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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1916, p. 5

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V OPERA HOUSE (1 day only) MATINEE and EVENING Saturday, Dec. 23rd RASÏÏ. S. rorrRTNEY PRESENTS D. W. GRIFFITH'S Demand for smaU dwellinRS is still brisk. | in Bowmanville. Miss E. E. Haycraft friends last week. 1 ° VCr$I2 C^fMvï.="r, reports. This is 'themonth for Thursday, getting ïtraigM^îth*th e ^ fO ' r ^ w ^ iere ^ )0S " William Jamieson, aged 73> strangulation at his home m Port Perry re ^ ntl M kpI Brav Toronto, is holiday- ing with her uncle Mr. Fred Foster, Nor W Store windows look yery attractive and infitml. fine artistic taste being shown in many instances. ... Mr. Andy Duncan, Bowmanvill visiting his uncle, Mr. vx Millbi'ook Reformtr. Mrs. W. P. Prower hasTretumed from visit with relatives m Hamilton, uunuas and other western points. appoinierMTle^r^of FTewcastle'in^bccess- ion to Mr. Geo. Jamieson. Mrs. Ed. F. Weeks and sons Jack George, St. Marys, are v^sitmg he ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys. Miss Dorothy Punchard. of Valentia ; spending the Christmas was Duncan.-- has-been and paris paris with BIG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF 30 Same original Company that played in Massey Hall, Toronto, and all the large cities in Canada DDlPUQe MATINEE 25c, 50c, 75c. 1 lvlUllu* NIGHT $1.00, 75c, 50c. Seat Sale opens at Webster's Wednesday Dec. 20th holidays Missjane' Carscadden, Orono. Rev F. Woodger has returned from visiting his brother and other relatives at Port Dover and other Western points. Miss'McClellan has gone to Chicago, Til and will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Ben. Brittain and other relatives relatives there. Miss Reta R. Cole assisted at a concer at oSno Dec. 8th and bas accepted an m vitation to Newtonville at their. N Year's entertainment January 1st. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys^wdl celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the"Thorne on New Years Day, and will bei at_ home to their friends from 3 to 6 and 7 to P * 2^5th battalion, Belleville, Northumberland Northumberland and Durham Battalion number of recruits recruits 87, appointed officers 22, length, officers 10, other ranks, 550. total strengt ' 582. . . „ . Mr S C. Bundle, Ebenezer, is m Rochester,' Rochester,' N. Y., where he had a splendid visit with Dr. Harry C. Phillips.^ He is attena tag on a wealthy gentleman oil 220 sol.d pounds, who is very helpless. - L communication from Dominion Fruit Com- that there are apples follows:--231",209 ; Read "If side page. Health column--A Cold, many lives if you read it. The boys are to be complimented and congratulated on their high standing. Before deciding upon - your Christmas gift see what you want at Couch, Johnston, Johnston, and Cryderman's; Miss Margaret Allen is hoirie from Hill- crest Convalescent Home, Toronto;,feeling Toronto;,feeling much improved in health. Pte. Clarence Williams, drummer,'Pte. Young of 235th Batt. Band, were guests of the former's cousin, Mr. W. J. Williams, High-st. Vr . In the Junior examinations of Ontario College of Pharmacy at Toronto Mr. J. Ross Stutt passed and Mr. Fred J. Van- Nest in all subjects but botany. Ladies, what is nicer for a Xmas gift than an up-to-date hat? Haddy & Co. are selling theirs at greatly reduced prices, Thursdàv, Friday, and Saturday Dec. 21, 22, 23. In the majority of cases a useful present will be appreciated more than one which is ornamental merely and for your useful presents call at Couch, Johnston, and Cryderman's Dr. David S. Hoig, Oshawa, announces the engagement of his daughter, Dorothy Loscombe, to Lieut. Wm. V. Oke,of the* Notices of Birtfcs 2S cents; Marriages SO cents} Deaths,SO cents, eachlnsertlon. When funeral cards are printed at this office. Insertion free. ' BIRTHS. Dearbobn--In East Whitby, on Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dearborn, a son. Vinson--At Granger, Alta., Nov. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Vinson, a son. (Thomas James). " MARRIAGES _ Wilbur--Hillts--At the Parsonage, Conrtice, Dec. 16th, by Rev. R. A. Delve; Elmer t. Wilbur and Lizzie W. Hillis, both of Darlington. Sharrard--Rowden--At the Manse, Oshawa, Dec. 11th, by Rev. Geo. Ynle, Edna May Velma Rpwden and Hog Sharrard, both of Oshawa. Gane--Coulter--In St. Peter's church. Regent Square, London, England, Nov. 16, 1916, Lieut. Irving B. Gane and Miss Florence Coulter, Bow- manville. Bowden--Rowe--In St. George's Church, Osh- awa, Dec. 14, by Rev. C. R. De iPencier, ÛI.A., Mr. Thos. P. Bowden, Oshawa, and Miss Lillian E., daughter of Mrs. John Rowe, Darlington.. Hardy--Darke--In Cambridge-at. Methodist Church, Lindsay, Dec. 12, by Rev. A. H. Going, B.A., Mr. Fred N. L. Hardy, Bowmanville, and Miss Eva Alberta, daughter of Mr. John Darke, -Lindsay. We extend A We are told in a Mr. D. Johnston missioner Ottawa, stored in Canada as t barrels, 153,704 boxes, 5,37» crates. Have mercy on your horse, we iced a horse tied to a Port We otto day S n ti rtVTh?oL h :a b Ee, over yom horse if only for a five-minute The noble animal deserves A. Cameron rear s every not- much Macnaughton, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, «to, as^ wiU be seen by his professional card elsewhere will have his Bowmanville Office m rear of the Royal Bank where Dr. J. C. Devitt Dental Office wasAwiIl be there Wednesday. Mr. George of H Hale of • Hale Bros., of age, Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To our many friends and patrons throughout this district. weeks' illness. . He VS.^Hale, he 1870. His wife of With his brother, founded The Packet in Jwo sons and two daughters survive. Marv H. Orr, a very wealthy lady Bobcavgeon died J^ye^must She made a funny will that lawyers must construe. The estate is valued at$20i.509^ Her-will states: "The whole cf my estate must be used for God only. Me» thought to have been a believer m Christ ian Science. - As the Organization of Resources Com- mit.ec is anxious to have a report prepa - ed intime for presentation at the next sion of the Legislature, the books of me Fund will be closed r contributions must reach me of All Committee as soon as possible before that date m or der that they may appear in the report. yj' f. Allen and Miss Allen, Bow- 235th Battalion; C. E. F., the marriage to take place Friday, December the 29th. At a meeting of the Horse Shippers Association in Toronto Friday it was thought best owing to prevailing prices and in the interest of the farmer and dealer dealer that no member go to the country to buy before January 1st 1917- Special Christmas services in the Methodist Methodist church next Sunday. Pastor Clarke, will give sermons suitable to the day and an extra fine program of music has been prepared by Prof: Laugher and the choir of anthems, solos, male choruses, etc. Strangers are cordially invited to attend any or all services. Word was received here Sunday of the death in California of Mr. J. W. Sparling of this town. In company with Mrs. Sparling he left here Friday Dec. I to spend the winter in a warmer climate as they did last year. The journey was evidently too much for him. • The remains are expected here Friday, funeral to take place Saturday afternoon from the family family residence, Liberty-st, north. The be- reaved wife and family have the deepest sympathy of all our citizens. The ggrd-Battalion band of Peterboro is homeward bound from overseas. Band music is not needed in the trenches--its fighters they need there. The Borden, Government had better bring home those long distance safety-first Conservative M. P's, colonels, majors and captains--200 or more of these detached Canadian Officers in England who are strutting about all dressed up in military uniforms doing nothing but drawing, full pay at Canada's expense--perhaps $1,500,000 a year. Yes, Canadians must pay the bill. This town was visited by three fires during the week--one in Mr. Goulds s house on Liberty-st, the second on Sunday evening in Cowan's stable, the old Cawker slaughter house on Liberty-st and the third Monday evening about 8 0 clock when a blaze broke out inF.O. Mason s store house, south side of King-st. Foi> tumately the firemen were holding their regular meeting when the alarm came in and were soon on the spot and had the fire under control before it spread to the Bowman House Buildings or Couch, Johnston Johnston and Cryderman's tailor shop. Considerable Considerable binder twine, implements and vehicles were