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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1916, p. 7

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1 V r :-~ $3? PP^^ " - ( ' ;' ' • ."" " .':- " | ; ';- ' ^-■T- : ~: V' :-, - ; : '>g!^ • <_ rrr/'V^Sir-V-'j^ X cS»®3l M 3? THK CXSXDU.N STATESKAX Md THE BOWMAX- iiLLK News are paolisheil tr+rj Thursday .and Friday mo min#, resybctiyely, at-THB Statksxx* Office, James Block,^28 and 27 Kinglet. West. Bowinamville, Ontario, Csnadeu M. A. James <fc Sons, Publishers and Proprietors, *$ *1-50 per annum, payable to advance;# 1.00 after first three rcontbs. R J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M« XVJJ O WMAJTYTLLH, - 03TT. Z*>LD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI- \Y versity, Toronto. Four years Attending Physician and Surtreon at ML Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg. Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington SL Telephone No. 108. *#«<» _ n • ttr*ii M _ f Punishment No. 1," known as "crnci- . Meat Places Will riot fixion," and as the news that this C _ _ _ n . 99 i ,« form of punishment was in vogue O m O W n IS the came the nature of fT~Burprise to cheerful news from the most people, a certain-amount of re- Department of Agriafiture. =-- Meat prices will not worry London FOR -THOSE LITTLE GUTS It is always safer to apply GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, Votaries Public, A. Ï. GOODMAN, D. G. CALBRAVH 508 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. the man or woman who knows that a Shredded Wheat Biscuit will supply. more real body-building nutriment than beefsteak or eggs and at much less cost. Shredded Wheat remains the same price, the same high W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. Klng-st. East, Bowmanville. Phone 193. 20-lyr RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. quality, supplying all the nutriment a man needs for In an interview with a Weekly Despatch representative, Gen. • Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien remarked : that the punishment sometimes con- , sisted in tying a man t^the wheel of j a wagon or to a tree and leaving him there for some time, usually two hours. , . "This particular form of punishment," punishment," explained Sir Horace, "succeeded "succeeded flogging, which was most undesirable. undesirable. It is a mental punishment, as well as a physical one, and its effect effect is usually very salutary. Naturally, Naturally, it must be understood that on the battlefield it is impossible to in- TREE PRODUCES BUTTER; Candles and Soap Can Also Be Made Of It. CÜ.ÉBD "P'dTATÔES. ""IRISH COB- bier», Delaware, Carman.; ; Order at bncë. Supply'limited. Write for quo: tatlona. . H. - W. Dawson^ Brampton. Ptfroleem 9«Sy' A mild antiseptic. It keeps the cuts clean and helps them to hcaL « xirmrV troduce disciplinary measures such as a half-day s work.. Iwo obtain in peace . t ime. shredded wheat biscuits with ; "There is no guard-room peaches and cream or other j trenches to which * - ! pnmmiTt.pn nil fir Sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and general general stores everywhere. Refaee substitutes. Illustrated Illustrated booklet free on request. m a man who (inand Thunk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a m. Express 1029 a.m. Passenger 3.29 p.m. Local b.49 p.m. Passenger 7. J8 p.m. Mail 9 58 p.m. : Daily ^ Going West :Express 4- 22 a - m Local 7 00 a.m Local 9 45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m : Passenger 7.02 p.m fruits make a complete, 1 a ° d nourishing meal at a cost of not over five cents. Made in Canada BATTLING-UNDER THE SEA. Microphones, or Electrical Ears, For Submarines. Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Guing East _ 6.07 a.m. daily 10 46 a.m. daily x8.26 a.m. dailyt 3-21 P-m. dailyt 4.27 p.m. daily x7.52 p.m. dailvt 7 48 p.m. dailyt 12.57 a.m. daily x North Toronto Station + Except Sunday C. B. Kent, Agent the has an offence can be sent, even if it were possible to imagine imagine such an incongruous thing _ as a guard-room close to the firing line, where are the men to be spared from to look after offenders under detention detention ? "The civilian experiences possibly a sense of shock at learning that punishment punishment of this kind has to be in- . flicted at the front, but if he were in , 1 the army he would realize that the is btHid most essen tial thing of all in face of the enemy is the absolute maintenance maintenance of discipline. For the morale and strength of an army is in proportion CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) 1880 Ckebot Are. Mentreal Mr. Yerby, the United States consul consul at Sierra Leone, tells of a- wonderful wonderful tropical tree called the shea, or butter tree.. It furnishes the natives natives not only with huts, which they highly prize, but with butter, which may become an article of commerce of importance, since it is already exported exported to Europe, where it is used in making artificial butter. This tree produces a nut covered with a soft pulp which is in turn covered with a