and everybody everybody suffering from such troubles. Mbs. M, J. Sabsent. Note: You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Dr. Pierce and his" well- known medicines. Well, this prescripts prescripts essfully tion is one that hai been successfully used for many- y eat* by the physicians r. Pierce's Invalids' amd specialists at JDr. sJl Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for i kidue eases arisii Hotel and .Surgicu ' complaints, and dis- disorders of the kid- r, such as backache, matlsm, dhopsv, conges- eys, inflammation of the urine, and urinary g f neys and bl v back} rh thaï L-: wea tion of theUri bladder, sda troubles, y 1 Up to tnls time, "Anuric" has not been on sale to the public, but by the id the persuasion of many patients anc In Increased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally decided to put it into the stores, or send 10 cents for large trial package or 50 cents for full treatment. Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric" Is sure to be Pierce's. -Yon will find the signature Dr. on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the ever- famous friend to ailing women, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, proven by years to be the greatest, general general tonic and reconstructor for any one, besides being the best blood-maker known. Wood's Fhosphodiae, English Remed\ Ths Great English. Jtiemedy, Tone* and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Qurtt Nervous Jjfri&Bv. Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- iinev, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Start, Faüina Memory. Price $1 per box, six 7orfA One will please, six will ear*. Sold by all droMÛrU or mailed in plain pk*. on receipt of ' SrSWAw pamphlet mailedfre*. THE WOOD WIEOlCINECO-, Toeorro, WIT. (Fwwrtr WleiwJ S1,00000 REWARD appreciate fs the wire coat hanger covered with cotton and ribbon, on which to hang her waists. Wind the hook of the hanger with narrow ribbon. ribbon. Fold cotton batting over eacp loop, sprinkling it. with sachet powdey. Make bags of ribbon or silk to slip on over the cotton and fasten under a bow in the center. If on^intends to make a number of these hangers it will probably be cheaper to buy a yard" of taffeta or China silk, and use ribbon for the bows on^y. By watching watching the sales one can often pick up a remnant at a very low price that will work in advantageously. A young lady will enjoy a toilet box for her dressing table or bureau. In its construction material matters less than daintiness and neatness of construction. construction. Take a box of the required required size to pieces, being careful not to break the edges. Smooth them, then cover each piece separately. Put a layer of cotton wadding on the bot- tem, which may have the lower side covered with a thin muslin--you may use silk, satin, foulard, silkoline or cretonne for the covering of the box, using a figured goods for the outside if desired and a plain for lining. In covering, be sure- to keep the threads of the materials straight with the lines of the pasteboard. Overhand outside and lining together, making the stitches fine and even, then overhand the sides to each other and to the bottom. Pad the top with cotton and cover with the material ; it will be used as a pincushion. If the box is covered covered with silk or satin a very pretty effect is gained by stretching a piece of all-over lace edge, just the depth of the box, gather and sew it around the top, and cover the joining with a narrow beading through which No. 1 ribbon has been run. Fasten straps of narrow ribboq to the box and the cover to keep the latter from falling back, and add a bow of wide ribbon by which to lift the cover. Harper's Bazar tells how to make a working apron which would be a great convenience to any one doing fancy work: Make a square of Persian Persian lawn, trimming it with- lace and tucks, and having it twenty-four inches when finished. From the middle middle of each side make a diagonal square of beading; cut six yards of ribbon into four lengths and run through the heading, making it very loose on three sides and drawing quite tight in the fourth to make a little fulness at the. waist line of the apron. Make hard knots at