burned. The 235th Batt. Band, as announced, visited this town over the week-end and is certainly a great credit to .Bandmaster Laugher. The programs furnished Friday and Sunday evenings were commendable from every musical viewpoint. Mrs. "arsons "arsons delivered a fine address Sunday evening, evening, Lt-Col. Scobell, O. C., and Chaplain Clarke also addressed the audience. Lieut. Roy Rickard sang two solos which were greatly appreciated. Monday evening the band went to Orono and from thence to headquarters. They are a fine musical DEATHS Layton--In Clarke, Dec.. 12, Charlotte Layton, aged 86 years. Powers--In Clarke, Dec. 14th, Melvin N. Powers, Powers, aged-62 years. Gray--In Newcastle, Dec. 16, George Douglas Gray, aged 78 years. Yarnold-- At Port Perry, Dec. 16, William Ed ward Yamold, in his 85th year. Dwyer--In Oshawa, Dec. llth, Bridget Kena han, beloved wife of Mr. Jas, Dwyer. Langmaid,--in Bowmanville, December 18th Thomas G. Langmaid, in his 78th yéàr. Randall--In Bowmanville, Dec. 17. Charlotte Ann Randall, aged 82 years. Interred near Mont real. - Wade--At Cobonrg, Dec. 14th, Joseph Wade youngest son of the late Thomas .Wade, aged years. Conlin--In Oshawa, Dec. 7th. Lillian M., infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Conlin, aged S. months. ; ' Dupbau--In Belleville, Dec. 18th. at his residence, residence, 32 Hillside-st., Rev. Samnel Andrew Du- pran, aged 72 years, 11 months. McDonald--Entered into rest at 89 Masori-st., Rochester, N.Y., Dec. 16th, Rev, Thomas H. McDonald, McDonald, agedj76 years, 7 months. _ COLE--On Dec. 14, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Billerman, Thornhill, J. Dewey Cole, son of the late Emmanuel Cole of Bethesda. S There is nothing more acceptable as a Christ- ^ ^ mas gilt than a box of good stationery, either for a ^ ÿj lady or a gentleman. * ^ o a We have a complete range of fancy boxes ^ » filled with the highest grade of paper. From $2.50 ^ 4^ per box to 25c. jj Greeting Cards and Booklets, Post Cards, ^ Christmas and New Year designs, Tags, Labels, ^ « tS fi ii Seals, Tinsel Cord and Ribbonzene « ft ft « « ft 62 •Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in -Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, * Ontario. NOTICE During DR.G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 22 A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the office formerly occupied by the late Dr. Brimacombe, on- Wednesday Wednesday of each week. Apply 49-tf wwt ANTED--A Boy, good wages to right party --one aboutie or 17 years of age. Apply to M ONEY TO Box 6, Bowmanville. LOAN--$1000 or more. Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-tf. ANTED TO RENT--A small house for two persons. Furnished house preferred. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. _5l-lw F RUIT FARM WANTED-Farm with fruit and good buildings. 100 acres or ..^ e ^ Tlt Dra ^ e 3 3 Stitrsman office. Bowmanville, Ont. 49-3 wt ■ wORSE FOR SALE--Another very quiet and H .'S"'r^pÆ d , b B a c^ Appl, - at - M oney lost-ssoco lost on at the fire on Liberty-st. Mr W. r. ■ Aueu auu • ,,r neauqumicia. , manville, visited the former s son, Mr W. orgagization _and are a credit to the 3rd once to A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. 47-tf . Sunday evening by one who needs | the money. Liberal reward if returned to I The h Tatesman Office. . . T Allen vesterday. Mr. Allen is the old' esUiving ex-Wa^en of the Counties i The Editor of The W ? r h ld M ^ a l J® ^ nleasant conversation with Mr. Allen, in which he recounted interesting and hi j toric incidents of the Counties bygone days.--Cobourg World arv District. Capt. Pollock, former- ANTED--Carpenters At Lindsay ArsenaL charge of the Salvation Army corps Appfr t® c ^° e r r e ^r. Westinghouse, Church Military District ly in charge of tl_ here, is now Assistant Bandmaster. ««The Birth of a Nation" looms up as a coming attraction at Bowmanville where it will be seen on Saturday December 23. It is the largest and most important pro- Kerr & Co., Lindsay, Ont. D istrict representative ------ At once, for Bowmanville and the County of I toughou d t e, »he et two hoCtnd those'receiving we« goods from MontreM. F HeThen'called™on the buyers and quest was used tinned them as what procedure and where the