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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1916, p. 3

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w X • x - PERSONAL. 6t. Câtharinés, Ont.-- '(Two" years ago I w<u in very nervous, generally rundown rundown condition, eo that I awoke in the mârnxag more tired than when I retired. Thedoctors thought I hid'heart trouble -and'-treated me'for it but I- got no benefit. I heard of Dr. Pierce's remedies-'through remedies-'through a friend who had been to your Invalids' Hotel for an opera- F; NOT HIS JOB. *• I'm not supposed to do that." said he. When an-extra task he chanced to .seet " That's not my job. anu its nut my care/ - „ X So I'll piss It by and I'll leave it there. And the boas who wave him ms Weekly Lost P more than his wages on hibi that day. "I'm not supposed to do that." he said. "That duty belongs to Jim or Frqd. So a little task that was in-his way That he could have handled without delay " . Was left unflnlshédr the way was paved For a heavy loss that he could have saved. The time went on and he kept hia place, But hè never altered his easy pace; And folks remarked on how well he The line.of the tasks he was hired to-do; 1 For never once was he known to turn I His hand\to things not -of his concern. tion (which proved entirely, successful) tnd I at once got -the 'Fardrrte Prescription.' Prescription.' I took three bottles altogether and at the end of three^weeka I felt entirely entirely cured and have been well and strong i , ■ 4 . . . .ithout . wa. t rtopped taking it about three months ago 1 • - -- ana am glad" to tell any one how splendidly splendidly your medicine-has healed me."-- Mrs. John Lxwin, 63 "Niagara St., St. Catharines, Ont. The mighty restorative power -of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to disappear and brings back health an3 itrehgtn to nervous, irritable arid exhausted women, lit ia a wonderful prescription prepared only from nature's roots -aed herbs with no alcohol to falsely stbfaulate and no pstircotic to wreck trie herres. It ban- *bw pain, headache, bMkache, low spirits, kot flashee, v worry andpeepleeaces surely tad without, loea of. time. €kt it no^-l All druggists. i -- u . k Great Boo* XrW Woaaaa tfcaall Hsw. Over a mdiiojgcopies of the "The People's People's Commo^Sense Medical Adviser".are now in the hands of the people. It is s book that everyone should hare and read m case of accident or jickheea. .• Bend fifty cents or stiUnpaAo Dr. Pieree, trivalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.. Y., and en- jioee this notice and you will receive by rafum mXl. :i1 charges and customs duty i - • - - - t#-- » The Dangerous Condition Which Produces Many Well Known Diseases^ srtnn' Rook. But he never was worth a dollar more Than he get for his toll when the week "wrs o'er* For he knew too well when his work i was through And he'd done all he was hired to do. If you want to grow in this world, young man. You -muet do every day all the work you ,* c&n[ -Xt'- • . v * ~ Ilf you find a task, though It's"-not-your, I "bit, I And It should be done, take care of it! ■ And you'll never conquer or rise if you i Do only the thinrs you're supposed to do. --Edgar E. Quest In Détroit Free Press. -v HUN SPIES IN SCOTLAND. Have Photographs of Scotch Coast in Germany. In the course of an article, one of « a series which he is contributing to : the London- Times, descriptive of a ! ten months' Stay in Germany, Mr. D. : Thomas Curtin .vrites :-- One of the finest pieces of spy work achieved by Germany was the obtaining by a German professor of a unique set of photographs of the whole of the Scottish coast, from THIS TROUBLE " FRUIT-A-TIVES " -- The Wonderful Fruit Medicine --will Protect You ■ ■ A. .particularly . interesting gathering 1 was held Nov. 20-àt Æè^résidënce cf Dr. and Mrs. F-C-TrebilcocV,' Spadina Ave. Toronto. Al-teodamh: was.large audihe pregram interesting." Prof. John Squair gave ajracy account of his trip with the good-will delegation, to the Province of Quebec, where .the visitors were entertained entertained most generously. Dr. Clarkson gave a delightfuHalk on buib^growing which captivated the hearts of h s audience. The musical part of the program was furnished furnished by Mrs. (Dr.) J. H. Elliott, Mrs. Gausby, Mrs. T. E; Kn wlton, Misses Tamblyn and Gavijler. Miss Rochelle Copeland, daughter of J. J Copeland, of our Executive, withris