all four corners and then tie double bow knots. By lifting these bows you can draw it up into a bag; for strings to the shirred side to tie around the waist untie the bow knots at each end. The little corner on the shirred side gives a bib effect. When sewing, you have on a pretty white apron with a little bib; when you stop you pile all your things into your lap and pull up the pows, retying the double knots on the shirred side. A twenty-four-inch square of black China silk with one corner slightly rounded for a bid can be made with a narrow ruffle of the same silk on all round. Gather to a yard and a half of black satin ribbon. ribbon. A pair of scissors and a pinball, pinball, fastened to the side of the apron with long ribbons make it still more practical. An apron can be decorated in cross- stitch embroidery by basting a strip of scrim or canvas on the part, working working over the canvas and then pulling out the threads. If the work has been done with moderate looseness this will not be difficult. People who are tired of Christmas trees, stockings, etc., may try a new departure in the Christmas basket, a prettyJoasket, tied with ribbons, being being prepared for each person. "Fruit-a-lives" Made Him Feel As If Walking On Air Orillia, Ont., Nov. 28th. 1914. "For over two years, I was troubled frith Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack oj Appetite and Headaches. One day I saw your sign which read " Fruit-a-tives make you feel like walking_on air»" This appealed to meféo I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began to feel better, and now I fecifine. I have a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I recommend this pleasant fruit Ttredicine to all my friends DAN McLEAN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit? a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ZION. - Mourning at Yuletide. Through in most civilized countries and tbwns Christmas is a/time of gladness, there are some places where the festival time is mourned over. This is "so with Santiago, the capital of Chili; for during Christmastide, just eight-and-thirty years ago, she was plunged into the depths -of despair by a catastrophe such as has. never in modem times befallen the metropolis of a civilized State. The scene of the terrible occurrence was the cathedral- church of La Campania A grand religious religious festival was taking place, and the magnificent building was thronged with, more than 3,000 worshippers, the elite of the gay Spanish-American city. Twelve thousand silver lamps shed a brilliant radiance over the mass of muslin and drapery below, and the acolytes were busy lighting the 1,500 tapers on the grand altar, when there arose a sudden cry of "Fire!" A candle had been overturned, and in an instant almost the interior of the cathedral cathedral was in flames. Many of those imprisoned within were rescued through the windows, for the one door, was quickly blocked; but, when all was over, it was found that more than 2,000 of Santiago's bravest and best had perished. Report of S. S. 12, Darlington, for November. November. Figures denote per centage: Class IV--Jack Flintoff 88, Gertie Herring Herring 8r, Orma Flintoff 66, Nora Robbins 65, Reford Cameron 53, III--Flossie Sonley 74, Arison Balson 67, Jessie Balson 61, Norman Herring 56. Sr II--Wesley Vivian 100, Frank Pay coc 93, Wilson Richards, Richards, 83, Irene Pascoe 81, Florence Flintoff Flintoff 57, Madeline Richards and Carl Fice 54, Ivy Walker (absent). Jr. II--Everett Herring 80, Will Welsh 77, Theodore Welsh 75, Percy Stainton 70. In order of merit: I--Lena Hoskin, Effj Balson, Ruby Armour, Ray Cameron, Harvey Brooks, Lily Vivian, Pat White, Ethel Chinn, Harry Chinn, Garfield Welsh. Primer-- Gladys Herring, Violet Fice, Evelyn Richards, Richards, Stanley Stainton. Perfect attendance--Nora attendance--Nora Robbins, Orma Flintoff, May Armour, Florence Flintoff, Irene Pascoe, Madeline Richard*. Lena Hoskin, Effa Balson, Evelyn Richards, Stanley Stainton Number on roll 36. Average 30. Elmer R. Frost, teacher. a SOME LIVELY SONGS. Honor of Supplying the Music for the Great Liberal Conference at Belleville Fell to Bowman ville. A Curious Custom. The King of Spain always enjoys himself at Christmas, and