goods were who try to evade May our pleasant business relations continue for many years. m ordering now stored. Persons - fea _ the Ontario Temperance Act run a fear ful risk of getting into jail. I The Oddfellows of _Pontypool 8 a yea banquet Friday night Dec. 8 i n &e form of an oyster supper, as a farewell to Mr. E. Benson, who intendedleaving withh family for Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ben «on were presented with an address and a purse from the Oddfellow and Rebekah Ledges, and Presbyterian Church, of which they were members. The bazaar on Wednesday afternoon ! under auspices of the Girls' Patriotic Club was a splendid success. A very fine collection collection of useful and fancy articles was on I lection and found ready customers. supplies the absence of speech, mechanical 1 effects and realism, whilst the wizard of the screen, David W. Griffith, unfolds in l2XJ00feetof film the thrilling romance of the War between the. States and the Reconstruction of the Southland. Some faint idea of its magnitude may be had from the facts that 18,000 actors and 3000 horses took part and that the staging of this great "outdoor^drama" cost half a million dollars. THE TOWN ELECTIONS. Municipal elections are near you. Bills are posted over the town giving notice of nomination meeting in Council Room on Friday evening Dec. 22 at 7^0 o clock for nominating candidates'for offices of mayor, and six councillors and for three wanted-- mnty of ! Durham. A splendid opportunity ^or the ! right man. Stone & Wellington, the Fonthill Toronto, Ont. 4tK>w 1 outside of house in the 16 acres with ] F. G. Ed- 61-lW* I Nurseries, OR SALE--4 roomed house just city. WiU exchange buildings near Bowmanvüle. Apply WARDS, 1 A Fenwick ave., Toronto. UGQIBS FOR SALE--2 rubber tire tuna-1 bouts one only used a few times. Also - new steel tire top buggy. All are in good condition and may be had at reasonable prices. Can and see them at Pickard's Garage, Temper-1 ance-st., Bowmanville. B callup w! J.°WillÏÂiis, Bowmanville. for prices I Agent for the Fairbanks-Morse Phone 96-r 8 Co., Toronto. 61-4 w corner King ! F OR SALE--Five dwelling houses, . and Brown streets. Bowmanville, the property property of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, (known as the : Werfcott property). nr BeD * 1 Will be sold en bloc or sep- àrate^'Ânÿ reasonable terms^ay ^made^o. 60-tf suit purchasers. Apply to L. A. W, estate, aîgent, Bowmanville. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and. 182 Eleven different styles of Cutters at F. O. Mason's. Mitts and Gloves at lowest prices in town--F. O. Mason. , A W. Pickard has a fine display of cutters. He offers something really fine. Couch, Johnston, & Crydennan are and fancy goods suitable presents. ' Mveny^rs'of agirÿfracted much attention attention and netted about $15-00. Miss Veale, Toronto, donated a large brown linen which brot in the sum of $42 50. P Thé net Proceeds were about $160 Every enterprise the Girls Clup undertakes seems to turn into money. The W. C. T. U. silver medal contest at Orono took place Dec. 8. The con testants and selections were: Miss Meta Q are "Fulfilment. of Promise; Miss *1 e, „ s d f r om the Flood;" Alma Cuttell,--aaveu storv" Miss Edna Moodyr- AuntBerth s^Story, Master Lewis Wood,-- The literary Banauet-" Master Frank Ardronr- The Blue 9 Ribbon." J u ^8eswereRev. Connelly . Newcastle, Mr. F. O. McMahon and Tdiss T E Arnold, both teachers of Newcastle Tj-îh^nol The medal was won by If you need a new Cutter, see Pickard. M ^ ter F ran k Ardron, son of Mr. James Flashlights from 50c up at F. Q.Mason's, j Ardron, Kendal, and^a handsome McLaughin and Gray Cutters at F. O Bowmanville volume ii .nu nominations must be made in writing and signed by nominators. Election Election Day is on New Year's Day. Polls are nnen- at 9 a. m. and close at 5 p. m. Polling booths are: Council R 00m, Pump- tag station, McLaughlin cottage and South Ward school. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES There were 149 students enrolled in 1916, 52 of them County students. This term 52 boys and 65 girls are enrolled, and attendance has averaged high since September. Form IV has 11 student^- an exceedingly large number for this school. Other forms are taxed to limit of seating capacity. Invitation Committee in charge of the Conversazione ask ex-students to secure H aving renovated my house on con- ceMion-at., will rent part oMt consistingof kitchene tte bedrooms and j. newly decorated and panted, living room, two and" WthroonL also back kitchen, all] dining room, DaCK lULbUUUU. Ali I _ _ Very convenient home for small family." Possession after Xmas. MRS. T. G. Mason, Bowmanville. 61-tf | Mason's. _ ~ , Boys have you ever seen Mason & uaie s •automobile skates? See them before you buy. Ladies' and Men's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Jchnston & Cryderman's. Cryderman's. . was presented to each young contestant. I ^ invitation8 at Kerslake's Drug Store A =Pl;;dld i Program b Wa= ) given r bV R M H ^| pre f nt_*em Friday ^venrn^at^ the g^n"ndMrt,C Powers,^ Qare, M™ . <£wan, Mi« Robi-»n, and Mrs. Gambsy. Proceeds $47- & 5> door. All parents or other adults inter ested in the welfare of the School will be welcome at Commencement exercises, andboth High School Board and Teach ing Staff hope to see many present. T o RENT--Ten-roomed house on Scugog-st.- Leated by furnace, electric Hghted hsrd and | aoft water, good stable, driving house, chick- on bouse, fruit trees, and good garden. Possession Possession a t once. Also pleasantTOoms overthe Mason Block to rent. , Apply to Mrs. T. G. Mason, cor- nor Elgin and Concession-sts., Bowmanville. 51tf.| , a rM FOB SALE--640 acre tarai 200 acres, | On premises are a house, (cost over $4000, built, in 1913) stables, etc. F arm. run. oaxu ready for crop. abundance of water; aftnated in the famous Car-1 rot River Valley, on good road one mile from station. station. Elevators; Government Creamery, schools, stores, etc. Exceptional W " fc P^ Br. P. D. TYKRMAN, Prince Albert, Saek, 49-3 wt | swOUSE FOR SALE--That desirable brick rest- H dence on Centre-st, containing six rooms ■A and two large balls, berated by furnace, haid and soft water in kitchen, fine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, | corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. T. Big 20 Bookstore )> » » V* $> » » Protect yourself from Winter's chill, By phoning us your bin to fill, The whole world knows that it is right With Lehigh Valley Anthracite. We Sell It. The Coal That Satisfies. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. _ Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store invitation mis is a Personal to ydu to visit our store and see the wonderful display of beautiful beautiful goods that we have NowonSale for Christmas shoppers Included in this exceptional showing of desirable desirable and useful articles for Xmas Griffs are Dainty Collars in georgette, satin, silk and organdie; charming charming Boudoir Caps; beautiful Blouses in georgette, silk, voile; Silk Camisoles; Ties; Scarves; silk, lisle and cashmere Hosiery; Gloves in kid, suede, and silk; Handkerchiefs of every description and price; silk and satin Underskirts; Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, quaint Japanese Kimonas in silk and crepe; Children's silk Japanese Coats, Tea Aprons, Linens, Fancy Towels, Umbrellas, Tiedowns, Quilts, Blankets, Blankets, Wool Toques, Caps, Scarfs, Jackets, Gfloves, Mitts, Bootees, Infan tees, etc. / Telephone 106 s. w. ^Next door to Standard Bank & Son Bowmanville H A .c r;l y ■: % %» 1 3 ■ m / --,OR SALE--Brick residence containing seven p rooms, kitchen, pantry, good ceUar. Elec- 1 t.Tio. lighted. Brick stable and driving shed. repair. Hard and soft water indoors. Farmers--See the bargain in halters and ! blankets at F. O. Mason's. trie lighted. Brick staple ana arivm K sneu. i s V a teS. winter is coming and Ail in ffdou repair. Hard and soft.waterindoors. I Skates, . ... . . rmir fiVrel^d on P which are apple, cherry and plum every boy and girl WiU be mwtUJg a trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply j f spates. Mason & Dale have the ever on the premises to Mrs. A. GULLY, (nee Lovedy Ol skuic feU skate . See then be- ' manville. 81-tf. J f orc you buy. O--Cedar mops and polishes at F. O. Mason's. Mitts and Gloves--largest display in town at F. O. Mason's. Cuttersl Cuttersll .Winter is coming. See Pickard before purchasing that new cutter.

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