smooth skin. This pulp is sweet and wholesome. About 60 per cent, of the nut is butter, which is edible. The tree begins to bear when it is 15 years old, and reaches its full capacity in 25 years. Barring Barring jungle fires a butter plantation is a long time and profitable investment. investment. Chocolate manufacturers could easily absorb the product. Candles and soap can also be made of it. Trees that can produce butter, soap and candles are worth cultivating. ❖ PO* BAM. R ^MANUFACTURED TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS. . Guaranteed " the equal of new. We save you 50%. to 76%. Will ship on 5 days' approval. The Canadian Writing; Machine Company, Toronto. amwspAP**s po* bam P ROFIT-MAKING. NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario - towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Company, Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. LIMITED^ 410 ST. PAUL STREET MONTREAL Established over 39 years as Raw Fur Beaîers Write us for price list. Send us your furs and get highest market price. the MlffOBMANEOUS C ancer, tumors, lumps, etc., internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION s HQ' ! 'MORI ! J Although the submarine after it dives, it can be made to hear with the aid of microphones, or electrical electrical ears. Mr. Edward F. Chandler, Chandler, an inventor who has made a study *^ g <ji sc iplinary standard of submarine problems, has invented «The offenders who are sentenced a method by which he believes a sub- ^he punishment called by some i merged craft may direct its course < cruc ifixi 0n ' generally feel more acute- I toward a hostile ship. ]y the ridicule of their comrades than In describing the process in Popular physical discomfort experienced, nr coiro T" rnn ~ it may be taken for granted that going to. and from school, from country country and village boys using them for getting about quickly. One manufacturer manufacturer is authority for the statement that fully one-half of the growing demand demand comes from country districts, where the country lads and young men find the bicycle a mighty handy machine with which to get to town and back quickly and easily. As a "fad" the bicycle has gone for ever; as an article of exceptional utility it Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West ' Express 11.59 a.m. 17 Express 906am 'Express 6 33 p.m. •" Express 7 40 p.m Daily except Sunday. J. T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank Bowmanville J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. Winter Term opens Jan. 2nd Strike for a Better Position by taking a course in the Popular ILUOTT, TORONTO, ONT. This school stands head and shoulders above the ordinary business college and when THOROUGHNESS UF TRAINING Is considered, ranks among the best on this continent. Handsome Catalogne sent on request. Yonge and W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. Principal Science Monthly, he says: In the modern modern telephone the transmitter is es. sentially a microphone, and the pres sure of the sound waves is commun! ^ ^ cated to the conductors by means of a 1 hi^hlv^desirable diaphragm. The submarine, equipped. J fciSine^ for battle under the sea, is provided with microphones on the port and starboard bows. Telephones _ enable the submarine commander to listen to the sounds gatherecj by the microphones. microphones. If the .submarine is not pointed head-on toward the ship it means whatever disciplinary measures the army authorities adopt are only those for very good reasons considered in the interests of DRINK HOT WATER FOR INDIGESTION "If wind A Physician's Advice dyspeptics, sufferers from gas, or flatulence, stomach acidity or sourness, gastric catarrh, heartburn, etc., would take a teaspoonful of pure bisura- ted magnesia in half a glass of hot water immediately after eating. they would soon forget they were ever afflicted with stomach trouble, and doctors would have to look elsewhere for patients." In ex- America's Pioneer Dog Remedies . BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York BE LARGEST FIREPROOF RESORT BtfŒLJN THE WORLD , 1 The Spirit/Of America at play: Magnitude and Cheerfulness AMERICAN PLAN EUROPEAN PLAN D. S White, Pres. J. W. Mott, Mgr. WE WANT RAW FURS is forging into popular favor, where planation of these words a well known * * - ' .- New York physician stated that most it will probably remain permanently. A Losing Game. "The average man 50 years of age," didactically began Professor Pate, "has eaten 16,000 pounds of meat, 17,- 000 pounds of bread<i-? 