he does not fail to play the chief part in the wonderful wonderful ceremony performed for centuries centuries on Christmas Eve at the Spanish Spanish Court, when a crib is set up, and the Sovereign, tambourine in hand, followed followed by his Ministers, dances #ound the cradle of the babe. To us it may seem a curious custom. To him, as King of Spain, it seems the most natural natural thing in the world, and he dances with a will. a . If somebody beats your best, the thing for you to do is to improve your best. ■■ ,, 6 : A Christmas Carol. "What means this glory round our feet," The magi mused, "more bright than morn?" And voices chanted, clear and sweet, "To-day the Prince of Peace is born." "What means that star," the shepherds shepherds said, . "That brightens through the rocky ^ glen?" And angels answering overhead, Sang, "Peace on earth, good will to men!" YOU NEED fatal ties, icine to upon to ly of th to aid nature occasionally when your liver is sluggish, your stomach disordered disordered or your bowels inactive. Let this safe, mild, dependable remedy regulate these organs and put them in a sound and healthy condition. SOL1NA BEECHAM'S PILLS Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. _ Sold everywhere. Inboxes, 25 cents. I LISTER I s=;«4 11.55?. 'Tis eighteen hundred years and more since those sweet oracles were dumb; We wait for him like those of yore; Alas! He seems so slow to come. But it was said in words of gold No time or sorrow e'er shall dim, That little children might be bold In perfect trust to come to Him. „ 2,3.5.7 &9 HP. On Skids or Truck. „ -5 Hiftk Tension. Matfneto- Irfi\itiors_. *£ jjt Automatic Lubrication. All round about our ..feet shall shine A light like that the wise men saw,- 1 If we our loving wills incline To that sweet life which is the law^ For information that will lead to the discovery orwhereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Jilouth. and Throat, Blood Poison, g 2 Diseases, Bladder Troubles, cial Ailments, and Chronic or nplicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St, Toronto. Correspondence invited. So shall we learn to understand The simple faith of shepherds then, And, clasping kindly hand in hand, Sing, "Peace on earth, good will to men!" And they who do their souls no-wrong But keep at eve the faith of mom, j Shall daily hear the angel-song, "To-day the Prince of Peace is bom!" j --James Russell Lowell. e name that stands for ] f Qupditi/ .in Farm Machinery/ U I t s LISTER ENGINES ARE * BRITISH BUILT as W Have the Largest sale in the rltish mpiro. y A yt 11 $ i 11 ll Lister Silos, Ensilage Cutters, Threshers. Sprearers, Milkers, Electrlcf Light Plants, Melotte ♦ Cream Separators. * I 11 Fl v the vLis Iter GRINDER JL s ti Wrt te for price SP of our famous V Grinder OutfH omprisînrf ;H.RList2? rv« k Writ* fir Catalogue to Dept. R-A-LISTER & Co. limited TORONTP Only the urififormed^ndure the agoi;y o'f corns. Thje kpewing ones apply Holloway's Holloway's CornyÇufe and get relief. a-- NEEDY LITTLE ONES. In this seaion of joy, festivity and giftmaking giftmaking kindly do not forget the children in the Shelter at Port Hope--eleven boys and four girls at present, aged from six months to twelve years. Out of your plenty you can make some little heart glad by some little gift--or useful things, such as shoes, stockings, handkerchiefs, ties, mufflers, toques, etc. CLUBBING LIST Statesman "..50 Bowmanville News. ........... 1 50 The Statesman or The N kws will be furnished for 1916 in connection with, the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe !.. -- . .$4 50 Daily Mail ^Empire 4, 50 Toronto World 4 00 Toronto Daily News. .4 do Toronto Daily Star, Ï ....... 4 00 Weekly Witness 2 50 IVeckly Sun .... . -2 25 Farmers' Advocate. 3 00 Farm and Dur y . » .... -î . *2 25 Family Herild & [Weekly Star 2 50 Ladies Canadian H,omé Journal.... 2 50 Christian Herald........ ......... 3 50 Christian Guardian.. . ............. 3 00 Canadian Farm ................... 2 25 Canadian Countryman 2 50 Saturday Globe. 2 50 Toronto Sunday World...... 