for the first time since her return front: Germany, delighted the meeting with a couple of violin* solos. Thanks were given to the host and hostess. After refreshments were served, on motion motion of the Rev. Dr. M. P. Tailing, seconded by Dr. D. J. Goggin, for the delightful entertaniment and to all who assisted in the program. Another of the interesting series of the Durham Old Boys' Executive meetings was held at the residence of Mr. R. W. King, On Monday evening Dec. Ilth when there was an unusually large attendance, and a most interesting program. Dr. Jas. L. Hughes who had visited Bowmabville for the Children . n: : Autointoxication means self-poisoning, self-poisoning, caused by continuous or partial constipation, or insufficient action of the-bowels. - x , .. Instead of the refuse matter passing daily from-th 0 body, it to àWrbed ^ 1 Ægirïhi iretifci. of the blood. As a result, M* !****<>*«*<* | Honorary President " the . Editor of the Skin are overworked, in theii* efforts to rid the blood of this poisoning. We Get You, Madam. Nephew--"I tried to get a raise to- : n0 £^h to south, dav, aunt, but the boss refused it") Those photographs, showing every Mrs. Blunderby-"Too bad, Dicky.'inlet »nd harbor are now at the Perhaps you didn't approach him 8-t ; R ei chs-Manne-Amt ^(Admiralty) m the zoological moment.' the^Leipsigerplats . They have been reproduced for Jfche use of the navy.. I don't know how they were obtained. I know they are in existence. It is possible some Scottish reader of -fhnseninf ofthe blood in this way often causes Indigestion,. Loss of Appetite -and Disturbed' Stomach. It may pro- duee -Headaches and Sleeplessness. It way irritate the Kidnéys akdbrlag on, Pain in the Back, Rheumatism, Gout, and Rheumatic Pains. IF ii !7 the chief cause of Eesema--and keeps ike whole •Frnil-a-tivet 1 will always core A a to- -, intoxication or self-poisotting -- as " Fniit-a-tives " acts gently on bowels, kidneys and skin, strengthens the bowels and ton toi up the nerrous system. . 50c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial sise,25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price fcy Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Wood's Fhosphodin», The Great Englisk Remedy. -- x- -, , . Tono4 tnd invigorate* tb« whole these lines may be able to explain the ,T °U* Vriî"' j mystery, and I should be glad to re- ' ceive further information on this sub ject. That the photographs, which were, I believe, taken for geological purposes, exist in Germany is beyond dispute. ■ ■ lil OIQ T CluB, liWTI x* vr v\j w-e Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Kneroy, Ralpitaiion of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price SI P«r box, six lor S5- One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mr.ilcd in plain pkg. on receipt of 6 rice AVir pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD I ED1C1NÉCO., Totorro, 0*T. (Fwserij WUiwJ Addents Will Happen. Officer--"Is that soup read] Jones?" Officer's Servant--"No, sir, tb stove went out, sir." Officer--r"Went out! Then why don't you light it again?" Officer's Servant--"Cos it went out by the roof, sir." à _ .. /* SfflnffliiHfflfflnHnMiumiMmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiaiHniflUfflBHnii This Chri y Let us Give Moderately to Each Othef^ and Generously to the Soldiers' Families Nineteen hundred and sixteen years ago came the very first Christmas, and for all these centuries there has recurred the Great Anniversary with its message of good will to men. And so w 7 e give gifts. 6 ' Men and women of Ontario Î We who stand for good will among men and nations; w'e whose men fight that there may at last be real peace on earth let us make this a Christmas worthy of the day it commemorates--let us lay aside a generous proportion of our Christmas money for the families of those who are fighting the good fight. Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund the fund that guards the soldiers* families from want. Great as the result will be among the families of, our soldiers, greater yet may the blessing be among us, the gi /ers. Christmas will have a more vital meaning for us than perhaps ever before, and as for. the children who can measure the impression they will receive and keep of that Christmas Day when they shared their Christmas with the loved ones of the men who saved their country ! TeteaclTCanadian boy and girl get a lessc^i from this historic Christmas which will, go with them all through life. Good men and women of Ontario ! Can the need of our soldiers' families cry in vain for the relief which this Fundalone makes possible ? Can we--canwe, in the face of It all. again give lavishly amongourselves? Shari we not this year, with- hearts full of the spirit of Christmas, lay aside a generous proportion of our Christmas money for the causy which so urgently needs it? ' V'-, "Somewherè in France** he is fighting the good fig"hth. ■* Somewhere in Ontario all that he holds dear is defending upon our decision. Truly "It is more blessed to give than to. reçoive," Ontario win be***» ed In January to a*- sure thf Canadian Patriotic Fund that It can depend on having million dollars In 1017 Tor the families of Ontario's Ontario's soldiers. Four million ef these dollars must bn ecured from Individ^ al subscriptions. If here Is no Branch of ;he Fund In . your >wn or county eenq >ur subscription dli ,ot to the Head iffloe. Canadian 'atriotlc Fund. Vlti la street, Ottawa, c**i Honorary President the. Editor of the ,Statesman.. : On motion of Prof. : Sqdair and Principal W. Scott, a note of sym- ] pathy was sent to Mrs. T. Caswell on the death of her brother. The musical part] jof ibe pcogram was furnished -by the f [ followinr, all of whom are Dnrhamltes. Mrib Knowi toÿ Mrs. E lllqt t,-; Misse» Etta TiSt^Stadi an<t Hagerman and Mr. Maunder, Maunder, (in Kahki). An eddreaa on London during the Wpr, hy : the Rev. Dr. Hincks 1 1 w as a -masterly, effort, end--;-delighted ,his hearers by the information hé gave and the spfaidiil spirit oi Optimism it breathed. The tfsoal didnty refMments were serv- éd by the host and hottesa, and on motion of Mr. S. R. Widkett, iedpbded by Mr. | Thoe Yetidwleesi Secretary, thanks were tendered to Mr. anid Mrs. King and all whb assisted In: thé entertainment. " -4 WEDDING Gane--Coulter Oh Wednesday, November 15th, 1916, the marriage took place in St. Peter's church, Regent Square, London, England, of Lieut. Irving B. Gane to Nursing Sister 1 Florence Coulter, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coulter, Bowmaa- ville, Ont. After a week in London, Licit. ! Gane returned with his regiment to Salon- iki and Mrs. Gane to Sutton Veny Military Hospital, where she has been on duty since March. They will reside inLondon, Eng., on Lieut.Gane's return. Her many school- mates and friends in this town wish her ! much joy. «î* CLUBBING LIST Statesman $1 50 I Bowman ville News.. 1 50 The Statesman or The News will be furnished for 1916 in connection, with the under named publications at prices [stated:-- I Daily Globe .$4 5° Daily Mail & Empire ... .. . * 4 5® Toronto World . 4 Toronto Daily News 4 00 Toronto Daily Star 4 00 Weekly Witness 2 50 Weekly Sun 2 25 Farmers' Advocate 300 1 Farm and Dairy 2 25 Family Herald & Weekly Star 2 50 Ladies Canadian Home Journal 2 50 Christian Herald . 3 5° ] Christian Guardian. ^3 00 j Canadian Farm .~ 2 25 Canadian Countryman 2 50 Saturday Globe 2 50 Toronto Sunday World 3 50 » Won Fame on its Merits.--The un- ! bounded popularity that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil enjoys is not attributable I to any elaborate advertising, for it has not been so advertised, but is entirely due ' to the merits of this Oil as a medicine. In every city, town and hamlet in the country it fs sought after solely because of j its good qualities. ---<• ENFIELD Miss Myrtle Ormiston visited at Ennis- ikilIen....Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey, Kinsale, visited here recently.... Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell, Oshawa, were at Mr. B. Powell's... .Mr.George Stinson has rented rented thé Harper farm near Mr. Goodman's mill Mrs. Walter Ball has been at her former home near Uxbridge--had append- Mcitis... .Red clover is being threshed and is yielding fairly good--Mr. Ellis Pascoe's wood sale was well attended and good prices realized--average per âcre nearly j $130.00 Mr. B. Powell has purchased a strip of land adjoining his farm on the .east Mr. Ellis Paacoe....Mr. Norman j Scott has rented part of Fred Oxmiston's ! farm. * , -i X- I ------0 i Miller's Worm Powders will purge the stomach and intestines of worms-so effectively effectively and so easily and painlessly that the most delicate stomach will not feel any I Inconvenience from their action, They recommend themselves to mothers as a I preparation that