00 ,P° un d= ' of vegetables, drunk 7,000 gallons OI tents, stimulants or medicines for In forms of stomach trouble are due to stomach acidity and fermentation of. the food contents of the stomach combined with an insufficient blood supply to the stomach. Hot water increases the blood supply and blsurated magnesia instantly neutralizes the excessive stomach acid and stops food fermentation, the combination combination of the two. therefore, being It will pay you to ship all your fur to a reliable house, where you can get full market value. Ask for our price list and shipping instructions. EDWARD POLIAK & GO- 280 ST. PAUL ST. WEST. MONTREAL, QUE. Marten. Fox, Muskrat, Coon and Sknaks Any of these lines will bring 10% ADVANCE on our quoted prices of November 15th. MarkfV. is strong, ship at once and get benefit of high prices. Have you our price list and brown tag? Write for them. THANKFUL MOTHERS Thousands of thankful mothers throughout Canada--many of them your own neighbors--speak with the to , greatest praise of that splendid medi- liquid--" £Arid after going to all that expense and trouble," spoke up the Old Codger, "he has been unable to build up a structure that has anything like the unqualified indorsement of his friends and neighbors. " digestion. attack, the microphones on the off- c j ne> Baby's Own Tablets. Many Hinard'» liniment Cure» Cold». *o. side will receive fewer vibrations than mo thers would have no other medicine the others, and the difference in the for their little ones. Among these is volume of sound received by the two j Mrs- Albert Nie, St. Brieux, Sask., microphone detectors will be observed w ^ 0 sa ys: "I have been using Baby's at once by the telephone receivers. Qwn Tablets for the past seven years The commander will then change his an( j they have done my four, children course until he hears equally well with a -world of good. I would not be with- both earpieces. j out them." The Tablets are sold by Although it is perfectly feasible to • me di c ine dealers or by mail at 25 direct a submarine by telephone, it is ■ cen t s a box from The Dr. Williams much more effective to convert the ; Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. why Reasons Enough. The Minister--Mackintosh, don't you come to church now ? Mackintosh--For three reasons, parson. Firstly, I dinna like yer theology; secondly, I dinna like .yer singin', and thirdly^ it was in your kirk I first met ma wife. WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as agent in Durham County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Onr agencies are the best in the busine.-s for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first class condition. Nursery stock Is selling well this year and pood money can be made in this aldtnct. For particulars write Sales Manager. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. 40,14 microphone vibrations into visual j sounds. As a result, the commander ; of a submarine has only to watch a i finger move over a dial in order to , know what course he should steer. In I a sense, he sees the sound that the 1 microphone detectors hear. A visual steering indicator is primarily primarily depended upon to guide the submarine, but telephones are connected connected with the microphones, to used when occasion arises. THE "ANNOTATED GUIDE. An Issued by « GRAND TRUNK system WIN 1ER TOURS Interesting- Volume the C.P.R. -No publication issued by the .-Can adian Pacific Railway is better known all over the world than the "Annotated "Annotated Guide," describing every sta- be ' tion along the line. Issued originally -4. With their i at the suggestion of Sir William Van underwater sound can be dis- J Horne, it has passed through ™ an y tinguished from another and be inter- i editions and is now a fair-size oo> preted correctly. A tramp steamer | owing to the great increase m the e - may be microphonically distinguished ; tent of the railway systems It is - from a Mauretania, a torpedo boat j terestmg to look over the early iss from a superdreadnought, and, above. ; to see how Canada has progrès e . all, a subsurface craft from a surface j 1888,^ for instance, Winnipeg had craft. Thus you can tell the character of an unseen ship while it is still a Not Setting Them An Example. "Don't you know that when you go into a saloon to get a drink you are setting boys a bad example?" No, sir. I never take them in with me. I always make them stand outside outside and wait till I come out." Not the King. When the King was in Scotland recently recently he promised to review a boys' brigade. At the last minute, however, his Majesty was forced to cancel the engagement, engagement, and a local notability was hastily substituted; but the managers of the affair thought it only right to notify ticket purchasers that royalty would not be present. Presently a small-boy who was to take part in the parade came along with a request for two tickets for his parents. He was told of the disappointment disappointment in store for them. "Oh," said the lad, "they'll nae be disappointed. It's no the King that father and mother are cornin' to see --it's me!" It would take seventeen guardian i angels and half a dozen policemen to | keep some men out of trouble. | Hoerner, Williamson & Go. 376 ST. PAUL STEEDT WEST DEPT. W., MONTEE AL Doctor Tell* How To Strengthen Eyesight SO per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instance* A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. London.