3 50 ^ V a 1 tei Fôrmer Bôwmanvtllë Business' MÀrç.. Mr. Thomas, Symons . whose Wife Was Mary Morris, eldest d^.ughtejriof the. late 1 Mr and Mfs. James Morris, whose hospitable hospitable home was the one dow oWned by Mr. F. J. Manning, passed to rest -at his home 314 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., on Dec. I. He was of a very friendly disposition and was respected here both as a business man and citizen. He was a native of Hope township, son of the late Thomas Symons, Canton. The Guide tells that he served his apprenticeship in the carriage business of the late James Morris,^Bow- manviller and worked at his trade"there for many years. He was in business for himself in Toronto for a number of years and afterwards worked in Columbus and Dayton, Ohio, Terre Haute,Indiana, New Haven, Conn.,<ând for the last ten years has been employed in the carriage and automobile business in .Buffalo. His illness illness wasUarangit's. To mourn his loss he leaves his widow, son Lawrence and daughter May; two brothers E. J. Symons and W. H. Symons, Hope Township, who were present at the funeral. Their many friends is" this town and Darlington will sympathize with Mrs. Symons and family in their loss. For mal appetizing and healthful-cake, healthful-cake, biscuits, muffins muffins and pastry there is no substitute for ROYAL BAKING POWDER Made from Cream of derived from grapes Tartar, lit Makes Home Baking Easy, tm No W' Alum V Canadian Prisoners. Canadian and other soldiers sen-, fenced to long terms of imprisonment ; ended in Germany have the satisfaction of i of the German Emperor to confine them a day after the war has been knowing that it is not in the power We all make mistakes, but there are a lot of them that we could all avoid, too. And some men who are short on hair imagine that they are exceptionally" exceptionally" long on brains. X x From Belleville Daily Ontario. The success of the program was greatly contributed to by two of Bowmanville's splendid singers--Mr. H. J. Knight and Mr.Thos. S. Holgate. Mr. Hoigate needs no introduction to Belleville audiences, and last night he sang in great form "Up from Somerset" and in response to an enthusiastic enthusiastic encore "Corporal Michael O'Leary." O'Leary." Mr. Knight was also accorded a most appreciative reception, and his powerful baritone voice was heard to advantage in "Heroes and Gentlemen"and "Jolly Jack' as an encore. The conference was a great success. Hon. Geo. P. Graham, Mr. N. W. Rowell, Mr. Hartley Dewart, Mr. C. M. Bowman, and Mr. Nelson Parliament were the leading leading speakers. 7" V A 7 il(M The Perfect Qum in tl30 Perfect Package. Sealed tight--kept right / Miller's Worm Powders will eradicate the worm evil that baars so heavily on children and is believed to cause many ire an acceptable med- and can be fully relied the food channels thorough- destructive parasites and restore restore the inflamed and painful surfaces to healthfulness. They are an excellent remedy remedy for these evils. (Crowded outlast week) Domestic Science Class increases in interest--nearly interest--nearly 40 members.. ^, Miss Lucy Brown critically ill, is somewhat improved .... Mr, Richard Pascoe and wife returned home from Toronto Saturday. He thinks his operation has been very successful .. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKesso; k and family visited Mr. Thos. Pascoe, Hampton, Sunday, Sunday, it being his 8lst birthday.'?.'.Mr. T. Atkinson has decided to offer himself for to his country and is enlisting Recent visitors:--Mrs. W. Werry at Bowmanville; Mr. Silas Williams at Caesarea; Master Harold Pascoe at Oshawa; Pte. Charles Nelson, Horse Artillery, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. Jebson's; Pte. Walter Thomas 182 Batt. with friends; Misses Aura Rundle, and Gertie Lymer, Maple Grove, at Mr. J. T. Rundle's; Tom Gibbons; Chas. Scott, Cecil Bush, S. E. Werry and Sam Brooks at the Winter Fair at Guelph. I as is sealed -- that's the thing I like about it. No matter when or where I buy it, the flavor is there -- full strength, and it's fresh and clean. So I always make sure to get Wrigley's in the sealed package -- it's the greatest five cents' worth of beneficial enjoyment enjoyment I can buy. Write Wm. Wrigleÿ Jr. Ço. Ltd., Wrjgley Building, Toronto, ' for free jingle book by the Spearmen. . a "j* «S' Ci tew it after ■ ■ . Æ

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