will restore strength and vigor to their children and protect them from the debilitating effects which result j from the depredations of worms. ---- Where the Absinthe Goes. -Many people have been wondering in France what has-become of all the absinthe which has been, commandeered commandeered and taken out; of circulation at the beginning of the. ;; war. The Temps now .gives an interesting, description description of what has happened. The many thousands of bottles were taken to a certain workshop in a secluded l^woed, where their contents were emp- I tied Into huge yats, The liquid vmder- goes various chemical processes, by which it is separated into Its constituents. constituents. The essential oils are put to uses connected with the war Which are a State secret ; the alcohol is valuable for the manufacture of explosives, and the ether is sent to the hospitals, ; v ■ -, -, Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves I Worm Exterminator is acceptable td children, and it does its work surely and promptly. .4 f 4 * * f The same healthful qualities that exist in ripe grapes, a natural, wholesome wholesome food, are conveyed to cakes, biscuits, muffins and pastry made with Royal Baking Powder. Hence, Royal insures food that is always safe, and is the baking powder powder Which should be used in the preparation of flour foods for the children. Many of the cheaper baking baking powders are made .from materials derived from mineral sources which have no food value. * X. Absolutely Pun Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes Contains No Alum Cdok's Cotton Root Compound* "five o'clocks" verboten. A safe, reliable re medicine, Sôld In three degrees degrees of strength---No. 1, SI. No. 2. S3; No. 3, $5 per box. Bold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. See pamphlet. «, Addreea: THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TOIMTO.OIT. (Fsmsily WWw.) mmmmmmmmMmmrnwim In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S AJDVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 064 University 8t., Montréal. S1,00000 REWARP~ For information that will >lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 268-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited. Functions to Become Illegal Henceforth Henceforth in Berlin. "Five o'Clock Teas," which the Germans Germans in pre-strafing days used to call by the. English term of "Five o'Clocks," have just been verboten the Berlin police, says London Mail. The public is not clear either as to the reason or as to the exact kind of "Five o'Clocks" which have become illegal. The ukase blotting them out simply reads as follows: - "In recent times there have been repeated repeated functions described as 'Five o'Clock Teas.' The attention of the public is again called to the fact that these functions are forbidden." It is suggested that the Berlin resorts resorts known as "cabarets" have beer enticing large numbers of women and girls to entertainments advertised as "Five o'Clock Teas" which turned out to be of considerably less innocent character than their name implied. The newspapers suppose that the police authorities desire to put an end to these shady functions, rather than to the "Five o'Clock" which, before the •war, in imitation of London and Paris, were conspicuous features of Berlin's craze to be weltstadtisch (cosmopolitan) (cosmopolitan) . ^ Duty is never so disagreeable as when it is neglected. Sifeiil.yaHiiiiililltiiiiliiliiliilliiililil CANADA NATIONAL SERVICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given under the authority of the W*r Measures Act 1914 " that during the first week in January, 1917, an inventory will be made by the Post Office Authorities, of every male between the ages of sixteen and sixty- five, residing InCanada. National Service Cards and adEvesed envelopes for .they- return to Ottaw have been placed In the hands of all Postmasters for distribution amongst the persons required to fin in such cards. Every male person çf thç robbed ages is required to fill in and return a card enclosed m an envelope within ten days of its receipt. Any person who fails to receive a card and envelope may obtain the same illca ~ upon application to the nearest Postnjaster. R, B. BENNBTT, ■ , Director General. "X; Ottawa, 15th December» 191Ç, / GOD BAVE THE KING, NATIONAL SERVICE WEÈK i let to 7th JANUARY, ■ «■

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