--Do you wear you a Minard'» Uniment Cure», Diphtheria. Eud, one That Settled it. Grimy Griggs--A newspaper guy offered me a dollar if I'd let him take my picture. Ragged Rogers--And yer refused ? Grimy Griggs--Yes; yer see, a photograph's got to go through a bath. Tied Down. e!asses? zZ Are _ victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pam dreadfully; now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmospbere'seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can even read fine print without glasses.' i It is believed that thousands who wear glasses Sineleton They say that marriage can now -discard them in a reasonable time and T | multitudes more will be able to strengthen their IS a tie. i eyes SO as to be spared the trouble and expense Wedmore--You'll find it so if you get roped in. of^ver getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by followimj the simple rules. Hero is the prescription: prescription: Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto - tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dissolve. _ With this liquid bathe the eyes two to fouritimes daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation will quickly disappear. If your eyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if they had cared for their eyes in time. Note: Another prominent Physician to whom the above article was submitted, said: "Bon-Opto is a very remarkable remedy. Its constituent Ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by them. The manufacturers guarantee it to strengthen eyesight 50 per cent in one week's time in many instances or refund the money. It can be obtained from any good druggist and is one of the very few preparations 1 feel should be kept on hand for regular use in almost every family." The Valmar Drag Co., Store 4, Toronto, will fill your orders ii your draggst cannot. Sore long distance off. "CRUCIFIXION" NOT SERIOUS. General Says Punishment Is More Mental Than Physical. Questions have been asked in the British House of Commons about Field population of only 25,000, Fort William William 1,400, Regina 800, # Calgary 2,- 400, Lake Louise had not been discovered, discovered, and Vancouver was proud of its 5,200. Indian Head was famous for the Bell Farm, of which the "Annotated "Annotated Guide" remarks: "The furrows on this farm are usually ploughed four miles long, and to plough one furrow outward and another returning is tPECIAL Fares now in ef- half day's work for a man and team. The work is done with an almost military military organization, ploughing by brigades brigades and reaping by divisions." Toronto Toronto is described as "distinctly Western Western in its activity and energy. I wa's cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. LT.-COL. C. CREWE READ. Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. . C. S. BILLING. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. Granulated Eyelid#, I Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine i Eye Remedy. No Smarting, _ just Eye Comfort. -At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SllveinTubes25c.ForBookotlhcEycrreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Ce. , Chica# WINTER DAYS AND SUMffli ARE AYS Lésons in Memory. Jaffrey--How do you suppose that dear old man remembered exactly how much he paid for his gold tooth, which he bought forty years ago? Agnes--Why, I s'pose he carried it in his head.. Minard'» Dlnlment Cure» Garsret la Cow» O feet to resorts in Florida Georgia, North and South Carolina, Louisiana and other Southern States and to Bermuda and the West Indies Return Limit May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed For full information write to C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Or J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. r BICYCLES AGAIN POPULAR. // s 1 i Notice to Creditors IK THE MATTER OF the estate of j William Jollife, late of the town of\ BfAvmanville, in the County of Durham, ! $ retired Minister of the Methodist Church of Canada, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having having any claims or demands against the late William William Jelliffe, who died on or about the seventeenth seventeenth day of September. 1916. at Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, are required to send Childish Craving Manufacturers in Canada and United States Have Produced 700,000 Compared With 350,000 in 1915. The Wall Street Journal the other , day drew attention to the fact that this year has seen the return of the bicycle to popular favor, and to satisfy the renewed demand the manufacturers in y the U.S. this year put out 600,000 bicycles, with 300,000 in 1915. More "bikes" would have been made this year ex- The Real Damage. Heiress (after rejecting him)--I really had to say what I did. I m sorry if I hurt your feelings. Suitor--Worse than that, you've hurt my credit. , Minard'» liniment Cure* Distemper A Useless Invitation. A Highlander from Tobermory ask ed at the Oban railway station the price of a ticket to Killin. "So much," replied thee lerk. "Hoot, awa'," replied Donald, "it's compared j f ar ower dear! I'd rather walk!" and off he started. " He had not proceeded far when the cept for the shortage of tubing and j tra i n came tearing along, whistling of labor. The doubling of production as ^ ne ared a * compared with 1915. has not satisfied j the demand, and the slogan among go Saving the Man. , Mr. Stebbins (reading)--Statistic^ to show that the male population of the world is fast falling off. Mrs. Stebbins--Good gracious. Isn't there some way of tying them ? and Christmas Days are the best Th ermos days of all. Guaranteed to keep Boillngr liquid» hot 24 hr»., or Ice Cold liquid cold 3 days* "Here is the ideaD sfift, handsome and practical, griyirng- years service at or awav from home. 7or tlie Motorist--for tlie InyaLid or service^ au t ho Huraery--for the Business-Man--for the Work man--for-the Bedroom and .many other uses. Bottles $1.76 up. Kits $3.00 up. Carafes (water bottles) $5.00 up. Motor sets $9.50 up. Thermos is sold at all good Drug; Hardware, Sporting Goods and Dept. Stores, and some Leather Goods and Jewelry Stores. If vou cannot see what you need send, lor fully illustrated Catalog now. \Ve send goods prepaid on receipt of price. work THERMOS BOTTLE Go., 12-14 SHEPPARD ST., TORONTO. on How She Cuts Him. ghe-- 1 There's one thing about me; when asked to sing I don't say I can't, I just go ahead. ■ He I see; and let the company find out for themselves. r-B ILL! ARDS' Canadians Who Travel '1,000,- --for something sweet finds pleasant realization in the pure, wholesome, wheat and barley food bv Dost prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned. g» * . r » » rn 1 _ #1 1 « w all « Dn «1 ov.acitor herein for Thoms* C Jewell and Paul Trebilcock, executors and trustees under the will of the said William Jolliffe. their names and addresses addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the twenty- ninth day of December, 1916, the said Thomas C. Jewell and Paul Trebilcock will proceed to distribute distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, haring regard only to the claims of which they shall then hare had botice, and that the said Tno® 4 » 0. Jew»U Md Paul Trebilcock will not be liable for the said Assets or unrpart thereof to aJiy person of whose hare received noti G rape-Nuts (Made in Canada) claim they sLall not then hare received notice. Dated at Bowmanville, the 29th da? of November, November, 1916, D. B. SIMPSON. Bowman ville, Qai "" rad Paul Solicitor for the said Thomas C. Jewell an FrebUcock, Executors. ito.no. tê-4w No danger of upsetting the stomach -- and remember, Grape-Nuts is a true food, goqd for any meal or between meals. V »> " There's a Reason Ltd., Canadian Postum Cereal Co, Windsor, Ont the manufacturers for 1917 is 000 bicycles." This output will be within hailing : distance of the record bicycle - production production reached in the years . 1895-97, when bicycles were turned out at the rate of over 1,200,000 per annum. In Canada the rejuvenation of the bicycle is equally marked, nearly 100,000 machines being manufactured j ! and sold during 1916. This is practically practically a doubling up on the sales of 1915, and but for the shortage of labor and tubing the number would have been still fbrther increased. The 1 outlook for 1917 is exceptionally 1 bright and orders from the trade are ! already booked for Spring delivery which breaks all previous records for • a like period. i' The increasing demand comes from workmen who use the bicycle for going going to and from work, from boys'and girls using them for pleasure and for ED. 4. X station. "Ye needna whistle for me!" said Donald. "I made ye an offer aince, and ye wadna tak' it; sae ye can gang on. . I'm no cornin'." DODDS ; Those long winter nights you will need indoor recreation. recreation. Why not instal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms. Buirou$he$ A Waffs, Lfd. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., Toronto are invited to send for our new booklet descriptive of scenes ""J-he tnp from Halifax to Demerara via ships of the " Royrl Mail." This little booklet tells what there is to see and do^at Bermuda, SL Kitts Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, bt. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent Grenad^ Trinidad, and Demerara. It also gives a Ust of the Hotels and Hotel charges at the various islands. The cost of a return ticket Ontario points is as follows. from various ^ VXXXx <DlX eXKiDNt'fXi, ifs f M E VM Af ' gA S r fk l "I c ht s oJ*o DON'T CUT OUT I A Shoe Boil, Capped! Hock or Bursitis FOR Toronto .Hamilton Peterborough Galt Belleville Coburg Ottawa $143.30 $144.SO London $146.65 Chatham $150.15 v<£> ISSUE 51--'16 will reduce ttiem and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blister blister or remove the nair, and horse can be worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for minklnd. the antiseptic liniment for Boils. Brui.es. Sore.. SweUinxs. Allavs Pain and Inflammation. Price Sl andSZ a bottle at dnnsista or delivered. Will teU you more If you wnte. W F YOUNG, F. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can. tosorbinc rod Absorbing Jr., ire aide In Caoatt. % 'THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY 67-59 Granviile Street, - HALIFAX. N. \

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